Man, oh man.
Well, Laurie and I were sitting in cat trax eating lunch when we started discussing criteria of guys we want to date. We started making a list in our heads, but it got so long that Laurie bought a pen and we continued the list on a napkin. It's a short list, we aren't picky.
And, we realize that no guy is perfect, you don't have to fall into every catagory to still be a dreamboat.
Some of these are traits that we both find important, others are things particular to one or the other of us. If it is a me thing it will have an "S" after it. If it is a Laurie thing it will have an "L". (That's easy enough isn't it?)
Well, here is the list, to be updated periodically.
- Dark hair. I have just had way too many "blonde freshman troubles" and Laurie generally prefers it that way.
- Nose. (S) I like big noses, I don't know why, I think a nose should be well defined maybe not a huge honker, but, nice.
- Accent, or can "do" accents. (L)
- No accent.(S)Well, no. Accents are fine,I just need to be able to understand the fellow.
- Nice.
- Musician, but not to serious. (S) I was recalling past romances and I believe all but one played an instrument of some sort. However, serious musicians tend to be jerks or dorks or both.
- Funny.
- Glasses. (S) A well defined nose just looks nice with some well defined glasses.
- Gifter. A guy who gives gifts. Not necessarily new cars or anything, (though that isn't bad or anything) just little things.
- Non-brown eyes. (L) It's not that she doesn't like brown, she just prefers green or blue, "brown with depth" she adds.
- Non-stickley (S) I want a guy who is wider then me. I would like to be the thinner half. No sticks.
- Taller than 5'10"(S), or 5'6" (L)shorter than 6'4".
- Non-smoker, social drinker. Well, it looks good in personal ads.
- Can move one eyebrow. (L) She's just got a thing with it.
- Flexible. (S) Laurie claims that one is me, I think I meant it in a non-physical way. Emotional mental sort of thing.
- Hot. That is in a physical way.
- Good hair. Not a lot of spray and stuff. Being able to run the fingers through is a good thing.
- Bathe daily That really should not need an explanation.
- Not on the computer more then me. I am about the limit.
- Give good hugs. I miss good hugs.
- Built. (L) Likes them muscular, not grossly so though.
- Be able to Protect. We need someone who will make us feel safe. It is a necessity.
- Likes kids. Wants a lot. Laurie wants a bakers dozen, me, well not quite that many.
- Accepts family Our families are insane, you must love them anyway.
- Must have a personality. Not a corpse, not a total follower.
- Not a Fitch Bitch; not preppy. That kind of goes along with the personality.
- Hair no longer then mine. (L) Her hair is pretty long. Halfway down her back. I don't care if a guys hair is longer then mine just so long as he maintains it.
- Good butt. Has to look good in jeans, if it looks good in a marching band uniform and I am marching behind, all the better.
- No French guys.
- Dress well, casually conscience of it. If you can't let me tell you how.
- Masculine name. (S) They shouldn't end with an "ee" sound. Like Danny, or Sammy, or Timmy. How old are you? (L) Doesn't like Kelsey, or Leslie for a guy, she thinks of girls.
- Good last name. (L) If she is going to take it, it's gotta be good. (S) Like noses, I like names with character. After all I have grown up "Teutsch".
- Enjoy good food. (S)If you can't appreciate good food, you can't appreciate anything.
- Willing to pay. Not that you always have to. Just to be willing is enough.
- Promising future. Or trust fund.
- Good communication skills. I find it frustrating when guys don't talk.
- Protective. Not weirdly, psychotically jealous, but enough to know they care.
- Wrinkley forehead. (S) Not old man wrinkley but just when he raises his eyebrows, it makes him look like he thinks a lot.
- No more then two tasteful tattoos. (L) Or less.
- Earrings are okay, but no body piercing. (L)
- A cute scowl or pout. (L) Like Seth Green.
- A nice belly. (S) Little and round and nice and smooshy. Or a six pack. But it had better be a good six pack. That is why little, round, nice and smooshy is better. Easier to maintain.
- Handy No not like that you sick people. We mean that our men had better be able to fix little household atrocities.
- Open doors and pull out chairs. Be gentlemenly.
- No butt-chins.
- Hand massager. Massager in general. But, hands are cool.
- Likes to travel. (L)
- Does the taxes. (L) Hire an accountant. (S)
- Polite.
- Hand holder. It's just happy.
- Cuddley cuddler. We want spooning.
- Age. Must be legal to well... umm. oh around 25 probably would be the maximum.
- Good Hands. Not feminine looking. Strong, big - not huge, manly.
- Not too big of a head. Literally. If we are to have your children, your head cannot be too big because, well, it could be genetic...
- Up Front(S)Not being up front and open just leads to so much confusion and mistrust.
- Long eyelashes Pretty.
- Straight We are two girls and we are looking for boys, it's just kind of a given.
Well, that's about it for now.
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Updated November 2, 2000