02/17/93 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:D A/A+ 105 no setlist 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | 10,000 Maniacs ]
04/17/98 All Winooski, VT - Higher Ground A:D A 142 AT 825> DA-P1 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | 8' Flourescent Tubes ]
11/16/00 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D A-/A 155 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 partial setlist 44k, intermittant air gap probem - please see cd list for edited master
06/07/01 All Knoxville, TN - Market Square Af:D A-/A 94 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 partial setlist Blueground Undergrass opened 44k, w/ tracks, dfc, about 25' from edge of stage, coincident 110 degrees (w/ windscreens)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Acoustic Syndicate ]
03/20/73 All Boston, MA - Pall's Mall preFM:Rm,D A/A+ 47 no setlist, ON: U2 9/2/92 48k, occasional static could be problems with the original recording. w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Aerosmith ]
01/21/94 All Knoxville, TN - Flamingos S:VHS,D A/A+ 117 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Allgood Music Co. ]
04/04/70 All Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow's Garage S:Rm,D A 108 44k; "I got this tape (4/4/70) from the Oades on PCM marked off reel back in the late 80's so I assume its the real deal;" some space between songs is edited-out; [rf] during "Mtn Jam;" cut during start of "Hoochie", w/ tracks, there are 3 minor ??drop-outs?? at 1:20:11, 1:21:21, 07/26/70 Early Stony Brook, NY - SUNY Gym S:Rm,?,D A 78 44k; (R500), At the beginning bass is too heavy (saturated and breaking up), w/ tracks 12/31/70 All New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse A:Rm,C,D B+ 148 48k; mic's sound like omni's, conversation noticeable "C if he's got a J" "Sit down people...NOW!" during Stormy Monday, some reel flips and other anomolies; glitches at (2:15, 3:44, 3:54, 58:14, 58:22); cut/[rf] at (29:54, 47:29, 1:07:53)
03/13/71 Late-ParNYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,D A 84 Tom Doucette plays harp on Statesboro; [rf] during W. Post 48k; from the BGP reels 03/20/71 All New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse S:Rm,D B+ 182 48k 06/06/71 All New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse A:Rm,C,D B 44 NO: YDLM 48k; ON: ABB 12/31/70 part 2 06/27/71 All New York, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,R,D A 77 Albert King, J. Geils Band, ABB 44k; ON: ABB 8/26/71, "WPLJ FM > reel > reel (commercial edits) > DAT" 08/26/71 All New York, NY - A&R Studios Fp:Rm,?,D A-/A 72 44k 09/16/71 All New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse A:Cm,?,D A- 180 48k; Remastered by Kevin Spangler; pretty good for an early 70's audience
04/08/72 All Syracuse, NY - Manley Fieldhouse S:Rm,?,D A- 120 sometimes listed as 4/7/72 48k, emphasis = OFF, SCMS = 0, 08/31/72 All Atlanta, GA - Atlanta Municipal A:Rm,C,D A- 120 48k; (UC)
09/26/73 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland FM:Rm,D A 135 * = This version appears on "Wipe the WIndows" 48k 12/31/73 All San Francisco, CA - Cow Palace S:preFM,D A 300 * = w/ Boz Scaggs, Jerry Garcia, Bill Kreutzman; ^ = not the full ABB, this is with Les Dudek, Jaimoe; Marshall Tucker opened 44k; I also have Marshall Tucker opener (60 min); both fit nicely on 2 90's
08/23/81 All Columbia, MD - Merriweather Post S:Cm,?,D B+ 93 WTCBU is cut 48k, this sounds pretty weak (multi-gen cassette??) although it could most likely be partially salvaged using noise reduction
10/11/91 All Costa Mesa, CA - Pacific S:D A/A+ 180
07/15/94 All Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek S:D A/A+ 180
05/01/95 All New Orleans, LA - House of Blues S:D A/A+ 180
03/09/96 2 NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre Af:D B+ 120 Nakamichi CM300 + CP4> D8 48k; taped from the front row 03/10/96 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre A:D A- 180 Nakamichi CM300 + CP4> D8 48k 05/11/96 2 Chicago, IL - Riviera S:D A/A+ 120 05/12/96 All Chicago, IL - Riviera S:D A/A+ 180 06/22/96 All Darien Lakes, NY - Lakeside S:D A/A+ 180 48k; SBD> D8 06/24/96 All Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga S:D A/A+ 180 48k; SBD> D8
03/10/98 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre A:D A- 180 A:Core Sound Binaurals:D 09/05/98 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater A:D A-/A 180 NeumannKM184(left&right)SennMKH40 recorded from front row balcony 09/06/98 1 Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater A:D A-/A 120 NeumannKM184(left&right)SennMKH40(center recorded from front row balcony
03/06/99 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre Af:D A-/A 162 48k 06/12/99 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks A:D A- 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000> HHB Sonia Dada opened 44k; (U) 06/13/99 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks A:D A-/A 149 NAK-300 > DAP1 Sonia Dada opened 48k
04/29/00 All New Orleans, LA - Municiple Aud. A:D A-/A 147 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 1000> D8 Robert Cray opened 44k, taped by Chris Sheppard (just right of soundboard), patched by me at the show 06/18/00 All Charlotte, NC - Blockbuster A:D A-/A 162 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 36 min Mtn Jam, 30+ min Eliz Reed w/o Dickey Betts (alcohol rehab), w/ Jimmy Herring 44k, taped within the soundboard area, X-Y (80 degrees), mic stand ran about 15 high, used windscreens, w/ tracks 07/22/00 All Clarkston, MI - Pine Knob Music Af:D U n/a Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 1000> taped by Chris and Dale Shepperd (clone from their master), "Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2 (@ 25 db)> AD 1000> DA-P1, Harmonic Tech cables," row K, dfc 12/21/00 All Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. A:D A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Greg Allman, Butch Trucks, Jaimoe, Haynes, Herring, Oteil, Popper 44k, w/ tracks, SEE WARREN HAYNES' XMAS JAM
03/25/01 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre Af:D A 170 MBHO 603A> Ka 200n Spread 8"> V2> GP Welcome Back Warren! 44k, w/ tracks, "(row J, seat 1), MBHO 603A> Ka 200n Spread 8"> V2> GP ADC20> DAP1", taped by Chris Reske, my clone from the master, 06/15/01 All Pelham, AL - Oak Mountain Af:D A-/A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 * with Deep Banana Blackout Horn Section: Hope Clayburn: Alto Sax, Rob Somerville: Tenor Sax, Bryan Smith: Trombone; ** with Deep Banana Blackout Horn Section and Hope Clayburn: Backing vocals, Fuzz: Guitar, Johnny Durkin: Percussion 44k, w/ tracks, taped from section B, row S (front section, left side in front of speaker stack) 06/16/01 All Nashville, TN - Amsouth Af:D A 180 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 *w/Jack Pearson on guitar, **w/Jack Pearson on guitar and Jimmy Hall on harmonica, ***w/Jimmy Hall on harmonica, ^w/Deep Banana Blackout horns, +w/Deep Banana Blackout horns and Fuzz from DBB on guitar, #w/Lee Roy Parnell on guitar 44k, w/ tracks, 11th row, dfc, ortf 110 degrees, 06/17/01 All Louisville, KY - Louisville Motor Af:D A 164 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Deep Banana Blackout opened general admission; * with Deep Banana Blackout Horn Section: Hope Clayburn: Alto Sax, Rob Somerville: Tenor Sax, Bryan Smith: Trombone; ** with Deep Banana Blackout Horn Section and Hope Clayburn: Backing vocals, Fuzz: Guitar, Johnny Durkin: Percussion 44k, w/ tracks, about 40' from stage in the center, mic's run about 14' high 08/02/01 All Virginia Beach, VA - GTE Af:D A-/A n/a Neumann KM184> DMIC20> DAP1 48k, 9th row orchestra, dfc, clone from master 08/03/01 All Raleigh, NC - Alltel Pavilion Af:D A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist Derek Trucks Band opened, Phil & Friends opened 44k, w/ tracks, 110 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row Q, seat 20 08/04/01 All Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless Af:D A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Susan Tedeschi Band Opened, Phil & Friends closed 44k, 100 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row T, seat 12, first few seconds cut 08/05/01 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp. Af:D A/A+ 130 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Susan Tedeschi Band opened, Phil & Friends opened, *w/Chuck Leavell on piano, **w/Dave Schools on bass (no Oteil), ***w/Jimmy Herring on guitar and Chuck on piano 44k, w/ tracks, taped DFC, row R, seat 29, ortf 110 degrees
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Allman Brothers ]
02/15/99 All Winooski, VT - Higher Ground Af:D A-/A 180 A(FOB):SchoepsM222/MK4>ElvoNT222>HHB no setlist 05/04/99 All Indianapolis, IN - Murat Theatre A:D A-/A 179 Neuman 140's>lunatec>sbm1 * - formerly known (05/03/99) as "Bake and Boil", ** - formerly known (05/03/99) as "Minestrone"; said by Trey to be named for a guy named Hugh; called "Purple Hugh" by Trey, *** - dedicated to aLi and Jesse, for naming the song "Minestrone", **** - new song for Julia Butterfly Hill, a woman sitting in a tree named Luna in northern California for a year and a half to protest logging of the nation's forests (more info...), ^ - provisional title (consensus best guess of those there), ^^ - reports mention "Wind" or possibly "Bug" as well as "Winds of a Bug" with lyrics including "is that a wind or a bug?" and "it's a windora bug", ^^^ - instrumental; possibly "Living in Havana" (Trey apparently undecided on title), ^^^^ - Trey on smaller drum kit to the left of the bass; duel was similar to Monday night's, + - last played at the 02/15/99 show at Higher Ground 48k(1st)/44k(2nd), w/ tracks 05/10/99 1 Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. A:D U n/a Schoeps CM64>lunatec>dap1 05/10/99 2 Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. A:D U n/a Schoeps mk4v>lunatec>dap1 * - "a new, real country tune", ** - Trey decided to keep the title "Minestrone" instead of "Purple Hugh", *** - Trey on piano, **** - Jimi Hendrix cover from the album Are You Experienced?; first time played, ^ - previously known as "Pistol" or "Symptom" (not "Silicon Fairy" as was previously reported" Schoeps mk4v>lunatec>dap1 05/11/99 All Washington, DC - The 9:30 Club A:D A-/A 169 Akg 480's> Beyer>SBM1> da-p1 * - dedicated to Susannah Goodman, ** - Trey introduced "Mountains in the Mist" and began to talk about the fact that there is a trilogy of duologies; 3 pairs of songs related to each other: He mentioned "Mountains in the Mist" and "Kissed By Mist", "Windora Bug" and "Bug" but couldn't remember the third, to which a few folks shouted "TUBE!!" and Trey reacted "TUBE??" and laughed at them.. then paused.. then said "Oh, yeah... Yeah, okay, "Tube"... cuz there's "First Tube", then "Last Tube", then "Tube".... So there's really a trilogy within the trilogy of duologies....in the end, "Mountains in the Mist" wasn't played, and instead Trey played what he called a new, real country tune, written in response to the crap on the radio; title is speculated based on the lyrics *** - Trey on piano, **** - Trey described this night as being a night of drunken mayhem and brought out Tom Marshall who performed a few songs with him, ^ - a brand new song (from the outtakes from The Story of the Ghost, described by Trey as one of his Tom's daughters favorites; also with Tom Marshall, ^^ - previously known as "Pistol"; included a digital delay loop, as well as Trey playing keyboards during it 44k 05/14/99 All Portland, ME - State Theatre A:D U 169 Neumann km 184s>apogee>dap1 * - Trey describes how everyone is so excited to see a show in this theatre, where things can be a bit "raunchy", since it's general admission and everyone can do what they want. And he describes the interesting phenomenon during the Wolfman's quiet part where the vibe in the crowd starts to shift as the impending drunken mayhem takes control. So he decides to play a song in recognition of this vibe, but first he is reminded of the classic rock song "Feel Like Makin' Love" (Bad Company) and plays the chorus, ** - Trey says "Feel Like Makin' Love" is the partner song of this song, and says it's written about folks who are having last call at a bar, *** - Trey on piano, **** - Trey dedicates it to Julia Butterfly Hill, the Earth First protester living in an old-growth redwood tree named "Luna" for the past 18 months, written by Tom Marshall and Trey ^ - Tony introduces the song as a blues standard of which the origins are "shrouded in antiquity." He doesn't know who wrote it or even what it's about, but says it may be about taking off your hat, or a top off a bottle, or your shirt off. Also Tony says the song may be written by a blues rascal named "Eddie Bo"., ^^ - With digital delay loop jam and Trey on keyboard; 25+ minutes, ^^^ - Tony introduces the band and then thanks the crew for all their work, some of whom even have "their own fan club" 05/19/99 All Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium A:D U 240 Schoeps M222/MK4v> MP-1> HHB no setlist
02/26/01 All Cleveland, OH - State Theatre A:D A 240 Schoeps CMC64> Lunatec V2> ADC20> D8 * - Marc Ribot cover, no horns, played on 1st Trey solo tour. ** - Trey and Tony acoustic. *** - Trey solo acoustic. **** - horns only. ^ - Trey and Tony acoustic with horns. ^^ - electric, same as the acoustic song from Roseland show. ^^^ - no horns, long and ambient Trey keyboard solo in the middle. 44k, w/ tracks, taped by Kyle Gilfillan (my clone from the master)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Trey Anastasio ]
01/23/90 All Boulder, CO - Unknown A:D A- 96 Schoeps 48k
08/04/98 All Universal City, CA - Universal A:D A- 79 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | B-52's ]
07/31/73 All Jersey City, NJ - Roosevelt S:Rm,D A/A+ 120 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Band ]
05/22/92 All Trenton, NJ - City Gardens S:D A/A+ 88 partial setlist 48k, w/ tracks
08/21/98 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:D A- 106 no setlist 48K
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beastie Boys ]
01/30/69 All London, ENG - Apple, 3 Saville S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 35 44k; ON: Hancock 7/11/98; This may be the "Get Back Reference Acetate", w/ tracks 05/22/69 All Get Back Once More S:Rm,C,Lp,D U n/a ON: Extra JB 10/21/92
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beatles ]
10/28/95 All Palo Alto, CA - Columbia Univ. A:D A- 63 Schoeps> D8 48k
09/12/96 All Bridge School Benefit - NYC, NY A:D A- 28 Schoeps>D8 no setlist 44k; ON: Beck 10/28/95
02/13/97 All Davis, CA - Freeborn Hall, U. of Af:D A/A+ 94 Schoeps Mk4> D 48k, w/ tracks 02/14/97 All Santa Cruz, CA - Auditorium Af:D A/A+ 99 Schoeps MK-4V>D 48k; w/ tracks 08/08/97 All Mansfield, MA - Great Woods Amp. A:D A-/A 120 Schoeps MK4> JK1> SBM-1 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beck ]
08/13/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A-/A 111 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist 48k; mics X-Y 70 degrees, taped from the front rail of the balcony (SX-M2 = Lo,60%; SBM1=5) using "Superclamp" about 2/5 just right of center
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jeff Beck ]
06/05/99 Ep,L Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park Af:D A 103 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist Jubilee Festival 48k, First part recorded behind soundboard w/o windscreens (missed beginning of show; random breezes; sound quality varies between B+ and A), Late show recorded 15 feet from stage (front of board; w/ windscreens; sound quality is very good).
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert "Wolfman" Belfour ]
06/15/02 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats Af:D A-/A 150 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, taped from my usual spot - the railing above/behind the soundboard booth, first song is cut (late getting in)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dickey Betts ]
04/04/99 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater FM:D A/A+ 105 48k; cuts into Remedy
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Black Crowes ]
02/06/69 All Morgan Studios, UK S:Rm,?,D A-/A 150 no setlist 48l; this sounds excellent with the exception of noticeable hiss - If you can clean this via a Sound Forge filter (or similar process) please contact me 06/07/69 All London, ENG - Hyde Park S:Rm,?,D A-/A 40 Debut of Blind Faith; Debut of Rock Music's first "Super Group" 44k; ON: Blind Faith 6/18/69 06/13/69 All Gothenburg, GER - Unknown A:?,CD,D B+ 79 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blind Faith ]
06/18/81 All Bands International, NY, NY S:?,D A-/A 140 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blue Oyster Cult ]
01/29/99 All Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse S:D A/A+ 167 no setlist 48k; "DSBD > SBM-1 > PCM-M1; SCMS 00" 09/24/99 1p,2 Knoxville, TN - Bird's Eye View Af:D A-/A 120 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist taped from approximately 15' from stage
06/07/01 All Knoxville, TN - Market Square Af:D A 92 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 * dedicated to the memory of John Hartford (a versatile musician known for mastering banjo, playing violin, performing comedy on television and writing one of country music's most recorded songs, "Gentle on My Mind," died on Monday (6/4/01) at the Centennial Medical Center in Nashville. He was 63.) 44k, w/ tracks, dfc, about 25' from edge of stage, coincident 110 degrees, put on the windscreens before Mr Lunchbox, same spot where I later taped Acoustic Syndicate but there were less people thus better sound. 07/20/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats A:D A-/A 143 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist Llama opened 44k, taped from directly behind the soundboard, 2 sets no encore this evening
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blueground Undergrass ]
04/27/83 All Serious Moonlight Tour Rehearsals STo:?,D A/A+ 120 W/: Stevie Ray Vaughan; "Stay" is cut 48k
10/11/95 All St. Louis, MO - Riverport S:D A/A+ 152 no setlist W/: NIN (9" Nails) 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Bowie ]
05/11/00 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D A- 105 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 48k, made some level adjustments during 1st song, gets better ("A"-ish) throughout the show as I make minor adjustments.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | BR-549 ]
07/21/71 All NYC, NY - A&R Studios Fp:Rm,D A 70 no setlist Features Sam Clayton, Duane Allman, D&B
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Delaney & Bonnie Bramlett ]
11/07/91 Early Marietta, OH - Lafayette Hotel S:C(4),D A 70 early show set 2 48k, some hiss, w/ tracks, notes from promoter "Venue for 11.7.91 is Hotel Lafayette[Ballroom]Blues, Jazz,& Folk Music society-Marietta, oh., seats #400, tables, t-cloths, carpet, imported everything, restaurant Gun & Sternwheel Room, can't remember Bar name! This is where we have several sternwheels dock for a regatta; where Bands, Stage shows, all around entertainment for a three day party. He was our 11.7.91 act; played on stage while smokin' a pipe packed whith two types of tabacco to a sold out zydeco crowd 425 people+, ate in the Gun Room "blue-fish" and complained that all's he wanted was fish and white bread to eat...believe it or not the restaurant did not want to serve him such simple things...but he demanded it...so I personally told the waitress to tell the cheif to give him whats he wants...she did...he was happy. He rocked the place to out-of-this-world music; a mixture of Jazz, Zydeco, and Blues. At the time I was the vice-president of the society and had personnally sold the show to the society...they weren't sure such an act would sell well, but I new Gatemouth could perform the job well...this guy is the "real-deal", pure in form and composition, but so improvisational. Probably only Jerry Garcia could truely understand the places "Gatemouth" Brown is capable of going. It was not only a privaledge, but an honor to see him play for a Sternwheel Regatta festival and to play on BJ& F music society's Hotel Lafayette Ballroom. Larry Starcher was our soundman, both Keith Gatto and I recorded the show on sony D5, no video was shot. I still have a few un-ripped tickets from the show, two of which were in my stolen master casettes [rec. on tascam mk122-2].[ie. the less hissy of the two w/hx-pro]"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown ]
??/??/80 All Atlanta, GA - Chastain Park S:?,D A/A+ 70 48k; digiglitch at 1:08:29 (during the finale)
10/21/92 All San Francisco, CA - Hilton Hotel S:D A/A+ 70 Jimmy Lee Moore (bass), 48k, w/ tracks, also seen as 10/12/92
10/29/94 All Los Angeles, CA - Unknown S:D U 100 no setlist
11/08/97 All Fukuoka, JAP - Sun Palace Af:D A- 121 DSM-6P mics->TCD-D8 48k
05/19/00 All Knoxville, TN - Chilhowee Park Af:D BAD 101 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 48k, low levels, stealthed/ handheld from the front row slighlty right of center
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Brown ]
09/27/01 All Knoxville, TN - Market Square Af:D A 115 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist #18 in the Sundown in the City series, Uptown Bogarts opened 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Burning Spear ]
02/22/69 All Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party S:?,CD,D A-/A 57 44k; Easy Chair and Old Blue are cut
09/??/70 All Stony Brook, NY - Gym, S.U.N.Y. S:?,CD,D A-/A 44 44k; ON Byrds 2/22/69; fades out at end of last song ("Mr. Spaceman")
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Byrds ]
03/24/92 All Brooklyn Heights, NY - St. Ann & S:D A/A+ 47 w/ Richard Thompson; Acoustic show! 44k; ON: Great Am. String 5/7/74, "An Acoustic Evening With David Byrne & Richard Thompson"/"A Head Talks Alone", St. Ann & The Holy Trinity, Brooklyn Heights, NY, USA
07/02/94 All San Francisco, CA - The Warfield A:D A-/A 120 48k
08/22/97 All Chicago, IL - Riviera Theatre A:D A-/A 91 AKG 460/ck63> DA-P1 44k, w/ tracks, A(balcony):AKG460-CK63>DA-P1 11/16/97 All Rochester, NY - Waterstreet A:D B+ 120 SoundPro> D8 48k; w/ tracks, I corrected the volume, tons of hiss 18:00 - 22:50 ("Take Me To The River")
10/11/98 All NYC, NY - The Knitting Factory A:D A-/A 107 Sonic Studios partial setlist w/ the Brodsky Quartet, (string) 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Byrne ]
04/18/90 Early Minneapolis, MN - Guthrie Theatre S:D A/A+ 120 may be missing last 4 tunes: Crazy Mama, Ride Me High, River Runs Deep, Roll On Mama
06/30/93 All Ottawa, Ontario, CAN - The Penguin S:D A/A+ 115 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | JJ Cale ]
10/23/97 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater A:D A- 120 Sonic Studios > D8 no setlist Cash's last complete show (he collapsed halfway through his next show)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Johnny Cash ]
08/06/99 1,2p Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall M:D A+ 120 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist 48k; sounds like 70% board/ 30% audience; taped from sound board area in the back of Moose's
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Caution ]
08/??/69 All Chicago, IL - Auditorium Theatre A:?,D BAD n/a
07/04/71 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West A:C(4),D B+ 45 boomy bass; good vocals
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | CCR ]
08/27/70 All Miami, FL - Criteria Studios StO:?,D A+ 120 Clapton/ Duane Allman: Jams & Outtakes: 44k
07/20/74 All Long Beach, CA - Long Beach Arena ? A-/A 155 EC/Carl Radle (Bass)/George Terry (Guitar)/Jamie Oldaker (Drums)/ Dick Sims (Keyboards)/Yvonne Elliman (Vocals) 115min?; Little bit of hiss at low points in music;
02/11/78 All Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica S:Rm,D A/A+ 120 * = w/ M. Levy on vocals 44k, w/ tracks
11/07/94 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West Af:D A 120 Neuman KM 54 no setlist 48k; source reported as "Neumann KM254" 11/09/94 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West Af:D U 120 Neumann KMi84
10/31/97 All Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall A:D A 110 Sanken COS-11PT's> Preamp> D8 no setlist 48k; from the master tape; "His setup was Sanken COS-11pt's > hand made pre amp > D8."
05/30/98 All Las Vegas, NV - MGM Grand Hotel A:D A-/A 120 Sonic Studios DSM 6P's no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Eric Clapton ]
11/14/96 All Tallahassee, FL S:D A+ 121 no setlist 48k; Oade Brothers Tree; the end cuts as tape runs out; "Will the Circle" is cut
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Vassar Clements ]
11/26/82 All Montego Bay, Freeport Zon, Ja - S:?,D A 64 44k; w/ tracks; low levels (-8); small background noise
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jimmy Cliff ]
11/01/61 All NYC, NY - Village Theater S:Rm,P,D A+ 68 both 11/1 and 11/2/61 48k, w/ tracks, first song cuts into 11/02/61 All NYC, NY - Village Theater S:Rm,P,D A+ 86 no setlist 48k, w/ tracks 11/23/61 All Stockholm, SWE - Konsenthusen S:Rm,D A/A+ 93 : Coltrane, ss, ts; Eric Dolphy, as, bcl, fl; McCoy Tyner, p; Reggie Workman, b; Elvin Jones, dr. 48k; show cuts at 93 minutes
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Coltrane ]
04/24/89 All Mill Valley, CA - The Sweetwater A:Cm,D A+ 140 W/: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Pete Sears, Commander Cody, Nick Lowe, Charles Brown, Kim Wilson, James Burdon, Sammy Hagar 48k, sounds like a matrix or FOB
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Elvis Costello ]
06/08/00 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D U 120 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 48k, "FOB ORTF B&K 4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1, Front of the drink rail, just right of center on a 5'8" stand (V2: 40db, DAP1: 4.4), taped by Steve"
05/25/01 All San Francisco, CA - Tower Records A:D A/A+ n/a B&K4011> Lunatec V2> Sonic AD2K> DAP1 ON: Mermen 8/13/00 Free show; album release promotion for "Open" 48k,w/ tracks, taped by Steve, "Not really FOB, but it was in a record store, and I was like 10 feet or less from Margo with my mics. I was right beside the soundboard... in the hip-hop section :-) 09/05/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats A:D A 120 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Cowboy Junkies ]
05/16/92 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:D A/A+ 91 48k
12/02/95 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield FM:D A 105 32k; "couple of glitches & bit bassy for an FM otherwise EXC"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert Cray ]
05/05/67 All Stockholm, SWE - Konsenthusen S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 62 "Tales of brave"; may be a mix of 5/5/67, 3/3/67, 7/3/68, 10/24/67 1 CD, 44k, "AAD 10/15/67 All Detroit, MI - Grande Ballroom S:Rm,D A/A+ 115 44k
10/??/68 All Atlantic Records Studio S:Rm,D A/A+ 45 48k 10/04/68 All Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda S:Rm,D A/A+ 60 48k 10/19/68 All Los Angeles, CA - The Forum S:Rm,?,CD,D A/A+ 49 ON: Doors 6/5/70 44k; w/ tracks, A-/A, small splice in "White Room"; splices between some songs during "dead-air"; could be 10/18/68
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Cream ]
11/22/86 All NYC, NY - CBGB's S:Rm,BCD,D A 46 44k, "Live at CBGB's"; analog master reels>CD
08/25/88 All Sydney, AUS - State Theatre S:?,BCD,D A 73 ON: Crowded House, 11/22/86 "State of Mind"; incomplete show
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Crowded House ]
06/11/99 All Knoxville, TN - The Bijou A:D A 187 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 performed GD 9/11/82 plus E2: "The Weight" 44/32k; I accidentally recorded the second set in 32k; taped from front/center of balcony 11/10/99 All Knoxville, TN - The Bijou Af:D A/A+ 209 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 performed 11/10/73 48k; recorded from the 6th row; X-Y (coincident 110); beginning of first set song cut; w/ tracks
01/17/01 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall S:D A/A+ 183 Sbd: coax in> SBM1> D8 performed 5/9/79 44k, E3: Terrapin is cut, missing E4: Tennessee Jed as 90m DAT ran out - who thought they would play 4 encores?!
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dark Star Orchestra ]
02/26/94 All NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall FM:D A/A+ 158 no setlist W/ Pete Townesend and the Chieftans and other guests; Roger Daultrey's 50th Birthday Party 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Roger Daultrey ]
03/22/60 Most Stockholm, SWE - Konsenthusen S:Rm,D A/A+ 82 Miles Davis (tpt); John Coltrane (ts); Wynton Kelly (p); Paul Chambers (b); Jimmy Cobb (d) 44k, parts of early and late show 08/??/60 All S:Rm,?,CD,D A/A+ 44 no setlist could this be Apr 9, 1960 Kurhaus, Scheveningen Davis 5t 45 48k; ON: Davis 11/6/67
11/06/67 All Paris, FRA - Salle Pleyel S:Rm,?,CD,D A/A+ 73 Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d) 48k; fades out at end
11/05/71 All Wien, AUS - Concert House FM:D A/A+ 102 Miles Davis (tpt); Gary Bartz (ss, as); Keith Jarrett (el-p, org); Michael Henderson (el-b); Ndugu Leon Chancler (d); Charles Don Alias (cga, perc); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc) 44k; (R500)!
09/29/72 All NYC, NY - Lincoln Center Fp:Rm,P,D A/A+ 85 Miles Davis (tpt, org); Carlos Garnett (ss); Reggie Lucas (g); Khalil Balakrishna (sitar); Cedric Lawson (keyb); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc); Badal Roy (tabla) 48k; some small digi specks; w/ tracks
06/28/91 All Hamburg, GERMANY - Messehalle FM:D A/A+ 113 Miles Davis (tpt, synth); Kenny Garrett (as, fl); Kei Akagi (synth); Joe "Foley" McCreary (g); Richard Patterson (el-b); Ricky Wellman (d); Erin Davis (perc) 32K
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Miles Davis ]
06/17/01 All Louisville, KY - Louisville Motor Af:D A-/A 46 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 opened for the Allman Brothers 44k, w/ tracks, about 40' back, in the center, ran mic's about 14' off the ground
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Deep Bannana Blackout ]
12/16/98 All Ocean Beach, CA - Winston's S:D A/A+ 180 Karl Denson sx., Carlos Washington trmp., Joey Carano gtr., David Veith pia., Ignacio Arango bas., Alan Evans drms 48k
02/28/99 All San Luis Obispo, CA - Brewing Af:D A/A+ 146 Octava MK012> Lunatec V2> SBM1> D8 partial setlist 48k; "Octava MK012 modified w/ bass roll off>lunatec>SBM>D8 front of sbd."; w/tracks 05/22/99 All All Good Music Fest-Brandywine, MD A:D A/A+ 59 Neumann TLM 170's > Lunatec V-2 > this rocks! Karl Denson sx., Carlos Washington trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Chris Stillwell bas., Craig Dawson drms. 44k 09/30/99 All Ferndale, MI - Magic Bag A:D A/A+ 151 B&K 4023's> Lunatec V2> HHB no setlist 44k, "from the best spot in the house - 25 feet from center stage, about 15 feet up. Barely any crowd noise, crystal clear, solid image from B&K 4023's> Lunatec V2> Music Metre Canto xlr cable> HHb"
02/12/00 All Chicago, IL - Double Door Af:D A/A+ 180 MtG 2000/m210 (XY100)> GP DMIC-20 Karl Denson sx., Ephriam Owens trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Craig Dawson drms. 48k, clone of the master 02/13/00 All Ferndale, MI - Magic Bag A:D A/A+ 119 B&K 4023's> Lunatec V2> HHB Karl Denson sx., Ephriam Owens trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Craig Dawson drms 44k, "from the best spot in the house - 25 feet from center stage, about 15 feet up. Barely any crowd noise, crystal clear, solid image from B&K 4023's> Lunatec V2> Music Metre Canto xlr cable> HHb" 02/14/00 All Toronto, ONT - The Comfort Zone M:D A+ 136 Karl Denson sx., Ephriam Owens trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Craig Dawson drms 48k, "AT825(FOB, DFC, 10' from stage)/Sbd-->Samson Mixpad 4-->DA-P1" 04/05/00 All Eugene, OR - Wild Duck Af:D U 180 Neumann km184's>v2>ad1000>p-1 h/t Karl Denson sx., Ephriam Owens trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Craig Dawson drms. my DAT is a copy of the master, taped by Chris and Dale Sheppard 05/08/00 All Asheville, NC - Stella Blue Af:D A/A+ 160 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Holy Cow! What a show - first KDTU's Uhaul gets a flat so show is postponed by 2.5 hours, show eventually starts at 12:15, KDTU proceeds to play a monster 2 set 3+ hour show (ends at 3:30 am). Karl Denson - Tenor Sax, Alto Sax, & Flute, Craig Dawson - Drums, Brian Jordan - Electric Guitar, Ron Johnson - Bass Guitar, David Veith - Hammond Organ, Fender Rhodes, & Electric Piano, Ephraim Owens - Trumpet 48k, "I taped the show with my MtG 2000/m200> Sonosax SX-M2> SBM1> D8 about 20' back (FOB), slightly right of center, 8' high, 80 degree mic angle", w/ tracks 07/21/00 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. A:D A 58 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 opened for SCI 48k, taped from the taper's section, w/ tracks 07/21/00 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:D U n/a opened for SCI dropout at end of 7/21/00 07/22/00 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:D U n/a opened for SCI ?? Hilton Amphitheater, Reno, CA?? 08/20/00 All Frisco, CO - Barkley's West S:D U 180 after WSP show party, 11:00 - 3am, no setlist opened for WSP, also DDBB SBD>SBM1>DA-P1 09/15/00 All Santa Cruz, CA - Palookaville A:D U 180 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 Karl Denson sx., Robert Walter orgn., Chris Stillwell bas., Cohemea Gastelum sx., EJ Rodriguez perc., Andy Cleaves trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Eric Bolivar drms.
