History of development, co-operation and intellectual/industrial property.

1977: beginning of the  research and development  on aernautics at the Universidad Las Colinas (Agora)
1978: Aguila got a favourable report from the Belgian Ministry of Education and Culture on behalf of his educational concept. Report by W. Goeman. 
11.4.1983: Deposit of the intellectual property of a wig in dynamic stability.
Sept. 1983: Co-operation with  Société Nationale Industrielle Aérospatiale of Toulouse, France.
1984: Co-operation with  Bureau d' Ingénieurs Portal et Maison of  Universitté  d' Orléans, France.
29.11.1984: Deposit of the intellectual property of  FLYING FISH at the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs.
11.2.1984: The Belgian Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Economic Affairs investigate during 3 months Aguila's wig design FLYING FISH.
15 March 1985: Aguila obtains a patent for one of the wigs in dynamic stability at the Belgian Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
1986: International patents of a wig in dynamic stability, FLYING FISH.
1988: Evaluation of the working principle by Ing. E. Dick, Rijksuniversiteit Ghent, Belgium.
1988: Technical development study in cooperation with  Ing. Vandenhout and Ing. Johan Zeischka, Louvain Measurement systems. 
1988: Market study by Guy Dixon, Marine Consultants, United Kingdom.
1988: Market study by Marc Viérin, Arthur Young Management Consultants.(Arthour Young International)
1988: Business plan for wigs in dynamic stability by Arthur Young Management Consultants.
July 1988: Arthur Young Management Consultants (A.Y.I.) presents the application of the dynamic stability to the engineers of Aérospatiale.
1989: International patents of a wig in dynamic stability,  SHARK.
1990: Presentation of the wig in dynamic stability by Louvain Measurement Systems on Flanders Technology, Ghent, Belgium.
1993:intellectual property no A.2110   dynamic stability
1994: Registration of the Intellectual/industrial property of a wig in dynamic stability, THETA.
1996: Registration of the Intellectual/industrial property of a wig in dynamic stability, SKUA.
1997: Registration of the Intellectual/industrial property of a wig in dynamic stability, ZERO POINT.
1999: Registrration of the Intellectual/industrial property of Skua II 
2003: soberano
2005-´2007:breaking  Registrration of the Intellectual/industrial property

The know how of Aguila concerning the Dynamic Stability attracted the attention of the European department of an  American multinational  specialized in industrial property and international private law. They did a most eccentric proposal to Aguila as to his entire know-how, but he rejected this proposal as being electaristic, sectarian and depriving him of his intellectual freedom. Then everything went to show that the multinational aimed at Aguila's intellectual and industrial property. The researcher-designer became the victim of a long term selective professional isolationism organized by the multinational, and of systematic juridical abuse, until on 24th December 1998 the multinational's mandatories were sentenced for abuse of the law.

In the meantime, Aguila proposed his know-how to  Universidad Lasoberana, which is going to co-operate as to the transfer of Aguila's know-how to those industries that are willing to respect Aguila's most proper way and approach as a designer.



THETA. Built in 1989. Tested successfully. The testing was  interrupted due to the continuous interventions and pressure.



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