Some of What I Do in What Little Free Time I Have

It is my intention that someday this page will connect to several others that provide scads of information about my many interests.  Unfortunately I hardly have the time to undertake such a massive effort..  For now I will just focus on a few of my obsessions, and probably not be very detailed in their descriptions.  Be patient and check back often; the day will eventually come when this portion of my site will be much more interesting than it is now.  Well, maybe.  I'm quitting this mother for a while.

Gods of Southern Rock

Lynyrd Skynyrd--Anyone that knows me knew that this band would be listed first.  Over the past couple years I have turned to them for guitar inspiration, spirit uplifters, and as a shining light in an era of bleak no-talent pop music.  Here I'll give a brief bio of the band, past and present, detail why I like them so much, and eventually probably post some lyrics and music.  There's so much out more about them (as with many of my interests) that I will really have to try to not be too redundant.

The University of Kansas Marching Jayhawks--In the fall of 1999 I submitted myself to the torture that is KU marching band.  While I'm pretty sure I'm not going be in it again it was certainly a worthwhile experience that I got a lot out of.  Here I'll detail exactly what being in the band involves as well as post several pictures of our excellent performances.  Now if only our football team could do so well...

Jayhawk Drummer

SquareSoft RPGs--Some years ago I found that not all video games are about mindlessly pushing buttons; some actually require the player to think and are better scripted than most movies.  Nowadays role-playing games are about the only video games that still interest me (apart from battling my friends in sports games, etc.).  I like other RPGs besides those made by Square but everyone knows they make the best so I'll devote a section to them, with my personal opinions and thoughts over select games and audio samples.  Maybe strategies someday but it could be a while.


For now I'll just focus on these.  Some future additions include a page devoted to the clarinet and band in general and that lovely instrument known as the guitar (music, music, and more music).

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