10/30/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats Af:D A 145 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Jack Johnson opened 44k, w/ tracks, taped from the rail immediately behind the soundboard (my usual spot), X-Y 100
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Karl Denson's Tiny Universe ]
09/??/70 All Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Music A:Cm,R,R,D B+ 84 48k; (R500); ON: Derek 12/1/70; [rf] during "Stormy Monday", may be 11/26/70 10/23/70 Late NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,D A+ 115 44k, w/ tracks 10/24/70 Late NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 107 48k; w/ tracks, glitch/[rf] at 50:02ABS 12/01/70 All Tampa, FL - Curtis Hixon A:Cm,R,R,D B 93 w/ Special Guest: Duane Allman (1 of 2 times Duane played with Derek); Only poor audience circulates and this is it. 48k, 12/01/70 All Tampa, FL - Curtis Hixon A:Cm,R,R,D B 93 w/ Special Guest: Duane Allman (1 of 2 times Duane played with Derek); Only poor audience circulates 48k; (R500)
04/14/71 All London, ENG - Olympic Studios S:?,D A+ 67 EC/Jim Gordon (Drums)/Bobby Whitlock (Vocals, Keyboards)/Carl Radle (Bass)/ Duane Allman (Guitar); All tracks except #12 are instrumental. The consensus right now is that EC is probably not playing on tracks 10-12 inclusive. The majority of this CD is without vocals 1 CD, 44k, "The Last Sessions" - Reel Records - REEL CD-001 1996 - sb 4
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Derek & the Dominoes ]
02/02/92 All Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda S:D A/A+ 107 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dire Straits ]
03/07/67 All San Francisco, CA - The Matrix S:Rm,P,D A 117 Robbie Krieger - Guitar; Jim Morrison - Vocals; Ray Manzarek - Keyboards, Vocals; John Densmore - Drums 44k, w/ tracks 03/10/67 All San Francisco, CA - The Matrix S:Rm,P,D A 180 44k, digital noise at 3:30,
09/20/68 Both Stockholm, SWE - Konserthaus S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 114 44k; Jim has some mic problems
02/25/69 All Los Angeles, CA - Sunset Sound Sto:?,D U n/a These are the famous Rock Is Dead sessions. They also do some unrealesed stuff. Including Love Me Tender! Rock Is Dead is a great jam. (80 min.) 09/13/69 All Vancouver, British Columbia - A:Rm,D A-/A 57 Conflicting reports also list this as: TORONTO Varsity Stadium Rock and Roll Revival Festival 48k, noticeable hiss but otherwise very solid, w/ tracks
01/18/70 Early NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:?,D A-/A 120 no setlist 48k, w/ tracks 01/18/70 Late NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:?,D A-/A 118 no setlist 48k, w/ tracks 06/05/70 All Seattle, WA - Seattle Center S:Rm,?,D A 70 NO: Hitler poem, 5-2-1 Also seen as 6/7/70. 48k; some dead-air edited from my clone, w/ tracks 08/29/70 All Isle Of Wight England S:Rm,D A+ 71 Bootlegs: Live At The Isle Of Wight (L.P.) Tangie Town Records 45. 3rd to last show. Both audience and soundboard sources exist. Audience is missing Roadhouse Blues, but has unedited The End. 48k; from original 1" 8-track reel; [rf] during Light My Fire, w/ tracks
06/??/71 All Paris Studio Sessions Sto:?,D U n/a ON: Doors 2/25/69 Supposedly this was recorded just three weeks before his death! Jim jams with three unknown musicians, they do a rough jam of Orange County Suite. (15 min.)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Doors ]
04/07/72 All Syracuse, NY - Hanley Field House S:PreFMR,D A 65 opened for the Allman Brothers
11/06/73 All Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic preFM:Rm,D A/A+ 77 44k
12/12/90 All NYC, NY - Tramps S:D A/A+ 120 no setlist 44k
06/05/93 All NYC, NY - Tramps S:D A+ 97 partial setlist 48k
04/28/00 All New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds S:D A+ 70 S:Monster Digi> Oade Cable> SBM1> D8 partial setlist 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | (Malcolm Rebennack) Dr. John 'Creaux the Night Tripper' ]
05/17/66 All Manchester, England, U.K. - Free S:Rm,D,CD,D A/A+ 94 44k
02/11/74 Late Oakland, CA - Alameda County S:Rm,?,D A 119 Evening show; w/ the Band 48k; low levels (-10)
11/11/75 All Waterbury, CT - Palace Theater S:Rm,D A 162 Tracks 3-18 available as mono PA recording 48k
07/12/87 All East Rutherford, NJ - Giants A:D A- 92 Schoeps MK-4 48k 07/19/87 All Eugene, OR - Autzen Stadium S:?,D A/A+ 80
01/12/90 All New Haven, CT - Toad's Place Af:D A-/A 242 A:Schoeps:D,D,D Four sets! 48k; has skip id's, most removed; barely fits on 2*60m's
05/22/95 All San Francisco, CA - The Warfield A:D A 120 A:Schoeps,D 48k; low levels (-5) 05/27/95 All Laguna Beach, CA - Laguna Seca S:D A/A+ 96 48k; diginoise at 2:43ABS; need to check master 09/23/95 All Fort Lauderdale, FL - The Edge A:D A-/A 90 A:(? and later Sonic Studio mic's),D 48k 10/10/95 All Augusta, GA - Bell Auditorium Af:D A 115 Sonic Studios DSM6-> D7 48k; "taped from 7th Row, Right side", "Sonic StudiosDSM-6>D7", w/ tracks
08/23/97 All Vienna, VA - Wolf Trap FM:D A-/A 100 ClosedCircuitFM:D 48k; low levels; No ABS time on my tape; some tuning static near the end 12/08/97 All NYC, NY - Irving Plaza Af:D A 120 B&K4021> SX-M2> Denon DTR-80 Benefit for Hale House 48k, "FOB slightly right of center" diginoise at 6:12
11/02/98 All Syracuse, NY - Onondaga County Af:D A 102 (FOB-7th row):Schoeps MK4S > D3 48k
03/02/99 All Las Vegas, NV - Mandalay Bay Af:D A 120 Schoeps W/ Bono with Bono on vocals and acoustic, 09/08/99 All Antioch, TN - First American Af:D,CD,D A 85 FOB: Neumann km140> SX-M2> SBM1> With Marty Robbins throughout. Third set performed with Paul Simon during his set
04/27/01 All Knoxville, TN - Chilhowee Park Af:D A-/A n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, w/ tracks, most of first song is missing (I couldn't get a signal initially). I pointed my mic's straight at the right speaker stack. A little rough at the start. I edited the master to bump the levels up. 05/01/01 All Asheville, NC - Civic Center Af:D A 135 Schoeps MK-4> Rubelheuber> Sony D10 Schoeps MK4 (ORTF) > Rubelheuber preamp> Sony TCD-D10Pro (30' from the stage dead center), my clone from the master
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bob Dylan ]
08/24/92 All East Rutherford, NJ - Giants S:D A+ 130 DSS?
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Eagles ]
03/12/99 All Knoxville, Tennessee - Tennessee A:D A 170 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>D8 48k; taped from the balcony, My first recording with my MTG>Sonosax rig. First part patch provided by Oade micro mic's> D7
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steve Earl & Del McCoury ]
09/05/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blues Cats A:D A 45 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist opened for Cowboy Junkies 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tim Easton ]
12/08/62 1 NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall S:Rm,D A+ 46 ON: McCartney 7/4/90 "Singing Bus Driver" Billy Powers, "Fellow with the Old 5-string" Earl Scruggs, Next Fellow w/ the Little Fiddle - Paul Warren, Cousin Jake from Knoxille, TN (they grow everything there), Uncle Josh, Lester Flatt 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Flatt & Scruggs ]
02/22/98 All Ithica, NY - Barton Hall, Cornell A:D A 171 Neumann> Oade> SBM-1 48k; Show does not appear on Bela setlist site; diginoise starting at 2:49:30; high 'B head' error rate - not sure if this is part of the same show 06/19/98 All Telluride, CO - Town Park A:D A/A+ 180 MTG SMS2000/M200>EAA PSP2>DAP1 48k; according to Bela setlist site: this was 6/19/98 and Guest: Bruce Hornsby; rec'd as 6/20/98
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bela Fleck ]
05/01/99 All Merle Fest - American Stage A:D A/A+ 54 44k; (UC)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Fleck & Douglas ]
03/23/97 All Reading, PA - Unknown Af:D A/A+ n/a Shoeps Mk-4v> D
06/19/98 All Telluride, CO - Town Park - A:D A 180 MTG SMS2000/M200>EAA PSP2>DAP1 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Fleck & Hornsby ]
06/20/98 All Telluride, CO - Town Park A:D A/A+ 90 MTG SMS2000/M200>EAA PSP2>DAP1 R&B Here & Now Workshop (Elks Park) 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Fleck & Sipe ]
??/??/68 All Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party S:?,D U n/a
03/20/77 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum A:Cm,D A- 99 48k, "ANALOG MASTER>>DAT" w/ tracks, cassette flip between songs, before 'You Make Loving Fun'
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Fleetwood Mac ]
05/19/97 All San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore A:D U 121 Schoeps
06/28/98 All Walingford, CT - Oakdale Music A:D A n/a Sony ECM717>D8 07/02/98 All NYC, NY - Radio City Music Hall A:D A-/A 121 Nakamichi 700s>D8 48k, w/ tracks, just fits on a 60m
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Fogerty ]
05/28/97 All Gainesville, FL - Covered Dish S:D A+ 120 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Frogwings ]
06/21/98 All Telluride, CO - Town Park A:D U n/a MTG SMS2000/M200>EAA PSP2>DAP1
07/21/99 All Knoxville, TN - Bird's Eye View Af:D A/A+ 130 MTG SMS2000/M200>Sonosax SX-M2>SBM1>D8 w/ Mark Dowdio - drums and Bill Rich - bass 43:30 - 44:10 Banjo Surgery 48k; taped 6' from stage, mic's were about 4.5' high, X-Y (110 degrees), w/ tracks
04/19/00 Early Knoxville, TN - Barley's Taproom Af:D A 60 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 there were 3 shows this day, all about 60 minutes each the first show (9pm) was broadcast live on the radio and the internet
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tony Furtado ]
07/21/92 Most Philadelphia, PA - Mann Music S:D U 120 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Peter Gabriel ]
10/24/97 All Chicago, IL - Unknown A:D U n/a MTG SMS2000/M200's>Oade Pre>SBM-1>D8
05/28/98 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West A:D U 135 Beyer Dynamic TGX 180> Zefiro A/D> D7 44.1Khz No Setlist Available 05/29/98 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. A:D U 40 Beyer Dynamic TGX 180> Zefiro A/D> D7 44.1Khz No Setlist Available
03/30/99 All Carrboro, NC - Cat's Cradle M:D A+ 118 44k 07/30/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Af:D A/A+ 60 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 48k
11/01/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats Af:D A 150 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Little Rascals opened and joined for one song 44k, w/ tracks, taped from stand taped to the rail behind the soundboard, X-Y 100 degrees
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Galactic ]
??/??/63 All Palo Alto, CA - Top of the Tangent A:Rm,R,D A/A+ 10 48k, (Pigpen solo) 02/26/63 All Palo Alto, CA - Top of the Tangent A:Rm,R,D A/A+ 35 (Garcia, Hunter, Nelson, etc.) 48k, Wildwood Boys, complete show 30 min, "MARRD" 05/04/63 All Palo Alto, CA - Top of the Tangent A:Rm,R,D A/A+ 74 All the 1963 stuff totals 74 minutes 48k, Jerry and Sara, "complete show,AUD: MAR>R>D"
01/26/72 All Boston, MA - Symphony Hall S:Rm,?,D A n/a Garcia & Wales: Jerry Garcia, Howard Wales, Jim Vincent, Jerry Love, Roger Troy. FM Broadcast WBCN 44k 06/30/72 All San Francisco, CA - Keystone S:Rm,D A 120 Final "Jam" cuts off at 120 minutes Garcia & Saunders w/Jim Vincent, Jerry Love & Roger Troy. w/Tom Fogerty 48k 12/20/72 All San Anselmo, CA - The Lion's Share FM:Rm,D A/A+ 240
06/04/74 All San Anselmo, CA - The Lion's Share S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 133 Legion of Mary; *=not in DeadBase, w/female vocalist. 48k, Drop-out at 1:35:00, cut-in 1:01, cut-out 2:13:04 06/05/74 All San Anselmo, CA - Lion's Share S:Rm,?,D A n/a Great American String Band: Jerry Garcia, Richard Green, David Grisman, Taj Mahal, David Nichtern. Setlist (incomplete) from bootleg tape -- not in DeadBase. *=w/guest female vocalist (Maria Muldaur??). 07/22/74 All Berkeley, CA - Keystone S:Rm,D A/A+ 116 NO: How Sweet It Is Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Paul Humphrey 48k; Glitches, I need to reclone this 09/02/74 All San Francisco, CA - Marx Meadows S:Rm,D A/A+ 79 Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Paul Humphrey. Free concert. 48k, a few tiny bursts of sound like ??static?? but could be on the master reel, Fades into "2nd that Emotion", brief volume dip during "Expressway"
04/12/75 Ep,L Scranton, PA - Masonic Temple S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 116 Late show. Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Ron Tutt. 44k 05/21/75 All Berkeley, CA - Keystone S:Rm,R,D,CD, U 180 Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Ron Tutt. *="Georgia On My Mind" on some boots. 10/11/75 1 Berkeley, CA - Keystone S:Rm,P,D U n/a Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Nicky Hopkins, John Kahn, Ron Tutt. 12/19/75 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 103 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Nicky Hopkins, John Kahn, Ron Tutt. Other artists: Kingfish, Keith & Donna Band, Clover 48k; rec'd as S:Rm>D; w/ tracks 12/20/75 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 102 Late show. Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Nicky Hopkins, John Kahn, Ron Tutt. Other artists: Kingfish, Keith & Donna Band, Clover 48k; some line static arounf 1:30:45 12/31/75 All Berkeley, CA - Keystone S:Rm,P,D U n/a Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Nicky Hopkins, John Kahn, Ron Tutt. w/Greg Errico, Mickey Hart, Bob Weir & Matt Kelly. New Years show.
11/23/77 All Waterbury, CT - The Palace Theater S:Rm,D A/A+ n/a Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Maria Muldaur, Keith & Donna Godchaux, John Kahn, Buzz Buchanan. 12/11/77 All State College, PA - Rec Hall S:Cm,D A 161 * = includes "Close Encounters" Jam - 19 minutes long Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Maria Muldaur, Keith & Donna Godchaux, John Kahn, Buzz Buchanan. 48k; noticeable hiss; low levels (-10); on 2*60m tapes 12/20/77 All Berkeley, CA - Keystone S:Rm,D U n/a Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Maria Muldaur, Keith & Donna Godchaux, John Kahn, Buzz Buchanan.
04/23/79 All San Francisco, CA - Old Waldorf S:Rm,D A/A+ 180 Early show. Reconstruction: Jerry Garcia, Gaylord Birch, John Kahn, Ed Neumeister, Merl Saunders, Ron Stallings 48k
07/24/80 All Hartford, CT - Bushnell Auditorium Af:Cm,CD,D A 180 Sony ECM 280>Sony TC-D5 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Ozzie Allers, Greg Errico, John Kahn.1 day after Keith Godchaux's death. 44k, "AF:CM:CD>DAT 10th ROW!!! Sony ECM 280>Sony TC-D5 by Jim Wise"
04/10/82 All Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater S:Cm,C,D A/A+ 66 Early show. Garcia Solo Acoustic. 48k 05/05/82 All Salem, OR - Oregon State Prison S:Cm,D,CD,D U n/a Garcia & Kahn/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, Essra Mohawk, Melvin Seals, Daoud Shaw, Liz Stires, Jimmy Warren. Setlist from bootleg tape. Unsure of Band name.
01/13/83 All Berkeley, CA - Keystone S:Rm,P,D A n/a Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Greg Errico, John Kahn, Melvin Seals, DeeDee Dickerson, Jaclyn LaBranch. 11/26/83 Early Binghamton, NY - Forum S:Rm,D U n/a Early show. Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, DeeDee Dickerson, John Kahn, David Kemper, Jaclyn LaBranch, Melvin Seals 11/26/83 Late Binghamton, NY - Forum S:Rm,D U n/a Late show. Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, DeeDee Dickerson, John Kahn, David Kemper, Jaclyn LaBranch, Melvin Seals 12/02/83 All Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre S:Cm,D A/A+ n/a Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, DeeDee Dickerson, John Kahn, David Kemper, Jaclyn LaBranch, Melvin Seals
06/03/84 All San Francisco, CA - Kabuki Theater S:Cm,D A+ 120 Garcia & Kahn. Robert Hunter opened. 48k; "Sbd:Cass(Nak Dragon)Panasonic SV3800"; (U)
08/29/87 All Piercy, CA - French's Camp, Eel S:D A/A+ 159 Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman 48k; (U) 08/30/87 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. A:Cm,D A 109 Schoeps MK-4V Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. *=w/Bonnie Raitt. Bonnie Raitt opened. 10/28/87 All NYC, NY - Lunt-Fontanne Theatre S:D U n/a Early show. Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman 12/04/87 All Los Angeles, CA - Wiltern Theater S:Cm,D,CD,D U n/a ON: 5/5/82 Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. *=w/Leroy Mack on dobro. 12/04/87 All Los Angeles, CA - Wiltern Theater S:D U n/a Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. *=w/Leroy Mack on dobro.
??/??/89 All Garcia, Grisman, Nordine, Waits - STo:?,D A+ 112 partial setlist; Devout Catalyst session ("Word Jazz") Ken Nordine - voice, Jerry Garcia - acoustic guitar, David Grisman - mandolin, Howard Levy - keyboards, harmonica, Joe Craven - percussion, Jim Kerwin - bass, Tom Waits - voice Healy Working Tapes; I am told that Neuman mic's were used during the session, w/ tracks
12/22/90 2 San Francisco, CA - San Francisco A:D U n/a Nak 700 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman.
01/31/91 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield A:D U n/a Schoeps Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. 08/24/91 All Squaw Valley, CA - Goldcoast S:D,CD,D U 120 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. Bill Graham Summer Music Festival. Other artists: Rythm Tribe, Tower Of Power, Jimmy Cliff 08/24/91 All Squaw Valley, CA - Goldcoast M:D A+ 127 Schoeps Mk2> Reutelhuber> Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. Bill Graham Summer Music Festival. Other artists: Rythm Tribe, Tower Of Power, Jimmy Cliff "30% Schoeps>mk2>Reutelhuber/ 70% SBD" 08/25/91 All Squaw Valley, CA - Goldcoast S:D,CD,D U 120 Garcia & Grisman. *=only time played. **=w/Bela Fleck. Bill Graham Summer Music Festival. Other artists: Bela Fleck & The Flecktones, Booker T & The MG's, Neville Brothers. 08/25/91 Partial Squaw Valley, CA - Goldcoast S:D A+ 85 Garcia & Grisman. *=only time played. **=w/Bela Fleck. Bill Graham Summer Music Festival. Other artists: Bela Fleck & The Flecktones, Booker T & The MG's, Neville Brothers. 48k; NO: Eat My Dust & Ripple; cuts off at 1:24:58ABS 12/08/91 2 San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:D U 60 Garcia & Grisman: Jerry Garcia, David Grisman, w/Jim Kerwin on Bass and Joe Craven on violin. *=Garcia on Guitar and Grisman on Banjo
11/19/93 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum Af:D A-/A n/a Schoeps CMC34> Oade PS> SV-255> DAR-100 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. 48k, w/ tracks, recorded by Clay Breneke w/ Todd Evan's Schoeps gear (FOB DFC ORTF in hat, Schoeps CMC34> Oade PS> SV-255> Casio DAR-100 master)
02/05/94 2 San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:D A/A+ 41 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. w/Melvin Seals & Choir 44k; ON: JGB 4/25/94 s2 04/25/94 2 San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:D A/A+ 60 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. 48k 04/27/94 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:D,CD,D U n/a Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. 04/27/94 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:D A+ 120 Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jerry Garcia Band ]
07/26/97 All Asheville, NC - Bele Chare S:D A+ n/a * = Allen on mandolin
04/18/98 All Athens, GA - 40 Watt Club Af:D A/A+ n/a Schoeps CMC6/MK4 * = w/ David Blackmon on fiddle and JoJo Hermann on keyboards
07/30/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Af:D A/A+ 66 MTG 2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>DAP1 Summer Session 2nd show (4th act); No Ziggy Marley due to lack of tix * w/ Kyle from SCI 48k
02/15/02 1 Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A- n/a AKG C1000> DA-P1 44k, my dat is clone of the master; front row of the balcony about 10-15 feet right of center. AKG C1000s (xy cardiod)> DA-P1 02/15/02 2 Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre Af:D A n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, DAMN! - the dat for the first set was munched by my dat deck (after just being serviced at ProDigital for this problem). This is the 2nd time this has happened to me at a Gov't Mule show - what the f*!
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Government Mule ]
08/28/98 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater S:D A/A+ n/a patch via Will C.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Gran Torino ]
??/??/66 All Unknown City, XX - Unknown S:Rm,D,FM,D A/A+ n/a from KPFA marathon 05/19/66 All San Francisco, CA - Avalon S:Rm,D,FM,D U 30 Straight Theater benefit - Other artist(s): The Wildflower, The Outfit; KPFA 1999 07/03/66 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore S:Rm,?,D U 32 "Independence Ball" - Other artist(s): Love; GD, Group B - List incomplete; ON: 7/19/87 s3, 48k 07/16/66 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore S:Rm,D A+ 46 Other artist(s): Jefferson Airplane; GD 48k; NO ABS Time 07/17/66 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore S:Rm,D A+ 25 check setlist again 48k; NO ABS Time, 2 tiny pops 8,9 seconds into Big Boss Man, brief static glitch 58:17, 1:01:07 (In the Pines)
01/14/67 All San Francisco, CA - Polo Field S:Rm,?,D U 31 *with Charles LIoyd 'The Great Human Be-In' aftenoon concert Other artist(s):jefferson Airplane; QMS; Country Joe & The Fish; Charlatans 10/22/67 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,C,D A 56 "Marajuana Defense benefit" - Other artist(s): QMS; Big Brother & The Holding Co. the complete show from master reel>1 cassette generation>DAT>circulation. That's It For The Other One was broadcast on the Grateful Dead Hour.
