Medical Journal Articles on Vaccines & Effects

MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) VACCINE

Mumps Meningitis Following Measles, Mumps and Rubella Immunization Lancet July 1989 [1 pg]

Optic Neuritis Complicating Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination American Journal of Opthalmology 1978 :86 [4 pgs.]

A Prefecture-wide Survey of Mumps Meningitis Associated with Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine (Infec Dis J 1991 Vol 10 pg 204-209)

Risk of Aseptic Meningitis after Measles Mumps and Rubella Vaccine In UK Children (Lancet April 93 Pgs. 979)

Guillain-Barre syndrome after measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine Lancet jan 1 1994 Vol 343 [1 pg]

Bilateral Hearing Loss After Measles and Rubella Vaccination In An Adult (NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE July 11, 1991 pg 134) [1pg]

Reports of Sensorineural deafness after measles, mumps, and rubella immunization Arch of Disease in Childhood 1993:69 [2 pgs.] There have been 9 reports of sensorineural hearing loss after MMR immunization. In three cases the deafness was unrelated. In six cases the cause was unknown but MMR remained a possible etiology. Case 1: This girl developed a rubella form rash 25 days after immunization. Three days later she developed vomiting and malaise. On revue, a week later, she exhibited poor balance. Nine weeks later she was found to respond poorly to sound. She had stopped speaking for the proceeding two weeks. Case 2: This boy's father suffered flu like illness at the same time that the boy was unwell after immunization. His mother noticed his poor hearing but attributed it to inattention and did not seek medical advice. He also has amblyopia and learning difficulties. Case number 9: This boy became deaf four months after immunization. Mumps antibody titers measured at this time and one month later showed a significant rise. Two of the cases not related .One child was deaf before vaccination and the other never received vaccinations the rest listed could be possibly related to MMR vaccine.


Is RA27/3 Rubella immunization a cause of chronic fatigue (MEDICAL HYPOTHESES 1988 27 pgs. 217-220) [4pgs] Abstract- Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (primary fibrositis syndrome, major affective disorder ,etc.) have elevated IgG serum antibodies to multiple common viruses. Only IgGrubella antibodies are positively correlated with the intensity of symptoms and have a height that is clearly significant compared to healthy controls. The lymphotrophic properties of the rubella virus could account for the multiple elevated antibodies. Adult women are over-represented in the population of patients with chronic fatigue, and are especially susceptible to developing such symptoms following exposure to attenuated rubella new more potent strain of live rubella vaccine strain RA27/3 (my.02 this vaccine is the one using the aborted fetal tissue cells) was introduced in 1979. Within three years, reports of patients with chronic fatigue began surfacing in the literature. Considering all this, the possible role of rubella immunizations in the etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome deserves further study.

Rubella Vaccination of Hospital Employees (this talks about low immunization rate in doctors) JAMA Feb.20,1981 Vol 245 No 7 [2pgs] Two Syndromes Following Rubella Immunization (Suggests a polyneuropathy in both syndromes) (JAMA 1970 Vol 214 no 13) [5pgs.] Chronic Arthritis After Rubella Vaccination Clinical Infec Dis. 1992 15;307-12 [6pgs]

Acute Arthritis Complicating Rubella Vaccination (ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM 1971 41) [4pgs]

Joint Symptoms Following an Area Wide Rubella Immunization Campaign Report of a Survey Am J of Public Health Vol 62 no 5 [4pgs]

Polyneuropathy Following Rubella Immunization Am J Dis Child 1974 Vol 127 [5pgs]

Postpartum Rubella Immunization: Association with Development of Prolonged Arthritis, Neurological Sequelae, and Chronic Rubella Viremia (THE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1985 vol 152 no 3) [7pgs]

