Illini Polo Photos


These are a collection of photos taken throughout this year and last year.  The majority of them are from the Big Ten tournament both years.

1999 Photos

       Kate receives a pass from Vaile.                          Vaile defends hole against Northwestern.

       The Illini get back on defense.                         Beth looks for someone to pass the ball

 Team picture taken at the Northwestern                           Amanda leads a fastbreak against
                         tourney.                                                                    Northwestern.

Chris shoots a lob shot against Northwestern.            Amanda demonstrates her sleeping skills at
                                                                                                        Big Tens.

Amanda, Tiffany, and Sol show off their guns.             Amanda and Clare are inseperable.

            The freshman of the team.                            The sophomores on the team.

            The juniors on the team.                               The seniors on the team.

                                The starting squad from Big Tens.

1998 Photos



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