Last Update: 6/26/2004
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04/12/76  All     Adelaide, AUS - Apollo Stadium     S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 61                                          
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, "Shoot Shoot Don't Talk"
04/03/77  All     San Francisco, CA - The Old        S:?,CD         A    54                                          
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, last song cuts at tape flip
09/02/77  All     San Francisco, CA - The Old        S:?,CD         A    48                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, might be 9/3/77

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | AC/DC ]


11/16/00  All     Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D,*,CD      A-/A 75  MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii (44k)-> Tascam 700); Sound Forge editing by Delano (2/21/02); d02t14 has 2 tiny
          gaps (problem with cable) that I attempted to repair with SF 4.5, during 2 songs, the right channel
          briefly dropped out (cable again), but I was able to use SF 4.5's 'channel conversion' to write the left
          channel to the right side (temporarily mono at these small areas).
06/07/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Market Square      Af:D,CD        A-/A 94  MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Blueground Undergrass opened
          2 CD's, 44k
06/08/01  All     Union Grove, NC - Van Hoy Family   S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          Smilefest 2001
          2 CD's, 44k
06/21/02  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Acoustic Syndicate ]


02/23/83  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 54                                          
          12 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, w/ tracks. WMMS-FM > Cleveland OHIO > Master SBD PRE FM Reels to CDR

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bryan Adams ]


03/27/69  All     Paris, FRA - Salle Pleyel          S:?,CD         A/A+ 61                                          
          no setlist
          Adderley (1928 - 1975)  played alto sax with Davis’ incredible sextets, which included John Coltrane,
          from 1957 to 1959 ('Kind Of Blue').  Adderley went on to create his own quintet to play freely (1960 -
          1975). It was famous for its various pianists such as Bill Evans, Wynton Kelly and Joe Zawinul.  He
          progressed toward a more and more bluesy and funky jazz, and he was one of the first to play electric
          saxophone.  Despite of his nickname "cannonball" - which comes form a gluttony story like Charlie Parker's
          - his playing was unique. He made a link between a powerful and fast playing and traditionnal
          afro-amercian tunes like Sermonnette, This Here, Work song...
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Julian 'Cannonball' Adderley ]


03/20/73  All     Boston, MA - Pall's Mall           preFM:R,D,CD   A/A+ 47                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, occasional static could be problems with the original recording.
04/14/74  All     Detroit, MI - Masonic Temple       A:?,BCD,CD     A-   73                                          
          * Joe Perry Vocals
          1 CD, 44k, also seen as 4/4/74, "One Way Street" Great Dane Records
07/02/74  All     Roslyn, NY - My Father's Place     S:?,CD         A-   41                                          
          7 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, sounds overloaded
08/29/75  All     NYC, NY - Central Park             S:?,CD         A    50                                          
          Shaeffer Music Festival
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd  as 6/?/75
03/26/78  All     Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre    FM:?,BCD,CD    A-/A 57                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Ultimate Killer Show" (Label: Oh boy)
03/28/78  All     Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     FM:Cm,C,CD     A    77                                          
          (17 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
07/04/78  All     Dallas, TX - Cotton Bowl           S:?,CD         A    62                                          
          Texas World Music Festival
          1 CD, 44k, "Texas Jam Festival"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Aerosmith ]


04/04/84  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:Cm,CD       A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k
08/24/84  All     Zurich, SWI - Unknown              S:?,BCD,CD     A    41                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live In Switzerland"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Alarm, The ]


??/??/9?  All     Athens, GA - Unknown               S:Cm,CD        A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Soundboard>Analog Tape>.wav>.shn"
04/12/90  All     Davidson, NC - Davidson College    S:Cm,C,CD      A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/31/91  1       Knoxville, TN - The Library        S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 52                                          
          1 CD, 44k
08/02/91  All     Richmond, VA - Twisters            S:?,CD         A/A+ 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK
01/21/94  All     Knoxville, TN - Flamingos          S:VHS,D,CD     A/A+ 117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii (48k) -> Tascam CDR700(44k))
01/21/94  Part 1  Knoxville, TN - Electric Ballroom  S:VHS,D,CD     A/A+ 73                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, this is from the person that patched out of the board - SBD:Mitsubishi U55->Dat->CD
1995      All     Unreleased Final Album             Sto:CD         A+   44                                          
          1 CD, 44k, got this directly from Mike Sain (Allgood bass player)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Allgood Music Co. ]


04/09/74  All     Boston, MA - Unknown               S:Rm,?,CD      A    113                                         
          w/ a symphony
          2 CD's, 44k, reel flips cuts into the beginning of Dreams

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Gregg Allman ]


??/??/??  All     Duane Allman - IN MEMORIUM         S:Rm,Lp,CD     A-   144                                         
          * = w/ Derek, ^ = w/ Dead
          2 Cd's, 44k, lp clicks
??/??/68  All     Hourglass - Unreleased Studio      Sto:Rm,?,CD    A/A+ 52                                          
          Hour Glass (pre A.B.B.) Paul Hornsby, Johnny Sandlin, Duane Allman, Pete Carr, Gregg Allman
          1 CD, 44k, this is unreleased studio material from late 1967 and early 1968
??/??/69  All     Studio Sessions                    Sto:?,CD       A    89                                          
          w/ Boz Scaggs
          2 CD's, 44k, whoa, some wild stuff here (Morning Dew, I Feel Free, She Has Funny Cars), could be from
          Muscle Shoals Studio (Duane did a Boz Scaggs album there in '69) - "(likely) a collection of material from
          a number of different sources (most likely from the 4-disc Dreams box-set).  It includes some things from
          muscle shoals along with soe early caprican recordings.  Duane was at mussel shoals, as were the Allman
          Joys but these were studio recordings (Duane on recordings by Aretha Franklin and Boz Scaggs and others)
          and Allman Joys recording some demo tapes. "
02/??/69  All     Jacksonville, FL - The Armory      A:?,CD         B+   48                                          
          * = w/ Jean, possibly either 3/1/69 or 6/29/69
          "Second Coming" - Berry Oakley, Reese WIlilams, Dickey Betts, Larry Reinhart, John Meeks, Duane
          1 CD, 44k
05/04/69  All     Macon, GA - Central City Park      S:?,CD         B+   46                                          
          w/o Dickey Betts
          1 CD, 44k, vocals barely audible
??/??/70  All     Macon, GA - Capricorn Studios      S:?,CD         A    20                                          
          Contains ABB Jacksonville, FL 1969
          1 CD, 44k
1970      All     Idlewild South Outtakes            Sto:?,BCD,CD   A/A+ 44                                          
          1 CD, 44k, from boot CD (Chance Music 1985)
01/10/70  All     Philadelphia, PA - Electric        S:?,CD         B+   81                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, (B+/A-), Mountain Jam is cut after 21 minutes
02/11/70  Early   NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 42                                          
          as good as the early ABB stuff gets
          1 CD, 44k, "Master Soundboard Reel > Cassette > DAT> CDR* > Remastered** > SHN - *EAC'ed / SHN'ed by
          Scott Clugston 7/4/01  **Digitally remastered by Garrett Van Cleef*** (rev. 2) 12/12/01 Note: This is the
          second revision of the remaster. Fixed several pops and other minor problems.
02/13/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 72                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/13/70  Partial NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,CD      A    70                                          
          2/13 & 2/14/70 are together on 1 CD
          w/ Grateful Dead
          1 CD, 44k,  "Seeds & Stems"
02/14/70  Partial NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,CD      A    70                                          
          2/13 & 2/14/70 are together on 1 CD
          w/ Grateful Dead
          1 CD, 44k,  "Seeds & Stems" - **** I NEED A NEW DISC ***** skips on track #06 at 6:15 and 7:05
03/13/70  All     New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse   S:?,CD         A-   65                                          
          "There's a pervert down here..."
          1 CD, 44k
03/20/70  All     St. Petersburg, FL - The Aragon    S:?,CD         A-   70                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/04/70  All     Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow's Garage   S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 108                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
04/11/70  All     Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow's Garage   S:Rm,CD        A    93                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
04/28/70  All     Stony Brook, NY - SUNY             S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 77                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "mono sbd."
05/02/70  All     Swarthmore, PA - Swarthmore        S:?,CD         B+   131                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, pretty weak at start, "2SBD>computer>CD"
07/03/70  All     Byron, GA - Atlanta Pop Festival   S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Master Soundboard Reel > Cassette > DAT > CDR"
07/05/70  All     Byron, GA - Atlanta Pop Festival   S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          *with Thom Doucette. **with Johnny Winter.
          2 CD's, 44k, "Soundboard>MR>Cass Master>DAT>SHN"
07/19/70  All     Love Valley, NC - Love Valley      A:?,CD         A-   80                                          
          * = w/ Tom Doucette
          2 CD, 44k, this is the remaster
07/26/70  Early   Stony Brook, NY - SUNY Gym         S:Rm,?,CD      A    76                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/04/70  All     Milwaukee, WI - The Scene          A:?,CD         B    99                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, gets a little better after 2-3 songs
09/23/70  Partial New York, NY - Fillmore East       S:?,CD         A-   72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "A VIDEO SOUNDTRACK", sounds like an audience
01/17/71  All     Pittsburgh, PA - Syria Mosque      S:Rm,?,CD      A-   65                                          
          Taj Mahal opened
          1 CD, 44k, hissy
01/23/71  All     Portchester, NY - Capitol Theater  A:?,CD         B+   65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/28/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  A:?,CD         B+   82                                          
          opened for Hot Tuna
          2 CD's, 44k
01/31/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,?,CD      B+   71                                          
          NO: DKMW, Eliz Reed;  Statesboro is out of order
          1 CD, 44k, hissy, Statesboro (filler?) has skips
02/01/71  All     Los Angeles, CA - Whiskey A Go-Go  A:?,CD         B+   70                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/28/71  All     Columbia, MO - Brewer FieldHse     S:?,CD         A-   92                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, complete source with audience patch for WPost and Revival
03/25/71  All     Minneapolis, MN - St. Catherine's  A:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
03/25/71  All     Minneapolis, MN - St. Catherine's  A:?,CD         B+   72                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/19/71  All     Gatlinburg, TN - Unknown           S:?,CD         A-   74                                          
          partial setlist
          Private tapes recorded in early '71 offer a glimpse into the off-stage musical thought processes of the
          band, where they were going and what might have happened.  The rehearsals touched on two songs that would
          be highlights on the next two Allman Brothers albums, indicating the level of creative energy the band had
          at the time. They were growing by the week, searching for that moment of perfection band members described
          as "hittin' the note."  On the tape you hear the band trading off riffs and working out on song fragments
          - Betts showing Duane a new song on acoustic guitar, singing "I'm a ramblin' country man" as he tests out
          what would become "Ramblin' Man." There's a lengthy jam on "My Favorite Things," the Rodgers/Hammerstein
          standard that John Coltraine transformed into a classic of jazz improvisation. One can only speculate what
          a full blown Allman brothers treatment of "My Favorite Things" might have sounded like.  Later the tape
          captures the band rehearsing the instrumental passages to "Blue Sky," experimenting with the phrasing of
          the melody, what key to play it in and how to structure the harmony arrangement.
          1 CD, 44k, hissy
05/02/71  AfternooNew York, NY - CCNY                A:?,CD         A-   87                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Capt Skip Remaster"
06/27/71  All     New York, NY - Fillmore East       S:Rm,D,CD      A    79                                          
          closing of the Fillmore
          1 CD, 44k, (, I think this is "WPLJ FM >
          reel > reel (commercial edits) > DAT"
07/17/71  All     Atlanta, GA - Municipal Aud.       A:?,CD         A-   130                                         
          * = w/ Lamar Williams & Chuck Leavell
          2 CD's, 44k, this is the Remastered version
07/21/71  Early   New York, NY - Central Park        A:?,CD         B    68                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/21/71  Late    New York, NY - Central Park-Late   A:?,CD         B    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, gets a little better during the 2nd song
09/16/71  All     New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse   A:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 149                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Aud. M.R.>dat>cdr"
09/19/71  All     Stony Brook, NY - SUNY Stony Brook S:Rm,?,CD      U    n/a                                         
          Often listed in error as 9/20/71
          2 CD, 44k
09/19/71  All     Stony Brook, NY - SUNY Stony Brook S:?,CD         A-/A 59                                          
          Often listed in error as 9/20/71
          1 CD, 44k, "1SBD>computer>CD"
09/28/71  Partial Austin, TX - Clark Field, U. of    A:?,CD         B    59                                          
          with complete 7/5/71 show.
          1 CD, 44k
10/15/71  All     Pittsburgh, PA - Syria Mosque      A:?,CD         B+   66                                          
          LAST recorded show with Duane (November 20, 1946  - - -  October 29, 1971)
          1 CD, 44k, a bit rough at start but gets better
01/01/72  All     Macon, GA - Capricorn Studios      Sto:Rm,D,CD    A    56                                          
          Outtakes from Brothers & Sisters, actual dates 1972-1973
          1 CD, 44k, ": sbd>mr>dat>cdr", see 11/30/72
03/23/72  All     Jackson, AL - Price Hall           FM:?,CD        A-/A 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/08/72  All     Syracuse, NY - Manley Fieldhouse   S:Rm,?,CD      A-   136                                         
          sometimes listed as 4/7/72
          2 CD's, 44k
04/16/72  Partial NYC, NY - Academy of Music         S:?,CD         A-   60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, whipping Post cut, high-pitched hum (sounds like TV hum)
07/12/72  All     Philadelphia, PA - Electric        FM:?,CD        A-/A 118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/28/72  All     Nashville, TN - Fairgrounds        S:Cm,?,CD      A-   65                                          
08/06/72  All     Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl   A:?,CD         A-   72                                          
          w/ Johnny Winter
          1 CD, 44k, brief gaps and splices at track boundries
11/30/72  All     Macon, GA - Capricorn Studio       Sto:Rm,D,CD    A    56                                          
          Outtakes from Brothers & Sisters
          1 CD, 44k
1973      All     Brothers & Sisters Outtakes        Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 56                                          
          w/ Chuck Leavell, bassist Berry Oakley passed away during these sessions and is heard on just two
          1 CD, 44k
03/15/73  All     Mobile, AL - Unk.                  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 153                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/16/73  All     Charleston, WV - Civic Center      S:?,CD         B+   97                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
06/02/73  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:?,CD         A-/A 114                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, *** a number of skips on disc #1 ***
06/09/73  All     Washington, DC - RFK Stadium       S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    174                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "sbd>mr>production cassette>dat>cdr>shn>wav> sek'd red roaster for editing***(no eq, no
          compresion, no noise reduction or processing)>cdwav>mkw; all shn files verified with shntool", Static in
          Mtn Jam @ 1:20-1:26, 1:30-1:36 (known flaw), List of edits from Dale Sheppard, ***from dale shepherd***
          the original shnfiles that i down loaded were a mess. tons of problems. this is a summary of the editing
          that was was needed to correct these problems. i feel that the show is as good as it can be at this point.
          enjoy the show!  disc 1: d1t01/03/07 were not cut on sector boundaries. these files were named as "edit".
          i fixed this with shntool. the pops that remained were edited out. the pop between t01 & t02 left a very
          minute bump that is very very small. most folks will never hear it. i moved the track marker away from
          this spot as well. t02/03 i crossfaded around a pop where those two tracks met.  in addition, track one
          had been turned down in volume at one point. this produced a noteiceable gain in hiss when switching from
          t01 to t02. i matched the levels here. t01's volume is slightly louder than t02 but the tape hiss matches
          and i believe that this is the way it was recorded.  d1t3 into t04 there was another big pop. it took some
          cossfade work on an extremely small section of the wave files to eliminate the pop. so little was removed
          that i found it inaudible. in addition. levels had to be matched here as t04 had to be reduced to match
          t03.  d1t03- one way out had this repeating section. the song ended and then it jumped back to the drum
          solo from earlier in the song. i removed this repeated section.  volume on t05 reduced. the beginning is
          also cut.  d1t06 volume reduced;  d1t07 "liz reed" had another repeating section that was about 2 minutes
          long. i removed this section. volume reduce by .7.  
volume change summary
1 + 2.7db
2 - no change
3 -
          no change
4 - 1.3db
5 -1.3db
6 -1.3db
7 -.7db

          disc 2:  i added the "tuning" track to d2, d2t04- named "edit" was not cut on sector boundaries. i fixed
          this with shntool. i removed the pop at the end of this track by crossfading a very small portion of d2t04
          & d2t05. no music was affected.  d2t05-another repeating section towards the end of this track. i removed
          this repeating section.  i removed a track marker for "jam" which was d2t06. it's actually just the end of
          "you don't love me".  i removed about 15seconds of dead air at the end of disc 2.    disc 3:  i removed
          some dead air at the beginning of disc 3.  big pop at the beginning of d3t02 was removed with a small
          crossfade. no music was affected. d3t02 also needed to have the level brought down by .7;  removed a pop
          in d3t03 ~ 1:07 mark; removed a pop in d3t03 ~ 1:15 mark;  after all of this editing work, i bounced the
          tracks to a new wav file. re-tracked the entire show using cdwav and reshn'd the show.
06/10/73  All     Washington, DC - RFK Stadium       S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    n/a                                         
          Performers this night were Wet Willie, ABB, Dead
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
09/10/73  Partial Macon, GA - Grand Opera House      S:?,CD         A-/A 51                                          
          Second Don Kirschner's Rock Concert Show, 'Saturday Night in Macon'
          Introduction by Bill Graham
          1 CD, 44k, "1SBD>analog>CD"
09/16/73  All     Vancouver, DA - PNE Hall           A:Rm,D,CD      A    123                                         
          there is no Les Brers - It was supposedly played as encore #2
          2 CD's, 44k
12/29/73  All     Philadelphia, PA - Spectrum        S:?,CD         A-   80                                          
          NO: You Don't Love Me -> Les Brers In A Minor,Encore:, Whipping Post
          1 CD, 44K, "1SBD>analog>CD", rec'd as 12/28/73
12/31/73  All     San Francisco, CA - Cow Palace     S:preFM,D,CD   A    300                                         
          4 CD's, 44k
01/01/74  All     San Francisco, CA - Cow Palace     PreFM:R,D,CD   A    128                                         
          Native American Indian Fnd. Benefit
          w/Gregg, Dickey, Lamar, Jaimoe, Steve Miller, JL Hooker, Charlie Daniels, Elvin Bishop, Buddy Miles
          2 CD's, 44k
07/20/74  All     Knebworth, ENG - BBC               A:?,CD         B+   153                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/25/75  All     Providence, RI - Civic Center      S:?,CD         A-   149                                         
          Gov. Jimmy Carter introduces the great Allman Brothers
          w/ Grinderswitch
          2 CD's, 44k
03/13/76  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    A:Cm,CD        A-   147                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/24/78  All     Macon, GA - Central City Park      A:?,CD         A-   28                                          
          Capricorn Employee BBQ, Surprise appearance
          1 CD, 44k
04/20/79  All     Passaic, NJ - Capital Theater      preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 143                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, the levels are not properly balanced at the start
07/19/79  All     Columbia, MD - Merriweather Post   FM:Cm,CD       A/A+ 87                                          
12/30/79  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    preFM:Rm,D,C   A    173                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "PREFM > MASTER REEL>DAT>CASS>CD"
10/23/80  Partial Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Sunrise       S:?,CD         A    51                                          
          NO: Don't Want You No More ->..., I Got A Right To Be Wrong, From the Madness of The West,
          1 CD, 44k
12/16/81  All     Passaic, NJ - Capital Theater      FM:?,CD        A-/A 77                                          
          This show was the 10th Anniversary of John Scher's Capitol Theatre with Edgar Winter, Southside Johnny
          & the Asbury Jukes, Dave Edmunds, Jack Bruce & Friends (Clem Clempson, David Sancious and Bruce Gary),
          Gary U.S. Bonds, local cable legend Uncle Floyd, and NY FM forefather Vin Scelsa as The Bayonne Bear! The
          Allmans played last, coming on well past midnight, playing for hours and once again greeting the
          1 CD, 44k
10/31/86  Most    New York, NY - Madison Square      FM:?,CD        A/A+ 71                                          
          King Biscuit Flower Hour, intro by Bill Graham
          * = w/Paul Butterfield, ^ = w/Felix Cavaliere
          1 CD, 44k
08/11/89  All     Mtn View, CA - Shoreline           A:?,CD         A    138                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, starts as 'A-/A' but gets better, this was rec'd as a 'SBD" but it sounds like a good
07/15/90  All     Raleigh, NC - Memorial Auditorium  S:?,CD         A/A+ 189                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, diginoise 8:16-8:17 during Cross to Bear
11/07/90  All     Richmond, VA - The Mosque          S:?,CD         A    119                                         
          NO: (E2): Whipping Post missing
          2 CD's, 44k
11/19/90  All     New York, NY - Unplugged TV Show   S:D,CD         A+   87                                          
          Johnny Neal, Allen Woody, Butch Trucks, Jaimoe, Warren Haynes, Dickey Betts, Gregg Allman
          2 CD's, 44k, both soundcheck and show, National Video Center - NYC
06/25/91  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    FM:?,CD        A/A+ 117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, cuts into start, sounds like FM
12/31/91  All     Macon, GA - Macon City Auditorium  A:D,CD         A-/A 183                                         
          * = acoustic
          3 CD's, 44k
08/22/92  All     Philadelphia, PA - Mann Music Ctr  S:D,CD         A/A+ 143                                         
          2 CD, 44k
09/07/92  All     Atlanta, GA - Lakewood             Af:?,CD        A-/A 148                                         
          *w/Derek Trucks on guitar
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds like fob
07/03/93  All     Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amphi.      A:D,CD         A-   148                                         
          *w/Derek Trucks, **w/Tinsley Ellis
          2 CD's, 44k
11/12/93  All     Gainesville, FL - U of FL          A:D,CD         A-   172 Sennheiser ME80 + Senn 421> 4 ch        
          *w/Derek Trucks. Dickey Betts back from brief haitus.
          3 CD's, 44k, "2 Sennheisser Me80 (gain:2/10) x 2 Sennheisser 421 (gain:7/10)> 4 channel 9v mixer
          (master gain:7/10)> Sony D-7", Conversion:Sony M-1 (masters) > Optical Midiman > SPDIF Front Bay/SB
          Platinum > CoolEdit WAV (channel mixer fix right channel mostly disc 1) > WAV > Shn(mkw), Taped and
          produced by ~ assistance of Kevin P!!!
05/21/94  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       A:?,CD         A-/A 170                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, right channel is low at the start, some volume adjustingmest through the first song
07/19/94  All     Nasvhille, TN - Starwood           A:?,CD         A-/A 200                                         
          ^ = w/Jack Pearson, # =  w/Sheryl Crow, ~ = w/Johnny Neal, John Popper and Jack Perimore
          3 CD's, 44k, "Liz Reed split across cds"
11/01/95  Partial Austin, TX - Austin City Limits    S:?,CD         A/A+ 74                                          
          *w/Matt Abts
          NO: Don't Want You No More-> It's Not My Cross To Bear, End Of The Line, No One To Run With,
          1 CD, 44k
04/28/96  All     Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park  S:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 164                                         
          *w/ Jimmy Hall on sax +w/Jimmy Hall on harmonica
          3 CD's, 44k, sound is not crisp
05/03/96  All     Pelham, AL - Oak Mountain          S:?,CD         A/A+ 193                                         
          35 min. True Gravity!
          3 CD's, 44k
05/11/96  2       Chicago, IL - Riviera              S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
06/22/96  All     Darien Lakes, NY - Lakeside        S:D,CD         A/A+ 157                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/24/96  All     Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    S:D,CD         A/A+ 163                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
03/21/97  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           S:D,CD         A/A+ 168                                         
          disc 3 on disc 3 of ABB 3/22/97
          3 CD's, 44k, diginoise during introduction
03/22/97  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           S:D,CD         A/A+ 173                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
03/01/98  Mix     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           S:D,CD         A/A+ 138                                         
          * tribute to Jerry Garcia
          2 CD's, 44k, this may be outtakes
09/02/98  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          A:D,CD         A-/A 160                                         
          **w/ Derek Trucks, Kofi Burbridge, & Yonrico Scott
          3 CD's, 44k
09/03/99  All     Birmingham, AL - Oak Mountain      A:D,CD         A-/A 147 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> DA-P1> Teac  
          2 CD's, 44k, "Neumanns KM 184 cardiod>Lunatec V2>Dap1>my Teac DAP 20", "the rig was set up behind the
          soundboard about 20 rows up", "patched from Chris & Dale Sheppard's rig"
09/04/99  All     Atlanta, GA - Lakewood             Af:D,CD        A-/A 178 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> DA-P1> Teac  
          3 CD's, 44k, "Neumanns KM 184 cardiod>Lunatec V2>Dap1>my Teac DAP 20", "we were the last row in the
          front dead center section in front of the box (sponsor) seats which would have been about 20 rows back", "
          patched from Chris & Dale Sheppard"
09/05/99  All     Raleigh, NC - Walnut Creek         Af:D,CD        A-/A 138 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> DA-P1> Teac  
          3 CD's, 44k, "Neumanns KM 184 cardiod>Lunatec V2>Dap1>my Teac DAP 20", ", we were the last row in the
          front dead center section which would have been about 12-15 rows back", "patched from Chris & Dale
04/29/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Municiple Aud.   A:D,CD         A-/A 147 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 1000> D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700], taped just right of soundboard
05/02/00  All     Columbia, SC - Township Auditorium A:D,CD         A-/A 180 upper right balcony                     
          Susan Tedeschi opened
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700],
05/03/00  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       A:D,CD         A-/A 128 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 1000> D8  
          Susan Tedeschi opened
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700], taped by Chris Sheppard
05/05/00  All     Nashville, TN - River Stages       Af:D,CD        A-/A 134 Neumann KM140                           
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
06/18/00  All     Charlotte, NC - Blockbuster        Af:D,CD        A-/A 165 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          3 CD's, 44k, [Sony R500-> Phillips CDR870], taped within the soundboard area, X-Y (80 degrees), mic
          stand ran about 15 high, used windscreens
08/27/00  All     Minneapolis, MN - Northrop         A:D,CD         A-   154 Neumann KM184>Lunatec V2>A/D1000>D100   
          2 CD's, 44k
09/21/00  All     New York, NY - Roseland Ballroom   A:D,CD         A-/A 74  Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000          
          "One For Woody"
          Line up: Gregg Allman, Butch Trucks, Jaimoe, Marc Quinones, Jimmy Herring, Warren Haynes; *w/Little
          Milton Cambell, **w/Chris and Rich Robinison (The Black Crowes), **w/Phil Lesh
          1 CD, 44k
12/21/00  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  A:D,CD         A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Greg Allman, Butch Trucks, Jaimoe, Haynes, Herring, Oteil, Popper
03/22/01  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           Af:D,CD        A-/A 172 Neumann SKM-184> Lunatec V2 > GP        
          * =  w/Chuck Leavell
          3 CD's, 44k, "Recording, Transfer & CD mastering: Rich P, Location: Orchestra Row H, Seat 2 (12th Row
          on Right-Center Aisle), Equipment: Neumann SKM-184 (x/y 90 degrees on 10' stand)  > Lunatec V2 >
          Graham-Patten ADC-20 (48 kHz) > Tascam DA-P1, Transfer: Dat master > S/PDIF > SEK'D Prodif Plus >
          Samplitude (48 to 44.1) > CD Wave (track splits) > SHN > E Z CD > Plextor 8/2/20"
03/25/01  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           Af:D,CD        A    170 MBHO 603A> Ka 200n Spread 8"> V2> GP    
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
06/15/01  All     Pelham, AL - Oak Mountain          Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          3 CD's, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii(44k)-> Tascam CDR700(44k), taped from section B, row S (front section,
          left side in front of speaker stack)
06/16/01  All     Nashville, TN - Amsouth            Af:D,CD        A    167 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Deep Banana Blackout opened
          *w/Jack Pearson on guitar, **w/Jack Pearson on guitar and Jimmy Hall on harmonica, ***w/Jimmy Hall on
          harmonica, ^w/Deep Banana Blackout horns, +w/Deep Banana Blackout horns and Fuzz from DBB on guitar, #w/
          Lee Roy Parnell on guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii(44k)-> Tascam CDR700(44k), 11th row, dfc, ortf 110 degrees,
06/17/01  All     Louisville, KY - Louisville Motor  Af:D,CD        A    163 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Deep Banana Blackout opened
          general admission; * with Deep Banana Blackout Horn Section:   Hope Clayburn: Alto Sax,  Rob
          Somerville:  Tenor Sax,  Bryan Smith:  Trombone; ** with Deep Banana Blackout Horn Section and Hope
          Clayburn: Backing vocals, Fuzz: Guitar, Johnny Durkin: Percussion
          3 CD's, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii(44k)-> Tascam CDR700(44k),  about 40' from stage in the center, mic's run
          about 14' high
06/19/01  All     Poughkeepsie, NY - Mid-Hudson      Af:D,CD        A-/A 175 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> GP ADC20>    
          Deep Banana Blackout opened
          ~ = w/  w/Deep Banana Blackout horns; * = w/ w/Deep Banana Blackout horns, Hope Clayburn, backing
          vocals, Fuzz, guitar, Johnny Durkin, percussion
          3 CD's, 44k, "Neumann KM184's into a Lunatec -> Graham Patten ADC-20->DA-P1" 17th (N) row, Neumann
          KM184 > Lunatec V2 > ADC-20 -> DA-P1.  SV-3200 > ProDiff Plus using Samplitude
06/22/01  All     Camden, NJ - Tweeter Center        Af:D,CD        A-/A 200 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> GP ADC20>    
          Deep Banana Blackout opened
          ~ = w/  w/Deep Banana Blackout horns, Hope Clayburn, backing vocals, Fuzz, guitar, Johnny Durkin,
          percussion' * = w/ w/Deep Banana Blackout horns, Eric Kalb, drums
          3 CD's, 44k,  "Neumann KM184's into a Lunatec -> Graham Patten ADC-20->DA-P1" 17th (Q) row, Neumann
          KM184 > Lunatec V2 > ADC-20 -> DA-P1.  SV-3200 > ProDiff Plus using Samplitude
06/24/01  All     Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    Af:D,CD        A-/A 129 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> GP ADC20>    
          NO: Mountain Jam; Deep Banana Blackout opened
          ~ = w/Deep Banana Blackout horns; * = w/Deep Banana Blackout horns and Hope Clayburn, backing vocals
          Fuzz, guitar, Johnny Durkin, percussion, Eric Kalb, drums
          2 CD's, 44k, Waiting on disc 3) "Neumann KM184's into a Lunatec -> Graham Patten ADC-20->DA-P1" 17th
          (J) row, Neumann KM184 > Lunatec V2 > ADC-20 -> DA-P1.  SV-3200 > ProDiff Plus using Samplitude
08/02/01  All     Virginia Beach, VA - GTE           Af:D,CD        A-/A 120 Neumann KM184> MP2> AD 24> M1           
          ~ = w/Jimmy Herring, guitar
          2 CD's, 44k (Neumann KM 184's->MP2->Sonic AD2K+->M1->Tascam CDRW 700; Section 102 Row E in the sweet
          spot on 15' stand)
08/03/01  All     Raleigh, NC - Alltel Pavilion      Af:D,CD        A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Derek Trucks Band opened, Phil & Friends opened, ~ = (w/ Phil, Jimmy, Rob, and John Molo) (Phil oh
          three verses, Oteil on two), * = Derek and Warren each solo with and without slides, ^ (w/ Audley
          2 CD's, 44k, 110 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row Q, seat 20
08/04/01  All     Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless   Af:D,CD        A/A+ 124 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, 100 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row T, seat 12, first few seconds cut/ fades into
          Ain't Wastin Time
08/05/01  All     Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp.        Af:D,CD        A/A+ 130 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Susan Tedeschi Band opened, Phil & Friends opened,
          *w/Chuck Leavell on piano, **w/Dave Schools on bass (no Oteil), ***w/Jimmy Herring on guitar and Chuck
          on piano
          2 CD's, 44k, w/ tracks, taped DFC, row R, seat 29, ortf 110 degrees
08/26/01  All     Hartford, CT - Veterans' Memorial  Af:D,CD        A-/A 159 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> GP ADC20>    
          * with Deep Banana Blackout Horn Section: Hope Clayburn, Rob Somerville, Bryan Smith. ** with DBB horn
          section and Eric Kalb, drums, Johnny Durkin, percussion.
          3 CD's, 44k, 15th row, off center to the right
03/14/02  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           Af:D,CD        A-/A 144 Neumann                                 
          2 CD's, 44k, Neumann -> D8, (patched dat) Sony R300-> Tascam CDRW700
03/15/02  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           Af:D,CD        A-/A 171 Neumann                                 
          w/Kofi Burbridge, piano
          3 CD's, 44k, Neumann -> D8, (patched dat) Sony R300-> Tascam CDRW700
03/16/02  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           Af:D,CD        A-/A 164 Neumann                                 
          3 CD's, 44k, Neumann -> D8, (patched dat) Sony R300-> Tascam CDRW700
08/08/03  All     Atlanta, GA - HiFi Buys            A:D,CD         U    n/a Schoeps mk4 > kc5 > cmc6 > V3 (row      
          * w/ Susan Tedeschi- Trucks on vocal, guitar (no Jaimoe or Marc)
** w/ Yonrico Scott on drums, Karl
          Denson on sax, Warren solo contains 'Instrumental Illness' tease/riff
*** w/ Karl Denson on sax
# Oteil
          solo includes extended 'Georgia on My Mind' and 'Little Martha'
@ w/ Vaylor Trucks on guitar, Chris
          Littlefield (KDTU) on trumpet
$ Warren solo includes 'Day Tripper' tease/riff, 'Blue Sky' features main
          riffs (no vocals)
^ opens w/ Derek/Warren duel
          2 CD's, 44k
08/09/03  All     Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless   M:D,CD         U    n/a DSBD + DAUD matrix (Instant Live)       
          *with Karl Denson, saxophone
#with Paul Riddle, drums
          2 CD's, 44k, "Original splits between discs were d1t07 -> d1t08 & d2t04 was split between disc 2 & 3;
          Repaired Mountain Jam split with Cool Edit Pro; Changed track layout to put show on 2 discs instead of
08/10/03  All     Raleigh, NC - Alltel Pavilion      M:D,CD         U    n/a DSBD / DAUD Matrix (instant live discs) 
          * with Susan Tedeschi, guitar & vocals 
** with Karl Denson, saxophone
*** with Branford Marsalis,
          2 CD's, 44k, "Retracked to put on 2 discs; Original splits between discs were: d1t08 -> d1t09 & d2t03
          -> d2t04; Edited out about 43 seconds of crowd noise at the end of d2t06 (last song); to fit disc 2 on an
          80 minute disc (no music missing)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Allman Brothers ]


05/10/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Market Square      A:D,CD         A-/A 110 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Sundown In The City (free show), with McInally Flats featuring Chris and Chad Pelton then Charlie
          44k, w/ tracks, problems with the first song due to a bad battery but problem resolved halfway through
          that song

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dave Alvin & His Guilty Men ]


01/31/95  All     Hamburg, GER - Unknown             FM:D,CD        A/A+ 80                                          
          German radio
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | America ]


05/00/99  All     Compilation of May 1999            S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD > DAT > Protools > CDWAV > CDR"  This is a 5 song SBD mix of various songs from the May
          of 1999 tour. It somehow got leaked by Trey or the band. Rumor has it that it was mixed for possible
          release. The disc was originally tracked out all screwy with strange gaps of space between the songs.
          TaperWayne cleaned it up, re-tracked it, and burned it again. It's amazing, and well worth it, if you like
          the 1999 tour.
05/04/99  All     Indianapolis, IN - Murat Theatre   A:D,CD         A-/A 131 Neuman 140's> Lunatec v2> sbm1          
          3 CD's, 44k
02/21/01  All     Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       A:D,CD         U    n/a Schoeps CMC6/MK4> SX-M2> AD1000         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps mk4->Schoeps kcy->Schoeps cmc6->Sonosax sx-m2*->Apogee ad1000 (@44.1 KHz)->Sony
          M1 (patch)" *Lost the Sonosax sx-m2 in second set w/ power trouble.  Sony M1->Zoltrix Nightingale->Cool
          Edit->CDWav->SHN - Converted by Dave Pernal 
02/22/01  All     Syracuse, NY - Landmark Theatre    A:D,CD         U    n/a MBHO 603a/KA200n> Stewart BPS1> DAP1    
          3 CD's, 44k, "MBHO 603a/KA200n (cardioid)>stewart BPS-1>Tascam dap-1, conversion: tascam da20mkII> coax
          cable>audiowerk 2 digital input card (coax)>wav>shn", dfc 1st row taper's section, Taped and converted by:
          Ian Stone (
02/23/01  All     NYC, NY - Roseland Ballroom        A:D,CD         U    n/a Schoeps CMC6/MK41> EAA PSP-2> DA-P1     
          3 CD's, 44k, DAUD/OTS Schoeps CMC6/mk41 > EAA PSP-2 > DAP1 @44.1k,  Master (DAP1 patch, canare coax
          cable) used in below transfer, Conversion:     Fostex D5 > Monster Optical > Sek'd Prodif Plus >
          Samplitude v5.5 > CD Wave > mkwACT v0.97
02/24/01  All     Philadelphia, PA - Tower Theatre   A:D,CD         U    n/a Schoeps cmc6/mk4 -> dmic 20 -> Sony D8  
          3 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps cmc6/mk4 -> dmic 20 -> Sony D8 -> HHB professional CD recorder (model unknown) ->
          EAC -> SHN"
02/26/01  All     Cleveland, OH - State Theatre      A:D,CD         A    49  Schoeps CMC64> Lunatec V2> ADC20> D8    
           * - Marc Ribot cover, no horns, played on 1st Trey solo tour. ** - Trey and Tony acoustic. *** - Trey
          solo acoustic. **** - horns only. ^ - Trey and Tony acoustic with horns. ^^ - electric, same as the
          acoustic song from Roseland show. ^^^ - no horns, long and ambient Trey keyboard solo in the middle.
          3 CD's, 44k, taped by Kyle Gilfillan (my clone from the master), A:Dat Master-> my Dat (44k)-> Tascam
          CDR700 (44k).
02/27/01  All     Blacksburg, VA - Buruss            A:D,CD         A-/A 156 MtG 210> oade m248> hhb                 
          # - with "Pass the Peas" teases by Grippo. * - Tony on upright bass. ** - Trey solo acoustic. *** -
          Someone yelled, "say something Trey," to which he responded, "alright, i'll say something." He then
          proceeded to introduce the band, and explained (again) how "At the Gazebo" is the companion to "At the
          3 CD's, 44k
02/28/01  All     Richmond, VA - Landmark Theater    A:D,CD         A-/A 180 MtG 210> oade m248> hhb                 
          # - Trey on keys. ## - Full band with Trey and Tony acoustic. The crowd was yelling, "Virginia loves
          you, Trey!" He said back "Thank you, I love virginia too...very cool place to play music. Hey, isn't that
          famous line 'Virginia is for lovers?'" Then Trey said, well, shit then, I don't know what to say, I'm
          originally from Jersey, what the f*%# comment would you say about that?" Tony reminded him that it is the
          Garden State, and Trey said "more like the Garbage state," he then said "New Jersey is for turnpikes, I
          guess.". ### - Trey solo acoustic. ^ - With Dave Matthews on guitar and vocals for "Everyday" and "Birds,"
          and on vocals for "Whatever..." and "Higher.". * - Dave Matthews Band song from the album of the same name
          released this week. ** - just Trey and Dave; Bob Marley cover from Exodus. *** - John Lennon cover. **** -
          Sly and the Family Stone cover.
          3 CD's, 44k
07/26/01  All     Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amp.        A:D,CD         A-/A 216 AKG 461> Lunatec V2> SBM-1> D8          
          * Original Lyrics with Trey/Jennifer dance. ** For Chris Kuroda!
          Trey Anastasio - guitar and vocals, Tony Markellis - bass, Russ Lawton - drums, Dave Grippo -
          saxophone, Andy Moroz - trombone, Jennifer Hartswick - trumpet, Russell Remington - saxophone and Ray
          Paczkowski - keyboards.
          3 CD's, 44k
06/23/02  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    Af:D,CD        A    216 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> Benchmark AD2K> PC 
          4 CD's, 44k, "Source: FOB, on 7' stand, ~45' from stage.  B&K 4011>Lunatec V2 >Benchmark AD2K+ @ 24/48
          > S/PDIF > VX Pocket > Vegas Video 3.0 > .wav > Soundforge 5.0 (REsample to 44.1 at highest quality
          setting (4/4), w/ anti-alias filter, then dither to 16 bit using highpass triangular dither and high-pass
          contour noise shaping)> CDWAV 1.53>MKW0.97b>.shn w/ seek tables appended.  Recording by Gunner.  Patch and
          .wav>.shn by Jamie Lutch.  This show is also available as 24bit, 48K .ape files.  No DAT gen,DAE, or
          unneccesary resampling was performed on this waveform
07/06/02  All     Hinesburg, VT - Private Party      S:D,CD         A/A+ 125                                         
          Rob Dasaro - keys, vocals
Steve Drebber - drums, vocals
Jim Tasse - bass, vocals
with special
Trey Anastasio - guitar
"Mr. Charlie" Frazier - blues harp
          2 CD's, 44k, "DSBD > DAT > Audio CD; EAC > wav > mkw act > SHN (March 2003)"  Background on the show &
          cds, provided by Steve Drebber :  Two days before Doctor Jones was supposed to play at this private party
          our guitar player Casey Grant's father-in-law died suddenly. We knew our college friend Trey was going to
          be at the party and asked if he would play a few songs with us to fill the guitar slot. Trey showed up and
          encouraged everyone to to try mezcal shots with listerine cool mint gel tabs on their tongues. Trey dubbed
          the new drink sensation a "chrysalis". The mezcal combined with some excellent brownies 
inspired the
          interpration of the music. Trey had never heard the original tunes that we ran through that night, 
          probably had not played many of the cover tunes in years.  The show is loose but provides several moments
          of great jamming. It is an interesting historical document at any rate. Presently there are fewer than 20
          copies in circulation (Jan 2003).

