People Over Planes, Inc.
of Contra Costa County, California
P.O. Box 2336, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
An information group providing the community with information on the operation of Buchanan Field airport from the perspective of the community.
Last Updated
September 10, 2001
Send us an e-mail request at to receive notices of upcoming airport meetings by e-mail.  Notices are distributed by blind copy so that your e-mail identity is not disclosed to others.
We have set up an E-MAIL alert list to notify people interested in the land use update plan of important meetings.  If you would like to be added to that list, send us an E-MAIL request to the address below, along with your e-mail address and an indication that you want to join the e-mail MEETING ALERT LIST.

We have also set up a separate e-mail list which distributes newspaper articles which are relevant to the proposed master plan for Buchanan and the possible start of scheduled air carrier service at Buchanan Field.  This list averages about two e-mails per week.  The articles are usually prefaced by our comments as to how the article is relevant to Buchanan Field.  If you want to join this list as well, indicate that you also want to be on the POP NOISE AND NEWS LIST. 

As some of you might know, Yahoo recently bought Geocities, and the domain for our mail delivery has been changed around a number of times during the merger.  Unfortunately, the fast pace of internet development does not allow for stability.  So if the above address does not work for you (and we appologize!), please use the following substitute e-mail address: 

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