Welcome to Miramar College Chemistry 151

Dr. Lingner's Evening Classes Daytime Classes - Ann M. Kressin
CRN 48556
M (5:30-10:00 p.m.), W (5:30-7:00 p.m.) in Room A-117.
Schedule and Syllabus

CRN 42176
MW (7:30A-9:00A), F (8:00-11:00AM)
CRN 05749
TTh (9:00A-12:00P)
Phone 536-7369 x5275
E-mail chem151f99day@hotmail.com

Evening Class Information

Study Guides
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Here are some unit conversion factors that might be used in my class.

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 15
Chapter 16


Evening Class Assignments

24-hour Office Hours:

After the Final
Congratulations on completing a challenging introductory chemistry class! I enjoyed getting to know each of you. Please stay in touch.

I will grade your final exams sometime next week, as grades must be submitted by Jan 3rd. Those of you who wrote an address on your exams will get a message about your final grade as soon as it has been determined. If anybody else would like such a message, please let me know. -DWL

Update announcements history.
Check here to see what you may have missed since the last time you visited this web site.
The Laboratory

Lab Safety

Please review the Lab Safety Rules

Lab policies

  • Borrowed goggles cost you 1 pt/lab.
  • Lab reports on pages other than the lab manual cost you 2 pts/lab.
Most frequent cause of point deductions on lab reports (and quizzes): Significant Figures! Learn the two rules for sig figs. They won't change, nor will the point deductions for errors.
Miramar Web Links
Miramar College Web Site

Miramar College Map

San Diego Community College District

Chemistry Web Links

General Links

Nelson Site

This book on the web is full of practice exercises and explanations of topics that we'll be covering throughout the semester.

Purdue Chemistry

This is the general chemistry program where I learned to teach, several years ago. These web sites didn't exist when I was there, but I bet my old students wish they did.

Guide to Problem Solving. Don't take this one too seriously.

Write chemistry questions, comments, learning tips, study group schedules, web links, or suggestions for this web site, whatever you want to write, right here on the Chemistry 151 Guestbook.

Just click on the yellow box to get started. To post a message, click on "MSG List" and then on "Post". To reply to a message, click on "Reply".

Post a Message in My Guestbook!

Our new "shortcut" web address is http://www.geocities.com/chem151f99/.
My new "Miramar" e-mail address is
dlingner@sdccd.net. Please use this address (or lingnerd@saic.com) for future emails, as I won't be checking the hotmail address much any more..
Check out my new site on the Miramar web server at http://intergate.miramar.sdccd.cc.ca.us/faculty/dlingner/. I'll link future classroom sites to this page.

Here is the Miramar Chemistry Department home page.

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