COUNTDOWN to a book deal, eviction or WORSE?

My Personal Constitutional Crisis

How my local community's corporates, public educators, public safekeepers, health workers-- and broader-cast Americans-- ruined my life and crushed my dreams

The story in 188 words or less:

I was thrown -uh, put  in a state mental hospital, branded  misdiagnosed,  and kicked out of  banned  from a community college by its administrators, with illegal police and private hospital assistance,
BECAUSE I complained about past and continuing abuses cuby employers, family, criminals, government and THEM, and because I philosophized about SUICIDE and revenge, and maintained a 4.0 GPA and too much environmental enthusiasm.
I filed sex discrimination and 1st-4th-5th Amendment LAWSUITS against my former employers, the college, police and hospitals, and got legal "assistance" for the first but had to plead The Big One all ALONE for the federal court. This case was DISMISSED on the 11th Amendment, and before, during and since, the nation's major and minor legal advocates, humanitarians, experts and MEDIA (especially the material-witness media) have been trying to ignore and even SUPPRESS my definitive Amerikan story.
And parochial biz-fascists, police, charity job bosses, social services/ landlord bimbos and teen thugs still bump me occasionally on my long slow road to homelessness or WORSE.

REASONS for Dis' Website
For / Not 4
My Pro Se Complaint my federal lawsuit, with name substitutions
What It All Means To Me with excerpts from my submission to a popular civil liberties org
My Scary Letter to the community college co-op ed administrator, filed in court along with my Complaint
Why "DIS"?
Official Ban from the Dean of the community college, copy also filed in court

COUNTDOWN new file added Oct.11 + 20, 2008. MyCurSit = My Recent Current Situation Sept. 21, 2008.
Important Facts and Circumstances very old file but still very important
A Bit of (old) Context
My Resumé formal polite version, Feb. 1993
Last Court Decision March 2001: Granted My Request for Continued Retention of Sex Discrimination Case Record
To contact and/OR help me

Please excuse dissimilar colors and other formatting in some of my pages. I have loads of notes and am gradually updating when I get time, with Dim Ages equipment and the lousiest home IS- on the planet's B. It would be encouraging to know some honest person's interested.

My story is especially intended to be read by:

My story is NOT intended for:

