Sometimes, when Pooh has just brushed her teeth she will say
When Pooh is late for work she will say
When a person disgusts her she says
When someone scares her she has been found saying
When she hears a dial tone she will sometimes start singing
When she just wants to get away from it all she will say
Any negative circumstance may cause her to burst out the word
When she is an old lady you will probably hear her say such things as
When she has done something gooberish she will say
Sometimes she says things to inspire people like
Other times she says things that are depressing like
Sometimes she says mean things, such as
Then sometimes she will say something extremely happy like
Sometimes when pooh feels like greeting people she says
Then when she is angry she will proclaim something along the line of
Most of the time she seems to feel sarcastic,
and on those occasions she will make such remarks as
Once when called a tattle-tale Pooh responded by saying
When she is introducing herself she says
When she is tired, she says things like
Oh, yes, that Pooh is quite the girl!
Faster then a speeding plugboy... Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No!! It's Poohhead!!!!!