So, you wanna know who Martin is, huh?
Okay... you know all those "getting to know you" e-mails that are constantly circulating around the Internet? Well, I combined the categories from all the ones I received and put them on this page : )
If you want to know what I look like, sit tight as I'm in the process of creating a picture page... but if you just can't wait, e-mail or ICQ me for some pics I have (my e-mail and ICQ are somewhere on the site :D)
Now, all that useless information you don't really need to know, but are going to read anyways...
Full name: Martin Gerald Rogers
Nicknames: Dude, Martian (thanks Mary!), Martini (thanks Anya!), Stormwind, Stormwind Shadowdancer, FireWind, and most recently, I've been using the nickname Burn For Me (inspired by Tina Arena's "Burn").
Date of birth: April 23, 1980
Religion: Wiccan
Parents: Martin Gerard and Susan Marie Rogers
Siblings: Alana, age 4
Best friends: okay... I've got a big list of 'em so I'll have to break it up into categories.
From Tuxedo High School: Maya, Pat, Ashley (Work it Cover Girl, like it's 1964!), Melissa, Michelle, Seema (DON'T THINK THAT!), Amy, Dan (Go to Hell!), Andrea
The Pine Bush Crew (plus one Washingtonvillian) from Senior Enrichment: Laura, JoAnne, Bianca, and Janet
From Rochester: Anya, Ani, Jennifer, Michelle (SALSA), Araceli, Michelle (Japanese class)
Friends who don't fit any of the other categories: Nikki, Mary, Tiff
And lastly, my best friend in the whole world, the most special person in my life... my boyfriend Dan. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
School: George F. Baker High School, aka Tuxedo High School. Graduated salutatorian, baby!!!!!
College: University of Rochester - psych major, with a minor in Japanese and a cluster in logic
Pets: two cats at home - Spunky and Noel - but since I'm allergic to them I'm not having any pets when I get my own place : )
Job: used to be a sales associate/stockperson at the Warner Brothers Outlet Store in the Woodbury Commons Outlet Monolith in Central Valley, NY during holidays, but since I got totally dicked over working there over winter break I'm NEVER going there again.
Hobbies: working on my computer, going guy cruising with the gals (well, I used to do that until I got my Dan), shopping (sometimes, and when I have the money), sleeping late on Saturdays, singing, dancing, making up silly Spice names for people I don't like ("Let's see... there's Slutty Spice, Bitchy Spice, Skanky Spice, Lard-Ass Spice, Melodrama Spice...")
Things I collect: Absolut ads, music quotes
Best advice: Integrity is the most valuable asset one can have. Find your beliefs and stick to them. No one is worth totally compromising yourself over.
Words or phrases I use WAY too much: it's all good, whatever, sweet mother Goddess, Girlfriend, it's a vicious cycle, and the word "bitch"... I use "bitch" way WAY WAY too much :D I've also started using the phrase "wuffle wuffle blue meringue" as a way to get someone's attention, especially in e-mails.
Non-sport game in which I excel: Hearts
Non-sport game I enjoy: Just about anything on the computer
Dream car: Destiny, my purple 1970 Volkswagen Beetle
Coolest experience: the first time I ever kissed Dan (awwww....)
Scariest experience: Coming out my junior year at THS
Fave thing to do in Summer: get a tan and just go out
Fave thing to do in Winter: curl up with a mug of hot chocolate and a good cuddle partner (and I wonder who that would be... :D)
Fave thing to do in Autumn: um... go back to school?
Fave thing to do in Spring: attempt to prevent my allergies from rearing their ugly heads.
Character traits I look for in a person: honesty, a sense of integrity, being able to make me smile
Special skills or talents: singing, viola, dancing (of course... it's an unwritten rule that all gay men know how to dance)
Little known talent I possess: I can wiggle my ears! Ain't that special?