  • Dr. Anita F. Hill;
  • relevant book agents who accept faxes;
  • the approximately 62 people who Googled to this website as I suggested while talking to Professor Larry Tribe (The Invisible Constitution) on the air Sept. 17 on NPR's Diane Rehm Show;
  • civil-rights plaintiffs' lawyers, employee-plaintiffs' attorneys, malpractice plaintiffs' lawyers, especially those who advocate for the mentally ill (altho I am not); entitlement-benefits attorneys; non-media First Amendment lawyers; libel defense attorneys; lawyers who defend the environment;
  • civil-rights, women's-issue, mental-health, environmental and media-critic bloggers (altho this is not a blog)-- Yoose might actually save my life! but see Warning;
  • working poor middle-aged employer-abused environmentally-friendly high-GPA student women; or persons with at least 2 of these characteristics;
  • Mark W. Benjamin, "a friendly, neighborhood criminal defense attorney who loves America;"
  • Senator Ted Kennedy and/or his staff;
  • Ann Coulter;
  • that "homeless" legal researcher I met a couple years ago outside a supermarket and later realized I might have met long before that;
  • other rape victims, altho I can't provide worthwhile referrals;
  • real abused desperate housewives, altho I can't help you;
  • Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D., MD);
  • Wangari Maathai;
  • Lilly Ledbetter; Anucha Browne Sanders;
  • Monica Lewinsky; Juanita Broaddrick;
  • The Oprah (Oh, Ma'am, you have retained your fine figure into mature middle age much better than I have done, but you still have not a dressed certain aspects of the First Amendment!);
  • The Whoopi; The Martha (I had failed to include yoose and others before, due to, uh, equipment gaps, sorry); Ellen (even tho I'm not happy); Travis; Dirk;
  • Sinéad;
  • Michael Jackson;
  • The Arianna;
  • Eric Alterman;
  • Cindy Sheehan; Bryonn Bain; Rodney King; Michael Moore; Ira Glass;
  • Lucinda Roy (Seung Hui Cho's English prof);
  • Margaret Cho;
  • American U.S. military torture victims and/or any family members who care about them;
  • Matt Drudge, I guess, maybe;
  • Chris Suellentrop; Justin Davidson of New York Magazine;
  • John Marks' researcher for Search for the Manchurian Candidate (John Marks himself is not interested);
  • Adam Shepard Scratch Beginnings: Me, $25, and the Search For the American Dream;
  • BHL Left In Dark Times;
  • that kinda famous jazz singer whose home I visited in 1982 and I sang stupid for; and maybe dat girl wut introduced me to her; and a whole BUNCH of other jazz and fusion artists be humbly invited;
  • R.R. who got thrown out of the Pan-African meeting for bringing me;
  • Jeff Beasley;
  • "Jupey" (relates to Oprah 2-12-08);
  • Coleen, the pudgy film student (still?) READ IT, STUPID;
  • work-at-home charity telephone solicitors and licensed cab drivers, especially women;
  • people who listen to National Public Radio/ watch PBS but think they should not receive public funds;
  • people who listen to public radio or watch public TV but can't afford to become members;
  • people to whom NPR listens (legally or not);
  • real smart hard-working single white girls with no dependents who have considered suicide because being real smart and hard-working and white ain't enuf any more, wif no dependents;
  • African-American Ivy League professors-- even the bigoted ones;
  • people of all "races" who cleverly make fun of other people's "racial" hangups;
  • people who think Ralph Nader cares about environmental activists;
  • people who think Dan Rather is a liberal;
  • people who know darned well what Dan Rather is;
  • odd women; ed men and women; aid wo(men); oud/ode composers too;
  • people who hate cop killers.
  • anybody who has gotten mad at me for not updating sooner;
  • people who will read it and all my updates but never contact ME about it;
  • people who think they know me well;
  • anybody who has read any of this new section before it was published (cancelling out any such persons who appear in the Intendeds column);
  • people who insist it is better to give than to receive (They only want to make me feel bad);
  • political, men's-issue, celebrity-worship/exposé or "sects" bloggers-- and this is not a blog, anyway;
  • any of the 2008 US Presidential ticket candidates, still running or withdrawn, or their campaigns (You poor things, you're all so busy and stressed!);
  • Rielle Hunter; Andrea Mackris;
  • The Redford, until I change my mind again;
  • ABC's The View;
  • plain Jane Pauley;
  • Suze Orman;
  • Theresa Gilbert (Eat Pray Love);
  • Tucker;
  • the majority (so far) of ABC's Desperate Housewives;
  • anyone directly involved in the bankrolling, production, publicity or fan org/blog admin of TV "reality" shows: Survivor, Big Brother, The Swan, The Benefactor, Average Joe (but any average joe or jane is welcome), Fear Factor, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, The Apprentice's (except Martha), or any venality show based on "voting off" or negative judging, or with a romantic or employment prize;
  • YouTube, MySpace, SecondLife, Wikipedia (yet);
  • enraged or still-loyal fans of lonelygirl15 (Remember her?);
  • the other Dr. Phil;
  • Dr. Michael Welner, forensic psychiatrist;
  • David E. Kelley, any more (but remember: mine is still BIGGER than yours!);
  • Sydney Bristow, Jennifer Garner and all them;
  • anybody that used to hate jazz;
  • Judy Collins;
  • Franken/Stein (Al/Ben);
  • Eric Alterman;
  • Catherine MacKinnon: Catherine MacKinnon is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN to read ANY of this website, and if she dares to read any of it, she is NEVER to tell ANYONE that she has, or knows ANYTHING about it.);
  • Kevorkian;
  • Toni Morrison;
  • David Isay's Storycorps (My story's worth a lot more than 10 bucks, bub, especially to NPR);
  • Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.;
  • David Gergen; Bill Moyers;
  • Denise Brown and;
  • Reuel Marc Gerecht;
  • Sigh;
  • Pope Carl;
  • Gov. Schwarzeneggar and his girlie wife;
  • Diane Dimond;
  • Deepak Chopra; Andy Andrews; Dr. Wayne Dyer; and very especially the purveyors of The Secret;
  • John H. Richardson, author My Father The Spy (fool, jerk);
  • Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed;
  • Bomber Anne;
  • Carl Watner;
  • Ahmadinejad;
  • people who think this is funny such as Jim Lehrer of The News Hour;
  • Azar Nafisi (and don't start spa men me again, you olive winch!);
  • people who were disappointed with the the June '05 Michael Jackson verdicts, but satisfied with Kobe Bryant's September '04 apology to his accuser (except my helpful neighbor is welcome);
  • employees of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting or its affiliates who hardly ever listen to or watch their programming; and PBS Pledge Campaign volunteers, who hardly ever watch their programming, and Pledge Directors, who are RUINING PBS!;
  • anybody who EVER thought Donald Rumsfeld was "six E";
  • Libertarian Party honchos;
  • tax protest orgs;
  • white bigots and white racists;
  • id men; ad males and females; odd men; God Men;
  • people who hate cop killers AND some federal judges;
  • the Computer Guys.
(In case you're wondering why some particular advocate or expert is missing from this list, it could be because I already tried them and they ignored me, or worse.) (I would not STOP these persons from reading my website story (except The MacKinnon), and they might even contact me if they follow my instructions. There is always a slim chance they might understand something better than the intended audience.)


