The Resort

"The Student's Page"

Welcome to The Resort, St. Andrews Community College Hospitality and Tourism Student's Page. We are not the official college page, but we are the students page. We are students of the hospitality industry. Some students with the Travel and Tourism branch may inteed on working as travel counsellors. Students of Facility and Accommodation branch may decide to work in the operations of a hotel or resort. And the students studying with the Food and Beverage branch (now the Restaurant & Culinary) may work with restuarants or banquet services.
This site gives a look inside the doors of the college and into the class rooms. This is a glance behind the doors and into the party life of the students. This is the creation of cooperative work among all the second year students of the college. Some students have donated pictures from their scrapbook, while others have wrote articiles and poems.

Class of 1999
"Class of 1999"

Wow.. how time flies!? As each year that goes by, this website seems to provide more laughs of great memories and great friends. Others may peer on this website with confusion. Current NBCC St.Andrews students may stumble across this website and laugh at how times have change at the college (except for Mr.Wells) 1999 was on the edge of the Y2K crisis, the dawn of a new millenium. It was also a year that we gain knowledge and lifetime relationships. So let's continue to remember our fun times together in St. Andrews. Keep in touch!

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Our Site Features:

St. Andrews, New Brunswick Canada

New for 2005!
Discussion Forum
(Keep in contact with fellow graduates, general chat, reunion talk)

View The Old Guestbook

"The Official NBCC St. Andrews Web Site"
In no way is this site legally affliated with The New Brunswick Community College system

1998-2005 Gaudet Productions
Webmaster: Jason Gaudet
Updated - December 16th, 2004