Mathieu Loggia



  Production engineer
  in industrial plastic processing

French version


Address :

472, rue Jacques Tati
78370 Plaisir - France
Marital status : married
33 year old.

E-mail :  

Languages :

English : fluent, with two working experiences in the US : salesperson in a souvenir shop during the Centennial Olympic games in 1996 (Atlanta, GA) - One month, and housekeeping assistant manager in an hotel (Ocean City, MD) - Two months in 1994.


: good knowledge, four years spent in Slovak Re

Spanish : school level.


ISPA Advanced engineering diploma in industrial plastic processing - 3 years
(Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d’Alençon), ISPA, Alençon (61).


BTS Plastics & Composite materials - 2 years,
Bazin, Charleville-Mézières (08).
  Baccalauréat C, Descartes (78).   

2002  - 2003

Operation manager (SLOVAKIA).

Working for Bacou-Dalloz corporate – world leader in PPE (Personal Protection Equipment), management of all operations for Fall Protection department. Production of CE articles (harnesses, belts et lanyards) level 3.

Responsible for workshop implementation (cutting, stitching and splicing) and production start-up after transferring an Italian facility. Managment of data transfer on SAP R/3 ERP, purchasing, cell organization with stock, and the quality requirements with ISO and AFAQ certifications obtained.
Management of 60 workers.



2001 – 2002

Plant manager (SLOVAKIA).

Employee of Roussel Industries, but dedicated to Roussel Partners s.r.o. with missions to manage company and supervise factory production – 23 machines with three bi-injection technology units. Daily coordination of all departments.

Management of all technical transfers (tools, machines, tampo-printing & assembly). Tool maintenance supervisor and pro-active interface for quality improvements. Responsible for local raw material and masterbatchs procurement. ISO9002 obtained in June01. Management of 50 workers.



1999 – 2001

Production manager (SLOVAKIA).

16 months as CSNE (Civil army), at Roussel Partners s.r.o. Myjava. Creation and implementation of plastic factory dedicated to Whirlpool Europe with 11 injection machines and about thirty workers. Transfer of machines, tools and the know-how from French mother company, Prospective & Outillage France. 







Course training - Technical project,
14 weeks at ITW de France – Méru (60)
Establishment of Orex division - PJ Reilly (Valeo). Product database transfer, integration of plastic tools within production capacity, and re-organization of the factory layout, at an automotive equipment injection company.




Course training – Process and Materials project,
15 weeks at Jackdaw Polymers Ltd (Vita) – Littleboro (Lancashire –UK). Development and implementation of the calibration system, in accordance with QS9000 requirements. Heat stabilizers & flame retardants evaluation. Laboratory work (QC, DSC/TGA analysis and research experiments), at a PA66 compounder company.




Weekend work, 2 months at LPP (La Précision Plastique) - Marcille la ville(53)
Injection machine setter and operator during the weekend (2x12 hours).




Vacation work, 5 weeks at DIAM S.A. – Les Mureaux(78)
Injection machine setter (test on new tools).