01/20/68 All Eureka, CA - Eureka Municipal S:Rm,C,D U 30 Tour of the Great Pacific Northwest begins - Other artist(s): QMS - "The Quick & The Dead 01/22/68 All Seattle, WA - Eagle's Auditorium S:Rm,?,D U 60 02/02/68 All Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 46 48k, w/ tracks 02/03/68 All Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 45 48k, w/ tracks 02/14/68 All San Francisco, CA - Carousel S:Rm,D A/A+ 120 Official Opening - "St. Valentine's Day, Be Mine" poster FM broadcast KMPX-San Francisco - Other artist(s): Country Joe & The Fish, Second set in remeberance of Neal Cassidy 44k 03/16/68 All San Francisco, CA - Carousel S:Rm,C,D A/A+ 120 Other artist(s): Jefferson Airplane 48k 03/30/68 1,2P San Francisco, CA - Carousel preFM:D A 59 Cryptical through Spanish Jam Other artist(s): Chuck Berry; Curly Cook's Hurdy-Gurdy Band 44k; (R500); (U) 08/21/68 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,D A/A+ 110 Alligator contains We Bid You Goodnight Theme. Other artist(s): GD; Kaleidoscope; Albert Collins 48k; lots of diginoise spots 08/22/68 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,P,D A+ 94 Other artist(s): GD; Kaleidoscope; Albert Collins 48k 10/08/68 All San Francisco, CA - The Matrix S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 180 show billed as "Mickey and the Heartbeats". Bobby and Pigpen were absent. All of Set 3 with Elvin Bishop. Final jam (set 3) is Jack Casady, Hart, and Bishop only. 48k 10/10/68 All San Francisco, CA - The Matrix S:Rm,D A/A+ 87 Mickey And The Hartbeats *w/Paul Butterfield Mickey And The Hartbeats 48k 10/13/68 All San Francisco, CA - Avalon preFM:?,D A/A+ 65 "New Potato" cuts FM broadcast KPFA-Berkeley - Other artist(s): Lee Michaels, Linn County, Mance Lipscomb 48k, small amount of hiss 10/30/68 All San Francisco, CA - The Matrix S:Rm,?,D A+ 161 *with Elvin Bishop Mickey And The Hartbeats; show billed as "Mickey and the Heartbeats". Bobby and Pigpen were absent. "Prisoner Blues" is with Elvin Bishop 48k 11/01/68 Partial Chico, CA - The Silver Dollar Fair S:Rm,?,D A 43 Dark Star thru final Cryptical 44k, noticable hiss (could be 'A'), left & right channels are not balanced for first minute or two 11/06/68 All San Mateo, CA - Pacific High S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 82 ON: 11/1/68 44k, beginning of 'Lovelight' is cut, small amount of hiss is noticable 12/16/68 All San Francisco, CA - The Matrix S:Rm,P,D U 120 Mickey And The Hartbeats - first set blues jam with Jack Casady, Spencer Dryderd. Second set with Jack Casady, David Getz - third set with Harvy Mandel, George Chambers 12/16/68 All San Francisco, CA - The Matrix S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 113 show billed as "Mickey and the Heartbeats". Bobby and Pigpen were absent. (1) with Jack Casady and Spencer Dryden. (2) with Jack Casady and David Getz. This contains a lengthy "The Creator Has a Master Plan" theme and has references to Dark Star, Clementine, and China Cat Sunflower. (3) with Harvey Mandel and George Chambers. 48k, w/ tracks
02/22/69 All Vallejo, CA - Dream Bowl S:Rm,R,P,D A 111 Missing: Dupree's Diamond Blues, Lovelight 02/27/69 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,D A/A+ 119 Other artist(s): GD; Pentangle; Sir Douglas Quintet 48k 02/28/69 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,D A/A+ 120 Other artist(s): GD; Pentangle; Sir Douglas Quintet 44k 03/01/69 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 118 Other artist(s): GD; Pentangle; Sir Douglas Quintet 48k, (R500) 04/05/69 All San Francisco, CA - Avalon S:Rm,R,D A 137 "William Tell" bridge after St. Stephen Other artist(s): Flying Burrito Bros; Aum 04/21/69 All Boston, MA - The Ark S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 154 *Contains "We Bid You Goodnight" theme 44k 04/22/69 All Boston, MA - The Ark S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 157 Carnival Music tuning before "Doin That Rag" 48k 04/23/69 All Boston, MA - The Ark S:Cm,D,C,D A 161 44k, brief cut in HWAFOM, noticable hissdigital noise and dro-outs starting at 19:12, N E E D N E W C L O N E 04/26/69 All Chicago, IL - Electric Theater S:Cm,D U 140 ??cassette master>1 cassette generation>DAT>circulation?? from tapes in circulation, I need to listen to see if I can detect 2 cass gens, but I was told S:C,D 04/27/69 All Minneapolis, MN - Labor Temple S:Rm,P,D U 88 05/23/69 Partial Hollywood, FL - Seminole Indian S:Rm,P,D U 87 "Big Rock Pow Wow" - billing GD; Johnny Winter; Sweetwater; Joe South; Aum; NRBQ; Rinoceros; Muddy Waters; Timothy Leary; The Echo; Nervous System; Jane and the Electric Jive Wire 05/31/69 All Eugene, OR - McArthur Court S:Cm,D,C,D U 153 Ken Babbs & sundry other pranksters marshall the chaos between the first few songs. Jerry plays pedal steel guitar on Green Grass. At 1:52 into the Cryptical reprise there is a cut; probably several minutes are missing here. It's anybody's guess how much of the second set may be missing. , cassette master>DAT>1 cassette generation>DAT>circulation 06/07/69 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,P,D A 95 *with Janis Joplin Other artist(s): GD; Jr. Walker & The All Stars; The Glass Family 44k; "PCM Beta> DMP-100>SBM-1>DAT", a lot of hiss during Dire Wolf, w/ tracks 06/14/69 All Monterey, CA - Monterey S:Rm,D A 99 48k 06/27/69 All Santa Rosa, CA - Veterans S:Rm,C,D U 92 Other artist(s): Hot Tuna; Joey Covington; Cleanliness & Godliness Skiffle Band; Jerry plays pedal steel guitar on Ol' Slewfoot , on Dire Wolf, and on Green Grass. Bobby handles vocals on Dire Wolf. The Eleven is the first vocals and the initial transition Jam only. There is a cut at 3:57 in Baby Blue, which later breaks off incomplete. 08/16/69 All Bethel, NY - Max Yasgur's Farm S:Rm,D U 77 Woodstock Music and Art Fair - Other artist(s): Canned Heat; Creedence Clearwater Revival Keef Hartley Band; Janis Joplin; Jefferson Airplane; Mountain; Quill; Santana; The Who , multitrack reel master>DAT>circulation 09/07/69 All San Francisco, CA - Family Dog at preFM:D U 29 Grateful Dead with members of Jefferson Airpane (definitely Jorma & Jack, perhaps Spencer and others). Baby What You Want Me To Do is also known as Peepin & Hidin. The drummers start Wipe Out in response to a request from the audience. 11/07/69 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore S:Rm,C,D U 120 'Star Spangled Banner', 'Merry-Go-Round Brokedown', 'Take Me Out To The Ballgame' tuning before Cold Rain The New Old Fillmore - Other artist(s): South Bay Experimental Flash; Alligator 11/08/69 2P San Francisco, CA - Fillmore S:Rm,D U 97 The New Old Fillmore - Other artist(s): South Bay Experimental Flash; Alligator 12/12/69 Partial Los Angeles, CA - Thelma Theater S:Rm,D U 32 "We Bid you Goodnight" theme during "Alligator" 12/26/69 All Dallas, TX - McFarlin Auditorium S:Cm,C,C,C,D A 60 Zephyr opened - First set acoustic without Bill
01/03/70 Early NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,C,D U 52 EARLY 01/03/70 Late NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,C,D U 110 LATE, Billing; GD; Lighthouse; Cold Blood 02/01/70 Partial New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse S:Rm,R,R,P,D A/A+ 42 With Peter Green - bust fund benefit} 01-31-70 New Orleans Police bust the Dead 44.1k 02/02/70 Partial St. Louis, MO - Fox Theatre S:Rm,R,R,P,D U 23 02/05/70 Partial San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,C,D A+ 50 Billing GD; Taj Mahal; Bigfoot 44k, Missing: China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Big Boss Man, Black Peter, w/ tracks 02/07/70 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,C,D A+ 69 ON: 2/5/70 Billing GD; Taj Mahal; Bigfoot 44k, w/ tracks, Green Green Grass of Home (c), Sawmill (c) 02/11/70 Partial NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,?,D U 49 Dstar thru Lovelight *with Duane and Gregg Allman and Peter Green Other artist(s): GD; The Allman Brothers Band; Love 02/13/70 Early NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,D,*,CD A/A+ 57 Other artist(s): GD: The Allman Brothers Band: Love Second Set Acoustic 44k; "Master Reel > DAT > Sonic Solutions > CDR > CDR > DAT;" from KPFA 1/31/99 marathon 02/13/70 Late NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,P,D U 169 Other artist(s): GD: The Allman Brothers Band: Love Second Set Acoustic 02/14/70 Early NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,D,*,CD A/A+ 64 *Bear's Choice version Other artist(s): GD: The Allman Brothers Bond, Love. Second Set Acoustic 44k; "Master Reel > DAT > Sonic Solutions > CDR > CDR > DAT;" from KPFA 1/31/99 marathon 02/14/70 Late NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,R,R,P,D U 147 *Bear's Choice version Other artist(s): GD: The Allman Brothers Bond, Love. * = Acoustic 02/27/70 All San Francisco, CA - Family Dog at S:Rm,D A/A+ 100 44k; "Missing Black Peter, Casey Jones, Cumberland Blues and breaks off at the beginning of Lovelight. Black Peter and Casey Jones are missing their beginnings on the master and Lovelight cuts on the master, very close to its conclusion." W/ tracks 03/21/70 Early Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater A:Cm,C,D U 65 Early show 03/21/70 Late Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater A:Cm,C,D U 109 Late show 04/24/70 All Denver, CO - Mammoth Gardens Af:Cm,C,D B 101 First set acoustic 48k 05/15/70 Late NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,P,D A 152 NO NRPS set Late show, Other artist(s): NRPS first set acoustic 48k, tracks are set; Part 1 on 5/23/69 06/24/70 Early-paPort Chester, NY - Capitol Theater A:Cm,C,D U 60 Early show. Other artist(s): NRPS Seen as A:Rm,D?? 06/24/70 Late Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater A:Cm,C,D U 60 Late Show Other artist(s): NRPS first set acoustic Seen as A:Rm,D?? 09/18/70 Partial NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,D A+ n/a Other artist(s): GD: NRPS Jimi Hendrix died on this night 44k 09/19/70 Partial NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,D A+ n/a ON: GD 9/18/70 partial Final Pigpen 'Schoolgirl' - Other artist(s): NRPS 44k 11/08/70 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater Af:Rm,D B+ n/a First set acoustic Other artist(s): NRPS, * = w/ Jerry Garcia on pedal steel 48k; show is a compilation of sources ranging from C+ to B+
02/18/71 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D A 160 Mickey's last show until 10-20-74 - E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS 44k 02/19/71 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 170 E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS 48k 02/20/71 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 180 E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS 48k; "1996 Betty Board remastering project" 02/21/71 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D A+ 170 E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS 48k 02/23/71 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D A+ 170 E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS 48k 02/24/71 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D A+ 170 E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS 48k 04/05/71 All NYC, NY - Manhattan Center S:Rm,D U 173 'Dance Marathon' - Other artist(s): NRPS 04/06/71 All NYC, NY - Manhattan Center S:Rm,D U 157 'Dance Marathon' - Other artist(s): NRPS 04/08/71 All Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall S:Rm,P,P,D U 150 Other artist(s): NRPS Seen as: S:Rm,R,P,D 04/29/71 Most NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,R,D A/A+ 179 Other Aritst(s): NRPS; No 2nd Encore Soundboard: complete show, remastered; includes between-song tunings edited from previously-circulated tape, reel master>DAT>circulation [235 minutes] Soundboard: complete show, reel master>2 reel generations>DAT>circulation [200 minutes] 08/14/71 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,P,D A 128 Order uncertain -Other artist(s): NRPS 08/15/71 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 130 08/26/71 All Bronx, NY - Gaelic Park S:Rm,C,D A+ 178 48k, reel flip sliced together during Other One 12/01/71 2p Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall S:Rm,D,C,D A/A+ 44 ON: 12/4/71 48k, "S:Rm,D,C (Tascam 122mkii)> D (Tascam DA-20)", some channel problems near the end 12/04/71 2 NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:Rm,D,C,D A/A+ 57 Other artist(s): NRPS 48k, "S:Rm,D,C (Tascam 122mkii)> D (Tascam DA-20)" 12/14/71 All Ann Arbor, MI - Hill Auditorium S:Rm,P,D U 178 "Stars & Stripes Forever" tuning before 'You Will Again' - Other artist(s): NRPS
04/08/72 2P London, EN - Wembley Empire Pool S:Rm,D A 61 44k 04/14/72 All Copenhagen, DE - Tivoli Theater FM:Rm,D A 240 44k, "MFRD spliced with MARD" 04/17/72 Partial Copenhagen, DE - Tivoli Gardens S:TV,Cm,D A n/a TV broadcast: "TV from tho Tivoli" 05/03/72 All Paris, FR - Olympia Theater S:Rm,D A/A+ 215 05/04/72 All Paris, FR - Olympia Theater S:Rm,D U 220 05/07/72 2P Wigan, EN - Bickershaw Festival S:Rm,P,D U n/a Order uncertain - Other artist(s): NRPS 05/11/72 All Rotterdam, NE - Rotterdam Civic S:Rm,D A/A+ 240 44k, diginoise at 5:58 of tape 2 during Tennessee Jed. 05/16/72 All Luxembourg, LU - Radio Luxembourg S:Rm,C,D,C,D U n/a Sound check: Big River, Sugar Magnolia 10" pre-fm reel master > 1 cassette gen > DAT > 1 cassette gen >DAT > circulation 05/18/72 All Muenchen, GE - Kongressaal S:Rm,D A n/a *second encore 44k 05/23/72 All London, EN - The Strand Lyceum S:Rm,P,D U 240 splice during Playin' 05/26/72 All London, EN - The Strand Lyceum S:Rm,D U 220 07/26/72 All Portland, OR - Paramount Theater S:Rm,D A 114 "Mexican Hat Dance" tuning before "B.. Wind" s1: 48k; s2: 44k; second set is Digi-WASTE - need to return for a reclone 08/12/72 All Sacramento, CA - Sacramento S:Rm,?,D A 177 48k; PLand, SS//DD are cut; some ??digi?? "pops" on this; NO: Sat Nite 08/21/72 2 Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,P,D A/A+ n/a 08/22/72 2 Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,P,D A 97 NO: Promised Land 48k,w/ tracks, missing Left channel on BE Women, Mexicali, & part of Truckin 08/27/72 All Veneta, OR - Old Renaissance S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 190 Springfield Creamery benefit - "Field Trip" - not 08-28-72 - Other artist(s): NRPS 48k, w/ tracks 09/21/72 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum S:Rm,D U n/a 09/28/72 1P,2 Jersey City, NJ - Stanley Theatre S:Rm,D U n/a 10/18/72 Partial St. Louis, MO - Fox Theatre S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 180 44k, MORE THAN "complete circulation 30 min, MSRDFMD ", cut/splice in Bird Song, line static/glitch at 44:07, 11/17/72 All Wichita, KS - Century II S:Rm,C,D A/A+ 169 Static during T. Jed, J. Straw & KC Jonescut due to reel flip 48k; (R500) 11/24/72 All Dallas, TX - Dallas Memorial S:Rm,D A/A+ 153 48k, w/ tracks 12/11/72 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,R,P,D U 240 Other artist(s): GD; Sons Of Champlin missing SMag, KCJones? 12/31/72 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland preFM:Rm,D A 170 *with David Crosby on either or both **came back to play Casey Jones FM breadcast KSAN-San Francisco Other artist(s): GD, NRPS; Sons Of Champlin 44k; diginoise (1:45ABS); NO: SMag, Sing Me Back, JBG, (E): UJB, Sat Nite
02/09/73 All Palo Alto, CA - Roscoe Maples S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 206 "Beer Barrel Polka" tuning before "Mexicali" 48k, reel master>DAT>Sonic Solutions workstation>CD>circulation 02/17/73 All St. Paul, MN - St. Paul Autitorium S:Rm,R,D A/A+ 140 "Beer Barrel Polka" tuning before "BIOTDL" 48k; Truckin & YAWE are cut 02/21/73 All Champaign-Urbana, IL - Assembly S:Rm,C,D A/A+ 151 48k 02/22/73 All Champaign-Urbana, IL - Assembly S:Rm,C,D A+ 180 48k 03/16/73 1,2P Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum S:Rm,P,D U 180 "A Swell Dance Concert" - Other artist(s): GD; Sons of Champlin 03/21/73 All Utica, NY - Utica Memorial S:Rm,P,D U 206 Bertha has a lot of diginoise 03/22/73 All Utica, NY - Utica Memorial S:Rm,D U 180 44k; NO:China>Rider, Playing, KCJones, Big River, Wave That Flag, Me & My Uncle, HC Sunshine, Truckin 03/24/73 2 Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum S:Rm,P,D U 110 03/28/73 2p Springfield, MA - Springfield S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 68 WRS-> JBG 48k, d.o 6:28, 9:23, 12:14, 1:04:32, some pops around 20 min, 04/02/73 All Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Rm,C,D A n/a 05/26/73 All San Francisco, CA - Kezar Stadium S:Rm,D A+ 236 NO: KC Jones Afternoon concert - Other artist(s): GD; NRPS; Wayion Jennings 48k 06/09/73 All Washington, DC - Robert F. S:Rm,?,D U 181 Sound check: China Cat->I Know You Rider. Doug Sahm opened - The Allman Brothers Band closed.; Sugar Mag (cut) 06/10/73 All Washington, DC - Robert F. S:Rm,R,R,D A/A+ 273 Playin cut at beginning and end; Eyes cut at beginning + 3 more, *with The Allman Brothers Band and Merl Saunders Wet Willie, then The Allman Brothers Band opened 44k 06/30/73 All Universal City, CA - Universal S:Rm,C,D,C,D U n/a Total solar eclipse not total at show 07/01/73 All Universal City, CA - Universal A:Rm,D U 160 07/27/73 All Watkins Glen, NY - Grand Prix S:Rm,P,D U 88 "Merry-Go-Round Broke Down" tuning after "Tennessee jed " Sound Check for 07-28-73 08/01/73 1P,2 Jersey City, NJ - Roosevelt S:Rm,D U 180 Other artist(s): The Band "reel master > cassette > Gans' Sonic Solutions workstation > CDR > circulation" 09/15/73 2 Providence, RI - Providence Civic S:Rm,D A/A+ 120 *with Martin Fiero and Joe Ellis on horns *Doug Sahm opened* 09/17/73 All Syracuse, NY - Onondaga County S:Rm,P,D U 180 *with Martin Fiero and Joe Ellis on horns. Doug Sahm opened 09/26/73 All Buffalo, NY - Community War S:Rm,D,C2,D2 U n/a *with Martin Flew and Joe Ellis on horns. Doug Sahm opened 10/21/73 All Omaha, Nb - Omaha Civic Auditorium S:Rm,P,D U 180 Playin riddled w/ diginoise, NEED CLEAN CLONE 10/25/73 All Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum S:bR,P,D A/A+ 172 48k; 'UJB' end cut 10/27/73 All Indianapolis, IN - Indianapolis S:Rm,C,D A-/A 183 NO: Stella, SMAG 48k, "Troy Reel 3.75 ips> Sony TC366> Sony NR115> HHB PDR 1000", UJB from audience source, hissy needs noise reduction 10/29/73 All St. Louis, MO - Kiel Auditorium A:Cm,D U 180 4thRow>1ptStereoMic>Sony>Remix 11/10/73 2 San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,P,D U n/a *second encore. Tico Tico' tuning before 'Playin 11/11/73 2P San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 87 Betty reel; beginning of Loose Lucy is cut/missing 48k, w/ tracks 11/14/73 All San Diego, CA - San Diego Sports S:Rm,D U 183 11/17/73 2 Los Angeles, CA - Pauley S:Rm,?,D U n/a 11/21/73 All Denver, CO - Denver Coliseum S:Rm,D A 186 48k; noticable hiss ('A' quality otherwise); second set sounds better 12/02/73 2 Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall S:P,D U 92 'Merry-Go-Round Broke Down' & 'Beer Barrel Polka' tunings before 'Jack Straw" 12/06/73 2P Cleveland, OH - Cleveland S:Rm,D A/A+ 90 Out of Order 12/12/73 Partial Atlanta, GA - The Omni S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 180 Sound check: Rip It Up. Blue Suede Shoes. Peggy-O, Jack Straw, Cumberland, 30 Days; NO:Ease, w/ some hiss w/ tracks 12/18/73 All Tampa, FL - Curtis Hixon S:Rm,?,D U 200
02/22/74 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:R,P,D A/A+ n/a 02/23/74 1P,2 San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A+ 155 **Second Encore *Slipknot Intro 02/24/74 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A+ 220 03/23/74 All Daly City, CA - Cow Palace S:Rm,C(3),D A/A+ 193 48k; w/ tracks 05/12/74 2 Reno, NV - University of Nevada A:Rm,D U n/a Break after Tennessee Jed 05/17/74 All Vancouver, British Columb, CA - S:R,C,D,C,D U n/a Master 7" Reel @ 7.5ips> Cassette> Panasonic 3700 DAT (48K)> Cassette (MX-S)> Tascam DA-20 DAT" 05/19/74 All Portland, OR - Portland Memorial S:Rm,D U 62 05/25/74 All Goleta, CA - Campus Stadium, UC S:Rm,P,D A+ 158 Other artist(s): Maria Muldar, Great American String Band, Elvin Bishop 06/16/74 2,3 Des Moines, IA - Des Moines State S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 145 44k 06/18/74 All Louisville, KY - Freedom Hall S:Rm,D A/A+ 163 48k 06/26/74 1 Providence, RI - Providence Civic S:Rm,D,CD A/A+ n/a 44k; "DP 12 Leftovers" tree 06/26/74 2P Providence, RI - Providence Civic S:Rm,D,C,D A/A+ 85 1st 2so MAC,R,D 06/26/74 All Providence, RI - Providence Civic S:Rm,D A/A+ 180 U.S. Blues & Me & My Uncle (A:Cm,R,D) [RF] during Eyes jam; "Soundboard: missing Phil & Ned, from reel master>1 reel generation>DAT [190 minutes]" 06/28/74 2P Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Rm,R,D A/A+ n/a *Phil & Ned Between sets. 3 briefs cuts; "Soundboard: missing Phil & Ned and Big River through Row Jimmy, from reel master>1 reel generation>DAT [160 minutes]" 06/30/74 1P Springfield, MA - Springfield S:Cm,D A/A+ 34 44k; ON: GD 4/8/72 2p2 06/30/74 All Springfield, MA - Springfield A:Rm,D A/A+ n/a 07/19/74 2P Fresno, CA - Selland Arena S:Rm,D U 51 *Phil & Ned Between sets.**Without Phil 07/21/74 All Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl A:Cm,D A-/A n/a Sony ECM22P>SonyTC-152>Cmas,D *Phi & Ned Between sets Commander Cody, Maria Muldar & John Kahn Opened 07/27/74 All Roanoke, VA - Roanoke Civic Center A:Rm,D A-/A 180 *Phil & Ned Between sets. 44k 07/29/74 All Landover, MD - Capitol Centre Af:Cm,D U n/a Drop outs @ 4:42; 2:31:00, 08/06/74 All Jersey City, NJ - Roosevelt S:Rm,C,D A+ 95 *Phil & Ned Between sets. NO: Phil & Ned 09/10/74 All London, EN - Alexandra Palace S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 168 *Phil & Ned Between sets. 48k; [rf] during "Rider;" cut at 1:43:07 "Ramble On Rose;" 09/11/74 2 London, EN - Alexandra Palace S:Rm, D,CD,D A/A+ 73 *With Ned Login on electric piano 44k 09/18/74 All Dijon, FR - Dijon S:Rm,D A+ 179 *Phil & Ned Between sets. 09/20/74 All Paris, FR - Palais Des Sports S:Rm,D A/A+ 180 NO: US Blues 44k 09/21/74 2,3 Paris, FR - Palais Des Sports S:Rm,D U 120 Third Set with Ned Lagin 10/16/74 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland As:Rm,D,C,D A/A+ 260 Phil's Stage Mics> Reels> D> C> D from BUDD tree by Jeff Tiedrich in '97 10/17/74 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A/A+ 180 *Phil and Ned Between Sets; NO:1.5,Mag,Enc 10/18/74 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland As:Rm,D A 204 Phil's Stage Mics> Reels> D This IS what some think is the soundboard, set 1 was taped on a used dat and you can hear the remnants of what was recorded before. 10/19/74 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland As:Rm,D A/A+ 240 Phils Stage mics> Reel> DAT Stage:R,Mix-down,D 10/20/74 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland A:Rm,D A/A+ 200 Phil's Stage Mics> Reels> D *W Micky Hart, Last Wall of Sound show, Phil and Ned between sets
03/17/75 All Mill Valley, CA - Ace's S:?,D A/A+ 110 jams with David Crosby 03/23/75 All San Francisco, CA - Kezar Stadium FM:Rm,D A+ 40 ON: GD 10/18/72 With Merl Saunders & Ned Lagin, without DonnaFM Broadcast KIOI SFStudends Need Athletics Culture and Kicks SNACK Benefit 44k, 09/28/75 All San Francisco, CA - Lindley Af:C,?,D U 91 * with Mathew Kelly, ^ = missing "The audience tape of this show is so excellent that it often is mislabelled as a soundboard. Be aware that the true soundboard has had much between-song tuning and banter edited out and is at least 10 minutes shorter than the audience tape." I MAY HAVE THE SBD. 09/28/75 Partial San Francisco, CA - Lindley S:Fp:D A+ 49 * with Mathew Kelly 44k; G.D Hr #422; ON: GD 3/30/68; Help Thru Roses; (R500); (U)
05/28/76 All Studio Rehearsals Sto:Rm,P,D A/A+ n/a 48k, w/ tracks 05/29/76 All Studio Rehearsals Sto:Rm,P,D A/A+ n/a ON: 5/28/76 48k, w/ tracks 05/30/76 All Studio Rehearsals Sto:Rm,P,D A/A+ n/a ON: 5/28/76 & 5/29/76 48k, w/ tracks 06/03/76 All Portland, OR - Paramount Theatre S:Rm,D A/A+ 184 44k; diginoise during set 2 "Samson" 06/10/76 All Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall S:Rm,P,D U 185 06/11/76 All Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall S:Rm,D A+ 183 48k, [rf] during Scarlet, PLand 06/12/76 All Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall S:Rm,D U 162 FM Broadcast WBCN Boston 06/14/76 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre S:Rm,D A/A+ 92 48k; tracks are set 06/19/76 All Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater S:PreFM,R,D A+ 173 FM Broadcast WOUR Utica, WNEW New York 06/22/76 All Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre A:Rm,P,D A 171 06/24/76 1 Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre A:Rm,P,D A n/a FM Broadcast WMMR Philadelphia this setlist doesn't match, may be incorrect date/set 06/28/76 All Chicago, IL - Auditorium Theatre Af:Rm,D A- 148 48k 06/29/76 All Chicago, IL - Auditorium Theatre S:Rm,P,D U 172 FM Broadcast WXRT 07/12/76 All San Francisco, CA - Orpheum S:R3,D U n/a 07/13/76 Partial San Francisco, CA - Orpheum S:R(4),D U n/a S:R,R,R,R,D->(analog out) DNR + EQ-> analog ->D 07/14/76 All San Francisco, CA - Orpheum S:R(3),D(3) U n/a 07/16/76 1P,2 San Francisco, CA - Orpheum A:Cm,D A n/a Sony ECM 270> Sony TC-152 recorded by Rob Bertrando??, small d.o. in Scarlet 07/17/76 1P,2 San Francisco, CA - Orpheum A:Cm,D A n/a Sony ECM 280> Sony TC-152 Donna was absent during the second set recorded by Rob Bertrando?? 07/18/76 All San Francisco, CA - Orpheum preFM:Rm,D A+ 121 FM Broadcast on KSAN San Francisco 48k; Better source than the BUDD 98 tree [which had hiss]; this has been cleaned by Neil S. [no hiss, more presence] 08/02/76 All Hartford, CT - Colt Park A:Cm,D,CD A 195 Sure SM96> Sony TC-152 *Second encore 3 CD's, 44k, Colt Park 8-2-76, "was taped by Dr. Keith Gatto. Keith had recently passed away and Jim Wise wanted to offer this as a tribute to his memory. It is the whole show with the double encore on 3-CD's. Source is keith gatto's sony tc-152 cassette master made with shure sm96 mics >DAT clone>your CD's (note yours will be CD/3)", some low rumblings from mic movement, some kind of ?static? problem with TJd., slightly mixed order to prevent cuts 08/04/76 All Jersey City, NJ - Roosevelt S:Rm,D A+ n/a 09/25/76 All Landover, MD - Capitol Centre S:Cm,D U n/a 09/28/76 All Syracuse, NY - Onongada County S:Rm,D U n/a 3 minor drop-outs during: CR&S,GDTRFB, Dancin' (1:20) (2:20:21) 09/30/76 All Columbus, OH - Auditorium, Ohio A:Cm,C,D A n/a Some drop-outs & diginoise from master. 10/09/76 All Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda S:Rm,D A/A+ 70 "Day on the Green #8" With The Who 12/31/76 All Daly City, CA - Cow Palace FM:R,D A/A+ 181 *Second Encore with Santana, Soundhole FM Broadcast KSAN San Francisco
02/26/77 All San Bernardino, CA - Swing S:Rm,P,D A+ 170 w/ all the pre-set tunings this show runs about 185 minutes 44k (1st) /48k (2nd); 2 small cuts in Sugaree around 45 minutes (could be [rf]), [rf] during Franklin's, cut in RnR, w/ tracks 03/18/77 Most San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,P,D U 180 missing 1st 3 songs of set 2 03/20/77 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland Fp:Rm,D U 146 *Broadcast on King Biscuit Flower Hour 05/05/77 All New Haven, CT - Veterans' S:R,P,P,D*,D A+ 169 48k; master sbd. 7" reel 1/2 track@7.5 ips> PCM 501 digital copy>PCM clone> Panasonic 3700 DAT>Db 924 96k/24bit dig to ana> Dolby 361 Module w/DBX K9-22 Cards> Db 122S 96k/24bit ana to dig> Db 3000S Noise Shaper/Super BitMapper> Panasonic 4100 DAT>Panasonic 3700 DAT>Sony PCM-R300 DAT 05/08/77 All Ithaca, NY - Barton Hall, Cornell S:Rm,D,CD A+ 171 7" two track BBD reel w/ DBX-1 @ 7 1/2 ips > PCM501ES @ 44.055kHz, PCM501ES analog out > DBX-1 decoder > analog in PCM501ES, PCM501ES analog out > Fostex D5 @ 48kHz > CDR 05/09/77 All Buffalo, NY - Community War S:Rm,P,D A+ 168 05/11/77 All St. Paul, MN - St. Paul Civic S:Rm,D U n/a 05/17/77 All Tuscaloosa, AL - Memorial A:?,D A-/A 161 48k 05/18/77 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater S:Rm,P,D A+ n/a 05/19/77 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater S:Rm,D A+ 178 05/21/77 All Lakeland, FL - Lakeland Civic S:bR,FM,D U n/a 06/07/77 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A/A+ 178 *Second Encore "reel master > DAT > Gans' Sonic Solutions workstation > CDR > circulation" 06/08/77 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 186 48k; "Brokedown" cuts-off 09/29/77 All Seattle, WA - Paramount Northwest S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 174 48k 10/01/77 All Portland, OR - Paramount Theater S:Rm,P,P,D A/A+ 155 WBOTB 10/02/77 All Portland, OR - Paramount Theater S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 165 10/11/77 All Norman, OK - Lloyd Noble Center S:R,D,C,D A/A+ 155 48k; S:Betty Reel> Panasonic 3700> NAK Dragon 3-head (Maxell MX-S)> (playback: NAK DR-1)> Sony R300> R300 10/29/77 All De Kalb, IL - Field House S:Rm,D A/A+ 183 11/05/77 2 Rochester, NY - Community War A:Rm,D A/A+ 61 Glitches at 24:50 & begining of Other One 11/06/77 All Binghamton, NY - Broome County S:Rm,P,D U 166
01/07/78 All San Diego, CA - Golden Hall S:Rm,D U 164 No Garcia Vocals Due to Laryngitis 01/08/78 All San Diego, CA - Golden Hall S:Rm,D U 141 No Garcia Vocals Due to Laryngitis 01/10/78 All Los Angeles, CA - Shrine S:Rm,D U n/a 01/11/78 All Los Angeles, CA - Shrine S:Rm,D U n/a 01/22/78 All Eugene, OR - McArthur Court, U of S:Rm,R,*,CD U n/a 1-22-78 SBD - Set 1; Set2p (Terrapin>end of show), set 1 - SBDM?->C->PCM->Sound Forge Remaster->CD >set 2 - SBDM?->R->"an old reel"->PCM->Sound Forge Remaster->CD, 1-22-78 Aud - Set 2p (Bertha > Samson), Recorded by Reinhardt Hollwein, FOB - AKG 224's->Sony TC-158->PCM->DAT->CD 01/22/78 Most Eugene, OR - McArthur Court, U of S:Rm,D U n/a 04/06/78 All Tampa, FL - Curtis Hixon S:Rm,P,D U 64 04/10/78 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater S:Rm,P,D U 174 04/11/78 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater S:Rm,P,D U n/a 04/12/78 All Durham, NC - Cameron Indoor S:Rm,D U 182 04/14/78 All Blacksburg, VA - Coliseum S:Rm,P,D A+ 169 48k;brief diginoise at 2:49ABS ("PLand") 04/16/78 All Huntington, WV - Huntington Civic S;Rm,D U 180 04/21/78 All Lexington, KY - Rupp Arena S:Rm,R,D A/A+ 142 *Second Encore 04/24/78 All Normal, IL - Horton Field House S:Cm,D,C,D A/A+ 165 NAK 350 Cassette Master > DAT > Cassette > DAT 05/07/78 All Troy, NY - Field House A:Cm,D A/A+ 180 Nak700>D5>CassM>R>D 48k 07/07/78 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:Rm,D A/A+ 169 44k 07/08/78 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:Rm,D A+ 173 1/0/00 08/30/78 2P Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:?,D U 91 BUDD Tree 08/31/78 2P Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:?,D U n/a 08/31/78 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Af:Cm,D A n/a * = missing 09/14/78 All Giza, EG - Son Et Lumiere Theater S:Rm,C,D,D,D A-/A 183 *W Hamza El Din 48k; w/ tracks, multitrack reel master>1 cassette generation(Maxell XLI C90)>D>D>D>me>you, from the Honey Vine, low vocals 09/16/78 All Giza, EG - Son Et Lumiere Theater S:Rm,P,D A 210 *W Hamza El Din Lunar Eclipse 44k, w/ tracks, "SBD: 10" Reel @ 15ips 2 track-> Sony 601 PCM-> Panasonic 3700-> Capricorn-> DB3000s-> Panasonic 4100> 3700" 10/17/78 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A/A+ 149 44k, static noise at 28:15, occasional digi-static on R500 during TJed, need to check in other decks. 10/20/78 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A/A+ 164 *Second Encore 44k 10/21/78 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A/A+ 171 *W Hamza El Din **W Lee Oskar 48k 10/22/78 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A/A+ 175 *W Hamza El Din, **W Lee Oskar, ***W John Cippolina 44k, a bit of hiss otherwise excellent, cut/splice in GDTRFB, complete show 11/20/78 2P Cleveland, OH - Cleveland Music Fp:?,D U 46 G.D. Hr #406; ON GD 3/30/68; ON: ABB 7/26/70 12/15/78 2 Birmingham, AL - Boutwell A.?.D A n/a U.S. Blues cuts ???missing Miracle > Bertha > Good Lovin' ??? 12/17/78 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater S:Rm,D A/A+ 166 *NO SMAG, JBG; [RF] during Eyes 44k; "S:Rm>SBM1>D" 12/19/78 1 Jackson, MS - Memorial Coliseum Af:Cm,D,CD,D A 79 Sony 54P> Sony 44k; (NEED CLEAN SECOND SET) 12/31/78 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland FM:D A/A+ 241 *W Matt Kelly, **W Lee Oscar, Greg Errico, Ken Kesey Etc, ***W John Cippolina, Second Encore Simulcast FM - KSAN, TV - KQED Blues Brothers and NRPS Opened BUDD Challenge Tree
01/15/79 All Springfield, MA - Springfield A:Cm,D A 180 48k 01/20/79 All Buffalo, NY - Shea's Buffalo A:R,P,D,CD,D U 164 A:Nagra>PCM>D>CD>D m# 27:13 (Peggy-O) 02/03/79 2 Indianapolis, IN - Market Square A:Rm,D A/A+ 100 Nakamichi 700>R>D Nak 700>Nagra Reel> DAT> analog processing> DAT 02/04/79 2 Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum A:Rm,D A/A+ 109 Nakamichi 700>R>D Nak 700>Nagra Reel> DAT> analog processing> DAT 02/17/79 All Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 166 Keith and Donna's Last showRock for Life Benefit to end environmental Cancer 48k 08/14/79 All Denver, CO - McNichols Sports A:Cm,D A-/A n/a Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D * First time played 48k 09/05/79 1 NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:Rm,D A 60 ON: GD 6/8/80 s1 44k 10/27/79 2 South Yarmouth, MA - Cape Cod S:Rm,D U 67 11/05/79 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum Af:Cm,C,C,D A 172 Nakamichi CM300>Nak 550 C(0)> C(1)> D 44k, w/ tracks, (FOB: 11th row) 11/06/79 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum S:Rm,D U 180 11/09/79 All Buffalo, NY - Community War S:Rm,D U 180 11/25/79 All Los Angeles, CA - Pauley S:Rm,P,D A/A+ 170 44k; 3 brief drop-outs on Easy To Love You - these seem to appear on most/all sources (source: Tiedrich) 12/01/79 2 Pittsburgh, PA - Stanley Theater S:Rm,D U 106 12/28/79 All Oakland, CA - Oakland Auditorium S:Rm,D A+ 159 *Second Encore
04/01/80 All Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater S:Cm,R,D,C,D A/A+ 158 48k; w/ tracks; Healey CassM Sbd> Panasonic 3700> Nak Dragon DR-1>(MX-S tape)> Sony R300 DAT(>R300> R300> DA-302); cass flip splice between He's Gone>O1; Shakedown is aud 04/29/80 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater Af:Cm,C,D A 128 44k; "unknown aud rig>my 1st gen cassette>sony rm300 with SBM at 44.1k>DAT(Tascam 302(1)>your DAT Tascam 302(2). - 90m", w/ tracks 05/10/80 All Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic Af:Cm,D A 167 Nak 700 + CP4> Sony TCD-5 Cm> D 1/0/00 48k; Recorded by Jim Wise 05/14/80 All Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum S:Rm,D A/A+ 143 NO: Encore 44k 06/08/80 All Boulder, CO - Folsom Field, U. of A:Cm,D U 153 Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D Official 15th Anniversary celebration Other artist(s): Warren Zevon. 07/01/80 All San Diego, CA - San Diego Sports S:Rm,D A 180 44k 09/03/80 All Springfield, MA - Springfield Af:Cm,D A/A+ 180 Sony ECM 280>Sony TC-D5 48k; NO ABS time, Recorded by Jim Wise, (U) 09/04/80 All Providence, RI - Providence Civic Af:Cm,D A 180 Sony ECM 280>Sony TC-D5 10/09/80 1 San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:Cm,D U 50 First Set Acoustic Also seen as S:R,P,D 10/10/80 1 San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:Cm,D U 47 10/11/80 1 San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:Cm,D U n/a *W John Cippolina First Set Acoustic 10/18/80 1,2 New Orleans, LA - Saenger A:Cm,R,D U n/a Neumann KMi84>Sony?>RxR>D First Set Acoustic 10/19/80 All New Orleans, LA - Saenger A:Cm,R,D A n/a Neumann KMi84>Sony?>RxR>D First Set Acoustic 10/31/80 1 NYC, NY - Radio City Music Hall S:Cm,?,D A+ 60 FM Broadcast and Close Circuit TV First Set Acoustic ON: JGB 4/10/82 11/29/80 All Gainesville, FL - Alligator Alley Af:Cm,D U 180 DO during He's Gone, BUDD tree
03/09/81 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden Af:Cm,D A 163 Sennheiser 421> Sony TCD-5 Mcass> D 48k; Recorded by Jim Wise, CD's are DAT@48k>ZA2>@44.1khz>sound forge & cd architect 4.5>Master CD's 03/10/81 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden Af:Cm,D A/A+ 174 Sennheiser 421> Sony TCD-5 Mcass> D 48k; 1 tiny glitch/pop at 48:25 otherwise completely clean 05/01/81 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum A:Cm,D A/A+ 175 Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D 48k, w/ tracks 05/08/81 All Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum A:Cm,D A 164 Sennheiser 421> Sony D5> D *W Ken Kesey on harmonica 48k, w/ tracks, "Sennheiser 421 mics > Sony D-5 analog cassette master > DAT;" analog cassette master tape flip during Playin'; very brief analog glitch in Playin' 05/09/81 All Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum A:Cm,D A n/a Sennheiser 421> Sony D5> D 48k, w/ tracks, "Sennheiser 421 mics > Sony D-5 analog cassette master > DAT; "the very beginning of Half-Step is cut on the analog cassette master tape; analog cassette master tape flip during Eyes of the World; Brokedown encore is missing from analog cassette master tape 09/11/81 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. A:Cm,D U 181 Sennheiser 441> TCD-5M>Sony Sennheiser 421's mic's > Sony TC D-5 cassette deck (Maxell XL II 90's & were Dolby B encoded). Located midway between the stage & the soundboard > Sony PCM R-700> PC> Sound Forge 4.0 (levels were normalized, & a slight NR was applied)> CD architect( By Sonic Foundry)>CD>D 09/12/81 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. A:Cm,D U n/a Sennheiser 441> TCD-5M>Sony *Second Encore; Sennheiser 421's mic's > Sony TC D-5 cassette deck (Maxell XL II 90's & were Dolby B encoded). Located midway between the stage & the soundboard > Sony PCM R-700> PC> Sound Forge 4.0 (levels were normalized, & a slight NR was applied)> CD architect( By Sonic Foundry)>CD>D 09/13/81 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. A:Cm,D U 184 Sennheiser 441> TCD-5M>Sony Sennheiser 421's mic's > Sony TC D-5 cassette deck (Maxell XL II 90's & were Dolby B encoded). Located midway between the stage & the soundboard > Sony PCM R-700> PC> Sound Forge 4.0 (levels were normalized, & a slight NR was applied)> CD architect( By Sonic Foundry)>CD>D 09/25/81 All Bethlehem, PA - Stabler Arena A:Cm,D A- n/a Nak300+cp4>MarantzCD330 10/16/81 All Amsterdam, NE - Club Melk Weg Af:Cm,D U 110 Set 1 Acoustic Cindy Poris Opened
03/14/82 All Davis, CA - Recreation Hall, UC S:Rm,D A 159 44k, w/ tracks 04/03/82 All Norfolk, VA - The Scope A:Cm,D U 181 Sennheiser 421> TC-D5> PCMR500>D 04/14/82 All Glenns Falls, NY - Glenns Falls S:Cm,D A/A+ 180 48k 04/18/82 All Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic S:Rm,P,C,D A/A+ 163 *Phil's Earthquake space 48k 05/23/82 2 Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:R,D A/A+ n/a *Miked a Harley Davidson Motorcycle during drums 09/09/82 All New Orleans, LA - Saenger S:Cm,P,D A/A+ 129 NO: (sbd) Half Step; Half Step -> Frank provided via audience source 48k; beginning of "UJB" cut 10/10/82 All Palo Alto, CA - Frost Amphitheatre S:Rm,D U n/a 48k 11/26/82 All Montego Bay, Freeport Zon, Ja - S:?,D U 116 Jamaca World Music FestivalVery early in the morining
03/26/83 All Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater Af:Cm,D A 156 Neumann KMi84> Sony D5M> Revox A77> BLUESKY TREE Audience (FOB - handheld 6th row) Neumann km84>sony d5, same sony d5>revox a77>HHb pdr1000 04/12/83 All Binghamton, NY - Broome County S:Cm,D U 175 04/22/83 All New Haven, CT - Veterans' Af:Cm,D A 172 Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D 48k; (U) 04/23/83 All New Haven, CT - Veterans' Af:Cm,D A 169 Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D 48k; (R500); (U) 04/26/83 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum S:Cm,R,D,C,D A 188 48k; w/ tracks, Healey Sbd CassM> 1st gen reek> Panasonic 3700> Tascam 122mkII 3-head (Maxell XLII-S)> (playback: NAK DR-1> Sony R300> DA-302 06/24/83 All Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum Af:Cm,D A 155 Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D NO: Encore "Don't Ease" 48k 09/11/83 2 Santa Fe, NM - Santa Fe Downs Af:P,D A 116 48k; small diginoise at 1:05:50ABS during "Space" 10/11/83 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden Af:Pm,D A 180 Sennheiser 441> SV100 14bit PCM> D 44k; Sennheiser 441> SV100 14bit PCM> DAT->Sony R300-> Tascam 302 10/12/83 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:Cm,D A/A+ n/a Senn421/NeumannU87(20'stand @ MWTA tree 10/15/83 All Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic Af:Pm,D A 180 Sennheiser 441> SV100 14bit PCM> D 44k; volume is a bit low (-10db); Sennheiser 441> SV100 14bit PCM> DAT->Sony R300-> Tascam 302 10/21/83 All Worcester, MA - The Centrum Af:Pm,D A/A+ 169 Sennheiser 441> SV100 14bit PCM> D 14th Rox (DFC) "recorded by Jeff Silberman, 2nd row,"dead center", encore was recorded by Gordon Sharpless 20 rows back using Senn 441's>D6."
