I decided to make a list of things that make me happy. I like lists and I like being happy. I am combining the 2. Isn't that happy? I am so happy about this list of things that make me happy.
My pet goldfish, Herb.
The color yellow. It's my favorite.
Playing my horn.
Spending time with people.
Walking around barefoot on grass.
Good music.
This may seem contradictory to the statement above, but Ricky Martin. His songs aren't all that good, he's not that great a singer, and I don't think he's fantastic looking. He's on tv right now though, and it's making me laugh. It's something special to be able to tell people to "shake their bonbons" and have them do it.
Cat trax. Yeah, it really does. How sick is that.
Converse shoes.
People who are what they really are. They aren't fake at all. I am impressed by that. There are so few people who actually manage it. I don't have enough life experience to be able to pull it off for myself yet.
Classes. I like going to them.
Unflaunted intelligence.
Good books.
Phone books.
People with unusual names.
Northern Michigan University.
Actually the whole upper pennisula.
The little accent that comes with being a yooper. "Say ya to da UP, eh?"
Local Music.
Live performances. Yes, that is an all encompassing term.
Little bellies.
People playing songs on their bellies!
The answering machine messege I have right now. (A long silence and then I just go "Bwah" Hahahahaha.)
My really comfy sweatshirt.
Blue skies with fluffy clouds.
Warmth from the sun. (Don't forget sunscreen or you'll get a cyst.)
The cysts that are really sist's... Mary and Kristin.
Chicken fingers.
Wearing stripes and plaids and flowers.
Singing in Bronson Park and getting applause.
My tiny little microwave.
Taking pictures, and then when you get them back all developed remembering how much fun you were having when you took them.
Swimming off of Jane's dock.
Good Movies.
Meijer Cherry Cola.
Real lemonade.
Rain drops on Roses.
Whiskers on kittens.
Bright copper Kettles.
Warm woolen Mittens.
Brown papaer packages Tied up with string.
Working hard to achieve a goal.
Having my hair played with.
A good joke.
This summer, when we did warmups for the show and I would make people do dumb things, like inside outsides, and stirring the pudding, and when I would say, "pick your leg up over your head" and people would do it. Why did they do it? I don't know, but it makes me happy.
Games that have soup, and then you get in the soup, and you aren't done playing, so then you get in the soup soup.