Jessica Wilson

1449 E. River Rd.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

OBJECTIVETo obtain a full time position upon completion of my college degree, and to further my experience in the accounting field.
EDUCATIONCentral Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
Pursuing Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration
Major: Accounting
GPA: 3.8
ACC GPA: 3.86
Expected graduation: May 1999
HONORSBeta Gamma Sigma - Honor Society for AACSB Accredited Business Programs
Golden Key National Honors Society (Fall 1997 to present)
President's List, 4.0 GPA (Spring 1998)
The National Dean's List (Spring 1998 to present)
Dean's List, 3.5 GPA or higher (all semesters)
Recipient of the Board of Trustees Scholarship
Recipient of the Michigan Competitive Scholarship
Recipient of the Page Olson & Company, Jerome W. Page, CPA, Accounting Scholarship
ACTIVITIESStudent Accounting Society (Spring 1997)
Beta Alpha Psi - Honors Accounting Fraternity (Fall 1997 to present)
Recipient of the KPMG Peat Marwick Scholarship for Beta Alpha Psi, Superior Chapter "Most Active Pledge, Fall 1997"
Reporting Secretary, Beta Alpha Psi (Spring 1998 to present)
WORK EXPERIENCE09/95 - present
MEIA Insurance Agency
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Customer Service Representative
05/98 - 08/98
The Dow Chemical Company
Midland, MI 48674
Accounting Intern
06/94 - 08/95
Mt. Pleasant High School
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Principal's Office Assistant
LINKS TO CMUCMU Accounting Alumni List
CMU School of Accounting
CMU Home Page
Last Updated November 24, 1998