04/01/84 All San Rafael, CA - Marin County S:R,P,D A/A+ 153 Rex Foundation Benefit 04/21/84 All Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia A:P,D U 181 Neumann U-87s> Sony TC-D5M I think this was taped by Rob Eaton 06/13/84 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:Cm,D A/A+ 142 44k; set 1 on same tape with 6/14/84 06/14/84 1 Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:Cm,D A/A+ 50 44k; ON: 6/13/84 s1 07/13/84 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:Cm,P,D A/A+ 56 * Dark Star for the planetary alignment 48k, w/ tracks, mix is a bit rough during first portion of "Bertha", heavy subwoofer bass, cut 22:53 (CC Rider), 1:22:02, set 2 part B, is slow from the original cassette 07/15/84 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:Pm,D A/A+ 180 48k, "7/15/84 I S;CM;C;D, 7/15/84 II S;P;D" 07/21/84 All Ventura, CA - Ventura County S:Rm,D A/A+ 130 48k, the mix changes during Shakedown, digital noise at 1:13, NICE BASS 07/22/84 All Ventura, CA - Ventura County S:Rm,D U 180 10/31/84 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community Af:Cm,D A/A+ 154 2 Senn 421/ 2 Nak 700-> Yamaha MM-10> another Jim Wise goody *W/ Matt Kelly. ** One More Halloween Night 48k, (1 pair Sennheise 421 + 1 pair Nak 700-> Yamaha MM-10> DBX NX-40> D5> DAT)
02/18/85 All Oakland, CA - Henry J. Kaiser S:Cm,D A/A+ 142 48k, w/ tracks 04/04/85 All Providence, RI - Providence Civic S:Cm,D A/A+ 138 48k 04/07/85 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum S:Cm,D U 180 04/08/85 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum S:Cm,D A+ 141 beginning of "Midnight Hour" is cut 04/14/85 All Irvine, CA - Irvine Meadows S:Cm,D U 157 ??cassette master>1 Hi-Fi VHS generation>DAT>circulation?? 04/27/85 All Palo Alto, CA - Frost Amphitheatre S:Pm,D A+ 153 48k; PCM master>DAT>circulation 06/14/85 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:Cm,D A/A+ 150 Equipment problems after bucket caused them to leave the stage for a while 06/15/85 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:Cm,D A/A+ 147 NO: E2: U.S. Blues* *Second Encore 44k, w/ tracks 06/16/85 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:Cm,D A/A+ 145 48k, w/ tracks 06/22/85 All East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley S:Rm,D A+ 180 48k,w/ tracks, d.o. 1:11:06 (Keep On Growing), tiny digi-glitch/static at 1:19:26 , 1:25:09, (Lost Sailor), major drop-outs starting at 1:27:01 ON 06/24/85 All Cincinnati, OH - River Bend Music S:Cm,D A+ 180 44k, w/ tracks 06/25/85 All Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Blossom S:Rm,D U 180 06/27/85 All Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga S:Cm,D A/A+ 156 06/28/85 1 Hershey, PA - Hershey Park Stadium S:Cm,D A/A+ 130 OM: 10/25/85 48k, w/ tracks 09/07/85 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks A:Pm,D A/A+ 160 Schoeps CMC425/CMC441(90XY)>Oade *Star Spangled Banner Tuning before 1/2 step. 44k; "SchoepsCMC425/CMC441(90XY)>OadeCuston power supply>Oade mixer>PCM-F1 mod (By Doug Oade; digitally remastered by Doug Oade)> DAT" 10/25/85 1P Pembroke Pines, FL - The S:Cm,D A/A+ 40 ON: 6/28/85 set 1, NO: Deal, Rooster 48k, w/ tracks 11/01/85 All Richmond, VA - Richmond Coliseum S:Cm,C,D A/A+ 158 44k(1st set)/ 48k (2nd set), "cassette master>1 cassette generation>DAT>circulation" rec'd as S;R,D, w/ tracks 11/02/85 All Richmond, VA - Richmond Coliseum S:Cm,C,D U n/a 3M# on Althea; cassette master>1 cassette generation>DAT>circulation 11/04/85 All Worcester, MA - The Centrum S:Cm,D,C,D A+ 58 48k, "S: Healy Master cassette-> NAK 550 playback deck-> Panasonic 3700 (48K)-> NAK Dragon w/ Maxell MX-S cassette-> TTtascam DA-20 (Honey Vine)", there is a static noise during Roses, splice before Might As Well 11/11/85 2 East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands S:Cm,C,D U 143 "cassette master>1 cassette generation>DAT>circulation"
03/21/86 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum Af:Cm,D A 123 Beyer M-160's 48k; cassette flip during "Supplication" 05/11/86 All Palo Alto, CA - Frost Amphitheatre A:?,D U 150 07/02/86 1P,2 Akron, OH - Rubber Bowl A:Cm,D U n/a Nakamichi CM100 + CP4>D6 *W Bob Dylan, **Without Jerry. Dylan, Petty and Heartbreakers opened.
07/12/87 3 East Rutherford, NJ - Giants A:Cm,D,CD A-/A 92 Schoeps MK-4V * Garcia On Pedal Steel. "Take a step back" between tons & Ramble on. Third set with Bob Dylan 2 CD's, 44k 09/18/87 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:P,D U 137 Healey Master PCM>Neve8068 console>D At the start of the show, as a goof on their letterman appearance bobby urged the crowd to "levitate garcia" Healey Master PCM>Neve 8068 console>D 09/19/87 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:P,D U 140 Healey Master PCM> Neve 8068 console>D TV Broadcast for Farm Aid Healey Master PCM>Neve 8068 console>D 10/02/87 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline S:D A/A+ 180 48k (1st set)/ 44 (2nd set), d.o at 0:42 in CRS 10/03/87 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline S:UltraMix>D A+ 141 44k, small digital noise spot in Candyman 10/04/87 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline S:Cm,C,C,D A/A+ 133 cassette master > 2 cassette generations > DAT 10/04/87 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline S:Pm,D A+ 180 48k
03/26/88 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum Af:Cm,D A 180 Sennheizer>Cm(Metal Max)>DAT 48k; "Senheizer>FOB>CM(Metal Max)>DAT" 03/27/88 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum S:FM,Cm,P,D A 145 44k, w/ tracks, Healey in-house FM broadcast>cassette master>PCM>DAT>circulation, d.o. in Stagger Lee, end of Let It Grow is cut off, small splice in Scarlet, small d.o. in Estimated, splice in Eyes 03/28/88 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum S:preFM:D A/A+ 161 44k, w/ tracks 03/30/88 All East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands S:D U 141 07/15/88 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:D A/A+ 165 Rex Benefit, FM Broadcast KPFA Berkeley "DAT master>circulation" 07/16/88 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:D A/A+ 98 * W/ Baba O;atunji. Rex Benefit, FM Broadcast KPFA Berkeley Alexander Gradsky Played between sets. "DAT master>circulation" 08/26/88 All Tacoma, WA - Tacoma Dome Af:P,D A/A+ n/a A(FOB):Schoeps >CMC34>PCM>DAT Other artist(s): Santana openned. beginning of China Cat is cut (on all copies) 10/01/88 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline S:Cm,D A/A+ n/a 10/15/88 All St. Petersburg, FL - Bayfront S:Pm,D A 141 Schoeps CMC 44> PCM> DAT 44k, w/ tracks, d.o. at: 4:20, 15:23, 26:56, 28:31, 41:02, 55:54, 10/16/88 2 St. Petersburg, FL - Bayfront S:Cm,D A/A+ 83 Bobby's 41st birthday. Happy Birthday was sung before the encore. 44k, w/ tracks
03/27/89 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni A:Cm,D A- 180 NAK DR-1> 300> 302/1 44k 03/28/89 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni A:Cm,D A- 180 NAK DR-1> 300> 302/1 44k 07/17/89 All East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley S:D A+ 157 *with a full moon rising behind the band "DAT master>circulation" 07/19/89 All East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley S:D A+ 169 "DAT master>circulation" 10/08/89 2 Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum S:Cm,D A+ 84 "cassette master>DAT>circulation" 10/08/89 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum S:Cm,D A+ 152 48k; "cassette master>DAT>circulation"; 1 small 'pop' during "Bird Song" (around 52:00ABS) 10/09/89 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum S:Cm,D A/A+ 177 "cassette master>DAT>circulation"
02/26/90 All Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda S:Cm,D A+ 180 "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 04/01/90 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni S:Cm,D A+ 158 48k; "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 04/02/90 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni S:D A+ 180 48k, w/ tracks 04/03/90 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni Af:D A/A+ 172 Schoeps MK-4V 44k, w/ tracks 07/10/90 All Raleigh, NC - Carter-Finley S:D A+ 180 * with Bruce Hornsby on accordion. ** Done in 2 parts,power goes out, Bruce Hornsby & the Range opened 07/16/90 All Buffalo, NY - Rich Stadium S:D A+ 180 09/19/90 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:Cm,D A+ 168 *Jerry, Bob, Bruce "master cassette > DAT > circulation"
03/20/91 All Landover, MD - Capitol Centre S:Cm,D A+ n/a 44k; diginoise at 3:55 03/21/91 All Landover, MD - Capitol Centre S:D A+ 151 "master DAT > circulation" 03/31/91 1 Greensboro, NC - Greensboro S:Cm,D A/A+ 60 48k 03/31/91 2 Greensboro, NC - Greensboro S:Cm,D A+ 94 44k; "master cassette > DAT > circulation"; cut or drop-out in "Samson" 04/01/91 All Greensboro, NC - Greensboro S:D A+ 145 44k, "master DAT > circulation", 4 digispots during the tune-up prior to Jack Straw (not during music) 06/06/91 All Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek S:D A+ 158 "master DAT > circulation" 06/07/91 All Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek S:D A+ 156 "master DAT > circulation" 06/14/91 All Washington, DC - Robert F. S:D A+ 171 "master DAT > circulation" 06/25/91 2 Bonner Springs, KS - Sandstone S:Cm,D A+ n/a "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 09/08/91 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:D A+ 174 "master DAT > circulation" 09/09/91 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:D A+ n/a 48k; "master DAT > circulation" 09/10/91 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:D A+ 166 *Branford Marsalis on saxophone throughout "master DAT > circulation" 09/14/91 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:D A+ 180 09/16/91 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:D A+ 164 48k, "master DAT > circulation"; tiny drop-out 5 seconds into Bertha 09/17/91 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:D A+ 180 48k, w/ tracks 09/18/91 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:D A+ 180 48k, w/ tracks 09/20/91 2 Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Cm,D A+ 61 "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 09/21/91 All Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Cm,D A+ 162 *Hornsby is prominant "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 09/22/91 All Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Cm,D A+ 141 "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 09/24/91 All Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Cm,D A+ 172 "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 09/25/91 All Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Cm,D A+ 167 * with entire band then without Garcia then with Hornsby and the drummers. "master cassette > DAT > circulation" 09/26/91 All Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Cm,D A+ 156 "master cassette > DAT > circulation"
03/20/92 2 Hamilton Ontario, CA - Copps S:D A+ 94 05/21/92 All Sacramento, CA - Cal Expo FM:D U 180 FM Broadcast, Sacramento 06/20/92 All Washington, DC - Robert F. S:D A+ 180 48k
03/21/93 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni S:D,C,D A/A+ 155 48k, "master DAT > 1 cassette generation > DAT > circulation"; cassette flip/cut/splice during "Drums" 03/24/93 All Chapel Hill, NC - Dean Smith S:D U 154 "master DAT > circulation" 03/25/93 All Chapel Hill, NC - Dean Smith S:D A+ 154 44k; "master DAT > circulation"; w/ tracks
03/30/94 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni S:D A+ 171 * Weir on acoustic guitar (E) NeumanTL170 04/01/94 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni S:D A+ 164 * Weir on acoustic
03/23/95 All Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Coliseum S:D,C,D A+ 174 * Weir on acoustic, ** Features Bruce with drummers, Other Artist(s): Horsby played the entire show on grand piano "vault DAT master>cassette>circulation" 03/26/95 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni S:D,C,D A/A+ 180 * Weir on acoustic 48k, SBD:Dat master> Dick's cassette> DAT> .... circulation)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Grateful Dead ]
05/07/74 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:Rm,D A+ 65 Taj Mahal - Bass & Vocals, David Grisman - Mandolin & Vocals, Richard Green - Fiddle, David Nichtern - acoustic guitar, No Garcia 44k, "a direct board feed recorded on a Sony 580 Reel to Reel by Jay McGraw, a student at the University of Denver at the time."
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Great American String Band ]
04/11/98 All Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre S:D A/A+ 180 no setlist 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Greyboy Allstars ]
04/17/98 All Boone, NC - Legends A:D U n/a AKGZ1000S>SonyD7>SonyR300(DAT) no setlist 06/19/98 All Telluride, CO - Town Park A:D U n/a MTG SMS2000/M200>EAA PSP2>DAP1 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Grisman ]
03/29/97 All A:D U 90 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Guster ]
12/30/95 All Ledyard, CT - Foxwoods Casino A:D A-/A 84 Core Sound Binaurals> battery box partial setlist, ON: U2 6/5/83, FM
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Hall & Oates ]
03/11/94 All Burlington, VT - Club Metronome S:D A+ n/a w/ M. Ray, D. Grippo, T. Anastasio, P. McConnell, and Leftover Salmon ^ = w/ Leftover Salmon; ~ = w/ Trey Anastasio; * = w/ Page McConnell; all w/ Michael Ray & Dave Grippo major glitch at 3:30 and another glitch at 4:30. They both sound like they could be on the master (i.e. a cable connection problem).
12/04/98 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall S:D U 120 w/ Dr. Dan (of the Fiji Mariners), other 2 guys not from Fiji Mariners; S:D8
04/03/99 All Atlanta, GA - Brandy House Af:D A/A+ 156 Schoeps CMC6-41> SX-M2> DAP1> Oade> D8 no setlist w/ Warren Haynes for entire show 48k 05/22/99 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D A 106 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>D8 The LAST Col./FIJI Show! missing the beginning of "Elevator"- s1 op. 48k
12/21/00 All Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. A:D A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 w/ original ARU line-up for first time in 5 years, w/ John Popper Hampton, Herring, Oteil, Sipe 44k, w/ tracks, SEE WARREN HAYNES' XMAS JAM
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Col. Bruce Hampton ]
07/21/71 All Nice, FRA - Theatre De Verdure S:Rm,FM:C,D U 70 ON: Herbie 6/29/76, no setlist Sextet
02/20/73 All Detroit, MI - Strata Concert FM:Cm,D A-/A 135 no setlist W/ B. Williams, B. Hart, J. Prieste, E. Henderson, B. Maupin 48k; w/ tracks, relatively high signal-to-noise ratio (noticable hiss) otherwise pretty crisp. This would be a great candidate for a static noise filter. 11/13/73 All Boston, MA - WBCN Studios S:Rm,FM:C,D A/A+ 48 Carl Jackson (bass) , Freddy Morgan (tenor sax), Jazz Workshop, WBCN, Boston 48k, w/ tracks, 2 bits of occasional static
06/28/75 All Shibuya, KinKaido, Japan S:Rm,CD,D A 32 no setlist 44k, w/ tracks 07/01/75 All Tokyo, JAP - Sun Palace preFM:Rm,D A/A+ 41 no setlist 44k; "Small patch of d/n during middle of first song"; ON: Dr. John 11/6/73
06/29/76 All Newport, RI - Newport Jazz S:Rm,LP,D U 120 no setlist
01/16/89 All Minneapolis, MN - Guthrie Theatre S:D U n/a no setlist
06/24/98 All NYC, NY - Irving Plaza Af:D A 85 Schoeps CMC-64V> Sonosax SX-M2> D8 partial setlist 48k 07/11/98 All Den Haag, HOLL - North Sea Jazz Af:D A 77 Schoeps Mk4> VMS021b> SBM 1 44k, w/ tracks 10/07/98 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A-/A 131 NAK-300 > SBM-1 > D8 no setlist 48k, w/ tracks
09/26/01 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre Af:D A-/A 114 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Directions in Music - a tribute to John Coltrane & Miles Davis; Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker, Brian Blade, Roy Hargove and John Patitucci 44k, w/ tracks, first few seconds of first song are cut, taped from the balcony rail, slightly right of center!
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Herbie Hancock ]
11/06/01 All Knoxville, TN - The Bijou Af:D A/A+ 145 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 partial setlist Mickey makes reference to me, the only taper in the front 44k, (X-Y 130 degrees, 3rd row FOB dfc, 9ft high), w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Mickey Hart ]
??/??/97 All Jazz Fest, Stuttgart, GER S:D A/A+ 76 ON: Cray 5/16/92 48k; w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Issac Hayes ]
02/18/99 All Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre A:D A/A+ 51 B&K4011> V2> Apogee AD 1000> GP D14 Solo Acoustic; Open for String Cheese Incident, * = played for about 30 seconds then stopped due to guitar problems 48k; from SCI patchbay
12/21/00 All Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. A:D A 360 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Warren Haynes 12th Annual XMas Jam w/ ABB, original ARU, Bottle Rockets, John Popper, Kevin Kenny; 1st Come and Go Blues in 15 years 44k, w/ tracks, taped from right side, (OR Q8).
