Puppies - 12/05/00 06:11:23
Sarrah! i am not here to get the last word in.
i am here to say that i enjoy tool.
this is the last stop. hahahahaha lunaful all over the place. goodnight.
Becky - 11/08/00 01:53:30
My Email:rwebber@nmu.edu
Hi Sarrah!!! Your ducky webpage is really cool!
Ruth Ruth the Telephone Booth - 11/08/00 01:22:32
My Email:fuffie482@aol.com
hehehehe.....hehehehehehehehe.....hahahahahaha......hohohohoho.....the roommate left...
Melissa! - 10/28/00 05:33:36
this song is so great that you have to know it. "a friend is good to have but a lover's kiss is better than angels raining down on me..." i really love dave. and this song is going to be on the new album. Oh, by the way, i got a big chicken in the mail to
ay, and people yell at me at night when i am getting into my pjs. how strange this week has been. that is all.
Mary - 10/21/00 16:50:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/orchidstorm
My Email:opheilia7@hotmail.com
tangerine speedo. - 10/16/00 05:37:53
you were right. this song is addictive!
Sarrah - 09/22/00 14:53:33
My URL:/sarraht
My Email:duckduck1@quackquack.com
When one goes to one's own page as a visitor, one should sign one's own guestbook, shouldn't one? Well, I just read my entire page... sans past peas, rereading all of that takes a few days... so now I am signing my guestbook. I have made a really big pa
e of nothing. How fun.
Amanda McFarlin - 09/22/00 03:35:49
My Email:amcfarlin@southampton.liu.edu
Hey girlie! How's it going? Just wanted to say that I love you so much and miss you tons! Hope you're having a great school year... french horns rule!!!!
sticky d - 09/08/00 04:19:13
My Email:you know it.
i have a sticky d on my little majigger. that's because i am eating goober grape on kavli. this is me by the way. i know you know it's me. who else could i be? so yes. i have a sticky d. kavli is this crispbread that is fat free. i was forced to eat this
hit at a young age, so i wouldn't gain weight. but yes, i think i like it. i forced myself into liking it back then. it's a writing night. i just want to write and write and write. so that's what i am going to do. i'm going to sit in the candles and write
about my mom. i miss her. YOU ROCK!
cavegirl - 09/03/00 04:11:09
My Email:mjsoumis@hotmail.com
sarrah, i'm going mad! it's the one year anniversary of when i took off to ann arbor in pursuit of my man! well, it wasn't that dramatic, it was just IMPULSIVE OF ME! i thought i had something intelligent to say. huh. why can't i just have one of those mo
ie moments? where tchaikovsky's romeo and juliet overture plays and i lock eyes with the one? i'm a big dork! D-O-R-K dork. can you spell that? huh.
melissa, who likes yellow raspberries - 09/03/00 04:04:36
sarrah, i am so bored. i am craving yellow raspberries. they are really delish. these old people, the mattila's, always give us a pint of them every summer. and then dad says they are only for him, (they're supposed to be) and we just guzzle them up becau
e they are so rare and good! the demand for yellow raspberries in my house is high! and the supply is scarce. do i need to show you a graph? i don't think so. i am wearing new pajama pants! isn't that wonderful? they are pink! and they have cute dogs on t
em. i really need a new pair of jeans, and i can't find any! and i certainly can't afford to drive the 4 hours to get a good pair of jeans, so i think i am just going to give up and get weird pants from now on. you know what? i would like a new boyfriend!
and so would you. i think we need to find some. yes yes yes we do we've got spirit how about you? my that burst of high schoolishness just popped out of me. gotta love cheerleaders. well, i am going insane. let me retreat into my cave.
Melissa! - 08/15/00 03:18:40
My Email:mjsoumis@hotmail.com
SARRAH! it is i! you know, my eyelids are strange. i feel like i have a lazy eye, which is rather ridiculous because i know that i don't! hours of driving goo stuck under my eyelids. sigh. i miss you and will see you sooooon.
stacy - 06/30/00 02:54:43
My Email:schecoli@nmu.edu
Hey Sarrah, just writing to say Happy Birthday. Have a good Fourth and a great Birthday, Stacy
Clara - 06/26/00 15:05:45
My Email:Claraabtos@hotmail.com
Your web page is really cool.
You are awesome, I'm sorry we don't see each other
so much. I like the duck!!! is cute!
my name is levi. - 06/14/00 07:07:29
My URL:http://x
My Email:fixture@thehideaways.com
i have not signed this, or any other yearbook, in well over a year. it is high time i did so! i am still not cute or smart or funny or modest or any of those other good things, but tacos are still pretty good.
i'm still not funny, either.