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Trey Anastasio ]


07/30/99  All     Philadelphia, PA - Tin Angel       S:D,CD         A/A+ 71                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Animus ]


12/31/94  All     Athens, GA - Georgia Theatre       S:?,CD         A/A+ 104                                         
          (White Buffalo and Government Mules opened)
          * - with Warren Haynes on slide guitar, Allen Woody on mandolin, Matt Abts on drums
** - with Haynes,
          Woody, Abts, and Roosevelt on vocals
*** - with Haynes and Woody
**** - with Roosevelt
***** - Jeff and
          Abts on drums, Oteil and Roosevelt on vocals
          2 CD's, 44k
11/08/97  All     Ferndale, MI - Magic Bag           S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, downloaded, md5=OK, may be a matrix "DSBD + Microtech Geffell SMS-200 > Beyerdynamic
          MV-100 > D7 (mixed in post-production)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Aquarium Rescue Unit ]


05/04/54  All     Chapel Hill, NC - UNC              S:?,CD         A    121                                         
          no setlist
          b. New Orleans, 4 Aug 1901; d. 6 July 1971.; Kenny John - drums, ...
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Louis Armstrong ]


06/12/98  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  S:Cm,CD        A    63                                          
          no setlist (18 tracks)
          1924 - 2001
          1 CD, 44k, slight hiss, w/ between-song editing

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Chet Atkins ]


??/??/78  All     Athens, GA - Unknown               FM:?,CD        A    41                                          
          8 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, recording sounds a little fast, funny stage banter
05/26/78  All     NYC, NY - Max's Kansas City        Af:Cm,CD       A-   77  Shure mic-> Uher deck                   
          (32 tracks)
          Teenage Jesus & the Jerks may have opened for the B52's.
          1 CD, 44k, from the master (taped by Grape), "Uher deck with a Shure mic in the right channel.  I
          doubled the right channel after I EAC'd the cdr (AUD:cassette master -> cdr) using CoolEdit. I didn't do
          any other processing with cool edit except fade ins and outs."  "Max's Kansas City is very small. About 10
          rows from the stage/stack. Nice corner table was my favorite spot."
05/28/78  All     NYC, NY - Max's Kansas City        Af:Cm,CD       A-/A 72  Shure mic-> Uher deck                   
          1 CD, 44k, from the master (taped by Grape), "Uher deck with a Shure mic in the right channel.  I
          doubled the right channel after I EAC'd the cdr (AUD:cassette master -> cdr) using CoolEdit. I didn't do
          any other processing with cool edit except fade ins and outs." "Max's Kansas City is very small. About 10
          rows from the stage/stack. Nice corner table was my favorite spot."
06/07/79  Partial NYC, NY - Mudd Club                A:Cm,CD        U    n/a Shure mic-> Uher deck                   
          ON: B-52's 5/26/78
          1 CD, 44k, from the master (taped by Grape), "Uher deck with a Shure mic in the right channel.  I
          doubled the right channel after I EAC'd the cdr (AUD:cassette master -> cdr) using CoolEdit. I didn't do
          any other processing with cool edit except fade ins and outs."
08/24/79  All     Boston, MA - Berklee College of    FM:Cm,C,C,CD   A-/A 69                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/13/79  All     Dallas, TX - The Palladium         A:Cm,C,C,CD    A-/A 48  Neumann KU100-> Marantz PMD-340         
          1 CD, 44k, I rec'd this on cassette and transfered this cassette to cdr (JVC TD-V621-> Tascam CDRW700),
          [cf] in 'Private Idaho'; The B-52's show was recorded with a very odd microphone that was supposed to be
          shaped like a human head!  I am not sure what this mic was called but it seems that it was all the rage in
          high end taping circles in the '70's.  I do know the deck the guy used was a Marantz PMD-340.  "Neumann
          KU100, aka "Fritz".  High-quality binaural stereo recording in a human-head-shaped object"
08/25/80  All     NYC, NY - Central Park             A:?,CD         A-   63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, Wolfman Skating Rink, Central Park, NYC, NY
11/02/80  Partial Washington, D.C. - The Bayou       A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 41                                          
          9 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
03/02/81  Partial Washington, D.C. - The Bayou       A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A n/a                                         
          ON: 11/2/80 as filler
          1 CD, 44k
11/26/82  All     Freeport Zone, JAM - World Music   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 42                                          
          other artist(s): Bobby And The Midnites, Jimmy Cliff, Grateful Dead, Gladys Knight & The Pips, Ronnie
          Milsap, Peter Tosh
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD > Festival Master Cassette > D > D > SSSB"; encore missing; any/all editing, fades, NR,
          hiss elimination, phase shifting/"time smear" correction, jitter elimination, EQ were performed using 100%
          digital processing (24-bit/96 kHz) at Serafin Station Studio B [this show was released 07/00]
02/04/02  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             A:D,CD         A-/A 83                                          
          w/ various members of the Tom Tom Club (Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth), 25th anniversary party in
          Irving Plaza in New York City. "Chicks on Speed, the German electro-girls-trio from Berlin will also make
          an appearance. The Chicks covered and three B-52's songs on their Ep "Chix 52" and are rumoured to be
          working on a cover version of Tom Tom Club's "Wordy Rappinghood". "
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | B-52's ]


??/??/74  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A    48                                          
          no setlist
          ex-Guess Who guitarist Randy Bachman (vocals/bass), his brothers Robbie (drums), and guitarists Fred
          Turner and Chad Allen (who was also from Guess Who)
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bachman-Turner Overdrive ]


09/29/95  All     Frankfurt, GER - Jazz Festival     FM:Cm,D,CD     A/A+ 70                                          
          9 tracks
          GB, Bill Frisell, Charlie Haden
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ginger Baker ]


10/22/66  Early   Ann Arbor, MI - Hill Auditorium    S:Rm,R,D,CD    U    55  SBD: 4-track Rm> 2 track Reel> DAT> CD  
          1 CD, 44k
10/22/66  Late    Ann Arbor, MI - Hill Auditorium    S:Rm,R,D,CD    U    69  SBD: 4-track Rm> 2 track Reel> DAT> CD  
          1 CD, 44k, 18 minutes of filler from Beach Boys 9/11/67 Studio Sessions

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beach Boys ]


05/22/92  All     Trenton, NJ - City Gardens         S:D,CD         A/A+ 88                                          
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700) transferred by Delano
01/01/94  Mix     Turning Japanese                   S:?,BCD,CD     A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "In Concert and Beyond" - "Bootleg #RTT 005; CD->EAC->.shn"; a mix of various
06/15/96  Most    San Francisco, CA - Golden Gate    S:?,CD         A    44                                          
          17 tracks
          Tibetan Freedom Festival; NO: Sabotage, Sabrosa, Sureshot, Saba Violence
          1 CD, 44k
06/20/98  All     Loreley, GER - Freilichtbuhne      S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beastie Boys ]


08/23/64  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl     S:?,CD         A-   45                                          
          partial setlist (Basic early Beatles tunes)
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/65  All     Rubber Soul Outtakes               Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 64                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/20/65  Both    Paris, FRA - Unknown               S:?,CD         A-/A 52                                          
          both early and late shows
          1 CD, 44k,
??/??/68  All     Sgt. Pepper (m) /Magical Mystery   Sto:Rm,?,BCD   A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Capitol Versions - Sgt. Pepper (Mono)/Magical Mystery Tour (Stereo)"
??/??/68  All     The White Album - Mono             Sto:Rm,?,BCD   A/A+ 145                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Capitol Versions - "The White Album" (Mono) - 2CD Set"
??/??/68  All     Private Psychedelic Reel           Sto:Rm,?,BCD   A    43                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "This CD Digipak release from Flashback Is very well packaged, with fold-out cardboard cover
          with lavish photos Inside to reveal a drum kit housing the picture CD. That's about It!! The contents of
          the CD Is rubbish, just outtfakes of commercially released Beatles tracks, some of the songs are half
          channel reprocessed, or an early attempt at OOPSing (Out Of Phase Stereo) tracks, which has not been done
          very well at all, the hum on most of the songs are enough to do your head in.
??/??/68  All     The Lost Pepperland Reel And       Sto:Rm,?,BCD   A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Lost Pepperland Reel And Other Rarities"
05/2?/68  All     Beatles Unplugged                  Sto:Rm,?,CD    A    74                                          
          acoutic, looks like practice for the White Album
          1 CD, 44k, songs fade out, "Complete Reel, The Kinfaun Demos Recorded At Georges' May 20-29
??/??/69  All     Jammin' W/ Heather                 S:?,CD         A    53                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like a sound check prior to a TV show, you can hear a a voice test "1,2,3" and "check
          camera 1", Get Back Sessions
01/06/69  All     'Get Back' Recording Sessions      S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          This Disc Gives Us An Insight Into The Beatles 'Get Back' Recording Sessions From January 6 1969
          1 CD, 44k, "Leaning On A Lamppost" (YELLOW DOG RECORDS 1996 YD-067),
01/30/69  All     London, ENG - Apple, 3 Saville     S:Rm,?,D,CD    A/A+ 35                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [Tascam DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870], "Roof Top Session"
02/??/69  All     Abbey Road Outtakes                Sto:Rm,?,CD    A/A+ 120                                         
          (Feb 1969, Jan 1970)
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beatles ]


02/13/97  All     Davis, CA - Freeborn Hall, U. of   A:D,CD         A/A+ 94  Schoeps Mk4> D                          
          2 CD's, 44k, DA-20mkii -> Phillips 870-> Plex 8/20
02/14/97  All     Santa Cruz, CA - Auditorium        A:D,CD         A/A+ 99  Schoeps MK-4V>D                         
          2 CD's, 44k, DA-20mkii -> Phillips 870-> Plex 8/20
05/02/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Bill Graham    A:D,CD         A-   124 Core Sound Binaurals> M1> CDR           
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Beck ]


02/??/72  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          FM:D,CD        A/A+ 54                                          
          Jeff Beck - guitar, Max Littleton - piano, Bob Tansion - Vox & guitar, Clive Sherman - bass, Cozy
          Powell - drums
          1 CD, 44k, "DFM"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jeff Beck ]


11/06/79  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 44                                          
          (6 tracks)
          "$1.09 Night Out At The Agora", she is the opening act
          1 CD, 44k, missing 1 track marker, WMMS-FM > Cleveland OHIO > Master SBD PRE FM Reels to CDR

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pat Benetar ]


07/19/74  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood          S:?,D,CD       A/A+ 59                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | George Benson ]


11/03/74  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        FM:?,CD        A-/A 66                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/14/78  All     Essen, GER - Gruga Halle           S:Rm,D,CD      A    89                                          
          Rockpalast Rocknight 4.-5. March 1978
          w/ Great Southern, Spirit also played (their last show) and concluded with a jam with Dickey Betts.
          "Dickey Betts and Great Southern are the third attraction at the Rockpalast Festival on March 4th and 5th.
          On those evenings, they were to be the second American band debuting in Europe before an audience of
          millions in the Gruga-Halle, along with Mother´s Finest."; Dickey Betts - guitar; Dan Toler - guitar;
          David Toler - dr,perc; Dani Sharbono - dr,perc; David Godflies - bass; Michael Workman - keyb
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD-> TV Broadcast-> Master Reel-> Dat-> cdr"
08/11/78  All     Long Island, NY - Calderone        FM:Rm,D,CD     A    88                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD-> FM-> Master Reel-> Dat-> cdr"
02/10/83  All     Richmond, VA - Unknown             S:?,CD         A-/A 76                                          
          no setlist
          BHLT - Betts, Jimmie Hall, Chuck Leavell, Butch Trucks
          1 CD, 44k
04/28/85  All     Roslyn, NY - My Father's Place     S:Cm,C,*,CD    A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "MCASS>Cass>Sound ForgeXP>CD"
04/14/96  All     R&R HOF VIP Show - Cleveland, OH.  Af:D,CD        A    51  Schoeps CMC54>Sonosax SX-M2> modc       
          Acoustic show, w/ Warren Haynes and Allen Woody, * extra verse in Ramblin Man
          1 CD, 44k, "Schoeps CMC54>Sonosax SX-M2> modc Casio DA-R100"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dickey Betts ]


07/??/73  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:Rm,C,*,CD   A/A+ 132                                         
          Filler: Robin Trower 1/13/73
          * = w/ Steve Miller
          2 CD's, 44k, "FM>REEL>NAK>COMP>DNR>EQ>CD"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Elvin Bishop ]


10/12/99  All     NYC, NY - Roseland Ballroom        S:D,CD         A/A+ 114                                         
          review of show (
          2 CD's, 44k, I have the corrected disc #1 (from the master discs) which does not have the flaws on
          tracks 7 & 8
09/21/00  All     NYC, NY - Roseland Ballroom        A:D,CD         A-/A 64  Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000          
          "One For Woody"
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Black Crowes ]


11/23/59  All     Stockholm, SWE - Unknown           S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "MR>DAT>CD" "There are gaps between the tracks, but I believe this is how the show
          circulates" - sounds like preFM between song editing

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Art Blakey ]


06/07/69  All     London, ENG - Hyde Park            S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 72                                          
          "Blind Dominoes"
          1 CD, 44k, w/ art in email file
06/18/69  All     Konserthallen Liseberg, Liseberg   S:D            U    n/a                                         
          (1) 1st studio session with Baker, Clapton, Winwood 1969
(2) alternative studio version - unreleased -
(3) Live Gothenburg 18/06/69
EC/Rick Grech (Bass)/Steve Winwood (Keyboards)/Ginger Baker (Drums)
          1 CD, 44k, ""Can't Find My Way Home" - Traditional Line - TL 1321 - 5"
07/26/69  All     West Allis, WI - State Fair Park   S:Rm,C2,CD     B    41                                          
          Discovered (Spring 99); I have cassettes made from a copy of the discovered masters.  These shows did
          not previously circulate. This show has had noise reduction (Sound Forge).
08/16/69  All     Santa Barbara, CA - Santa Barbara  A:Rm,C2,CD     BAD  45                                          
          "Blind Faith" was on the top of the bill then "Bonnie, Delaney & Friends" and then "Free".
          Discovered Spring 99; I have cassettes made from a copy of the discovered masters.  These shows did not
          previously circulate.  This show has had noise reduction (Sound Forge).
08/26/69  All     UCLA Pavley Pavilion Los Angeles   A:?,CD         B+   56                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blind Faith ]


10/04/78  All     Boston, MA - The Paradise Theatre  S:?,LP,C,CD    A-/A n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, some minor background hiss/ static
12/31/79  All     London, ENG - Unknown              FM:Cm,D,CD     A-/A 155                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, no tracks, "FM Cass > DAT deck (for A/D conversion)>CDR"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blondie ]


02/05/00  All     Hartford, CT - Webster Theatre     S:D,CD         A/A+ 159                                         
          3 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blue Floyd ]


09/24/99  1p,2    Knoxville, TN - Bird's Eye View    Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          no setlist
          3 CD's, 44k, I have the whole show but would only recommend the last 2 disks due recording
          difficulties, the rest is very sweet! [Sony R500-> Phillips CDR870]
06/07/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Market Square      Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blueground Undergrass ]


12/31/78  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     FM:D,CD        A    51                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blues Brothers ]


12/21/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       Af:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps                                 
          Warren Haynes Xmas Jam
          1 CD, 44k
07/04/03  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           Af:D,CD        A-/A 172                                         
          * with Ziggy Marley on vocals
- First "Support Your Local Emperor" sinnce 11/27/98.
- Entire
          show was filmed for a DVD to be released in winter 2003.
          3 CD's, 44k, "Elation KM201's>Lunatec V2>D8, DFC above tunnel behind board; by Dave Mallick
          []; SHNs were made: DA-20>Egosys Waveterminal U2A>Sound Studio
          2.0.7>AIFF>shntool>shnv3; by Dave Mallick [] ", I (Delano) boosted the low
          volume at the start of Carolina using SF4.5

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Blues Traveler ]


10/14/86  All     Houston, TX - Rockefellers         FM:?,CD        A-   78                                          
          no setlist (21 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like an FM with slight reception issues

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | BoDeans ]


??/??/73  All     Hollywood, CA - Paramount          S:?,BCD,CD     A    45                                          
          James Booker, John Boudreaux, Jessie Hill, Richard "Didimus" Washington, David Lastie, Alvin "Shine"
          Washington.  The master tapes of this legendary session mysteriously disappeared not long after they were
          made - not too surprising when you hear stories of how Booker, a scathing self critic, used to smash
          records of himself as a matter of course. Luckily, almost 20 years later, the engineer and co-producer of
          the session, Daniel J. Moore, found a reel of mixes from the session, which is the basis for this CD. The
          record boasts an all star cast of New Orleans players, mostly members of Dr. John's band in the early 70s
          (Booker himself functioned as a sometime organist for Dr. John around that time), including Jessie Hill,
          Didimus Washington, Alvin "Shine" Robinson, David Lastie, and legendary New Orleans funk drummer John
          Boudreaux. But what really shines about this record is Booker; he absolutely tears it up in every regard,
          the little Spinet upright he chose to play never knew what hit it. Booker's version of "Junco Pardner" is
          in many people's mind's the definitive one and his driving funky "Goodnight Irene" is soulful piano funk
          at it's finest. Other standout cuts include the joyful "So Swell When Your Well" and the amazing
          instrumental "African Gumbo". It would be well advised for any young musician who wants to learn the
          subtle intricacies of New Orleans funk to use "The Lost Paramount Tapes" as a text book, and study hard. A
          true treasure in the annals of New Orleans music history.
          1 CD, 44k, "The Lost Paramount Tapes", (DJM Records), fades in and out after songs
10/29/76  All     Hamburg, GER - Onkel Po's          S:?,LP,CD      U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, some clicks between tracks from LP
??/??/77  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       S:CD           A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Resurrection of the Bayou Maharajah: Live at the Maple Leaf Bar, New Orleans, LA,
          1977-1983" "Rounder CD 2118"
??/??/77  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       S:CD           A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Spiders on the Keys: Live at the Maple Leaf Bar, New Orleans, LA, 1977-1983"
          "Rounder CD 2119"
10/11/77  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
05/09/78  All     New Orleans, LA - Rozy's           A:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
04/22/80  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       A:?,CD         A    45                                          
          no setlist (7 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
04/20/81  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       A:?,CD         A-/A 46                                          
          no setlist (10 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/82  All     Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park  S:?,CD         A    43                                          
          no setlist (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
05/07/82  All     New Orleans, LA - Kozy Corner Cafe A:Cm,?,CD      A-/A 52                                          
          no setlist (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, last song cut

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Booker ]


03/05/67  All     Paris, FRA - Olympia Theater       S:?,CD         A    31                                          
          12 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
04/15/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Matrix         S:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          partial setlist
          Booker T. Jones, Steve Cropper, Donald "Duck" Dunn, Lewis Steinberg (The MGs (short for Memphis
          Group)), "possibly the first bi-racial band in the segregated South"
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss
02/07/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          14 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
08/27/95  All     San Rafeal, CA - Marin County      S:D,CD         A/A+ 67                                          
          Steve Cropper - guitar, Steve Potts - drums, Donald 'Duck' Dunn - bass, Booker T Jones
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Booker T & the MG's ]


09/27/76  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A    58                                          
          (10 tracks) missing Encore: Party
          1 CD, 44k, WMMS-FM > Cleveland OHIO > Master SBD PRE FM Reels to CDR
10/16/77  All     Long Beach, CA - Long Beach Arena  S:?,CD         A    56                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Boston ]


10/20/70  All     Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica    S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          no setlist
          Ziggy Stardust
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Bowie ]


05/11/00  All     Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D,CD        A-   105 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, [Sony PCMR500 (48k)-> Phillips CDR870 (44k)]

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | BR-549 ]


11/27/69  All     Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt am      S:?,CD         B+   68                                          
          no setlist (15 tracks)
          w/ Eric Clapton &
          1 CD, 44k
02/07/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            A:?,BCD,CD     B+   100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Comin' Home"
02/19/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,CD         A-   37                                          
          ON: Wonder NYC '72
          w/ Eric Clapton
          1 CD, 44k, lots of hiss
07/21/71  All     NYC, NY - A&R Studios              Fp:Rm,D,CD     A    72                                          
          Acoustic & Electric sets, W/ Duane Allman (slide during acoustic), Gregg Allman, Jaimoe, and King
          Curtis (temor sax). Last Live performance of King Curtis.  Broadcast by WPLJ in NY.
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Delaney & Bonnie Bramlett ]


03/28/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "(preFM) Master reel> DAT (X2), CDR"
05/??/75  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 30                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD A+ (not from FM...from master reels)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Brewer & Shipley ]


03/03/72  All     NYC, NY - Free Music Store         PreFM:Rm,C,C   A/A+ n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Free Music Store, WBAI-FM"; David Bromberg, guitar & mandolin; Kenny Kosek, fiddle; Andy
          Statman, mandolin; Steve Burgh, bass; Gary Sun Luck, conga; Jeff Gutcheon, piano; Erik Frandsen, jaw's
          harp; Pre-FM master soundboard reel in WBAI studio -> master cassette -> CD-R; * There are some saturation
          problems in the beginning of the song.
This was in the soundboard mix.

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Bromberg ]


12/15/79  Late    Boulder, CO - Unknown              S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          (15 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, probably an outdoor venue, definitely has some pops/clicks (may be from FM broadcast)
??/??/80  All     Charly Blues Legends 4             S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, [Charly Blues Schallpfatten, CD CBL 753]
02/04/84  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       S:?,CD         A    56                                          
          (11 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
06/10/84  All     Houston, TX - Unknown Location     A:Rm,D,C,CD    A-/A 55                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/04/85  All     Fort Worth, TX - Caravan of Dreams S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, [Rounder CD 2054, 1987]
03/01/87  All     Minneapolis, MN - 1st Avenue       S:?,CD         A/A+ 76                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
12/11/93  Early   San Antonio, TX - Billy Blue's     S:Cm,C,C,DCD   A    80                                          
          Great setlist, great show.
          fantastic show.  This show had to get into the digital realm, if only in a 2nd gen cassette lineage!
          "Thank you humanoids for leaving your container you call home"
          1 CD, 44k  This is one of the few remnants of my once great, analog collection.  My cassette (gen
          2/Maxell XLIIS from 3-head deck)> Sony R500(SBM1/44k)+tracks>DA20mkii (playback)->Tascam CDR700.  There is
          a  analog buzz during first 40 minutes (SoundForge anyone??).
05/18/00  All     Maui, HI - Arts & Cultural Center  A:D,CD         A-   77  Core Sound Binaurals> D8                
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "CSB>D8 from the front row mezz in a 1200 seat theater"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown ]


10/24/62  All     NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre       S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 32                                          
          1 CD, 44k, w/ art
06/25/67  All     NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre       S:?,CD         A    77                                          
          15 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, slight hiss
04/05/68  All     Boston, MA - Unknown               S:?,CD         A-/A 72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, *Please, Don't Burn Down The City, A day after the MLK Assassination, JB calms potential
          rioting.  (MLK was killed 4/4/68); Quality note: The vocal mike is a little rough(sounds overloaded), but
          overall it sounds pretty good.  This is probably the last part of the 2 disc 4/7/68 show
04/07/68  All     Martin Luther King Benefit         S:?,CD         A-   109                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "These 2 discs are probably the 1st part of the 4/5/68 show"
08/26/68  All     Dallas, TX - Unknown               S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 6/18/68,  I think this may be "Say It Live And Loud: Live In Dallas 08.26.68",
          aproximately 2 minutes of silence at the end
10/14/69  All     Cincinatti, OH - Unknown           S:?,CD         A    65                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, Music Hall?
11/01/69  All     Augusta, GA - Bell Auditorium      S:?,CD         A    65                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Sex Machine", also seen as 10/1/69
03/08/71  All     Paris, FRA - Olympia Theater       S:?,CD         A    65                                          
          James Brown- Vocals (organ solo on "Ain't It Funky Now"); Bobby Byrd- M.C., Vocals, Organ; with the
          JB's; Darryl (Hasaan) Jamison- Trumpet; Clayton (Chicken) Gunnells- Trumpet; Fred Wesley- Trombone; St.
          Clair Pickney- tenor saxophone; Phelps (Catfish) Collins- Lead Guitar; Hearlon (Cheese) Martin- rythm
          guitar; William (Bootsy) Collins- Bass; John (Jabo) Starks- Drums; Don Juan (Tiger) Martin- Drums
          1CD; 44k
07/23/71  All     NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre       pFM:?,CD       A    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, I think this is "Revolution Of The Mind: Live At The Apollo, Vol. III"
??/??/73  All     Lucerne, SWI - Unknown             S:?,CD         A    103                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
09/01/74  All     Kinshasa, Zaire, AFR - Kinshasa    preFM:?,CD     A-/A 66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, crowd noise fades in/out at end/start of songs
1976      All     Live, Unreleased, & B-Sides        S:?,CD         A/A+ 146                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, a mix of songs (w/ dates) from 1971-76
05/??/79  All     Santa Cruz, CA - Unknown           TV:VHS,CD      A-/A 60                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/80  All     Atlanta, GA - Chastain Park        S:?,D,CD       A/A+ 70                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
01/01/80  All     Atlanta, GA - Center Stage         S:?,CD         A/A+ 64                                          
          w/ Maceo Parker, Wes Montgomery, John Belushi, Dan Akroyd (Blues Brothers)
          1 CD, 44k, missing some track marks
03/26/80  All     NYC, NY - Studio 54                S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "At Studio 54", w/ artwork
11/27/87  All     Bridgeport, CT - Unknown           S:Cm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/20/91  All     Atlanta, GA - Unknown              A:D,VHS,CD     A-   75                                          
          no setlist
          "dat>hifi", the tracks are incorrectly set
10/21/92  All     San Francisco, CA - Hilton Hotel   S:D,CD         A/A+ 70                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
??/??/95  All     NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre       S:CD           A+   75                                          
          1 CD, "Live at the Apollo 1995"
10/04/98  All     Gainesville, FL - Alachua Music    S:D,CD         A/A+ 132                                         
          * = w/ Bo Diddley, someone throws a bottle on the stage during Living In America,
          2 CD's, 44k, noticeable grounding hum at start
07/23/99  All     Rome, NY - Woodstock               preFM:?,CD     A    75                                          
          EAST STAGE, 12:00-1:15 PM, kicked off Woodstock '99, site of the former Griffiss Air Force Base
          1 CD, 44k, soome occasional static

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Brown ]


10/07/93  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          S:D,CD         A/A+ 104                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
04/30/94  All     Wilksboro, NC - Merlefest          S:D,CD         A+   65                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Junior Brown ]


08/15/73  All     Bryn Mawr, PA - The Main Point     FM:?,CD        A/A+ 70                                          
          w/David Lindley
          1 CD, 44k
10/09/73  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        FM:?,CD        A    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jackson Browne ]


08/19/71  All     London, ENG - Paris Theatre        S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 56                                          
          Jack Bruce & Friends, * = w/ Grahm Bond
          1 CD, 44k, "In Concert for the BBC"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jack Bruce ]


12/10/92  All     San Juan Capistrano, CA - The      S:?,CD         A/A+ 75                                          
          Besides a few cameos and TV appearances, Buckingham hadn't played in public since 1982, when he was a
          member of Fleetwood Mac. 1st of 2 nights.
          1 CD, 44k, this guy has great control of the guitar
12/11/92  All     San Juan Capistrano, CA - The      FM:?,CD        A/A+ 71                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lindsey Buckingham ]


11/11/99  All     Boulder, CO - The Boulder Theatre  A:D,CD         A-   132                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
02/25/00  All     Portland, OR - Arlene Schnitzer    A:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          Ruben Gonzales & Ibrahim Ferrer
          2 CD's, 44k
10/13/00  All     Milwaukee, WI - Marcus             Af:md,CD       B+   83  sound pro's cards>sony md               
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds distant with some crowd chatter, clapping, quality ranges between B+ to A-
10/13/00  All     Milwaukee, WI - Marcus             Af:md,CD       U    n/a Sony SP-CMC-4> SP BPF-2> Sony MZR37     
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, Sound Professionals SP-CMC-4 (cards)> SP-BPF-2 (battery box)> Sony MZR37.  It was recorded
          from the 3rd row about 40 feet from the right stacks.
05/01/01  All     Reykjavik, ICE - Laugardalshollin  FM:D,CD        A+   144                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Buena Vista Social Club ]


04/05/68  All     Long Beach, CA - Long Beach Arena  S:Rm,D,CD      B+   56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (sound ranges from A to B+) "master reel>DAT>CDR" may be 5/5/68, sounds overloaded/slightly
          muffled at times (could be degradation of the original reel); 'Bluebird' is cut
04/20/68  All     Dallas, TX - Market Hall           S:?,CD         A-/A 63                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Buffalo Springfield ]


10/01/74  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:Rm,D,CD     A    62                                          
          w/ Jerry Jeff Walker
          1 CD, 44k, "(FM Reel's-> Dat-> CD)"
09/10/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Boarding House FM:Rm,D,CD     A/A+ 79                                          
          part 1 is on Buffet 10/1/74
          1 CD, 44k "(FM Reel's-> Dat-> CD)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jimmy Buffett ]


09/27/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Market Square      Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          #18 in the Sundown in the City series, Uptown Bogarts opened
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Burning Spear ]


04/26/98  All     New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds      FM:D,CD        A    47                                          
          no setlist
          New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival
          1 CD, 44k
08/27/00  All     Oxford, MS - The Grove Stage       S:D,CD         A    70                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | RL Burnside ]


05/??/66  All     Boston, MA - Unicorn Coffee House  S:?,CD         A-   76                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
10/14/66  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,CD         A-/A 45                                          
          1 CD, 44k, vocals are clear, instruments are somewhat subdued and a little muddy (probably weak PA)
09/??/71  All     NYC, NY - Unknown                  FM:?,CD        A/A+ 84                                          
          no setlist
          Broadcast by WPLJ
          2 CD's, 44k
02/23/73  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/27/73  Partial Bearsville, NY - Bearsville Sound  FM:?,CD        A    59                                          
          both Bonnie Raitt and Butterfield sets on this disc
          Paul Butterfield (vocals, acoustic guitar, harp, electric piano); Geoff Muldaur (vocals, slide guitar,
          piano, vibraphone); Amos Garrett (guitar, background vocals); Ronnie Barron (piano, organ, background
          vocals); Billy Rich (bass); Christopher Parker (drums)., * = w/ Bonnie Raitt
          1 CD, 44k, "Better Days, Live" (not the same as the album called 'Better Days'), w/ artwork

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Paul Butterfield Blues Band ]


10/27/78  All     Manchester, UK - The Apollo        FM:?,CD        A/A+ 72                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Buzzcocks ]


??/??/78  All     Ghosts - demos with Brian Eno      Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 48                                          
          no setlist (13 tracks)
          Released in 1981, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts is a collaboration between ambient pioneer Brian Eno
          and Talking Heads frontman David Byrne. On Ghosts, the two strong-willed musicians manage to come to a
          meeting of the minds, blending Byrne's herky-jerky funk with Eno's atmospheric sound sculpting. More than
          anything, this is a large album, intent on pushing itself to the front of the listener's consciousness.
          Abundant percussion (everything from booming tribal drums to eerie electronics) reverberates in the
          background while Byrne and Eno toss all manner of found sounds, field recordings, and radio broadcasts
          into the mix. What results is a groundbreaking album that introduced a generation to the dazzling
          possibilities offered by electronic recording techniques. Highlights include "The Jezebel Spirit," an
          electro-funk workout that uses a recording of an exorcism as its focal point, and "Very, Very Hungry," a
          mysteriously ethereal display of electronic percussion and large-scale sonic architecture.
          1 CD, 44k, "Ghosts" (Klondyke Records KR 21) I think this is outtakes from 'My Life in The Bush of
          Ghosts' on Sire Rec. (may be from '81)
02/24/92  All     Brooklyn Heights, NY - St. Ann &   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 62                                          
          "Drum Solo"
          1 CD, 44k, not the same as 3/24/92
03/01/92  partial Hamburg, GER - N.D.R. Studios      S:?,CD         U    38                                          
          ON: Byrne 12/13/92
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK
03/05/92  All     Hamburg, GER - N.D.R. Studios      Sto:?,CD       A+   44                                          
          check setlist
          1 CD, 44k
10/31/92  All     Redbank, NJ - Count Basie Theater  S:D,CD         A/A+ 146                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
12/13/92  All     San Francisco, CA - Unknown        S:?,CD         U    44                                          
          FILLER: Byrne, 3/1/92
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK
10/28/93  All     Port Chester, NY - 7 Willow Street S:?,CD         A/A+ 91                                          
          check setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds like there are some freaks in the crowd
12/23/93  All     NYC, NY - CBGB's                   A:D,*CD        A-/A 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "A:D,CD-> EAC -> Soundforge 4.5-> CD", SoundForge 4.5 used to correct the volume adjustments
          and brief overload spikes during the first 2 tracks, and then boosted the low volume for the entire show
          (editing by Delano 12/8/01).
05/31/94  All     Hamburg, GER - The Centrum         S:D,CD         A+   79                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/20/94  All     Glenside, PA - Keswick Theatre     FM:?,D         A/A+ 112                                         
          no setlist
          WXPN (World Cafe)
          2 CD's, 44k, the 5 acoustic songs at the start sound distant, but the stuff with the band sounds
08/22/97  All     Chicago, IL - Riviera Theatre      A:D,CD         A-/A 91  AKG460-CK63>DA-P1                       
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam cdr700)
11/16/97  All     Rochester, NY - Waterstreet        Af:D,CD        A-/A 101 Schoeps> Dat> CDR                       
          2 CD's, 44k, this is an upgrade, "FOB>Schoeps>Dat>CDR"
11/16/97  All     Rochester, NY - Waterstreet        A:D,CD         B+   n/a SoundPro> D8                            
          2 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
03/31/98  All     Sao Paulo, BRA - Stadium           A:?,CD         B+   73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, noticeable hiss
10/11/98  All     NYC, NY - The Knitting Factory     A:D,CD         A-/A 107 Sonic Studios                           
          2 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
05/12/01  All     Philadelphia, PA - Theatre of the  A:D,CD         A    80  Schoeps mk4v's > SX-M2 > SBM1 > Sony    
          1 CD, 44k, I need to confirm this setlist
05/13/01  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             Af:D,CD        A-/A 80  DPA 4061> PCM-M1                        
          need to confirm setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, levels seem low at the start, may be about 30 seconds too long for one disc, very nice for
          a stealth recording!
05/24/01  All     Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium   FM:D,CD        A+   76                                          
          97.3 KBCO
          1 CD, 44k
08/17/01  All     Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre          Af:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps 64                              
          "This show was held as part of some radio exec promotion thing where Suzanne Vega and Russell Crowe's
          band Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts also appeared. It was mostly filled with suits from out of town and local
          chicks come to see the midget Crowe do his best Mellencamp impersonation.  Tickets were not available to
          the general public but maybe 50 total.  By the time Byrne came to the stage, most people had left.  Mind
          you, the Fox isn't a large venue by any means and this just made things all the more intimate, which I
          think you will discern by listening to the recording. " (notes from the taper)
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "This show was recorded by JB and xfered by JG."
08/28/01  All     Athens, GA - Georgia Theatre       A:D,CD         A-/A 131 Neumann SKM140's > Apogee AD1000 > D8   
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Byrne ]


