KIECKER'S Fabulous Life
All About Japan
Japan 2000
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This page was last modified on January 10 2002 in Osaka, Japan.  If you have any suggestions, please email me. 
Hello Everyone!  Happy New Year!  I hope that 2002 will bring you all great happiness.  I figured that I should update my page since it was over 6 months old.  Here is the info:  I am still in Japan.  I was home for Christmas.  It was so great to see my family and friends.  I am teaching English at a new school this semester.  The students are GREAT!!!!  I am trying to keep warm in my apartment since we don't have central heat here.  I am looking forward to moving back to the USA at the end of July.  I need a change in my life.  Well, that is about all for now.  Sign my guestbook if you get a chance.  Talk to you later.....
JAPAN 2001-new
The Wedding