Favorite types of music: Canadian females, new age, pop
Groups/Singers I enjoy: Imogen Heap, Maarja, Vanessa-Mae, The Corrs, Bel Canto, Dubstar, The High Goddess of Music Tara MacLean, the Grandmother Goddess of Music Kate Bush, and the Goddessess of Music Tina Arena, Enya, Anggun, Bjork, Sarah McLachlan, and Dar Williams
Songs that couldn't be improved: way too many to list - Tara MacLean - "In the Wings," Maarja - "High Hope," "Rainbow Colours" and "First in Line," Imogen Heap - "Candlelight," "Rake it In" and "Come Here Boy," Tina Arena - "Burn" and "If I Was a River," Enya - "China Roses" and "Book of Days," Nobuo Uematsu - "Rydia" and "Love Will Grow," Bjork - "Bachelorette," Suzanne Ciani - "Go Gently," Delerium - "Wisdom" and "Til the End of Time" (Kristy Thirsk is a divine vocalist), Vanessa-Mae - "Red Hot" and "I'm a Doun," Dar Williams - "Party Generation" and "The Christians and the Pagans," and Bel Canto - "A Shoulder to the Wheel" and "Freelunch in the Jungle". There are just TOO many songs that I love : )
What I want to be/do: establish a private counseling practice for adolescents, with a specialty for adolescents of alternative sexualities. I also have a bit of a dream to become a singer/songwriter and get a CD on the market... I've already started on the songwriting part, so here's hoping : D One *other* dream I have is to be a music video director too : )
Denomination: 25% Polish, 25% Italian, and the rest is a mixture of Irish, French, English, Scottish, and German. All I can say is that it must have been some party : )
Fave color: Black, silver, purple, and gray, in that order.
Fave food: Italian, Chinese, just about anything my dad grills
Least fave food: steak, any other "heavy" meats
Fave vacation: the choir/band trip to Nashville my junior year of high school - cool people, fun times, and having a hotel suite all to myself. How could you go wrong?
Fave class I've ever taken: Japanese Animation (seriously!)
Worst class I've ever taken: hehe... too many, but I'd have to go with Calculus, Contemporary Moral Problems, Foundations of Cognitive Science, and Neural Foundations of Behavior.
Fave sport: figure skating!
Fave sport to watch: figure skating!
Fave movies: in no particular order:
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Grave of the Fireflies
The Craft
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
The Wedding Banquet
Totally F***** Up
The American President
Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (don't ask)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
License to Drive (again, don't ask)
Fave books: Catch-22, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Miss Lonelyhearts, The Bell Jar, Day of the Locust, Catcher in the Rye
Fave music videoes: Tara MacLean - "Evidence", Tori Amos - "Caught a Lite Sneeze," Chantal Kreviazuk - "God Made Me (Canadian Video Version)", Dar Williams - "What Do You Hear in these Sounds?", Bjork - "Bachelorette", Tina Arena - "Show Me Heaven," Tina Arena - "Burn," and Delerium - "Euphoria (Firefly)".
Fave animal: anything that doesn't shoot fur up into my nose and make me sneeze
Fave TV show: I used to watch TV semi-frequently during the summer, but now the only things I catch on TV at school are The Simpsons and figure skating whenever it's on.
Fave cartoon: Daria, Animaniacs, the Simpsons and Sailor Moon.
Fave comic strip: Peanuts
Fave day: Saturday
Fave month: April
Fave holiday: Yule (known as Christmas to the rest of you, 'cause they stole from us Pagans, dammit!)
Breakfast cereals: I eat breakfast?
