Rain and the Water Cycle
General Objective
- Describe how water exists on earth in three statesLesson Objective-What makes the rain?
Motivator-Ask the questions:
What do you know about rain?
How does it get to Earth?
What forms cloud?
*Have students take turns answering each of the questions and try to explain rain.
Materials- kettle (ideally electric, otherwise you’ll need a stove)
small saucepan
shallow pan
"What Makes Rain" activity sheet
small jars with tin lids
overheads of the water cycle
50 minutes
*Activity must be done with adult supervision.
Activity- Start with this question: Do you think that we can make rain just using this jar?
Teaching Strategies-Discussion, Demonstration, Observation, Investigation, Guided Discovery
Condensation-the process in which invisible water changes into liquid water
Evaporation-liquid water droplets being changed into invisible water.
Precipitation-water that falls as rain or snow.
Water-the liquid that comes from clouds as rain and forms streams, lakes, seas, and oceans.
Water cycle- when water leaves the Earth’s surface through evaporation.
Water Droplets-water that can be seen.
Water vapor-water that cannot be seen.
Assessment-Class discussion and worksheets. Individual
Teaching and Learning Processes-Observing, classifying, predicting, collecting and recording data, applying, communicating.
Bosak, S. Science is… Scholastic Canada Ltd. 1991
Hoover, E; Mercier, S. Primarily Earth AIMS Activities. AIMS Education Foundation. 1996