Horowhenua College Reunion 2000

The Assembly in the Quadrangle

Last updated 14 February 2004

Originally, this Web Site was an additional place to record lists of past pupils who were planning to attend the Reunion. The main Web page was constructed using XTRA Web Wizard and was identified by the words 'mysite'. All sites using that system are closing down at the end of September 2001. I have moved some of the information recorded there and transferred it to this page which now remains as the only record of the Reunion held at Easter 2000. In particular, I have copied the monthy reports which were aimed at keeping interested persons up to date with planning progress, enrolments etc. They are to be found in Reports 1, Reports 2 and Report 3
Note also that the Past Pupils Association have now produced a magazine which is being sent to all members of the association and as well to all who attended the Reunion. A copy of the magazine, Te Horowhenua, can also be linked from this page.

Reunion Report 1

Reunion Report 2

Reunion Report 3

Past Pupils Magazine, Te Horowhenua 2001

Photo Album No 1

Photo Album No 2

Levin, Past and Present

Map of Horowhenua College

The Reunion is over and now all we have are our memories and in some cases, photos and perhaps even the video. Some friends and I who bought our group photo have been trying to put names to faces and have found it not an easy job. To assist us and others who also are interested in naming people in their photo, I have prepared the following site.
If you are able to fill in any of the gaps (or wish to disagree with our findings) please contact me by email regal@xtra.co.nz and hopefully we will be able to build up a complete set of named photos.

Reunion Decade Photographs

Reunion Registrations Lists

Please Note: The list of those who attended the Reunion was, as near as possible, up to date at the time of the last edit. Over the period of the Reunion, late registrations were paid for but no cards were filled in for those people so full details were not received. Consequently, I have not done any further updating. If you are aware that a person was at the Reunion but is not on the lists, please advise me by email of the following details and I will make the necessary update. Surname, (maiden name), First name or name known by and years attended. Approximate years will be OK as I have a printout from the college of all pupils dates.

40's Decade
50's Decade
60's Decade
60's Decade
70's Decade
80-90's Decade
College Pictures

The Place of Memories!

Welcome past students, staff members, parents, etc..anyone who has had a connection with Horowhenua College since its opening in 1940.

The year 2000 will mark the 60th anniversary of the college and a Reunion will be taking place over Easter, 21 - 23 April.

A web site advertising and promoting the reunion is already available to all at http://mysite.xtra.co.nz/~horocol2000 There I intend to add notes about the college and pupils, hopefully of interest to all. There is also the opportunity for people to leave their email address so that others will be aware that they have made contact and are interested in others contacting them.

In this web site I primarily aim to list the names of people who have registered; Surname, First name , Maiden name and years at college will be all that is listed so people should not feel that the privacy act has been broken.



Deep in thought?? Not really. Just posing for the Chronicle's photographer for a picture to go with the article published in Levin's daily newspaper about the forthcoming Reunion.

Chairman of the Reunion Committee, Alan Smith and Ian Wenham, Registrar, with the first Registration forms ready to be posted.

View my guestbook!