Louise again, just to edit - 05/03/00 02:08:39
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/luge
My Email:kangalou@hotmail.com
are=our. I feel confused today.
Please tack on
"orgiven." to the end of my last little paragraph.
I wrote too much and wasn't allowed to finis
Louise - 05/03/00 02:00:20
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/luge
My Email:kangalou@hotmail.com
Hello, this is Louise. I am signing because you
asked in your story. Is this a suggestion box? I
think it can serve that purpose. I think that you
ought to write your peas later in the day in order
to include the people you encounter later in the
day. Mine is inclusive of you because I wrote
it after I saw you. Always good to be inclusive,
I say. Well, since you didn't say it, I will tell
the extra portion of today that I know: you
found Clara, Emily, and me putting are arms up on
the sidewalk and drove us to the sound of music.
We yelled for Mrs. Cutler at Meijer. You fell
down before the yelling, but after the finding. I
did not fall down and haven't fallen down all day.
You ate Luigi's Italian Lemon ice and lost twenty
dollars that didn't even belong to you. You feel
terrible, but are f
Ryan Hernalsteen - 04/08/00 20:00:38
My Email:rhernals@nmu.edu
Bye bye
Turtle (you know Jason) - 04/03/00 04:38:31
My Email:jadionne@nmu.edu
HEy here are my other email addresses: jdturtle2@aol.com, Nmuturtle@yahoo.com, and Jdturtle2@collegeclub.com, and jdturtle2@drumming.com
Turtle - 04/03/00 04:36:13
My Email:jadionne@nmu.edu
Cool site sarrah. I think I am going to make a site. I have been saying that for a while and I keeo putting it off. One day I will eventually get around to it. Maybe sometime this week. Hopefully. We go on tour tomorrow. I don't want to go. see ya
Ducky - 03/25/00 03:06:41
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/theplacewheregirlsrule
My Email:DuckyWaddle@go.com
just to get this straight first: duckywaddle@go.com is not set up yet. so don't email me ;) anyway, i have a ducky collection on my dresser. I LOVE DUCKIES!!! i just got a rubber ducky today ;)
Hello, this is Louise. - 02/27/00 07:28:16
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/luge
My Email:kangalou@hotmail.com
Fuchi is the word of the day today! I'm pleased.
Happy fuchi day,
Happy fuchi day,
Happy fuchi day,
toooooo yooooooou.
toooooo yooooooou
Noodleynoodles - 02/21/00 01:37:24
My Email:grrlofthewoods@excite.com
Hello, just signing your guestbook again. It had been a while since I visited so I thought I would drop in for a moment. That's all. Good-bye.
Francesco - 02/05/00 18:24:14
My URL:http://space.tin.it/io/hydbe/Index.html
Hello, my name is Francesco, I am from Italy. Congratulations for your nice website. I am wondering why you didn't really put the photo of your toenails. I like female feet with painted toenails and I'd really like to see a photo of you barefoot!
Mary and Mom - 02/04/00 02:49:09
My Email:opheilia7@hotmail.com,bteuts13@hotmail.com
Mom and I are in the house. I am on the computer. Dad is in the garage. He is probably working on his truck. I hope we have a snow day tomorrow, it is really snowing out.
Lisa Van Hee - 02/01/00 18:21:49
My Email:lvanhee@nmu.edu
Hello that is all I have to say
Brian Teutsch - 02/01/00 07:42:45
My URL:http://www.cs.nwu.edu/~brian/
My Email:b-teutsch@nwu.edu
I'm really sorry. I accidentally hit return, and
it sent this signiture. You keep up your web page,
I'll keep up mine. Talk to you later.
Brian - 02/01/00 07:39:50
Brian the Gay Boy - 12/30/99 05:09:25
My URL:http://******.com
My Email:gayboy@analsex.com
your web page is funny, he he.
Joseph Prisco - 12/30/99 04:37:55
My URL:http://www.lightlink.com/jprisco
My Email:jprisco@lightlink.com
Are all chycks named Sarrah wonderful loonies? I'm beginning to think that's the case....
(And I spell chyck with a y because I'm all liberated and stuff.)
Laurie Pierce - 12/04/99 07:16:59
My Email:lpierce
hello sarrah. I took a little looksie at our guy list and did a little test to see how john did and unfortunately he did rather well - not good for someone who you really don't want to like :) He got 35 yeses, 11 I wasn't sure about and 5 N/A--not bad e
PS. interesting toenail story...
