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The Aficionado Club of Mount Royal College

Aficionado Club News and Announcements:

SORRY: This club is dead, the site is just here for the memories...

It's that time again!: Yes, the Aficionado Club won the Club of the Year award last year, and once again, we've been nominated for the prestigious award! "This award is presented to a club that is affiliated with the Students’ Association which has demonstrated outstanding effort and dedication in its endeavours over the year," according to the SA website. Thank you to everyone who helped us make the Aficionado Club a sucess last year and this year!

This website was designed by El Presidente Trevor Prosser, using Netscape Composer, and Arthaus Studio Xtra v2.01.
You can reach Trevor via e-mail at "" with any questions regarding this site or the club itself.

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Tina the Troubled Teen
Say hello to Tina, the Troubled Teen. Why is she so bitter?

Maybe because she's not old enough to join the Aficionado Club!