          All     Lonehorse Cafe from Virginia       A:Cm,CD        B+   64                                          
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss!
??/??/??  All     Big Valley                         S:?,CD         A/A+ 46                                          
          w/ Eric Clapton and Dr John
          1 CD, 44k
12/31/75  All     Tulsa, OK - Canes Ballroom         S:Rm,D,CD      A    72                                          
          also Debby Campbell
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR.D.CD"
04/23/76  All     Oslo, NOR - Chateau Neuf           A:?,CD         B+   48                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/06/77  Both    Washington, DC - Cellar Door       S:?,D,CD       A-/A 86                                          
          both early and late shows
          2 CD's, 44k, gets better after first song
??/??/79  All     Los Angeles, CA - Country Club     A:?,CD         A-   80                                          
          JJ Cale - guitar, vocals; Jimmy Karstein - drums; Bill Boatman - guitar, fiddle; Nick Rather - bass
          1 CD, 44k, "The Troubador Plays Live"
07/23/83  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Palamino     A:Cm,CD        B+   55                                          
          JJ plays solo acoustic with bass pedals, drum machine and also a kid sat in and played bongos and
          tambourine on a few tunes.
          1 CD, 44k, "Recorded on Aiwa recordable cassette player with Sony stereo mic"
11/02/83  All     Eureka, CA - Old Bar & Grill       S:Cm,D,CD      A    90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
11/02/83  All     Portland, OR - Unknown             S:?,CD         A-   44                                          
          1 CD, 44k, venue may be Old Town Bar & Grill Eureka, CA
08/26/85  All     Eureka, CA - Old Bar & Grill       S:Cm,D,CD      A    167                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, [cf] in Call Me The Breeze d1;
09/13/85  All     Sacramento, CA - Cal Expo          S:?,CD         A/A+ 60                                          
          (15 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
10/22/86  Both    Washington, D.C. - The Roxy        A:Cm,D,CD      A    147 Beyer 201's > Sony D-6                  
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
04/18/90  Late    Minneapolis, MN - Guthrie Theatre  S:D,CD         A/A+ 107                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/30/90  Both    Knoxville, TN - Ella Gurus         S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 150                                         
          both Early & Late shows
          2 CD's, 44k, during the Early show, after the 1st song, there is an empty track, then before the 2nd
          song Cale welcomes the crowd back for the 2nd set.  At the start of the Late show, Cale welcomes the crowd
          back for the 2nd show.  The Early show may be missing part of a first set (despite being 75 minutes).
          There are a few cuts and fade in/out(s))
04/18/91  Early   Minneapolis, MN - Guthrie Theatre  S:?,CD         A/A+ 79                                          
          Christine Lakeland - guitar, Spoon Roland - piano, Tim Drummond - bass, James Cruse - drums, Jimmy
          Kirstein - percussion, Steve Douglas - tenor, alto sax
          1 CD, 44k
06/??/93  All     Telluride, CO - Town Park -        FM:Rm,CD       A/A+ 77                                          
          no setlist (16 tracks)
          w/John Hammond
          1 CD, 44k
06/30/93  All     Ottawa, Ontario, CAN - The Penguin S:D,CD         A/A+ 115                                         
          2 CD;s, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR 870]
08/28/93  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   A:D,CD         A-   49                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/??/94  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:D,CD         A    55                                          
          2nd night
          1 CD, 44k
03/29/96  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            A:D,CD         U    n/a B&K 4021                                
          opened for the Band
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | JJ Cale ]


??/??/69  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Kaleidoscope S:?,CD         A    47                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/22/72  All     Boston, MA - WBCN Studios          FM:?,CD        A    156                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Gettin' Greasy"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Canned Heat ]


??/??/77  All     Live in the USA                    S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          no setlist, 13 tracks
          Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band
          1 CD, 44k, "Live in the USA  Captain Hook"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Captain Beefheart ]


07/18/78  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 51                                          
          (12 tracks)
          Cleveland/Coffeebreak Concert
          1 CD, 44k, WMMS-FM > Cleveland OHIO > Master SBD PRE FM Reels to CDR , NOW with tracks (1/10/02)  I
          EAC'd this to my hard drive and then used SF 4.5 to split the tracks, I also removed 2 areas of dead air
          where the original reels flipped, and spliced the pieces into a seemless show
08/19/78  All     San Francisco, CA - The Old        FM:?,CD        A    72                                          
          KSAN 107.7
          1 CD, 44k
11/13/78  All     Boston, MA - The Paradise Theatre  S:?,lp,CD      U    n/a                                         
          tracks 1-5 from 3/77
          1 CD, 44k, "The Paradise show is from two different sources,10 tracks from a London Wavelength show, LP
          > CDR > CDR, and also two tracks from a boot called Road Test, CD > CDR. It is spliced together very
          nicely & runs 55 minutes."
??/??/79  All     Bremen, GER - Musikladen           S:?,BCD,CD     A    46                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live At MusicLaden", w/ art jpg (winter 1979)
09/??/84  All     Austin, TX - Unknown               FM:?,BCD,CD    A    76                                          
          17 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "Wild"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Cars ]


06/20/95  All     Oakland, CA - Yoshi's              S:D,CD         A/A+ 116                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, some slight digi-glitches
06/20/98  All     Warsaw, POL - Warsaw Summer        S:D,CD         A+   47                                          
          no setlist (2 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
06/24/00  All     Warsaw, POL - Warsaw Summer        S:D,CD         A+   69                                          
          no setlist (4 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
04/07/01  All     Columbia, SC - Unknown             A:D,CD         A-   71  Sound Pro SP-CMC-4-> D8                 
          Marc Ribot - guitar, Jef Lee Johnson - guitar, Jamaaladeen Tacuma - bass, G. Calvin Weston - drums,
          1 CD, 44k, bass is overloaded at the start, taped by Jim Brown, "Sound Professionals Sp-CMC-4
          mini-cardioids > Sony D-8"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Carter ]


07/27/64  All     Newport, RI - Newport Folk         S:Rm,C,*,CD    A/A+ 43                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD: Reels> CD Boot> Cass> EQ> CDR> CD"
12/26/68  All                                        FM:?,CD        A-   62                                          
          partial setlist (2 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "Holy Land Special", no tracks
??/??/95  All     Hamburg, GER - Unknown             S:?,D,CD       A/A+ 76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Bring It Back Alive", diginoise during Folsom
07/09/96  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             S:?,CD         A    116                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
10/23/97  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater  A:D,CD         A-   n/a Sonic Studios > D8                      
          no setlist
          Cash's last complete show (he collapsed halfway through his next show)
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700-> EAC-> HD->tracked by CDWave->cdr) (converted by

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Johnny Cash ]


??/??/??  All     CCR-HIGH TIDE-J                    A:?,CD         A-   69                                          
          Johnny Cash Introduces CCR
          1 CD, 44k, "High Tide" "CCR-HIGH TIDE-J CASH-FILLMORE-WOODSTOCK-SDBD" second portion (A-/A)
08/16/69  All     Bethel, NY - Max Yasgur's Farm     S:?,CD         A-/A 47                                          
          1 CD, 44k,
??/??/70  All     Fantasy Studio, CA.                Sto:?,CD       A-/A 68                                          
          Jam Session with Booker T.
          1 CD, 44k
01/31/70  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      preFM:Rm?,CD   A/A+ 50                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "broadcast recording" fades in/out after a few track markers but no cuts in music
03/??/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A-/A 43                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Proud Mary", fades into every song, some slight LP crackle, (my guess is that this
          is from an LP sent to radio stations for airplay) easily one of the better CCR shows
04/14/70  All     London, ENG - Royal Albert Hall    S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Crackin' Up", Label: The Genuine Pig Records [TGP - CD 119] (1990)
07/04/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  A:C(4),D,CD    B+   45                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkIi(48k)-> TascamCDR700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | CCR ]


03/06/62  All     Berlin, GER - Unknown              S:?,CD         A    62                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/22/66  All     Paris, FRA - Palais Des Sports     S:?,CD         A-/A 48                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k
05/31/99  All     Glasgow, SCOT - Clyde Auditorium   FM:D,CD        A/A+ 60                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ray Charles ]


08/31/69  All     Dallas, TX - Texas International   S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          Chicago: Robert Lamm (vocals, keyboards); Peter Cetera (vocals, bass); Terry Kath (guitar); Walter
          Paradizer (saxophone); Lee Loughnane (trumpet); James Pankow (trombone); Danny Seraphine (drums).
          1 CD, 44k, vocals sound submerged
04/05/71  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          need to confirm setlist
          3 Cd's, 44k
??/??/74  All     Louisville, KY - Unknown           preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 50                                          
          partial setlist (15 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Chicago ]


??/??/??  All     Big Valley                         S:?,CD         A/A+ 46                                          
          w/ JJ Cale, Dr John
          1 CD's, 44k, I am told this is 5/9/96 at the Roseland Ballroom
09/13/69  All     Varsity Stadium Toronto, Ontario   S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          Plastic Ono Band w/ Clapton
          1 CD, 44k, "Live Peace In Toronto 1969" (Apple SW-3362)
04/07/70  All     London, ENG - Olympic Studios      S:?,D,CD       A    37                                          
          44k; 1 CD
01/13/73  All     London, ENG - Rainbow Theater      S:Rm,?,CD      A    83                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Arms 16/17", this is NOT the commercially available "Rainbow Concert"
??/??/74  All     461 Ocean Boulevard Sessions (2)   StO:?,CD       A-   n/a                                         
          this is a different setlist than 461 Sessions (1)
          1 CD, 44k, there is a slight static noise that seems to bounce in/out - may be a burn error
03/??/74  All     461 Ocean Boulevard Sessions (1)   StO:?,CD       A/A+ 67                                          
          EC/Carl Radle (Bass)/George Terry (Guitar)/Jamie Oldaker (Drums)/ Dick Sims (Keyboards)/Yvonne Elliman
          44k; 1 CD; Recorded during May 1974 at Criteria Studios, Miami.  9 tracks on 1 CD.  Total Time:
07/10/74  Partial Providence, RI - Providence Civic  S:?,CD         A/A+ 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/13/74  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:?,D,CD       A    117                                         
          EC/Jamie Oldaker (Drums)/Dick Sims (Keyboards)/Carl Radle (Bass)/George Terry (Guitar)/Yvonne Elliman
          44k; 2 CD's
07/30/74  All     City Park Stadium New Orleans      S:R,C,D,C,CD   A/A+ 112                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/??/74  All     Leon Russell with Eric Clapton /   S:?,CD         A/A+ 70                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Man of a Thousand Faces" - Goldtone GT- 019 - sb6/sb5/sb5/sb4
12/05/74  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:?,D,CD       A/A+ 136                                         
          members of Led Zeppelin were in audience, last show of the tour
          44k; 2 CD's, Track 7 - '"click' sound at 5:17, At 5:21, another click, where track 7 becomes track 8
          (still Steady Rollin' Man)" ??
08/14/75  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Forum        A:?,CD         A-   79                                          
          w/Santana, Moon, Cocker,
          1 CD, 44k
08/16/75  All     San Diego, CA - San Diego Sports   S:?,CD         A-/A 50                                          
          ON: Sting 2/27/85 disc 2 as filler
          EC/Carl Radle (Bass)/George Terry (Guitar)/Jamie Oldaker (Drums)/Dick Sims (Keyboards)/Yvonne Elliman
          (Vocals)/Marcy Levy (Vocals)/Carlos Santana
          1 CD, 44k, Crossroads done in the traditional slow blues style with some tasty guitar work, last tune
          with Santana
08/30/75  All     Norfolk, VA - The Scope            S:?,CD         A/A+ 141                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
03/30/76  All     Malibu, CA - Shangri-La Studios    Sto:Rm,?,CD    A    63                                          
          Clapton's birthday with: Eric Clapton (guitar), Robbie Robertson (guitar), Jesse Ed Davis (guitar), Ron
          Wood (guitar), Bob Dylan (vocals/guitar), Billy Preston (vocals/keyboards), Van Morrison (vocals), Rick
          Danko (vocals/bass), Garth Hudson (organ), Richard Manuel (vocals/piano), Levon Helm (vocals/drums)
          1 CD, 44k, Quote from Eric Clapton: "I had a magnificent birthday party right in the middle of the
          sessions and we decided to record everything and everybody that came into the studio. There's Billy
          (Preston) singing a couple of Ray Charles songs with The Band backing him along with Jesse Ed Davis, me,
          Robbie (Robertson) and Woody (Ron Wood) on guitars. Bob (Dylan) showed up about eight o'clock in the
          morning and it went on from there." See also (
11/15/76  All     Convention Center Dallas, Texas    A:?,CD         A-   101                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, rec'd as 4/15/76, "Belbottom"
02/11/78  Mix     Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica    S:?,D,CD       A/A+ 46                                          
          * = from 11/15/76
          EC/Carl Radle (Bass)/George Terry (Guitar)/Jamie Oldaker (Drums)/ Dick Sims (Keyboards)/Marcy Levy
          44k; 1 CD; missing 68 minutes from complete show, order is mixed, ""Eric Clapton in Concert 1978" -
          Super Golden Radio Shows - SGRS030"
02/10/90  All     Royal Albert Hall London England   S:D,CD         A+   140                                         
          EC/Steve Ferrone (Drums)/Nathan East (Bass)/Phil Palmer (Guitar)/Alan Clark (Keyboards)/Greg
          Phillinganes (Keyboards)/Ray Cooper (Percussion)/Tessa Niles (Vocals)/Katie Kissoon (Vocals)/The National
          Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Michael Kamen.
          2 CD's, 44k, This show was broadcast live on BBC Radio 1 and was subsequently remixed and rebroadcast
          on the same station.
10/26/94  All     Memphis, TN - The Pyramid          Af:D,CD        A-/A 112 Neumann > Sony D7> CDR                  
          2 CD's, 44k, "NEUMANN FOB>D7>CDR"
11/28/94  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             A:D,CD         A-/A 134                                         
          EC/ Dave Bronze (Bass)/ Andy Newmark (Drums)/ Simon Clarke (Saxophone)/ Andy Fairweather-Low (Guitar)/
          Roddy Lorimer (Trumpet)/ Tim Sanders (Saxophone)/ Chris Stainton (Keyboards)/ Jerry Portnoy (Harmonica)
          2 CD's, 44k
09/11/98  All     Edmonton Coliseum Edmonton         S:D,CD         A+   118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Eric Clapton ]


03/10/01  All     Chicago, IL - Park West            M:D,CD         A/A+ 136 Schoeps CMC55+mk4-> Lunatec V2->        
          Mike Clark, DJ Logic, Skerik, Charlie Hunter, and Robert Walter
          2 CD's, 44k, "Matrix - Schoeps cmc55 (omni's split 15' onstage)>snake cable>lunatec v2 & Schoeps mk4
          (ortf, stage lip, dfc)>kc5>cmc6>snake cable>schoeps vms & 2 channel xlr soundboard>mackie 1202 vlz>sonic
          ad2k+>tascam da20 @ 44.1k"
07/05/01  All     Quincy, CA - High Sierra Music     S:D,CD         A+   72                                          
          no setlist
          Mike Clark - Drums, Fred Wesley - Trombone, Charlie Hunter - Bass Thingie, Skerik - Sax, Robert Walter
          -  Keys, w/ guest: Karl Denson - sax
          1 CD, 44k, "pre-FM SBD -> DAT -> CD Master -> EAC -> CDWave -> SHN (ftp trade)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Mike Clark's Prescription Renewal ]


10/24/78  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A/A+ 48                                          
          no setlist
          Ebbets Field (Rainbow Music Hall)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stanley Clarke ]


02/14/79  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A-/A 60                                          
          no setlist (20 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD > reel-M > CD-R(c), WMMS FM"
05/20/82  All     Holland                            S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          "Into the 80's"
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Clash ]


09/02/00  All     Turin, NY - Snowridge Ski Area     S:D,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          the TNK is wild!
          2 CD's, 44k, "transfered: tascam da20mkII>za2>wav>shn using soundforge and cdwav."  downloaded from
, md5=OK, mkwact (shn)->wav
06/21/02  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    A:D,CD         A-/A 91  AKG 480 w/ck61 > Lunatec v2 > da-p1     
          *w/ Warren Haynes on Guitar
**w/ Three Horn Players from Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Trombone,sax,French
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: DAUD/OTS > AKG 480 w/ck61 > Lunatec v2 (35db) > da-p1 @ 44.1; Transfer: Master
          DAT > Sony DTC-690 > Audioquest Optilink 1 > SEK'D Prodif Plus > SamplitudeV5.5 > cdWAV (1.6) > mkwACT
          (0.97); Edits: Fade in/out of set.(Five seconds)"
06/22/02  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    Af:D,CD        A    95  AKG 480 w/ck61 > Lunatec v2 > da-p1     
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: DAUD/FOB about five feet in front of board > AKG 480 w/ck61 > Lunatec v2 (35db) >
          da-p1 @ 44.1; Transfer: Master DAT > Sony DTC-690 > Audioquest Optilink 1 > SEK'D Prodif Plus >
          SamplitudeV5.5 > cdWAV(1.6) > mkwACT (0.97); Edits: Fade in/out of set."
07/12/03  All     Columbus, OH - Newport Music Hall  A:D,CD         A-/A 125 Neumann TLM 170r's->Lunatec V2->Sonic   
          *"jam" and final chorus re-done 2 times for solos by Skerik and percussion
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: Neumann TLM 170r's->Lunatec V2->Sonic AD2KT->D8; Taped & Transfered By: Joel
          Freimark(FishmansVacuum)", md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Les Claypool ]


05/22/59  All     The Shape Of Jazz To Come          S:?,CD         A+   38                                          
          Ornette Coleman, Don Cherry, Charlie Haden, Billy Higgins
          On this highly influential 1959 album, Ornette Coleman's unique writing style and idiosyncratic solo
          language forever changed the jazz landscape. On classics such as "Lonely Woman," "Congeniality," and
          "Focus on Sanity," Coleman used the tunes' moods and melodic contours, rather than their chords, as a
          basis for his improvisations. In so doing, he opened up jazz soloing immensely and ushered in new
          freedoms--both individually and collectively. Lest these innovations sound too dry or abstract, it must be
          noted that both Coleman and trumpeter Don Cherry play with a deep-felt emotion and joy that is as
          infectious today as it was then. This is truly an essential jazz recording, marking the end of one era,
          providing the blueprint for the next.
          1 CD, 44k
10/08/59  All     Change Of The Century              S:?,CD         A+   42                                          
          Ornette Coleman suggests in his liner notes for this 1960 release that "there is no single right way to
          play jazz." He and this, his great quartet (with Don Cherry, pocket trumpet; Charlie Haden, bass; and
          Billy Higgins, drums), fully confirm that statement and dismiss the railings of Coleman's detractors. This
          classic's assurance and achievement fully justify its cocky title. In its free group improvising, as
          Coleman puts it, "each member goes his own way and still adds tellingly to the group endeavor." The later
          formalization of that approach, as "harmolodics," was from this point inevitable. The selections include
          tunes like "Ramblin'" and "Una Muy Bonita" that would be standards today if more musicians had deigned to
          venture down the paths that Coleman blazed.
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ornette Coleman ]


10/20/73  All     Toronto, ONT - El Mocambo Club     S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          no setlist (11 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "In Concert"
09/15/90  All     San Francisco Blues Fest           A:Cm,D,CD      A-   63                                          
          no setlist
          with Debbie Davies on 2nd guitar and guest Tom Johnston 3rd guitar on some
          1 CD, 44k, "audience analog master>dat(with super bit mapping)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Albert Collins ]


??/??/78  All     Louisville, KY - Unknown           S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          w/ Maceo Parker and Bootsie's Rubber Band
          1 CD, 44k, "Live In Louisville 1978"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bootsie Collins ]


07/03/58  All     Newport, RI - Newport Jazz         S:Rm,?,CD      U    51                                          
          no setlist (2 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, scratching noise throughout track 1, NEED A NEW COPY
11/18/61  All     Paris, FRA - Olympia Theater       S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 105                                         
          Coltrane, ss, ts; Eric Dolphy, fl, as, bcl; McCoy Tyner, p; Reggie Workman, b; Elvin Jones, dr
          2 CD's, 44k
06/02/62  All     NYC, NY - Birdland                 S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 50                                          
          Coltrane, ss, ts;McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison,, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          1 CD, 44k, setlist and songs don't match
11/19/62  E P2    Stockholm, SWE - Konsenthusen      S:Rm,?,CD      A    57                                          
          Early Show
          Coltrane, ss, ts;McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison,, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          1 CD, 44k
11/28/62  All     Graz, AUS - Stefaniensall          S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 132                                         
          Coltrane, ss, ts;McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison,, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          2 CD's, 44k
07/07/63  All     Newport, RI - Newport Jazz         S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          Coltrane, Dolphy (alto sax), Workman (bass), Haynes (drums)
          1 CD, 44k
03/19/65  All     NYC, NY - Half Note                S:Rm,?,CD      A    35                                          
          Coltrane, ss, ts; McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          1 CD, 44k
04/02/65  P1      NYC, NY - Half Note                S:Rm,?,CD      A    24                                          
          Coltrane, ss, ts; McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          1 CD, 44k
05/07/65  P1      NYC, NY - Half Note                S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 19                                          
          Coltrane, ss, ts; McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          1 CD, 44k
07/27/65  All     Antibes, FRA - Les Pins Jazzfest   S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
07/28/65  All     Paris, FRA - Salle Pleyel          S:Rm,?,CD      A    50                                          
          Coltrane, ss, ts; McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          1 CD, 44k, out-of-order, last song first
08/01/65  All     Belgium, GER - Comblain-la-Tour    S:Rm,?,CD      A    38                                          
          Coltrane, ss, ts; McCoy Tyner, p; Jimmy Garrison, b; Elvin Jones, dr.
          1 CD, 44k
09/30/65  All     Seattle, WA - The Penthouse        S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 133                                         
          Coltrane - tenor & suprano sax; Pharoh Sanders - tenor sax; McCoy Tyner - piano; Jimmy Garrison - bass;
          Elvin Jones - drums; Donald Rafael Garrett - bass clarinet, bass
          2 CD's, 44k
05/28/66  All     NYC, NY - Village Vanguard         S:?,CD         A    42                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
07/02/66  All     Newport, RI - Newport Jazz         S:Rm,?,CD      A-   54                                          
          John Coltrane, soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet; Pharoah Sanders, tenor saxophone,
          piccolo; Alice Coltrane, piano; Jimmy Garrison, bass; Rashied Ali, drums.
          1 CD, 44k
07/11/66  All     Tokyo, JAP - Shinjuku Kosei        S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 121                                         
          Coltrane - suprano, alto & tenor sax, percussion; Pharoh Sanders - alto & tenor sax, bass clarinet;
          Alice Coltrane - piano, Jimmy Garrison - bass; rashied - drums
          2 CD's, 44k
07/22/66  All     Tokyo, JAP - Sankei Hall           S:Rm,?,CD      A+   128                                         
          John Coltrane dies of cancer, July 16, 1967
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Coltrane ]


10/07/00  All     Seattle, WA - The King Cat Theater A:D,CD         U    n/a MBHO 603/200>MP-2>DA-P1                 
          no setlist
          Darol Anger, Aaron Johnston, Mike Marshall,(DA/MM) Michael Kang,(SCI) Paul McCandless,(Oregon) Tye
          North,Jeff Sipe(Leftover Salmon).
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Comotion ]


09/26/02  All     NYC, NY - BB King's                M:D,CD         A/A+ 165 Schoeps cmc621->MP-2+ SBD->Behringer    
          The Concept:
Eric Krasno - Guitar(Soulive)
George Porter Jr. - Bass(The Meters)
Ivan Neville
          - Organ(Neville Brothers)
Casey Benjamin - Alto Sax, Rhodes(Project Logic)
?eustlove - Drums(The
Bill Summers - Percussion(Headhunters, Los Hombres Calientes)
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: Matrix: (On Stage) Schoeps cmc621(splt 25')->MP-2+ SBD->Behringer MX-802A->DA-P1
          @44.kHz Recorded/mixed by Eric McRoberts; Transfer: DA-P1->Audio Magic Presto II->Zefiro ZA2-> Soundforge
          4.5->CDWav->.shn Transferred by Eric McRoberts" "* Setlist written off of Casey Benjamin's Rhodes.  I was
          uncertain of the title for this tune."

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Concept, The ]


05/20/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 59                                          
          partial setlist
          For More on Ry, go here (
          1 CD, 44k
07/23/74  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:Rm,D,CD     A/A+ 63                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "Also seen as 7/10/74"
??/??/77  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Unknown          S:?,BCD,D,CD   A    60                                          
          w/ Flaco Jimenez
          1 CD, 44k, "Conjuto in Amsterdam" - Main Street - MST 109, Italy/EEC 1993
08/23/87  All     Cotati, CA - Cotati Cabaret        A:?,CD         A-/A 126                                         
          Ry Cooder - guitar/vocals, Flaco Jimenez - accordian, Van Dyke Parks - keyboards, Jorge Calderon -
          bass, Jim Keltner - drums, Bobby King - vocals (barritone), Terry Evans - vocals (tenor), Arnold McCuller
          - vocals (tenor), Willie Green Jr - vocals (bass), Steve Douglas - sax, George Bohannon - trombone
          2 CD's, 44k, 2 tiny digispots at the very start

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ry Cooder ]


08/31/69  All     Dallas, TX - Texas International   S:?,CD         A    62                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/76  All     NYC, NY - Electric Ladyland        S:?,CD         A    57                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Cotton ]


04/24/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,BCD,CD     A+   78                                          
          farewell performance; w/ Garcia, Hart, Casady and Kaukkonen; the same show that featured the American
          debut of Led Zeppelin
          1 CD, 44k, "Live! Fillmore West 1969", nice 60's bay-area psychdelic jamming!

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Country Joe & the Fish ]


02/22/00  All     Baltimore, MD - Recher Theater     S:D,CD         A+   53                                          
          show stopped early by fire marshal
          1 CD, 44k, "SOURCE: SBD>DAP20>D3, MASTERING: M1>Egosys Waveterminal U2A(48>44.1 kHz)>CD Wave
          Editor>Easy CD>CDR (Robert Dempster)"
05/25/01  All     San Francisco, CA - Tower Records  A:D,CD         A/A+ 64  B&K4011> Lunatec V2> Sonic AD2K> DAP1   
          Free show; album release promotion for "Open"
          1 CD, 44k,  taped by Steve, Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700, "Not really FOB, but it was in a record
          store, and I was like 10 feet or less from Margo with my mics.  I was right beside the soundboard... in
          the hip-hop section :-)
09/05/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats          A:D,CD         A    120 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Cowboy Junkies ]


04/26/87  All     Philadelphia, PA - Tower Theatre   FM:?,CD        A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/12/93  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:?,CD         A/A+ 100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, probably a cassette master

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert Cray ]


07/31/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A    47                                          
          no setlist
          w/ Zulu
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Papa John Creach ]


??/??/??  All     "Fresh Outtakes and Acetates"      S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 61                                          
          EC/Jack Bruce (Bass)/Ginger Baker (Drums)
          1 CD, 44k, "Fresh Outtakes and Acetates" (Planet Records - nun - sb6)
11/15/66  All     Klook's Kleek R&B Club, Railway    S:?,CD         A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/15/67  All     Ricky Tick London-Hounslow England S:?, BCD,CD    A    66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, art in email file
05/29/67  All     Tulip Bulb Auction Hall Spalding   A:?,BCD,CD     A    76                                          
          This is an audience recording, not a soundboard as claimed, with vocals & bass almost non-existent
          1 CDD, 44k, w/ art in email file
07/??/67  All     BBC Radio Studios London England   S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          ON: Cream 11/15/66
          1 CD, 44k
08/22/67  All     Fillmore Auditorium San            S:?,CD         A-   70                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/09/67  All     Brandeis University Waltham        A:?,CD         B+   85                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, hissy, weird L/R mix
09/16/67  All     Psychedelic Supermarket Boston     A:?,CD         B+   30                                          
          ON: 9/9/67 disc 2
          1 CD, 44k, hissy
03/07/68  Partial Fillmore Auditorium San            S:?,CD         A-/A 45                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like a video feed
10/19/68  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Forum        S:Rm,?,CD,D    A/A+ 49                                          
          1 CD, 44k,  small splice in "White Room"; splices between some songs during "dead-air"; could be

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Cream ]


??/??/83  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:?,CD        A/A+ 50                                          
          no setlist (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Marshall Crenshaw ]


??/??/63  All     "The Early Years"                  S:?,lp,CD      A    51                                          
          1963,64,66 - Jim's first professional recordings with "The Spires" & "The Coventry Lads", plus the
          album "Facets"
          1 CD, 44k, "The Early Years", definite lp crackle
??/??/69  All     "Croce" - Another Day Another Town S:lp,CD        A/A+ 28                                          
          1 CD, 44k, out-of-print Capitol Records lp, Jim & Ingrid Croce - Capitol Records - 1969
??/??/70  All     NYC, NY - The Hit Factory Studios  S:?,CD         A/A+ 44                                          
          sessions recorded in 1970 for unreleased album
          1 CD, 44k, "The Lost Album"
11/15/72  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:?,LP,?,CD   A-   45                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [FM:?,LP,?,CD(no tracks),D(tracks),CD], I rec'd this show with no tracks but transferred the
          show to DAT, tracked, and made a new CD with tracks (R500(44k)-> Phillips CDR870), some hiss and a few
          occasional lp pops
??/??/73  All     "Live-the Final Tour '73"          S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 55                                          
          16 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "From out of print live cd"
??/??/73  All     Interviews                         FM:?,CD        A    23                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/19/73  Partial Glassboro, NJ - Glassboro College  S:?,CD         A/A+ 51                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/23/73  All     Los Angeles, CA - KCET-TV Studios  S:?,CD         A-/A 29                                          
          8 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "One of a Kind", PBS special, Los Angeles CA KCET-TV studio
02/02/73  All     Palatine, IL - Harper College      S:?,Blp,CD     A-/A 63                                          
          (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, lp crackle
07/29/73  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Lido Club        FM:?,CD        A    28                                          
          8 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "Leidsekade, Amsterdam Holland, Lido Club"
08/25/73  All     Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia    S:?,CD         A    41                                          
          12min filler from 8/?/73 UCLA
          1 CD, 44k, "Philly '73"
09/20/73  All     Natchitoches, LA - Prather         A:?,CD         B+   46                                          
          no setlist (10 tracks)
          Jim Croce's last show - On September 20, 1973, Jim Croce, along with his friend and lead guitar player,
          Maury Muehleisen, and 4 others, died when their chartered  Beechcraft D-18 snagged the top of a pecan tree
          during take-off and crashed after a concert at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches,
          1 CD, 44k (B+/A-), this show gives me goosebumps thinking how close Croce was to death

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jim Croce ]


12/20/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Matrix         S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 54                                          
          "David & the Dorks" - David Crosby w/ Garcia, Hart, Lesh
          1 CD, 44k, "sbd>Rn>dat>cd>eac>shn>cdr"
04/08/89  All     Philadelphia, PA - Tower Theatre   S:?,CD         A+   75                                          
          93.3 WUMR
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Crosby ]


11/22/86  All     NYC, NY - CBGB's                   S:Rm,CD,D,CD   A    46                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [R500-> Phillips CDR870]
03/24/87  All     Philadelphia, PA - Tracadero       FM:?,D         A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
08/25/88  All     Sydney, AUS - State Theatre        S:?,BCD,D,CD   A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "State of Mind";[R500-> Phillips CDR870] incomplete show

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Crowded House ]


06/28/70  Most    Los Angeles, CA - The Forum        FM:?,CD        A-/A 79                                          
          NO: woodstock, find the cost of freedom
          1 CD, 44k
03/26/72  1P      San Francisco, CA - Winterland     FM:?,C,CD      A    68                                          
          Missing: Heart of Gold thru end (5 songs)
          CNY, Prison Benefit
          1 CD, 44k, KSAN
10/04/73  2       San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A-   56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some drop-outs at the start, I think this is a soundboard but band may be playing to a
          microphone (omni) on the stage in which the audience sounds are audible, mic feedback during Wooden
04/09/00  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Continental  A:D,CD         A-/A 176 Schoeps                                 
          3 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps mics (not sure of model #)->Tascam DAT->CDR (via HHB)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | CSN & Y ]


10/28/76  All     Long Island, NY - Unknown          S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/79  All     Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       FM:?,CD        A-/A 73                                          
          *dedicated to Duane Allman, Berry Oakley, Hank WIlliams, Elvis, & Ronnie Van Zant
          1 CD, 44k, (CDB from Mt Juliet, TN.)
08/12/79  All     Queens, NY - Belmont Racetrack     FM:?,CD        A    33                                          
          "Party At The Park" (WLIR)
          1 CD, 44k
10/11/80  All     Nashville, TN - Nashville          S:?,CD         A-/A 67                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Charlie Daniels Band ]


11/10/99  All     Knoxville, TN - The Bijou          Af:D,CD        A/A+ 211 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          performed 11/10/73
          3 CD's, 44k, recorded from the 6th row; X-Y (coincident 110); beginning of first set song cut;

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dark Star Orchestra ]


10/25/56  All     NYC, NY - Greenwich Village Jazz   S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Miles Davis - trumpet, John COltrane - tenor sax, Red Garland - piano, Paul Chambers - bass, Philly Joe
          Jones - drums
          1 CD, 44k, "Cookin' With The Miles Davis Quintet", Heritage Jazz 513321F
10/26/56  All     Hackensack, NJ - Studio            S:Rm,R,CD      U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Relaxin' With The Miles Davis Qunitet," AAD, Prestige P-7129, OJCCD-190-2
05/??/57  All     NYC, NY - Columbia 30th Street     S:Rm,D         U    n/a                                         
          w/ Gil Evans Orchestra
          5/6/57 - Maids, The Duke, 5/10/67 - My Ship, Miles Ahead, 5/23/67 - New Rhumba, Blues For Pablo,
          Springsville, 5/27/57 - Kissed, Meaning of Blues, Lament
          1 CD, 44k, "Miles Ahead/ Miles Davis +19", Columbia CK 53225
03/21/60  All     Paris, FRA - Olympia Theater       S:Rm,?,CD      A    83                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt); John Coltrane (ts); Wynton Kelly (p); Paul Chambers (b); Jimmy Cobb (d)
          2 CD's, 44k
04/09/60  All     Amsterdam, HOLL - Kurhaus          S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          Miles Davis trumpet, John Coltrane tenor, Wynton Kelly pioano, Paul CHambers bass, Jimmy Cobb drums
          1 CD, 44k
10/13/60  All     Stockholm, SWE - Konsenthusen      S:Rm,?,CD      A    120                                         
          Miles Davis (tpt); Sonny Stitt (as, ts); Wynton Kelly (p); Paul Chambers (b); Jimmy Cobb (d)
          2 CD's, 44k,out-of-order,  I have the art jpg
04/22/61  2       San Francisco, CA - Black Hawk     S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 54                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt); Hank Mobley (ts); Wynton Kelly (p); Paul Chambers (b); Jimmy Cobb (d)
          1 CD, 44k, "Miles Davis In Person, Saturday Night at the Blackhawk, San Francisco, Volume 2"
05/19/61  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 87                                          
          With Gil Evans and a 21-piece Orchestra plus Miles' Quintet - Miles Davis (tpt); Hank Mobley (ts);
          Wynton Kelly (p); Paul Chambers (b); Jimmy Cobb (d); Ernie Royal (tpt); Bernie Glow (tpt); Johnny Coles
          (tpt); Louis Mucci (tpt); Jimmy Knepper (tb); Dick Hixon (tb); Frank Rehak (tb); Julius Watkins (frh);
          Paul Ingraham (frh); Bob Swisshelm (frh); Bill Barber (tuba); Romeo Penque (cl, fl); Jerome Richardson
          (cl, fl); Eddie Caine (cl, fl); Bob Triscario (cl, fl); Danny Bank (cl, fl); Janet Putnam (harp); Bob
          Rosengarden (perc); Gil Evans (arr, cond)
          2 CD's, 44k, "Miles Davis At Carnegie Hall- The Complete Concert," LEGACY, Rec'd as 5/14/61 but 5/19/61
          according to Miles Ahead DB site
07/26/63  All     Antibes, FRA - Les Pins Jazzfest   S:Rm,?,CD      U    n/a                                         
          Miles Davis (tpt); George Coleman (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d)
          1 CD, 44k, “Cote Blues”, La Pinède, Juan les Pins Jazz Festival, France
02/12/64  All     NYC, NY - Philharmonic Hall        S:?,CD         A/A+ 64                                          
          Miles-trumpet, Herbie Hancock-piano, George Coleman-tenor sax, Ron Carter-bass, Tony Williams-drums
          1 CD, 44k, some slight hiss
07/15/64  All     Kyoto, JAP - Maruyama Ongaku-do    S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 45                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt); Sam Rivers (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d)
          1 CD, 44k, some occasional crackles, levels were a little too high to start
09/24/64  All     Copenhagen, DEN - Unknown          S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 45                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d)
          1 CD, 44k, no such date listed but they were in the neighborhood at the time, check it out
12/22/65  All     Chicago, IL - Plugged Nickel       S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d)
          4 CD's, 44k
12/23/65  All     Chicago, IL - Plugged Nickel       S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d)
          4 CD's, 44k
1969      All     Complete Bitches Brew Sessions     S:Rm,CD        A+   265                                         
          These historic sessions, recorded between 1969 and 1970 and originally released as a 90-minute double
          LP, merged jazz and rock into the hybrid genre known as fusion. They remain Miles Davis's most
          controversial recordings. Davis, along with pianists Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, and Joe Zawinul; bassist
          Dave Holland; soprano saxophonist Wayne Shorter; bass clarinetist Benny Maupin; drummers Jack DeJohnette,
          Billy Cobham, and Lenny White; and percussionist Airto Moreira, went electric with rock rhythms, and the
          rest, as they say, is history, or as some feel, the end of jazz history.  Now, all of the sessions' 265
          minutes are contained on this four-CD set, compiled from alternate takes, nine unreleased tracks, and
          selections from previously released LPs. The superb remastering reveals the spectral power of Davis's
          amplified, muted, and open trumpet painting on a swirling harmonic canvas created by Hancock, Corea, and
          Zawinul, especially on Zawinul's impressionistic "Pharoah's Dance," Shorter's elliptical "Sanctuary," and
          Davis's rocking "John McLaughlin."  The previously unreleased tracks, including "Yaphet," "Corrado,"
          "Tevere," "The Big Green Serpent," and Zawinul's "Double Image," contain some interesting East Indian
          motifs and inventive arrangements but will probably not change anyone's mind about this well-debated
          period of Miles Davis's career.
          4 CD;s, 44k
10/27/69  1       Rome, ITA - Teatro Sistina         S:Rm,?,CD      A    35                                          
          no setlist - 1 long song
          Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ss, ts); Chick Corea (el-p, wood fl); Dave Holland (b, el-b); Jack
          DeJohnette (d)
          1 of 2, 44k
10/27/69  All     Rome, ITA - Teatro Sistina         S:Rm,?,CD      A    79                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ss, ts); Chick Corea (el-p, wood fl); Dave Holland (b, el-b); Jack
          DeJohnette (d)
          2 CD's, 44k, "Gemini/Double Image" both discs one track each
11/03/69  All     Paris, FRA - Salle Pleyel          S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 80                                          
          Miles Davis - trumpet, Wayne SHorter - sax, Chuck Wrea - keyboards, Dave Hollaad - bass, Jack
          Dejohnette - drums
          1 CD, 44k
03/07/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
04/10/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Miles Davis - trumpet, Steve Grossman - soprano sax, Chick Corea - electric piano, Dave Holland -
          electric bass, Jack DeJohnette - drums, Airto Moreira - percussion
          2 CD's, 44k, "Black Beauty, Miles Davis At Fillmore West"
06/17/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 117                                         
          Miles - trumpet, Steve Grossman - soprano sax, Chick Corea - electric piano, Keith Jarrett - organ,
          Dave Holland - electric and acoustic bass, jack DeJohnette - drums, Airto Moreira - percussion
          2 CD's, 44k, material from 6/17 - 20/70 all at the Fillmore East
12/19/70  2       Washington, DC - Cellar Door       S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 71                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt); Gary Bartz (ss, as); Keith Jarrett (el-p); John McLaughlin (g); Michael Henderson
          (el-b); Jack DeJohnette (d); Airto Moreira (perc); Conrad Roberts (narr)
          1 CD, 44k
12/19/70  All     Washington, DC - Cellar Door       S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 102                                         
          Miles Davis (tpt); Gary Bartz (ss, as); Keith Jarrett (el-p); John McLaughlin (g); Michael Henderson
          (el-b); Jack DeJohnette (d); Airto Moreira (perc); Conrad Roberts (narr)
          2 CD's, 44k, setlists and timings don't match with Miles Ahead DB
11/03/71  All     Belgrade, IRE - Unknown            S:Rm,BCD,CD    A    68                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt); Gary Bartz (ss, as); Keith Jarrett (el-p, org); Michael Henderson (el-b); Ndugu Leon
          Chancler (d); Charles Don Alias (cga, perc); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track
11/05/71  All     Wien, AUS - Concert House          FM:D,CD        A/A+ 102                                         
          Miles Davis (tpt); Gary Bartz (ss, as); Keith Jarrett (el-p, org); Michael Henderson (el-b); Ndugu Leon
          Chancler (d); Charles Don Alias (cga, perc); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          2 CD's, 44k
07/11/73  All     Paris, FRA - Olympia Theater       S:Rm,?,CD      A    72                                          
          no setlist
          Miles Davis (tpt, org); Dave Liebman (ss, ts, fl); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael
          Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          1 CD, 44k
11/07/73  All     Belgrade, IRE - Unknown            S:Rm,BCD,CD    A    45                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt, org); Dave Liebman (ss, ts, fl); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael
          Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track
03/30/74  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:Rm,?,CD      A+   n/a                                         
          Miles Davis (tpt, org); Dave Liebman (ss, ts, fl); Azar Lawrence (ts); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie
          Lucas (g); Dominique Gaumont (g); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga,
          2 CD's, 44k
01/22/75  All     Tokyo, JAP - Shinjuku Kosei        FM:?,CD        U    85                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt, org); Sonny Fortune (ss, as, fl); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael
          Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          2 CD's, 44k, I think these discs are botched
02/01/75  Early   Osake, JAP - Osaka Music Festival  S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 97                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt, org); Sonny Fortune (ss, as, fl); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael
          Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          2 CD's, 44k, "Agharta", not sure if this is the entire show, times don't match with Miles Ahead DB
02/01/75  Late    Osake, JAP - Osaka Music Festival  S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 89                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt, org); Sonny Fortune (ss, as, fl); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael
          Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          2 CD's, 44k, "Pangaea" both discs are 1 track each
06/11/75  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:Rm,?,CD      A-   93                                          
          Miles Davis (tpt, org); Sam Morrison (ss, ts, fl); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael
          Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Foreman (cga, perc)
          2 CD's, 44k, both discs are one track each, recording sounds overloaded
07/14/85  2       Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 62                                          
          partial setlist
          Miles Davis  trumpet, John Scofield  guitar, Bob Berg  sax, Al Foster  drums, Mino Cinelu  perc, Robert
          Irving III  synth, Daryl Jones  bass
          1 CD, 44k, "Human Nature", could be preFM
07/08/91  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Miles Davis with Quincy Jones Orchestra, 25th Anniversary of Montreaux Jazz Fest, Miles' next to last
          1 CD, 44k, "Live in Montreaux"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Miles Davis ]