Craig - 11/09/99 05:17:07
My URL:http://www.g-web.net/camp7032
My Email:orclord2480@cs.com
well I came and I saw and I had fun. You made me laugh and I thought it was great. Good idea shame about the duck though.
Jane - 11/03/99 20:36:30
My Email:Raisinany1@hotmail.com
Well well well, here I am at Sarrahs page, which I frequent so frequently. It is all that is good in a web page. My favorite part is Peas. And the "Ideal Man" list, because I deserve some credit as well. Here Sarrah, I singed your guestbook now...do I get
a cookie?
Sarrah the duck - 10/26/99 23:50:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sarraht
My Email:duckduck1@quackquack.com
Sometimes my boredom knows no bounds. On those occasions, I sign my own guestbook.
Sarah - 10/05/99 03:38:41
My Email:snoggle@nmu.edu
yup, i like it!!! so how is your day going? it is pretty cold up here... i need some sleep
Gostomski - 09/18/99 08:18:13
My Email:X96gostomski@wmich.edu
Hello sarah good to see everything looks like it is normal as always. Just thought I would stop by and say hello. So hello
Laurie Pierce - 09/10/99 02:31:17
My Email:lpierce@nmu.edu
absolutely wonderful Sarrah, I am proud of you...I had the whole page, after I had most of the halls
Ducky little Sarrah - 08/07/99 14:57:56
My URL:http://you have found it, but it may soon be changing
My Email:duckduck1@quackquack.com
Hey anyone who might see this...
Geocities sucks, they have reformatted, and I can no longer edit my page. sucky old geocities. so this is the only way I can leave anything at all. I am rather upset at this. I will let everybody know what becomes of me as soon as possible. and those
f you who are going to get a page at geocities, well don't.
amy's bill - 05/23/99 02:46:09
My URL:http://mopedarmy.com
My Email:bill@mopedarmy.com
have you ever heard...
Macho Macho duck (donald ducks version)
I memorized the first verse
and I painted a rubber ducky to be a grateful dead duck, his name was Iko Iko. but he didn't win the race.
that is my entire duck history.
Amy - 05/20/99 18:20:41
My Email:Shmamy680@aol.com
This is a very ducky page, quite fit for someone whose camp name will be "Ducky"
Martin Battaliou - 04/28/99 18:26:27
My Url:Dumb Porn
My Email:battaliou@usa.net
heheh nice page but mine better hehhe
Gostomski - 04/21/99 22:31:45
My URL:http://I will not tell you
My Email:x96gostomski@wmich.edu
Hello Sarah Thought I would stop bye and say hello and I still will not reveal my web page sorry. Anyway I have to run so I will talk to you later
Matt the "Duck Guy" - 04/17/99 00:11:24
My Email:mlrdr@mta.ca
Hello there! I've looked over your page and I must say i'm quite impressed at the amount of work you've put into it!(and how dedicated you are to the world of ducks.)By the way, I did get smashingly drunk the other night. I just got back from a walk at th
waterfowl park: Sackville is quite the amazing town in terms of its duck population. Do you want to talk ducks? However, I must tell you that I am not as crazy about ducks as you seem to be. Regardless we can talk. Write me.
Emperor Palpatine - 04/14/99 02:28:39
My URL:http://starwars.com
My Email:jedi_are_gay@rachelle_is_still_a_slut.com
I could destroy you petty fools with a thought.
This where my guestbook took an interesting turn... and went from guestbook to conversation. Indeed.
Sam - 04/13/99 23:57:51
My Email:scfrsr@mta.ca
Hey guys, it's Sam again. Good to see you here, Johnathan. You've got to improve your spelling skills, however. Get those papers done? Hey Rachelle, I'll be down to watch TV in a bit. I want to watch Futurama.
Wolfgang - 04/13/99 03:04:41
My Email:rachelle@brothel.com
Hi Johnathan!
Johnathan - 04/12/99 21:39:28
My Email:jlmnr@mta.ca
Gosh, what an incredible coincidence: I am also from the same lovely little town as the previous three signees [well, actually, Wolfgang told me about this site, so coincidence factor= 0] All that has been said is true, PLUS our ducky friend has recently
een sighted gazing longingly in the direction of the Waterfowl Park. He may be getting ready to migrate, so ladies: act fast.
Uh... *grasps at staw* I made a duck mask for a production of Peter and the Wolf!
Did I do good?
Wolfgang - 04/11/99 22:24:05
My Email:rachelle@brothel.com
The last person who signed your guestbook is not exactly a beacon of virtue (read: she likes the sex). I tell you this as a public service only (we all have to help combat VD), not to ruffle any feathers (duck reference #1). Now then, on to the matter at
and: the duck-lover to whom the last two postings refer is most assuredly real! In fact, I know him and can attest to his duck fetish. Perhaps fetish is the wrong word. Oh my, well this entry has certainly taken on an ugly tone.