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Warren Haynes ]
09/04/67 Late Stockholm, SW - Stora Scenen - A:Rm,D B+ 49 Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. "Dans In". 48k 09/05/67 All Stockholm, SW - "Tonarskvall" - S:Rm,?,D U 31 The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. *=interview with Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding by Leif Andersson for Swedish Radio. Broadcast 9/6/67 on "Pop '67 Americakalistan". 48k; ON: Hendrix 4/26/69
03/19/68 Late Ontario, CAN - Capitol Theatre - FM:D A 58 Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. Some boots claim 3/18/68. "DAT clone cuts off at..."?? 04/15/68 All NYC, NY - Generation Club S:Rm,?,BCD,D A/A+ 54 Mix? w/ Jim Morrison, Johnny Winter, Buddy Miles 44k, "Woke Up & Found Myself Dead" Boot CD; Dat could be incorrect 04/17/68 All Drake Hotel, NYC, NY. S:Rm,?,D A+ 30 partial setlist; This is raw, just Jimi 44k 10/12/68 Early San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,?,D U 65 Early show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. seen as S:Rm,D 10/12/68 Late San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,?,D U 70 Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. seen as S:Rm,D
01/09/69 Early Stockholm, SW - Konserthuset S:Rm,D A/A+ 57 Early show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. 48k, ON: Hendrix 3/19/68 01/09/69 Late Stockholm, SW - Konserthuset S:Rm,D U 69 Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. Interview with Jimi Hendrix by Lennart Wretlind. ON: Hendrix 9/4/67 04/26/69 All Inglewood, CA - The Forum S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 71 The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. 44k 05/24/69 All San Diego, CA - San Diego Sports S:Rm,?,D U 63 The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. 48k; ON: Hendrix 4/26/69 and 9/5/67 12/31/69 Mix NYC, NY - Fillmore East FM:D A/A+ 91 Band Of Gypsys. New Years. 48k; Out-of-sequence. No way to tell from which of 3 shows that night.; w/ tracks
04/07/70 All Unknown City, XX - Unknown S:Rm,?,D U 50 no setlist Band of Gypsies 05/30/70 Early Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,D U n/a Early show. Hendrix, Cox & Mitchell: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Billy Cox. *=soundcheck 05/30/70 Late Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,D U n/a Late show. Hendrix, Cox & Mitchell: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Billy Cox. 07/30/70 All Maui, HI - Haleakala Crater S:Rm?,D U 170 Last American Hendrix show Hendrix, Cox & Mitchell: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Billy Cox. Rainbow Bridge Vibratory Colour-Sound Experiment. Filmed part of "Rainbow Bridge" at this show. According to witnesses, the venue was a cow pasture.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jimi Hendrix ]
08/31/96 All Laytonville, CA - Hog Farm Pignic Af:D A 63 Neumann KM54 no setlist 48k; ON: Taj 5/25/96; (U)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dan Hicks ]
03/03/99 Early Schndy, NY - VanDyck A:D A/A+ 90 AKG481>MEV100>D100 partial setlist Early Show; Vassar, Catfish Hodges, T. Lavitz, Kenny Gradkey & Richie Hayward 48k 03/03/99 Late Schndy, NY - VanDyck S:D A+ 90 no setlist Late Show, Vassar, Catfish Hodges, T. Lavitz, Kenny Gradkey & Richie Hayward 48k, "SBDsubmix for dat"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Hillbilly Funk AllStars ]
??/??/64 All Newport, RI - Newport Folk S:?,D U 40 no setlist
11/30/69 All Paris, FRA - Unknown S:?,D U 70 ON: "Hooker,John Lee" "Newport Fest,RI" 1964
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Lee Hooker ]
04/12/96 All San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore S:D A+ 215 44k 05/25/96 All Boston, MA - Avalon Ballroom S:D A+ 120 w/ Bob Moses on percussion 48k, S:D,D,D(me),you
07/28/98 All York, PA - The Strand S:D A+ 240 48k, "S:D,D,D(me),you"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bruce Hornsby ]
11/17/00 All Hickory, NC - Arts & Crafts Center A:D A 143 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, w/ tracks, taped uring Manfrotto superclamp attached to the balcony railing.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Hot Tuna ]
08/23/73 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:Rm,R,D A 59 ON: Muddy Waters 5/30/73,1st of 6 nights at Ebbetts Field, Wolf 's last performance was in Chicago with B.B. King in November of 1975, (June 10, 1910 - January 10, 1976) ,also seen as 3/23/73
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | (Chester Burnett) Howlin' Wolf ]
01/11/94 All San Francisco, CA - Elbo Room S:D A+ 107 Charlie Hunter - 8-string guitar, Dave Ellis - tenor saxophone, Jay Lane - drums 48k 01/18/94 All San Francisco, CA - Elbo Room S:D A+ 120 Charlie Hunter - 8-string guitar, Dave Ellis - tenor saxophone, Jay Lane - drums 48k
06/13/00 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Stage:D A/A+ 102 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Charlie Hunter 8-string guitar Chris Lovejoy congas, percussion Stephen Chopek drums, percussion 48k, taped from the edge of the stage, mic's run about 70 degrees (between space between C Hunter and drummer to his left, and drummer to his right. Sounds amazing. w/ tracks 11/08/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats A:D A-/A 105 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist Robert Walter's 20th Congress opened; Charlie Hunter 8-string guitar John Ellis tenor sax Chris Lovejoy congas, percussion Stephen Chopek drums, percussion Jans Ingber vocals 44k, X-Y 70 degrees, taped from the rail behind the soundboard (my usual spot)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Charlie Hunter ]
08/22/80 All NYC, NY - The Other End S:Cm,CD,D A/A+ 60 (solo acoustic) 44k, Soundboard direct Nak550 cassette master->CDR/dat; ON: NRPS 8/14/71 & 8/2/69, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert Hunter ]
08/04/01 All Norfolk, VA - Norva Theater Af:D A-/A 119 Neumann KM184> DMIC20> DAP1 48k, "km184 (w/ Audio Technica attenuators set at -15db)-> DMIC20 (3pulls)-> DAP1 (w/ apogee BNC-> Coax cable); from VIP section, clamped to rail w/ row 1 104 clamp pointed center stage), clones of the master
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Billy Idol ]
11/20/70 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West A:?,D A-/A n/a ON: Doors 9/13/69 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Gang ]
06/03/98 All Winston Salem, NC - Ziggy's S:D A/A+ 130 48k
04/13/99 All Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre S:D A/A+ 143 W/ Derek Trucks and Vassar Clements **this is a guitar gimmick devised by DEREK & JIMMY 48k, Left Channel Problem's (1;45 - 2:10ABS) during Half Step 04/14/99 All Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre A:D A/A+ 176 B&K 4011> SV225> DA-20mkii> D7 with VASSAR CLEMENTS & DEREK TRUCKS "'Wake of the Flood Revisited' live recording, with special guests VASSAR CLEMENTS & DEREK TRUCKS, THE BEST JAZZ IS DEAD SHOW TO DATE...unprecedented 3 set show!!!" - THIS IS Quoted STRAIGHT FROM THE JiD site. # = (in which JEFF disassembles and reassembles his drum kit finally destroying it Keith Moon style - must be seen to be believed); % = with VASSAR CLEMENTS; + = DEREK TRUCKS 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jazz Is Dead ]
11/26/66 All San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore S:Rm,D U 45 no setlist
09/05/67 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A/A+ 48 partial setlist, Rehearsals 48k; ON: JA 10/19/67; slightly low levels; w/ tracks 10/19/67 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland S:Rm,D A n/a 48k; w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jefferson Airplane ]
09/06/93 All Foxboro, MA - Foxboro Stadium FM:D A 53 partial setlist 48k; ON: JGB 4/25/94 s2
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Elton John ]
06/23/68 All San Francisco, CA - Avalon S:Rm,D A/A+ 30 ON: PERRO 01/X/75 Alan Bershaw who says "Acetate > DAT," Acetate supposedly belongs to Owsley.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Janis Joplin ]
03/??/82 All Houston, TX - Unknown Location FM:Rm,D A+ 50 48k; ON: Rush 3/6/83, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Journey ]
10/02/97 All Boone, NC - Legends S:D A+ n/a
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jupiter Coyote ]
03/30/00 All Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D A/A+ 187 MTG 300's>Neumann mic power supply>DAP * = w/ Chip on 4-string for parts. 44k 03/31/00 Early Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D A/A+ 120 MTG 300's>Neumann mic power supply>DAP "Happy Hour" show 03/31/00 Late Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D A/A+ 240 MTG 300's>Neumann mic power supply>DAP Late show 04/01/00 All Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D A/A+ 240 MTG 300's>Neumann mic power supply>DAP 44k 04/02/00 All Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D A/A+ 240 MTG 300's>Neumann mic power supply>DAP * = w/ with Earl Cate 44k, the second set is botched starting at Stella Blue
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steve Kimock Band ]
09/16/84 All Long Beach, CA - Blues Festival FM:Cm,D A 55 ON: Muddy Waters 5/14/77, partial setlist w/ James Cotton 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | BB King ]
08/16/74 Late Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:?,D A 98 2nd show 48k
10/19/75 All Hamburg, GER - Musikhalle FM:D A/A+ 83 no setlist 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Freddie King ]
04/17/74 All Nashville, TN - Muther's Place A:Cm,D A-/A 92 no setlist 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | King Crimson ]
08/14/86 All Vail, CO - The Studio S:Cm,C,D A/A+ 179 w/ Steve Kimock on guitar 48k, "mastercass sbd > sony d5m (metal cass dolby c) > dat; pb: Nak CR7A > HHb PDR1000"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Kingfish ]
08/16/67 All Copenhagen, DEN - Unknown FM:?,D A/A+ 42 no setlist w/ tracks
02/26/70 All Stuttgart, GER - Unknown S:?,D A-/A n/a ON: RRK 7/18/75, no setlist 48k
06/24/72 All Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz S:?,D A/A+ 50 44k, w/ tracks
07/??/73 All NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre S:D U 25 ON: RRK 7/10/75 and again on 11/14/76
07/10/75 All Pori, Finland S:D U 60 07/18/75 All Montreaux, SWI - Unknown S:?,D A- 86 partial setlist, some Festival Hliton Ruez - piano, Medithias Peason, Sonny Brown - drums, Todd Barken - percussion, RRK - tenor sax 48k, w/ tracks, may be a preFM, sounds flat but gets a little better, (Kirk has his 1st stroke in 1975)
11/14/76 All New Castle, ENG - Unknown FM:?,D U 130 , Kirk has his 1st stroke in 1975 (dies from 2nd stroke in 1977)
04/03/77 All Miami, FL - Unkown A:?,D A- n/a ON: RRK 6/24/72 48k, w/ tracks (Partial tracks), diginoise consistently starting approximately 40 minutes in, Kirk has his 1st stroke in 1975 (dies from 2nd stroke in 1977)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rahsaan Roland T. Kirk ]
04/29/99 All Englewood, CO - Fiddler's Green A:D A-/A 66 Core Sound Binaurals > D8 no setlist, The Power is pulled during "I Want To Get Away" 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lenny Kravitz ]
10/02/98 Early Fayatteville, AK - Chester's Place A:D A/A+ 55 MtG M300>Neumann BS48i-2 48k; ON: GD 3/31/91 s1
04/28/99 All Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom A:D A/A+ 93 Schoeps MK4>VMS021b>SBM1>DA-P1 * A Parade of dancers came out and danced around the Crystal Ballroom. Men and women, both topless, painted green. The "leader" wore are large marijuana bud hat... ; ** Sounded a lot like Whipping Post but vocals never materialized. 44k; set up dead center about 10-15 ft from the stage, running xy. 06/19/99 All Cazadero, CA - Fireman's Benefit A:D U 180 AKG C-61 tubes
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | KVHW ]
09/20/68 All London, ENG - Olympic Studios STo:Rm,?CD,D A 120 Source: Excellent stereo soundboard recordings. 48k, from a Boot CD
04/27/69 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,D A 114 48k, w/ tracks 08/31/69 All Dallas, TX - Texas International S:Rm,?,D A 64 44k; ON: Pink FLoyd 11/16/74
04/01/71 All London, ENG - Paris Theatre S:preFM,D A 110 Source: Almost complete excellent radio broadcast. 48k
05/13/73 All Mobile, AL - The Auditorium S:Rm,R,D A 114 no setlist 48k
02/12/75 Partial NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:?,CD,D B+ 120 Whole Lotta Love cuts, missing Black Dog, Heatbreaker->That's Alright 48k
06/27/77 All Inglewood, CA - Great Western LA A:?,CD,D A- 120 48k 08/??/77 All Cleveland, OH - Unknown S:?,D A 120 partial setlist 48k
07/07/80 All Berlin, GER - Eissporthalle S:?,CD,D A- 120 LAST SHOW 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Led Zeppelin ]
10/22/99 Most Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D A 120 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist, opened for Soulive & Derek Trucks Band 48k; slightly left of center (w/ other tapers), approximately 25' from stage
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Left Foot Down ]
04/22/98 All Carrboro, NC - Cat's Cradle S:D A+ n/a 05/02/98 All Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park A:D U n/a Schoeps CMC64>Sonosax>Sv255 * = w/ Bela Fleck; ** = also w/ Jeff Coffin (sax - Fleck); *** = also w/ Bill Nershi (guitar - SCI)
10/15/99 All Knoxville, TN - The Bijou Af:D A- 95 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist 48k; taped from slightly right of center, back row (in front of board) on the ground floor
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Leftover Salmon ]
??/??/?? All Demos & Outtakes 1970 - 1980 Mix A/A+ 180 no setlist 44k; both soundboard and audience sources
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Lennon ]
04/25/74 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:R,D,CD A/A+ 55 no setlist 44k, need to get a clean clone
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lighting Hopkins ]
07/19/73 Both Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:Rm,D A 117 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Little Feat ]
01/29/00 All Tampa, FL - Skipper's Boathouse A:D A 163 AKG 481> MV100> SBM1 partial setlist. This stuff is hot! latin/funk/jazz 48k, w/ tracks
05/06/01 All New Orleans, LA - Saenger Af:D A-/A 54 B&K4011’s> AD1000 partial setlist 48K, w/ tracks, 1 little drop-out at the very start. some level adjustment during the first song 05/19/01 All Asheville, NC - Asheville Music Af:D A/A+ 119 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 partial setlist 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Los Hombres Calientes ]
12/04/98 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud. S:D,CD,D A/A+ 123 44k; low levels (-9), w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Los Lobos ]
11/05/99 All Morristown, NJ - Community Theater A:D A- 118 Sonic Studios 48k, w/ tracks, the crowd noise is loud
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lyle Lovett ]
03/19/75 All Chattanooga, TN - Chattanooga S:Rm,C,C,D A-/A 46 ON: Who 4/5/68, SHA spliced and cuts off 48k; w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lynyrd Skynyrd ]
04/04/71 All NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,D A/A+ 59 48k, w/ tracks
11/06/72 All Syracuse, NY - Jaberwocky preFM:Rm,D A/A+ 66 48k, w/ tracks
05/16/73 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:Rm,?,D U 106 no setlist
10/06/81 All "Maintenance Shop Blues" S:?,D U n/a
12/01/84 All NYC, NY - The Bottom Line A:Cm,C,D A 70 48k; Cass flip during "Walking Blues" (around 29:15)
10/26/85 Late NYC, NY - The Bottom Line A:Cm,D A n/a Solo Show 12/15/85 All Albany, NY - Cafe Loco S:Cm,D A/A+ 91 48k, w/ tracks
08/03/90 All NYC, NY - MusiCruise Pier 81 A:Cm,D U 50 Sony ECM 909> D6
01/09/91 All NYC, NY - The Bottom Line A:Cm,D A 77 Sony ECM 909> D6 no setlist, W/ Kenny Neal; Solo 48k 02/17/91 All NYC, NY - Wetlands A:Cm,D A/A+ 69 Sony ECM 909> D6 no setlist, W/ Warren Haynes on Statesboro Blues 48k; ON: Taj 1/9/91
02/06/92 All Boulder, CO - Unknown S:D U n/a no setlist
03/26/95 All Bonn, GER - Biskuithalle S:D A+ 70 no setlist 06/24/95 All Salt Lake City, UT - Arts Festival S:D A+ 88
04/27/96 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud. Af:D U 95 Neumann KM54 no setlist 48k 05/25/96 All Santa Cruz, CA - Palookaville A:D A 94 Nakamichi CM300 + CP1 no setlist 48k; (U)
05/03/97 All Vienna, VA - Wolf Trap A:D A 45 no setlist 48k; ON: Mahal 12/1/84 09/13/97 All Austin, TX - Stubbs BBQ S:D A+ 100 44k
01/19/98 All Poolside - The Ultimate R&B Cruise S:D A+ 83 no setlist 48k; slighlty low levels 01/23/98 All Carribean, Cruise - Regal Empress S:Cm,D A/A+ 180 no setlist 48k 08/26/98 All NYC, NY - Tramps A:D A 102 Sony ECM 737> D8 48k 10/03/98 All Austin, TX - Stubbs BBQ S:D A+ 91 no setlist 44k; DSBD> D8> D> D> D; No ABS time on my tape
01/22/99 Partial Austin, TX - Stubbs BBQ A:D A/A+ 18 OctavaMc-012>mv100>D8 no setlist 44k; ON: Marley 10/31/73
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Taj Mahal ]
05/24/73 All London, ENG - Paris Theatre preFM:Rm,D A/A+ 39 aired 6/23/73, ON: Marley 10/31/73 CATCH A FIRE/BURNIN' TOUR 44k 07/15/73 All Boston, MA - Paul's Mall S:Rm,?,D A-/A n/a 48k, w/ tracks, tiny speck of ??reel?? noise in LUY, 10/24/73 All Hollywood, CA - Capital Records S:Rm,C,?,D U 90 rehearsals "S>R>C?>DAT" 10/31/73 All Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant S:preFM:Rm,D A+ 51 also seen as 12/2/73 (air date) CATCH A FIRE/BURNIN' TOUR 44k; 2 diginoise specks during first song (7:53. 8:07) 11/26/73 All Top Gear BBC Radio 1, England S:Rm,P,D U n/a "S>R>PCM>DAT"
06/10/75 All Chicago, IL - The Quiet Knight S:R,P,D,CD,D A/A+ 58 NATTY DREAD TOUR diginoise spot during Slave Driver 06/18/75 All NYC, NY - Central Park A:Cm,C,C,D A- n/a Schaeffer Music Festival on Marley 7/15//73 DAT 48k, w/ tracks 06/20/75 All NYC, NY - Manhattan Center A:Cm,C,D A-/A 100 07/03/75 Partial San Francisco, CA - Boarding House S:Rm,D A+ 17 NATTY DREAD TOUR 44k; ON Marley 10/31/73, also seen as 7/7/75 07/18/75 All London, ENG - The Strand Lyceum S:preFMR,P,D A 53 S:PreFMR,P,D,CD,D NATTY DREAD TOUR
05/01/76 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre A:Cm,C,D A-/A 105 no setlist 48k, some diginoise on the 2nd & 3rd song
06/14/78 All Shelton, CT - Pinecrest Theater A:?,D U n/a KAYA TOUR 06/14/78 All Shelton, CT - Pinecrest Theater A:Cm,D A-/A 84 Nakamichi CM300 + CP4> Nak 550 KAYA TOUR 48k, a little hiss, w/ tracks, my DAT is a copy of the DAT master from the cassette master, taped/from by Alan Bershaw "Nak300's w/CP4 Shotgun caps into a Nak 550 w/ Dolby B." "Nice and punchy and a great show", rec'd as 5/14/78. 07/07/78 All Rotterdam, NET - The Ahoy S:Rm,?,CD,D A 89 ON: Wynton Marsalis 6/19/87 KAYA TOUR 44k 07/14/78 All Vancouver, BC - Queen Elizabeth A:?,CD,D U 90 One of two shows on this date.
07/21/79 All Cambridge, MA - Harvard Stadium A:?m,R,D A-/A 120 48k, very little hiss 07/21/79 All Cambridge, MA - Harvard Stadium A:Cm,C,D U 90 10/22/79 All New York, NY - Apollo Theater A:Rm,CD,D U 100 11/29/79 All Oakland, CA - Oakland Auditorium S:?,D A-/A n/a Ron Wood plays on encore 48k
09/22/80 All Pittsburgh, PA - Stanley Theater S:Rm,D A/A+ 80 Bob Marley died 5/11/81 of lung and brain cancer UPRISING TOUR 1 CD, 44k, can not find right now
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bob Marley ]
08/25/00 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline A:D U 120 B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 no setlist 48k, taped by Steve, "[NOS] B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1" (Taped from the lawn at Shoreline from the delay stacks. NOS mic placement.)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ziggy Marley ]
01/16/93 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community M:D A/A+ 102 no setlist W/ Linda Hopkins, Albert Collins, Keeny Kirkland, Bob Hurst (bass) 44k, tracks are set
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Branford Marsalis ]
06/19/87 All Philadelphia, PA - The Academy Of S:D A+ 93 no setlist 48k
06/06/88 All Minneapolis, MN - Guthrie Theatre S:D A/A+ n/a no setlist, Sextet?
11/13/90 All Wilkes-Barre, PA - Unknown S:D U 180 no setlist
10/11/94 All Chico, CA - Laxson Aud. S:D A+ 120 no setlist. Quintet 48k, [R500]
11/02/01 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre Af:D A 122 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 the crowd clapping tune (prior to encore) sounds incredible Septet - 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wynton Marsalis ]
04/30/94 All Kalamazoo, MI - Miller Auditorium A:D A 120 (8th row center) B&K 4011 (110 X-Y) no setlist 48k; music levels very low (-16) while crowd noise between songs is (-3)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Marsalis Family ]
07/04/90 All Washington, DC - Robert F. S:D A/A+ 119 no setlist 48k, d/n at 1:34
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Paul McCartney ]
02/13/94 All San Francisco, CA - Masonic S:D U 27 no setlist 48k, M# on last tune
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Country Joe McDonald ]
10/14/95 All Austin, TX - Emo's S:D A/A+ n/a * w/Trey Anastasio
11/27/96 All Austin, TX - Liberty Lunch A:D U 115 Schoeps CMC64 Charlie Hunter Quartet opening; * w/ Charlie Hunter; ** w/ all of CHQ
12/06/97 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater M:D A+ 141 * w/ Medeski on house pipe organ (Billy: "You heard it here first.") Show dedicated to the memory of Samurai Celestial, ** Bobby Timmons song 48k
05/01/99 Late New Orleans, LA - Howlin' Wolf A:D,CD A+ 141 B&K4022's>Lunatec V2> Apogee A/D no setlist, "SuperJam" w/ J. Medeski w/ John Medeski (keyboard), Marc Ribot (guitar), John Singleton (bass), Paul Vincent (tenor sax); Karl Denson, Michael Ray, Skeric, and Stanton Moore 44k; "mics were clipped to balcony rail"; actually started 1:30am 5/2/99 11/12/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre Af:D A/A+ 120 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 "Untitled-Roll" through The Lover and the encore with DJ Logic taped FOB about 30' from stage, mics XY110 degrees.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Medeski, Martin, & Wood ]
04/25/92 All Wilksboro, NC - Merlefest S:D A/A+ 115 no setlist With: Peter Rowan, Tony Rice, Allison Krause, Bela Fleck, David Grisman
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Merle Watson Festival ]
08/13/00 All Palo Alto, CA - Garden Court As:D,CD A+ 44 Schoeps CCM-4> SX-M2> AD500E> DAP1 Post-race party for Chronicle Classic 5 Mile Run * -- with Ghost Riders in the Sky tease 48k, w/ tracks, "on-stage ORTF Schoeps CCM4 > Sonosax M2 > Apogee AD500E > Tascam DA-P1 by Steve Brown" 09/29/00 All Santa Cruz, CA - Palookaville As:D A+ 120 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 48k, "on-stage ORTF B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 by Steve Gilbert" 12/02/00 All Palo Alto, CA - Cubberly As:D A+ 92 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 guest: That One Guy; 48k, w/ tracks, "on-stage ORTF B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 by Steve Gilbert"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Mermen ]
08/23/76 All New Orleans, LA - Sands FM:D U 43 WNOE
01/02/77 All New Orleans, LA - Showboat Lounge FM:D U 78 ON: Meters8/23/76 Art Nevile - organ, George Porter - bass, Leo Nocitelli - guitar, Ziggaboo Moldelsite - drums (vox & b/s) this is longer and has a different setlist than my 1/22/77
02/19/93 All New Orleans, LA - Tulane S:D A/A+ n/a no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Meters ]
09/22/81 All Hamburg, GER - Stadt Park FM:Rm,D A+ 108 no setlist band personnel from 80/81 album band, w/ Michael Brecker on sax, 48k, "FM: master reel or cassette> DAT", w/ tracks
03/23/90 All Mellon Jazz Fest, Philadelphia S:D U n/a no setlist Quartet w/ Herbie Hancock, Jack Dejohnette & Dave Holland could be 6/23/90
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pat Metheny ]
07/10/97 All Buffalo, NY - Broadway Joe's S:D A/A+ n/a * With "Extramelean Curioz" tease. ** First time played. # With "Purple Haze" (Jimi Hendrix) tease. ## With Dave Ruch and Rolf Witt on mandolins. ^ Without Al. 11/15/97 All Knoxville, Tennessee - Barley and M:D A+ n/a no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | moe. ]
04/18/61 All Paris, FR - Unknown S:?,D U 89 no setlist
05/23/63 All Tokyo, JAP - Unknown S:?,D U 39
02/24/64 All Zurich, SWI - Unknown S:?,D U 41 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Thelonius Monk ]
03/06/75 All Wilmington, NC - Grand Opry S:Rm,D A/A+ 135 Bill Monroe & the Bluegrass Boys 48k, w/ tracks, cut in Bluegrass// Breakdown, Never // Again, Gold Rush (c)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bill Monroe ]
04/26/70 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 61 FM Broadcast 44k, w/ tracks
09/05/71 All San Francisco, CA - Pacific High PreFM:Rm,D A 98 FM Broadcast on KSAN also seen as F:R,P,D
12/17/95 All Dublin, Ireland - The Point FM:D A+ 120 FM Broadcast 44k, cuts at the beginning of Raincheck and Vanlose Stairway
01/21/98 All New York City, NY - The Theater A:D U n/a Schoeps CMC 641> SBM-1> D3 Double billed with Bob Dylan. Van opened and Bob closed.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Van Morrison ]
09/02/75 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:Rm,D A/A+ 88 44k; No ABS time on my tape
02/27/97 All Paia, Maui, HI - Charlie's Bar S:D A 81 Willie solo w/ friends 48k, w/ tracks 12/03/97 All Austin, TX - La Zona Rosa M:D A+ 120 Willie Nelson - guitar; Merle Haggard - guitar; Johnny Gimble - fiddle; Don Markham - saxophone; Freddie Powers; Kimmy Rhoades 44k, "DSBD>Digital line feed(cables?)>Panasonic3000?>Truck(TequillaMockingbird Studios Recording Truck)"
02/13/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A/A+ 144 NAK300>SBM-1>D The better source (NAK 300's) was missing last 24 minutes, I found an alternate source (AT822 mic's) and patched the missing portion
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Willie Nelson ]
07/24/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater S:D A+ 91 partial setlist 44k, w/ tracks, "SBD>DAP1>D8; R500>DA20", clone from the master
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Neville Brothers ]
06/11/72 All San Francisco, CA - Boarding House FM:Rm,P,D A/A+ 67 ON: Police 3/4/79, no setlist 44k, first 17 minutes from FM:>,DAT source, some cuts at the start
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Randy Newmann ]
06/21/98 All Telluride, CO - Town Park A:D A/A+ 90 MTG SMS2000/M200>EAA PSP2>DAP1 no setlist Improvisation Workshop (Elks Park) 48k; ON: Fleck & Sipe 6/20/98
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ty, Darol Anger, and Futureman North ]
08/02/69 AfternooSan Francisco, CA - Matrix S:Rm,R,CD,D A/A+ 68 (Dawson, Nelson, Garcia, Lesh & Hart) 44k, Soundboard direct 3.75ips M-reel-> (tuning edited out) 3.75ips reel->CDR/dat; ON: NRPS 8/14/71; there is some hiss from the original reel
08/14/71 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,R,CD,D A 58 44k, "Soundboard direct 7.5ips M-reel-> 3.75ips reel->CDR", w/ tracks
03/18/73 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:Rm,D A/A+ 171 Sony TC336>HHB PDR1000 3.75ips>D *w/ members of the the Dead (Garcia, Weir, Godchaux) 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | NRPS ]
06/04/98 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D A 176 NeumanKM140(ortf)>LA100/LC Rain Forest Benefit Show; Dave Ellis, Mickey Hart, Bruce Hornsby, Mark Karan, Steve Kimock, Phil Lesh, John Molo, Bob Weir 44k 06/25/98 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp. A:D A/A+ 135 NakCM300gun+cp4>D7 center lawn Dave Ellis, Mickey Hart, Bruce Hornsby, Mark Karan, Steve Kimock, Phil Lesh, John Molo, Bob Weir 48k 06/26/98 All Charlotte, NC - Blockbuster A:D A 141 NeumannTLM103 (fixedC)>DA-P1 Only "Wild Horses"; Dave Ellis, Mickey Hart, Bruce Hornsby, Mark Karan, Steve Kimock, Phil Lesh, John Molo, Bob Weir 48k; "recorded from front/center of lawn with a pair of Meumann TL M103 (fixed cardiods)-> DAP1" 06/29/98 All East Rutherford, NJ - Continental Af:D A-/A 160 Core Sound Binaurals-> D8 Dave Ellis, Mickey Hart, Bruce Hornsby, Mark Karan, Steve Kimock, Phil Lesh, John Molo, Bob Weir 44k; "taped from the 17th row (40' from stack), right side (sec.7)" 06/30/98 All Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum A:D A 149 Neumann U89i> SBM1> DA-P1 Dave Ellis, Mickey Hart, Bruce Hornsby, Mark Karan, Steve Kimock, Phil Lesh, John Molo, Bob Weir 44k 07/04/98 All Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga A:D A 140 SchoepsCmc6>Sonosax SX-M2>DA-P1 Only "Schoolgirl" and "Knockin"; Dave Ellis, Mickey Hart, Bruce Hornsby, Mark Karan, Steve Kimock, Phil Lesh, John Molo, Bob Weir 48k 07/24/98 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline A:D A 183 Dave Ellis, Mickey Hart, Bruce Hornsby, Mark Karan, Steve Kimock, Phil Lesh, John Molo, Bob Weir 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Other Ones ]
05/25/95 All Tacoma, WA - Tacoma Dome A:D U 120 * = Michael Lee played Tablas
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Page & Plant ]
04/12/92 All Unknown City, CA - Unknown S:D U n/a no setlist 12/08/92 All New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's S:D U 90 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Maceo Parker ]
02/20/94 All San Francisco, CA - Great S:D A+ 240 no setlist 48k
10/07/95 All Gainesville, FL - Unknown S:D A+ n/a no setlist DAT-heads tree
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Parliament-Funkadelic/P-Funk All-Stars ]
11/12/96 All St. Paul, MN - St. Paul Autitorium A:D U n/a Core Sound Binaurals> D7 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Nicholas Payton ]
04/03/94 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater FM:D U 152
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pearl Jam ]
11/04/93 All Gainesville, FL - Oconell Center FM:D A/A+ 107 48k
02/07/97 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West FM:D A/A+ 240 44k
03/15/99 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud. Af:D A 140 Neumann KM140> Aerco> SBM1> D8 48k; a nasty drop out from 15:50 - 16:10
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tom Petty ]
09/24/94 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community Af:D,CD A 62 Schoeps mk-4V> Reutelhuber> SBM1> 44k, Schoeps MK4 Cardiod Matched Capsules in the Hat> Active Cables> Bill Reutelhuber Custom PreAmp/Power Supply> Sony SBM1 A/D Converter> Denon DTR80P @ 44.1, 8th Row Center .. DAT>Disc: Panasonic SV3800> HHB CDR800... UltraPlex>PlexWriter @ 4x - to my computer via eac.