06/22/62  All     San Diego, CA - The Sign of the    S:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, HISSY
07/08/67  All     Seattle, WA - Friend's Center      S:Rm,D,*,CD    A-/A 72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "MR>D>coax digital out>ZA2>sound forge>cd architect>CD"
??/??/70  All     Newport, RI - Newport Folk         S:Cm,C,C,CD    A    36                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rev. Gary Davis ]


02/14/03  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:D,CD         A/A+ 195                                         
          + Sammy Hagar - vocals, * Warren Haynes - Guitar & vocals, ^ Joan Osborne - vocals, ~ Michael Kang -
          fiddle & mandolin.
          3 CD's, 44k
06/15/03  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    Af:D,CD        A-/A 166 DPA4023 (ORTF) > Lunatec V3 > D8        
          Source:	~25' FOB, DPA4023 (ORTF) > Lunatec V3 > D8
Transfer:  DA20mkii > TB Fiji > SF5 > CDWave >
Taped & Transferred by
          3 CD's, 44k
06/28/03  All     Camden, NJ - Tweeter Center        A:D,CD         A-/A n/a Soundfield ST-250> Grace V3>            
          * w/Willie Nelson on Acoustic Guitar
** w/Greg Osby on Saxaphone
d1t01 edited due to gain
d2t01 fades in
          3 CD's, 44k, md5=OK; mastered live by; recorded from front row Tapers Section, just
          right of center using on 7' stand; Soundfield ST-250 (90deg crossed figure of 8's) > Zaolla interconnects
Grace V3 @ 16bit / 44.1kHz > midiman CO2 s/pdif format converter (coax to toslink) > Nomad Jukebox III
          (44.1 wav file); tracked w/CD-WAV, edits (fades, etc) done w/CoolEdit 2000
07/31/03  All     Atlanta, GA - HiFi Buys            Af:D,CD        A-/A 182 B&K 4023's -> Sonosax -> MiniMe-> Sony  
* w/ Bob Dylan (keys and vox)
# w/ Sammy Hagar (guitar and vox)
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: FOB B&K 4023's -> Sonosax Pre-amp -> Apogee MiniMe -> Sony Vaio/SoundForge 6 >
          FLAC; Edited By: Ryan Burns (" - In the original seed drums was cut into two tracks -
          one that faded out at the end of disc 2 and one that faded into disc 3. I restored this transition to
          seamless with Soundforge 5.0. There was also a fadeout after "Rider" and a fade in before Phil's organ
          donor rap, but I left this alone since most of the crowd noise must have been cut out in the original
          seed. Enjoy :)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dead, The ]


06/17/01  All     Louisville, KY - Louisville Motor  Af:D,CD        A-/A 46  MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          opened for the Allman Brothers
          1 CD, 44k, w/ tracks, about 40' back, in the center, ran mic's about 14' off the ground

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Deep Bannana Blackout ]


02/19/70  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          preFM:?,BCD    A    71                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "In Concert BBC disc 1"
03/09/72  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          preFM:?,BCD    A    68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "In Concert BBC disc 1"
08/??/72  All     Tokyo, JAP - Unknown               S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Made in Japan"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Deep Purple ]


??/??/85  All     San Diego, CA - Spirit Club        FM:?,CD        A    58                                          
          16 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "Spin City Radio '85", could be from an LP (probably FM master lp)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Del Fuegos ]


08/08/98  All     Austin, TX - Mercury Lounge        S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Karl Denson sx., Josh Welchez trmp., Joey Carano gtr., David Veith pia., Chris Stillwell bas., Alan
          Evans drms.
          3 CD's, 44k
11/11/98  All     Chico, CA - Club 319               S:D,CD         A+   148                                         
          Karl Denson asx., Carlos Washington trmp., Joey Carano gtr., David Veith pia., Ignacio Arango bas.,
          Alan Evans drms.
          2 CD's, 44k
05/22/99  All     San Luis Obispo, CA - Brewing      A:D,CD         A/A+ 58  Neumann TLM 170's > Lunatec V-2 >       
          Karl Denson sx., Carlos Washington trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Chris Stillwell bas.,
          Craig Dawson drms.
          1 CD, 44k, {DA20mkii-> Phillips 870]
05/26/99  All     Gainesville, FL - Covered Dish     S:D,CD         A/A+ 156                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, disc 2 has burn error glitches - waiting on a re-burn for disc 2
08/28/99  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          S:D,C,CD       A/A+ n/a                                         
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
11/26/99  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          S:D,CD         A+   151                                         
          w/DJ Logic, # = 1st time played
          Karl Denson sx., DJ Logic turntbl., Carlos Washington trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Chris
          Stillwell bas., Craig Dawson drms.
          2 CD's, 44k, CD artwork in Eudora
12/02/99  All     Portland, OR - Aladdin Theater     S:D,CD         A+   133                                         
          w/ DJ Logic
          2 CD's, 44k, "DAT>CDR (computer) >My Audio CDR"
01/14/00  All     Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre          S:D,CD         A+   168                                         
          2nd to last Carlos show, w/ members of SCI
          Karl Denson sx., Michael Kang gtr., Carlos Washington trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Chris
          Stillwell bas., Craig Dawson drms.
          3 CD's, 44k, "DAT>CDR (computer) >My Audio CDR"
02/02/00  All     Los Angeles, CA - House of Blues   S:D,CD         A+   62                                          
          w/ Melvin Sparks & DJ Logic
          Karl Denson sx., DJ Logic turntbl., Melvin Sparks gtr., Casey Benjamin sx., Carlos Washington trmp.,
          Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Craig Dawson drms.
          1 CD, 44k, "DAT>CDR (computer) >My Audio CDR"
02/20/00  All     Towson, MD - Recher Theater        S:D,CD         A/A+ 147                                         
          Karl Denson sx., Ephriam Owens trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas, Craig
          Dawson drms
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>SBM-1>D3"
02/26/00  All     NYC, NY - Bowery Ballroom          A:D,CD         A/A+ n/a Neumann TLM 170-> SX-M2-> TEAC DAP20    
          Karl Denson sx., Ephriam Owens trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Craig
          Dawson drms.
          3 CDR, 44k, "Neumann TLM 170(SPREAD 25')->SONOSAX SX-M2-> TEAC DAP20"
04/05/00  All     Eugene, OR - Wild Duck             A:D,CD         A-/A 163 AT822 -> D8                             
          Karl Denson sx., Ephriam Owens trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith pia., Ron Johnson bas., Craig
          Dawson drms.
          3 CD's, 44k, "AT822 -> D8 -> CDR"
05/06/00  All     New Orleans, LA - House of Blues   A:D,CD         A    124 B+K> DA-P1> D8                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "B+K>DA-P1>D8"
05/08/00  All     Asheville, NC - Stella Blue        Af:D,CD        A/A+ 160 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Holy Cow!  What a show - first KDTU's Uhaul gets a flat so show is postponed by 2.5 hours, show
          eventually starts at 12:15, KDTU proceeds to play a monster 2 set 3+ hour show (ends at 3:30 am).  Karl
          Denson - Tenor Sax, Alto Sax, & Flute, Craig Dawson - Drums, Brian Jordan - Electric Guitar, Ron Johnson -
          Bass Guitar, David Veith - Hammond Organ, Fender Rhodes, & Electric Piano, Ephraim Owens - Trumpet
          3 CD's, 44k
05/12/00  All     Athens, GA - Georgia Theatre       S:D,CD         A+   136                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/21/00  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   A:D,CD         A    65  B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1               
          opened for SCI
          1 CD, 44k
02/09/01  All     Chicago, IL - House Of Blues       Af:D,CD        A    203 Schoeps CMC-64V> Schoeps VMS 52>        
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: FOB Schoeps CMC64's (w/active cables on ORTF Bar) > Schoeps VMS 52> AD2K+ (NS3
          setting) > DA-P1, Conversion: DA-P1 > TB Montego II > Sound Forge 4.5 > CdWav > shn", downloaded from
05/07/01  All     Asheville, NC - Asheville Music    Af:D,CD        A    143 B&K 4022's > Lunatec V2 > Apogee        
          no setlist
          Karl Denson sx., Robert Walter org., Andy Cleaves trmp., Brian Jordan gtr., David Veith keys., Ron
          Johnson bas., Eric Bolivar drms., EJ Rodriguez perc.
          3 CD's, 44k
10/30/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats          Af:D,CD        A    145 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          44k, (Sony R300-> Tascam CDRW700), taped from the rail immediately behind the soundboard (my usual
          spot), X-Y 100

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Karl Denson's Tiny Universe ]


01/24/70  All     Macon, GA - Capricorn Studios      StO:R,C3,CD    A-/A 63                                          
          5 tracks (all jams)
          w/ Duane Allman
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss
10/16/70  All     Philadelphia, PA - Electric        A:Cm,?,CD      B+   n/a                                         
          EC/Jim Gordon (Drums)/Bobby Whitlock (Keyboards)/Carl Radle (Bass), this is the earliest-known
          performance by Clapton of Motherless Children
          1 CD, 44k, "Electric Factory" - DeepSix - DEEPSIX005 - sb4, sounds like it could be FOB.
10/23/70  Late    NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,D,CD      A+   115                                         
          2 CD's, 44k (DA20mkii(44k)-> Tascam CDR700)
10/24/70  Late    NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,D,CD    A/A+ 107                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/20/70  Early   Civic Auditorium Santa Monica      S:?,Blp,CD     A-   36                                          
          (4 tracks)
          Afternoon Show
          1 CD, 44k, "Stormy Monday" (vinyl source)
11/20/70  Late    Civic Auditorium Santa Monica      S:?,BCD,CD     A-   85                                          
          Evening Show
          2 CD's, 44k, "Majestic Stand Vols. 3 & 4"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Derek & the Dominoes ]


??/??/80  All     Denver, CO - Rainbow Music Hall    FM:?,CD        A/A+ 80                                          
          no setlist (16 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rick Derringer ]


07/17/80  All     Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       FM:?,CD        A/A+ 71                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Devo ]


03/03/79  All     Philadelphia, PA - Unknown         S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 52                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Sultans of Swing", sounds like a preFM
04/01/79  All     San Francisco, CA - Boarding House S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 44                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Source:SBD > master reel > DAT(s); Conversion:	Tascam DA-20 @ 48.0 kHz > ZA-2 resample to
          44.1kHz on the fly > HD using Cool Edit > CDWave > track waves > CD-R master using CDRWin; Extraction:	
          CD-R master > EAC > HD > MKW shorten > .shn" md5=OK; sound is a little hot at the start
08/05/85  All     Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Blossom       S:?,CD         A/A+ 101                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>WAV>CDR>EAC>SHN", md5=OK
06/18/86  All     London, ENG - Unknown              S:?,BCD,CD     A    70                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "Perfect Investigations"
??/??/88  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        S:?,CD         A/A+ 55                                          
          w/ Eric Clapton
          1 CD, 44k
02/02/92  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      S:D,CD         A/A+ 108                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii (48k) -> Tascam CDRW700 (44k))
06/28/92  All     Basel, SWI - St. Jacob Stadium     S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dire Straits ]


02/25/99  All     Brookdale, CA - Brookdale Lodge    S:D,CD         A    154                                         
          Missing: Magellan
          * = First time played.
          3 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Disco Biscuits ]


12/02/61  All     Munich, GER - Unknown              S:?,CD         U    68                                          
          no setlist
          w/ Reggie Workman, McCoy Tyner, Mel Lewis
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Eric Dolphy ]


??/??/7?  All     Outtakes                           StO:?,CD       A/A+ 48                                          
          no setlist (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "great, rare stuff from 1st couple albums"
05/31/73  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        FM:?,CD        A-/A 58                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/31/75  All     Memphis, TN - Unknown              S:?,BCD,CD     A    52                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Rockin Down In Memphis", rec'd as 9/75
12/??/76  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:?,BCD,CD     A    48                                          
          w/ Michael McDonald
          1 CD, 44k, "Rockin Down The Elfreth's Alley" FYI, Elfreth's Alley (Philly) is the oldest residential
          street in America
??/??/77  All     England                            A:?,CD         B+   47                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, TAO
12/28/78  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      S:?,CD         A/A+ 48                                          
          w/ Michael McDonald
          1 CD, 44k
01/21/79  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 77                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live! Wild West Coast"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Doobie Brothers ]


??/??/??  Mix     Stages (1965-1970)                 S:?,CD         A    209                                         
          Disc One - Rick And The Ravens' official 7" singles 1+2=Aura Records 4511, 1965; 3+4=Aura Records 4506,
          1965; 5+6=Posae Records101, 1965; 7=Now Explosion TV Show, O'Keefe Centre, Toronto, Canada, August 8th,
          1967); 8+9=Murray The K. T.V.Show Outtakes, Battery Park, New York, September 22nd, 1967;
          10-12=Winterland, San Francisco, December 26th, 1967; 13=Winterland, San Francisco, December 28th, 1967;
          14=Continental Ballroom, San Jos,, November 19th, 1967; 15=Interview with The Doors, Fillmore West, San
          Francisco, June 6th, 1967.  Disc Two - 1+2=Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, July 5th, 1968; 3=Kongresshal- le,
          Frankfurt, West Germany, September 14th, 1968, first show; 4+5=Singer Bowl, New York, August 2nd, 1968;
          6=Chicago Coliseum, Chicago, May 10th, 1968; 7-10=L.A. Forum, Los Angeles, December 14th, 1968; Copenhagen
          TV Studio, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 17th, 1968; 12=Roundhouse, London, England, September 7th, 1968,
          second show; 13=Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Holland; September 15th, 1968, first show.  Disc Three -
          1=Aquarius Theatre, Hollywood, Los Angeles, July 21st, 1969; 2=Aquarius Theatre, Hollywood, Los Angeles,
          July 22nd, 1969; 3=Toronto Popfestival, Toronto, Canada, September 13th, 1969; 4+5=Dinner Key Auditorium,
          Miami, March 1st, 1969; 6-11=Critique TV Show, New York, May 13th, 1969 (cover says May 23rd, but this was
          the day of broadcast, not the recording).
Disc Four - 1=Isle Of Wight Festival, Isle Of Wight, England,
          August 29th, 1970; 2=Cobo Hall, Detroit, May 8th, 1970; 3=Civic Auditorium, Bakers- field, August 21st,
          1970; 4=Baltimore Civic Centre, Baltimore, May 10th, 1970; 5-7=Felt Forum, New York, January 18th, 1970,
          late show; 8+9=State Fair Music Hall, Dallas, 1
1.12.1970, first show.
          4 CD's, 44k
03/07/67  All     San Francisco, CA - The Matrix     S:Rm,P,D,CD    A    117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
03/07/67  All     San Francisco, CA - The Matrix     S:?,BCD,CD     A    198                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, "COMPLETE MATRIX TAPES" 3/7 & 3/10/67, The Doors - The Complete Matrix Club Tapes,
Publisher: Kiss The Stone, Reference: KTS BX 009, Date: 1994, Made in: Italy
03/10/67  All     San Francisco, CA - The Matrix     S:?,BCD,CD     A    198                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, "COMPLETE MATRIX TAPES" 3/7 & 3/10/67, The Doors - The Complete Matrix Club Tapes,
Publisher: Kiss The Stone, Reference: KTS BX 009, Date: 1994, Made in: Italy
10/11/67  All     Danbury High School Gym -          S:?,CD         B    54                                          
          Recordings: 65 minNOTES:  Sometimes mislabled as 10/17/67
          1 CD, 44k, splices during Moonlight Drive
12/22/67  All     Los Angeles, CA - Unknown          FM:?,CD        A/A+ 73                                          
          filler includes the hilarious Go Insane (boogie)
          1 CD, 44k
04/19/68  All     Long Island, NY - Westbury Music   A:?,CD         A    78                                          
          "When the Music's Over" is cut on my source.
          44k; audience can be heard thru mics; 2 CD's
07/05/68  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl     S:?,CD         A/A+ 46                                          
          Audience tapes exist; the live video.  The audience version includes Hello, I Love You and the full
          version of Spanish Caravan that were deleted from the video!
          1 CD, 44k, bootleg CD "The Night on Fire" (ADD), w/ art work
07/09/68  All     Dallas, TX - Dallas Memorial       S:?,CD         B+   69                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/10/68  All     Houston, TX - Sam Houston Coliseum A:?,CD         B    51                                          
          10 tracks
          51 min.
          1 CD, 44k, the girl's comments are distracting "Oh Lord", "Oh God, look at him..."
09/20/68  Late    Stockholm, SWE - Konserthaus       S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 74                                          
          Apocalypse Now Bootleg CD
          44k, w/ artwork
??/??/69  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:?,CD         A/A+ 62                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/69  Mix     The Missing Tapes                  Sto:?,CD       A-   68                                          
          The Missing Tapes (Live Storm LSCD 51594, Italy 1994)
           1= Unpublished final studio version, which never got on the album The Soft Parade, date unknown,
          probably early 1969; 2-3= Studio Session for the album The Soft Parade, date unknown, probably early 1969;
          4-14= Studio Session for The Soft Parade, February 25th, 1969. A copy of Missing Links, Memorial Records
          (Memorec 403).   Jim Morrison told Jerry Hopkins during the well known interview for Rolling Stone about
          this session: "We needed another song for The Soft Parade. We were racking our brains trying to think what
          song. We were in the studio and so we started throwing out all those old songs. Blues trips. Rock
          Classics. Finally we just started playing and we played for about an hour, and we went through the whole
          history of rock music - starting with blues, going through rock and roll, surf music, latin, the whole
          thing. I call it `Rock Is Dead'. I doubt if anybody'll ever hear it." Jim was wrong.
          1 CD, 44k, compilation
04/28/69  All     WNET (PBS) Televison Studios -     S:?,CD         A-/A 58                                          
          Recordings:  "Critique" (Bootleg L.P.)  Deja Vu Records 45 min. NOTES:  Above date was the date the
          show was taped.  It was not broadcast until 5/23/69.  Also, Light My Fire was played (after Soft Parade),
          but not broadcast.
          1 CD, 44k, Track 7 - 'Now Explosion'  1967, Track 8 / 9 - Avalon Ballroom - San Francisco, CA (April
          15, 1967), Tracks 10 / 11 - 'Smothers Brothers' 1967
06/01/69  All     Mexico                             S:?,CD         B+   68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss
07/21/69  Partial Los Angeles, CA - Aquarius Theatre S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 57                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live in Hollywood - Highlights From the Aquarius Theater"
01/17/70b Partial NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:?,CD         A    70                                          
          1 CD, 44k, bootleg CD "Build Me A Woman"
01/18/70  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "from Italian Bootleg "No Future", 1-shn"
02/11/70  All     Dallas, TX - Unknown               S:?,C,CD       A    95                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, hiss
05/08/70  All     Detroit, MI - COBO Arena           S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 138                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/04/70  All     Vancouver, British Columbia -      FM:?,CD        A-/A 128                                         
          With Albert King
          FM source circulates
          2 CD's, 44k, hiss
06/04/70  partial Vancouver, British Columbia -      FM:C,C,CD      A-/A n/a                                         
          FM source circulates
          1 CD, 44k, variable levels of hiss, reel cut in "Light My Fire", cassette flip during "Fever"
06/05/70  All     Seattle, WA - Seattle Center       S:Rm,D,C,CD    A    72                                          
          NO: Hitler poem
          Also seen as 6/7/70.
          1 CD, 44k, noticable hiss
06/06/70  All     Vancouver, British Columbia -      A:Cm,CD        A-   105                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/29/70  All     Isle Of Wight  England             S:Rm,D,CD      A+   71                                          
          Bootlegs:  Live At The Isle Of Wight (L.P.) Tangie Town Records 45.  3rd to last show.  Both audience
          and soundboard sources exist.  Audience is missing Roadhouse Blues, but has unedited The End.
          44k, (PCMR500-> Tascam 700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Doors ]


01/13/76  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         preFM:R,?,CD   A/A+ 59                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show ]


07/??/70  All     "The Sun, Moon & Herbs"            S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 40                                          
          1 CD, 44k, ""The Sun, Moon & Herbs" - ATCO - 7567-80440-2 (Germany) - German CD import - not available
          in US for some reason" - "A monumental recording, in the dark days of vinyl you had to hunt this one out.
          On CD, nothing is lost, save perhaps the sleeve notes, where small print addicts could read the guest list
          that reads like a celebrity call-out that includes Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger. "
04/07/72  All     Syracuse, NY - Hanley Field House  FM:D,CD        A    57                                          
          the intro jam definitely sounds inspired by the Allmans
          Dr. John the Nighttripper and Orphan opened for the ABB, WAER presented the show
          1 CD, 44k, "fmRM > DAT> CD"
03/05/73  All     Chalmatte, LA - St. Bernard        S:?,CD         A-   73                                          
          Mardi Gras gig
          Dr. John Creaux the Night Tripper w/ the Meters & Professor Longhair
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss
11/06/73  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        preFM:R,D,CD   A/A+ 74  Schoeps                                 
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/74  All     Next Hex - Nashville Sessions '74  Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 52                                          
          (15 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/74  All     New Orleans, LA - Soundstage       FM:?,CD        A-   45                                          
          w/ The Meters, Professor Longhair, & Earl King
          Soundstage '74
          1 CD, 44k, sound fades in and out, has hiss
09/25/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A/A+ 74                                          
          no setlist
          'Dr. John The Night Tripper'
          1 CD, 44k
11/10/78  All     Washington, DC - Cellar Door       FM:?,CD        A    70                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some small pops at 0:22-0:29 on track 5 ("City Lights"),
09/08/81  All     Burlington, VT - Hunt's            S:?,CD         A    94                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
04/15/83  All     London, ENG - Marquee Club         S:?,CD         A    60                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/04/83  All     London, ENG - Albany Empire        S:?,CD         A/A+ 41                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/29/84  All     St. Petersburg, FL - Unknown       A:?,CD         A-/A 104                                         
          w/ Maria Mulduar
          2 CD's, 44k
12/07/84  All     Chicago, IL - The Cubby Bear       S:Cm,D,CD      A    80                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD CASSETTE> TASCAM DA-302> HHB CDR-800", there is a weird hum in the background but
          otherwise this is great (Soundforge anyone?)
04/15/85  All     Boston, MA - Swifts                S:?,CD         A    49                                          
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track
12/28/85  All     Pittsburg, PA - Unknown            S:?,CD         A    139                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/08/86  All     St. Louis, MO - Unknown            S:?,CD         A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k
08/01/87  All     New Orleans, LA - Jazz Fest        FM:?,CD        A    59                                          
          WGBH - Boston, Dr John & Swamp Jam, Hank Crawford, David Newman,
          1 CD, 44k
02/16/88  All     Oakland, CA - Keystone             S:?,CD         A    70                                          
          10 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
10/13/88  All     Columbus, OH - Dell's Restaurant   S:?,CD         A-/A 80                                          
          14 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
01/31/99  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A+   51                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/09/99  All     Koblenz, GER - Loreley Ampitheatre FM:D,CD        A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/28/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds      S:D,CD         A+   70  S:Monster Digi> Oade Cable> SBM1> D8    
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | (Malcolm Rebennack) Dr. John 'Creaux the Night Tripper' ]


12/21/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a Schoeps                                 
          Warren Haynes Xmas Jam
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Driving & Crying ]


02/??/61  Most    East Orange, NJ - Bob and Sid      S:?,CD         A-   66                                          
          East Orange Tape - Feb or March 1961, Filler: 11/4/61
          1 CD, 44k, "Dylan's Roots"
11/04/61  All     New York City, NY - Carnegie       S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          ON: 2/??/61 as filler
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/62  Most    New York City, NY - Gaslight Café  S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          NO: Barbara Allen
          Second Gaslight Tape
          1 CD, 44k, order differs slightly from TT Dylan file
07/02/62  All     Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Finjan  S:?,CD         A/A+ 57                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/12/63  Most    New York City, NY - Town Hall      S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          Missing: You've Been Hiding, FILLER: 10/26/63
          Town Hall concert 1963, some tracks are in mono.
          1 CD, 44k, "In Concert"
10/26/63  Partial New York City, NY - Carnegie Hall  S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          ON: 4/12/63 as filler
          1 CD, 44k
10/31/64  All     New York City, NY - Philharmonic   S:?,CD         A-/A 117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
??/??/65  All     "Spider's Web" More Unreleased     StO:?,CD       A-   71                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/13/66  All     Sydney, Australia - Sydney Stadium S:?,BCD,CD     A    95                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, starts at A-/A but gets better
04/19/66  All     Melbourne, Australia - Festival    S:Rm,?,D,CD    A-   66                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/16/66  All     Sheffield, England, U.K. -         S:?,BCD,CD     A    69                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/17/69  All     Nashville, TN - Columbia Studio A  Sto:Rm,?,CD    A/A+ 75                                          
          With Johnny Cash
          1 CD, 44k
05/01/70  All     NYC, NY - Columbia 30th Street     Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 64                                          
          no setlist
          w/ George Harrison
          1 CD, 44k
04/18/76  All     Lakeland, FL - Civic Center        A:Rm,D,CD      B+   106                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700]
05/03/76  All     New Orleans, LA - The Warehouse    S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 142                                         
          w/ Rolling Thunder set, David Mansfield, T-Bone Burnett, Freedman,
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700]
07/04/87  All     Foxboro, MA - Sullivan Stadium     S:?,D,CD       A-/A n/a                                         
          "Times RA-Changin'" patched from an audience source
          1 CD, 44k
07/10/87  All     Philadelphia, PA - John F.         S:?,D,CD       A-/A n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
07/12/87  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Giants       A:?,D,CD       A-   n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (encores for 7/12, 7/19, 7/24, & 7/26 all came on 1 CDR)
07/19/87  All     Eugene, OR - Autzen Stadium        S:?,D,CD       A/A+ n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (encores for 7/12, 7/19, 7/24, & 7/26 all came on 1 CDR)
07/24/87  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland County       S:?,D,CD       A    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (encores for 7/12, 7/19, 7/24, & 7/26 all came on 1 CDR)
07/26/87  All     Anaheim, CA - Anaheim Stadium      S:?,D,CD       A    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (encores for 7/12, 7/19, 7/24, & 7/26 all came on 1 CDR)
06/30/88  All     Wantagh, NY - Jones Beach          S:?,CD         A    88                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, has hiss
09/04/88  All     Bristol, CT - Lake Compounce       S:?,CD         A    80                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
04/22/92  All     Maui, Hawaii - Royal Lahanina      S:?,CD         A-/A 92                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, this may be from the hearing impaired feed
04/19/93  All     Huntsville, AL - Huntsville        A:?,CD         A    149                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Hard Times in Alabama"
10/07/95  All     Charleston, SC - King Street       A:D,CD         A-/A n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
10/10/95  All     Augusta, GA - Bell Auditorium      Af:D,CD        A    115 Sonic Studios DSM6-> D7                 
          2 CD's, 44k, "taped from 7th Row, Right side", "Sonic StudiosDSM-6>D7", [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
08/03/96  All     Atlanta, GA - House Of Blues       S;D,CD         A-/A 113                                         
          Midnight Show
          2 CD's, 44k, this may be from the hearing impaired feed
08/23/97  All     Vienna, VA - Wolf Trap             FM:D,CD        A    90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, small digiblast during Tamboruine Man
12/08/97  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             S:D,CD         A    105                                         
          Benefit for Hale House, Larry Campbell, David Kemper, Bucky Backster, Tony Gonier
          2 CD's, 44k, this is not the B&K source I have on DAT, this may be from the hearing impaired feed
10/23/98  All     Minneapolis, MN - Target Center    Af:D,CD        A-/A 100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, tiny drop-out/cut at the start of Gotta Serve
10/30/99  All     Milwaukee, WI - Milwaukee Arena    A:D,CD         A-/A 97                                          
          Phil Lesh and Friends opened
          2 CD's, 44k
10/31/99  All     Chicago, IL - UIC Pavilion         A:D,CD         A-/A 92                                          
          Phil Lesh and Friends opened
          2 CD's, 44k
03/15/00  All     Santa Cruz, CA - Civic Auditorium  A:D,CD         A-/A 101 Schoeps                                 
          2 CD's, 44k
04/06/00  All     Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium   A:D,CD         A-   116 Schoeps                                 
          * Ray Benson on guitar.  + Ray Benson on Guitar and Vocals
          2 CD's, 44k
07/21/00  All     Hartford, CT - The Meadows         A:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/05/00  All     Ann Arbor, MI - University of      A:D,CD         A-/A 117 dpa 4061--zefiro inbox--pcm-m1          
          w/ G.E. Smith
          2 CD's, 44k
04/25/01  All     Cape Girardeau, MO - Show Me       Af:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps MK-4V                           
          Missouri State University. * Acoustic
          2 CD's, 44k
04/27/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Chilhowee Park     Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), w/ tracks, most of first song is missing (I couldn't
          get a signal initially).  I pointed my mic's straight at the right speaker stack.  A little rough at the
04/27/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Chilhowee Park     Af:D,CD,*CD    A-/A n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Most of the 'work' was done with tc electronics outboard gear - M5000 for eq and
          multiband compression, finalizer for more eq, and an M2000 for a stereo limiter & dither.  All 24 bit
05/01/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       Af:D,CD        A    135 Schoeps MK-4> Rubelheuber> Sony D10     
          2 CD's, 44k, levels are a bit low
08/12/01  All     Springfield, IL - Illinois State   Af:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps mk-4V                           
          2 CD's, 44k
08/20/01  All     Telluride, CO - Telluride Town     Af:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps mk-4V                           
          2 CD's, 44k
10/06/01  All     Seattle, WA - Seattle Center Arena Af:D,CD        A-/A 124                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/20/01  All     Uncasville, CT - Mohegan Sun Arena Af:D,CD        A-   134                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/21/01  All     Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless  A:D,CD         A-   139                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (B+/A-) sounds a bit distant
10/04/02  All     Seattle, WA - Key Arena            Af:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps CCM-4> SX-M2> Sony D100         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps CCM4 cardioids ORTF in hat > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony D100 > Conner DDS drive >  Cool
          Edit Pro > CDWAVE > CDRWIN > Plextor recorded on main floor center halfway between the soundboard and the

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bob Dylan ]


03/20/73  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          S:?,BCD,CD     A    49                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Early Bird"
06/07/73  All     Tampa, FL - Unknown                A:Cm,D,CD      A-   77                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
06/16/73  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  A:Rm,C,C,CD    B+   78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Wanted", I have correctly tracked this show, also seen as 6/6/73, w/ artwork
??/??/74  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          FM:?,BCD,CD    A-/A 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "That's Live", there sounds like FM/ tuning static briefly, w/ artwork
08/08/74  All     Lenox, MA - Tanglewood             A:?,CD         A-   63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, also seen as 2/8/74
05/31/75  All     Tampa, FL - Sun Dome               A:Cm,?,CD      A-   79                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, a few weird splices (cassette flips) and some tape speed issues in a few spots*
02/07/76  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          A:?,BCD,CD     A-   118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Flying First"
02/09/76  All     Nagoya, JAP - Swibuka Hall         S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 116                                         
          2 CD, 44k, "Eastern Nights", w/ artwork
??/??/77  All     Houston, TX - Unknown Location     A:?,BCD,CD     A-   67                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Pink Champagne On Ice"
08/19/78  All     Chicago, IL - Comiskey Park        A:?,BCD,CD     A-   100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Witchy Woman"
09/08/79  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          A:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 105                                         
          The Long Run Tour
          1 CD, 44k, "Flying Again", t01d2 has some slight glitches (also cut in 2 places)
12/27/79  All     Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater    A:?,CD         B+   87                                          
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Eagles ]


01/11/88  All     Liverpool, ENG - Unknown           S:?,CD         A/A+ 59                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "BBC Radio 1 Live in Concert"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Echo & the Bunnymen ]


05/25/00  All     Hebron, OH - Buckeye Lake Music    A:D,CD         A-   103 AKG 480/ck61> Sound design MP-2> GP     
          * First time played, ** w/ Bob Weir
          2 CD's, 44k, "AKG 480+ck (spread 3")-> Sound Design MP-2 (rolloff set to 80 hz). Graham Patten

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ekoostik Hookah ]


??/??/73  All     London, ENG - Unknown              S:Rm,CD        A    40                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 53                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Light Went On Again"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Electric Light Orchestra ]


01/07/99  All     Athens, GA - Unknown               S:D,CD         A/A+ 72                                          
          no setlist (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tinsley Ellis ]


05/18/77  All     Oakland, CA - Unknown              S:?,CD         A    38                                          
          1 CD, 4kk
07/25/97  All     Bellinzona, SWI - The Kingdom Fest S:D,CD         A+   91                                          
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Emerson, Lake, & Palmer ]


09/03/79  All     Berkeley, CA - Keystone            S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Fabulous T-Birds ]


09/30/86  All     Berkeley, CA - Swordsteak          S:Cm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Donald Fagen ]


11/24/82  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A/A+ 52                                          
          partial setlist
          WMMS coffebreak concert
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | The Fixx ]


12/08/62  1       NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:Rm,D,CD      A+   41                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips 870]

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Flatt & Scruggs ]


