Winter Mission
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2004 Winter Mission Information



Winter Coordinator:

Richard Freeman

11055, CO. 97

Abbeville, AL 36310

Telephone: (334)687-3040


Dear Winter 2004 team

Hola Mi Amigos

I had to move the 2004 winter dates to January 16th through January 25th. This will be a Delta flight out of Pensacola . Continental no longer has the early morning flight on Saturday (only an afternoon flight that can not handle a large group). So we will have to go back to flying out on Friday and spending the night in Guatemala City . The Delta flight departs Pensacola at 12:35 pm arrives ATL 2:43pm and departs ATL at 5:50pm arriving Guatemala City at 8:25pm . On the return we will depart Guatemala City on January 25th at 9:40am arriving ATL at 2:00pm departing ATL 4:00pm and arriving in Pensacola at 4:13pm . The cost is about the same as last year about $650 which includes: air fare, first and last two night’s hotel and your team shirt.

 I will need to send in a deposit by October 18th. So please let me know your intentions as soon as possible and send me a deposit for $100. 

 The mission sites and itinerary are about the same as last year. We will depart Saturday morning from Guatemala City having lunch along the way and arriving in Mariscos early afternoon we will pack our medicines and prepare for the mission for the next day. Sunday we will have a service at the camp and start clinics after lunch. Tuesday and Wednesday clinics in and around Mariscos. Wednesday we will break camp and move the team to Guatemala for Thursday and Friday clinics in and around the surrounding areas of Guatemala . Friday afternoon around 5:00pm we will depart for Antigua arriving around at 9:00pm  where we will have a rest day on Saturday before departing for home on Sunday. Any one recruiting new team members please help fill in any of the gaps in this itinerary and I will be glad to answer any questions. I will send more information later. Please make the check to St. James and mail to me.

Love Richard

Richard Freeman

1155C.R. 97

Abbeville Al. 36310

(334) 687-3040

2003 Winter Mission Report