How dinosaurs became extinct. This is fact people. Not even just theory. I know it. It makes sense. (well, kinda)
I have figured out how dinosaurs died!!!
You just have to put a bunch of little theorys together to come up with this one big theory.
And this is it.
Okay, first we look into the Pangea "all the continents of this planet used to be one big continent" theory. The dinosaurs were alive then, when it was all one continent.
Then we think about the Bermuda triangle. Everything human disappears in it. Things that go in enter a climate that is somehow not fit for our survival. There is something in there, a magnetic field or element of some sort that cuts off radio communication and wreaks other havoc. We, as humans, just don't cut it.
Okay, now let's put those two together. What if that giant continent was right over the Bermuda triangle. If so, dinosaurs all lived in the Bermuda triangle.
When the plates of the earth moved apart, the dinosaurs were no longer over the Bermuda triangle.
Is everyone still following?
Perhaps, whatever is in the Bermuda triangle that takes down our planes, sinks our ships, and whatever else, perhaps that magnetic field is the very thing the dinosaurs needed to survive.
When they were out of that field that we can't survive in, they couldn't survive. Just like we couldn't survive in their area.
Just something new, (and silly) to think about, that's all.