I am 23 years old, and I'm a first year graduate student at Oregon State University. I'm studying "College Student Services Administration," as well as working as a graduate assistant in Student Organization Development. I just graduated in May, from Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio, with a B.S. in Child and Family Studies.
As you can probably guess by my program here at OSU, my actual career plans have nothing to do with my undergraduate major, but that's ok. When I graduate from OSU in June, 2001, I would love to work in student involvement or possibly new student orientation at a college. Some time down the road, I would like to be a dean of students, hopefully at a smaller, liberal arts university! That's awhile, and another degree down the road, though. If you'd like to learn more about the field, click here.
I just spent the summer of '99 (as well as the summer of '97) working at this great amusement park in Ohio, called Cedar Point. Maybe you've heard of it - its nickname is "America's Roller Coast," and if you like roller coasters, this place is heaven for you! In fact, this summer it will have the world's largest and fastest roller coaster...it's called "Millenium Force," and it will be taller than the Statue of Liberty! Anywho, I've been going there since I was very young, and it's a really great place...one of the things I really miss, now that I live out here in Oregon. That's ok, though, because I love Oregon, even if it does mean I'm far from the people and things that I love. This place is beautiful and wonderful, and I don't plan to come back to Ohio, except to visit...my home is here, now :)
A little about me...I am a
very happy, positive person, and I love life! Some of my hobbies include: smiling, laughing, talking, line-dancing, drawing, sewing, and hiking. Click on the smiley faces to see more of what makes me happy :)
...lots of new pictures!
Zea's Leadership Credo