This is just a little introduction about me.  I currently hold a Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration with a concentration in Computer Information Systems from the University Of The Virgin Islands and a Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management from Florida Institute of Technology.  I was born on the magnificent, dazzling, enchanting, and immaculate island of St. Thomas.  St. Thomas is one of three islands in the United States Virgin Islands located in the Caribbean.  My aspirations in life are to be happy and find someone to share that happiness with.� Right now I think I am half way there. 
In my spear time I enjoy listening to music, playing tennis, playing with my computer, and playing music on steel pan.  I can play a little on the clarinet and the piano.  My real joy is playing the Steel Pan.  For those of you that don't know what a Steel Pan is, let me tell you.  It is the only acoustic instrument invented in the 20th century out of Trinidad & Tobago and is made out of oil drums.  There are different types of Steel Pan:  Tenor - lead, carries the melody of the music; Double Tenor - second lead, sometimes carries the melody, counter melody or harmony of the music; Quads - second lead, sometimes carries the melody, counter melody or harmony of the music; Double Seconds - sometimes carries a counter melody and strums the music; Guitar - usually strums background music; Cello - have little melody lines and also strums background music; Tenor Bass - the backbone of the music; Bass -  also the backbone of the music.  I started out playing the Guitar then I switched to the Tenor pan.  I can also play most of the other instruments except the Quads.  The band that I played in is the St. Thomas All-Stars Steel Symphony.

Now the following links will take you to the three realms of my life.� These realms are my career realm, entrepreneurial realm, and my relaxed realm.� Do enjoy your visit.
Career Realm Entrepreneurial Realm
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