Sarrah's Ducky Little Homepage

Everything is just Ducky

Ducky Ducky Ducky

La la la

This is my page. It is the way of the future, the portal to the soul, the eye of the tiger. It's all that and a bag of chips!

The purpose of my page is to give me a place to play. And play I do! I enjoy working on it, I have no formal programming training, and other then the unhappy house, I have used no software to make this. Who taught me html? I did.

I implore you to please sign my guestbook. It's been so long since someone has.

I am constantly updating and adding to my page. The most recent update was June 13, 2003 which is today, but might not be today tomorrow, and you might not read this today you might read it tomorrow, so just know that when I wrote that it was updated on the 13th it actually was the 13th that I wrote it on.
And a happy 13th of June to you all.

Peas! The story of the day. Updated often enough that I don't bother telling you when. Though the date above is often reflected. Yea fun.

New! Things that make me happy. In list form. Lists are so happy!

New! Where I am. It's my schedule.

There is now a picture of me on line. Oh excitement.

A you by any other name would still be Stinky Girdlebiscuits Come figure out your new name.

Phun with FotoDraw.

A house of torture.

Updated (11-1-00) The quest for our ideal man continues, see if you are it. The dream boy

Learn the way of the duck at My Ducky Little Duck Page Oh, the duckiness of it all.

Links! To duck stuff,friends pages and some of my favorite bands.

These are things that my little cyst-er Poohhead said.

Figure out a favorite color or two (or three) and learn what that color, or colors, say about you.

My poorly construed theory, based on a lot of garbage, about how the dinosaurs died.

The archives... things that are too old or silly to be in the main index, but that I believe shouldn't be destroyed for some reason or another.

The Weather
at home and school

Click for Kalamzoo, Michigan Forecast Click for Marquette, Michigan Forecast

For anyone who may not know Michigan geography Marquette is about 450 miles from Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo is quite south and Marquette is quite north.

Word of the Day!

My word of the day isawesomnosity. I got the word awesomnosity from WGRD's bootleg 2K3. The band 2 Skinny J's uses it. in the sentence, "it was full of awesomnosity." So now sometimes, I refer to things as being full of awesomnosity. The meaning of this word it to be filled with a sense of fabulousnous, that goes beyond, and is yet inately corny.

Yesterday and the day before's word.

Quote of the Day!

"We are the people we want our campers to become."
----The back of Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center staff shirts.
Excuse me Sherman Lake, while I laugh my ass off.

Yesterday and the day before's quote.

This is a paragraph. There is no real reason for this paragraph, I just wanted a one and this is it. Maybe I will think of something to put here, maybe I will just leave it as a paragraph forever. Maybe I could give this paragraph a title. I now dub it, My ducky little paragraph. Okay, that is all.

Sign My Ducky Little Guestbook

View My Ducky Little Guestbook

My chat room. There is probably noone there. Every now and again I go there though,and see that noone is there. So if you go there and wait and wait, eventually I will come, and maybe someone else will, too.

My email address is:
Mail me. I love mail. It's just full of ducky goodness!!!

To mail a jerk Click here!

You are the th wonderful and magnificent soul to set your magnificent and wonderful eyes on my ducky little homepage.

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Copyright 1998-2000 by sarrah

La la la.

Is any one still reading? I so rarely make it this low on peoples pages, if you are still reading, congratulations, you have more perseverance and gumption then I do.