08/15/67  All     London, ENG - Marquee Club         S:?,CD         B+   55                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, some clicks that sound original to the reel
04/27/68  All     London, ENG - Polytechnic          A:?,CD         B+   50                                          
          Main Extension Building of Polytechnic of Central London
          w/ Peter Green - vocals, guitar, harmonica; Jeremy Spencer - vocal, guitar; John McVie - bass; Mick
          Fleetwood - drums
          1 CD, 44k
06/23/68  All     Aberdeen, UK - Capital Centre      S:?,CD         A    47                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Mean Old World"
??/??/69  All     Chicago, IL - Unknown              Sto:?,CD       U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          studio rehearsals
          2 CD's, 44k
??/??/69  All     Helsinki                           S:?,CD         B+   79                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/25/69  All     Los Angeles, CA - Exposition Hall  S:?,CD         A/A+ 44                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Exposition Hall"
04/01/69  All     Stockholm, SWE - Konserthuset      A:?,CD         B    23                                          
          no setlist (5 tracks)
          Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, Danny Kirwan, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood
          1 CD, 44k
11/04/69  All     Stockholm, SWE - Konserthuset      A:?,CD         B+   76                                          
          no setlist (14 tracks)
          Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, Danny Kirwan, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood
          1 CD, 44k
01/??/70  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          S:?,CD         A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "THEY PLAY ON"
01/07/70  All     Seattle, WA - Eagle's Auditorium   A:?,BCD,CD     B+   72                                          
          Mick Fleetwood, Peter Green, Danny Kirwan, John McVie, Jeremy Spencer
          1 CD, 44k, "The Last Goodbye", (Released : Unknown, Label : Head),
01/30/70  All     New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse   S:Rm,?,CD      A    60                                          
          no setlist
          The tape which contains this list is labeled "1/29/70" but 1/30/70 is the correct date.  According to
          Tom Constanten this was his last performance as a regular member of the band (Between Rock & Hard Places
          p. 84).  Back at their hotel afterward, the Dead were "busted down on Bourbon St."
          1 CD, 44k, during track 9 I noticed what sounded like another radio station at a very low volume.  This
          doesn't really sound like an FM (but it could be a preFM).  I don't know whether the other sound that I
          hear is from poor reception (for instance FM:Cm*,CD) or something whacky with their PA.  Before track 10
          starts, you can hear a weather forecast.  Either way, these noises are only audible at the end and only
          when there is little noise from the band and the quality is better than most 1970 recordings.
01/31/70  All     New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse   S:Rm,?,CD      A    84                                          
          no setlist
          FM opened for the Grateful Dead...the Dead were busted this date
          2 CD's, 44k, The Dead set source from this date is (most likely FMac is the same) "Reel M->Cass  1->Dat
          0, 48k, 7inch Master Reel@7.5ips 1/2trk->Tascam 122mkIII Cass 1st Gen->3800 x 0"
02/05/70  All     Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party      S:Rm,D,CD      A    128                                         
          Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, Danny Kirwan, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood.
          2 CD's, 44k, "SDB>R>D", may be from 2/5 2/6 or 2/7/70, set 1 sas also been seen as 5/?/70 (According to
          the Penguin FMac site 2/5/70 is the date)
04/01/70  All     Stockholm, SWE - Konserthuset      S:Rm,?,CD      A-   141                                         
          no setlist (10 + 7 tracks)
          Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, Danny Kirwan, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood.  Peter Green's last show with
          the band was on May 28, 1970.  He left partly due to his newfound (acid) religious convictions and his
          urgent desire for the band to give away all their money as well as his slow descent into madness.  When
          they eventually refused, he left.  Green's last FMac song, 'Green Manalishi,' seems to document his
          struggle to stop his descent into madness.
          2 CD's, 44k, (B+/A-) vocals sound very distant (it's as if they weren't even mic'd)
03/24/71  All     San Bernardino, CA - Swing         S:?,CD         A-   38                                          
          no setlist (6 tracks)
          Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, Danny Kirwan, Christine McVie, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood.  Green  joins
          Fleetwood Mac for the rest of the tour on 3/19/71.
          1 CD, 44k
02/??/72  All     Seattle, WA - Paramount Ballroom   A:?,CD         B+   n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, may be 2/9/74
??/??/74  All     Los Angeles, CA - Studio           Sto:?,CD       A    50                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Bermuda Triangle"
10/08/74  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        FM:?,CD        A    69                                          
          (11 tracks)
          I think this is: Bob Welch, Christine McVie, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood (aka "the bogus band")
          1 CD, 44k
05/??/75  All     Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater      preFM:?,CD     A    51                                          
          1 CD, 44k, same setlist as '76 but these aren't the same, this may be 10/13/75
07/??/75  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,D,CD      A    66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Amaster>>DAT>>CD" some degradation of the master reel at one point, between 7/23/75 and
09/23/75  All     Walingford, CT - Trodd Nossel      FM:?,D         A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, may be the same as 1/12/76 but longer
??/??/76  All     Rock Hoppers, CA.                  Sto:?,BCD,CD   A-/A 52                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Rockhoppers Live" sounds like there is a lp source
01/12/76  All     Walingford, CT - Trodd Nossel      preFM:?,CD     A    56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, between song editing, this may be the same as 9/23/75 but shorter
1977      All     'RUMORS' - The Other Side          StO:?,CD       A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, brief static sound during Second Hand News,
03/20/77  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    A:Cm,D,CD      A-   99                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700), disc flips at the cassette flips
05/07/77  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      S:?,CD         A/A+ 65                                          
          "Day On The Green", With The Doobie Brothers and Gary "Dream Weaver" Wright
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like preFM, crowd noise fades out at the start of songs, I am told this is the
          "Oklahoma City" show that is often mislabeled as 5/7/77
05/21/77  2P      Nashville, TN - Nashville          S:?,CD         A/A+ 41                                          
          $7.50 ticket price
          1 CD, 44k
08/25/77  All     Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater    A:?,CD         A-   74                                          
          16 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, a bunch of digital noise (popping/clicking) on the FMac '77 Vegas on track 11 starting at
          4:30 and continuing through first part of track 12
08/30/78  All     Baton Rouge, LA - Unknown          S:?,CD         A-/A 62                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/??/79  All     'TUSK' Tour Rehearsals             S:?,CD         A-/A 72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss
11/06/79  All     St. Louis, MO - Checker Dome       S:?,CD         A/A+ 111                                         
          last of 2 or 3 nights; filmed
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 11/5/79 but McVie mentions previous night in St Louis
02/05/80  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
05/20/80  All     Richfield, OH - Richfield Coliseum S:?,CD         A    123                                         
          1 CD, 44k
12/??/81  All     'MIRAGE' Studio Outtakes           Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 66                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/05/82  All     Devore, CA - Glen Helen Regional   A:?,CD         A-/A 66                                          
          partial setlist (14 tracks)
          US Festival
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 9/15/82 but this is incorrect according to
          (, brief skip at track 2, 4:15
10/05/82  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Forum        preFM:?,CD     A    30                                          
          1 CD, 44k,
12/10/87  Partial Fresno, CA - Selland Arena         preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 54                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/17/97  Most    Irvine, CA - Irvine Meadows        S:?,CD         A/A+ 101                                         
          NO: Everywhere, Go Insane, Sweet Girl, My Little Demon, Not That Funny-> drum solo, (E2): Songbird (all
          songs had questionable vocals)
          2 CD's, 44k, review (

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Fleetwood Mac ]


04/06/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Sin City"
06/08/69  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Palamino     S:?,CD         A-/A 71                                          
          Graham Parsons - guitar, vocals; Chris Hillman - bass, vocals; Sneaky Pete Kleinow - pedal steel,
          vocals; Micheal Clarke - drums
          1 CD, 44k
07/27/69  All     Seattle, WA - Unknown              S:?,CD         A-   76                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, w/ hiss, most every song fades into the start

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Flying Burrito Brothers ]


06/26/97  All     Roskilde, DEN - Roskilde Festival  FM:D,CD        U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "FM:D>D>D>CD>CD"
09/25/97  All     New Orleans, LA - Saenger          S:BCD,CD       A/A+ 69                                          
          1 CD, 44l, "Born on the Bayou"
07/02/98  All     NYC, NY - Radio City Music Hall    A:D,CD         A-/A 121 Nakamichi 700s>D8                       
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Fogerty ]


??/??/77  All     Chicago, IL - Mantra Studios       FM:?,CD        A-/A 58                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Feels Like The First Live", "this looks to be the headlining show done by Foreigner
          at the radio broadcast performance for WKQX at the Uptown Theater."
01/08/81  All     Germany                            FM:?,CD        A-/A 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "A Foreign Live Affair", a few reception glitches
??/??/82  All     Dallas, TX - Unknown               S:?,CD         A    52                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live From Foreign Land", pop at track 8 (0:11)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Foreigner ]


07/04/79  All     Ft. Worth, TX - Convention Center  FM:?,CD        A-/A 141                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, skip @3:05 during 'Everything I Need', skip @10:15 during 'Jumpin' Jack Flash', static @
          0:42 during 'Winds Of Change', static @ 1:56 during 'Money', 18 seconds of blank space at the end

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Peter Frampton ]


05/07/68  All     Paris, FRA - Unknown               S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
Aretha Franklin : Piano, Vocals 
Russell Conway : Trumpet 
George Davidson : Drums
Carolyn Franklin : Vocals, Vocals (Background) 
Gary Illingworth : Piano
          1 CD, 44k, -clicks between tracks
02/05/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  preFM:?,D      A/A+ n/a                                         
          Aretha Franklin (vocals, electric piano); Ray Charles (vocals, electric piano); King Curtis (soprano &
          tenor saxophones); Billy Preston (organ).  The Kingpins: Cornell Dupree (guitar); Truman Thomas (electric
          piano); Jerry Jemmott (bass); Bernard Purdie (drums); Pancho Morales (congas).  The Memphis Horns: Andrew
          Love, Lou Collins (tenor saxophones); Jimmy Mitchell (baritone saxophone); Wayne Jackson, Roger Hopps
          (trumpets); Jack Hale (trombone). The Sweethearts Of Soul: Margaret Branch, Brenda Bryant, Pat Smith
          (background vocals).  Recorded live at Fillmore West, San Francisco, California on February 5 and 7,
          1 CD, 44k, I am guessing this is a preFM because the crowd noise fades in and out between songs.
06/12/71  All     Montreaux, SWI - Casino Montreaux  S:?,CD         A    66                                          
          w/ King Curtis
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Aretha Franklin ]


08/31/70  All     Isle Of Wight  England             S:?,CD         A/A+ 60                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "Remastered version"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Free ]


02/13/99  All     Philadelphia, PA - Theatre of the  M:D,CD         A    139 Neumann KM184                           
          **songs have been rewritten with new words and title.
          2 CD's, 44k, "Matrix: sbd/aud (Neumann 184)-> dat-> cdr (HHB 850)-> EAC-> PC-> CDR"
2000      All     Croakin' at Toads                  S:D,CD         A+   76                                          
          Kofi Burbridge (keyboards, flute) / Otiel Burbridge (bass) / Jimmy Herring (guitar) / John Popper
          (harp, vocals) / Marc Quinones (percussion) / Butch Trucks (drums) / Derek Trucks (slide guitar)
          1 CD, 44, recorded at Wetlands and Toads

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07/21/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Bird's Eye View    Af:D,CD        A/A+ 133 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, [Sony PCMR500-> Phillips CDR870]
07/21/99  Partial Knoxville, TN - Bird's Eye View    S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 113                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, this isn't complete

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tony Furtado ]


07/21/87  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:?,CD         A/A+ 122                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, tracks placed at end of songs (not beginning), artwork
08/27/93  All     Rotterdam, NET - Rotterdam Civic   S:?,BCD,CD     A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live In Rotterdam" - "Liberated Boot> EAC> WAV> mkwACT> SHN - Coments:  too much

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Peter Gabriel ]


04/26/98  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A+   148                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/12/98  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:D,CD         A+   214                                         
          * w/ Robert Walter replacing Rich Vogel - keys Cochemea Gaselum - alto sax, ^ same as above w/
          Schroeder - flute
          3 CD's, 44k
02/13/99  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A+   187                                         
          ^ = w/ John Cleary, * =  w/ G.Love, ** = w/ Jaime - harmonica from Juice
          3 CD's, 44k
03/30/99  All     Carrboro, NC - Cat's Cradle        M:D,CD         A+   118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/30/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee          Af:D,CD        A/A+ 60  MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          1 CD, 44k
09/17/99  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          2 CD's; 44k, may be missing last 3 songs
11/01/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats          Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Galactic ]


05/03/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       A:D,CD         A/A+ 148 Schoeps> PCM M-1                        
          no setlist, featuring Stanton Moore with Charlie Hunter and Skerik
          The origin of this lineup took place in New Orleans right after Mardi Gras 1998, where this fearsome
          threesome met for the first time (to record Galactic drummer Stanton Moore's debut album All Kooked
          2 CD's, 44k
05/04/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Saenger          Af:D,CD        A/A+ 54  Schoeps cmc64 > Lunatec V2 > AD-1000    
          opened for Oysterhead
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Garage A Trois ]


05/26/01  All     Chicago, IL - Boulevard Cafe       A:D,CD         U    n/a Neumann KM84> Lunatec V2> AD2K+>        
          no setlist
          late show; Fareed Haque, Eric Levy, Alan Hertz and Kai Eckhardt
          2 CD's, 44k, "KM84(spaced 15')>V2>AD2K+ZA2>MKWact"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Garaj Mahal ]


??/??/63  All     Palo Alto, CA - Top of the Tangent A:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 10                                          
          This is on 5/4/63
          44k, (Pigpen solo)
02/26/63  All     Palo Alto, CA - Top of the Tangent A:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 35                                          
          This is on 5/4/63
05/04/63  All     Palo Alto, CA - Top of the Tangent A:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [Sony R500-> Phillips CDR870]
02/06/72  All     San Francisco, CA - Pacific High   preFM:D,CD     A    142                                         
          Garcia, Kahn, Kreutzman & Saunders. FM broadcast KSAN. May be 6/2/72 show.
          2 CD's, 44k
01/19/74  All     Berkeley, CA - Pauley Ballroom     S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 76                                          
          Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunders/Garcia & Saunders: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Bill Kreutzman.
          Benefit w/Martin Fiero & Matt Kelly. *=songs appearing on bootleg version of this show.
          1 CD, 44k
11/13/74  Early   Boston, MA - Paul's Mall           A:Rm,CD        B+   70                                          
          Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Paul Humphrey. *=on bootleg tape
          -- not in DeadBase. **="Desilu" on some boots. Set list may be incomplete. Some boots show "Boogie On
          Reggae Woman" & "Someday Baby" reversed.
          1 CD, 44k
11/14/74  Late    Boston, MA - Paul's Mall           A:Rm,CD        B+   101 Uher handheld> Uher 4000                
          Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Paul Humphrey. *=on bootleg tape
          -- not in DeadBase.
          2 CD's, 44k, Uher hand-held mic-->Uher 4000 5" master reel-->playback on a Teac 2300 reel to
          reel-->MacIntosh pre-amp-->Teac 2300 7" reel-->CDR-->EAC-->SHN No DAT stage, 7" reel run directly to CDR
          in sound studio EAC'ed and Shortened by Paul Lucente w/ Ultraplex 40max, "Picks From 1066" Volume 3.
          Personal vault release series, thanks to Jeff Siniawsky and Neil Merin.  Show mastered by Jeff and Neil.
          ".  The 5" reel masters were first run to a set of 7" reels.  The 7" reels were put directly to CDR in a
          recording studio, no DAT in between.  Paul extracted the CDRs and ran them to DAT via ZA2."
11/27/74  1,2p    Berkeley, CA - Keystone            S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 77                                          
          NO: Someday Baby, I Second That Emotion
          Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Paul Humphrey. *="Bossa Martin"
          on some boots. **="Freedom Jazz Dance" on some boots.
          1 CD, 44k
04/12/75  Late    Scranton, PA - Masonic Temple      S:R,R,P,D,CD   U    n/a                                         
          Mystery Train cut at 12:52
          Late show. Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Ron Tutt. Show not
          listed in DeadBase
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSR>1R>P>D>ZA/2>SHN," (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK) cover available
05/21/75  All     Berkeley, CA - Keystone            S:Rm,R,D,CD    U    148                                         
          How Sweet It Is is cut on the master reel.
          Legion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Ron Tutt. *="Georgia On My Mind"
          on some boots.
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>15 ips reel>15ips reel>DAT>Sony R500>Genesis Digital Lens>Fostex CR200> CD>
          WAV(EAC)>SHN" (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
01/07/76  All     Rehearsal - Palo Alto, CA.         S:Cm,C,?,CD    A    78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>CAS (a few gens)>SoundForge>CDRWIN" there is a slight hiss with a weird phasing
02/21/76  Both    Encinitas, CA - La Paloma Theater  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 214                                         
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, Keith & Donna Godchaux, John Kahn, Ron Tutt
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD: MR > C > DAT > CD CDead JGB Mega Vine Batch 5;
03/08/79  All     Cotati, CA - Cabaret Cotati        S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 84                                          
          Reconstruction: Jerry Garcia, Gaylord Birch, John Kahn, Ed Neumeister, Merl Saunders, Ron Stallings.
          Set list from bootleg tape. *=unsure of song name.
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD > master reel > DAT, Tascam DA-20 @ 48.0 kHz > ZA-2 resample to 44.1kHz on the fly >
          HD using Cool Edit > CDWave > track waves > CD-R master using CDRWin, CD-R master > EAC > HD > MKW shorten
          > .shn," (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem, md5=OK)
07/08/79  All     Palo Alto, CA - Keystone Palo Alto S:R,P,P,D,CD   A    112                                         
          Reconstruction: Jerry Garcia, Gaylord Birch, John Kahn, Ed Neumeister, Merl Saunders, Ron Stallings.
          2 CD's, 44k, "Master Soundboard Reels (7" @ 7.5ips) > 2 PCM > DAT > CD," (www.gdlive shorten files via
          cable modem, md5=OK), Betty Board
02/04/82  All     Palo Alto, CA - Keystone Palo Alto S:Cm,D,CD      A    91                                          
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, Essra Mohawk, Melvin Seals, Daoud Shaw, Liz Stires, Jimmy
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSC>D>CDRs, CDR>TAE>WAV>SHN" (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem, md5=OK),   * It
          sounds like Garcia is having technical difficulties through the first 4 minutes of this tune, and the
          soundboard mix in general doesn't fully come together until about 5 minutes in.,  * Tangled Up In Blue is
          cut at 6:45 (on master)
12/02/83  All     Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre    S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 95                                          
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, DeeDee Dickerson, John Kahn, David Kemper, Jaclyn LaBranch, Melvin
          2 CD's, 44k
06/03/84  All     San Francisco, CA - Kabuki Theater S:Cm,D,CD      A+   101                                         
          Garcia & Kahn. Robert Hunter opened.
          2 CD's, 44k, "MR->CM->DAT->CD"
08/30/87  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   A:Cm,D,CD      A    109 Schoeps MK-4V                           
          Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson,
          Sandy Rothman. *=w/Bonnie Raitt. Bonnie Raitt opened.
          2 CD's, 44k
10/17/87  All     NYC, NY - Lunt-Fontanne Theatre    S:D,CD         A/A+ 115                                         
          NO: (E): Run for the Roses
          Late show. Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band/Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David
          Nelson, Sandy Rothman
          2 CD's, 44k, rec'd via BUDD 11/00; Disc One, Acoustic set: Track One: Bright Morning Stars, 0:00
          Begginning is clipped a little bit, 1:41 One second of static (digi-noise), Track 2: Blue Yodel #9, 4:26
          One second dropout, Track 5: Two Soilders, 1:00 One second dropout, Track 9: Drifting Too Far, 5:09 One
          second dropout, Disc Two, Electric Set:, Track One: How Sweet It Is, 0:02 Song starts with high levels,
          0:07 Levels are fixed 5:06 One second dropout, Track 6: Stoned Me, 4:47 Song cuts and is spliced  " Sang a
          song as we walked along we were getting dry, met a man from across the road// % 4:48 //stoned me just like
          going home" (It's hard to tell how much is missing as Jerry was fumbling the lryics earlier in the song so
          I'm not sure what he was singing here) Track 8: Deal 2:47 Half second of static (digi-noise) 2:48 One
          second dropout
??/??/89  All     Garcia, Grisman, Nordine, Waits -  STo:?,D,CD     A+   n/a                                         
          partial setlist; Devout Catalyst session ("Word Jazz")
          Ken Nordine - voice, Jerry Garcia - acoustic guitar, David Grisman - mandolin, Howard Levy - keyboards,
          harmonica, Joe Craven - percussion, Jim Kerwin - bass, Tom Waits - voice
          2 CD's, 44k, Healy Working Tapes; I am told that Neuman mic's were used during the session
01/31/91  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       A:D,CD         A    187 Schoeps                                 
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman.
          3 CD's, 44k, low volume for the first 1:09, digiglitch at 1:29
08/24/91  All     Squaw Valley, CA - Goldcoast       S:D,CD         A+   127                                         
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. Bill Graham
          Summer Music Festival. Other artists: Rythm Tribe, Tower Of Power, Jimmy Cliff
          2 CD's, 44k
11/23/91  All     Milwaukee, WI - Bradley Center     A:D,CD         A    137                                         
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. *=only time
          2 CD's, 44K
10/31/92  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland Coliseum     A:D,CD         A-/A 136                                         
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. Halloween show.
          Vince (Welnick) and The Affordables opened
          2 cd'S, 44K
10/31/93  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Brendan      A:D,CD         A    144                                         
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. Halloween
          2 CD's, 44k, a small d/o at 26 into "How Sweet"
11/18/93  All     Richmond, Va - Richmond Coliseum   A:D,CD         A-   146                                         
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman.
          2 CD's, 44k
11/19/93  All     Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum     Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a Schoeps CMC34> Oade PS> SV-255> DAR-100 
          Jerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman.
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jerry Garcia Band ]


01/04/72  All     Oakland, CA - Unknown              S:?,CD         A    79                                          
          Let's Get It On!!
          this is part of a 20 city U.S. tour that is Marvin's first since Tammi Terrell collapsed at Virginia's
          Hampden-Sydney College (onset of brain cancer) in his arms onstage in 1967
          1 CD, 44k, "Marvin Gaye Live", I think this may be from '72 (rec'd as 1974) because: Tammi Terrell
          collapsed in 1967, Marvin did not play live again until 1972.  At the start of the show, the mc mentions a
          5 year absence.
05/01/72  All     Washington, D.C. - The Kennedy     S:?,CD         A    78                                          
          this is first show of a 20 city U.S. tour that is Marvin's first since Tammi Terrell collapsed at
          Virginia's Hampden-Sydney College (onset of brain cancer) in his arms onstage in 1967
          1 CD, 44k
09/06/74  All     Midnight Special                   TV:D,CD        U    45                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "(VH1 rebroadcast), SBD>cable>DAT>CD-R,"
??/??/76  All     London, ENG - The Palladium        S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Bugsy Wilcox - drums, Marvin Gaye - keyboards, Jack Ashford - tambourine and hotel sheet, Johnny McGee
          - guitar, Frankie Gaye & Jan Hunter - background vocals
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at the London Palladium"
11/13/79  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Immortality Of The Soul", flaws in the filler
??/??/80  All     Europe                             S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like FM, basically the whole show is a medley except Sexual Healing
??/??/83  All     Indianapolis, IN - Pulis Speedway  S:FM,C(?),D    A-/A n/a                                         
          Marvin Gaye (Born Washington, DC, April 2, 1939; died April 1, 1984.)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Marvin Gaye ]


06/27/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,R,D,CD    A-   54                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "WPLJ FM > reel > reel (commercial edits) > DAT> CD"
01/24/76  All     Vancouver, BC - Unknown            A:Cm,CD        A-   76                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "Look at the Purse"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | J. Geils Band ]


02/09/73  All     London, ENG - Rainbow Theater      S:?,CD         A/A+ 52                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/24/75  All     Los Angeles, CA - Shrine           S:?,CD         A/A+ 104                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/23/83  All     Philadelphia, PA - Mann Music      S:?,CD         A/A+ 110                                         
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "Three Nights"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Genesis ]


02/09/53  All     Paris, FRA - Salle Pleyel          S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dizzie Gillespie ]


05/22/84  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           A:Cm,*,CD      A-   84  Nak 300> Sony D6                        
          2 CD, 44k, "MAC>SoundForge>CD" "Nak300s>SonyD6>SoundForge>CD"
05/24/84  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           A:Cm,*,CD      A-/A 71  Nak 300> Sony D6                        
          1 CD, 44k, "MAC>SoundForge>CD" "Nak300s>SonyD6>SoundForge>CD", low levels at the start
06/29/84  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:?,CD         A-/A n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Gilmour ]


12/20/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     A:Cm,?,CD      A-/A 56                                          
          nice Scarlet w/ Jerry!
          Keith and Donna Band: Keith Godchaux, Donna Godchaux, Jerry Garcia, Matt Kelly, Bill Kreutzmann, Ray
          Scott, Mike Larsheid, Steve Shuster.  Master cassette flip during Drums.
          1 CD, 44k, "MAC > ? > CD > EAC > SHN.  HP 9350i extraction using EAC, tracking using CD Wave, sector
          boundary verification using shntool, and .shn encoding using mkwACT."

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Keith & Donna Godchaux Band ]


08/22/95  All     Lancaster, PA - Chameleon Club     S:D,CD         A/A+ 123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/24/96  All     Raleigh, NC - Memorial Auditorium  S:D,CD         A    42                                          
          Opening for the Black Crowes
          1 CD, 44k, a little bit of distortion - may be associated with overloading, filler has diginoise
11/27/96  All     Pensacola, FL - Bayfront           A:D,CD         A    43                                          
          Opening for the Black Crowes
          1 CD, 44k
07/19/97  All     Memphis, TN - Mud Island           S:D,CD         A/A+ 62                                          
          Opened for Widespread Panic, * = Allen on mandolin, ** = w/ John "Jo-Jo" Herman on organ and Sonny
          Ortiz on percussion from Whidespread Panic
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700]
08/30/97  All     San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore   S:D,CD         A+   164                                         
          * = w/Bobby Sheehan on Bass, + = Allen Woody on Mandolin, ** = w/Gregg Allman on vocals and guitar, ***
          = Dave Schools on bass, Allen Woody on Les Paul Guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
05/04/98  All     Knoxville, TN - B&H                A:D,CD         A-/A 121 MTG SMS2000/M210>                       
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDRW700(44k), CDRW-> EAC-> HD (CDWave tracking) -
          (Converted Entirely by moi), 'Red House' cuts off
07/30/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee          Af:D,CD        A/A+ 66  MTG 2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>DAP1   
          Summer Sessions
          SCI, Galactic & moe, * = w/ Kyle Hollingsworth on keyboards of String Cheese Incident
          1 CD, 44k,
12/31/99  All     Atlanta, GA - The Roxy             A:D,CD         A    n/a AKG 481> Oade> D7                       
          * w/Little Milton on guitar & vocals; ** w/Audley Freed on guitar; *** w/Audley on guitar & Robert
          Kearns on cow bell & vocals; **** w/Audley on guitar, Johnny Mosier on guitar & Mark Van Allen on pedal
          steel; ***** w/Barry Richman on guitar, Robert on bass, Johnny on guitar, Mark on pedal steel, no Allen,
          Audley takes Warren guitar half way thru; ****** w/Audley on guitar & Mark on pedal steel; + 1st time
          played; ++ 1st time with vocals; ^ just the "Listening To You" part
          3 CD's
12/21/00  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          SEE: Various - Warren Haynes Xmas Jam 12/21/00
          Warren Haynes Xmas Jam
03/31/01  All     Nashville, TN - 328 Performance    A:D,CD         A-/A 158 AKG 480> Lunatec V2> DAP1> Marantz 630  
          Soundcheck: She Caught The Katy, Towering Fool, I Shall Be Released; +first time played;*;w/Jimmy Hall
          on vocals and harmonica; **w/Jimmy Hall on harmonica; ***w/Chris Anderson on guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, "akg 480's > lunatek > DA -P1,  cd's mastered on a Merantz 630" (check out these photos:

04/04/01  All     Athens, GA - Georgia Theater       Af:D,CD        A-/A 158 AKG 481>Oade 148>AD1000 > Zefiro        
          * = w/ Randall Bramblett on sax, ** = w/ Wayne "Bear" Sauls on guitar, *** = w/ Kevin Kinney on guitar
          & vocals, ^ = w/ Chuck on vocals, +1st time played
          3 CD's, 44k
05/10/01  All     Philadelphia, PA - Electric        Af:D,CD        A-/A 168 AKG 460/ck63> PS2> Zefiro Inbox> D8     
          * = w/ Greg Osby on sax
          3 CD's, 44k
05/13/01  All     Boston, MA - Avalon                Af:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps MK21H/MK8 -> VMS02iB -> Apogee  
          +1st time played
          3 CD's, 44k
09/01/01  All     Union Grove, NC - Van Hoy Music    Af:D,CD        A-/A 146 Schoeps MK-4V >KC5 >CMC6 >V2 >Oade      
          + 1st time played; ^ First full version, Oteil Burbidge on bass
          2 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps MK-4V >KC5 >CMC6 >Lunatec V2 >Oade ADC24LP-1"
09/02/01  All     Union Grove, NC - Van Hoy Music    Af:D,CD        A-/A 166 Schoeps MK-4V >KC5 >CMC6 >V2 >Oade      
          * = w/ Derek Trucks on guitar, Dave Schools on bass
          3 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps MK-4V >KC5 >CMC6 >Lunatec V2 >Oade ADC24LP-1"
09/07/01  All     Nashville, TN - 328 Performance    Af:D,CD        A    n/a AKG 480/ck61> Denecke PS-2-> mod        
          w/Dave Schools, * w/Moe Denham on organ; ** w/Johnny Neel on organ
          2 CD's, 44k, "FOB, (dfc 30') (90 degrees, 8" high) 30' from stage, AKG 481(din) -> Denecke PS-2-> mod
          SBM1-> D8", my discs from the taper
09/20/01  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       A:D,CD         A    253 MTG SMS2000/M210> Oade 148PS> SBM1      
          INSANE SETLIST!!!
          * = w/ Les Claypool on bass; ** = w/ Les on bass & vocals; *** = w/ Dave Schools on bass; **** = w/
          Alphonso Johnson on bass; ***** = w/ Alphonso on bass & Rob Barraco on organ; ****** = w/ Jack Casady on
          bass, Pete Sears on piano & Chuck on organ; ******* = w/ Jack on bass; ******** = w/ Les on bass & vocals
          & Rob on organ; ********* = w/ Dave on bass & Rob on organ; ********** = just Warren; *********** = w/
          Dave & Jack on bass, Rob on organ, Pete on accordian & Cecil Daniels on sax; + 1st time played
          4 CD's, 44k, "Gefell M210> Oade 148 P/S> SBM1, DFC, mic stand taped to balcony pointing down"> CD> SNH>
10/18/01  All     NYC, NY - Roseland Ballroom        Af:D,CD        A    205 AKG 480/ck61> Lunatec V2> AD2K+-> DAP1  
          look at the setlist - YES, it's that good!
          1=W/Rob Barraco on Wurlitzer & Tim Reis on Tenor Sax 
2=W/Mike Gordon on Bass 
3=W/Mike Gordon on
          Bass/Rob Barraco on Organ 
4=W/Tony Levin on Bass 
5=W/Stefan Lessard on Bass/Rob Barraco on Wurlitzer &
          Backing Vocals & Tim Reis on Tenor Sax 
6=W/Stefan Lessard on Bass & Rob Barraco on Organ 
          Cassady on Bass/Chuck on Organ & Rob Barraco on Piano 
8=W/Jack Cassady 
9=W/Oteil on Bass & Rob Barraco
          on Organ & Backing Vocals 
*=1st Time Played
          3 CD's, 44k, "AKG C480B+CK61ULS> Luntatec V2> Sonic AD2K+->Tascam DAP1"
12/21/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       Af:D,CD        A-/A 83  Schoeps                                 
          Warren Haynes Xmas Jam
          2 CD's, 44k
02/15/02  1       Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  Af:D,CD        A-/A 69  Realistic Stereo Electret Microphone>   
          1 CD, 44k, "Realistic Stereo Electret Microphone> Sony DAT PRO D-7> Maxell HS-4/60s"; little bass
          coverage, sounds slightly saturated (probably from D7 onboard AD),
02/15/02  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  Af:D,CD        A    169 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          3 CD's, 44k, first set from AKG C1000-> DAP1 (balcony rail), second set from MTG SMS2000/M210>
          SX-M2>SBM1>D8 (fob)
04/11/02  All     Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle           A:D,CD         A-/A 171                                         
          w/Dave Schools and Danny Louis, * = w/ Jimmy Herring on guitar, ** = w/ Alvin Youngblood Hart on guitar
          and vocals
          3 CD's, 44k
04/17/02  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           A:D,CD         A-/A 203                                         
          w/ KID ROCK!
          w/Dave Schools and Danny Louis, (1) = w/ Audley Freed on guitar and Andy Hess on bass, (2) = w/ Audley
          on guitar, (3) = w/ Marc Quinones on percussion, (4) = w/ Stefan Lessard on bass, (5) = w/ Audley on
          guitar and Jason Newsted on bass, (6) = w/ Audley on guitar, Jason on bass, and Kid Rock on vocals (no
          Danny), (7) = w/ Jason on bass and Kid Rock on vocals (no Danny), (8) = w/ Jason on bass and Kid Rock on
          vocals for first verse only before leaving stage (no Danny), (9) = w/ Robert Randolph on pedal steel, +
          first time played
          3 CD's, 44k
11/16/02  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  S:D            U    n/a                                         
          Interview by Glenn White
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Government Mule ]


03/30/70  All     Honolulu, HI - Aloha Stadium       S:?,CD         A-/A 65                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, may be 3/30/76 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII - FROM GET FUNKED BOOT
12/23/72  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:?,CD         A-   44                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, KLOS - ABC (Los Angeles), "THE ABC IN CONCERT RECORDINGS"
01/11/82  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      PreFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 62                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "WMMS-FM > Cleveland OHIO > Master SBD PRE FM Reels to CDR"
09/06/82  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Grand Funk Railroad ]