03/26/98 All San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore A:D U n/a Nak300,D Phil Lesh - Bass and & vocals, Vince Welnick - Keyboards & Vocals , Bobby Strickland - Saxophones, oboe, didjeridu & vocals , Gary Lambert guitar & vocals , Stan Franks - guitar , Scott Amendola - drums. 04/20/98 All San Francisco, CA - The Warfield A:D U 159 CSHEB> Zefiro Inbox>D100 08/07/98 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud. A:D A 161 Neumann KM184>Lunatec V2>Zefiro A/D>D7 44k
04/15/99 All San Francicso, CA - Warfield Af:D A 111 Schoeps mk4v>KC5>CMC6>AD1000 Comments: Unbroken Chain Benefit * Phil Sings with his kids. Band is: Phil & Friends with Phil Lesh- bass and vocals, Steve Kimock - Lead guitar, John Molo - Drums, Trey Anastasio- Guitar, Page McConnel - Keyboards 44k; BUDD tree 04/16/99 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D A 240 Schoeps mk4v>KC5>CMC6>AD1000 Phil Lesh- bass and vocals, Steve Kimock - Lead guitar, John Molo - Drums, Trey Anastasio- Guitar, Page McConnel - Keyboards, *Donna Jean Godchaux - Vocals. rec'd via tree 04/17/99 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D A n/a Schoeps mk4v>KC5>CMC6>AD1000 * = w/ Donna Jean on vocals, ** = w/ Trey on vocals 48k; rec'd via tree 05/29/99 All Angel's Camp, CA - Mountain Aire Af:D A 180 Schure Gunes + (1) Omni> Preamp> 4trck Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, Steve Kimock - guitar, Warren Haynes - slide guitar and vocals, Donna Jean -vocals, Merl Saunders - Keyboards and Vocals, Prairie Prince or John Molo?- drums. Official schedule is: 5/29: KVHW plays w/ Phil Lesh & Friends, Wilco, Orixa, Zigaboo Modeliste, John Cleary 5/30: Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals, Mickey Hart & Planet Drum, Galactic, Vinyl, Bloque, Lazy Stars, Stacy Earle, Richard LeoJohnson mics "upfront left of stack (closest mic's)" 06/04/99 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D A 240 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 500> DAP1 Phil Lesh- bass and vocals, Steve Kimock - guitar, Praire Prince - Drums, Jorma - Guitar and vocals, Pete Sears - Keyboards, Zoe Ellis - vocals, Cailan Cornwell - vocals, Dave Ellis - Sax *. 44k; "mics up front on drink rail" 06/05/99 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D A 240 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 500> DAP1 Phil Lesh- bass and vocals, Steve Kimock - guitar, Praire Prince - Drums, Jorma - Guitar and vocals, Pete Sears - Keyboards, Zoe Ellis - vocals, Cailan Cornwell - vocals. 44k; "mics up front on drink rail" 07/02/99 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D A 240 B&K4011> Sonosax SX-M2> Aiwa HHB-1 Pro (Lesh, Kreutzmann, Kimock, Sless, Seigel, Nelson) 44k, "the 4011's were on a short stand,which was clamped to the Drink Rail,Center Location." 07/03/99 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D A 240 B&K4022> Sonosax SX-M2> Aiwa HHB-1 Pro (Lesh, Kreutzmann, Kimock, Sless, Seigel, Nelson) 44k, "was stealth taped,w/the mic's inside a hat standing right at the Drink Rail,Center Location." 08/12/99 All Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium A:D U 180 No Encore. Summer Sessions Tour. Phil Lesh - Bass and Vocals, Steve Kimock - Guitar, John Molo - Drums, Kyle Hollingsworth - Keyboards, Warren Haynes - Guitar. 08/17/99 All Eugene, OR - Cuthbert Ampitheater A:D A 145 Schoeps CMC6/MK4> VMS021B> SBM1 Phil, Molo, Kimock, Kyle Hollingsworth (keyboardist-SCI), Michael Kang (electric mando & fiddle-SCI), +Al Schnier (guitar,back vocals-moe.), *Billy Nershi (aco guitar-SCI), Michael Travis (congas-SCI) 44k 08/18/99 All Eugene, OR - Cuthbert Ampitheater A:D A 130 Neumann U89i> AD 1000> DA-P1 Phil, Molo, Kimock, Kyle Hollingsworth (keyboardist-SCI), Warren Haynes (guitar-Gov't Mule), +Michael Kang (electric mando & fiddle-SCI) 44k
06/24/00 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline A:D A 126 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 48K, "NOS B&K 4011> Lunatec V2> Tascam DAP1, 60 ft back on the lawn, dead center on 9' stand (taped from the delay stacks), taped by Steve", my clone is of Steve's master
04/19/01 All Asheville, NC - Civic Center A:D A-/A 175 MBHO 603a/ka500> ad2k> Lunatec V2 performance dedicated to Thomas Wolfe * = New song by Robert Hunter and Phil Lesh 48k, w/ tracks 04/20/01 All Charlotte, NC - Independence Arena A:D A-/A n/a MBHO 603a/ka200> GP adc20> d8 Capacity: 5600 48k/32k 06/10/01 All Mill Valley, CA - The Sweetwater Af:D A/A+ n/a B&K4011> Lunatec V2> Sonic AD2K> DAP1 billed as "Crusader Rabbit" Crusader Rabbit Stealth Band: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, Bob Weir - guitar and vocals, Rob Barraco - keyboards and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar, John Molo - drums, + Warren Haynes - guitar; ; Bob sings old lyrics (...season of what) instead of the Ratdogian (...season of what now) 48k, taped by Steve 08/02/01 All Virginia Beach, VA - GTE Af:D A 125 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Openers: The Allman Brother's. Derek Trucks Band Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar, *Derek Trucks - guitar. 44k, w/ tracks, FOB, in front of left stack, Section 102, row F, seat 51, ortf pointed at outside of speaker stacks 80 degrees 08/02/01 All Virginia Beach, VA - Verizon Af:D A/A+ 120 Neumann KM184> DMIC20> DAP1 Other Artist(s): Derek Trucks Band opened. Allman Brothers Band played second, Phil & Friends closed. Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar. * with Derek Trucks 48k 08/03/01 All Raleigh, NC - Alltel Pavilion Af:D A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 Opened For: The Allman Brother's, Opener: Derek Trucks Band 44k, w/ tracks, 110 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row Q, seat 20 08/04/01 All Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless Af:D A/A+ 127 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, 100 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row T, seat 12 08/05/01 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood A:D A n/a Josephson C-603/KA-500> Denecke PS1A> Other Artist(s): Derek Trucks Band opened, Allman Brothers Band played second, Phil & Friends closed. Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar. *with Susan Tedeshi 44k, "Josephson C-603/KA-500(hyper)> Denecke PS-1A> Zefiro Inbox> PCM-M1> R-300> R-500, section 204 dfc, taped to rail directly behind soundboard" (cloned from the master) 08/05/01 Partial Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp. Af:D A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 *with Susan Tedeschi, Opened For: The Allman Brother's. 44k, I missed the first hour
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Phil & Friends ]
03/04/85 All Burlington, VT - Hunt's S:Cm,D U n/a African Relief Benefit *With members of Lamb's Bread. 05/03/85 All Burlington, VT - Wilks/Davis/Wing S:Cm,C,D A/A+ n/a Page sits in with Phish. 11/23/85 All Plainfield, VT - Goddard College S:Cm,C,C,D A/A+ 85 Dave's E Guide cut; 44k * Includes Dark Star & Fire up the Ganja teases.
03/06/87 All Plainfield, VT - Goddard College S:Cm,D U n/a * Freebird is with instruments. Happy Birthday is for Deborah & Sue.
05/25/88 All Burlington, VT - Nectars S:Cm,D U n/a 08/29/88 All Page's House S:Cm,D A/A+ 62 09/08/88 All Burlington, VT - The Front S:Cm,D U n/a List is more than likely incomplete 09/24/88 All Amherst, MA - Full Moon at The S:Cm,D A/A+ n/a 48k
12/01/89 All Boston, MA - The Paradise S:Cm,D U n/a
06/05/90 All Chapel Hill, NC - Cat's Cradle S:Cm,D A/A+ 147 *With Fishman on vacuum and vocals. 48k; cass flip during "David Bowie" 09/13/90 All New York City, NY - Wetlands S:D U n/a * First time played. ** With the Dude of Life. 10/06/90 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:D A+ n/a Opening for Blues Traveler. *First time played and with John Popper on harmonica. 11/02/90 All Boulder, CO - Glenn Miller S:D A/A+ 155 44k 11/04/90 All Fort Collins, CO - Fort Ram S:Cm,D U n/a SbdMultitrack:C,D *With Caravan teases 11/24/90 All Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:D A+ 146 12/28/90 All New York City, NY - The Marquee S:D A+ n/a * With John Popper on harmonica.
03/15/91 All Denver, CO - Gothic Theater S:D U n/a 03/16/91 All Breckenridge, CO - Ten Mile Room S:D U n/a 03/17/91 All Aspen, CO - Wheeler Opera House S:Cm,D U n/a 03/29/91 All San Francisco, CA - DNA Lounge A:D A 76 48k 07/15/91 All New York City, NY - The Academy S:D A+ n/a With The Giant Country Horns. 07/24/91 All Charlottesville, VA - Trax S:D U n/a With The Giant Country Horn. * With I Love Lucy theme. 10/13/91 All Olympia, WA - North Shore Surf S:Cm,D U n/a * These songs are part of the Gamehendge saga. Trey tells the story in between the songs. 11/01/91 All Denver, CO - Gothic Theater S:D U n/a * Instead of Hold Your Head reprise. Trey explained the use of the Hold Your Head Up Theme as the Henrietta theme because Fishman hates that song. They used the Pusher Man theme this night because Fishman likes that song.
03/13/92 All Providence, RI - Campus Club S:D A/A+ n/a *Trey teases "We're Off to See the Wizard." **With "Simpsons" language. #Trey explains the "Secret Language." 03/14/92 All New York City, NY - Roseland S:D A/A+ 158 * With John Popper on harmonica. 48k 04/05/92 All Boulder, CO - Fox Theater S:D U n/a 04/16/92 All Santa Barbara, CA - Anaconda S:D A/A+ n/a 04/17/92 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield S:D U n/a 04/18/92 All Palo Alto, CA - Wilbur Field S:D U n/a 11/27/92 All Port Cheater, NY - Capitol Theater S:D,C,D U n/a 11/28/92 All Port Cheater, NY - Capitol Theater S:D,C,D U n/a 12/05/92 All Chicago, IL - Vic Theater S:D A/A+ 169 w/ soundcheck 48k 12/11/92 2 Ann Arbor, MI - Michigan Theater A:D A/A+ n/a Neumann RSM-191 * With Moby Dick Jam at end of song. 12/12/92 All Toronto, ON, Canada - The Spectrum S:Cm,D U 180 12/31/92 3 Boston, MA - Matthews Arena FM:D A/A+ 85 * With Kung during the narration. ** With the Dude of Life. FM broadcast on WBCN.
02/18/93 All Knoxville, TN - Electric Ballroom A:D U 180 * Sound board shorts out. ** Trey and Mike electric through monitors, Page acoustic, Fishman on trombone. 02/20/93 All Atlanta, GA - Roxy Theater S:D U n/a * With "Gene Simmons", a.k.a. Jay Von Lehe. 03/22/93 All Sacramento, CA - Crest Theater S:Cm,D U n/a Gamehendge narration before Lizards and through McGrupp. 03/31/93 All Portland, OR - Roseland Theater S:D A 150 48k 04/21/93 All Columbus, OH - Newport Music Hall Af:D A-/A 180 b&k 4011'sneumann p/s>teac dap-20 48k, new copy free of diginoise 07/16/93 All Philadelphia, PA - Mann Music S:D A/A+ 141 * First time played. 48k; ??Sbd from Pages mix??; (U); slightly low levels (-6), there are some digiglitches 07/25/93 All Stanhope, NJ - Waterloo Village S:Cm,D U n/a 08/02/93 All Tampa, FL - The Ritz Theater A:D U n/a AKG460-CK61>DAT * With Joe Rooney of First Born on vocals. 08/11/93 All Grand Rapids, MI - Club Eastbrook A:D U 180 b&k4011>neumann PS>Teac DAP20 * First time played. 08/20/93 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:Cm,D U n/a * With Mimi Fishman on vacuum. 08/24/93 All Vancouver, BC, Canada - Commodore S:Cm,D A/A+ 174 44k 12/30/93 All Portland, ME - Cumberland County S:Cm,D U n/a 12/31/93 All Worcester, MA - Worcester Centrum FM:D U n/a * With Tom Marshall on vocals.
04/25/94 All Knoxville, TN - Knoxville Civic S:D A+ 125 * Acoustic & without mics. 48k; splice during "Divided Sky;" NO: Amazing Grace 04/26/94 All Atlanta, GA - Purple Dragon S:D U n/a 05/07/94 2 Dallas, TX - The Bomb Factory S:Cm,D A/A+ 78 Missing: E: Amazing Grace, Sample in a Jar * Slow reggae version. ** Unlike the normal HYHU that follows a Fishman tune, this was a real Jam. 48k, w/ tracks 05/27/94 All San Francisco, CA - Warfield Af:D U n/a Neumann,D * Acoustic, without mics, and with Morgan Fichter on fiddle. ** First time played. *** Part of the opera Aria, with Andrea Baker singing. 06/11/94 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks FM:D A+ 150 Last Frankenstein 7/26/91. 06/16/94 All Minneapolis, MN - State Theater S:D U n/a 06/17/94 All Milwaukee, WI - Eagles Auditorium A:D U n/a 06/22/94 All Columbus, OH - Veterans Memorial S:Cm,D U n/a * Acoustic and without mics. 06/26/94 All Charleston, WV - Municipal A:D U n/a AKG460-CK61>DAT 07/02/94 All Holmdel, NJ - Garden State Arts A:D U 180 b&k4011>aiwa hx-d1 * Mike does a bass jam into Weekapaugh ** "Set your gearshift to the high gear of your soul. *** Trey layers a Zarathustra over the rest of the bands Weekapaugh Groove 07/16/94 All Fayston, VT - Summer Stage at Af:D A 180 Schoeps cmc5/mk4>sx-m2> Apogee * Played as if a comet smashed into Jupiter. 48k 10/31/94 All Glen Falls, NY - Glens Falls A:D U n/a AKG460-CK61>DAT * Included Vibration of Life & Death, and a War Pigs quote/tease (Black Sabbath tune). ** From Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" *** Birthday wasn't sung, Page & Mike doodle a bit and Fishman presents a cake to Brad Sands (member of the crew) who accepts it wearing a Fishman dress. # Revolution 9 ended with Fishman naked and running around while the band blew bubbles and waved. ## Good Night was taped from the album. ### Trey had the crowd cheer for first 8 then 3 then 2 finalists that were picked out of the crowd during the show. A Mound candy bar won. The rest of the band were sort of vamping along during this. NOTE: Back In The USSR (Trey), Dear Prudence (Page), Glass Onion (Trey) > Ob-La- Di Ob-La-Da (Trey & Page), Wild Honey Pie (Trey, Page and Mike), Bungalow Bill (Trey), While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Trey), Happiness Is A Warm Gun (Trey & Page), Martha My Dear (Trey), I'm So Tired (Mike), Blackbird (Page), Piggies (Trey), Rocky Raccoon (Trey) > Don't Pass Me By (Mike), Why Don't We Do it in the Road (Fishman), Brad's Birthday Dirge, I Will (Page) > Julia (Trey & Mike), Yer Blues (Mike), Mother Nature's Son (Page), Everybody's got Something to Hide Except For Me & My Monkey (Trey), Sexy Sadie (Page), Helter Skelter (Trey), Long Long Long (Trey), Revolution 1 (Trey), Honey Pie (Mike), Savoy Truffle (Trey & Page), Cry Baby Cry/Can You Take Me Back (Trey), Revolution 9 (all, but mostly Fishman), Good Night (taped). 12/08/94 All San Diego, CA - Spreckels Theatre S:D A/A+ 180 DSBD (Stealth Patch) 48k; NO: "Makisupa"
07/01/95 All Mansfield, MA - Great Woods S:FM,C,D A/A+ n/a * Jam in middle featuring Fishman on vacuum and Mike playing with an electric drill. ** Dedicated to the tourheads as an always requested but never played tune. 10/31/95 All Chicago, IL - Rosemont Horizon A:D A/A+ 238 B&K 4011 * With Dave Grippo ** With Dave Grippo, Don Glasco and one other on horns. *** Acoustic. Before My Generation they set up a Keith Moon replica drum set, then play My Generation acoustically. Then Fishman & Trey destroy the drum set ala the Who of old. Finally a stagehand brings Trey a large plunger, Trey depresses it, setting of a big explosion backstage. 48k 11/09/95 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater A:D A 149 SchoepsMK4>D 48k; w/ tracks 11/10/95 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater A:D A 154 Schoeps MK4 > VMS > D7 48k, w/ tracks 11/11/95 All Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater A:D U n/a NeumanKM184>D * A capella and unamplified. 12/31/95 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:D U n/a Schoeps641>Oade Deluxe>DA-P1 *Included narration about "The Recipe for Time". Tom Marshall sings lyrics to this cover by Collective Soul. First time played. **Acapella. ***Ended with only Trey left on stage creating a series of delay loops to end the set. #Phish Time Phactory Machine: Phish dressed as scientists play with synthesizers while lights flash and Va de Graff generators zap. Fishman (dressed as Father Time) is raised up in a bed and reborn as Baby New Year. ##With Auld Lang Syne tease.
04/26/96 All New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds A:D U n/a Schoeps641>SonosaxSX-M2>DA-P1 * With ‘When The Saints Come Marching In’ tease. **With Michael Ray. ***Acapella intro. 06/06/96 All Woodstock, NY - Joyous Lake S:D A/A+ n/a Unannounced show billed as "Third Ball." Sound check: Funky Bitch, The Fog That Surrounds, Waste. *With Wilson tease. **With Cocaine tease and keyboard work by Trey. #1st time played. ##1st time played and also known as "Mulcahey." 10/31/96 All Atlanta, GA - The Omni Af:D U 217 Schoeps CMC64->Sonosax -> D Phish's musical costume: Talking Heads "Remain in Light." *Acapella. Second set with Dave Grippo (saxaphone), Gary Gazaway (trombone) and Karl Perazzo (percussionist from Santana). **With Karl Perazzo. ***With Dave Grippo, Karl Perazzo, and Gary Gazaway. 11/06/96 All Knoxville, TN - Civic Coliseum A:D A 180 Neumann KM140 48k 12/29/96 All Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum Af:D U 89 Schoeps mk4>SchoepsCMBI>HHB *With an "instrument shift" jam. First: Trey on drums, Fishman on piano, Page on bass and Mike on guitar. Then Fishman switched to bass, Mike to piano, Page to guitar, and Trey continued on drums. **Mike solo on piano. ***Story about everybody in town. Jimmy, Poster Nutbag, Harpua etc., go to hell, where they all see the "Uber-Demon" (Tom Marshall). #Oasis song, sung by Tom Marshall, aka the "Uber-Demon."
02/16/97 All Cologne, Germany - Wartesaal PreFM>CD>D A+ n/a Show broadcast on German TV show: "Rockplast." * First time played 02/26/97 All Stuttgart, Germany - Longhorn A:D A+ n/a SchoepsCmc641>SVM50218>SBM1 * First time since 07/02/95, ** Trey's duel is jazz-style, *** First time since 5/4/94 02/28/97 All Berlin, GE - Internationales A:D A+ n/a SchoepsCmc641>Oade>DAP1 * With Oh Kee Pah teases, ** With Page solo. 03/01/97 All Hamburg, Germany - Markthalle S:D A+ n/a NO: Ragtime and Adeline * First since 7/5/94, ** With "arabic" jam which included "The End" and "Careful with the Axe, Eugene" teases, *** With bass solo; Remix DSBD/FM; NO:Ragtm,SweetA Reba & Possum from European FM>DAT 03/02/97 All Copenhagen, DE - Forum Theater A:D U n/a SchoepsCmc/mk4>Oade>SBM1>DAP1 * With Gypsy Queen jam, ** Unfinished 06/06/97 2 Brad Sands's House, Charlotte, VT M:D U n/a This was an unannounced, private show (nicknamed "Fourth Ball" or "Bradstock") at Brad Sands (Phish's road manager) and Pete Carini's (Fish's drum tech) house that was attended by 50-60 family members and friends. All songs in the first set (and "Waking Up") are new originals; however, these are not debuts per se since this was not an "official" Phish show. Set 1 order is uncertain/wrong. *Has been called, perhaps jokingly, "Olivia's Pool." **An instrumental variation of the song "Samson Riff" from "Samson Riffs", an album by Trey's mentor and composition instructor Ernie Stires. Trey joins Stires on said track on the album. #J.J. Cale cover, from his "Closer to You" album. ^Sly and the Family Stone cover. +Jimi Hendrix Experience cover. 07/21/97 All Virginia Beach, VA - Virginia A:D U n/a SchoepsCmc641>Sonosax>SBM1>D8 * Trey explains and officially names the first four songs they played, ** With Leroy Moore (Dave Matthews Band) on saxaphone; Trey, Mike and Leroy all have an additional instrument brought on stage for them so that they are all holding two of each of their instruments and playing both. Then Trey got another guitar so he was playing and holding 3 guitars at once. Then he ran over and hit Fishman's cymbals. All the while Page was kneeling on his bench and banging like mad on his keyboards. 07/23/97 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood A:D U n/a SchoepsCMC641>Oade>SBM1>D8 * Included Russian folk jam (similar to 'Mule Duel'), and fast vocal jam, ** First time played, Joe Walsh cover. 11/16/97 All Denver, CO - McNichols Sports A:D U n/a Schopes CMC6/mk4>VMS *With Pete Wernick, aka "Dr. Banjo" on banjo. Wernick is a member of the Pete Wernick Live Five, a Colorado bluegrass band, and also produces instructional books and tapes for the banjo. He is a former member of Hot Rize (see 08-07-96). 11/17/97 All Denver, CO - McNichols Sports A:D U n/a Schoeps CMC6/MK4>UMSO1B>D8 *Jammed out, "For your listening pleasure." 11/19/97 All Champlain, IL - Assembly Hall, U A:D U n/a Schoeps CMC6/mk4>Lunatec #With "Walk Away", "Tweezer","I Feel Free" (Cream), and "Shock Me" (KISS) teases. *With space jam. 11/26/97 All Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic A:D U n/a SchoepsCmc6/mk4>Sonosax>SVMD1 *With alternate lyrics. 11/29/97 All Worcester, MA - Worcester Centrum A:D U n/a NeumanU89>Sonosax SX-M2>DAP1 *Extended beyond belief (58 min.); with a "Weekapaug Groove" jam. #With "Crosseyed and Painless" teases. **Fish's favorite song. ^Led Zeppelin cover. 11/30/97 All Worcester, MA - Worcester Centrum A:D U n/a NeumanU89>Sonosax SX-M2>DAP1 *Hard rock jam: Mike quotes "Heartbreaker" going into the jam, and Trey says a few lines from Sanity and then one line from "Esther." Trey asks Chris to turn off the lights and they jam in the dark. $Unfinished. ^With a space jam. #Buddy Miles cover. 12/07/97 All Dayton, OH - Ervin J. Nutter A:D U n/a NeumannU87(cardiod)>Sonosax SX-M2>DAP1 *Post-"Izabella" jam from 12-06-97 Auburn Hills. Slowed down, stopped, started again (about five or six times). **After "Tube" returns and ends, the house lights go off and they stop playing. Then the Jam* is reprised. #Stevie Wonder cover (second time played - last played 03-21-88 Set I). ^With whistled second verse. 12/30/97 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:D A 207 NeumanU89>Sonosax SX-M2;NeumanV89 hyper *With "Crosseyed and Painless" jam. ^Unfinished. @Proclaimer's cover (from the "Benny and Joon" soundtrack), Tom Marshall on vocals. %With lights down and a glow stick war, and also unfinished. 48k 12/31/97 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden A:D U 240 SchoepsNm41>VMS021B>SBM1>DAP1 *With "Auld Lang Syne" tease(s). # With a "Birdland" (Weather Report) tease. $Page sang this Frank Sinatra cover (first time played). 44k
04/02/98 All Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum A:D U n/a SchoepsMk41>VMS021B>SBM1>DAP1 * Debut 04/03/98 All Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum A:D U n/a NeumannU98i>Sonosax SX-M2> 04/04/98 All Providence, RI - Providence Civic A:D U n/a MtGSMS2000/M210>Aerco>SBM1 04/05/98 All Providence, RI - Providence Civic A:D U n/a MtGSMS2000/M210>Aerco>SBM1 06/30/98 All Copenhagen, Denmark - The Grey Af:D U n/a SchoepsMK4>VMS021B>SBM1>HHB * Debut 07/01/98 All Copenhagen, Denmark - The Grey Af:D U 188 SchoepsMK4>VMS021B>SBM1>HHB 07/02/98 All Copenhagen, Denmark - The Grey Af:D U 180 SchoepsMK4>VMS021B>SBM1>HHB * Debut 07/03/98 All Ringe, Fyn, Denmark - Midtfyns Af:D U 98 SchoepsMK4>VMS021B>SBM1>HHB 07/05/98 All Prague, Czech Republic - Lucerna Af:D U 127 SchoepsMK4>VMS021B>SBM1>HHB 07/06/98 All Prague, Czech Republic - Lucerna A:D U 180 SchoepsCmc64>SonosaxSXM2>SBM1 07/08/98 All Barcelona, Spain - Zeleste Af:D U 134 SchoepsMK4>VMS021b>SBM1>HHB 07/09/98 All Barcelona, Spain - Zeleste Af:D U 180 SchoepsMK4>VMS021b>SBM1>HHB 07/10/98 All Barcelona, Spain - Zeleste Af:D U 27 SchoepsMK4>VMS021b>SBM1>HHB *PA problems ** Aborted due to PA problems 07/15/98 All Portland, OR - Portland Meadows A:D U 173 SchoepsMk41>VMS021B>SBM1>DAP1 07/16/98 All George, WA - The Gorge A:D U 158 B&K4011>LunatecV2>ApogeeA/D>HHB 07/17/98 1 George, WA - The Gorge A:D A/A+ 68 SchoepsMk41>VMS021B>SBM1>DAP1 07/17/98 2 George, WA - The Gorge A:D A/A+ 75 Schoeps CMC6/MK4>Lunatec V2>AD1000>HHB ON: 7/17/98 set 1 07/17/98 All George, WA - The Gorge A:D A/A+ 143 B+K4011>LunatecV2>ApogeeH41000 07/19/98 All Mountain View, CA - Shoreline A:D U 180 SchoepsMk41>VMS021B>SBM1>DAP1 07/20/98 All Ventura, CA - Ventura County A:D U 170 SchoepsMk41>VMS021B>SBM1>DAP1 * Debut 07/24/98 All Houston, TX - Woodlands Pavillion A:D A+ 150 ShoepsCmc64>Lunatec V2>DAP1 48k 07/25/98 1 Austin, TX - South Park Meadows A:D A/A+ 63 ShoepsCmc>Sonosax>SBM1>DAP1 44k 07/25/98 2 Austin, TX - South Park Meadows A:D U n/a SchoepsCmc64>Sonosax SX-M2> Apogee 07/26/98 All Dallas, TX - Starplex Amphitheatre A:D U n/a SchoepsCmc641>Sax>SBM1>DAP1 08/02/98 All Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek A:D U 151 SchoepsCmc641>SXM2>DAP1 * Debut 08/03/98 All Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek A:D U 144 SchoepsCmc641>Lunatec V2 * Debut 08/06/98 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood A:D U 171 SchoepsCmc641>eeappsp3>dap1 * Debut 08/09/98 All Virginia Beach, VA - Virginia A:D U 176 SchoepsCmc64>Lunatec>DAP1 * Debut 08/15/98 1,2,3 Limestone, ME - Loring Air Force Af:D A+ 316 SchoepsMk41 08/15/98 4 Limestone, ME - Loring Air Force A:D A/A+ 55 ShoepsMk4>V2 08/16/98 All Limestone, ME - Loring Air Force Af:D A+ 279 ShoepsMk4 * Debut 10/31/98 All Las Vegas, NV - Thomas Mack Center A:D A 219 AKG 414 TL-2's> Oade preamp>SBM-1>D8 Set II The Velvet Underground "Loaded" 11/02/98 All Salt Lake City, UT - E Centre A:D U n/a B&K 4011>V2>ApogeeAD1000 11/04/98 All Denver, CO - McNichols Sports A:D U n/a B&K4011> V2> Apogee AD 1000 11/09/98 All Chicago, IL - UIC Pavilion A:D U 163 Schoeps CMC64>MV100 11/14/98 All Cincinnatti, OH - The Crown A:D U 160 B&K4011> V2> Apogee AD 1000 11/20/98 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum A:D A 169 B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > SBM-1 * Debut ** with Carl "Gears" Gerhard on trumpet 48k; w/ tracks 11/21/98 2 Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum A:D A/A+ 68 Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000 * Debut, Tom Marshall on vocals, Carl "Gears" Gerhard on trumpet; 11/21/98 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum A:D A 161 Neuman KM 150 > Lunatec V2 > SBM-1 * Debut, Tom Marshall on vocals, Carl "Gears" Gerhard on trumpet; 48k; tracks set 11/25/98 All Albany, NY - Pepsi Arena A:D U 153 Schoeps CMC6/MK4>Lunatec 11/27/98 All Worcester, MA - The Centrum A:D U 174 Schoeps CMC6/MK4>Lunatec * 1st Time Played 12/28/98 All New York, NY - Madison Square A:D A/A+ 145 Neumann U89> Apogee> DA-P1 12/30/98 All New York, NY - Madison Square A:D A/A+ 170 Neumann U89> Apogee> DA-P1 * First Time Played 12/31/98 All New York, NY - Madison Square A:D A/A+ 188 Neumann U89> Apogee> DA-P1 * 1st Time Played
07/01/99 All Antioch, TN - First American A:D A-/A 147 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000 * - with Jerry Douglas on dobro, ** - with Ronnie McCoury on mandolin and Tim O'Brien on fiddle, Tim O'Brien on lead vocals, ^^ - with Jerry Douglas on dobro, Ronnie McCoury on mandolin, Tim O'Brien on fiddle and Gary "El Buho", Gazaway on trumpet; each guest took a solo, ^^^ - Trey on small keyboard before vocal jam 48k, clone from Marc Nutter's rig; "Schoeps m222's with mk. 4v capsules> Custom Audio Magic 5-pin cables> Schoeps NT 222 power supplies> Lunatec V2> Apogee a/d-1000> Graham-Patten DA-14 digital distribution amplifier (a.k.a. "patchbay")", you can hear the thunder really ripping after Char0 07/03/99 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp. A:D A/A+ 145 Earthworks SR77> Lunatec V2 > AD1000 * - unfinished, ** - with Trey on small keyboard, *** - Fishman on snare drum, solo; with alternate, funny lyrics ("I will play more for you pa rum pa pum pum, but I have no gifts for you Pa rum pa pum pum, I would love to play more for you....."), **** - with Page's father, Dr. Jack McConnell, on vocals and kazoo, ^ - with glowstick war 48k 07/04/99 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp. A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000 * - with "Flagina Fishman" playing a vacuum solo; Jon wearing only stars and stripes boxers, ** - with "What's the Use" tease and Mike and Page teasing "Dark Star" ("Not the vocal parts, but the A A9 Asus D/A guitar and piano parts underlying the verses"), *** - with quick "Little Drummer Boy" tease and glowstick war 44k; 07/09/99 All Columbia, MD - Merriweather Post A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000 HHB-> 3800 07/13/99 All Mansfield, MA - Tweeter Center A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps * with Scott Murawski of Max Creek on guitar ** Debut, with Scott Murawski on guitar 44k; line static at the very start 07/18/99 1,3 Volney, NY - Oswego County Airport Af:D A 208 Schoeps CMC6/MK4>Lunatec V2>AD1000>HHB *w/ the Del McCoury Band 07/21/99 All Burgettstown, PA - Star Lake A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000 07/23/99 All Columbus, OH - Polaris A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000 48k 07/24/99 All East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000 07/25/99 All Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000 12/13/99 All Providence, RI - Providence Civic A:D A 143 Schoeps M222/MK4v> Elvo 48k, taped by Adam 12/15/99 All Washington, DC - MCI Center A:D A 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> Elvo 48k, taped by Adam 12/16/99 All Raleigh, NC - Reynolds Coliseum A:D A 161 Schoeps M222/MK4v> Elvo 48k, taped by Adam 12/31/99 All Unknown, FL - Big Cypress A:D A/A+ 466 Neumann U89i> AD 1000> DA-P1 * Debut 44k, 4 *60m tapes, taped by Dan, split omni setting seplit 8-10'
06/22/00 All Antioch, TN - First American A:D A-/A 180 Schoeps M222/MK4v> NT 222> AD1000> DAP1 * - with "Inna Gadda Da Vida" ending. ** - with Ronnie McCoury on mandolin and Sam Bush on fiddle. *** - with Del McCoury on guitar, Ricky Skaggs on mandolin, Mike Budd and Jason Center *we think* on mandolin and fiddle, along with an upright bass player and a fiddle player (both unnamed) in addition to those already on stage. # - with Wynonna Judd; NOT a cappella - full band arrangement 48k, beginning of Jiboo is cut, some clipping due to crowd noise prior to encore (no music is affected - I cut this out of the cd's) 06/23/00 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp. A:D A 180 Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000 06/24/00 All Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp. A:D A 180 Schoeps M222/MK41> NT222> AD1000> DAP1 * - Trey on keys. ** - Botched version, which led Trey to tell Jon (Fishman Fishman Fishman Fishman!), Mike (Cactus Cactus Cactus Cactus!) and Page (Leo Leo Leo Leo!) to each take solos before explaining that Jon hasn't written very many songs, and that "My Sweet One" and "Dog Faced Boy" were both written about a relationship he'd been involved in, one being about the beginning and the other about the end (take a guess). Then, at Trey's suggestion, Mike then spoke about the bell he plays before returning the band to the show at hand. Schoeps M222/MK41> NT222> AD1000*> DAP1 (* = Tube Direct AD1000 Pre) 06/29/00 All Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center A:D A 159 Schoeps CMC-64V> V2> AD1000> DA14> M1 * - with an extremely dark and sinister jam. ** - Band brings Sofi (Page's wife) on stage to dance with them and they talk about Page and Sofi's baby. Someone else tries to run up on stage as well. Trey improvises and adds a verse on how Carini is the only person with a song and neither Paul nor Chris have one. Trey talks about the Meatstick being a dance craze in Japan. So they do the japanese lyrics. Bart, Carini's backup, comes out on stage for an introduction from Trey during Meatstic. *** - "A lot of people in Tokyo .. doing the Meatstick .. I smell sushi". **** - with "Meatstick" teases, # - Trey mentions how this is practically a home show and thanks Carini, Chris and the crew; big ending with "Meatstick" teases. 48k, w/ tracks
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09/18/71 All "Festival de Musique Classique" S:Rm,D,P,D A 119 * Performed with Brass & Choir. 44k
02/20/72 All Rainbow Theatre, Finsbury Park S:Rm,D,P,D A 120 44k; 53:18 glitch
11/16/74 2p London, EN - Wembley Arena S:Rm,D,P,D A/A+ 52 44k; I have 2 clones of this
06/18/75 Partial Boston, MA - Boston Garden S:Rm,D A/A+ 120 48k; INCOMPLETE, see Jeff - only 120min
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pink Floyd ]
06/28/96 All Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek A:D A- 54 AKG460/ck61+63>4TrkMixer>D7 no setlist, ON: Byrne 8/22/97 48k; "2 pair of AKG 460 + CK61/CK63> 4 track mixer> D6"; taped from the lawn
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Planet Drum ]
??/??/?? All "Kids & Dogs" FM:D,CD,D U n/a "The FM signal was played over a DMX-FM Digital Output, which was used as the connection to the DAT deck's digi coax input. The low recording level on the original DAT was then digitally boosted on a Tascam CDRW700. That CDR then digitally recorded to this DAT. All material w/ David Crosby is courtesy of Stephen Barncard's personal archives, and was the source of the material as it was aired on David Gans' KPFA-FM, Berkeley, CA, GDH Program - not the nationally syndicated show.