I have published these pages:


AT THIS TIME I, THE PLAINTIFF, ABSOLUTELY FORBID the public disclosure (or any disclosure not specifically authorized in writing by myself) of any of my evidentiary letters (except the one filed as an Attachment to the Complaint) or other communications to "Acid Rain" Community College personnel. I also forbid unauthorized disclosure of any of my residential, credit, medical, Social Services, academic, employment, police or automobile-related records.

These confidential materials may not be revealed in whole or in part, neither in intact original nor in copy nor transcription, nor with deletions nor with fictitious name substitutions, in any written, printed, audio-taped, electronic or oral format or medium.

This warning has already been conveyed several times to "Acid Rain" Community College personnel, although not satisfactorily heeded by them-- That's part of what the lawsuit is about.

Privacy of many of the above-mentioned records is an accepted and legislated standard respected so far, I believe, by the other Defendants, and by many such institutions.

I, OF COURSE, reserve the right to reveal documents of my own authorship, or personal records such as those mentioned above which describe myself, whether or not their description is truthful.


I ALSO FORBID unauthorized disclosure of any of my applications for legal assistance. To the nationally- and less- prominent sources of legal aid to whom I have submitted documentation, especially those who have not returned it: Because you have all refused to represent me or even seriously discuss my matter with me, you perhaps consider that your disposal of my information is not bound by the concept of attorney-client confidentiality. Although I doubt you would release my docs to the public, it is quite obvious to me that some of you legals have been discussing my matter with other legals in different orgs, and I believe some of you have "blacklisted" me. My full story will expose your hypocrisy and irresponsibility, and hopefully lead to changes of YOU and/or improvements in your careless handling of the lives of the socially disadvantaged.




I have come to realize that you will never broadcast a story particularly about me unless I die spectacularly along with no more than a handful of other people, or unless I get help with my civil rights lawsuit(s) and win big money (as long as you can get rid of you-know-who before trial).

And I know the rakes of the local NPR and NBC affiliates and the big city paper are in the habit of mucking around and guffawing with each other and even with honchos of the Defendant institutions and/or their governmental sponsors.

And maybe you really did lose (or trash) the investigation/ publicity releases and material documents I prolly shouldn't have mailed you in the late '90s. So it makes no sense to rescind these releases as I did in my previous version of this Index.

And you news presidents and editors prolly pass around my "cutest" phone messages and trash the rest, thinking that I archive them all for you. And I do have green card mail receipts, my long-distance phone records, and email printouts.

So try to find them papers, and try to keep track of what I told you vs. what you hacked into, and don't fudge my radio call-in transcriptions, because it's still MY story, and as of this file update, I ain't dead yet, and if I am, some judge might wanna sort it all out.
After all, how much power SHOULD the media have OVER the First and Fourth Amendment rights of the people?

