I Love to Write...and it Shows
(My apologies to United Airlines, or is it Delta?)
Sometime around second grade I discovered that I really liked to write, about pretty much anything.  Unfortunately besides compliments from teachers I never received any proof that I was good at it until eighth grade when I was lucky enough to win first place in both prose and poetry writing in the Hays Arts Council Creative Writing Contest.  As I went through high school I developed many different political opinions and loved to express them in writing.  So, without further ado, here are my written opinions on many different topics as well as several essays that I have written for classes in the past.  I hope you enjoy them.  And don't ask me why my links stop a letter short.  I love Geocities.
Look at me, I'm a journalist: Links to my editorials in the University Daily Kansan.
Cutting water use.
9/19/2000:  Listening to KJHK.
World Travel: Details of my Jubilee Pilgrimage to Europe.  Check out Part 1 (Rome), Part 2 (Prague and Poland), or both (preferred, heh heh).
My Ideology: Conservative Libertarianism.  What, you may ask?  Well, read and find out.

Current Local and National Issues:
Election 2000
Election 2000: The Final Word
The Turn of the Millennium
Kansas' Highly Intelligent State Board of Education (hint, sarcasm)
Why Americans Need a Tax Cut

The Current Events Archive:
Sensation: What is Art?
The Fight to Save KU's Seal

My Thoughts On:
Abortion--Sure to get everyone fired up.  I'll tell you now, I am pro-life.
Religion--What Catholicism means to me, and religious tolerance--can't we all get along?
What I Have Learned in College So Far (outside of course work)
What I Learned from Finals and Winter Break

  Prepared Essays from the Past

Letters to the Editor:
Cinderella--My response to the Beloit Call's meager coverage of our school musical.
Fireworks on the millennium--I've retracted from this position a little (read my millennium article)
    but still feel pretty strongly about it.
The Confederate flag--Never submitted to the University Daily Kansan; it's too un-PC.

Persuasive Essays:
A Real Lame Duck--Why I believe President Clinton is the worst President to come along in a
    long time, while only briefly mentioning Monica.
A Modest Proposal--Modeled after Jonathan Swift's essay of the same name, this satire pokes
     fun at the Kosovo conflict.
The American Dream: A Utopia or Personal Achievement?.
The Abandonment of Personal Luxury and Responsibility--My thoughts on the transcendentalists.
  These last two essays are from Junior English so they probably aren't that great.

Informative Essays:
As Free as a Bird--A descriptive essay of my first Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, to this day one of
     the most exhilirating events of my life.
In the Mood...All Over Again--I love swing music.  This essay compares and contrasts the
     swing era of the 1930s and 40s with the current revival.
Career of My Dreams--An examination of different career options with a political science
     and German college focus.  Probably not all that interesting but a great example of a
     classification essay, if I do say so myself.

Just for Fun:
A Talented Writer?  Me?--A humorous (I hope) look at my rather haphazard writing process.
Earth: A Filthy Planet--A silly Junior English essay about an alien that lands in the most
    dangerous environment on Earth.
Terror at Boogaarts Supermarket--One of my all-time favorites.  Written in Gothic horror-style,
      this was an excellent way for me to relieve work stress, kill off a bunch of my friends,
     and have a load of fun in the process.
Terror at Boogaarts II--Well, the sequel is never as good as the original.  I still like this one a lot
     though.  I wrote it last summer mainly out of boredom.  Of course by then I hadn't
     worked at Boogaarts for a year so most of my emotional fuel was gone.
  Disclaimer:  These stories are not meant to be taken any more seriously than some cheesy horror
     movie.  I am honestly not morbid.

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