I. Text: Human Societies (Eighth Edition), Patrick Nolan and Gerhard Lenski
II. Perspective:
The text for this course introduces the reader to a macro study of human societies. The lectures however will emphasize subjects throughout the structural spectrum. The distinctions and comparisons drawn between the multiple perspectives introduces the student to the broad nature as well as illuminates the significance of the discipline.
III. Grading and Evaluation:
A. Exams
There will be five objective exams given throughout the semester. Each exam will account for 20 percent of your grade. The final exam will be cumulative.
You can see examples of exam questions and participate in a self test exercise by linking to the Exams page.
B. Extra Credit
The course website (http://www.geocities.com/cowangreg) serves as a resource for both student and teacher. In an effort to generate both interest in the site and information on the site, points (contribution points) can be earned for significant contributions to the site. If the sum of all points earned by the student is higher than the lowest of the first four exams, this sum can be used to replace the lowest of the first four exams. The final exam cannot be replaced, and the maximum number of points that can be earned is 100. The points cannot be used in any other way. Also, the significance of a contribution and the points awarded for the contribution will be determined by the instructor. Contributions describing classic and contemporary literature or movies delineating the sociological significance of the books or movies are of special interest. Each student will be cited for their contributions. No other opportunities for extra credit will be made available.
IV. Schedule:
From the Home page on the course website you can access information for each lecture. The information is accessible by date in the box titled "Schedule of Classes."