06/18/67  All     Monterey, CA - Monterey            S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    n/a                                         
          Monterey International Pop Festival - Other artist(s): The Blues Project, Big Brother & The Holding
          Co.; The Byrds;The Band With No Name; Stephen Stills David Crosby Richie Furay Doug Hastings Dewey Martin;
          The Who, Jimi Hendrix The Mamas & The Papas
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD:MR>Cass>DAT>ZA2>CD; Alligator -> Caution has no cassette gen" md5=OK
09/03/67  All     Rio Nido, CA - Dance Hall          S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    71                                          
          NO: Midnight Hour (may be from next night)
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD"
10/22/67  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/68  All     Mystery Reels                      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          // = fades in/out  (or cut)
          4 CD's, 44k, md5=OK; "Disc 1:  Ex. 1 -  At 3:56 into the Drums after Alligator, they start singing
          Alligator vocals and at 4:35 in to it, Jerry joins in with a Caution type solo. Although this fragment
          circulates as "Fall 1968", "3/22/68 Detroit", and "May 1968", it is from an unlabeled reel. There is an
          entry for this set list on p. 164 of Volume 1 of The Deadhead's Taping Compendium. According to Rob Eaton:
          "There were 5 unlabeled 7 inch reels found in the Vault many years ago. Several contained very early
          versions of Stephen. The tape you describe is one of these unknown reels. The best estimate for a date
          would be April/May 1968 or spring '68." 
Disc 2:   Ex. 2 -  The date and location of this recording are
          unknown. Its hard to say for sure, but it sounds like late 1968 - maybe September or October or
          thereabouts. The Drums has that Bol scat "Ya, Ya, Yakita, Yakita" in it.   Ex. 3 -  The date and location
          of this recording are unknown. There is no Drums after the first Cryptical, The Other One has the standard
          lyrics, but Bobby stumbles with them as on 2-3-68. This recording is probably very close to that date. Ex.
          4 -  The date and location of this recording are unknown. Its sounds like it's from 1968, but maybe it's
          early 1969? Disc 3:  Ex. 5 -  The date and location of this recording are unknown. It begins with a cut
          right into the "doesn't seem to matter" line in Cryptical Envelopment. There is a six second or so drum
          solo intro to The Other One. At the "one man gathers what another man spills" break in St. Stephen, Jerry
          and maybe two others laugh, but there are not really any words.  * - hiss level significantly higher than
          the other disks in this set and some distortion on bass - looks to have more than 1 cassette generation.
          fairly frequent partial channel drop outs from what might be tape decay on some songs Disc 4:
 Ex. 6 -
          The date and location of this recording are unknown. There is a 13 second drum solo intro to The Other
          One. At the "one man gathers what another man spills" break in St. Stephen, there are no words, just
          further jamming immediately. * -  t1 - tape speed variable at the start; t2 - volume change ~1:30;  t5
          ~7:40 volume lowered;  Ex. 7 -  The date and location of this recording are unknown. There is a tape flip
          in Dark Star. At the "one man gathers what another man spills" break in St. Stephen it goes right into a
          short jam and back into the next lyrics with no comments of any kind.   * - t6 ~ volume changes occur
          during first minute 
Source Info:  ~Disc 1~  (excerpt 1): SBD>MR>DAT(s)>CDR; Conversion: CDR >
          EAC(secure) > mkwact(seekable); ~Disc 2~ (excerpt 2):  SBD>MR>DAT>CDR; Conversion: CDR > EAC(secure) >
          Cool Edit (fix drop outs) > shntool (retrack on sectors) > mkwact(seekable); (excerpt 3):  SBD>MR>DAT>CDR;
          Conversion: CDR > EAC(secure) > mkwact(seekable); (excerpt 4):  SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR; Conversion: CDR >
          EAC(secure) > mkwact(seekable); ~Disc 3~ (exceprt 5):  SBD>MR>DAT>CDR; Conversion: CDR > EAC(secure) >
          mkwact(seekable); ~Disc 4~ (excerpt 6):  MR > C > DAT > CD; Conversion: CDR > EAC(secure) > Cool
          Edit(minor cleanup) > mkwact(seekable); (excerpt 7):  SBD > MR> C > DAT > CDR; Conversion: ? "
01/17/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Carousel       S:Rm,C,D,CD    A-/A 96                                          
          partial setlist
          'Ben Franklin's Birthday' - Other artist(s): QMS; Jerry Abrams
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD"
02/02/68  All     Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom    S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 46                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDR700(44k))
02/03/68  All     Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom    S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 45                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDR700(44k))
02/14/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Carousel       S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 123                                         
          Official Opening - "St. Valentine's Day, Be Mine" poster FM broadcast KMPX-San Francisco - Other
          artist(s): Country Joe & The Fish, Second set in remeberance of Neal Cassidy
          2 CD's, 44k, "MR>DAT>DAT>CD>EAC>SHN" ( shorten files via cable modem)
03/03/68  Partial San Francisco, CA - Haight Street  A:Rm,D,CD      B+   55  ?-> Uher 7" open reel deck              
          Afternoon concert
          1 CD, 44k, "MAR>D>CD (1 cd) A- *Recorded by Steve Brown, Uher 7" open-reel deck*"
03/26/68  All     Unknown City, XX - Unknown         S:Rm,D,P,D     A-   29                                          
          ON: 3/29/68
          1/2 CD, 44k
03/29/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Carousel       S:Rm,D,P,D     A-   63                                          
          Contains 3/26/68 also
          Other artist(s): Chuck Berry; Curly Cook's Hurdy-Gurdy Band
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>D>P>D>CD", 34 minutes
03/30/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Carousel       preFM:D,CD     A    59                                          
          Other artist(s): Chuck Berry; Curly Cook's Hurdy-Gurdy Band
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700) converted by Delano (Jan '02)
06/19/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Carousel       S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    108                                         
          partial setlist
          Black Man's Free Store benefit -Other artist(s): Richie Havens
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSC>C>D>CD"  from Bear's ampex c-90 cassettemaster
08/21/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 138                                         
          Alligator contains We Bid You Goodnight Theme. Other artist(s): GD; Kaleidoscope; Albert Collins
          2 CD's, 44k, fades into Cryptical
08/23/68  All     Los Angeles, CA - Shrine           S:Rm,*,D,CD    A/A+ 134                                         
          2 CD, 44k, 8 track multitrack Reels>"Sonic Wizardry">DAT>CDR>shn>cd,
          ( )
09/02/68  All     Sultan, WA - Betty Nelson's        S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 70                                          
          Sky River Festival
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>Reel>DAT>WAV via ZA2>CD>EAC>SHN", (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem), some
          background hum
09/20/68  Partial Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    46                                          
          *with Shanker Ghosh and Vince Delgado
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD"
10/12/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:Rm,D,*,CD    A/A+ 79                                          
          Other artist(s): Lee Michaels; Linn County; Mance Lipscomb
          1 CD, 44k
10/13/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Avalon         preFM:?,D,CD   A/A+ 65                                          
          FM broadcast KPFA-Berkeley - Other artist(s): Lee Michaels, Linn County, Mance Lipscomb
          1 CD, 44k
10/30/68  All     San Francisco, CA - The Matrix     S:Rm,R,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          Mickey And The Hartbeats, * = w/ Elvin Bishop, ** = w/ Jack Casady
          3 CD's, 44k "Source: Digitized from First Generation Reels -- Analog To Digital using a Revox A-77 Reel
          2 Reel > Alesis Masterlink ML-9600; (24 bit sampled @ 96k) > 16 bit @ 44.1k downsample to CD>EAC>SHN"
12/07/68  All     Louisville, KY - Bellarmine        S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, Bear's MC>Dick's cassette>DAT (jim wise)>CD
12/16/68  All     San Francisco, CA - The Matrix     S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 113                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
12/29/68  All     Hallandale, FL - Gulfstream Park   S:Cm,C,D,CD    A-/A 59                                          
          Miami Pop Festival
          1 CD, 44k, "cassette master >1 cassette generation > DAT > CD"
01/17/69  All     Santa Barbara, CA - Unknown        S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 86                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBR>C>D>CDR", "Sbd, A1D0, Reel M->Cass 1->Dat  0, 48k, 7inch Master Reels@7.5ips
          1/2trk->Tascam 122mkIII Cass 1st Gen->3700 x 0"
01/24/69  1       San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    41                                          
          Other artist(s): Sons of Champlin; Initial Shock
          1 CD, 44k, "SBR>C>D>CDR" "Sbd, A1D0, Reel M->Cass  1->Dat  0, 44k, 7inch Master Reels@7.5ips
          1/2trk->Tascam 122mkIII Cass 1st Gen->3700 x 0"
01/25/69  2       San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 40                                          
          Other artist(s): Sons of Champlin; Initial Shock
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD:MR>C1>DAT>CDR" (7inch Master Reels@7.5ips 1/2trk->Tascam 122mkIII Cass 1st Gen->3700),
          a small static glitch at 0:01 during Cosmic Charlie
01/26/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    80                                          
          Other artist(s): Sons of Champlin; Initial Shock
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>C1>DAT>CDR" "Sbd, A1D0, Reel M->Cass  1->Dat  0, 44k, 7inch Master Reels@7.5ips
          1/2trk->Tascam 122mkIII Cass 1st Gen->3700 x 0"
02/02/69  All     Minneapolis, MN - Labor Temple     S:Rm,C,C,C,D   A-   90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds a bit muffled with some occasional static-like pops, The tape breaks off during The
          Eleven and cuts in after the beginning of Death Don't Have No Mercy.
02/04/69  All     Omaha, NB - The Music Box          S:Cm,C,D,CD    A-/A 94                                          
          The tape cuts in on the beginning of Schoolgirl.  There is a tape flip in The Eleven at 10:19; very
          little seems to be lost here.  Death Don't Have No Mercy breaks off incomplete at 7:04.  The tape breaks
          off 2:30 into Feedback.  According to Rob Eaton the show ended with And We Bid You Good Night.
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSC>C>D>CD (2 cd) A-"
02/05/69  Most    Omaha, Nb - The Music Box          S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    73                                          
          NO: Lovelight
          1 CD, 44k, 'MSC>C>D>CD "
02/06/69  Partial St. Louis, MO - Kiel Auditorium    S:Cm,C,D,CD    A-/A 62                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "MSC>C>D>CD" (show is 87 minutes, I only have 1 disc)
02/15/69  All     Philadelphia, PA - Electric        S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    163                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Sbd>master cass>cass>dat>cd"
02/27/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 118                                         
          Other artist(s): GD; Pentangle; Sir Douglas Quintet
          2 CD's, 44k
03/01/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:R,C,C,D,CD   A/A+ 122                                         
          Other artist(s): GD; Pentangle; Sir Douglas Quintet
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>Cass 2x>DAT>CD"
03/02/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 182                                         
          Other artist(s): GD; Pentangle; Sir Douglas Quintet Other artist(s): Flying Burrito Bros; Aum
          3 CD's, 44k, "Multi-track reel master > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN", Bid You Goodnight cut
03/15/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Hilton Hotel   S:Cm,C,D,CD    A-/A 77                                          
          'Black and White Ball' - San Francisco Symphony benefit
          1 CD, 44k, "MSC>C>D>CD"
03/29/69  All     Las Vegas, NV - Ice Palace         S:Rm,D,CD      A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss
04/04/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    109                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (7inch Master Reels@7.5ips 1/2trk->Tascam 122mkIII Cass 1st Gen->3800 x 0)
04/05/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:Rm,R,D,CD    A    132                                         
          "William Tell" bridge after St. Stephen Other artist(s): Flying Burrito Bros; Aum
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD > REEL > REEL > DAT > SP/DIF > HD > SHN", (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem,
04/11/69  Most    Tucson, AZ - Unknown Location      S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, NEED A NEW COPY - There is a ticking/popping on Dark Star from 7:53 thru 8:45, then again on
          Lovelight starting at/around 7:00 and continuing throughout.
04/12/69  All     Salt Lake City, UT - Student       S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    110                                         
          Other artist(s): Spirit Of Creation
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>C>DAT>CD"
04/13/69  All     Boulder, CO - Ballroom, U. of Co.  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    121                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>C>DAT>CD"
04/18/69  All     Lafayette, IN - Memorial Union     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    100                                         
          Other artist(s): George Stavis
          2 CD's, 44k
04/20/69  All     Worcester, MA - Clark University   S:Rm,C,D,CD    A-   37                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD:MR>C>DAT>CD", HISSY! otherwise good
04/21/69  All     Boston, MA - The Ark               S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          *Contains "We Bid You Goodnight" theme
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR > DAT > CDR ", (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem, md5=OK)
04/22/69  All     Boston, MA - The Ark               S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          Carnival Music tuning before "Doin That Rag"
          3 CD's, 44k, "Master Sounndboard Reel > Cassette > DAT x2 > CDR ", (www.gdlive shorten files via cable
          modem, md5=OK)
04/23/69  All     Boston, MA - The Ark               S:Rm,C,D,C,D   A    199                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "S:MR>C>DAT>C>DAT>CD"
04/26/69  All     Chicago, IL - Electric Theater     S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    167                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "S:MR>C>DAT>CD"
04/27/69  All     Minneapolis, MN - Labor Temple     S:Rm,D,CD      A    99                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>D>CD>SHN", downloaded from GDLive, md5=OK, has hiss
05/03/69  1       San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 43                                          
          Other artist(s): Jefferson Airplane; GD; Mongo Santamaria
          1 CD, 44k, "Reel>PCM>Dat>Tascam DA20> Audio Magic Presto>Prodif Plus>Soundforge>cdwav>shn", downloaded
          from, md5=OK, 'Doin' That Rag' is cut
05/07/69  Most    San Francisco, CA - Polo Field     S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 94                                          
          Afternoon concert - Other artist(s): Jefferson Airplane
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>RMaster>DAT>DAT>CDR"
05/10/69  All     Pasadena, CA - Rose Palace         S:Cm,D,*,CD    A-/A 130                                         
          w/ Filler from 8/29/69 and Dick's Tribute 8/12/99
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MC>DAT>Sonic Solutions>CDR>DAT&..."
05/16/69  All     Moraga, CA - Campolindo High       S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    55                                          
          Other artist(s):; Frumious Bandersnatch, Velvet Hammer
          1 CD, 44k, "SBDMC.Cass>DAT.CD"
05/23/69  Partial Hollywood, FL - Seminole Indian    S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 43                                          
          Dew thru the Eleven (cut)
          "Big Rock Pow Wow" - billing GD; Johnny Winter; Sweetwater; Joe South; Aum; NRBQ; Rinoceros; Muddy
          Waters; Timothy Leary; The Echo; Nervous System; Jane and the Electric Jive Wire
          1 CD, 44k, "Reel>PCM>DAT; conversion:Tascam DA-20>Audio Magic Presto> Prodif Plus> Soundforge> cdwav>
          shn", the Eleven end is cut, downloaded from, md5=OK
05/24/69  All     Hollywood, FL - Seminole Indian    S:Rm,D,CD      A    137                                         
          "Big Rock Pow Wow"
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CDR>CDR"
06/07/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A    95                                          
          *with Janis Joplin Other artist(s): GD; Jr. Walker & The All Stars; The Glass Family
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA-20mkii -> Phillips 870)
06/08/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 120                                         
          Other artist(s): GD; Jr. Walker & The All Stars; The Glass Family
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>C>DAT>CD"
06/28/69  All     Santa Rosa, CA - Veterans          S:Rm,D,CD      A    71                                          
          Other artist(s): Hot Tuna; Joey Covington; Cleanliness & Godliness Skiffle Band
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CDR"
08/23/69  All     St. Helens, OR - Pelletier Farm    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A-/A 120                                         
          cuts into start of Hard to Handle
          Bullfrog 3 Festival - Other artist(s): Mixed Blood; The Portland Zoo; Sabatic Goat River, Sand; Notary
          Sojac; Searchin Soul; The Weeds; New Colony Chapter Five; The Trilogy; Bill Feldman; Donn Ross; Ron
          2 CD's, 44k
09/07/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Family Dog at  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    29                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "09/07/69 The Family Dog, San Francisco Ca - excerpt 4.6, 080min, Sbd, A1D0, Reel M->Cass
          1->Dat  0, 48k, 7inch Master Reel@7.5ips 1/2trk->Tascam 122mkIII Cass 1st Gen->3800 x0" downloaded from
, md5=OK, from David Gans Deadhead hour
10/25/69  p2      San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      A    62                                          
          Other artist(s): Jefferson Airplane, GD; Sons Of Champlin; Hot Tuna
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>Sonic Solutions>CDR", DStar -> Lovelight
11/02/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Family Dog at  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    74                                          
          Other artist(s): Danny Cox; Golden Toad
          1 CD, 44k, "MR>C>DAT>CD", all that circulates (9/00)
11/08/69  1p, 2   San Francisco, CA - Fillmore       S:Rm,D,*,CD    A/A+ 124                                         
          The New Old Fillmore - Other artist(s): South Bay Experimental Flash; Alligator
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>DAT>SoundForge>DAT>shn>CDR"
12/26/69  All     Dallas, TX - McFarlin Auditorium   S:Rm,C,D,*CD   A    117                                         
          Zephyr opened - First set acoustic without Bill
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>CASS>DAT>Sonic Solutions>CD"
12/31/69  All     Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party      S:Rm,D,C,D,*   A/A+ 169                                         
          'Merry-Go-Round Broke Down' tuning before 'Seasons
          3 CD's; "SBD: Reel->DAT->Cass->DAT->Sonic Sense->CD-R (NOTE:  the DAT master from the vault reels is
          unavailable)", CDR art here:
01/02/70  Early   NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 63                                          
          Billing; GD; Lighthouse; Cold Blood
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CDR>CDR"
01/02/70  Late    NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 121                                         
          Billing; GD; Lighthouse; Cold Blood
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CDR>CDR"
01/17/70  Most    Corvallis, OR - Oregon State       S:Rm,D,CD      A    124                                         
          NO:Good Lovin'-> Drums-> Good Lovin', Mason's Children-> High Time,
          2 CD's, 44k, MSR>D>CD "
01/23/70  All     Honolulu, HI - Honolulu Civic      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 80                                          
          Other artist(s): Jeferson Airplane
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CDR>CDR", NEED a replacement disc #1
02/05/70  Partial San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A+   49                                          
          Billing GD; Taj Mahal; Bigfoot
          1 CD, 44k, (DA-20mkii -> Phillips 870)
02/07/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A+   69                                          
          Billing GD; Taj Mahal; Bigfoot
          1 CD, 44k, DAT->CDR (DA-20mkii -> Phillips 870), Green Green Grass of Home (c), Sawmill (c)
02/11/70  Partial NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 117                                         
          [E] O1 thru KC; [L] NFA thru HT, Uncle thru Lovelight
          *with Duane and Gregg Allman and Peter Green Other artist(s): GD; The Allman Brothers Band; Love
          2 CD's, 44k
02/12/70  All     NYC, NY - Ungano's Night Club      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 57                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD > 8 TRACK 1" RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MASTER ARCHIVE 24-BIT D > SSSB"
02/28/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Family Dog at  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 117                                         
          Other artist(s): Commander Cody
          2 CD's, 44k, "MR>C>DAT>CD"
03/01/70  Partial San Francisco, CA - Family Dog at  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A+   110                                         
          NO: New Speedway, KC Jones,  Dancin', Baby Blue
          Other artist(s): Commander Cody
          2 CD's, 44k, """MR>C>DAT>CD"
04/09/70  Partial San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 18                                          
          Second set acoustic Other artist(s): GD; Miles Davis Quintet with Airto Moreira; Stone The Crows;
          1 CD' 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD", fits on 1 CDR with 4/11/70
04/11/70  Ap,E2p  San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 58                                          
          Second set acoustic Other artist(s): GD; Miles Davis Quintet with Airto Moreira; Stone The Crows;
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD", fits on 1 CDR w/ 4/9/70
04/12/70  Most    San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A+   114                                         
          NO: Black Peter, Uncle John's Band,
          Second set acoustic billing; GD; Miles Davis Quintet with Atrto Moreira; Stone The Crows; Clouds
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD"
04/15/70  P2      San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>D>CD"
05/02/70  All     Binghamton, NY - Harpur College    S:Rm,CD        A+   n/a                                         
          *with members of NRPS Other artist(s): NRPS. First set acoustic
          3 CD's, 44k, "Dick's Pick - not for trade"
05/06/70  All     Cambridge, MA - Kresge Plaza       S:Rm,*,CD      A-   89                                          
          Free concert - nationwide campus strikes to protest Kent State killings
          2 CD's, 44k," MR(half Track mono)>Sonic Solutions(20 bit Sony SBM2)[Gans]", reel from WMBR momo reel,
          played (not baked) directly into mastering system
05/15/70  Both    NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          included NRPS sets
          Early Show acoustic Dead set. On Cumberland and New Speedway David Nelson joins in on acoustic guitar
          while Jerry shifts to electric. On Cold Jordan Nelson switches to mandolin. Marmaduke adds harmony
to the last three tunes. Pigpen plays organ on New Speedway. Early Show NRPS set with Garcia,
          pedal steel. This is about half their set -- all there is on the master. Before Last Lonely Eagle
          Marmaduke asks where's "Bobby Ace" -- probably Weir was a guest vocalist later in the set. electric Dead:
          Before St. Stephen Pigpen says "Alright you people, you know who you are." Enterprising Fillmore East
          stagecrew patched a reel-to-reel machine underneath the stage into the PA feed and saved most of this show
          for us and eternity. They were busy setting up for the Early Show electric Dead set and blew their flip
          during the Early Show NRPS set, losing the second half of that set as a result, but the rest of this
          enormous evening's proceedings are recorded in their entirety. The master has only the left channel
          through the middle of Candyman (there are also splitter-generated 2-channel mono copies circulating).
          Around 4 hours of this show were broadcast by KPFA-FM Berkeley in 1971, further speeding the propagation
          of this tape (some early FM copies are dated "6/21/71;" this may be the date of the broadcast). For many
          years 5/15/70 was THE representative 1970 Dead tape -- Harpur College 5/2/70 and Winterland 10/4/70 its
          only rivals for wide circulation. Late Show acoustic Dead: David Nelson plays mandolin on I Hear A Voice
          Callin and Marmaduke adds bass vocals. Late Show NRPS set with Garcia, pedal steel. Bob Weir guests on
          vocals for Mama Tried, Sawmill and Me And My Uncle. There is a brief cut in Sawmill, with less than 10
          seconds lost. After this set the master contains 15:13 of continuing signal, comprising parts of Side B of
          Abbey Road (playing on the PA during the break) interspersed with the sounds of the stage being rigged --
          drums nailed down, etc -- followed by the sounds of tuning up. SET 3 is electric Dead. Beat It On Down The
          Line gets 14 beats. There is a cut 2:17 into St.  Stephen; probably around 60 - 90 seconds are missing
          here. There is a cut 13:33 into Lovelight, but probably only a few seconds are lost. Over the last year it
          has been rumored that there is another SBD master of this show in the vault, which includes the rest of
          the Early Show NRPS set (and which would probably allow us to patch the few other glitches on the
          circulating master); however, nothing has emerged besides rumors thus far. Meanwhile, we owe an enormous
          debt of gratitude to those resourceful Fillmore East crewmembers who took the bull by the horns and MADE
          TAPE. Muchas Garcias, guys.
          6 CD's, "MR > DAT > ZA2 > CDR, except the NRPS sets which have 2 cassette generations This is
          apparently the best possible copy Thanks to David Hollister and Jeff Tiedrich"  "This is the 2nd etree
          copy in circulation. It has one fewer tape generations than the first copy, and it has the complete NRPS
          2nd set."
05/24/70  All     Newcastle, England -               S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          Lower Finney Green Farm Leycett - Hollywood Festival -first European performance Saturday: Lord Sutch &
          Heavy Friends; Family; Titus Groan,' Mike Cooper; Mungo jerry; Airforce Sunday: Demon Fuzz; Wildmouth.'
          Black Sabbath; Quintessence' Colosseum
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD MR>C>D>CD + AUD MR>C>D>CD patches",  The AUD supplies the beginning of the show and
          the middle part of St. Stephen. Both are missing on the SBD
06/05/70  Most    San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    114                                         
          NO: E:Saint Stephen-> E: Casey Jones
          Other artist(s): GD; NRPS; Southern Comfort
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD"
06/06/70  2       San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 138                                         
          Other artist(s): GD; NRPS; Southern Comfort first set acoustic
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>REEL>C>D>CDR"
06/07/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 136                                         
          Other artist(s): GD; NRPS; Southern Comfort first set acoustic
          3 CD's, 44k, "MR>C>DAT>ZA2>CDR"
07/14/70  AcousticSan Rafael, CA - Euphoria Ballroom S:Rm,D,CD      A    52                                          
          * with David Crosby. Acoustic first set
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD:MR>DAT>CD>SHN>CD",  Don't Ease sounds weak and has 2 cuts
08/05/70  All     San Diego, CA - Golden Hall        S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          Both sets acoustic
          1 CD, 44k, SBD>MR>C>DAT
08/18/70  AcousticSan Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  A:Cm,R,R,D     A-   51                                          
          Other artist(s): GD; NRPS first set acoustic
          1 CD, 44k, "AUD mC>Rx2>DAT>CDR "
10/04/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     FM:R,R,D,*CD   A-   69                                          
          not much of Truckin
          FM broadcast KQED & FM quadrophonic simulcast KQED-San Francisco & KSAN-San Francisco
          1 CD, 44k, "FM Reel> Reel> DAT> Soundforge> CDR"
11/05/70  All     Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater Af:Cm,C,D,CD   U    n/a front and center mounted on the rail    
          Other artist(s): NRPS
          1 CD, 44k, "Frank's Picks #5, The Usher Tapes", common to all sources is a glitch in Hard To Handle at
          8"17 and the Other One at 1:30 from the master tapes.  Tape cuts in the beginning of GDTRFB just as Pigpen
          starts to play harmonica.
11/11/70  All     Brooklyn, NY - 46th Street Rock    A:?,CD         B    176                                         
          Other artist(s): NRPS
          3 CD's, 44k
11/23/70  All     NYC, NY - Anderson Theater         S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          * = w/ Winwood. Capaldi, Wood and Ramblin' Jack Elliot $2 beneffi for the NYC Hell's Angels - Other
          artist(s): NRPS
          1 CD, 44k, "SBDMR>DAT>CD-r>EAC>SHN" "This is all I have as of now. When I get time, I'll go through it
time it.  I DO know that there are quite a few cuts and missing songs here. But what is here IS
          awesome! Tracks may be out of order, at least according to deadbase."
02/18/71  All     Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,D,*CD     A/A+ 152                                         
          Mickey's last show until 10-20-74 - E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD -> Dolby A Reel -> Dolby A decode -> DAT -> Sound Forge NR  -> CD-R"  The Sound Forge
          noise reduction was used to attenuate a very narrow frequency band (in the vicinity of 8000 Hz) which was
          present as interference on the original reels.  See for details.
          Downloaded from, md5=OK.  there is a small digi-glitch during Truckin'
02/19/71  All     Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 170                                         
          E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS
          3 CD's, 44k
02/20/71  All     Port Chester, NY - Capitol Theater S:Rm,P,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          E.S.P. show - Other artist(s): NRPS
          2 CD's, 44k
04/07/71  All     Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 98                                          
          Other artist(s): NRPS
          2 CD's, 44k
04/26/71  Partial NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 136                                         
          *with Duane Allman. NRPS
          2 CD's, 44k, small amount of hiss
04/27/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 226                                         
          *with the Beach Boys **Just the Beach Boys: Good Vibrations, I Get Around. Includes 7 NRPS tunes from
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR  7 inch (7.5 ips) Revox A 77 >Alesis Masterlink>CD-R", downloaded from,
04/28/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 186                                         
          *with Tom Constanten Other artist(s): NRPS
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>R>DAT>CDR Merry Prankster tree"
04/29/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 200                                         
          Other Aritst(s): NRPS
          4 CD's, 44k
08/06/71  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood          Af:Rm,D,CD     A    135 AKG 330> Sony 770 Reel> Dat             
          "WRS Prelude' tease after "Me & My Uncle" - Other artist(s): NRPS -full moon -,full lunar eclipse
          'Sugaree" appears on some audience tapes, but may be from another show
          2 CD's, 44k, "AKG 330->Sony 770 Reel to Reel (50 ft back from the stage)->D, D>CD: Fostex D5->SB Live
          Digi I/O->Cool Edit Pro" " 2 seconds of static during tuning"
08/14/71  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A    153                                         
          Order uncertain -Other artist(s): NRPS
          2 CD's, 44k
08/15/71  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 128                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/21/71  All     Mickey's Ranch Jam                 A:Cm, D,CD     A/A+ 105 Sony TC-24 with supplied Sony stereo    
          Garcia, Crosby, Lesh, Hart, Weir, Cipollina
          2 CD's, 44k,"Sony TC-24 master cassette>DAT>ZA2>Sound Forge>CDR",  this was tree'd on BUDD, no setlist,
          w/ CD art
10/19/71  All     Minneapolis, MN - Northrop         preFM:R,D,CD   A/A+ 183                                         
          Kieth Godchaux's First show, FM Broadcast KQRS - Other artist(s): NRPS; Tennessee Jed, Jack Straw,
          Mexicali Blues, Comes A Time, One More Saturday Night and Ramble On Rose are performed for the 1st
          3 CD's, 44k. "Source: PreFM Soundboard Reels > DAT > CDR", downloaded from, md5=OK
10/24/71  All     Detroit, MI - Easttown Theatre     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 140                                         
          Other artist(s): NRPS
          2 CD, 44k
10/29/71  2       Cleveland, OH - Allan Theater      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 75                                          
          *FM broadcast WMCR - Other artist(s):; NRPS}*
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN" downloaded from, md5=OK
11/15/71  1p,2p   Austin, TX - Austin Municipal      S:Rm,C,D,*CD   A/A+ 56                                          
          FM broadcast WREK - Other artist(s): NRPS
          1 CD, 44k, "Sdb>MR>Cassette>Dat>Sonic Solutions>CDR"
12/01/71  2p2     Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     S:R,D,C,D,CD   A    44                                          
          Cryp thru NFA
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700], bit of hiss
12/04/71  2       NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:R,D,C,D,CD   A/A+ 54                                          
          Other artist(s): NRPS
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700]
12/06/71  2p2     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:Rm,D,*,CD    U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "SBR>D>CDR; SonicSolutions (Gans)?]"
03/21/72  2       NYC, NY - Academy of Music         S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 146                                         
          2 CD's, 44k,rec'd as  "SBD>Master Reel>DAT>CDR", some diginoise during Truckin', maybe about 8:30 into
          it.  CONFIRMED on all circulating copies.
03/23/72  2       NYC, NY - Academy of Music         S:Rm,D,*,CD    A/A+ 73                                          
          NO: E: Sugar Magnolia
          1 CD, 44k, "BettyBoard>Gans CD>CD>DAE>SHN>WAV"
04/08/72  All     London, EN - Wembley Empire Pool   S:Rm,D,CD      A    165                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, Discs 1 and 2: MR > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN; Disc 3: MR > DAT > Sonic Solutions > CD > EAC >
          SHN; Extraction, retracking of discs 1 and 2, and SHN encoding by G.S. Hamilton, (shorten files from
          GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
04/14/72  All     Copenhagen, DE - Tivoli Theater    S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR>Cassette>DATs>CDRs>EAC>SHN", (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
04/26/72  Partial Frankfurt, GE - Jahrhundert Halle  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Hundred Year Hall outtakes SBD:reel > DAT > CD"
05/03/72  All     Paris, FR - Olympia Theater        S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 213                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CD (requires one 80 min. CD)"
05/04/72  All     Paris, France - Olympia Theater    S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, "SBD > reel > DAT > CDR (via Jay Serafin)"
05/11/72  All     Rotterdam, Netherlands -           S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          missing encore Sat Nite
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>>MR>>DAT>>CDA>>SHN>>DAW(Bertha)>>SHN", (*) Disc change without fades so tracks can be
          cleanly rejoined in the future.
05/13/72  Partial Lille, FR - Lille Fairgrounds      S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 50                                          
          truckin'>other 1, he's gone
          1 CD, 44k, "MR>C>DAT>CD"
05/18/72  All     Muenchen, GE - Kongressaal         S:Rm,?,D,CD    A/A+ 179                                         
          *second encore
          3 CD's, 44k (reel>>sdb>>?>>dat>>cdr)  (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
05/25/72  2p2     London, EN - The Strand Lyceum     S:Rm,C,C,D     A/A+ 61                                          
          Other artist(s): NRPS
          1 CD, 44k, MSBDR>2 casstte gens>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN see

05/26/72  All     London, EN - The Strand Lyceum     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 253                                         
          4 CD's, 44k
07/16/72  All     Hartford, CT - Dillon Stadium      S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    198                                         
          * = w/ Dickey Betts, Berry Oakley & Jai Johanny Johanson, without Phil
          4 CD's, 44k, "source 1: SBD>MR>C>D>CD>EAC>SHN; source 2: AUD>?>SHN; the audience recording supplies:
          --all of disc 1, --on disc 2, the final portion of Me & My Uncle through to the end of Sing Me Back Home"
          Notes:  --the audience portion is somewhat degraded, though pretty listenable; --nearly every track
          provided by the audience recording has the first few notes clipped due to taper conservation, though all
          such cuts are minor; --reel glitches @ 3:49, 4:12, & 4:56 in Cumberland; --minor splice @ 12:33 in
--mix/equipment problems during Sugar Maagnolia; part of The Music Never Stopped Project 2002
07/25/72  2p      Portland, OR - Paramount Theater   S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 64                                          
          Truckin thru Wharf Rat
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD:MR>C>DAT>CD"
07/26/72  All     Portland, OR - Paramount Theater   S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          "Mexican Hat Dance" tuning before "B.. Wind"
          4 CD's, 44k, (I NEED DISC#4), "Master Soundboard Reel > DAT > ZA2 > CDR x2; This differs from the
          currently circulating copy in that this one includes "He's Gone", has a complete "Greatest Story Ever
          Told" and the master reel flips in "Casey Jones" and "Brown Eyed Women" have been smoothed over (the flip
          in "BEW" is virtually transparent, however, it appears that several verses are missing). CD Re-Mastering,
          SHN encoding by Scott Clugston; Uploaded to Lee Revell by Scott Clugston 9/00"
08/12/72  All     Sacramento, CA - Sacramento        S:Rm,D,CD      A    183                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "reel master > DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN", end of El Paso cut, first past of TJed cut, large cut at
          3:11 in JStraw, frist few seconds of GSET cut
08/21/72  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 185                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Lineage: S:MR > PCM > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN", md5=OK, D1t03 (Black-Throated Wind): brief
          buzziness/possible digi-snit @ 5:04, D1t06 (China Cat): brief buzziness/possible digi-snit @ 2:09
          (Sugareee): brief buzziness/possible digi-snits @ 1:32 and 6:24, D2t04 (Casey Jones): reel splice @ 1:01,
          D2t06 (Ramble On Rose): brief digi-snit @ 3:11, D3t01 (Dark Star): occasional transient distortion 

