Man, oh man.

You may be the Lucky Winner.

Well, Laurie and I were sitting in cat trax eating lunch when we started discussing criteria of guys we want to date. We started making a list in our heads, but it got so long that Laurie bought a pen and we continued the list on a napkin. It's a short list, we aren't picky.

And, we realize that no guy is perfect, you don't have to fall into every catagory to still be a dreamboat.

Some of these are traits that we both find important, others are things particular to one or the other of us. If it is a me thing it will have an "S" after it. If it is a Laurie thing it will have an "L". (That's easy enough isn't it?)

Well, here is the list, to be updated periodically.

  1. Dark hair. I have just had way too many "blonde freshman troubles" and Laurie generally prefers it that way.
  2. Nose. (S) I like big noses, I don't know why, I think a nose should be well defined maybe not a huge honker, but, nice.
  3. Accent, or can "do" accents. (L)
  4. No accent.(S)Well, no. Accents are fine,I just need to be able to understand the fellow.
  5. Nice.
  6. Musician, but not to serious. (S) I was recalling past romances and I believe all but one played an instrument of some sort. However, serious musicians tend to be jerks or dorks or both.
  7. Funny.
  8. Glasses. (S) A well defined nose just looks nice with some well defined glasses.
  9. Gifter. A guy who gives gifts. Not necessarily new cars or anything, (though that isn't bad or anything) just little things.
  10. Non-brown eyes. (L) It's not that she doesn't like brown, she just prefers green or blue, "brown with depth" she adds.
  11. Non-stickley (S) I want a guy who is wider then me. I would like to be the thinner half. No sticks.
  12. Taller than 5'10"(S), or 5'6" (L)shorter than 6'4".
  13. Non-smoker, social drinker. Well, it looks good in personal ads.
  14. Can move one eyebrow. (L) She's just got a thing with it.
  15. Flexible. (S) Laurie claims that one is me, I think I meant it in a non-physical way. Emotional mental sort of thing.
  16. Hot. That is in a physical way.
  17. Good hair. Not a lot of spray and stuff. Being able to run the fingers through is a good thing.
  18. Bathe daily That really should not need an explanation.
  19. Not on the computer more then me. I am about the limit.
  20. Give good hugs. I miss good hugs.
  21. Built. (L) Likes them muscular, not grossly so though.
  22. Be able to Protect. We need someone who will make us feel safe. It is a necessity.
  23. Likes kids. Wants a lot. Laurie wants a bakers dozen, me, well not quite that many.
  24. Accepts family Our families are insane, you must love them anyway.
  25. Must have a personality. Not a corpse, not a total follower.
  26. Not a Fitch Bitch; not preppy. That kind of goes along with the personality.
  27. Hair no longer then mine. (L) Her hair is pretty long. Halfway down her back. I don't care if a guys hair is longer then mine just so long as he maintains it.
  28. Good butt. Has to look good in jeans, if it looks good in a marching band uniform and I am marching behind, all the better.
  29. No French guys.
  30. Dress well, casually conscience of it. If you can't let me tell you how.
  31. Masculine name. (S) They shouldn't end with an "ee" sound. Like Danny, or Sammy, or Timmy. How old are you? (L) Doesn't like Kelsey, or Leslie for a guy, she thinks of girls.
  32. Good last name. (L) If she is going to take it, it's gotta be good. (S) Like noses, I like names with character. After all I have grown up "Teutsch".
  33. Enjoy good food. (S)If you can't appreciate good food, you can't appreciate anything.
  34. Willing to pay. Not that you always have to. Just to be willing is enough.
  35. Promising future. Or trust fund.
  36. Good communication skills. I find it frustrating when guys don't talk.
  37. Protective. Not weirdly, psychotically jealous, but enough to know they care.
  38. Wrinkley forehead. (S) Not old man wrinkley but just when he raises his eyebrows, it makes him look like he thinks a lot.
  39. No more then two tasteful tattoos. (L) Or less.
  40. Earrings are okay, but no body piercing. (L)
  41. A cute scowl or pout. (L) Like Seth Green.
  42. A nice belly. (S) Little and round and nice and smooshy. Or a six pack. But it had better be a good six pack. That is why little, round, nice and smooshy is better. Easier to maintain.
  43. Handy No not like that you sick people. We mean that our men had better be able to fix little household atrocities.
  44. Open doors and pull out chairs. Be gentlemenly.
  45. No butt-chins.
  46. Hand massager. Massager in general. But, hands are cool.
  47. Likes to travel. (L)
  48. Does the taxes. (L) Hire an accountant. (S)
  49. Polite.
  50. Hand holder. It's just happy.
  51. Cuddley cuddler. We want spooning.
  52. Age. Must be legal to well... umm. oh around 25 probably would be the maximum.
  53. Good Hands. Not feminine looking. Strong, big - not huge, manly.
  54. Not too big of a head. Literally. If we are to have your children, your head cannot be too big because, well, it could be genetic...
  55. Up Front(S)Not being up front and open just leads to so much confusion and mistrust.
  56. Long eyelashes Pretty.
  57. Straight We are two girls and we are looking for boys, it's just kind of a given.
Well, that's about it for now.

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Updated November 2, 2000