10/21/70 All Los Angeles, CA - Wallyhleiders STo:Rm,D A+ n/a no setlist , (http://crosbynash.com/perro.html)
01/??/71 All Los Angeles, CA - Wallyhleiders STo:Rm,D A+ n/a w/ tracks, (http://crosbynash.com/perro.html)
01/??/75 All Miscellaneous S:Rm,D A+ n/a QMS, Crosby, Big Brother, etc w/ tracks, (http://crosbynash.com/perro.html)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Planet Earth R&R Orchestra ]
03/04/79 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community preFM:Pm,D A/A+ 57 no setlist 48k, brief diginoise about 2 minutes in 04/07/79 Late Boston, MA - The Paradise Theatre FM:?,D A/A+ 70 ON: Sting 11/26/99 "Vault FM"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Police ]
08/19/74 All Las Vegas, NV - Hilton Hotel S:?,D A-/A 71 44k, some occasional static
12/17/75 All Las Vegas, NV - Hilton Hotel S:?,D A 75 ON: Elvis 8/19/74 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Elvis Presley ]
06/24/94 All Glastonbury, ENG - Unknown FM:D U n/a no setlist 11/03/94 All Rosemont, IL - Rosemont Horizon FM:D U 90 no setlist
11/05/95 All NYC, NY - Symphony Space preFM:D A+ n/a no setlist, MTV unplugged - NY, NY Crissy Hynes and the Pretenders
08/04/98 All Universal City, CA - Universal A:D A 76 B-52's opened 44k, sounds like Core Sounds
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pretenders ]
04/12/98 All Philadelphia, PA - Electric Af:D U n/a Schoeps Mk4V> SBM1> SonyDATdeck no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Prince ]
02/03/00 All San Luis Obispo, CA - Brewing A:D A 120 Neumann KM140> DAP1> D8 no setlist 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Project Logic ]
01/26/93 All Petaluma, CA - Mystic Theater S:D A+ 180 partial setlist w/ Steve Kimock, Harvey Mandel, Bobby Vega, Chip Roland, Greg Anton?, Liam Hanrahan?, Freddy Roulette, Judge Murphy, Bobby "Squid Vicious" Scott, John "Boom Boom" Carter 48k, also seen as 2/26/93
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Psychedelic Guitar Circus ]
12/24/75 All London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon FM:?,D A/A+ 60
11/24/81 Partial Montreal, QUE - Mapleleaf Dome FM:?,D U 60 no setlist, ON: Queen 12/24/75 We Will Rock You Video Shoot missing 34 minutes, (Queen setlists : http://members.teleweb.at/zeidler/queen.html)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Queen ]
03/19/67 All San Francisco, CA - Matrix S:Rm,C?,D A-/A 88 44k; "heritage=R>C?>D (undecoded dbx);" ON: Spirit 10/31/74
06/07/68 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Rm,D A 80 no setlist 32k; ON:Dylan 8/23/97
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Quicksilver Messenger Service ]
11/22/84 All New Orleans, LA - Cooter Brown's S:Cm,C,C,D A 195 48k; Digi-noise during Spoonful starting at 1:08:27 and appearing throughout (only on my Sony R500), some digi-noise also appears when played on DA20mkii (on set 2 only)
01/19/85 All New Orleans, LA - Dream Palace S:Cm,D A/A+ 231 no setlist 44k 03/15/85 All New Orleans, LA - The Maple Leaf S:Cm,D A/A+ 209 48k; Sbd: NAK 660 Pro Portable Analog Deck> DAT 03/30/85 2P,3 New Orleans, LA - The Maple Leaf S:Cm,D A/A+ 120 [DO] in Rolling Stone 48k; Sbd: NAK 660 Pro Portable Analog Deck> DAT 11/17/85 All New Orleans, LA - Cooter Brown's S:Cm,C,C,D A-/A n/a no setlist
11/11/89 All Portchester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Cm,D U 145 no setlist
04/27/90 All New Orleans, LA - Jimmy's S:Cm,C,D U 180 04/28/90 All New Orleans, LA - N. O. Music Hall S:Cm,C,D U 180 05/04/90 All New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's S:Cm,D U 180 05/05/90 All New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's S:Cm,D A/A+ 180 48k
02/20/91A All NYC, NY - The Bottom Line S:Cm,D U 107 Early Show, no setlist Coffehouse Show 02/20/91B Late NYC, NY - The Bottom Line S:Cm,D U 117 Late Show, Acoustic Show, no setlist Coffeehouse Show 02/21/91A Early NYC, NY - The Bottom Line S:Cm,D U 104 Acoustic Show, Early Show [cf] during Diamond Joe 02/21/91B Late NYC, NY - The Bottom Line S:Cm,D U 114 Late Show
04/14/93 All Baltimore, MD - Max's S:D A+ 180 48k, volume change during first song 05/15/93 All Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater S:D A+ 180 no setlist 48k, volume change during first song
04/22/95 All Lawrence, KS - Liberty Hall A:D A/A+ 144 First row balcony DFC: AKG 451> 48k
01/21/96 All Shank Hall, Milwaukee, WI S:D U 148 02/03/96 All Irving Plaza, New York, NY S:D U n/a 03/09/96 All Great American Music Hall, San S:D A/A+ 177 *With Bob Weir. 48k 09/28/96 All Great American Music Hall, San S:D A+ 290 From CW show list. Last Aztec Vacation 9/06/86. 48k; Diginoise during "Soul Kitchen"; my complete show is on 2 different tapes; 1 second of minimal line static during "Searching for Soul"
05/01/97 All New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's S:D A+ n/a SNAFU - Leave the Planet; *with Zigaboo Modeliste 10/04/97 All Washington, DC - Mayflower Hotel S:D U n/a Warren Haynes' Wedding Reception; ~ = w/ Gov't Mule, w/o Frank, Reggie, Dave; ^ = The Rads w/o Frank, & w/ an unknown drummer; # = same, w/ Mike Barnes on guitar; % = same, w/ Jack Mascari on guitar; * = same, w/ Chris Anderson on guitar;
01/31/98 All New Orleans, LA - Dream Palace S:D U 360 RAD's 20th Anniversary 04/25/98 All New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's S:D A/A+ n/a no setlist 11/28/98 All Atlanta, GA - The Roxy S:D A+ 142 no setlist, "DSBD > PCM-M1; SCMS 00"
01/22/99 All Honolulu, HI - Hawaiian Hut S:D A/A+ n/a no setlist "SBD > ApogeeAD1000 > D5" 04/29/99 All New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's S:D A+ 174 *with the Wolf, David Hidalgo - Camile plays acoustic 44k; SNAFU tree; Bender Master: SBD > Symetrix 620 (20 bit A/D) > Tascam DA-P1, Seeds: Tascam DA-P1 > Panasonic SV3800, "sony rms300->some german digital converter thing->sony d7" 05/02/99 All New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds S:D U 120 Closing Down Stage 1, New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival *W/ Joe Cabral---Iguanas "Source is digital soundboard" 06/22/99 All NYC, NY - Manny's Car Wash Af:D A/A+ 180 B&K 4021> Apogee AD-1000> HHB "LIFE AIN'T EASY," FOB AUDIENCE: Bruel & Kjaer 4021s (wide split clamped to ceiling, 6'from each PA) > Apogee AD-1000 (+20db, 44.1kHz) > HHb PDR-1000 DAT; from Manny's Carwash Tree 06/23/99 All NYC, NY - Manny's Car Wash Af:D A/A+ 156 B&K 4021> Apogee AD-1000> HHB * includes Life On Mars and Burning Love, **Ed sings the 1st line of Dark Star 44k; "FUCK DA LANDLORD," FOB AUDIENCE: Bruel & Kjaer 4021s (wide split clamped to ceiling, 6'from each PA) > Apogee AD-1000 (+20db, 44.1kHz) > HHb PDR-1000 DAT; from Manny's Carwash Tree 06/24/99 All NYC, NY - Manny's Car Wash Af:D A/A+ 180 B&K 4021> Apogee AD-1000> HHB "CAR WASH MASSACRE," FOB AUDIENCE: Bruel & Kjaer 4021s (wide split clamped to ceiling, 6'from each PA) > Apogee AD-1000 (+20db, 44.1kHz) > HHb PDR-1000 DAT; from Manny's Carwash Tree 06/29/99 All NYC, NY - Manny's Car Wash Af:D A/A+ 240 B&K 4021> Apogee AD-1000> HHB *Camille lead vocal "QUE SERA SERA," FOB AUDIENCE: Bruel & Kjaer 4021s (wide split clamped to ceiling, 6'from each PA) > Apogee AD-1000 (+20db, 44.1kHz) > HHb PDR-1000 DAT; from Manny's Carwash Tree
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Radiators ]
02/22/72 All Philadelphia, PA - Rainbow Room preFM:Rm,D A+ 59 ON: Van Morrison 4/26/70, WNMR 48k, w/ tracks
04/17/75 All Philadelphia, PA - Sigma Sound FM:C(3),D U 60 WMMR-FM 48k, "3rd gen analog> DAT"
03/05/88 All Houston, TX - Rockefellers S:D U n/a no setlist "DSM6P"
08/07/94 All Philadelphia, PA - Unknown A:D A 40 Schoeps,D no setlist
07/19/95 All Oakland, CA - Unknown S:D A/A+ 117
12/19/98 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community A:D U 63 Sony ECM959A>D8 no setlist SEVA Benefit
06/20/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater A:D A 110 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 48k;w/ tracks, had to hold T-bar in my hand; taped from first row balcony left side (seat AA 39)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bonnie Raitt ]
11/26/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200>Beyer>SBM1>D8
06/02/00 All Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. Af:D A/A+ 120 B&K 4022 (in hat)> Lunatec V2> AD1000> 48k, taped from "Row J seat 10", first 2 minutes of Jam into Shakedown missing
04/06/01 All Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. Af:D A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 * = acoustic 44k, w/ tracks, taped from the very front and center of the taping section (I got in before anyone and setup in the pole position), the taping section was directly in front of the soundboard. 04/10/01 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A-/A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, w/ tracks, taped from the balcony railing (directly over the soundboard)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ratdog ]
11/03/87 All Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum A:Cm,CD,D A-/A 90 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | REM ]
xx/xx/68 All London, England - Olympic Studios S:?,D A/A+ n/a 48k
07/05/69 All Hyde Park, London - Free Concert A:?,D U 74 Bootlegs: Bedspring Symphony, Dancing With Mr. D, First Decade, From Now To Then - As Time Goes By, Fucker Ya-Yas Out!, Hawaiian Top-The Second Show, He Is Not Dead...!, Hot Stuff Vol.1, Hyde Park, Hyde Park 1969, In The Park, Rockstars In Concert, The Rolling Stones Live, Stones In The Park, Lips, Love You, Old Gray Whistle Test, 11/09/69 Late Oakland, CA - Oakland Coliseum M:?,D A 74 Bootlegs: Have A Beer
03/13/71 All Leeds, Yorkshire - University S:?,D U n/a Bootlegs: Charlie Watts Live At Leeds, First Decade, Get Your Leeds Lungs Out, Get Your Leeds Lungs Out: Revisited, Hot Stuff Vol. 1, Leed Stones: The Flamin' Groupie, Live In Leeds 1971, Let It Bleeze, Live In Leeds 1971, The Live Album, Rare Little Rock 'N Rollers, Rockstars In Concert, Schoolboy Blues Vol. 1, Sonic Barbeque
10/17/73 All Brussels, Belgium - Forest S:PreFMR,D A 70 Bootlegs: A Tour De Force, Bedspring Symphony, The Best Of Europe 1973, Best Of Live In Concert, Best Of U.S.A. Tour 1973/1980, The Boys At The Alamo Story, Brussels Affair 1973, Command Raid, Commando Radio, East And West, Europe `73, European Tour 1973, First Decade, Headin' For An Overload, Hot Stuff Vol. 1, Jump, The Lost Brussels, Midnight Rambler, Nasty Music, Nasty Music (20 Bit Master), Nasty Music (A Tour De Force), Nasty Remixes, Rock Out Cock Out, Satelite Delayed, Sydney Last Affair 48k; digi-noise during Happy
07/11/75 All Inglewood, CA - Great Western LA S:?,CD,D A 147 From the boot CD "LA Connection" Vinyl Gang Product VGP-085 44k; w/ tracks
06/14/78 All Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater S:R,P,D U n/a Bootlegs: An American Affair, Garden State, Garden State 78, Hot Stuff Vol. 2, In Again Out Again, On Tour 1978, Out On Bail, My Imagination, Capitol Connection 07/18/78 All Ft. Worth, TX - Tarrant County S:?,D A/A+ 120 Bootlegs: Handsome Girls, Somewhere In Dallas, * = w/ Doug Kershaw on Violin 44k
12/18/81 All Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum S:?,D U 180 Bootlegs: Best Of U.S.A. Tour 1973/1980, Black Limousine, Fever In The Funkhouse, Going To A Go-Go, Hot Stuff Vol. 2, Ill Will Vol. 1, Ill Will Vol. 2, Miss You Vol. 2, Ride Like The Wind, Time Is On Our Side, She's So Cold, Start Me Up, Twenty Flight Rock, Waiting On A Friend Vol. 1, Hampton `81, Under My Thumb
07/17/82 All Napoli, Italy - Stadio San Paolo S:?,D U 90 Bootlegs: Shattered In Europe, Vedi Napol E Pol Mor
02/26/90 All Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome S:D A+ 141 Japanese TV broadcast Bootlegs: Rolling Stones `90, Rolling Stones 1990, Steel Wheels Japan Tour, Steel Wheels Japan Tour 1990, Tokyo Dome 48k
10/31/94 All Oakland, CA - Oakland Coliseum F:D A n/a
03/12/95 All Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome S:D A+ n/a Bootlegs: Eastern Promise, Fuckin' Tired, Live In Japan 03/16/95 All Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome Af:D A-/A n/a Bootlegs: Hope You Guess My Name, Memorial Outtakes, Rarities, Rarities Tokyo `95
11/15/97 All Oakland, CA - Oakland Coliseum A:D,CD,D A 180 1 CD, 44k, "Liver Than You'll Ever Be 1997" Vinyl Gang Products VGP-159 12/09/97 All Atlanta, GA - Georgia Dome S:?,D U 90 ON: Stones 7/17/82 Bootlegs:, Stoned in San Diego 12/12/97 All St. Louis, MO - TWA Dome S:DBSTV,D2 A+ n/a Bootlegs: Bridge Of Babylon, St.Louis, St Louis - Twa Dome, St. Louis To Babylon, Take Me Up St. Louis, Out Of Control, St. Babylon's Day, Don't Fuck With Me Or I'll Breathe On You And You'll Die, From London To St. Louis, * = Dave Matthews, ** = Taj Mahal
02/03/98 All San Diego, CA - Qualcomm Stadim FM:D A/A+ 115 Bootlegs:, Stoned in San Diego, San Diego '98, Thiefs In The Night, Radio San Diego 98.3 FM 44k 03/16/98 All Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome Af:D A n/a COS 11pt + CSP 161>D-8 recorded from front row 07/25/98 All Paris, France - Stade de France S:D A/A+ 147 Bootlegs:, Mick's Birthday Party At World Champion Stadium 48k 09/02/98 All Bremen, Germany - Weserstadion S:D A+ n/a German TV broadcast
01/25/99 All Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda Af:D A/A+ n/a SchoepsCCM4>Sonosax>D-100 *debut 03/20/99 All Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Coliseum A:D A-/A 120 MTG SMS2000/M200>Sonosax SX-M2>D8
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rolling Stones ]
04/24/99 All Knoxville, TN - The Bijou A:D A/A+ 48 MTG SMS2000/M200>Sonosax SX-M2>D7 opened for SCI 48k; MASTER
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Peter Rowan ]
??/??/68 All San Francisco, CA - Pacific High S:Rm,D A/A+ 116 48k; I set tracks; This is not the Fillmore West '68 recording 05/13/68 All San Francisco, CA - Avalon S:Rm,?,C,D A- 88 no setlist, from low gen cass; levels are low 48k; has hiss 12/19/68 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West S:Cm,D A/A+ 97 44k; Buy this as "Santana: Live at the Fillmore '68"
12/??/69 All San Francisco, CA - Winterland A:Rm,P,D A/A+ 45 On Stage Mic's ON: xx-xx-68 Pacific High Studios; sounds like on stage recording
09/01/73 All Chicago, IL - Unknown S:Rm,D A/A+ 131 w/ B. Cobbham & J. McLaughlin 48k; Rec'd as "SBD>Cm>DAT", also seen as 12/1/73
09/18/74 All Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater S:Rm,D A-/A 83
??/??/78 All Oakland, CA - Unknown preFM:Rm,D A 50 no setlist 48k; ON: Santana 12/1/73
05/25/80 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. S:Cm,D A+ 151 partial setlist Berkeley Jazz All-Stars- w/ Herbie Hancock, Stanley Clarke, Alfonz Mouzen, John Lucie, Armond Placa, Santana 48k, w/ tracks
07/04/81 All South Yarmouth, MA - Cape Cod FM:D A/A+ 104 48k
05/08/83 All Zurich, SWI - Unknown S:?,D A/A+ 151 no setlist 44k
03/17/87 All Stuttgart, GER - Schleyer Halle preFM:Cm,D A/A+ 160 no setlist 48k
09/09/93 All Vienna, VA - Wolf Trap S:D A 100 partial setlist 48k; weak mix; (U)
10/16/96 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre A:D A 125 partial setlist last night of tour 48k
10/10/99 Partial Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park Af:D A- 56 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 SEE CDR LIST for a much BETTER, COMPLETE version tape ends at 56 minutes
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Santana ]
10/18/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats A:D A 175 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 partial setlist 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Merl Saunders ]
12/02/98 All NYC, NY - Unknown FM:D U 62 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Scofield ]
04/17/78 All Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz FM:Rm,D A-/A 50 48k,w/ tracks, much FM static at the start, I need an upgrade
02/03/80 All Boston, MA - Boston University S:Cm,D A/A+ 94 48k, w/ tracks, speed slows slightly during track 4 and remains at that speed, last song has some cassette tape stretching noises prior to cutting (about 8 minutes in). My guess is that the master cassette had some issues.
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sea Level (Chuck Leavell) ]
10/08/97 All Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater S:D A+ 76 44k, w/ tracks
07/14/98 All Rochester, NY - Unknown A:D A 82 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Brian Setzer ]
09/27/91 All Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl S:D A+ 141 w/ Michael Brecker 44k, cut in Al 1:27:05, brief d/n at 1:31:34, w/ tracks
03/04/92 All Complete Unplugged Sessions S:D U 120 ON: Simon & Garfunkle, 8/23/68
09/08/99 All Antioch, TN - First American Af:D,CD,D A 97 FOB: Neumann km140> SX-M2> SBM1> * = w/ Bob Dylan
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Paul Simon ]
??/??/66 All NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall S:Rm,D A-/A 42 ON: Simon 9/27/91 48k; w/ tracks, digispot during the final song
08/23/68 All Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl S:?,D A-/A 70 no setlist 44k
11/11/69 All Oxford, OH - Miami University S:?,CD,D A-/A 65 44k, from Yellow Dog CD, Back to College, w/ tracks
10/29/93 All NYC, NY - Paramount Theatre A:D A 154 Schoeps w/ Michael Brecker 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Simon & Garfunkel ]
09/01/69 All Dallas, TX - Texas International S:?,CD,D A-/A 51 no setlist "The band rode out the end of the 60s quietly, then returned in January 1970 with "Thank You," unofficially christening the Funk Era." Actually, the Meters wrote 'Sophisticated Sissy' in early 1969 (based on the movement of drag queens in NOLA). This rhythm eventually became known as 'funk.' - D 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sly & The Family Stone ]
04/24/98 All Northampton, MA - Smith College A:D A n/a 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sonic Youth ]
09/10/99 All Nashville, TN - Exit Inn A:D U n/a Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 1000> D8 taped by Chris & Dale Sheppard (master)-> my DAT 10/22/99 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D A/A+ 58 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 *w/ Kofi Burbridge on Flute , #w/ Derek Trucks on Guitar, Opened for the Derek Trucks Band 48k; slightly left of center (w/ other tapers), approximately 25' from stage
04/14/00 All New Haven, CT - The Tune Inn Af:D U 74 Schoeps MK-4V> AD1000> DA-P1 ON: Soulive 4/29/00 mic's ORTF at lip of stage 04/22/00 1 Syracuse, NY - OPL Af:D U 53 Schoeps CCM-4> Lunatec V2> DA-P1 ON: Soulive 8/4/00 Schoeps CCM-4's ORTF on 4' stand @ lip of stage 04/29/00 All Hartford, CT - Univ of Hartford Af:D U 37 Schoeps MK-4V> AD1000> DA-P1 mic's ORTF on stage 06/10/00 All Sinclairville, NY - Long Meadows Af:D U 73 Neumann KM140> MP-2> DA-P1 48k, (mic's ORTF on 4' stand on stage) 08/04/00 All Long Island, NY - Planting Fields Af:D U 43 Schoeps CMC6/MK21> AD1000> DA-P1 mic's on stage on 4' stand
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Soulive ]
10/31/74 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:Rm,D A/A+ 87 48, w/ tracks, "pno=1 heritage=reels > DAT"
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Spirit ]
09/01/93 All St. Louis, MO - Riverport S:D A+ 139 no setlist 1 major drop-out
09/17/94 All Irvine, CA - Irvine Meadows S:D A+ 180 w/ Dennis Chambers 44k; NO ABS Time
07/21/96 All Manassass, VA - Nissan Pavilion S:D A+ 121 2nd encore "My Old School" cut as tape ends (not cut on my cd) 48k, Can not find right now
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steely Dan ]
11/08/85 All Williamsburg, VA - William and A:Cm,D A- 150 Sennheiser ME80>Analog>SBM-1>DAT partial setlist w/ Branford Marsalis 44k
07/11/87 All Perugia, ITA - Perugia Jazz S:Cm,D A+ 77 with Gil Evans & Branford Marsalis 48k; w/ tracks
07/27/88 All Los Angeles, CA - The Wiltern S:Cm,D A/A+ 118 w/ Branford Marsalis 44k
04/08/90 All Chicago, IL - The Small Club FM:CD,D A+ 43 ON: James Brown 10/21/92 44k, w/ tracks
04/10/91 All The Timothy White Session FM:Cm,D A+ 85 The Sting installment of the Timothy White sessions (in Chicago Recording Studio) broadcast date was 4/10/91, not sure of recording date, this contains the conversation, [cf] during Soul Cages, w/ tracks 09/13/91 All Mansfield, MA - Great Woods Amp. A:Cm,D A- 100 radio shack stereo mic> Sony D3 from 48k, w/ tracks, cassette flips during 'World Is Running Down,' and 'Message In A Bottle' 11/30/91 All London, ENG - Wembley Arena S:?,CD U n/a 2 CD's, 44k, "The Seas Of Silence"
02/06/93 All Chicago, IL - Unknown S:D U 53 DSBD:DA88(3),DSBD,PCM,CDR,D 48k 05/14/93 All Las Vegas, NV - Sam Boyd Silver A:Pm,D A 63 AKG C460 + CK8X> Pan SV255> PCM Sting says "This is my first Dead show ..." opened for the Grateful Dead, Dominick Miller - guitar, Vinnie Coliuta - drums, David Sanchez - keyboards 44k, w/ tracks 05/15/93 All Las Vegas, NV - Sam Boyd Silver A:Pm,D A 68 AKG C460 + CK8X> Pan SV255> PCM opened for Grateful Dead, first song cut, last song cut 44k, w/ tracks 05/16/93 All Las Vegas, NV - Sam Boyd Silver A:Pm,D A 67 AKG C460 + CK8X> Pan SV255> PCM opened for the Grateful Dead 44k 06/25/93 All Washington, DC - Robert F. A:D A 72 Schoeps CMC/MK4> A/D> Teac DAP 20 ON: Sting 6/26/93 opened for the Grateful Dead 48k, w/ tracks, my first Sting show 06/26/93 All Washington, DC - Robert F. A:D A 63 Schoeps CMC/MK4> A/D> Teac DAP 20 nice Penny Lane! * w/ Jerry Garcia opened for the Grateful Dead 48k,w/ tracks, my second Sting show, "Schoeps CMC/MK4>Teac DAP 20 (there's was an A/D converter used but I can't remember which---either a Ruttelhuber or an Apogee" 07/05/93 All Passariano, ITA S:D A/A+ 107 44k, w/ tracks 08/28/93 All Oslo, NOR - Oslo Spektrim S:FM:D A+ 105 48k, may be 8/26/93
01/11/94 All London, ENG - Royal Albert Hall A:D A- 110 Sonic Studios 48k, w/ tracks 02/26/94 All East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands FM:D A/A+ 110 W/ Melissa Ethridge on "Every Breath You Take" 48k, w/ tracks 10/31/94 All Tokyo, JAP - Tokyo Dome S:D A+ 106 48K
09/08/96 All Houston, TX - CW Mitchell Pavilion FM:D A+ 103 44k; No ABS Time, w/ tracks
11/26/99 All Providence, RI - Performing Arts Af:D A 112 Core Sound HEB's Core Sound HEB's from 16th row, w/ tracks
03/28/00 All London, ENG - Royal Albert Hall DSS:D A+ 115 the broadcast was 5 April 2000 48k, w/ tracks and skip id's (to skip commercials)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sting ]
08/09/97 Late Alta, WY. - Targhee Folk Festival S:D A+ 145 Midnight Set (* with Ryan Shupe on the fiddle), (# with Tony Furtado on banjo), (## with Joe Craven on percussion), (** with Peter Rowan on lead vocals), (*** with the entire David Grisman Quintet), (@ with the "Targhee Orchestra": Matt Eakle on flute, Terra Jean Chambers on violin, all members of The DGQ, Tony Furtado on banjo, Ryan Shupe on fiddle, and Peter Rowan on keys) 48k; volume adjustments at beginning; (UC) 10/09/97 All Madison, WI - Barrymore Theater S:D A+ 179
03/13/98 All San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore S:D A+ 180 soundcheck Blue Bossa*, Restless Wind*, Minor Swing *, * w/ Darol Anger, 44k 03/14/98 All San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore S:D U 180 (1)Arliss the Spoonman,(2)Darol Anger,(3) Derrick Trucks,(4)Bill McKay on Keys 06/20/98 All Quonset Hut - Telluride, CO A:D A/A+ 182 MTG SMS2000/M200>EAA PSP2>DAP1 Shakedown Street Jam 1. Darol Anger on fiddle, 2. Paul McCandlesson horns and pennywhistle, 3. Ross Martin on stratocaster guitar, 4. Christian Teal on Brasilian percussion, 5. Jeff Coffin on tenor & alto sax, 6. Tony Furtado on 5-string banjo, 7. Pete Wernick on 5-string banjo, 48k; Summer Solstice 12/11/98 All La Plaza Ukana - Akumal, Mexico A:D A/A+ 190 Schoeps CMC6-42> Lunatec V2> AD1000> M1 * w/ Vince Welnick, ** w/ Keller Williams 44k; "Schoeps CMC6-42> Audio Magic Calibur> Lunatec V2> AD1000> M1" 12/12/98 All La Plaza Ukana - Akumal, Mexico A:D A/A+ 207 Schoeps CMC6-42> Lunatec V2> AD1000> M1 * Fire Dancers performed during drums, ** with Keller Williams, and without Nershi ,*** Travis and Nershi, **** with Vince Welnick on keyboard 44k; "Schoeps CMC6-42> Audio Magic Calibur> Lunatec V2> AD1000> M1" 12/31/98 ElectricOakland, CA - Henry J. Kaiser A:D A 180 B&K4011> V2> Apogee AD 1000 (*the acoustic set was played with Darol Anger on fiddle); (the lineup in order of appearance was: SCI (acoustic), K.V.H.W. (Steve Kimock, Bobbie Vega, Alan Hertz, and Ray White), Ratdog, Planet Drum (featuring special guest star Carlos Santana), The AllStar Jam (various members from all bands on the bill), and finally an electric set by SCI) 44k; "Aud. tape mixed time aligned.: eq'l w/ sbd tape; th SEK'D samplitude 2496"
01/29/99 All Albuquerque, NM - The Wool M:D A+ 204 (* 1st performance of "Best Feeling" with Kang on lead vocal, and played without Keller Williams)(** a brief power outage occured) i(*** 1st "Footprints") (**** reggae-tinged version, with Travis on lead vocal) 44k, NO ABS time 02/05/99 All West Hollywood, CA - The House Of S:D A+ 180 (* with Karl and Carlos from Karl Denson's Tiny Universe)(** with Jason Hann of The Zoo People on djimbe and other percussion) 44k, No ABS time 02/06/99 All Solano Beach, CA - Belly Up Tavern A:D A/A+ 200 B&K 4022's>lunatec V2>DMIC-20>Patch Dark Star Jam! (* with Jason Hann of The Zoo People on djimbe)(** with Karl Denson (on sax) and Carlos (on trumpet) of Karl Denson's Tiny Universe) (# with Karl Denson on flute) (*** without Kyle, and with Jon from the Joe Craven Band on Kyle's YAMAHA keyboard) (## with Jason, Karl and Carlos) (****Nershi and Travis only) 48k 02/18/99 All Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre A:D A/A+ 174 B&K4011> V2> Apogee AD 1000> GP D14 W/ Warren Haynes * = w/ Warren Haynes 48k; patchbay source; quoted from Marc Nutter "There are some dropouts on this tape caused by the Apogee. We had insufficient levels on the return from the Yamaha O1-v being used for the sbd/aud mix and in turn ran the 1000 to hot. Long story. It's fixed not though." 02/20/99 All Boulder, CO - The Boulder Theatre A:D,CD,D A/A+ 191 (*with Tim O'Brien, Pete Wernick, and Jerry Douglas)(**with Jerry Douglass) (***with The Rebirth Brass Band) 44k, No ABS time; w/ tracks 03/18/99 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud. S:D U 240 Schoeps CMC6/MK4> GP DMIC20 (*with Vince Welnick), (**with Lester), (***with Merl Saunders) 03/19/99 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud. A:D A/A+ 180 Schoeps CMC6/MK4> GP DMIC20 48k 03/20/99 All San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud. A:D U 240 Schoeps CMC6/MK4> GP DMIC20 04/23/99 All Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud. Af:D A+ 155 B&K4022>Lunatec V2>Apogee1000>HHB PDR *with Peter Rowan 48k, "b&k4022's>grace design lunatex v2>apogee a/d1000/hhb portadat from row f seat 7 dfc 6feet high 1st set, 8feet high 2nd set" 04/24/99 1P,2 Knoxville, TN - The Bijou A:D A/A+ 163 MTG SMS2000/M200>Sonosax SX-M2>D7 * w/ Peter Rowan; ^ = B-52's cover 48k; MASTER 04/24/99 All Knoxville, TN - The Bijou A:D A/A+ n/a Schoeps CMC6/mk4v> Apogee AD-1000> "Schoeps CMC6/mk4v> customcanares> Apogee AD-1000> spdif> DA-P1. I ran the 4v's ORTF." From the Master tapes. 06/15/99 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks A:D A/A+ 60 AKG 480/ck61> GP DMIC20> Marantz PMD700 * = w/ Peter Rowan 44k; SCI list Telluride Tree; "AKG 480 Cardioid-Graham Patten DMIC20-Marantz PMD 700" 06/18/99 All Telluride, CO - Town Park - Af:D U 128 Earthworks SR77> Lunatec V2 Main Stage * = w. Bela Fleck; ~ = w/ Fleck & Jeff Coffin; ^ = w/ Douglas & Tim O'Brien; # = w/ Jerry Douglas SCI list Telluride Tree; recorded by Candace Horgan "Earthworks SR77-Lunatec V2-Marantz PMD 700" 06/19/99 All Telluride, CO The Art Factory Af:D U 150 Earthworks SR77> Lunatec V2 SCI list Telluride Tree; recorded by Candace Horgan "Earthworks SR77-Lunatec V2-Marantz PMD 700" 10/10/99 All Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park Af:D A 64 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 only annoyance is 1-2 people in the crowd occassionally -the clappers Smoky Mountain Jam featuring Santana, Ozomatli, The Bluerags, and Bela Fleck Bluegrass Session 48k, I taped this about 10' (dfc) from edge of stage with mic's handheld about 110 degrees (non-coincident \ -.-/ ). Although mic's are 2-4' below the stage speakers the separation is incredible.) W/ tracks 10/17/99 All St. Petersburg, FL - Jannus S:D,CD A+ 139 2 CD's, 44k, Dsbd Patch>D8>CD-R>PC(s/pdif)>WAV>CD-R
03/09/00 All Eugene, OR - Wild Duck A:D A-/A 180 Neumann km184's>v2>ad1000>p-1 h/t * with Karl Denson and Ephram Owens 44k, diginoise (replaced), from taper's section, dfc 03/10/00 All Eugene, OR - Hilton Ballroom A:D U 240 Neumann km184's>v2>ad1000>p-1 h/t * w/ Karl Denson and Ephram Owens on horns., ^ w/ Jeffrey Sick on fiddle clones of the master 07/21/00 All Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U. A:D A 240 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 * = w/ Karl Denson, ** with Karl Denson and Andy Cleaves on trumpet taped from the taper's section
03/12/01 All Hult Center, Eugene, OR A:D U n/a taped by Chris and Dale Shepperd (clone from their master), "Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2 (@ 25 db)> AD 1000> DA-P1, Harmonic Tech cables" Row GG, 3 rows behind soundboard, on center aisle, right side
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | String Cheese Incident ]
12/03/77 All San Francisco, CA - The Old Fp:Rm,D A/A+ 44 http://www.talking-heads.net/bootlegs.html 48k; ON: TH 9/16/78
09/16/78 All San Francisco, CA - The Boarding Fp:Rm,D A/A+ 74 48k 12/10/78 All Los Angeles, CA - Pauley S:Rm,C,P,D U 50 ON: Marley 11/26/73 "S>R>C>PCM>DAT", could this be 11/19/78?
