Fecalicious: hi, I'm Trent Feca

Fecalicious: found you on "find a buddy"

Godslilgirlie: cool :O)

Fecalicious: so you're saying you're a female Jesus, eh?

Fecalicious: god's little girl?

Fecalicious: sweet@

Fecalicious: !

Godslilgirlie: hehe :O)

Godslilgirlie: thank you

Fecalicious: guess in a couple years you're gonna go public and then get denounced and crucified?

Fecalicious: that should be fun

Godslilgirlie: im not jesus :O)

Fecalicious: I know, but your name says you're the next Jesus

Fecalicious: if you're God's child

Fecalicious: what's your name? ooh, wait, let me guess

Fecalicious: is it Mary?

Fecalicious: I'm just playing... Jesus rules

Fecalicious: He's my best friend

Godslilgirlie: ok...i was about to bust out some scripture on you

Godslilgirlie: :O)

Fecalicious: ah, you were?

Fecalicious: let me hear it... we could test our scripture knowledge!

Fecalicious: this should be fun

Fecalicious: you go firs

Fecalicious: t

Godslilgirlie: okie dokie

Fecalicious: ?

Fecalicious: typing?

Godslilgirlie: 14.For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.
15.So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family calling him "Father, dear Father."
16 For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we are God's children.
-Romans 8:14-16

Fecalicious: And when Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him

Fecalicious: Matthew 3:16

Fecalicious: very good

Fecalicious: what lesson does your passage teach?

Godslilgirlie: that the reason why my name is Godslilgirlie is cause i am his child....that doesnt mean that i am Jesus

Fecalicious: awesome... I'm my parents' child myself

Fecalicious: but I know what you mean :-)

Godslilgirlie: hehe!

Fecalicious: what's your favorite passage?

Godslilgirlie: Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
-Romans 8:39

Fecalicious: sweet

Fecalicious: here's mine

Fecalicious: Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good.

Fecalicious: Ecclesiates 9:18

Godslilgirlie: cool

Godslilgirlie: a/s/l?

Fecalicious: 22/no, sex is evil/Mobile, AL

Fecalicious: I love the Bible Belt!

Fecalicious: it's so fun

Fecalicious: nothing but Christians in my neighborhood

Godslilgirlie: sex isnt evil......its ok when youre married

Godslilgirlie: ah yes...the christian bubble

Fecalicious: yes, I was referring to premarital, a.k.a. "damned" sex

Godslilgirlie: ok...

Fecalicious: where are you from?

Godslilgirlie: Chesterfield, Va

Fecalicious: I've been to VA... my aunt and uncle live in Berryville

Fecalicious: where's Chesterfield?

Godslilgirlie: never heard of it

Fecalicious: it's near Winchester

Godslilgirlie: near richmond

Fecalicious: nice

Godslilgirlie: yuppers

Fecalicious: let's keep playing the Scriptures Game

Fecalicious: whose turn is it?

Godslilgirlie: ok one more cause im kinda doing homework

Godslilgirlie: mine!

Fecalicious: yay!

Godslilgirlie: okie dokie

Godslilgirlie: whats the category?

Fecalicious: I dunno, just do your favorites

Godslilgirlie: okie dokie

Godslilgirlie: I am holding you by your right hand – I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, 'Do not be afraid. I am here to help you.
-Isaiah 41:13

Fecalicious: ok, here's my favorite

Fecalicious: I found it doing some extensive Bible research at the Vatican this summer for my Bible study class

Fecalicious: it's a very rare passage

Fecalicious: And into Cherry Mary's swollen vaginal folds God did spew his Holy Semen, and nine Holy Months later did Jesus pop from the mucus-filled uterus of Mary and splorted unto the Hay in the Filthy Stable, and there was much rejoicing. - Job 34:14 (director's cut)

Fecalicious: they even had illustrations

Godslilgirlie: thats really disgusting

Fecalicious: I think the Church hid it on purpose due to its graphic content... but that's what happened

Fecalicious: I swear to God, I read it

Fecalicious: sure, it was in a magazine inside the bible I was reading at the time

Fecalicious: and I was naked

Fecalicious: naked and fondling myself

Fecalicious: I would love to get a piece of Mary, lemme tell ya!

Godslilgirlie: ok then why did you just say you think sex is evil?

Fecalicious: well, human sex is evil, but sex with God and/or His angels is pure and holy

Fecalicious: and since Mary was the Chosen one, it would be totally acceptable to put it in her

Godslilgirlie: God doesnt have sex with humans

Fecalicious: but isn't that how Jesus was born?

Fecalicious: he knocked up Mary... duh

Godslilgirlie: this is blasphemy, you better be careful what you say

Fecalicious: why? I read it in the Bible, I swear

Fecalicious: anything in the Bible can't be wrong

Fecalicious: I tried to share that passage with my priest, Father Edmund, but he threw me out of his chambers

Godslilgirlie: you just swore to God...do you know how serious that is?

Fecalicious: oh yeah, my bad

Fecalicious: I'm Catholic, so all I hafta do is go to confession and it's all good

Fecalicious: Fuck shit tits!