Rachelle - 04/11/99 21:56:16
My Email:reggn@mta.ca
I enjoyed your page. I think that you would really like my little university town, which is Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada and is home of the Atlantic Waterfowl Park. This town is FULL of ducks!! I have a friend that loves ducks.. ..you would probabl
like him. He is a swell guy that has voiced in job interviews that he would like to BE a duck! He's single!
Sam Fraser - 04/11/99 21:55:16
My Email:scfrsr@mta.ca
I'm very jealous of your new email address. As you can see from above, mine is somewhat lacking. My roommate is also fond of ducks, but he doesn't know why.
Sean - 04/09/99 00:47:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/seansdystopia
My Email:crimanimal@aol.com
In light of the comments in earlier signings....ones from months ago...I would just like to acknowledge the fact that I am, as I'm sure most here have realized, that I'm a dumbass.
On another note, this site is very amusing. I like it lots. And to follow the trend of adding new and never-before-used suffixes to the word "duck" I will now claim that this site has "completey duckified me, man. It's duckerspeldictacular!!!"
Once again, Louise. - 03/26/99 05:15:30
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/luge
My Email:kangalou@hotmail.com
Do you know that that was my very first signing of your guestbook? I have visited it several times, but I don't know what has kept me from signing. Maybe I just wasn't inspired. But now I have signed it. Twice. That is all.
Hello this is Louise. - 03/26/99 05:12:25
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/luge
My Email:kangalou@hotmail.com
Hello again Sarrah. I just stopped by your guestbook again to commend you on your peas. It is "the most enjoyable tidbit since the word of the day!"-Louise. Thank you for punching up my hashbrown this morning. You are the best Sarrah ever!
Bob Dole - 01/26/99 10:44:43
My URL:Dole's Super-rad Cyberworld
My Email:dole@dole.com
Levi? - 01/25/99 09:11:28
My URL:http://kimagure.anime-manga.net
My Email:kasuga@kalamazoo.net
I'm not very funny or smart or cute or exciting or modest or humble or suave, but tacos taste good.
Bon Bon - 01/12/99 22:59:27
My URL:uh uh, nope nope
My Email:mungogerri@yahoo.com
hiya sarrah. what a cool little ducky duck duck page. ya know what? it just so happens i have the share the same passion (psst! it's obsession!) that you do about an animal except mine's cowsies ;op yup yup. so my page will be a cowsie cow cow page! bu
bye sarrah, i like your ducky page
Sean - 12/15/98 17:38:51
My Email:noemail
Yo, yo,yo...thereof
Paul - 12/09/98 22:04:28
My Email:paul@paul.com
Hello, my name is Paul. Sometimes people like to call me Paul. Today I was walking down the street and someone said "hey Paul," and I said "hey." That's all from Paul. Bye.
Mary T. a.k.a. (Pooh-head) - 12/03/98 22:44:04
My Email:www.Opheilia7.com
I just have to make one comment about the pooh-head says section of this page. That last thing about responding "I'm telling" when being called a tattletale only happened once and when I was quite young. Therefore that would not actually be my response. O
ay, now that we got that all cleared up, I'm done.
Sean - 11/29/98 20:45:23
My Email:noemail
My favorite duck is Donald Duck, cause he's a bitch.
Sean - 11/25/98 00:22:47
Bitchin site
Mug - 11/23/98 23:04:21
My URL:http://yeahiwish.mug
My Email:mug@angelfire.com
Absolutely splendiferous! I never realized ducks were such marvelous creatures!
Ryan Boy - 11/23/98 20:35:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/museum/4513
My Email:cleantus@aol.com
La La La. Good Good.
Mary Pascoe - 11/23/98 02:39:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/garden/7832
My Email:mareberry@yahoo.com
Wow!! Everything is just ducky! I love your site! :) I'm linking it from mine. I am looking forward to seeing more, and I will visit here often. Have a fantastic day!! :D
Mary R. Teutsch - 11/19/98 22:26:27
My Email:Opheilia7@hotmail.com
Hello Sarrah. You're page is quite ducky. I'm the third person to be here and I'm feeling fine. Fine fine fine. I really have nothing left to say, but if I think of something I will tell it to you in person. Alrighty then, bye bye.
Kristin Renee - 11/16/98 00:39:22
My Email:kazer13@hotmail.com
This place rocks!!!! :) KZ