Fave part of newspaper: comics
Fastest I've ever driven: haven't driven much, but I did hit 65 once when I was in Driver's Ed
Favorite photo: my prom picture with my friend/date Laura - I seriously think it was the best picture ever taken of me
First crush: Anthony Riggio (and I'm a dead man if he ever finds out, but I don't care :D)
Three things I would bring if I was stuck on a desert island: my stereo, my CD collection, and my Dan : )
Favorite people to talk to online: Dan (THS), Dan (RIT), Mary, Tiff, my Acro buddies
Are you a virgin: no, I'm not. Goddess, by FAR I'm not ; )
Favorite body part on you: my eyes and my legs
Bedtime: fluctuates from midnight to 4 in the morning... depends on what I was doing the night before if ya know what I mean ; )
Favorite places to shop: Media Play, CDNow (online), SecondSpin (online), Barnes & Noble, Structure, Borders
Favorite article of clothing: my clubbing shirts, and my black Gap tshirt, which I look absolutely luscious in :)
Do I smoke?: uh uh... and I ain't gonna start either
I wish my name was: Kris or Tycho (yes, Tycho)
Favorite CD: I have one very favorite CD - Tara MacLean's Silence - but I also have other lesser favorites - Tina Arena's In Deep, Anggun's Snow on the Sahara, Dar Williams' End of the Summer, and Delerium's Karma among others.
Favorite alcoholic beverage - strawberry daquiris, pina coladas, and strawberry coladas
are the only alcoholic things I'll drink... plus Irish coffees and just about anything
with Kahlua :D
favorite coffee - Irish coffee
Fave expression- whenever I'm upset or displeased with a situation I always say
"sweet mother Goddess..."
All the places I've ever lived- Buffalo, Chester, Greenwood Lake, Monroe, and right now,
Rochester (all in NY - I know, it's pretty sad)
Ever broken a bone?- Fractured my arm when I was eight trying to jump over a chair
What do you like about yourself?- I'm good at giving out advice, and being there when my
friends need me
What did you want to be when you were little?- I used to want to be a baseball player, but
my lack of high physical abilities kinda stopped that dream.
Favorite city- New York City
If you had a week to live, what would you do?- tell everyone I know exactly what I think
of them
What makes you nauseous?- stupidity
Favorite body part of the opposite sex- and just WHY should I care about the opposite
sex???? Damn heterosexist questions...
Favorite pizza toppings- pepperoni with sausage and/or meatball
What do your parents do?- mother - homemaker, dad - CAD (Computer Aided Drawing)
What do you think is sexy?- cuddling. I think it's INCREDIBLY sexy and a LOT more
fulfilling emotionally than just sex.
Do you believe in reincarnation? - Yes, especially because I keep having visions of being
a woman in ancient Greece...
Would you rather be deaf or blind? - Blind, only because I love music so much, and I would
be devastated if I wouldn't be able to hear it ever again.
Do you consider yourself to be a good listener? - Definitely. I love to listen to my
Would you rather be happy and poor or unhappy and rich? - I am already happy and poor :)
Have you ever felt like you were in love? - Yep - my Dan :D
Do you like to dance? - It's an unwritten rule that all gay men love to dance :) I dance
all the time.
What would be the first thing you change if you rule the world? - Get rid of ignorance.
It's a cancer on society.
Do you think boys or girls have it easier? - Girls, because if boys don't conform to the
macho image society prescribes for them, they get beat up constantly - I speak from
personal experience.
If you had a time machine, when and where would you go? - To my high school graduation. I
had a huge temptation to sing Tara MacLean's "In the Wings" as my salutatorian
speech, but I didn't. I really wish I had gone and done that.
What are your favorite shoes? - My black sneakers, just 'cause they're so cushy and
What's the hardest thing about growing up? - Learning people aren't as nice, helpful, and
real as you'd like them to be.
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? - Hell yeah!
Do you pray? - Because I'm Wiccan, I do ritual, which is like prayer because I talk to
Goddess there. But then again, I talk to Goddess all the time.
If you could do anything you wanted this Saturday, what would you do? - Get together with
Dan and spend the entire day in bed, just cuddling and talking.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? - I have a fat ass. Don't
laugh, I do. I wish it were smaller. I'm a skinny guy but I've got a fat ass. It's sad.
Have you ever wanted to run away? - I did the obligatory little-kid-tries-to-run-away
thing when I was five.
What do you fear? - I fear becoming a fake.
Go back to my home page.