THIS IS the resume (except maybe for a phrase "### years total") I am pretty sure I gave to the Co-op Ed administrator in February '93. He mentions a resume in the hearing documentation.

This is NOT the resume version mentioned in Paragraph 4 of my Complaint, although I did later try give a copy of this one to the Computer Literacy teacher who had scorned the first one.

I started composing this formal polite version in late '92 for myself and for Counselors X and Y of the ARCC "displaced homemakers" program, and gave them a copy. I also tried to give a copy to the sexual assault therapist at my January '93 "crisis" interview, but she wouldn't keep it or even read it. Of course I have included a copy of this with each submission to a source of legal aid, but I think I might have forgotten to include it with my submission to CBS' 60 Minutes in January 1996 (although I doubt it would have mattered to them if I did.)

I can document and/or demonstrate more than 90%, I would say, of both resume versions.

This is a critical evidentiary document in my case v. Acid Rain Community College et al, so I was thinking maybe I shouldn't publish it yet, but hey-- it's my resume-- Am I supposed to keep it secret until I win in court? Well, actually, if I had the nerve to apply for an outside job today, my resume would not include membership in the nature center, the Bird Club or Save Our Streams, because I don't have a practical vehicle for attending activities, and the members don't care enough about me to even call me, except that one couple came all the way across town to pick me up a couple times, but they haven't called in a long time, but I called her the other day and maybe we'll have dinner soon.

Disraely Hapend
#### zzzzzzzz zz
zzzzzzzzzzz, Morldeth #####
(###) ###-####

OBJECTIVE: Career and further education in environmental science.

Acid Rain Community College: Current: Chemistry. 1992: Biology; Introductory Oceanography; [study of local body of water]. 1991: Computer Literacy on Macintosh. Current cumulative GPA 4.0, 11 credits completed.
zzzzzzzzzz College, zzzzzzz, Morldeth, 196x [1 year]: Liberal arts program.
[Catholic high school], Bombarock, Morldeth 196x-6x: Honors student. Contributor to literary magazine; feature editor of newspaper. Winner of silver medal in statewide Latin translation contest.

Naturalist: Field identification of birds (by eye and ear), trees, useful plants, mammals, habitats and ecological processes; canoeing, hiking, emergency device construction, plant and animal care, assisting with bird banding.
Activist: Recycling, stream water quality testing including lab identification of aquatic insects, composition and distribution of community awareness materials, subscription to Garbage magazine.
ENGINEERING: Operation of theodolite and other land surveying tools, basic drafting, scientific calculation.
CLERICAL: Typing, filing, calculating, phone solicitation, mailing; see also COMPUTER.
COMPUTER: Microsoft Works 2.0 (Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Database), MacPaint and other graphics.
ARTCRAFT: 35 mm photography including special lens, filter, and basic darkroom use, negative retouching; sketching, decorative painting, self- designed bead- and leatherwork.
MUSIC: Synthesizer operation including original "patches", acoustic rhythm guitar, mbira (thumb piano), recorder, harmonica, knowledge of current popular artists and trends, operation of home recording equipment.
LANGUAGE: Spoken, read and written French, a few words in other languages.
SALES: Door-to-door canvassing and direct sales of art and encyclopedias, counter sales, cashiering.
FACTORY: Assembly, paper cutting and drilling, product inspection, pricing, repacking, stock.
ROAD: Driving all transmission types of Class C vehicles, 2-way radio operation, map reading, transporting passengers, manifested delivery, traffic flagging, first aid and CPR.
HOUSEHOLD: Creative cooking, cleaning, low-budget decorating, pet care including grooming and nursing care, locksmithing, small appliance repair.

zzzzzzzzzzzz Nature Center, zzzzzzz, Morldeth: participant in ecology/history learning and recreational experiences, volunteer.
Bombarock Bird Club, Chapter of Morldeth Ornithological Society: regular field tripper and lecture attender.
Save Our Streams of Morldeth: regular participant in Stream Monitoring and Aquatic Insect ID programs and workshops.

Temporary Worker: Traffic flagging, clerical, food service, cleaning and factory; 3 years total.
Driver: Messenger, delivery, taxi, medical sample route; Bombarock and [another nearby] metro areas, Morldeth statewide and beyond.
Rodperson, Draftsperson, Theodolite Operator, surveying company, 7 months.
Sales Representative, Transart and World Book, 1 1/2 years total. Gas Pumper, Counter Girl, Waitress, Secretary, Photo Retoucher, Label Paste-up Artist, Hot Dog Vendor, Housecleaner, Mail Sorter, Tour Guide; 5 years total.

REFERENCES: Available upon request.

(I know I shouldn't put stuff in this website other than what the Defendants knew, so I can maybe sue them again, but)
If it weren't for music, I would have killed myself long ago.
This resume lists "synthesizer operation" as one of my skills: I put it that way because I can't really say I can play tunes because I never practice, but I improvise and I have a good ear and I have designed sounds and put a few little things together with my mike-mixing double cassette deck, which has been broken now for about a year.
I can still really play acoustic rhythm guitar pretty damn good but I haven't kept up my fingertip callouses.
This resume doesn't mention another musical talent I have.
I still listen to Hearts of Space etc. and even Echoes despite bad personal experiences. His Fordship Stephen Hill has not answered my postalmail, but I'm sure he will preside over the mandatory chillout lounge I will probably be sentenced to in 2003.
Back to My Index Page with WARNING and Site Contents.
The Complaint which tells the story of what was done to me.
My Letter to the Co-op Ed guy, filed in court as an attachment to the Complaint.
Official Ban from the Dean, also filed as a Complaint attachment.
A Bit of Context

Disraely Hapend, January 1999.
This Resume added to site January 5, 1999. (c) 1999.
Already probably about Counter visitors to this resume.