Gamma Globulin Prophylaxis; Inactivated Rubella Virus; Production and Biologics Control of Live Attenuated Rubella Virus Vaccines (this is contains info on the use of human aborted fetal tissue cells in rubella vaccine) Amer J Dis Child 1969 vol 118 [10 pgs] I am just going to point out a few things in this article. The first part deals with gamma globulin. The part of interest is the end where there is a discussion between doctors and researchers, one being the famous Dr. Sabin. They begin discussing the possible dangers of the aborted fetal tissue cells (they also discuss animal use and its dangers) with possible genetic material passed over into the vaccine. Also human leukemia viruses. They start discussing the aborted fetus used in the WI-38 cell (this is the fetus tissue cells they use to grown the disease on it is lung cells [diploid]). I am going to type part of this discussion. Dr. K McCarthy: It seems to me that there are two things that we worry about in regards to WI-38 cell substrate. First of all, presence of extraneous viral agents; secondly, the possibility of there being human genetic material passed over into the vaccine. I wonder if there is any information about the reasons for aborting that particular embryo that gave rise to WI-38; and if it was from a family, whether we have any information about siblings from the family and whether they are normal? Dr. S Plotkin, Philidelphia: I should like to answer Dr. McCarthy's question. This fetus was chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose. Both parents are known, and unfortunately for the story, they are married to each other, still alive and well, and living in Stockholm, presumably. The abortion was done because they felt they had too many children. There were no familial diseases in the history of either parent, and no history of cancer specifically in the families; I believe this answers Dr. McCarthy's question. Dr Sabin goes on to say that this issue (objections to their use) is based on emotion rather than reason. He then goes on talk about how in theory something may show up later that we do not have the technology now to discover (my .02 we all know they did not discover SV40 right away). Also he talks about a number of researchers and the national Cancer Institute are developing a program to determine whether the leukemia sarcoma complex that has been now been so well characterized in avian species and in mice may also have its counter part in human beings. (The discussion goes into further detail.) Production and Testing of Rubella Virus Vaccine (more on the use of aborted fetal tissue cells) Amer J Dis Child 1969 Vol 118 pg. 367 [5 pgs]

The in vitro growth of rubella virus in human embryo cells (more on aborted fetal tissue) Am J of Epidemiology Vol 81 no 1 [7pgs]

Studies of Immunization With Living Rubella Virus (more on aborted fetal tissue) Amer J Dis Child vol 110 Oct 1965 [7pgs] This fetus was from a 25 year old mother exposed to rubella 8 days after last menstrual period. Sixteen days later she developed rubella. The fetus was surgically aborted 17 days after maternal illness and dissected immediately. Explants from several organs were cultured and successful cell growth was achieved from lung, skin, and kidney. It was then grown on WI-38. This new vaccine was tested on orphans in Philadelphia.

Attenuation of RA 27/3 Rubella virus in WI-38 Human Diploid Cells (more on use of aborted fetal tissue) Amer J Dis Child Vol 118 1969 [7 pgs] Explant cultures were made of the dissected organs of a particular fetus aborted because of rubella, the 27th in our series of fetuses aborted during the 1964 epidemic. The third explant, which happened to be from kidney, was selected arbitrarily for further study.

Serological Evidence of Reinfection among Vaccinees During Rubella Outbreak Lancet Vol 336 pg. 1071 [1pg]


Thrombocytopenic Purpura Following Vaccination With Attenuated Measles Virus Amer J Dis Child Jan 1968 Vol 115 [3pgs]

Investigation of a measles outbreak in a fully vaccinated school population including serum studies before and after revaccination (Pediatr Infec Dis J 1993 12) [8pgs.]

Risk of Aseptic Meningitis after Measles, Mumps , and Rubella Vaccine in UK Children Lancet 1993 Vol 341 [4pgs]

Failure of Measles Vaccine Sprayed into the Oropharynx of Infants (this is on an inhaled vaccine not a shot vaccine it is using the E-Z strain) Lancet May 1983 [1pg]

High Titre Measles Vaccine Dropped (this is on the Experimental E-Z Measles vaccine) Lancet 1992 Vol 340 [1pg]

Failure to Reach the Goal of Measles Elimination Arch Intern Med 1994 vol 154 [6pgs]

A Measles Outbreak at a College with Prematriculation Immunization Requirements Am J Of Pub Health Vol 81 no 3 [4pgs]

An Explosive point-source measles outbreak in a highly vaccinated population (American Journal of Epidemiology 1989 Vol 129 no 1) [10]

Atypical measles in children previously immunized with attenuated measles virus vaccines (PEDIATRICS VOL 50 NO 5) [6pgs]

Neurological disorders Following Live Measles-Virus Vaccination (JAMA March 1973, Vol 223 No 13) [4pgs] Abstract: From 1963 through 1971, eighty four cases of neurologic disorders with onset less than 30 days after live measles-virus vaccination were reported in the United states. Thirteen could be adequately accounted for by cases other than vaccine, and another 11 were uncomplicated febrile convulsions probably related to vaccination. One case met diagnostic criteria for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. The remaining 59 showed clinical features of encephalitis or encephalopathy. Causes of these cases could not be established, but 45 (76%) had onset between 6 and 15 days after vaccination; this clustering suggests that some may have been caused by vaccine. From 1963 through 1971, 50.9 million doses of measles vaccine were distributed, and, therefore, incidence of the reported neurologic disorders was 1.16 per million doses. Risk of encephalitis following measles infection is one per thousand cases. (my note - the vast majority of vaccine complications go unreported, making the figure inaccurate and the figure for encephalitis complications following measles infection is grossly overstated.)