08/08/79 All Boston, MA - Berklee College of FM:Cm,P,D A/A+ 71 48k, also seen as preFM>Rm, also seen as "24 Augustus 1979 (TH), Place: Berkelee Performance Center, Boston MA" (the correct date seems to be 8/8/79 despite some bootleg cd labels), the announcer lamely begs for another tune that never comes
08/15/83 All Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga S:Cm,D A/A+ 119 48k, w/ tracks, Also seen as 8/5/83
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Talking Heads ]
02/06/70 All Syracuse, NY - Unknown S:Rm,D U 75 48k 10/28/70 All London, England - Royal Albert S:Rm,Vinyl,D U n/a no setlist
10/31/91 All NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre S:D A+ 132 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Taylor ]
06/02/99 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A-/A 66 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2> D8 48k; levels are a tad low; there is a cut at the end of Night Time & beginning of 1B1S1B due to deck problems; missing last 2 songs of encore; mic's in t-bar laid on balcony rail, left side; ON: Rowan 4/24/99
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | George Thorogood & The Destroyers ]
06/08/98 All London, ENG - Mean Fiddler S:D,CD A 112 2 CD's, 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Toots & the Maytals ]
03/09/79 All NYC, NY - The Bottom Line S:Rm,D A+ 76 44k, w/ tracks
09/29/81 All NYC, NY - The Ritz S:Rm,D A+ 73 44k, w/ tracks
11/26/82 All Montego Bay, Freeport Zon, Ja - S:Rm,D BAD 83 no setlist w/ the Wailors 44k, need a replacement, lots of digi-glitches
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Peter Tosh ]
08/14/98 All Bethel, NY - Max Yasgur's Farm FM:D A/A+ 146 partial setlist 44k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pete Townsend ]
09/02/67 All Stockholm, SWE - Unknown S:Rm,D A/A+ 58 partial setlist Dave Mason - guitar, Chris Wood - flute/sax, Jim Capaldi - drums, Steve Winwood - keyboards 48k,ON: Traffic 8/5/68
08/05/68 All Stockholm, SWE - Unknown Af:Rm,D A-/A 44 partial setlist 48k; ON: Traffic 9/2/67
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Traffic ]
04/01/99 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D A/A+ 110 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>D8 48k; My second recording; Awesome performance; recorded in the "Sweet spot" (20' from stage 85 degree X-Y); MASTER 06/10/99 All Denver, CO - The Soiled Dove A:D A 154 AKG C3000 > Lunatec V2 > DAP1 44k 10/22/99 All Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D A 93 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 w/ Members of Soulive 48k; slightly left of center (w/ other tapers), approximately 25' from stage
08/03/01 All Raleigh, NC - Alltel Pavilion Af:D A n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 * = w/ Phil Lesh, Susan Tedeschi on Lovelight, Derek Trucks (guitar, sarod), Todd Smallie (bass, vocals), Yonrico Scott (drums, percussion, vocals), Kofi Burbridge (keyboards, flute, vocals), Javier Colon (percussion, vocals) 44k, w/ tracks, 110 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row Q, seat 20
02/02/02 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats A:D A 121 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, taped from my usual spot above the rail immediately behind the soundboard
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Derek Trucks Band ]
12/31/73 All San Francisco, CA - Cow Palace Fp:Rm,C,D A 58 opened for the ABB 48k; ON: ABB 12/31/73 Tape 2; Chickin Pickin cut at the beginning
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Marshall Tucker Band ]
01/09/68 Both Stockholm, SWE - Konsenthusen S:Rm,D A/A+ 117 Both Early & Late Shows 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jethro Tull ]
03/06/81 Early Boston, MA - The Paradise S:R1,CD,D A/A+ 55 First of Two Shows That Night 44k; w/ some tracks 06/08/81 All Geleen, Netherlands - Sportpark S:?,D A 60 "Pinkpop Festival" - Other bands include New Adventures, Fischer Z, Madness, Michael Shenker Group, The Pretenders, Ian Dury & The Blockheads 44k 10/03/81 partial Salford, England - University S:Cm,FM:D A/A+ 16 FILLER:, 10/30/81 (32 minutes total) 48k 10/30/81 partial Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso S:Cm,FM:D A/A+ 16 ON: 10/3/81 (32 minutes total) Larry's 20th birthday. After the show Bono gives him a remote control truck.
03/27/82 All Los Angeles, CA - Sports Arena FM:C(2),D A/A+ 17 48k, ON: U2 12/2/82, w/ tracks 05/14/82 All Hattem, Holland - 'T Heem FM:C,CD,D A 60 48k; ON: U2 12/2/82, w/ tracks 12/02/82 All Manchester, England - Apollo S:?,D A 53 PRE-WAR TOUR 48k; NO: 'Out Of Control', w/ tracks
05/30/83 All Devore, CA - Glen Helen Regional S:Cm,D A/A+ 70 WAR TOUR 'US Festival' - Line up includes Little Steven & The Disciples of Soul, Berlin, Quarterflash, Missing Persons, The Pretenders, Joe Walsh, Stevie Nicks, and David Bowie 44k; ON: Petty 11/4/93 06/05/83 All Denver, CO - Red Rocks Ampitheater FM:D A 80 WAR TOUR, WBCN broadcast Recorded and released as 'U2 Live At Red Rocks: Under A Blood Red Sky' 48k, w/ tracks, "show was taped, pressed to vinyl (which was sent to radio stations)> FM> DAT"
04/29/87 All Chicago, IL - Rosemont Horizon S:Pm,D A/A+ 105 THE JOSHUA TREE TOUR 48k, w/ tracks 09/28/87 All New York, NY - Madison Square A:Cm,D A 103 AKG 313 Omni mics THE JOSHUA TREE TOUR 48k, a good audience recording, w/ tracks 11/07/87 All Denver, CO - McNichols Sports S:Cm,C,D A/A+ 104 THE JOSHUA TREE TOUR 48k, "S:C(2),D"
12/27/89 All Dublin, Ireland - Point Depot S:Pm,D U n/a LOVETOWN TOUR
06/11/92 All Stockholm, Sweden - Globen FM:D A 120 * W/ Bjorn and Betty from ABBA 44k, w/ tracks 06/15/92 All Rotterdam, Netherlands - Ahoy S:D,CD,D A 120 48k. cut and fade in around 72 minutes 09/02/92 All Philadelphia, PA - Veteran's A:D A- 122 Sonic Studios 48k, gets better after a few minutes, w/ tracks
08/28/93 All Dublin, Ireland - R.D.S. Arena S:PreFM,CD,D A+ 119 44k; "*master broadcast disc to DAT via digital out"
05/26/97 All Washington, DC - Robert F. A:D A 117 Core Sound Cardiods> D8 44k, w/ tracks 07/01/97 All Foxboro, MA - Foxboro Stadium A:D U n/a Hat mic's 08/18/97 All Nuremberg, Germany - Zeppelinfeld S:D,CD,D A/A+ 118 44k; this sounds like a recording of the soundman's feed, there is a small skip from the CD->DAT process, squelch at 22:29, tiny drop-out 32:21, 49:21, 52:35, 57:14, 09/23/97 All Sarajevo, Bosnia - Heregovina - A:D A/A+ 125 * Edge only, ** W/ Brian Eno 10/31/97 All Pontiac, MI - Pontiac Silverdome A:D U n/a Sonic Studio Mics,D8 Larry's 36th Birthday 12/09/97 All Vancouver, B.C. - B.C. Place A:D A 128 Sonic Studio Mics> D8 48k, (R500), w/ tracks
03/29/01 All Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Coliseum A:D A-/A 120 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | U2 ]
09/27/01 All Knoxville, TN - Market Square Af:D A 58 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 partial setlist #18 in the Sundown in the City series, opened for Burning Spear 44k, first part of first song cut, whoa! where have these guys been hiding
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Uptown Bogarts ]
05/09/76 All Norwalk, CA - Goldenwest Ballroom S:?,C,D A 55 ON: Van Halen 12/20/77 44k, w/ tracks
12/20/77 All Pasadena, CA - Pasadena Civic S:?,C,D A 46 44k, w/ tracks
03/23/79 All Fresno, CA - Selland Arena A:Cm,C,D A- 77 Nak300's>Cm>C>Dat 2nd Night of 2nd World Tour 2nd gen NAK Dragon> DAT
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Van Halen ]
All Kids & Dogs FM:D,CD,D A/A+ 120 KPFA marathon 2000 44k
??/??/67 All SF Nights (aka Hell's Honkie Tape S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 480 pieces of San Francisco bands' performances
05/21/68 All Tuesday Night Jam S:Rm,D,CD A 72 Jerry Garcia, Jorma Kaukenen, Mickey Hart, Jack Cassidy "Tuesday Night Jam" 1 CD, 44k, labeled only as "Tuesday Night Jam" '67 in the Dead Vault, venue is unknown - often seen as Family Dog, but that didn't open until 1969, may be from Carousel Ballroom on May 21, 1968
05/25/80 All Berkeley Jazz All Stars S:Rm,D A/A+ 151 Berkeley Jazz All-Stars, no setlist w/ Santana, Herbie Hancock, Stanley Clarke, Alfonz Mouzen, John Lucie, Armond Placa 48k
02/05/93 All Power Jam - NYC, NY The Ritz S:D A 240 POWER JAM w/ Warren Haynes, Noel Redding, Bernie Worell, John Popper, Chuck Leavell, Jaimoe, M. Gordon, Trey Anastasio, M. Quinones, Dave Mathews, and L. Schleifer
06/08/99 All Vermont Jazz Allstars A:D A+ 168 Schoeps M222/MK4v> HHB Trey Anastasio (guitar), Big Joe Burrel (tenor sax), Dave Grippo (alto sax), James Harvey (trombone), Jeff Salisbury (drums), Bruce Skalar (keys), Stacy Starkweather (bass) 48k, w/ tracks, Schoeps 4v on STC>active> cables>M222>NT222>HHb Radius 10>HHb PortaDAT
12/21/00 All Warren Haynes' 12th Annual XMas Af:D A 360 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 44k, w/ tracks
06/10/01 All Mill Valley, CA - The Sweetwater Af:D A n/a B&K4011> Lunatec V2> Sonic AD2K> DAP1 Crusader Rabbit Stealth Band: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, Bob Weir - guitar and vocals, Rob Barraco - keyboards and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar, John Molo - drums, + Warren Haynes - guitar 48k, taped by Steve Gilbert 10/24/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats Af:D A 135 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 MILES DAVIS tribute by the Knoxville (east Tn) Allstars: JC Haun - guitar, John Montgomery - guitar, Marcus Shirley - keyboards, Peejay Alexander - trumpet, Dexter Murphy - organ, Jason Thompson - sax, Jason Dickerson - drums, Jonathon Whitlock - percussion, Eric Seay - bass 44k, w/ tracks (boundaries located by JC Haun), X-Y 110 degrees, from my spot right behind the soundboard, my recording is the only one that survived - the sourdboard recording had botched levels and was only a partial recording at that. After I got my rig running, I helped run the liquid lights for the second set - a total blast!!!
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Various ]
05/12/95 All Austin, TX - Music Hall A:D A/A+ 180 Sonic DSM>D7 no setlist w/ B. Guy, E. Clapton, & R. Cray 48k, glitch at 3:30 and 3:50 ABS
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jimmy Vaughan ]
11/??/79 All Nasvhille, TN - Jack Clement's Sto:Rm,R,CD U 33 Studio recordings, Lou Ann Barton and Double Trouble often mislabeled as 'Nashville 1978'
07/17/82 All Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz S:Rm,P,D A 41 44k
04/27/83 All Serious Moonlight Tour Rehearsals Sto:?,D U 120 06/17/83 All Denver, CO - Denver Coliseum S:?,D U 75 ON: SRV '78 06/20/83 Both Houston, TX - Fitzgerald's S:Rm,?,D A 153 48k; "Force of Nature II" (http://www.cnct.com/home/bwillmot/SRV/CD/force_of_nature2.html) 07/11/83 All Toronto, CAN - El Mocambo Club S:Rm,D A/A+ 63 44k
03/10/84 All Powerstation Studio Rehearsals STo:D A+ 99 no setlist 44k 08/25/84 All St. Goarshausen, GER - DSS:D A 82 48k; low levels (-8); mix is slowly adjusted
06/19/85 All Morrison, CO - Red Rocks S:Pm,D A+ 86 09/01/85 All Seattle, WA - Seattle Center FM:D A 78 Bumbershoot Arts Festival, with Bonnie Raitt (*) 44k; low levels (-10)
06/30/87 All Philadelphia, PA - Mann Music S:FM,CD,D A/A+ 84
07/03/88 All Pistoia, ITA - Pistoia Blues S:TV,?,D A/A+ 58 48k; ON: SRV 8/25/84; first song fades in; slightly low levels (-5)
11/28/89 All Albuquerque, NM - Tingley Coliseum S:Rm,?,D A/A+ 72 48k; ^ Missing last 2 songs; ON: SRV 9-1-85
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stevie Ray Vaughan ]
09/06/98 All Crested Butte, CO - One World S:MD,CDR,D A/A+ 137 44k; w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bunny Wailer ]
10/25/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats Af:D A 155 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 no setlist 44k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wailers ]
10/08/74 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:?,D U n/a
10/25/77 All Cleveland, OH - Unknown S:?,D U n/a ON: Waits, 10/8/74
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tom Waits ]
09/15/00 All Santa Cruz, CA - Palookaville A:D U n/a B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1 on KDTU 9/15/00
11/08/01 All Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats A:D U 50 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 opened for Charlie Hunter Quartet 44k, X-Y 70 degrees, taped from the rail behind the soundboard (my usual spot)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert Walter's 20th Congress ]
04/17/69 All NYC, NY - Copacabana S:?,D U 50 ON: Gatemouth Brown 11-07-91
05/30/73 All Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field S:Rm,R,D A-/A 56 no setlist
05/14/77 All San Francisco, CA - Geary Theater FM:Cm,D A 65 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Muddy Waters ]
01/22/99 All Austin, TX - Stubbs BBQ A:D A/A+ 40 OctavaMc-012>mv100>D8 no setlist 44k; ON: Marley 10/31/73
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beverly "Guitar" Watkins ]
03/01/73 All Washington, DC - Lisner Aud. preFM:Rm,D A+ 51 partial setlist w/ Merle 44k; ON: Fleck & Douglas 5/1/99, (UC) 12/12/73 Partial Wilmington, NC. S:R,D U 45 no setlist w/ Merle
06/20/82 All Telluride, CO - Town Park - S:Cm,D U 75 no setlist
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Doc Watson ]
01/12/90 All Kauai, HI - Roxy Theatre S:Cm,D A 92 NO: Encore Set 3 W/ Taj Mahal 48k, some hiss, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Weir/ Wasserman ]
04/05/68 All NYC, NY - Fillmore East S:Rm,Lp,C,D A/A+ 67 48k, w/ tracks
09/29/69 Partial Amsterdam, NETH - Concertgebouw S:Rm,?,CD,D A 104 [rf] at approx 47 min, w/ tracks
12/11/75 All Toronto, CAN - Maple Leaf Garden A:Rm,D A-/A 105 48k
10/09/76 All Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda A:Rm,P,D U n/a Day on the Green #8; Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Pete Townshend, Keith Moon
06/27/89 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden preFM:D A+ 120 48k
07/18/96 All NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden S:FM,D A 117 Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Pete Townshend, John Rabbit Bundrick, Zak Starkey, Jon Carin, Simon Townshend, Jody LinScott, Geoff Whitehorn, Neil Sidwell, Billy Nichols, Simon Gardner, Dennis Farias, Nick Lane, Roy Wiegand, Billy Idol (I've Had Enough, Sea And Sand, Bell Boy), Gary Glitter (The Punk And The Godfather, I've Had Enough), Phil Daniels (Narrator), Won't Get Fooled Again performed by Pete and Roger. 48k, w/ tracks
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Who ]
01/14/87 All Richmond, VA - Max's Cafe S:Cm, D A/A+ 120
04/08/89 All Valdosta, GA - The Armory M:D A+ n/a matrix mix with Schoeps Oade matrix
10/05/92 1 Georgia Theater - Athens, GA S:D U 120 Recording session
09/26/93 All River Walk Amphitheater - S:D U 120
03/19/94 All Briddle Bank Park - Charleston, SC S:D A/A+ 120 * with David Blackmon on fiddle; ** with Derek Trucks on slide guitar; Charleston Blues and Heritage Festival 44k
10/31/95 All Classic Center - Athens, GA S:D U n/a * with David Blackmon on fiddle; ** with David Blackmon on fiddle and John Keane on pedal steel; *** with Daniel Hutchens and Eric Carter on guitar; Only 'Mercy Train To Bogart'; Only 'Rotgut Town'; Last 'Chainsaw City' - 9/21/92, 441 shows; Last 'Cream Puff War' - 10/7/89, 734 shows; Last 'Dirty Business' - 10/4/89, 735 shows; Last 'Vacation' - 6/25/90, 703 shows
03/28/97 All Warfield Theater - San Francisco S:D A+ n/a * with Peanut (Cecil Daniels) on saxophone 05/07/97 All Palace Theater - Louisville, KY S:D U n/a Only 'Untitled Instrumental' 05/08/97 All The Vic Theater - Chicago, IL S:D U n/a * with David Blackmon (fiddle); Soundcheck (with David Blackmon): 'Nobody's Loss', 'Aunt Avis; Free Show 05/09/97 All Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, IL S:D A+ n/a * with David Blackmon (fiddle); Soundcheck (with David Blackmon): 'Down On The Farm', 'Orange Blossom Special' 07/11/97 All Blockbuster Pavillion - S:D U n/a * with Gibb Droll; ** with Warren Haynes
04/18/98 2 Washington Street - Athens, GA S:D A+ n/a First 'All Time Low', First 'Christmas Katie', First 'One Arm Steve'; Free Show; Album release party for 'Light Fuse, Get Away'
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wide Spread Panic ]
06/17/99 All Telluride, CO - Town Park - Af:D U 128 Earthworks SR77> Lunatec V2 no setlist SCI list Telluride Tree; recorded by Candace Horgan who says "Earthworks SR77-Lunatec V2, right behind the board, about 30 feet back from the stage. I ran them in an open spread for half the show, and as the chatter increased in the second set changed to a closed xy pattern to cut down on the background talk."
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Keller Williams ]
01/24/02 All Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre A:D A-/A 112 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8 there was no PA system, just GW his grand piano, his guitar and harmonica. GW utilized an interesting technique of reaching into the piano and muting/plucking strings to gain additional texture. Promoted local food bank heavily. I can't believe this cat played guitar and harmonica and gave a brief music lesson about the history of guitar!!! 44k, taped from front & center of balcony rail (AA 105),
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | George Winston ]
04/03/73 All Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community S:Rm,C,C,D A-/A 87 * = w/ Buddy Miles 44k
12/18/83 All San Carlos, CA - Circle Star A:Cm,D A-/A 161 Nak 350 + cm300-> Cass-> DAT 44k, w/ tracks, spliced audience sources (a few weird splices/cuts)
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stevie Wonder ]
10/31/99 All Las Vegas, NV - House Of Blues DSS:D A+ 111 NO: Firebird Suite Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Sherwood, Squire, White, Khoroshev, Unofficial Recordings: Video: Audience - 150 min., Internet Broadcast - 150 min, Video: TV Broadcast - 150 min, Internet Broadcast - 150 min. 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Yes ]
11/22/76 Early Boston, MA - Music Hall (Early) Af:Cm,D U 120 Sony ECM 99> Sony TC-152SD Neil Young & Crazy Horse taped by Steve Hopkins
07/20/97 All Englewood, CO - Fiddlers Green A:D U n/a AKG 480> Lunatec> D Neil Young & Crazy Horse
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Neil Young ]
12/22/97 All Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse A:D U 240 MtG M2000/210> SX-M2> SBM1> DAP1 no setlist Featuring members of Leftover Salmon, Derek Trucks Band, Aquarium Rescue Unit, Col. Bruce & Fiji Mariners, Phish, Widespread Panic, String Cheese Incident
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Zambiland Orchestra ]
05/30/98 All New York City, NY - Wetlands A:D A/A+ 240 Neumann U89i> SX-M2> SBM1 *written by Leon Thomas. Source: Larry 48k
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Zero ]
05/03/97 All New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds S:D U 70 Neuman KM 54 no setlist ON: Taj 4/27/96
[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Buckwheat Zydeco ]
Allgood Music Co. - help me pass on shows to a former member of the band
Allman Brothers - any good 1970's show w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Allman Brothers - 03/13/71 - Early and the Complete Late show
B-52's - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Bramlett, Delaney & Bonnie - 1/22/71 - Duane and Gregg sat in with D&B, audience tapes circulate
Brewer & Shipley - any good stuff
Brown, Clarence "Gatemouth" - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Brown, James - Especially interested in early JB, but any hi-quality will do.
Byrne, David - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Cale, JJ - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Cars - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Doobie Brothers - - any hi quality (preferably early 70's)
Doors - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Dr. John 'Creaux the Night Tripper', (Malcolm Rebennack) - any 60's-70's
Dylan, Bob - 10/10/95 - Fox Th., Atlanta, GA.
Dylan, Bob - 11/10/2001 - Nashville, TN
Fleetwood Mac - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Gaye, Marvin - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Grateful Dead - 03/16/68 - Soundboard: reel master>DAT>1 cass gen>DAT>circulation [90 minutes]
Grateful Dead - 5/5/69 -
Grateful Dead - 12/12/69 - entire Soundboard: complete show, reel master>DAT>circulation [200 minutes]
Grateful Dead - 02/27/70 - reel master>DAT>circulation [110 minutes]
Grateful Dead - 4/11/72 - 180 SBD (The complete show except Sugar Magnolia)
Grateful Dead - 4/29/72 - 200 SBD
Grateful Dead - 5/10/72 - set 2: 70 SBD
Grateful Dead - 7/18/72 - 240 SBD
Grateful Dead - 7/21/72 - 180 SBD
Grateful Dead - 7/25/72 - 200 SBD Complete show except Sugar Magnolia
Grateful Dead - 10/21/73 - a clean clone, mine has diginoise
Grateful Dead - 9/27/76 -
Grateful Dead - 02/03/78 - Dane County Coliseum, Madison, WI (AUD 180, multiple masters)
Grateful Dead - 04/22/78 - Nashville Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, TN (SBD 180. Exc AUD exists)
Grateful Dead - 4/22/79 - preferably known lineage
Grateful Dead - 12/11/79 - Soldiers & Sailors Auditorium, Kansas City, MO (SBD 180)
Grateful Dead - 05/07/80 - Barton Hall, Cornell University (AUD 180, SBD 90/2nd set)
Grateful Dead - 08/27/80 - Pine Knob Music Theatre (AUD 180, very low circulation)
Grateful Dead - 05/22/82 -
Grateful Dead - 10/16/88 - Oade (Shoeps) FOB all or SBD set 1
Grateful Dead - 10/18/88 - FM (GD Hour?)
Grateful Dead - 12/28/88 - Oakland Coliseum Arena
Grateful Dead - 03/28/89 - Omni, Atlanta (180 Aud)
Grateful Dead - 05/07/89 - FM 180
Grateful Dead - 08/18/89 - FM 180 (KPFA)
Grateful Dead - 12/10/89 -
Grateful Dead - 03/27/91 - Knickerbocker Arena (SBD 180)
Grateful Dead - 04/04/91 -
Grateful Dead - 04/05/91 -
Grateful Dead - 04/08/91 - FOB
Grateful Dead - 04/09/91 - FOB
Grateful Dead - 06/12/91 -
Grateful Dead - 09/20/91 - set 1
Grateful Dead - 03/01/92 -
Grateful Dead - 03/02/92 -
Grateful Dead - 03/03/92 -
Grateful Dead - 06/06/92 -
Grateful Dead - 06/17/92 -
Grateful Dead - 06/18/92 -
Grateful Dead - 03/20/93 -
Grateful Dead - 03/22/93 -
Grateful Dead - 05/16/93 -
Grateful Dead - 07/24/94 -
Green, Peter - 9/26/98 - Cleveland, Ohio; RRHOF: Tribute to Robert Johnson
Hancock, Herbie - - hi quality early-70's w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
John, Elton - - any good early-70's w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
King Curtis - - ANY!
King, Freddie - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Kirk, Rahsaan Roland T. - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Lightfoot, Gordon - - any good stuff
Lynyrd Skynyrd - 12/5/74 - Musikhalle Hamburg - Rockpalast TV show
Mahal, Taj - any good 1960's or 1970's Taj
Mahal, Taj - 12/10/78 - Westfalenhalle Dortmund - Rockpalast TV show
Marley, Bob - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Meters - anything from the 70's 'A-' or better
Phish - anything from 2003
Police - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Professor Longhair, (Henry Roeland "Roy" Byrd) - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Radiators - I need more '84 - '92 shows - WHERE ARE THEY? Please help!
Radiators - 2/3/89 - Mountain Jam!
Radiators - 9/26/99 - KPIG Fat Fry, Aptos Village Park, Aptos CA
REM - - 87 or 88 at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta - Stipe was spitting on the crowd
Rush - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Rush - - any of the recent 'Digital Rush Experience' upgrades
Rush - 5/13/2002 - ROCKLINE: live from New York (fm broadcast)
Santana - 05/13/68 - Avalon Ballroom (upgrade of known geneology)
Sea Level (Chuck Leavell) - ANY GOOD! I will transfer your low gen cassettes
Sea Level (Chuck Leavell) - 4/17/78 - I need an upgrade without FM static - nice show
Simple Minds - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Sly & The Family Stone - any good stuff!
Sting - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Talking Heads - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
U2 - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Various - - "Old Grey Whistle Test" 300 min BBC DVD not available to US
Various - cool shows at EBBETTS FIELD, Denver, CO.
Various - cool shows at AGORA THEATRE, Cleveland
Various - - any excellent 1960's CONCERTS demonstrating the mood of the day
Vaughan, Stevie Ray - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Wet Willie - ANY!
Who - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)
Wide Spread Panic - 5/6/95 - Chastain Park
Wonder, Stevie - - any hi quality w/ (full date, venue, and preferably source known)