heheh nice page
Hai Minh Nguyen - 03/20/99 17:03:37 My Degree: Bsc(hon)in Computing Year of Graduation: 2001 University: South Bank University Country: United Kingdom | Comments: Try to keep up the good work. It is a promising beginning. |
VAN HANH VU - 12/11/98 14:39:52 My Email:VUVHA@HOTMAIL.COM Degree: ACCA Year of Graduation: 1998 University: EMILEWOLF COLLEGE Country: THE UK | Comments: THINGS ARE ONLY GETTING BETTER WITH HSVVN. |
Ninh Ngoc Tran - 12/08/98 13:32:13 My URL: My Degree: Computer Engineering Year of Graduation: 1998 University: QMW Country: UK | Comments: Wonderful, I am overjoyed to see such a fantastic , artistic Web Page |
tkledinh - 12/08/98 10:33:48 My Degree: BSc Maths & Computing Year of Graduation: 2000 University: qmw | Comments: It's a good start. |
Myco - 11/23/98 14:33:48 My URL: My Degree: Psychology Year of Graduation: 1997 University: Roehampton Institute Country: UK | Comments: Congratulations on getting us on the Net Mr Huynh Thien Anh Phong!! :) |
Mr: Phong Huynh AMIEE - 11/19/98 23:13:50 My URL:/CollegePark/Center/6278/index.html My Degree: BEng(Hons) Electronic Engineering Year of Graduation: July. 1998 University: University of Warwick Country: England | Comments: Everything I do hopefully it's good for HSVVN. |