Warning to BLOGGERS:

Although this presentation you are reading is available world-wide, I am still a private individual. I do not hold any public or corporate office, nor do I intend to campaign for any. The titles at the bottom of my pages, including "The National Outtern" (an unpaid position), were self-assumed in capitalized form, altho most were conferred on my spirit by Amerika. I am not an entertainment star or even public performer. Prior to 1993 when I filed one of the cases described in this website, I had never been a civil or criminal plaintiff or defendant, except for common traffic violations. At the time of this file update I have no professional legal counsel. I am still a working poor woman whose job and home life would be severely disrupted if my particular numbers or location were published.

Also, if anyone dares to web-publish my original Complaint/court filings with any of the real witness names intact, the wide spread of this information might lead to witness-tampering. If you publish personal or false info about private-individual witnesses, including myself, you might be liable for obstruction of justice in future litigation, or other civil charges.

I may revise this site to correct spellings of my and institutional/ organizational names and locations, but I will continue to hide private-individual witness names.

Warning to Doctor Byafo (pronounced "by-AY-foe"):

You retired scaryfied old blustered, if you allow/ allowed disclosure of any of my personal letters before I do, you are guilty of a serious breach of professional ethics and might be prosecuted for such, or your memory, if you die before I do.


The purposes of these prohibitions are:


I, "Disraely Hapend", hereby release any and all citizens of the United States of America and its territories, and indeed any and all humans/mammals currently living or dead on this planet, from the friendly, moral or legal obligation of calling police or emergency personnel if I should threaten suicide or be perceived to be threatening suicide, and I actually enjoin you against calling emergency personnel in such a situation. Any requests for retraction of this release will be considered only after serious discussion with ME, "Disraely Hapend".


The general rule is: Use a lower-tech method to communicate, such as street conversation, or phoning me at home IF I have previously contacted you about these matters-- rather than email. If you must Elect Ron Ick For Male! for now use the "D.H." yew- surname of this website at the Y dome main, which is the one I check often, altho I also have some of my other titles which appear on this page, 1-4 words straight with no punctuation, at the Y dome mane. I'll prolly get rid of the hot-mall accounts. Pertinent subject line extremely important; body plaintext only; no blind C copies. Don't sine or cosine me up for ANYthing.

Please spread the word about My Personal Constitutional Crisis to compatible persons such as those listed above, but DON'T MASS-MAIL THE URL, and let THEM figure out my add-ease, like you did, you clever angel! And please do not link to any of my pages without informing me, and of course do not republish my copyrighted material.

If you are timid about communicating with me, it would in the long run be beneficial to me and yourself and everyone if you would study our United States Constitution, particularly Bill of Rights issues, and study mental health and women's issues. You can also bug (hah-hah) the media, especially your local TV news, about my story. Of course: style your life to respect and protect our environment (but think again about those CFL bulbs.)

I'm working on a separate file of more detailed Contact/Help instructions, but I'm discouraged by the lack of personal response so far (unless they're being stolen, which is prolly unjust as likely.

*Besides proper names, certain lower-case words throughout my story have been substituted so as to foil spa murres, predaters and family-fascist filters.

Disraely Hapend

The National Outtern, The Poor Good Student, Truerwoman, America's Hottest Potato, The DisMissed Link, Jazz Radio's Deepest Palest Secret
(an Earth-born female adult middle-aged human woman).

Docs   |   MyCurSit   |   PROHIBITIONS / RELEASE  |   Facts/Circumstances   |   What Dis Means   |   Context   |   Why DIS?   |   Contact/Help Me

My site main URL:
First World Wide Web publication of my story, previously called "The Poor Good Student's Constitutional Crisis", was in this site, with the old Geocities CollegePark-Center-7063 url, on December 9, 1998.
Latest modifications to content of this main Index file, including new sections, were "Easter" Sunday, March 23, 2008. Small changes, additions, shifts, adjustments, popout, etc. March 28, April 7, September 21, October 2 and 11 ( to new file), 20, 2008.

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© 1998-2008.