we recieved many complaints about the false rumor that there was a
peteandandyrule.com, so i made one right here
are liars no more, here is peteandandyrule well, despite my pleading, two certain roommates have refused to come
to this site, and until they do this page will exist
and Carrie Suck the other page designed by me, so you know it must be good
Mech Eng team page
Latest Updates 8-27:
Happy Birthday to Me Happy Birthday to Me I
am now Twenty to Celebrate I'm working and being lonely
8-25:big state news, delaware won
the miss teen usa pageant, my
dad was extremely proud and obviously needs to get a life. i only
watched because ali
landry was one of the
cohosts and therefore obligated. oh, and yovie gave his page a facelift.
8-24:i finished that damn weekend of 16 hour shifts. as
expected, i was quite the party pooper afterwards. im also annoyed because
i emailed wmmr and asked them to play
pearl jam, but not last kiss,
which is what they played. on another personal note, ive again fallen into
my cherry
coke addictions vise like hold which i had shaken for almost two
months this summer. 8-20:well, i had a high score of 126 in
the two games of
bowling last nite, which is decent i guess. i also felt like commenting on
how much of ali
landry (doritos girl) ive been
seeing recently on tv, and just how
much i
really realllly enjoy it. i can even watch the video
shes in even though its by backstreet boys or in sinc
or something, who cares i just mute it. i believe she
just may be the hottest girl in the world. kudos to
jason for realizing that years before me, i bow to his
better hot chick radar. ali ends the couple year reign
of heidi
klum as my fave. 8-19:ive had a lot of time off recently so
im pretty happy
right now. although i have to work 6am to 10pm the next two days so once
again im sure ill be pissy. on yet another great
note, i got to play mini
golf (aka putt putt golf) for the first time in long time yesterday.
hartefeld buddy tom unfortunately kicked my ass in the first game,
but in the all important rematch i edged him out by one stroke in an
extremely intense game. now tonite im gonna go bowl with pete,
something else i havent done in a long time. its been a good week.
8-12:i had that second dentist
appointment today, i got
a couple of fillings, you cant see them because they are tooth colored!
webring member pete has just
revamped his previously real shitty page so i
suggest checking it out. the big
news here in delaware is that is did
rain just a bit the past week. exciting old delaware. 8-6:ive
apparently been made part of a webring, the
wednesdayist webring. i dont know what that means
either but im not
complaining and jumping on
the bandwagon while i still can. 8-4:i got that haircut.
but the big news is that i ate an
entire papa johns pizza all by myself, thats crust and most of the garlic
sauce too. i have achieved the impossible people and i dont even feel like
puking. 8-3:the requests
have been pouring in for more personal info, so here goes, i had a
dentist appointment today. i need another one in
about a week. hope that fulfills you andy maniacs out there, oh, and stop
stalking me please. on a
delaware note, it hasnt rained here
in about
82354 days or so. if you doubt my number, ill remind you i have a
pornographic memory. oh wait another personal note, i had a slurpee today
the first time in about, well a long damn time. i was gonna get a
but i decided i didnt want my slurpee
to melt while i got it cut, maybe
tommorrow, keep tuning in to find out.
7-31:just to keep everyone up to date on my personal life, my
aunt is visiting us right now. shes my pops older sister and lives over in
Israel, so it is a pretty big deal that she is here. its pretty
interesting talking with her and all. as a bonus, she is visiting her son
who works at this real sweeeeat resort up in ny and shes taking my parents
off my hands for a few days soon. you should really check out this place
though, it looks wicked cool at mohonk.com or at least the picturesque
pictures of it here.
excited as i went through a rather painful bout of withdrawal after
leaving college. i would sit in front of the tv of channel 67, which i am
sure you all know is the history channel in newark, just watching the
static and hoping for some freak lightning storm. since this is the
biggest thing to happen to me all summer i felt that it did deserve the
capitals. on a thompson 2
note, i saw jason (ja$e) the other day at
hartefeld. although he had a tee time on sunday morning at like 7am,
since he was awake and not apparently hung over im not convinced it wasnt
some robot ja$e.
7-25:i still dont know why i was going to update yesterday, but
now i just wanted to say how psyched i am because wysp 94.1 is
broadcasting woodstock live. it rocks, ooooooh yeah. right now,
YEAH bitch! thats all i wanted to say. 7-24:hmm, i now forget
why i was going to update the good
old webpage. i do want to remark on the obsession that conan o'brien has
gotten with britney
spears' boobs and their size. has anyone else noticed
this facination of his? fuck, what the hell was i going to say! screw it,
7-13:i visited daves new page a was motivated to update my own.
for the record, my summer is still reallllly boring, but has had some
moments. i just went to florida for 4th of july. it was cool since one
firework failed and came back down onto the barge shooting off the
fireworks and started this fire. all the tugboats started to haul ass but
no big explosions happend or nothing. ive got my schedule but havent even
looked at it yet to see if it is good or sucks. alright my inspiration has
worn off, but i suggest checking out daves new page at udel.edu/~columbus, theres a good
picture of me eatingpizza in
one section. 6-27:i thought that
i would update just for the sake
of updating. the counter has stalled at 699, with noone visiting in oooh,
about two weeks now. so if you are here, congratulations! you might be
visitor seven hundred!! on a more personal note, i fianlly got someone to
hire me, so my sumer does have a purpose now, although it apparently isnt
to have fun. about two months to moving in, seems like its right around
the corner. see you all then. by the way, im working at hartefeld golf course. 6-3:summer is here, and thus ends freshman year at college.
updates should be rare, as if they werent already. you may have also
noticed to absence of some old pages. now that i am finished with bergman
forever, i may just scrap that page forever. as for the other one, i may
have to find a new home for it, just for safety sakes. have a great summer
everyone and ill see you in the fall!!!