Fecalicious: ... I'm sorry :-(

Fecalicious: apology forgives all

Fecalicious: thanks, Catholicism!™

Godslilgirlie: actaully you cant confess you sins to a man you have to ask God

Fecalicious: I do ask God

Fecalicious: when I lie in bed at night

Fecalicious: but according to Catholicism, priests have one-way communication with God

Fecalicious: Translators, if you will

Godslilgirlie: no you have a connection to God just like a priest or anyone else who believe is Jesus

Fecalicious: what about those who never had a chance to believe in Jesus? hehe, suckers

Fecalicious: they go to hell through no choice of their own... that's so awesome

Fecalicious: sounds so fair and Godlike

Godslilgirlie: actually God doesnt send people to Hell, people send themselves to Hell

Fecalicious: sweet! so all I have to do is send myself to Heaven!

Fecalicious: I'll make sure to FedEx myself

Godslilgirlie: no

Fecalicious: oh, do you have to apply to heaven, like college?

Godslilgirlie: you have to be saved

Fecalicious: shit, I'd better start on my essay

Godslilgirlie: no

Fecalicious: no?

Fecalicious: I'm confused

Fecalicious: I thought Catholicism had prepared me well for the Real World

Godslilgirlie: you have to confess that you are a sinner to God and ask forgiveness and repent

Fecalicious: it's not that hard... pray, kneel, grovel, stand, pray, wish each other peace, eat some bread, kneel, pray, leave

Fecalicious: yeah, that's what Catholicism's all about

Fecalicious: we're all horrible sinners, even newborn babies

Fecalicious: and those who aren't baptized go to HELLLLL

Godslilgirlie: not true

Fecalicious: but all you hafta do is say sorry and you're golden

Godslilgirlie: babies go to heaven

Fecalicious: even... Muslim babies?

Godslilgirlie: can i ask you a question?

Godslilgirlie: yes

Fecalicious: sure, I have an open mind and a giving heart

Fecalicious: I won't judge you

Godslilgirlie: do you know where your going when you die...do you know how serious it really is? you can joke around all you want to but one day youre gonna have to stand in front of God and give an account for everything youve ever done here on earth.

Fecalicious: first of all, it's spelled 'you're'

Fecalicious: not 'your'

Godslilgirlie: it doesnt matter

Fecalicious: and second of all, yes... I was totally fuckin with you, and trying to prove the point that while Christianity has its good points, the bottom line is it was all screwed up by mankind's interpretation

Fecalicious: I believe Jesus existed

Fecalicious: and I follow his teachings

Fecalicious: the Golden Rule

Godslilgirlie: he lives today

Fecalicious: and I don't think it matters whether or not you think there's a "heaven"

Fecalicious: that's so hypocritical... "only be good to others so you can go to heaven"

Godslilgirlie: thats not true

Fecalicious: be good to each other in this life because it's the right thing to do, and it feels good to help others, and it's beneficial to society

Godslilgirlie: you have to repent and make Jesus your savior...there is no other way

Fecalicious: ohh, my but aren't you closed-minded

Fecalicious: thousands upon thousands of years went by before Jesus was born

Fecalicious: God works in mysterious ways, and he's certainly not going to just send some guy down to correct everything

Fecalicious: Jesus had some wise words... words to live by

Godslilgirlie: yes, and the law was their way of being saved before christ died

Fecalicious: and it doesn't matter what faith you are... God loves all his children

Fecalicious: I fucking hate how you Christians think you're the only ones who are right, after millions of years of the rise and fall of thousands of human societies and civilizations, all with their own interpretations and beliefs, none of which are more right than the other

Godslilgirlie: yes he does...but we have to recieve him for ourselves...if God just forced himself on us he would be doing the right thing

Fecalicious: it is so ignorant to just assume your beliefs are the only right ones

Fecalicious: all the propaganda and the threatening with hell and being damned and eternal damnation

Fecalicious: millions upon millions of people lived and died before Jesus was supposedly born

Fecalicious: many men had many wise words

Godslilgirlie: im sorry but i have to go

Fecalicious: we're a thin film of life on a tiny sphere floating in the vastness, and no human knows what happens when we die, and no one will ever know until they die, so it's impossible to say who's right

Fecalicious: wake the hell up

Fecalicious: be a good person

Fecalicious: regardless of whether you believe Jesus was the son of God, it's what he had to say that was important

Fecalicious: live it not because you want to "live forever" but because you want to live this life

Godslilgirlie: But he still speaks

Fecalicious: because this is the only life we're sure of

Fecalicious: so enjoy it, and let others enjoy it

Fecalicious: this life is what matters

Godslilgirlie: i do enjoy life....Christ gives me a reason to wanna wake up in the morning

Fecalicious: think about it... youth is so easily corrupted by propaganda

Fecalicious: live your life to the fullest, and treat others the way you want to be treated

Fecalicious: that's what God wants

Godslilgirlie: I do

Fecalicious: and it's that simple... religion is man's failed attempt to understand the unfathomable

Fecalicious: ok then

Godslilgirlie: i have to go

Fecalicious: ok, buh bye

Godslilgirlie: see ya!

Fecalicious: toodles!

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