Publication list of Eddy J. Davelaar (15 June 2005)
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Davelaar, E. J. (2007). A computational study of conflict-monitoring at two levels of processing: reaction time distributional analyses and hemodynamic responses. Brain Research, xx, xx-xx. |
Davelaar, E. J. (2007). Sequential retrieval and inhibition of parallel (re)activated representations: a neurocomputational comparison of competitive queuing and resampling models. Adaptive Behavior, 15, 51-71. |
Davelaar, E. J., Haarmann, H. J., Goshen-Gottstein, Y., & Usher, M. (2006). Semantic similarity dissociates short- from long-term recency: testing a neurocomputational model of list memory. Memory & Cognition, 34, 323-334. |
Davelaar, E. J., Goshen-Gottstein, Y., Ashkenazi, A., Haarmann, H. J., & Usher, M. (2005). The demise of short-term memory revisited: empirical and computational investigations of recency effects. Psychological Review, 112, 3-42. |
Haarmann, H. J., Ashling, G. E., Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2005). Age-related declines in context maintenance and semantic short-term memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58A, 34-53. |
Haarmann, H. J., Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2003). Individual differences in semantic short-term memory capacity and reading comprehension. Journal of Memory and Language, 48, 320-345. |
Usher, M., & Davelaar, E. J. (2002). Neuromodulation of decision and response selection. Neural Networks, 15, 635-645. |
Davelaar, E. J. (2005). A neurocognitive theory of attentional modulation of spread of activation. In A. Cangelosi, G. Bugmann, & R. Borisyuk (Eds.), Modeling language, cognition, and action: Proceedings of the 9th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop. (pp. xx-xx). Singapore: WorldScientific. |
Davelaar, E. J., Hannon, E. M., & Richards, A. (2005). Strategy use in the operation span task. In (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (p. xx) Stresa: Cognitive Science Society. |
Davelaar, E. J. (2004). Semantic inhibition due to short-term retention of prime words: the prime-retention effect and a controlled center-surround hypothesis. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner, & T. Reiger (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 268-273) Chicago: Cognitive Science Society. |
Davelaar, E. J. (2004). Towards a model of the prime-retention effect. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner, & T. Reiger (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (p. 1549) Chicago: Cognitive Science Society. |
Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2004). An extended buffer model for active maintenance and selective updating. In H. Bowman, & C. Labiouse (Eds.), Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception II: Proceedings of the 8th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop. (pp. 3-14). Singapore: WorldScientific. |
Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2003). Semantic clustering in free recall: evidence for a semantic buffer? In F. Detje, D. Dörner, & H. Schaub, (Eds.), The logic of cognitive systems. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. (pp. 239-240). Bamberg: Universitäts-Verlag. |
Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2003). Modeling dissociations in short- and long-term recency effects. In F. Detje, D. Dörner, & H. Schaub, (Eds.), The logic of cognitive systems. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. (pp. 241-242). Bamberg: Universitäts-Verlag. |
Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2003). A neurocomputational account of short- and long-term recency effects. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 288-293). Boston, MA: Cognitive Science Society. |
Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2003). An activation-based theory of immediate item memory. In J. A. Bullinaria, & W. Lowe (Eds.), Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception I: Proceedings of the 7th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop. (pp. 118-130). Singapore: WorldScientific. |