5-18:now that there is a computer in my room, i thought i maybe
should keep like a brief diary or something. and then i figured why not
share it with the world. so look for that in the next few days even though
noone has visited the page in a while. 5-13:ok, i know i've
really been slacking, but my
dear, although gay, friend jeff has donated a computer to the room.
Therefor i hope to update more often, so keep checking back.
4-11:drunk page updated 3-22:drunk page updated
3-3:a little organizing of the site and fact and bergmanisms
2-26:we got more of most everything, more facts, berg quotes,
pete and andy things, and slight additions to the links
2-21: another drunk page update, im getting to be quite the
alchoholic. also a new fact and bergmanism.
2-17:drunk page update, not very great, but hey, they all cant
be hilarious ramblings of me while drunk, sometimes im more subdued.
2:13: finally, the anniversary has arrived! as a celebration,
many pages updated, but unfortunately not the drunk page. check the rest
out though!
2-5:i just realized im a fucking moron, you should look forward
to a third anniversary special coming 2-13, MARK THAT DAY. ok, only
a few days until my triumphant return to delaware, im looking forward to
seeing everyone again. sorry about the huge delay between updates,
ill try to make up fo it when i get back to ud.
12-29:well, i checked my counter and people are once again visiting
so i thought that id update for the first time in a long while. i finally
added lauren's bergmanisms that she was kind enough to email to
me a while ago. the one month anniversary was missed, so look forward to
the 2nd month celebration. thanks to everyone for visiting over
the break, have a happy new year by getting wasted and having some casual
12-17:drunk page was updated. ive finished all of my finals
and stuff, and leave tomorrow. it will probably be hard to do too much
to this page while away, but ill do the best i can, so keep visiting. the
big one month anniversary is coming up soon!
12-13:finally, the drunk page has been updated for the first
time in way too long. i cannot stress enough how all of you should give
me alchohol so that i can update that wonderful page more often.
12-10: i added a few animated gifs all around for fun, but i
have even more that i dont know what to do with, so see them here 12-9:well classes are over in two hours for me which means one
thing, exams have begun!!!, and no more additions to bergman files until
spring. noone has given me any suggestions for the site, so i only added
a few reasons to why p and a rule. dont forget that you
visit this page at least once a week!!!, and you
should give
me alchohol so i can update drunk page!!!
12-6:ive just set the new guiness record for
boredom in one weekend! 12-4:a new fact, shane got me some 8am bergman quotes.
new reasons jennie and carrie suck, just for you jeremy. a nice picture
of me for you to look at ladies.more coming soon!!
12-2: finally, a new fact o' day. one word added to the bergman
files. i have forgotten the list of reasons i thought of that said why
pete and i rule. damn. added the thompson 2 webpage to the links. give
me and jeremy suggestions for our sites please.
12-1: its 10:45, and i just refinished my 10 page english pape,
its 7 pages. gotta go to class now, changes coming real soon!andthespacebarwontworkonthecomputer,thisisntajoke.seewhatchangesyouvemissedatthenewupdatepage.thissucks
12-1:its 2am, i just finished my 10 page
english paper, its 6 pages. theyre kicken meout of harrington now, updates
real soon, i promise, even though noone has been here much recently !!
11-27:i have gone to great lengths to
be able to update this page while at home, you dont even want to know what
a pain in the ass it was. i hope that everyone had a nice thanksgiving.
the only main change i made was fix the dates, thank you betsy,
uhh, im sure i was going to do something else but it would be too large
a pain with unix, so i'll see y'all after the break
11-23: new fact o' day
11-23:well, the drunk page has an interesting
new addition, the legible stuff was written by my friend ian, who i have
been informed by all the girls is really hot, sorry ladies, no pictures
of him yet. ive decided to hang out with people so butt ass ugly,so i look
incredible in comparison, cause despite his hotness we found no women saturday.
other additions are to pete and andy, jennie and carrie, links, berg quotes,
just the usual stuff. im gonna start a page dedicated to everyone that
has been here, so if you want to be on it, come to this site(which youve
done now) and email me about what i should say about you, if you dont come
then youll end up like jennie and carrie! hahahahaahahaaha! oh yeah, and
going to hook me up with some nice bergmanisms from the 8am class, so pay
attention to the bergman files, it could grow huge and blow your mind!
11-20: my friend is coming home
this weekend i believe, so watch the drunk page closely for any new additions.
if you haven't visited in a while, there are more reasons why pete and
andy rule, and a list of reasons why jennie and carrie suck plus some more
links. the fact hasn't been updated yet, so sorry, but i'm tinkering
around with a few different special ideas for that feature so please be
patient. if you haven't seen the trailer for the new star wars movie, go
check it out in jeremy and dave's room, if they give you shit, beat them
comments, ideas, suggestions? email me