Welcome toTina's Homepage |
Hi! My name is Tina, and this ...is my homepage. It will tell you a little bit about who I am and those things that I enjoy and value in life. I also have included some of my favorite sites and their links so don't hesitate to check them out. |
Okay, so you're probably wondering a little about me. I'm a senior psychology major at the College of Mount St. Joseph, in Cincinnati, Ohio. I will be graduating in May of 2000 and hope to continue on to get my doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I'm very active and am involved in several activities both in and outside of school. One of my favorite and most time consuming of these is dance. I've been taking classical ballet, vagonava, since I was little and still dance at a little place over on the West side of Cincinnati. I also am involved in a retreat group out of Covington Dioscese called Celebration. We minister to young adults throughout the Cincinnati Area by putting on two retreats a year and through providing young adults with a mutual system of support. |
Here are some of my Friends and I goofing off after a Celebration Meeting. I'm the one on the far left! |
Personal Favorites: |
Guitar Notes |
Jesus Christ...Images, Art, and Photographs |
Kirov Ballet Photo Gallery |
Mark's Poem of the Day |
Below Are The Pictures of Individuals Who Have Had a Profound Influence on My Life |
Anna Pavlova |
Thomas Merton |
Mother Teresa |