A Persistent Outbreak of Measles Despite Appropriate Prevention And Control Measures ( American Journal of Epidemiology Vol 126 No3) [13pgs.]

Exaggerated Natural Measles Following attenuated Virus Immunization (PEDIATRICS 1976 VOL 57 NO 1) [3pgs.]

Child Mortality After High-Titre Measles Vaccines (this is on E-Z measles) Lancet Vol 338 1991 [4pgs]

Thrombocytopenia After Immunization with Measles Vaccines, Review of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (1990 to 1994) The Ped Infect Dis J vol. 15 no 1 Jan 1996 [3]

Measles Vaccine and Crohn’s Disease Gastroenterology vol. 108 no 3 1995 [3pgs]

Severe Hypersensitivity or Intolerance Reactions To Measles Vaccine In Six Children (ALLERGY 1980 35) [7]

Pathogenesis of Encephalitis Occurring with Vaccination , Variola and Measles Arch of Neurology and Psychiatry 1983 Vol 39 [8pgs]

Aseptic Meningitis after Vaccination Against Measles and Mumps (Pediatr Infec Dis J 1989 8 pg 302-308) [7pgs]

Measles Vaccine Associated Encephalitis in Canada Lancet Sept. 1983 [2pgs]

Guillain -Barre Syndrome Following Administration of Live Measles Vaccine Amer J of Med 1976 Vol 60 [3pgs] Summary: In a 19 month old girl and a 16 month old girl the gullian barre syndrome developed within a week after they received, respectively, live measles-rubella vaccine and live measles vaccine. The older child was immune to rubella at the time of vaccination, but both girls demonstrated a primary measles antibody response. Serum obtained during the acute and convalescent stages from the younger child was tested for antibodies against the herpes virus, epstein barre virus, cytomeglovirus and varicella-zoster and found to be negative. The author goes on to state vaccine and wild strains can in the pathological process lead to demyelinzation. These two cases again emphasize the need to carefully document the neurological diseases which follow infections with live virus vaccines.

Pancreatitis Caused by Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Pancreas vol 6 no 4 [2pgs]

Measles Vaccine and Neurological Events Lancet May 1997 [2pgs]


Mumps Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated School Population /evidence for large scale vaccination failure Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995 Vol 149 [5pgs] Summary: 54 students developed mumps --of those 54, 53 had been fully immunized.

Aseptic Meningitis as a Complication of Mumps Vaccination (Ped Infec Dis J 1991 Vol 10 No 3) [5pgs]

A Large Outbreak of Mumps in the Postvaccine Era J Of Infect Dis vol 158 no 6 1988 [8pgs]

Guillain -Barre Syndrome occurrence following combined mumps- rubella vaccine Am J Dis Child Vol 125 1973 [2pgs]

Mumps Vaccines and Meningitis/ Heterogeneous Mumps Vaccine (more on Urabe strain vaccine) Lancet Vol 340 1992 [2pgs.]

Mumps Vaccine and Nerve Deafness Amer J Dis Child Vol. 123 1972 [1pg]

Flu Vaccine:

Neuropathy After Influenza Vaccination (this deals with Swine flu vaccine) Lancet Jan 29, 1977 [ 2 pgs.]

Isolated Hypoglossal Nerve Paralysis Following Influenza Vaccination Am J Dis Child 1976 vol 130 [2pgs]

Guillain -Barre Syndrome Lancet Sept. 1978 [1pg]

Relapsing Encephalomyelitis Following the use of Influenza Vaccine Arch Neurol Vol 27 1972 [2pgs]

Anaphylactoid allergic reactions to influenza and poliomyelitis vaccines Annals of Allergy Vol. 18 1960 [4pgs]

A Neurological Note on Vaccination against Influenza British Med J Sept 1971 [2pgs]

Optic Atrophy Following Swine Flu Vaccination Annals of Opthalmology July 1980 [3pgs]

Revised 11-3-2007

VACCINATIONS . . . Continued