          (for example, @ 21:30); minor diginoise @ 20:14  and 20:30
08/22/72  2       Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 92                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, the Truckin' has been repaired by D. Hollister (these discs came from his re-masters)
08/24/72  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,D,CD      A    187                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
08/24/72  Partial Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,R,R,CD    A    66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "5 songs only; out of order
08/25/72  1       Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 47                                          
          1 CD, 44k, digi burts at start of CR&S
08/25/72  1,2p    Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, As The Other One Fades out, the first few notes of WRS Prelude can be heard. Partial Set 1:
          SBD>MR>PCM>DAT>CD>EAC; Partial Set 2: FMSBD>???
08/27/72  All     Veneta, OR - Old Renaissance       S:Rm,D,CD      A    197                                         
          Springfield Creamery benefit - "Field Trip" - not 08-28-72 - Other artist(s): NRPS
          3 CD's, 44k
09/09/72  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood          S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    204                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, slightly out of order to fit on 3 CD's
09/10/72  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood          S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    179                                         
          NO: Sugar Magnolia*, Sat Nite, cuts into Bertha
          *w/ David Crosby
          3 CD's, 44k
09/15/72  Partial Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    35                                          
          ON: 9/16/72 disc 2, Truckin thru O1
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD", end of 9/16/72 on this disc
09/16/72  2P      Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    122                                         
          NO: He's Gone, El Paso, Don't Ease Me In, Promised Land, Ramble On Rose,  E: One More Saturday Night
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD", 2nd disc contains 9/15/72 partial
09/17/72  All     Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Civic    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 203                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD"
09/21/72  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 235                                         
          4 CD's, 44k
09/23/72  All     Waterbury, CT - The Palace Theater S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    201                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR"
09/24/72  2p      Waterbury, CT - The Palace Theater S:Rm,R,D,*CD   A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "S:Rm>R>D>Bias Peak Remaster> CD"
09/24/72  All     Waterbury, CT - The Palace Theater S:Rm,D,CD      A    174                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
09/26/72  All     Jersey City, NJ - Stanley Theatre  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 185                                         
          Last You WIn Again; 26 Miles tuning> JBG
          3 CD's, 44k
09/30/72  All     Washington, DC - American          S:Rm,C,C,D     A-/A 193                                         
          Outdoor Concert
          3 CD's, 44k, S:MR>Cassx2>DAT>ZA2>SF pitch adjust>CD, Comments: Disc 1: After xfr to HD, this is what
          (david hollister)did: SoundForge pitch
10/02/72  All     Springfield, MA - Springfield      S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    200                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
10/17/72  Most    St. Louis, MO - Fox Theatre        S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 194                                         
          NO:JStraw, FOTD, BIODTL, Ramble
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR>C>DATs>CDRs>EAC>SHN ", (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
10/18/72  All     St. Louis, MO - Fox Theatre        S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 167                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, some small static noise occasionally - sounds like it may be on master reel
10/19/72  All     St. Louis, MO - Fox Theatre        S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD > MR > Cass > DAT > CDR", Promised Land is cut
10/24/72  2       Milwaukee, WI - Milwaukee          S:Rm,C,D,CD    A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, can't locate at the moment (09/02)
10/28/72  2p2     Cleveland, OH - Cleveland Public   FM:D,CD        A/A+ 40                                          
          1 CD, 44k, DStar-> Philo Jam & SMag, includes introduction by Dick Latvala (GDHour)
11/13/72  1P,2    Kansas City, KS - Soldiers' and    A:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: AUD>MR>C>D>CD>EAC>SHN;  missing 1st set except for //Playin'.  missing encore
          (Johnny B. Goode).  This a very good audience recording from the era, varying somewhat.   There is a
          splice in Dark Star at 11:20.   The recording was normalized using Sound Forge, and some track boundaries
          were fixed.
An outstanding bass solo launches right out of a complete meltdown during this Dark Star.
          There is also a very fast Feelin' Groovy jam towards the end.  This Dark Star approaches perfection.  Huge
          thanks to Jeff Cook for sharing this one.  edits/encoding by J. Cotsman"
11/19/72  1P      Houston, TX - Hofheinz Pavilion    S:?,BCD        B+   72                                          
          NO; Bertha, Bird Song,  Mexicali Blues,  Tomorrow Is Forever, Big River, China Cat Sunflower->I Know
          You Rider,  'Stars & Stripes Forever' tuning before 'Tomorrow Is Forever' 'Nickelodeon' tuning be ore
          'Playin' 'Dixie' tuning before 'Dark Star"
          1 CD, 44k, GD bootCD of the Warlocks "GWM-03" most like from a multi-gen cassette, I bought this in
11/22/72  All     Austin, TX - Austin Municipal      S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          Promised Land (missing)
          3 CD's, 44k, "sdb>>master reel>>dat>>cdr"
11/24/72  All     Dallas, TX - Dallas Memorial       S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 153                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (Sony R500-> Tascam 700)
12/11/72  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,?,CD      U    160                                         
          Other artist(s): GD; Sons Of Champlin
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: SBD > MR > ?? > CDR; Missing Promised Land, Sugar Magnolia and Encore Casey
The left channel has partial drop out from some microphone feed on many tracks for short
          durations.  These are not documented.
D1 - Clicks at end of tracks and from tape start were removed
D1 -
          Renormalized all of set 1 to 98% amplitude
D1T4: 04:38 gap (removed so now sounds like a brief DO)
          [00:59] cut
D1T7: [03:36] skip/cut
D1T10: [06:44] Left channel DO
D1T12: Start of music is faded in.
          DO's in many places
D2T1: [04:24] Right channel pop (fixed)
D2T1: [11:06] brief tape speed change
          [13:28] pop (fixed)
D2T3: Amplitude was adjusted to match other tracks (originally about 1/2 average db
          level of other tracks)
D2T3: [02:23] skip (fixed)
D2T3: [02:45] skip (not fixed)
D2T4: [03:21] big pop
          partially fixed (part pop/ part gap)
D3T1: 20:47 click (fixed)
D3T1: 22:27 brief gap (removed)
          25:19 click (fixed)
D3T2: 01:34 pop (fixed)
D3T2: 01:54 pop (fixed)
D3T2: 06:25 gap(removed, so now
          sounds like a slight beat error)
D3T2: 07:19 - 07:23 fluttering with gap (gap removed)
D3T2: 08:12 -
          redid fade out and removed some silence
D3T3: 01:28, 01:30 gaps (removed so now sounds like a beat is
          partially missed.  the fix is less disruptive than the original gaps)
D3T3: 04:03 gap (removed)
          03:53 skip (fixed)
D3T5: 04:07 skip"
12/12/72  Partial San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 72                                          
          Other artist(s): GD: Rowan Brothers {with David Grisman on electric piano
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>D>CD"
??/??/73  All     Dick's Gift - LOM Mystery Tape     S:Rm,D,CD      A    36                                          
          Usually circulates with the ??/??/74 portion, but is probably from the winter or spring of '73.
          Supposedly found in the vault unlabeled by Dick Latvala.  There is a guest guitarist for all 4 songs
          (possibly Tom Fogerty).
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>D>CDR>EAC>SHN>CDR"
02/09/73  All     Palo Alto, CA - Roscoe Maples      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 197                                         
          "Beer Barrel Polka" tuning before "Mexicali"
          4 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR 2-track>DAT>Cdr"
02/15/73  All     Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 181                                         
          Promised,Eyes->China Doll
          3 CD's, 44k
02/21/73  All     Champaign-Urbana, IL - Assembly    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A+   201                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
02/22/73  All     Champaign-Urbana, IL - Assembly    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A+   138                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
02/26/73  All     Lincoln, Nb - Pershing Municipal   S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 184                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "S:MR>cassette>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN>CDR"
03/16/73  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    S:Rm,P,D,CD    A    205                                         
          "A Swell Dance Concert" - Other artist(s): GD; Sons of Champlin
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR>P>D>CD, MSR>C>D>CD"
03/24/73  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 218                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
03/26/73  All     Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Civic    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 261                                         
          4 CD's, 44k,
03/28/73  2p2     Springfield, MA - Springfield      S:Rm,D,*,CD    A+   n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, * = hum removed with Sonic Solutions workstation
03/31/73  All     Buffalo, NY - Buffalo War          S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    167                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, He's Gone-> end sounds better, it may be the S:Rm,D,CD preFM portion from Gans
05/13/73  3p      Des Moines, IA - Des Moines State  S:Rm,?,D,*CD   A-/A 77                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD:MR>??>DAT>Resampled, pitch corrected and Patched>CDR"
05/26/73  All     San Francisco, CA - Kezar Stadium  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 212                                         
          NO: KC Jones
          Afternoon concert - Other artist(s): GD; NRPS; Wayion Jennings
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>REEL>PCM>DAT>DIGI I/O>WAV"
06/24/73  2p1     Portland, OR - Portland Memorial   S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 49                                          
          Dark Star thru China Doll
          1 CD, 44k, MSR>C>D>CD
06/26/73  2       Seattle, WA - Seattle Center Arena S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    108                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "S:MR>Cass>DAT>CD", brief glitch just into Bertha
07/01/73  All     Universal City, CA - Universal     Af:Rm,D,CD     A-   165 Sony ECM-22P > Sony 770                 
          3 CD's, 44k, "FOB-Sony ECM-22P > Sony 770 @ 7.5 ips > DAT > CDR"
07/27/73  All     Watkins Glen, NY - Grand Prix      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 88                                          
          "Merry-Go-Round Broke Down" tuning after "Tennessee jed " Sound Check for 07-28-73
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
07/28/73  All     Watkins Glen, NY - Grand Prix      S:Rm,D,CD      A    260                                         
          *w\ the Allman Brothers and The Band
          4 CD's, 44k, ^ = from A:Cm,R,D,CD, ^^ = from FM:?,C5,D,CD, entire encore from A:Cm,?,C,D,CD, some parts
          are obviously much better than other portions
08/??/73  All     Wake of the Flood - Studio         S:Rm,P,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Betty> BCM> DAT> DAT> DIO 2448> SHN", The date applied, according to Deadbase, is when the
          dead entered the studio to record WOTF.
08/01/73  2P      Jersey City, NJ - Roosevelt        S:Rm,C,*,CD    A/A+ 74                                          
          Other artist(s): The Band
          1 CD, 44k, "S:MR>Cass>Sonic Solutions>CD>DAT>CD"
09/07/73  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    S:Rm,D,CD      A    176                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>DAT>CD-R", sounds a bit rough at start
09/08/73  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 193                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, good Phil mix, "7"MR(7.5ips 1/2trk)>Tascam 122mkIII cass>DAT>CDR "
09/11/73  All     Williamsburg, VA - William and     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    180                                         
          *with Martin Fiero and Joe Ellis on horns. Doug Sahm opened
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR>C>D>CD"
09/12/73  All     Williamsburg, VA - William and     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    149                                         
          Missing: Loser
          *with Martin Ffero and Joe Ellis on horns. Doug Salvn opened
          3 CD's, 44k, "S:MR>Cass>DAT>CDR"
10/19/73  2p2     Oklahoma City, OK - Oklahoma City  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 40                                          
          Dark Star thru Dew
          *second encore. list incomplete
          1 CD, 44k, MSR>C>D>CD
10/23/73  2p      Bloomington, MN - Metropolitan     S:Rm,D,CD      A    76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "S:MR>DAT>CD"
10/25/73  2       Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum S:Rm,D,*,CD    A+   104                                         
          2 CD's, 44k (S:Rm,D,Sound Forge,CD)
10/29/73  All     St. Louis, MO - Kiel Auditorium    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    175                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBDMR>CASS>DAT>CD>SHN>CD"
10/30/73  All     St. Louis, MO - Kiel Auditorium    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    246                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, "S:MR > cassette > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN"
11/11/73  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 191                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Disks 1-2 MSR>Cass>Cass>DATs>CDRs>EAC>SHN, Disk 3 MSR>Cass>DATs>CDRs>EAC>SHN" (shorten
          files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
11/14/73  All     San Diego, CA - San Diego Sports   S:Rm,D,CD      U    196                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, "Lineage: SBD > MR > DAT > CD > EAC (secure) > SHN (seekable)", Note: To maintain the song
          order as played and not break the continuous section at the start of set 2, 4 disks are required.
11/17/73  All     Los Angeles, CA - Pauley           S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN", Splice between ROR and Playin' (no music affected)
11/20/73  1p,2    Denver, CO - Denver Coliseum       S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 127                                         
          starts w/ WRS, Mississippi Half Step-> Dire Wolf out of order
          2 CD's, 44k
11/20/73  All     Denver, CO - Denver Coliseum       S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 201                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "S:MR > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN", (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
11/21/73  All     Denver, CO - Denver Coliseum       S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 178                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>DAT>CD"
11/23/73  All     El Paso, TX - County Coliseum      S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 214                                         
          [rf] during Loser, Truckin'
          4 CD's, 44k, "mSR>cass>DAT>CDR", "My only tweaking was a smoothing of the Loser reel cut. (Leigh
11/25/73  All     Tempe, AZ - Feyline Field          S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN>CDR"
12/06/73  All     Cleveland, OH - Cleveland          S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    185                                         
          3 CD;s, 44k, "S:MR > cassette > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN:, There are conflicting reports whether the SBD
          master is on cassettes or
reels, but it sounds like it would have to be reels.
The last 26 seconds of Here
          Comes Sunshine is missing on our copy of the
SBD and is patched in using an AUD master from a cassette
          copy of
unknown low generation.
22 seconds in Eyes Of The World are patched from this AUD source also.
          22-second cut in Eyes looks like a cassette tape flip introduced
when the reels were transcribed to 1st
          gen cassette.  The missing conclusion of Here Comes Sunshine is harder to account for on this hypothesis,
          but there seems a reasonable chance that both missing
segments are intact on the master reels.  Meanwhile,
          this tree. First set highlights include TLEO, Row Jimmy, GSET and China Cat >
Rider. The Here Comes
          Sunshine times almost 16 minutes, is the longest known on circulating tape and probably the best.  The
          Dark Star is the
third longest known at 43:28, and one of the all time best.  It is the fraternal twin of
          11/11/73. Dave Greenberg did the patches.  David Gans supplied DATs of the 1st gen cassette SBD and Jim
          Powell instigated the project, supplied the AUD
cassette used to patch the SBD's defects, and wrote this
12/08/73  All     Durham, NC - Cameron Indoor        S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    223                                         
          4 CD's, 44k
??/??/74  All     Dick's Gift - LOM Mystery Tape     S:Rm,D,CD      U    71                                          
          This tape circulates labeled "LOM Mystery Tape," and usually with 4 songs before Finders Keepers (the
          ??/??/73).  These songs are from the winter or spring of '74, before Martin Fiero became a fulltime
          member.  Supposedly found in vault unlabeled by Dick Latvala.  It is doubtful that all these songs are
          from the same show.
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>D>CDR>EAC>SHN>CDR"
02/23/74  Most    San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,P,D,CD    A+   182                                         
          NO: Big River, Ramble On Rose, Me & My Uncle,
          **Second Encore *Slipknot Intro
          3 CD's, 44, "SBD > Reel > PCM > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN" (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem,
02/24/74  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ n/a                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, "SBD->Master Reel->PCM->DAT->Fostex D5 DAT->Marantz Professional  PMD-320 CD Master->Ricoh
          MP-6200 series CD-R-> HP 8200i CDRW Drive (EAC)->SHNCD", This is not sourced from the current 2-24-74
          tree. There is no dropout in the China->Rider Segue. [GSH NOTE: Disc 4 does NOT require an overburn, as
          stated in the original info file. The length of disc 4 is 73:52, not 74:06.] My subjective quality grade:
          A- No Dropouts, Clicks, or Digital Noise are present as far as i know.There is a small amount of guitar
          distortion  in Cumberland Blues in Garcia's solo. EAC extracted, verified and shorten encoded by stephen
02/24/74  sndchk  San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 44                                          
          This is the majority of the soundcheck for that evening's show; due to this being a version which does
          NOT have the PCM tape in it's lineage, it is released as a NEW SHOW "Let It Grow" is missing 02:18 from
          it's beginning, "Instrumental Jam is missing approx. first 2 minutes and last 1:38 seconds (both of these
          verified by my Marin County source) due to RTR tape decks being patched in and out; any/all editing,
          fades, NR, hiss elimination, phase shifting/"time smear" correction, jitter elimination, EQ, and
          quantization noise elimination (when down-converting audio to 16-bit / 44.1kHz for CD-R mastering), were
          all performed using 24-bit / 96 kHz digital realm processing at Serafin Station Studio B [this show was
          released 08/01]
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD > RTR @ 7.5 i.p.s. > D > SSSB"
03/23/74  All     Daly City, CA - Cow Palace         S:Rm,D,CD      A+   196                                         
          NO: Casey Jones, E: One More Saturday Night
          4 CD's, 44k
05/14/74  2p2     Missoula, MT - Adams Field House   S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 48                                          
          WRS thru China Doll
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>D>CD"
05/17/74  All     Vancouver, British Columb, CA -    S:Rm,D,CD      A+   n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "mSR>DAT>CDR>TAE>SHN"
05/19/74  All     Portland, OR - Portland Memorial   S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          NO: Tennessee Jed through El Paso & Ship Of Fools
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBDMR -> DAT -> CD -> EAC -> SHN" (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
05/21/74  All     Seattle, WA - Edmundson Pavilion   S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    185                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN>CDR"
06/08/74  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      A:Rm,R,D,CD    A-/A 169                                         
          Other artist(s): Beach Boys, NRPS, Commander Cody
          3 CD's, 44k, PitB, Eyes from S:Rm,D,CD
06/18/74  All     Louisville, KY - Freedom Hall      S:Rm,D,CD      A+   175                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "S:MR>DAT>ZA2>SHN" downloaded from, md5=OK, Promised Land and Eyes are reversed
          in position (*I need to fix this*)
06/20/74  2p2     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 67                                          
          Big River thru Sat Nite
          1 CD, 44k," MSC>C>D>CD"
06/22/74  All     Miami, FL - Jai-Alai Fronton       S:Rm,C,D,CD    A+   200                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBDMR>CASS>DAT>DAT>CD"
06/23/74  All     Miami, FL - Jai-Alai Fronton       S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 190                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, " SBD>MR>DAT>CD-R"
06/26/74  2P      Providence, RI - Providence Civic  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 72                                          
          This is my favorite 2nd set!
          NO: U.S. Blues, Me & My Uncle
          1 CD, 44k
06/26/74  Mix     Providence, RI - Providence Civic  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          2 CD's, Dicks Picks 12 Leftovers - both 6/26 & 6/28/74
07/19/74  2p2     Fresno, CA - Selland Arena         S:Rm,D,?,CD    A+   72                                          
          He's Gone> CDoll
          *Phil & Ned Between sets.**Without Phil
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD:MR>DAT>?>CDR"
07/21/74  All     Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl   A:Cm,R,D,CD    A-/A 172 Sony ECM-22P>Sony TC-152                
          *Phi & Ned Between sets Commander Cody, Maria Muldar & John Kahn Opened
          3 CD's, 44k,  "Sony ECM-22P>Sony TC-152 CASSMaster>REEL>DAT>CD-R"
07/25/74  All     Chicago, IL - International        S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 169                                         
          NO:  Set 1.5, Phil & Ned*
          *Phil & Ned Between sets.
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSR>CASS>DAT>CD-R", volume/mix problems at start of Me & My Uncle
07/31/74  All     Hartford, CT - Dillon Stadium      S:Rm,D,CD      A    208                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
08/04/74  All     Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia    S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 206                                         
          *Phil & Ned Between sets.
          3 CD's, 44k
08/05/74  All     Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia    S:Rm,P,D,CD    A    176                                         
          NO: *Phil & Ned Between sets.
          3 CD's, 44k, "sbd>mr>pcm>dat>shn>cd", some hiss
08/06/74  All     Jersey City, NJ - Roosevelt        S:Rm,D,CD*CD   U    n/a                                         
          *Phil & Ned Between sets
          4 CD's, 44k, "MR > DAT > CD > Sonic Solutions > CD Circulation - 9/00" (shorten files from GDLive via
          cable modem, md5=OK)
09/11/74  2       London, EN - Alexandra Palace      S:Rm,D,CD      A+   74                                          
          *With Ned Login on electric piano
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>R>DAT>CDR"
09/14/74  All     Munich, Germany - Olympia Halle    A:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 215                                         
          *Phil & Ned Between sets.
          3 CD's, 44k, "Aud:MR>DAT>CD"
09/18/74  All     Dijon, France - Dijon              S:Rm,?,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          SET 1.5 (Phil and Ned) and Encore (U.S. Blues) are missing
          3 CD's, 44k, "Lineage: SBD>MR>?>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN"
09/21/74  2,3     Paris, France - Palais Des Sports  S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    141                                         
          set I doesn´t circulate;  3:40 added from SBD cassette at start of Seastones.  master reel (probably)
          dropout between Seastones and Playin´ repaired with a crossfade; Around & Around patched in from unknown
          generation AUD tape by Alasdair Macdonald; 1-24-69 Filler is the first set and all that circulates from
          that date. 
  Lineage: Master reel > cassette > DAT > CD. This complements the 1-25 & 26-69 shows from
          tree #6.  
finally, 9/20 runs a bit slow and 9/21 a bit fast, but within normal bounds of tolerance
          2 CD's, 44k
10/16/74  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     As:Cm,P,D,CD   A/A+ 286                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, "Stage Mics>MC>PCM>DAT>CD" 1st 2 songs from audience source (A-)
10/17/74  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,*,CD    A/A+ 178                                         
          *Phil and Ned Between Sets
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>16 TRACK MR>DAT>SONIC SOLUTIONS>CD"
10/18/74  2,3     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     As:Rm,P,D,CD   A/A+ 121                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: SBDGenealogy: MR > PCM > DAT 44.1kHz > CD > shn > gdlive" downloaded from GDLive,
10/19/74  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     As:Cm,P,D,CD   A/A+ 207                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Stage Mics>MC>PCM>DAT>CD"
10/20/74  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     A:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          *W Micky Hart, Last Wall of Sound show, Phil and Ned between sets (disc 4)
          4 CD's, 44k,  (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
03/17/75  All     Mill Valley, CA - Ace's            preFM:Rm,CD    U    n/a                                         
          Jerry Garcia  lead; guitar John Cipollina; slide quitar David Crosby  rhythm guitar; Phil Lesh  bass;
          Ned Lagin  keyboards; Mickey Hart  drums
          2 CD's, 44k, "master reels > Pre-FM Gans Master CDR"
03/17/75  All     Mill Valley, CA - Ace's            S:Cm,*,CD      A/A+ 148                                         
          worth getting just for the Ned Lagin interview!!
          Tapes sat unheard by anyone in Ned's closet for 26 years. This was Ned's birthday tapes.  Band was Ned
          Lagin - electric piano,  Phil Lesh - bass,  Jerry Garcia - guitar,  Billy Kruetzmann - drums,  David
          Crosby - guitar, John Cipppolina - guitar on Susa Piece jam
          2 CD's, 44k, Bob Weir's studio, during the making of "Blues for Allah," with Ned Lagin, "SBD>CM>Sonic
03/23/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Kezar Stadium  FM:Rm,D,CD     A+   40                                          
          With Merl Saunders & Ned Lagin, without DonnaFM Broadcast KIOI SFStudends Need Athletics Culture and
          Kicks SNACK Benefit
          1 CD, 44k
09/28/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Lindley        S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 99                                          
          * with Mathew Kelly
          2 CD's, 44k
06/03/76  All     Portland, OR - Paramount Theatre   S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 174                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>PCM>DAT>CD" fades into Might As Well, some cuts during the second set
06/04/76  All     Portland, OR - Paramount Theatre   S:Rm,D,CD      A    144                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>DAT>CD", cuts into Promised Land, 1 d.o. in FOTD, 1 d.o in Might As Well
06/09/76  All     Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 185                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, CRS from aud source, Set 1: SBD>Master Reel>Reel>dat>Cd ('A'), Set 2: sbd>master
          reel>dat>sonic solutions>cd ('A/A+')
06/11/76  All     Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 177                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
06/24/76  2       Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre    FM:Rm,D,CD     A/A+ 65                                          
          FM Broadcast WMMR Philadelphia
          1 CD, 44k
06/28/76  All     Chicago, IL - Auditorium Theatre   Af:Rm,D,CD     A-   148                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/29/76  All     Chicago, IL - Auditorium Theatre   S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 178                                         
          FM Broadcast WXRT
          3 CD's, 44k, "7" two track BBD reel @ 7 1/2 ips > PCM501ES @ 44.055 kHz PCM501ES analog out > Fostex D5
          @ 48 kHz > DAT > ZA2 > CDR > EAC > SHN"  (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
07/14/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Orpheum        S:R(3),D,CD    A-/A 142                                         
          NO: TLEO, ??Ship of Fools??
          3 CD's, 44k
07/16/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Orpheum        A:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 171 Sony ECM 280>Sony TC-D152               
          "Walk in the Sunshine!"
          3 CD's, 44k, "Sony ECM-280 > Sony TC-152 > DAT > CD-R, recorded by Dr. Bertrando from the front of the
07/17/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Orpheum        S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    153                                         
          Donna was absent during the second set
          3 CD's, 44k, "SMR > Cass > DAT > CD-R." Good Phil coverage.
07/17/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Orpheum        A:Cm,D,CD      A    194 Sony ECM 280>Sony TC-152                
          Donna was absent during the second set
          3 CD's, 44k, "AUD>Sony ECM-e80>Sony TC-152 (CM)>R>DAT>CDR>SHN>CDR.  Taped by Rob Bertrando from the
          front of the balcony."  w/ art, contains some filler from 6/8/74
07/18/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Orpheum        S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 194                                         
          FM Broadcast on KSAN San Francisco
          3 CD's, 44k, "MR>PCM>DAT>CDR (set 2),FM:SBD>MR>PCM>DAT>CDR (set 1, Samson, encore)", the FM portion has
          slight buzz
09/30/76  All     Columbus, OH - Auditorium, Ohio    Af:Cm,D,CD     A-/A 169                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "FOBMC>D>\SBD>C" most of show from FOB source
10/10/76  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 160                                         
          "Day on the Green #9" With The Who
          2 CD's, 44k
10/14/76  2       Los Angeles, CA - Shrine           S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 64                                          
          NO: (E): Johnny B. Goode
          1 CD, 44k, "SBDMR>DAT>CD"
10/15/76  All     Los Angeles, CA - Shrine           S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 165                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBDMR>DAT>CD-R"," (except Franklin's>Sugar Mag is an Aud splice: Sony ECM-280 mics>Sony
          TC-152> front of balcony right of soundboard)."
12/31/76  All     Daly City, CA - Cow Palace         FM:?,CD        U    n/a                                         
          NO: E2 & E3
          *Second Encore with Santana, Soundhole FM Broadcast KSAN San Francisco
          3 CD's, 44k, (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
03/19/77  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,*,CD    A+   172                                         
          *Second Encore
          3 CD's, 44k, "mSR>DAT>DAT>SonicSolutions>CDR>shn>CDR", some reel glitches during Terrapin, CD covers at
04/23/77  All     Springfield, MA - Springfield      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 180                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
04/30/77  All     NYC, NY - The Palladium            A:Cm,D,D,CD    A-/A 183 Sony ECM-33p mics>Sony TC-152           
          3 CD's, 44k, "Taper: Jerry Moore; Source: Sony ECM-33p mics>Sony TC-152 deck; Conversion:
          MC>DAT/1>CD>EAC>SHN"; Several times during show the right channel drops out and has some minor distortion
          on piano notes.  The following correctable pops were fixed using Cool Edit 2000 by M. Vernon
D1T09 From
          2:45.282 - 2:45.372 the right channel dropped with some static that sounds like a skip. Selectively
          de-clicked the big spikes so it is somewhat less jarring; D1T10 From 2:05.647 - 2:05.727 right channel
          dropped with some static that sounds like a skip. Selectively de-clicked the big spikes so it is somewhat
          less jarring; D2T08 Discontinuous jumps in waveform at 6:12.657 and 6:12.670  - de-clicked with good
          results; D2T09 Discontinuous jump in right channel at 2:51.617 de-clicked; D2T09 Discontinuous jump in
          waveform at 2:51.630 that sounds like a pop. De-clicked - but has residual thwop sound from discontinuity.
          Less jarring than original pop D3T04 Discontinuous jumps in waveform at 1:45.855 and 1:45.869 De-clicked
          but can still detect the dis-continuity but less jarring than original
05/03/77  All     NYC, NY - The Palladium            A:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 193                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: AUD>MR>DAT>CDR >  EAC (secure mode, test and copy) > SHN"; I (Delano) added the
          missing track marker for Supplication (8/31/03)
05/07/77  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 175                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Second Chance Tree"
05/08/77  All     Ithaca, NY - Barton Hall, Cornell  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 205                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "WBOTB Source -- 7" two track BBD reel encoded; w/ DBX-1 noise reduction @ 7 1/2 ips> Sony
          PCM501ES @ 44.055 kHz. > Sony PCM501ES analog out > DBX-1 decoder > analog in PCM501ES > PCM501ES analog
          out> Fostex D5 @ 48 kHz>DATs>ZA2>CDRs>EAC>SHN; Audience Splices -- Teddy Goodbear's; Panasonic AM/FM
          Stereo 'boom box' (w/condenser mics) > CM (Cassette Master); > various equalizers & editors > CD ",
          downloaded from, md5=OK
05/09/77  All     Buffalo, NY - Community War        S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 155                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, SBD>R>DAT, DooDah tree [discs cut between Comes A Time & SMag]
05/17/77  All     Tuscaloosa, AL - Memorial          S:R,D,C,D,CD   U    n/a                                         
          NO: (E): Sugar Magnolia
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: SBD>MR 7" (Baked)>DAT>Cass>DAT>CD" downloaded from, md5=OK
05/18/77  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          S:Rm,D,CD      A+   173                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD > MR > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHNv3", md5=OK
05/19/77  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          S:Rm,D,CD      A+   n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
05/25/77  All     Richmond, VA - The Mosque          S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 179                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Second Chance Tree", encore on disc 2
05/26/77  All     Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Civic    S:Rm,D,*CD     A+   164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD->MR->DAT->SonicSolutions->CD KPFA Benefit"
06/07/77  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:RmD,CD       A/A+ 183                                         
          *Second Encore
          3 CD's, 44k, patched cut/missing areas by David Hollister (using audience source)
09/03/77  All     Englishtown, NJ - Raceway Park     preFM:R,D,CD   A/A+ n/a                                         
          *Dead left the stage for a few minutes after SampsonFM Broadcast WNEW New YorkOther artist(s): Marshal
          Tucker, NRPS
           3 CD's; 44k; BUDD tree, "2track PreFM MR>DAT>CD>DAT>CDR"
10/01/77  2p      Portland, OR - Paramount Theater   S:Rm,P,P,D     A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/02/77  All     Portland, OR - Paramount Theater   S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
10/07/77  2p2     Albuquerque, NM - University of    S:Rm,D,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, " Master Reels-> DAT-> DAT-> Sonic-> CD-> CD-> SHN;  SHN extracted from Grateful
          Dead Hour 490;  From a David Gans CD"
11/04/77  All     Hamilton, NY - Cotterrell Gym      S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, no info file
11/06/77  All     Binghamton, NY - Broome County     S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Reel -> DAT -> CDR; Transfer: EAC -> Shorten 32 By Doug Nawrocki"
12/27/77  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      A+   176                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
01/06/78  All     San Bernardino, CA - Swing         S:Cm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 149                                         
          No Garcia Vocals During Second Set Due To Extreme Laryngitis
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MC>RR>DAT>CD"
01/13/78  All     Santa Barbara, CA - Arlington      S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 173                                         
          Pacific Alliance Benefit - "Stop Nuclear Power"
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MC>Cas>DAT>CD"
01/14/78  All     Bakersfield, CA - Bakersfield      S:Rm,P,D,CD    A    152                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>PCM>DAT>CD"
01/31/78  1p,2    Chicago, IL - Uptown Theater       S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 101                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>Cas>DAT>CD", LIG thru end
02/03/78  2       Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 80                                          
          NO: JBG
          1 CD, 44k
02/05/78  All     Cedar Falls, IA - Uni Dome, U of   S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 153                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "It has a little diginoise during New Minglewood Blues and the first 20 of El Paso is cut
          (as is on the Master Reel)"
04/11/78  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          S:Rm,P,D,CD    A/A+ 164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD:MR>PCM>DAT>CD"
05/11/78  All     Springfield, MA - Springfield      S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 171                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
07/08/78  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           S:Rm,D,CD      A+   174                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
09/14/78  All     Giza, EG - Son Et Lumiere Theater  S:Rm,C,D,D,D   A-/A 184                                         
          *W Hamza El Din
          3 CD's ,44k, multitrack reel master>1 cassette generation(Maxell XLI C90)>D>D>D>D(48k)>Tascam CDR700,
          low vocals, has hiss
09/16/78  All     Giza, EG - Son Et Lumiere Theater  S:Rm,P,D,CD    A    210                                         
          *W Hamza El Din Lunar Eclipse
          3 CD's, 44k, w/ tracks, "SBD: 10" Reel @ 15ips 2 track-> Sony 601 PCM-> Panasonic 3700-> Capricorn->
          DB3000s-> Panasonic 4100> 3700, DA20mkii(44k)-> Tascam CDR700"
10/21/78  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          * = w/ Hamza El Din, ** = w/ Lee Oskar
          3 CD's, 44k, "sbd>mr>dats>wave>shn" (1) with Hamza el-Din;  (2) Sugaree cuts off  the end; (3) with Lee
          Oskar on harmonica.  (4)unkown patch for the end of Stella blue and beginning of Sugar Magnolia
01/20/79  All     Buffalo, NY - Shea's Buffalo       A:R,P,D,CD,D   A-/A 162 Nak 700> Nagra Rm> PCM> D               
          3 CD's, 44k, "A:Nagra>PCM>D>CD>D"
08/14/79  All     Denver, CO - McNichols Sports      A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 191 Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D                
          * First time played
          3 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDR700)
11/05/79  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    Af:Cm,C,C,D    A    172 Nakamichi CM300>Nak 550 C(0)> C(1)> D   
          3 CD's, 44k, (FOB: 11th row, Nakamichi CM300>Nak 550 C(0)> C(1)> DAT (44k), playback: Sony PCMR500
          (44k)-> Tascam 700 CDR)
12/03/79  All     Chicago, IL - Uptown Theater       S:Cm,CD,D,CD   A    182                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>Cassette Master>C0>DAT>SHN>WAV (Latvala vault leak)" some hiss
04/01/80  All     Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater      S:Cm,R,D,C,D   A/A+ 164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (Sony R500-> Tascam 700)
04/29/80  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          Af:Cm,C,D,CD   A    128                                         
          2 CD's
05/14/80  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 143                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (R500 -> Tascam 700)
07/01/80  All     San Diego, CA - San Diego Sports   S:Rm,D,CD      A    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (R500-> Tascam 700)
08/30/80  2       Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:Cm,D,CD      A    105                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
10/11/80  AcousticSan Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:Rm,P,D,CD    A+   75                                          
          *W John Cippolina First Set Acoustic
          1 CD, 44k, "S:Rm (7.5 IPS)>PCM>DAT>CDR"
11/30/80  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSC>Reel>DATs>CDRs>EAC>SHN (set I and Scarlet>Fire from Set II) Sony ECM280s> D5> DATs>
          CDRs>EAC>SHN (Remainder of show)"
12/06/80  All     Mill Valley, CA - Mill Valley      A:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          Acoustic Set
          1 CD, 44k, from Betty Cantor's audience cassette master-> dat-> shn (GDLive)
03/07/81  All     College Park, MD - Cole Field      Af:Cm,D,CD     A-/A 173                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "The Maryland show was also recorded on analog equipment. We're not sure of the mic's or
          deck used, but it was FOB.  All the CD's are DAT@48k>ZA2>@44.1khz>sound forge & cd architect 4.5>Master
          CD's (by Frank V)"
03/09/81  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    Af:Cm,D,CD     A    163 Nak 700> Sony TCD5> D                   
          3 CD's, 44k, Nakamichi 700's FOB>Sony TCD5M>Master Cassette;  the CD's are  DAT@48k> ZA2> @44.1khz>
          sound forge & cd architect 4.5>Master CD's (by Frank V)"
03/10/81  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    Af:Cm,D,CD     A    174 Nak 700> Sony TCD5> D                   
          3 CD's, 44k, Nakamichi 700's FOB>Sony TCD5M>Master Cassette;  the CD's are DAT@48k>ZA2>@44.1khz>sound
          forge & cd architect 4.5>Master CD's (by Frank V)"
05/01/81  All     Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum     A:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 192 Sennheiser 421> Mcass> D                
          3 CD's, 44k, [R500-> Phillips CDR870]
05/08/81  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    A:Cm,D,CD      A    164 Sennheiser 421> Sony D5> D              
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDR700)
05/09/81  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    A:Cm,D,CD      A    n/a Sennheiser 421> Sony D5> D              
          3 CD's, 44k, "Sennheiser 421 mics > Sony D-5 analog cassette master > DAT, DA20mkii-> CDR700; "the very
          beginning of Half-Step is cut on the analog cassette master tape; analog cassette master tape flip during
          Eyes of the World; Brokedown encore is missing from analog cassette master tape
05/12/81  All     New Haven, CT - Veterans'          S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 169                                         
          *For Bob Marley
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: SBD>Master Cassette>Cassette>DAT>CDR"
09/25/81  All     Bethlehem, PA - Stabler Arena      A:Cm,D,CD      A-   184 Nak300+cp4>MarantzCD330                 
          3 CD's, 44k
10/16/81  All     Amsterdam, Netherlands - Club      S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 118                                         
          Set 1 Acoustic Cindy Poris Opened; OOPS Concert, Bob's 34th b-day
last Ain't No Lie 12.6.80
final Ripple until 9.3.88 [459]
only Hully Gully
first Gloria since '65
last Lovelight 5.24.72
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: SBD:MCASS>CASS>DAT>CDR", "Playin' - first 3:00 FOB patch; Sugar Mag - FOB patch
          at 4:59; Patch source - FOB:MCASS>CASS>DAT>CDR; Some hiss due to 2 analog gens; Sugar Mag also has some
          minor distortion at 3:23-3:33"
12/09/81  All     Boulder, CO - Events Center, U of  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 170                                         
          Reel Splice before Mexicali (Mama Tried is missing), between Space, & The Other One and during Fire.
          Fades in after Bird

          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>Rm>Dat>CD", md5=OK
03/14/82  All     Davis, CA - Recreation Hall, UC    S:Rm,D,CD      A    196                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (R500 -> Tascam 700)
04/19/82  All     Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Civic    S:R,C,D,CD     U    173                                         
          *Phil recites The Raven
          3 CD's, 44k, Good Lovin track is faulty, on Memorex discs, I need to get this show again
05/21/82  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:Cm,D,CD      U    144                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, Sbd Mcassette > DAT > CDR  CDR >  EAC (secure mode, test and copy) > SHN, D1t01 (Bertha);
          first 1 sec. (approximately) cut, noise < 1 sec each at 5:55, 6:12 and 6:21; D1t11 (Don't Ease) noise last
          few seconds. Intermittent light digistatic
05/23/82  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:Cm,D,CD      U    187                                         
          *Miked a Harley Davidson Motorcycle during drums
          3 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "Source: Sbd Mcassette > DAT > CDR  CDR >  EAC (secure mode, test and copy) >
07/31/82  All     Austin, TX - Manor Downs           S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 182                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Lineage: Soundboard>Master Cassette>Cassette>Dat>CDR>EAC>SHN; DAE(EAC)+SHN Encoding by
          Jeff M.;  *** Jerrys guitar is low in the mix during Alabama, but gets better quick and for the rest of
          the show it is fine."
10/09/82  2       Palo Alto, CA - Frost Amphitheatre Af:Cm,D,CD     A    148 Nak 700> D5                             
          2 Nak 700 Cardiods @ 80 degrees, 15' foot spread, +3db bass boost; 1 Nak 700 Omni center -2db > 5
          channel preamp > dbx 224 > D5; 35' center FOB
04/13/83  All     Burlington, VT - Patrick Field     S:Cm,R,R,CD    A/A+ 87                                          
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSC -> Reel (3 3/4 ips) -> Revox A-77 (reel to reel deck) -> Alesis Masterlink ML-9600
          (A/D conversion and CDR mastering) -> CDRs -> EAC -> SHN" (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem,
04/26/83  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:Cm,R,D,C,D   A    187                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, Healey Sbd CassM> 1st gen reek> Panasonic 3700> Tascam 122mkII 3-head (Maxell XLII-S)>
          (playback: NAK DR-1> Sony R300> DA-302, playback (DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDR700 (44k))
09/02/83  All     Boise, ID - Boise Pavillion Boise  S:Cm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          (*) Bob, Brent, and Drummers
          3 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
09/11/83  All     Santa Fe, NM - Santa Fe Downs      S:Cm,R,D,CD    A    173                                         
          Truckin> Doodle> Dew!
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source:SBD>Master Cassette>1 Reel>DAT>DAT>WAV>Soundforge 4.0>CDWAV 1.53>MKW
          0.97b>SHN,DAT>WAV via Sony SDT-9000 DDS drive using VDAT 0.6f (see error logs below); WAV was edited in
          Soundforge (crossfading of cuts between songs, and the edits listed below:); First three minutes of
          Alabama Getaway patched from aud; Beginning of Dire Wolf  (0:08) patched from aud; Beginning (0:54) of
          Althea patched from aud; End of Althea (6:20) to beginning of CC Rider (0:17)  patched from aud; Middle of
          Wang Dang Doodle (6:05-7:35) patched from aud; 16:56:23- 43:01:62 click removal, slope sensitivity=400,
          proximity=80; Some pop removal and smoothing of analog noises (via pencil) in Althea and Wang Dang Doodle;
          Known flaws: Cassette flip drums; Minor analog noise in Althea at 2:18, 3:39-3:41, Some static and pops
          remain in CC Rider from 7:38-7:45; PA noise in Wang Dang Doodle 2:04-2:07, 2:17, 4:17,4:22, and 4:45(also
          on aud); Dankseed Certification received 01-08-01*and posted at
; Listening test performed by *5* danksters
          positive criteria met:Tracking- OK Seamless and complete- OK Lineage listed- OK negative criteria
          met:DAE-NOResampled- NO Diginoise- NO DAT transfer error logs: each of the two source dats were extracted
          twice and compared using EAC's wav compare feature DAT1:wav 1 same as wav 2  (wav 2 used for this shn
          archive) DAT2:wav 1: different samples 0:51:18.360 - 0:51:18:393 wav 2: different samples 0:51:18.360 -
          0:51:18:393 (wav 2 used for this shn archive, questionable spot at 51:18 was checked, was a burst of
          diginoise on wav 1. There were no audible errors on wav 2) Dankseeds certification info at
10/14/83  All     Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic      S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 175                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Dick's Pick - not for trade"
07/13/84  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:Cm,P,D,CD    A/A+ n/a                                         
          * Dark Star for the planetary alignment
          3 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
07/14/84  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 188                                         
          *With Matt Kelley
          3 CD's, 44k
07/15/84  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 139                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
07/21/84  All     Ventura, CA - Ventura County       S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 130                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
03/25/85  All     Springfield, MA - Springfield      S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 156                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "MSC>Cass.>DAT>CDR>SHN", end of Day Job is cut
06/14/85  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   Af:Pm,D,CD     A    147 Schoeps CMC2 + MK4                      
          Equipment problems after bucket caused them to leave the stage for a while
          3 CD's, 44k, "fob:Schoeps cmc4+mk2, 6'spread omni>PCM>DAT>CD"
06/15/85  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 137                                         
          NO: E2: U.S. Blues*
          *Second Encore
          2 CD's, 44k
06/16/85  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 148                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDR700)
06/22/85  1       East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley      S:Rm,D,CD      A+   n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
06/24/85  All     Cincinnati, OH - River Bend Music  S:Cm,P,D,CD    U    156                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD -> CM -> PCM -> DAT, Transfer: D8 -> Montego II -> Cool Edit 2k" downloaded from
, md5=OK, d2t2 and d2t3 tracks are corrected "from about 2:55 in Samson until about 3:35 in He's
          Gone the right channel drops way down. I used Goldwave just to boost the right channel during this
          section. (6/9/01)"
06/27/85  All     Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    S:VHS,C,D,CD   U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Amy's Soundboard VHS > Cassette > DAT> CDR, CD Re-Mastering by Scott Clugston, EAC'ed /
          SHN'ed by Scott Clugston 11/04/01"
06/30/85  All     Columbia, MD - Merriweather Post   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 148                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
09/07/85  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           A:Pm,D,CD      A/A+ 161 SchoepsCMC425/CMC441(90XY)>Oade         
          *Star Spangled Banner Tuning before 1/2 step.
          3 CD's, 44k
10/28/85  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          Af:PCM,D,CD    U    n/a Schoeps CMC3's/MK4's > PCM > DAT        
          2 CD's, 44k, "FOB Schoeps CMC3's/MK4's > PCM > DAT > CDR > EAC > CDWave > mkwACT; Beginning of Sugaree
          and Scarlet Begonias patched with following source: Nak 300's > D5/Sony KA1ES > HHB 850 > EAC;
          Eac'd/Patched/SHN'd by Doug Nawrocki"
11/01/85  All     Richmond, VA - Richmond Coliseum   S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (Sony R500-> Tascam 700)
11/21/85  All     Oakland, CA - Henry J. Kaiser      S:Cm,P,D,CD    A    153                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MC>PCM>DAT>CD"
03/27/86  All     Portland, ME - Cumberland County   Af:Cm,CD       A    137 Neumann U87i> Uher CD240> Marantx Pro   
          the only Revolutionary Hamstrung Blues!!!
          2 CD's, 44k, "FOB(CENTER)>AUD>MC>CDR> Neumann U87's>Uher CR240>Maxell XLII 90 Cass> Master>Marantz Pro
          CDR 500, Paul Hogan recording"
06/28/86  Most    East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley      S:Cm,D,CD      A    109                                         
          Missing: Looks Like Rain, Don't Ease Me In
          2 CD's, 44k
12/31/86  All     Oakland, CA - Henry J. Kaiser      preFM:Rm,P,D   A/A+ 167                                         
          FM Broadcast on KFOGDavid Crosby then The Nevelle Brothers Opened
          3 CD's; "SOURCE: Pre-FM SBD->PCM(?)->DAT->Serrafin->CD"
07/04/87  2       Foxboro, MA - Sullivan Stadium     S:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          *Jerry on Pedal Steel. All the songs in the 2nd set were sung by Dylan
          1 CD, 44k
07/10/87  3       Philadelphia, PA - John F Kennedy  S:?,CD         A    69                                          
          Third set with Bob Dylan
          1 CD, 44k
07/19/87  3       Eugene, OR - Autzen Stadium, U.    S:?,D,CD       A/A+ 80                                          
          Third set with Bob Dylan
          2 CD's, 44k
07/24/87  3       Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      S:?,CD         A    87                                          
          Third set with Bob Dylan
          2 CD's, 44k
07/26/87  3       Anaheim, CA - Anaheim Stadium      S:?,CD         A-/A 85                                          
          Third set with Bob Dylan
          2 CD's, 44k
08/22/87  All     Angel's Camp, CA - Mountain Aire   S:Pm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          *with Carlos Santana. David Lindley & El Rayo-x and Santana Opened
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>Master PCM>DAT>CDR", "notes: there is a digispeck on d1t02 appearing a few seconds
          before Tons of Steel.  This was on the master files.  This version is the same source as the previously
          circulating copy, with several edits performed in order to smooth the rough edges.  All of the following
          have been fixed: 1) after FOTD, there were several seconds of dead air, followed by loud pops. 2) After
          midnight hour, there were 4 minutes of Bucket attached to the same wave file; 3) Lovelight and US Blues
          had some tape garble between them" downloaded from, md5=OK
08/23/87  All     Angel's Camp, CA - Mountain Aire   S:Cm,D,CD      A    168                                         
          * with Carlos Santana, guitar. David Lindley & El Rayo-x and Santana Opened.
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>MC>DAT>CDR>EAC>shn"
03/24/88  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             A:D,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          3 CD's, 44k
03/26/88  All     Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum     Af:Cm,D,CD     A    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam 700)
03/27/88  All     Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum     S:FM:Cm,P,D    U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam 700)
03/28/88  All     Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum     S:preFM,D,CD   A/A+ 161                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam 700)
03/31/88  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands  S:D,CD         A/A+ 124                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/23/88  2       East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley      S:D,CD         A/A+ 79                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/26/88  All     Pittsburgh, PA - Civic Arena       S:Cm,*,CD      A/A+ 133                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, the remastered versions
06/26/88  All     Pittsburgh, PA - Civic Arena       S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 133                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "MSC>CD" I have both the "as is" or the remastered versions (both 2 discs each)
09/03/88  All     Landover, MD - Capitol Centre      A:Cm,D,CD      A    128                                         
          NO: Me & My Uncle, Big River
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700]
08/18/89  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:D,CD         A/A+ 174                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
10/23/89  All     Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Coliseum S:Cm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
04/02/90  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:?,D,CD       A    138                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "Lineage: SBD -> ? -> Dat -> Samplitude -> Cool Edit Pro -> SHN; Transfer Info:
          Sony R500 -> Behringer SRC2000 -> Dio 2448 -> Samplitude 2496 v.60; Editing Info: Normalized to 98%
          (Before Tracking) and Fades done with Cool Edit Pro v2.0; d1t01: Harsh dual dropout/ frequency blast
          removed from 3:34 using cdwav, preserving sbe status and only affecting one track." has some hiss
05/05/90  All     Carson, CA - Cal State Dominguez   FM:D,CD        A/A+ 199                                         
          FM Broadcast on KPFK
          3 CD's, 44k, digi noise at the beginning of LTGTR
07/12/90  All     Washington, DC - Robert F.         M:D,CD         A+   178                                         
          Edie Brickell & New Bohemians Opened
          3 CD's, 44k, "Sbd: Matrix Mic: DAT>CDR,CDR"
07/16/90  All     Buffalo, NY - Rich Stadium         S:D,CD         A+   179                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>DAT>CD"
07/21/90  All     Tinley Park, IL - World Music      S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
09/20/90  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D            U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD -> Dat -> Samplitude -> Cool Edit Pro -> SHN, Transfer: Dat (Sony R500) -> Behringer
          UltraMatch SRC2000 -> M-Audio Dio 2448 -> Compaq Presario 5452; Editing: Recorded with Samplitude 2496
          v6.0 Edited with Cool Edit Pro v2.0 (Fades, Normalized to 98% Prior to tracking) Tracked with CDWave v1.71
          Converted to SHN with MKW v0.97 Beta1", md5=OK, "There was a flaw in the original transfer (d3t05 -
          Throwing Stones) that has been fixed."
12/12/90  All     Denver, CO - McNichols Sports      S:D,CD         A+   184                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
03/21/91  All     Landover, MD - Capitol Centre      S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "Source: SBD>DAT>ZA2>SHN", "There is one slight cut in D2T7 (approx T705:44)"
04/03/91  2       Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:Cm,CD        A+   92                                          
          2 C's, 44k
04/07/91  All     Orlando, FL - Orlando Arena        S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 141                                         
          beginning of Jack Straw is cut/missing
          3 CD's, 44k
06/22/91  All     Chicago, IL - Soldier Field        S:D,CD         A/A+ 177                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
06/25/91  All     Bonner Springs, KS - Sandstone     S:D,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "'Comes a Time For All'", (Label: KTS, Date: 1995), md5=OK
08/17/91  All     Mountain View, CA - Shoreline      S:D,CD         A+   156                                         
          3 CD;s, 44k, "DSB>DAT>ZA2>CDR", (d3!)
08/18/91  All     Mountain View, CA - Shoreline      S:D,CD         A+   168                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "DSBD>DAT>ZA2>CDR"
09/08/91  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D,CD         A+   174                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, :SBD>DAT>CD"
09/09/91  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D,CD         A+   157                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, downloaded from GDLive, md5=OK
09/10/91  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          *Branford Marsalis on saxophone throughout
          3 CD's, 44k, downloaded from GDLive, md5=OK
09/16/91  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D,CD         A/A+ 158                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "DSBD>DAT>CD>EAC>SHN"; diginoise/dropout at start of bertha is found on "all that
09/17/91  1       NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D,CD         A+   58                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/21/91  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         S:D,CD         A+   146                                         
          *Hornsby is prominant
          3 CD's, 44k, "sbd> DAT> CD-R> EAC> SHN >WAV>CD"
09/22/91  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         S:D,CD         A+   163                                         
          @ fades out before Last Time
* - with Hornsby playing "Dixie Chicken in background 
#-fades out 
          fades in
          3 CD's, 44k, "DSBD>DAT>CD-R>EAC>WAV>ADDAWAV>CDRWAV>SHN (via MKWACT); No errors during EAC extraction
          except for d1.t01 which had 99.9 accuracy in Secure Mode"  This version is from a pure digital sbd and
          does not include drop-outs noted in other ETREE sources.  Also, this version includes the Knockin encore.
          I think is an improvement on the ETREE and GDLIVE seeds.  I tracked this on 3 disks for personal
09/24/91  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         S:Cm,CD,D      A+   169                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
09/25/91  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          * with entire band then without Garcia then with Hornsby and the drummers.
          3 CD's, 44k
09/26/91  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         S:Cm,D,CD      A+   148                                         
          3 CD's, 44k,
06/08/92  All     Richfield, OH - Richfield Coliseum S:D,C,D,CD     A/A+ 137                                         
          *with hints of Dear Prudence, **first verse only
          2 CD's, 44k, "DSBD > DAT > 1C > DAT; DAT > WAV > FLAC: Dan Stephens (; Tascam DA-20mkII >
          M Audio Delta Audiophile 2496 > SoundForge 4.5 (normalize, 48-44.1, highest accuracy with anti-alias
          filter) > CDWav v1.71 > FLAC Frontend; FLAC > WAV > SHN: Ron Broman (; Converted for
          circulation on FurthurNET 5/22/2003; FLAC Frontend > WAV > mkwACT 0.97 Beta"
03/10/93  All     Rosemont, IL - Rosemont Horizon    S:D,C,D,CD     A/A+ 161                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Sbd > DAT master > analog > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN"
05/27/93  All     Sacramento, CA - Cal Expo          S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 156                                         
          3  CD's, 44k, "S:Cm,D,shn,CD", Gloria is cut
09/16/93  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D,CD         A/A+ 164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD DAT>C>DAT>WAV>CE>CDWAV>CDR & SHN; transferred from DAT to CDR by Steve Herman
          [], September 2002.  48 kHz DAT to WAV conversion made using Tascam DA-P1 >
          Audiophile 2496 > PC.  48 kHz to 44.1 kHz WAV file conversion made using Sound Forge XP 4.5.  Made
          appropriate fades where necessary at the beginning/end of disks & sets only.  Provided for an overlap
          between disks as necessary.  First note or two of China Cat Sunflower nipped on the SBD DAT.  Patched
          nicely with FOB source.  Very apparent cassette flip in Space was smoothed.  FOB Source (Downloaded from
          the ftp server of John Witcher,  FOB/DFC; Sec. 2 - Row R - Seats 1 & 2; AMS
          St-250 run Blumlein on stand both sets > Apogee AD 500 > D-10 Pro mod (48k); recorded by Clay Brennecke
          and Jamie Young; DAT > SHN via: Clone of master DAT played through Sony PCM-M1 > active 7 pin cable >
          Zoltrix Nightingale > recorded/downsampled on PC with Cool Edit 2000 tracked with CDWAV SHN encoding with
          MKW-ACT (seeking)"
03/30/94  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          * Weir on acoustic guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700]
04/01/94  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          * Weir on acoustic
          3 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700]
07/23/94  All     Chicago, IL - Soldier Field        Af:D,CD        A-/A 164 Shoeps (15h row FOB)                    
          3 CD's, 44k
04/02/95  All     Memphis, TN - Pyramid Arena        S:D,CD         A/A+ 218                                         
          * Weir on acoustic
          3 CD's, 44k,2 digi-glitches in Shakedown,

