Since I have been at Baylor I have discovered an awesome power. His name is Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God and was sent to save us from our own sins. We are all sinners and under normal circumstances all who sin are destined for Hell. But, Jesus' comming to earth, and dying for our sins allows us to go to heaven, With God. So, Rejoice for this is a day that the Lord Hath made.
What Really Matters?
What do I have to do to know Jesus?
Knowing Jesus is an ongoing thing. You develop a relationship through prayer and reading the Bible. Once you become a follower of Christ you become closer to God. Becomming affiliated with a local church is a good way to grow in Jesus (and to meet an awesome group of fellow believers!!!). Develop a relationship with God and all of a sudden your burdens are lifted.
So What??? So we can go to heaven. Because of his death. We are SAVED
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May the Lord, Mighty Lord, Bless and keep you forever.
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