Channel Guidelines for # note: guidelines will be added 1. The channel founder may override any guideline if he sees fit. This may be challanged if all ops agree that the founder is in the wrong. 2. Sop's may be higher in ranking, but this only means they can do more things. 3. EVERYONE on irc is equal. Power trips by ops will not be tolerated. 4. This channel will believe in warning people before action is taken place. A warning may be given through a kick. But not a kick/ban. 5. When an AKICK is placed on someone. If they complain, tell them to memo the channel owner about it. 6. Kicking and banning for personal reason's will not be allowed. The following are good reason's for a ban: Repeatedly insulting another user Ghosting of other people's nicknames Known hacking of other peoples computers in the channel Excessive flooding Constant use of offensive language Offensive nickname Having a guest nickname Deliberately deceiveing anyone in a non-joking manner Racist remarks (including whois info) Sex channels (i.e. any #!!!!!!!!! channel) 7. Playing of mp3's in the channel is permitted as long as it isn't excessive. 8. FServing will be allowed as long as an ad. for the fserve isn't being reposted all the time. 9. People who come in the channel looking for someone to hook up with (these will be easily noticed) are not welcome in the channel. Its a chat channel it shouldn't matter what your sex is. You should be willing to chat with anyone. 10. People who idle in the channel must join a conversation at some point. Sitting around waiting for someone with a nick of the opposite sex to come in so you can /msg them will not be tolerated. 11. A ban may only be lifted by an Sop. Unless the ban is more than 6 hours old. 12. For the first few months aops will be given on personal preference. Do Not Ask for Ops! after the basic operators are set future ops must be nominated. To nominate someone you give them a voice in the channel. Then the person will be observed for a while. There is no set ammount of time for the observation. Do not voice your buddy or someone you have a crush on. If the founder sees this happening the voice will be removed. If it happens repeatedly by an op thier status as an op will be removed. 13. Conversations in op notice will be kept between the ops. 14. If you don't understand any of these guildlines. You shouldn't be an op. Same goes for basic chanserv commands. 15. These are only the basic guidelines. More will be added in the future. If you have a suggestion. Message the founder or memo him with the suggestion