Word Of The Yesterday!!!

This is where I am going to store all my words of the day after the day is over.* What an idea.

Word of the Day!

My word of the day from April 8, 2000 to May 27 2003 was embouchure. Not too long ago I was having a discussion with someone about what a funny word embouchure is. Sorry someone, I don't remember who you are, though if you would remind me, I will gladly correct this. Embouchure is the way a wind musician holds the horn to the mouth. My embouchure is low and to the left. But, someday, I will have beautiful embouchure.
(6-16-00) Hey all! The conversation was with Levi... now that that has been ammended, I am sure a new word and quote will be coming along any day now!

My word of the day from Jan 27 to April 7 was fuchi. It is not the first word in word of the day to be inspired by Louise, but it is definately one of them. It's Spanish. Fuchi means icky. Fuchi mama.

My word of the day from September 21, 1999 to January 26, 2000 was meniscus. Meniscus is the concave or convex surface on water, (when it bubbles up or has an edge higher or lower then the middle.) I got this word from Stacy's story about a girl in her chemistry class asked If polarized ions always make meniscus. The answer=yes.

My word of the day from September 17-21 performancer. It was a word created by my suitemate Laurie. Although, there is the chance it was created before, I don't think it is a real word. Someone who performs in a performance is a performancer.

My word of the day from September 10-17 was ruckus. Ruckus is commotion. On my roommate agreement form, me and the other Sarah made a rule against causing a ruckus late into the night. I love the word ruckus. It also reminds me of Louise Hanavan, who is always causing a ruckus. Oh what ruckusity goodness.

My word of the day from June 22 to September 10 was "logorrhea". It is a terrible horrible affliction which I myself seem to suffer from. It means, excessive talking. Or excessive verbosity. And because I don't want to suffer from excessive talking when the definition is excessive talking, I will now stop my own logorrhea.

My word of the day from April 29 to June 22 was "uniquities". I think perhaps this is not a real word and that I made it up. All a uniquity is is something that makes you unique to you. It is your little quirks, whether positive or negative. Our little uniquities are what make us all human and what make us unique. Uniquities make it so that no matter what, noone can be a better you then yourself.

My word of the day from April 13 through the 29th was "determination". Determination is wanting something and sticking with it until you get it. This word comes curtesy of Chris who is in my Oral presentation class and is sitting right next to me in the computer lab. Hello to Chris. (He got a hair cut.) If you possess determination you will stand by what you believe in and and will achieve your goals. I have faith in Chris, he seems like quite the determined fellow.

My word of the day from March 29 to April 13 was "taurine". Taurine has two definitions. Firstly, it something of or relating to a bull. Secondly it is a colorless crystalline compound (it's equation is C26H45NO7S, in case anyone cares.) It is a compound found in the muscles of some animals, especially invertabrates. It was so named taurine because it was originally discovered in ox bile. Pleasant, no?

My word of the day from the19th -28th of March "sternutation". Sternutation is the act, fact, or noise of sneezing. Please pass the kleenex, I feel as though I might sternutare.

My word of the day for March 16-19 was a foreign word, Spanish actually. My word was "banana". In English it means: banana. Any questions?

My word of the day from March 5 through March 16 was "pettifogger". Pettifogger is a person (especially lawyers) with underhanded methods. One who takes every petty little thing and makes a federal case of it. Someone who quibbles over trifle details. I think that it is a rather good word and plan to use it often in the future. I will say "You dirty pettifogger!!!" I got this word through Sojurner Truth who used it in her "keeping the Thing Going while Things are Stirring" Speech. Everyone should read her speeches, outloud is best (after all they are SPEECHES), they are eloquent and well spoken.

My word of the day from Feb. 24 through March 5 was"onomatopoeia." This is a zippy bouncy word that means words that sound like what they are. Think batman. Zap!! Pow!!! Other words that fit this are: zip, pop, boing, orgle, flash, and of course onomatopoeia.

My word of the day from Feb. 19 through Feb. 23 was "depression." This word is a type of extreme sadness, and a psychological disorder characterized by extreme sadness, often to the point where the person who is experiencing the depression is unable to function on some or all levels. Another characteristic of psychological depression is that those who suffer often have little or no reason to be depressed. I picked this word as my word of the day today because I am feeling rather depressed myself, and I have not a reason to feel such grand sadness. I am, however, very sad.

My word of the day from Feburary 9-Feburary 18 was "pretentious." This word comes courtesy of Levi, or as Jane calls him, the Levine. Some of you might think Levi is a dick, but no, no, he is just pretentious.

My word of the day from January 16 to Feburary 9, (oh my, I did get behind didn't I) was "repetition." It is when something is repeated over and over and over and over. Yup yup yup. In other words repetition is when something repeats. It is when you have the same thing said more then once. Repetition is when someone says something over and over. So don't forget that repition is when something is the same more then once. And remember that when you repeat you have repetition. Yup, yup, yup.

My word of the day from January 3 to January 15 was My word of the day is "orgle." It is the mating call of a male llama. Louise has been telling me for days to make this the word of the day and now I have. I don't think I have ever heard an orgle. I therefore have no idea what it actually sounds like. However I believe that it would be something similar to a goat getting the wind knocked out of it. Yes, indeed.

My word of the day from December 22 to January 3 from which time I was cut off from the computer was "chortle." It is a kind of laugh. I was talking on the computer yesterday to Ryan Hebert and told him he makes me chuckle. He then responded with various forms laughing, including chortle, chortle made me chortle and the hilarity ensued.

My word of the day for December 21 and 22 was "parsimonious." It means stingy.
With the upcomingness of the holidays I thought that now would be a good time to tell everyone to not be parsimonious; this season is for unparsimonious people, after all. So if you are parsimonious during this season, and I find out that you are parsimonious, than look out because I will not be parsimonious when it comes to whacking you with my unparsimoniously sized frying pan.

My word of the day from December 14-20 was "thereof". It is an excellent word, and as I was just reminded by Seany Cauffiel, it adds quite excellently to the bs that is a high school essay.

More than the words of a work succumbed to superstardom as so many Shakespearen plays, imagery plays an an important role in conveying to an audience the underlying motives of primary characters and the theme behind the the words and actions thereof.

*Sometimes a day is really a week, or even a month. Just deal with it. You try to think of your own word of the day each day, something to say about it and then remember it all when you finally get to the computer. It is not as easy as one would think.

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