"It's Thursday night.. Do you know where the party is at?"

Girls at the Groove Shack
Party at the Groove Shack!

Guys at the Cedar Shack
Party at the Cedar Shack!


On Thursday night, or any night, students of the college can be found roaming the streets of the St. Andrews. They travel the back streets of the town with their bounty under their arms. They have no worries about the accounting test on Friday morning, for they have more important financial worries. Such as, what is the price for the beer special tonight?
Some of the more popular socializing spot may be The Groove Shack, The Tidal Pool, The Pub or any other spot which might combined people and alcohol.

drunk(drungk)- adj. Affected with alcoholic drink; intoxicated. ie. Mark is drunk.

Arr!! Who's his next victim?!

Arr!! Who's her next victim?!

Moosehead Beer / Alpine Beer / Molson Beer / Labatt Beer / Bacardi Rum
Captain Morgan / Smirnoff Vodka / Absolut Vodka

Visit the Tidal Pool online!!

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