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Grateful Dead ]


10/20/98  All     Leverkusen, GER - Unknown          S:D,D,CD       A+   55                                          
          Nigel Watson - guitar, Peter Green - guitar, Pete Straud - bass, Roger Cotton - keys, Larry Tolfree -
          1 CD, 44k
02/05/00  All     Finland                            A:D,CD         A    109                                         
          * = acoustic, Splinter Group: Peter Green, Nigel Watson, Pete Straud, Roger Cotton, Larry Tolfree
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Peter Green ]


03/19/95  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           S:D,CD         A/A+ 67                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/99  All     Roskilde, DEN - Roskilde Festival  S:D,CD         A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/07/00  All     NYC, NY - Central Park             A:D,CD         A-   60                                          
          Summer Stage, Bell Atlantic Jazz Fest
          1 CD, 44k, some occasional line (L) level anomolies

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rev. Al Green ]


04/29/99  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       A:D,CD         A    100 Schoeps CMC64/mk4->Sonosax SXM2->D8     
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Greyboy Allstars ]


??/??/75  All     Unknown City, XX - Unknown         FM:?,D         A    66                                          
          1 CD, 44k
1977      All     REDWING                            St:?,CD        A/A+ 34                                          
          Larry Howard  -  Guitar, Vocals 
Stephen Miller  -  Keyboards, Vocals 
Rick Burnett  -  Drums 
          Hornsby  -  Producer 
Dru Lombar  -  Guitar, Vocals 
Joe Dan Petty  -  Bass, Vocals 
Sam Whiteside  -
          1 CD, 44k, (Atco)
05/07/80  All     Long Island, NY - My Father's      FM:?,CD        A-/A 72                                          
          partial setlist
          FILLER: WSP 4/8/89 disc 3
          1 CD, 44k, WLIR broadcast
1981      All     HAVE BAND WILL TRAVEL              St:?,CD        A/A+ 45                                          
          no setlist
          Stephen Miller  -  Keyboards, Vocals, Producer 
Rick Burnett  -  Drums 
Paul Hornsby  -  Keyboards
Dru Lombar  -  Guitar, Vocals, Producer 
Joe Dan Petty  -  Bass, Vocals 
Willie Pevear  -  Engineer
Bud Reneau  -  Producer 
James Stroud  -  Engineer 
Steve Godstree  -  Engineer 
Kevin Nimmo  -
          1 CD, 44k, pops!!! (Robox)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Grinderswitch ]


12/16/77  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Grisman ]


02/25/66  All     Winnipeg, MAN - Winnipeg Arena     S:?,CD         A-/A 61                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/22/72  All     Seattle, WA - Paramount Northwest  S:Rm,BCD,CD    A/A+ 75                                          
          13 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at the Paramount"
06/05/74  All     St. Louis, MO - Ambassador Theater FM:?,CD        A/A+ 97                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
01/16/75  All     NYC, NY - Electric Ladyland        FM:Cm,D,CD     A    57                                          
          10 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "FM > cassette > CDR"
06/10/00  All     Kitchener, ONT - Kitchener Arena   A:D,mp3,cd     B+   125                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
07/14/00  All     Brandon, MAN - Keystone Centre     A:D,CD         A-   127                                         
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Guess Who ]


07/20/79  All     Hempstead, NY - Calderone Concert  S:?,CD         A/A+ 108                                         
          Arlo Guthrie & Shenandoah
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Arlo Guthrie ]


04/05/73  All     Williaman, CT - Shaboo             S:FM:?,CD      A-/A 58                                          
          w/ Junior Wells
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss
11/??/82  All     Chicago, IL - Vinny Mulligan's     S:FM:?,CD      A-/A 66                                          
          no setlist, Junior Wells/ Buddy Guy Blues Show
          w/ Junior Wells
07/30/89  All     Chicago, IL - Legends              S:?,CD         A/A+ 57                                          
          * = w/ Stevie Ray Vaughan
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like preFM
07/09/92  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,CD         A/A+ 60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like preFM
03/22/93  All     Chicago, IL - Legends              S:D            U    n/a                                         
          w/ Junior Wells
          1 CD, 44k, "Last Time Around - Live At Legends" Silvertone 01241-411629-2

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Buddy Guy ]


05/21/99  All     Cincinatti, OH - The Barrelhouse   S:D,CD         A/A+ 74                                          
          no setlist
          Opened for Similar Nature
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD > XLR > DA-P1 master > HHb 850 > CD-R "

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Guy Smiley's Blues Exchange ]


05/02/75  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 74  Sony ECM 33P-> Sony 158                 
          (I also have the Willie Nelson from this date)
          1 CD, 44k, "Sony ECM 33P into a Sony 158 cassette deck - taped by Jerry Moore; conversion: Sony D5 to
          the HHb 850"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Merle Haggard ]


04/07/80  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 83                                          
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, I tracked this using EAC-> CD Wave, "WMMS-FM > Cleveland OHIO > Master SBD PRE FM Reels to
          CDR "
10/??/91  All     Tokyo, JAP - Unknown               S:?,CD         A/A+ 84                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Acoustic Power"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Hall & Oates ]


05/06/93  All     Syracuse, NY - The Pump House      A:D,CD         U    n/a AKG 460/ck63> Casio DA-R100             
          set II w/ Bela Fleck & Future Man
          2 CD's, 44k, SOURCE: AUD (2 AKG 460b/ck63) > DAT (Casio DA-R100), CONVERSION: CTD8000H-S > DAT2WAV >
          Resampling From 48kHz to 44.1kHz w/ Soundforge 5.0 (level 4 with anti-alias filter) > CD Wave (track
          splits) > SHN; downloaded shortern via FTP, md5=OK, small pop in d1t05 around 0.68 seconds muted (probably
          from an amp on stage).  Some digi-static on set II - on source.
05/28/93  All     Chicago, IL - Lounge Axe           S:D,CD         A/A+ 110                                         
          w/ Derek Trucks
          2 CD's, 44k
2000      All     Bootleg Live                       S:CD           A+   50                                          
          w/ the Codetalkers
          1 CD, 44k, free promotional cd (for sase) available 6/01
07/17/00  All     Athens, GA - Georgia Theatre       S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
12/21/00  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  A:D,CD         A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          w/ original ARU line-up for first time in 5 years, w/ John Popper
          Hampton, Herring, Oteil, Sipe
02/16/01  All     Oxford, MS - Proud Larry's         S:D,CD,SHN     U    n/a                                         
          Bob and Rob Wasserman sat in with Col. Bruce Hampton and the Code Talkers on the 16th (Friday night) at
          Proud Larry's in Oxford, MS.  They joined in on "Spoonful," "Wang Dang," and "Lovelight."  They also sat
          in during the Kudzu Kings' set the following night at the same 250-seat bar.  That show featured the duo
          on "Satisfaction," "Bird Song," and "Lovelight."  Bob n Rob were in town for Wasserman's Valentine's
          1 CD, SHN

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Col. Bruce Hampton ]


11/??/69  All     Infinite Search                    St:Rm,CD       A/A+ 47                                          
          Miroslav Vitous  :  bass, Joe Henderson  :  tenor saxophone, John McLaughlin  :  guitar, Herbie Hancock
          :  piano, Jack DeJohnette  :  drums (except 6), Joe Chambers  :  drums (on 6)
          1 CD, 44k, “Infinite Search”, (out of print on the Embryo label number 524) EMBRYO RECORDS, SD 524(LP),
03/18/72  All     Baden, GER - Ohne Filter           FM:?,D,CD      A    108                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
05/03/72  All     Jazz Workshop - Boston, MA         S:?,CD         A-/A 145                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
02/20/73  All     Detroit, MI - Strata Concert       FM:Cm,D,CD     A-/A 135                                         
          no setlist
          W/ B. Williams, B. Hart, J. Prieste, E. Henderson, B. Maupin
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), , relatively high signal-to-noise ratio (noticable
          hiss) otherwise pretty crisp.  This would be a great candidate for a static noise filter.
02/23/73  Partial Unknown City, XX - Unknown         FM:Cm,D,CD     A-/A 37                                          
          no setlist
          W/ B. Williams, B. Hart, J. Prieste, E. Henderson, B. Maupin
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), relatively high signal-to-noise ratio (noticable hiss)
          otherwise pretty crisp.  This would be a great candidate for a static noise filter.
03/21/73  All     Boston, MA - Unknown               S:?,CD         A/A+ 120                                         
          no setlist
          W/ B. Williams, B. Hart, J. Prieste, E. Henderson, B. Maupin, Dr, Patrick Gleason - synth,
          2 CD's, 44k
10/28/73  All     Lansing, MI - Fairchild Theatre    FM:Cm,CD       A-/A 80                                          
          Herbie, Bennie Maupin - Sax; Paul Jacson - Bass; Mike Clark - Drums
          1 CD, 44k
11/13/73  All     Boston, MA - WBCN Studios          S:Rm,FM:C,D    A/A+ 79                                          
          contains both 11/12/73 & 6/28/75
          1 CD, 44k, [Tascam DA20-> Tascam CDR700 ( by me at GW's)],  2 bits of occasional static
07/29/74  All     Tokyo, JAP - Koseinenkin Hall      S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 74                                          
          part acoustic, part electric piano
          1 CD, 44k
10/16/74  All     Kansas City, MO - Midland Theater  A:Rm,C,D,CD    A    109                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, wow, quintessential Herbie performance; sounds like a matrix
11/03/74  All     Berlin, GER - Unknown              S:?,CD         A    57                                          
          3 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
06/28/75  All     Shibuya, KinKaido, Japan           S:Rm,CD,D      A    n/a                                         
          SEE 11/13/73 (both on 1 disc), no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, [Tascam DA20-> Tascam CDR700 ( by me at GW's)]
07/01/75  All     Tokyo, JAP - Sun Palace            preFM:Rm,D     A/A+ 127                                         
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, no diginoise
??/??/76  All     Oakland, CA - Unknown              A:?,CD         A    74                                          
          w/ Jaco Pastorius, Bennie Maupin, & James Levi
          1 CD, 44k
06/29/76  All     Newport, RI - Newport Jazz         S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 88                                          
          disc 1 V.S.O.P. - Tony Williams - drums, Ron Carter - bass, Freddy Hubbard - trumpet, Wayne Shorter -
          sax, disc 2 Sextet - Julian Priestin - trumbone, Eddy Henderson - trumpet, Benny Maupin - flute, sax,
          Buster Williams - bass, Billy Hart - drums; Herbie Hancock group - WaWa Watson - guitar, Paul Jackson -
          bass, Ray Parker - guitar, James Levi - drums, Jim Nash - percussion, Benny Maupin - sax
          2 CD's, 44k
02/16/77  All     Chicago, IL - Ivanhoe Theatre      A:Rm:FM:CD     A/A+ 59                                          
          w/ Jaco Pastorius, Bennie Maupin, & James Levi
          1 CD, 44k
07/??/77  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  FM:?,D,CD      A-/A 44                                          
          no setlist (6 tracks), Interview w/ Herbie with live outtakes
          VSOP (Herbie, Ron Carter, Williams, W. Shorter, and Hubbard)
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD > ? > FM > ? > DAT > HHB 850 > CD-R", FM static, from 'Jazz Alive' fm jazz show, from
          San Diego Civic Aud??
07/23/77  All     Tokyo, JAP - Denon Coliseum        S:?,CD         A    64                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
07/26/79  All     Tokyo, JAP - Denon Coliseum        S:?,CD         A    77                                          
          VSOP - Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Freddie Hubbard, Ron Carter, Tony Williams
          1 CD, 44k, "Live Under Sky"
07/03/81  All     Velden Jazz Fest                   FM:?,CD        A    41                                          
          Hancock, Ron Carter - bass, Tony WIlliams - drums, Wynton Marsalis - trumpet
          1 CD, 44k, some minor fm static
06/18/83  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl     A:Cm,CD        A-/A 66                                          
          no setlist (7 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
07/17/83  All     Wiessen Jazz Fest                  FM:?,CD        A    62                                          
          no setlist
          VSOP - Hancock, Ron Carter - bass, Tony Williams - drums, Wynton Marsalis - trumpet, Branford Marsalis
          - tenor sax, suprano sax
          1 CD, 44k, some minor FM static
??/??/84  All     London, ENG - Unknown              preFM:?,CD     A    67                                          
          this is not from Tokyo as originally told
          w/ the Rock-It Band
          1 CD, 44k, between songs edited
07/20/89  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    preFM:D,CD     A    119                                         
          no setlist
          Hancock, Evans, Chancelor, Watson, Jones, Cenealou, and Chaka Kahn for 2 tracks
          2 CD's, 44k, last track  is from a different (unknown) source
06/23/90  All     Philadelphia, PA - Mellon Jazz     S:D,CD         A+   99                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
07/01/91  All     Glascow, SCOT - Jazz Festival      S:D,CD         A/A+ 74                                          
          Hancock, Clarke, Hakim, Shorter
          1 CD, 44k
07/11/91  All     Den Haag, HOLL - North Sea Jazz    FM:?,CD        A    53                                          
          Hancock Quartet w/ Wayne Shorte, Stanley Clarke - bass, Omar Haikeem - drums,
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss, seems to be gaps at tracks markers
??/??/93  All     NYC, NY - Blue Note                S:D,CD         A/A+ 64                                          
          no setlist (5 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
04/19/97  All     San Francisco, CA - Maritime Hall  A:D,CD         A-/A 118                                         
          Quartet - Craig Handy - sax, Dave Holland - bass, Gene Jackson - drums
          2 CD's, 44k
07/02/97  All     Wien, AUS - Concert House          FM:CD          A/A+ 69                                          
          no setlist
          w/ Jack DeJohnnette, Dave Holland, Don Alias, John Scofield
          1 CD, 44k
06/24/98  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             Af:D,CD        A    85  Schoeps CMC-64V> Sonosax SX-M2> D8      
          2 CD's, 44k
09/23/98  All     Boulder, CO - The Boulder Theatre  A:D,CD         A-/A 116 B&K 4060's> Sony D7                     
          2 CD's, 44k, "B&K 4060's > DAT > Sony TCD-D7 > Oades SP/DIF > Korg 1212 I/O > 48k WAV > Normalized >
          Resampledto 44.1k at highest quality setting > CDWAVE > SHN"
10/02/98  All     Gainesville, FL - Alachua Music    S:D,CD         A/A+ 118                                         
          Headhunters: Benny Maupin, Paul Jackson, Mike Clark, Bill Summers, Herbie Hancock
          2 CD's, 44k
10/07/98  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  A:D,CD         A-   62  NAK-300 > SBM-1 > D8                    
          2 CD, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700
09/01/00  All     Chicago, IL - Chicago Jazz         S:D,CD         A+   64                                          
          no setlist
          Trio/Quartet (Hancock, Eily Djiberi - sax, Terry Lyn Carrington - drums, Scott Colly - bass)
          1 CD, 44k
11/11/00  All     Ann Arbor, MI - Michigan Theatre   Af:D,CD        A    142 Neumann AK40> LC3KA> K                  
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
09/26/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  Af:D,CD        A-/A 114 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          partial setlist
          Directions in Music - a tribute to John Coltrane & Miles Davis; Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker, Brian
          Blade, Roy Hargove and John Patitucci
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700), first few seconds of first song are cut, taped from
          the balcony rail, slightly right of center!
09/30/01  All     Baltimore, MD - Meyerhoff          Af:D,CD        A-/A 111 Core Sound HEB 4060's-> Sony PCM-1      
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
03/21/02  All     Chicago, IL - House Of Blues       A:D,CD         A    145 Oade Stealth mic's-> PCM1               
          Herbie never ceases to amaze while evolving
          2 CD's, 44k, "A S: DFC (hung over balcony)- oade stealth mics> m1"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Herbie Hancock ]


05/30/99  All     Angel's Camp, CA - Mountain Aire   S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ben Harper ]


03/28/76  All     Washington, D.C. - Warner Theater  preFM:R,D,CD   A    65                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "pre-FM>DAT][shn]"; nice Jambalaya!
07/04/92  All     Montreaux, SWI - Unknown           S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Trails End"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Emmylou Harris ]


1970      All     All Things Must Pass Sessions      Sto:Rm,?,CD    A/A+ 72                                          
          w/Clapton and Delaney & Bonnie Band
          1 CD, 44k, "Acetates & Alternates", this material is not the same as Vol 1-3
1970      All     The Making Of All Things Must      StO:?,CD       U    161                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
05/01/70  All     NYC, NY - Columbia 30th Street     Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 64                                          
          w/ Bob Dylan
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>computer>CD"
11/22/74  All     Ft. Worth, TX - Convention Center  A:Cm,C,C,CD    A-   135                                         
          (Tarrant Country Convention Center)
          George Harrison (Guitar), Robben Ford (Guitar), Willie Weeks (Bass Guitar), Andy Newmark (Drums), Billy
          Preston (Keyboards), Emil Richards (Percussion), Tom Scott (Horns), Chuck Findley (Trumpet), Jim Horn
          (Saxophone), Ravi Shnkar(Sitar), Ravi Shankar didn't appered on shows from Dec. 4, Detroit to Dec. 17,
          Philadelphia, because of his illness.  Hariprasad Chaurasia(Flute), Rijram Desad(Percussion & Strings),
          T.V.Gopalkrishnam(Mridangam & Vocal), Gopal Krishn(Vichitra Veena), Sultan Khan(Sarangi), Kartick
          Kumar(Sitar), Kamalesh Maitra(Percussion), Satyadev Pawar(North India Violin), Alla Rakha(Tabla), Harihar
          Rao(Percussion), Lakshmi Shankar(Vocal), Viji Shankar(Vocal), Shivkumar Sharma(Santoor),
          2 CD's, 44k, has hiss, 'My Sweet Lord' is funked-out
11/26/74  All     Baton Rouge, LA - Assembly         A:?,CD         A-/A n/a                                         
          George Harrison (Guitar), Robben Ford (Guitar), Willie Weeks (Bass Guitar), Andy Newmark (Drums), Billy
          Preston (Keyboards), Emil Richards (Percussion), Tom Scott (Horns), Chuck Findley (Trumpet), Jim Horn
          (Saxophone), Ravi Shnkar(Sitar), Ravi Shankar didn't appered on shows from Dec. 4, Detroit to Dec. 17,
          Philadelphia, because of his illness.  Hariprasad Chaurasia(Flute), Rijram Desad(Percussion & Strings),
          T.V.Gopalkrishnam(Mridangam & Vocal), Gopal Krishn(Vichitra Veena), Sultan Khan(Sarangi), Kartick
          Kumar(Sitar), Kamalesh Maitra(Percussion), Satyadev Pawar(North India Violin), Alla Rakha(Tabla), Harihar
          Rao(Percussion), Lakshmi Shankar(Vocal), Viji Shankar(Vocal), Shivkumar Sharma(Santoor),
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | George Harrison ]


11/06/01  All     Knoxville, TN - The Bijou          Af:D,CD        A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k,

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Mickey Hart ]


??/??/97  All     Jazz Fest, Stuttgart, GER          S:D,CD         A/A+ 76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Issac Hayes ]


12/23/96  All     Asheville, NC - Be Here Now        S:D,CD         A+   79                                          
          Warren Haynes 8th Annual XMas Jam
          Christmas Jam, * = w/ Warren Haynes on guitar, ** = w/ Mickey Haynes on bass, Rockey Linsley on drums,
          Mike Barnes on guitar, Warren Haynes on guitar, *** = w/ David Fowler on bass & Howard Johnson on guitar,
          **** = w/ Jim Black on fiddle
          1 CD, 44k, I transfered this from a clone of the master dat.  There is a strange, and occassional
          static-like sound which may be one of the drums occasionally getting too hot.
06/26/97  All     Clinton, NJ - Atomic Studio (Late  S:D,CD         A/A+ 80                                          
          Solo Acoustic
          1 CD, 44k
12/23/97  All     Asheville, NC - Be Here Now        S:D,CD         A/A+ 162                                         
          Christmas Jam, * = w/ Warren, w/ = Edwin McCain & Kevin Kinney, Mike Barnes, Jack Mascari, David
          Fowler, Howard Johnson, Rockey Linsley Blue Rags & others
          3 CD's, 44k
06/25/00  All     Bridgeport, CT - Seaside Park      S:D,CD         A+   71                                          
          Gathering of the Vibes
          1 CD, 44k
09/21/00  All     NYC, NY - Roseland Ballroom        A:D,CD         A-/A 90  Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000          
          2 CD's, 44k
12/06/00  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             A:D,CD         A    38                                          
          Page McConnell - keyboards & backup vocals on She Said, Warren Haynes - guitar & vocals & Mickey
          Raphael - harmonica (from Willie Nelson's Band);  Benefit for the Milarepa Fund & to celebrate the release
          of Danny Clinch's new book "Tibetan Freedom Concerts 1996-1999 When the Iron Bird Flies"
          1 CD, 44k
12/21/00  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  A:D,CD         A    360 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Warren Haynes 12th Annual XMas Jam
          w/ ABB, original ARU, Bottle Rockets, John Popper, Kevin Kenny; 1st Come and Go Blues in 15 years
          5 CD's, 44k
12/21/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       Af:D,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Warren Haynes 13th Annual XMas Jam
          6 CD's (entire XMas Jam), 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Warren Haynes ]


08/03/76  All     Chicago, IL - Night Gallery        S:?,CD         A    49                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/78  Most    Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater      FM:?,CD        A    125                                         
          NO: Cook With Fire, High Time (1st 2 songs)
          2 CD's, 44k, tracks 7 & 8 (first 54 seconds) are blank. This show circulated as a cassette in the past,
          probably has a cassette gen.
10/01/78  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          FM:?,CD        A    68                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/16/78  All     Pittsburgh, PA - Civic Arena       FM:?,CD        A-/A 144                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "(very minor fm static)"
11/17/78  All     Richfield, OH - Richfield Coliseum S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 96                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, also as 11/19/78, weird mix - vocals sound very distant but guitar and drums prominent.,
          start of sounds like a reel-to-reel speeding up from a lower speed.  May have an LP gen also.
12/31/78  All     Seattle, WA - Seattle Center       S:?,CD         A-/A 89                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, cuts into 'Straight On'
01/27/79  All     Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     FM:?,CD        A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Barracuda" simulcast, Heart - Barracuda, Boston Music Hall    January 1, 1979, Discurios
          (DIS 107 CD)" - rec'd as 1/27/79, other sources point towards 1/27/79 as the actual date.  1/1/79 doesn't
          seem like a likely date to me.
10/16/95  All     Las Vegas, NV - Hard Rock Casino   S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 72                                          
          The Joint-Hard Rock Café
          1 CD, 44k, "What Is And What Should Never Be"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Heart ]


          All     JIMI By Himself: The Home          S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 29                                          
           CD, 44k, BSP-VC1, Available only with Voodoo Child: The Illustrated Legend of Jimi Hendrix"
12/26/65  All     Hackensack, NJ - Georges Club 20   S:?,lp,D,CD    A    72                                          
          Curtis Knight w/Jimi Hendrix
          1 CD, 44k, "Driving South"; "From long out of Print LP's Whatd I Say and Birth Of Success on MFP
          label circa 1969; Transfered to the digital realm via Rega Plannar2 Turntable w/Sumika Pearl Cartridge
          Sony R500 Dat w/ SuperBit Mapping.  These tracks blow away any PPX reissues in terms of sound quality. The
          sound is raw, yet clean.  A great look into Jimis playing just before his break through success Driving
          South is out-standing! " some lp crackle
01/29/68  Late    Paris, FR - l'Olympia              S:Rm,?,BCD     A/A+ n/a                                         
          Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.
          1 CD, 44k, "Black Devil"
03/17/68  All     NYC, NY - Cafe au Go-Go            S:?,BCD,CD     A    71                                          
          Unknown Band Name: Jimi Hendrix (guitar), Elvin Bishop (guitar), Buddy Miles (Ddrums), Paul Butterfield
          (vocals, harmonica), Harvey Brooks (bass), Philip Wilson (drums), Herbie Rich (organ).
          1 CD, 44k, "Blues At Midnight"
05/10/68  Late    NYC, NY - Fillmore East            preFM:?,CD     A-   n/a                                         
          NO: Wild Thing
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.
          1 CD, 44k, crowd noise fades in/out around end/start of songs
05/18/68  All     Miami, FL - Underground Pop        S:?,CD         A-   72                                          
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.
          1 CD, 44k, 20 minutes
06/05/68  All     Borehamwood, EN - Elstree          S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          ON: same disc with 7/10/69, 11/28/68
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. Broadcast 6/12/68 "It Must Be Dusty".
          *=duet w/Dusty Springfield.
          1 CD, 44k, "It Must Be Dusty!",ATV, Elstree Studios, Studio D, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire,
          England, soundboard recording; 13 minutes, very good quality"
10/10/68  Early   San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 58                                          
          Early show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.
          1 CD, 44k, bootleg CD> CD
10/10/68  Late    San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 73                                          
          Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. *=w/Jack Casady on Bass.
          1 CD, 44k, "bootleg CD> CD"
10/11/68  Early   San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,?,CD      A    43                                          
          Early show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. *=w/Virgil Gonzales on
          1 CD, 44k, hiss
10/11/68  Late    San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,?,CD      A    75                                          
          Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. *=w/Herbie Rich on Organ.
          1 CD, 44k, hiss
10/12/68  Both    San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A/A+ 132                                         
          Early & Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding., 1-9. 1st show
          Soundboard, 65.54, E; 10-18. 2nd show Soundboard, 70.21, E
          2 CD's, 44k
11/28/68  part 1  NYC, NY - Philharmonic Hall        A:R(3),D,CD    A-   n/a                                         
          ON: same disc with 6/5/68, 7/10/69
          Early show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. "An Electronic
          1 CD, 44k, "An Electric Thanksgiving", "audience recording, 3rd source Reel-to-Reel > DAT >
??/??/69  All     NYC, NY - Record Plant             S:?,CD         A-/A n/a                                         
          w/ John McGlaughlin
          Studio Session: Jimi Hendrix, John McLaughlin, Buddy Miles, Dave Holland. From mid-'69 sometime.
          1 CD, 44k, "McGlaughlin Sessions 1969"
??/??/69  All     SOTHEBY AUCTION TAPES              Sto:Rm,?,CD    A/A+ 63                                          
          BootCD BEAT MB CD 010, 1994
          Noel Redding (bass) - tracks 11, 15, Mitch Mitchell (drums) - track 16, Brian Jones (sitar) - tracks
          1 CD, 44k, Denoised using Sonic Solutions NoNoise System, tracks 14, 15, 16, 20 are acetates, tracks 18
          & 19 from Play House Theatre, for "Rhythm & Blues" show for BBC.
01/09/69  Early   Stockholm, SW - Konserthuset       S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 57                                          
          Early show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.
          1 CD, 44k
01/09/69  Late    Stockholm, SW - Konserthuset       S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 70                                          
          Late show. The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. Interview with Jimi Hendrix
          by Lennart Wretlind.
          1 CD, 44k
02/24/69  Evening London, ENG - Royal Albert Hall    S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 102                                         
          W/ Mason & Wood (Traffic)
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding. *=afternoon rehearsal.
          2 CD's, 44k, A/A+, "Featherstone Records Bootleg CD > CD", tiny amount of hiss
03/25/69  All     NYC, NY - Record Plant             S:?,CD         A    61                                          
          8 tracks
          Hendrix, D. Holland, J. McLaughlin, B. Miles, C. Young
          1 CD, 44k, "Record Plant Jams"
04/26/69  All     Inglewood, CA - The Forum          S:?,CD         A/A+ 71                                          
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.
          1 CD, 44k, w/ art
04/27/69  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      A:?,CD         A-/A 85                                          
          Jack Cassidy on bass
          2 CD's, 44k
05/24/69  All     San Diego, CA - San Diego Sports   S:?,CD         A    61                                          
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.
          1 CD, 44k
06/22/69  All     Devonshire Downs, CA - San         S:?,CD         A-/A 60                                          
          Unknown Band Name: Jimi Hendrix (guitar, vocal), Eric Burdon (vocal), Bonnie Bramlett (vocal), Buddy
          Miles (drums), Cornelius Flowers & Terry Clements (Saxophones), Brad Campell (bass), Lee Oskar
          (harmonica), unknown (backing vocals). "Newport '69".
          1 CD, 44k
06/29/69  Partial Denver, CO - Mile High Stadium     S:?,CD         A-   52                                          
          ON: Hendrix 5/18/68, NO: Star Spangled Banner, Purple Haze
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Noel Redding.  Noel Redding quits right after
          1 CD, 44k
07/10/69  All     Hollywood, CA - NBC Studios - The  FM:Rm,CD       A    n/a                                         
          ON: same disc with 6/5/68, 11/28/69
          The Experience: Jimi Hendrix, Billy Cox (bass), Ed Shoughnessy (drums). Interview with Jimi Hendrix by
          Flip Wilson. NBC-TV live broadcast.
          1 CD, 44k, Johnny Carson Tonight Show, NBC TV, New York, Broadcast > Reel-to-Reel > CDR
08/17/69  All     Bethel, NY - Max Yasgur's Farm     S:Rm,?,CD      U    n/a                                         
          Band Of Gypsys @ Woodstock
          1 CD, 44k, "Woodstock" CD
12/12/69  All     A Session                          Sto:?,BCD,CD   A/A+ 61                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Jimi Hendrix & Traffic - A Session", "This is the often talked about session that
          Jimi recorded with the members of Traffic (Steve Winwood's band at the time).  This is an excellent
          quality recording from OH BOY...JOIN THE DE LUXE WAY.  As the CD arts tells you "This session was recorded
          at an unknown place in the late 60's." (no artwork)
12/31/69  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A    144                                         
          Band Of Gypsys. New Years.
          2 CD's, 44k, sbd + aud compilation, both eary and late shows
??/??/70  All     Band of Gypsy’s studio out-takes   StO:?,CD       U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
01/01/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A/A+ 177                                         
          Band Of Gypsys.
          3 CD's, 44k, sbd + aud compilation, both early and late shows
05/30/70  Both    Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:?,CD         A-/A 193                                         
          w/ soundcheck
          Early & Late shows. Hendrix, Cox & Mitchell: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Billy Cox. *=soundcheck,
          1-11.Soundcheck Soundboard, 40.21, E; 12-20, 23. 1st show Soundboard, 81.57, E; 24-27, 29-34. 2nd show
          Soundboard, 63.06, E
          3 CD's, 44k, has hiss
06/15/70  All     NYC, NY - Unknown                  Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 61                                          
          Session with Traffic
          1 CD, 44k
07/04/70  All     Byron, GA - Middle Georgia Raceway S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Hendrix, Cox & Mitchell: Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Billy Cox. "2nd Atlanta International Pop
          Festival". 4th of July.
          1 CD, 44k, “Lonely Avenue”
07/17/70  All     Randall's Island, NY - Downing     S:Rm,?,BCD     A-/A 62                                          
          Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, and Billy Cox.
          1 CD, 44k, from bootleg CD,
09/06/70  Partial Mecklenberg Bay, W. Ger - Isle of  S:Rm,?,CD      A    66                                          
          THE LAST JIMI HENDRIX CONCERT performed (12 days before his death) off the northern coast of West
          Germany, in Mecklenberg Bay, on the Isle of Fehmarn. "Love And Peace Festival". Mitch Mitchell-Drums,
          Billy Cox-Bass, Jimi-Jimi. Boos at beginning are due to one day delay. ALTERNATE SET 1 from bootleg
          1 CD, 44k, WARNING: this is only a partial mix of different sources and ?shows?

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jimi Hendrix ]


          All     Catfish Herring Compilation        S:?,CD         A/A+ 70                                          
          Marc Quinones - percussion, Herbert - piano, Oteil Burbidge - bass, Derek Trucks - guitar, Jimmy
          Herring - guitar, Count Umbutu - percussion, Butch Trucks - drums
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like a Frogwings show

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jimmy Herring ]


06/26/93  All     Chicago, IL - Grant Park           S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Drive South" tracks 12-14 "Live USA 1990"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Hiatt ]


??/??/73  Early   Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         preFM:R,?,CD   A    69                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/73  Late    Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         preFM:R,?,CD   A    41                                          
          partial setlist (8 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dan Hicks ]


04/22/46  All     NYC, NY - Embassy Theatre          S:?,lp,CD      A-   40                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some LP crackle

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Billie Holiday ]


08/30/66  All     NYC, NY - Cafe au Go-Go            S:?,CD         A/A+ 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/10/88  All     San Francisco Blues Festival       A:Cm,C,CD      A-/A 51                                          
          partial setlist
          with Roy Rogers on some
          1 CD, 44k, "excellent audience from 1st gen analog>dat(super bit mapping)."
03/11/92  All     Mill Valley, CA - The Sweetwater   S:?,CD         A/A+ 51                                          
          w/ Bonnie Raitt, Ry Cooder, Eric Clapton, John Hammond, Johnny Johnson, Robert Cray, & Booker T
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Lee Hooker ]


??/??/72  All     Memphis, TN - Unknown              S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 64                                          
          Hookfoot was a quintet formed at the end of the '60s as a recording unit by a half-dozen session
          players associated with Dick James' publishing and later with his DJM Records label. They never made much
          of an impression on the charts, despite their work being licensed to A&M Records, through which they
          released four LPs in the U.S.A. Ian Duck (vocals, harmonica), Dave Glover (bass), Roger Pope (drums,
          vocals), and Caleb Quaye (guitar, vocals) were the original lineup, with Bob Kulick (guitar, vocals)
          coming in alongside Quaye, and Fred Gandy joining on bass later."  (CALEB QUAYE* - GTR VOC; IAN DUCK * -
          1 CD, 44k, "LIVE IN MEMPHIS 1972"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Hookfoot ]


04/12/96  All     San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore   S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii(44k)-> Tascam CDRW700(44k))

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bruce Hornsby ]


12/31/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,D,CD       A-/A 58                                          
          1 CD; NYE Tree; "SBD->?-?DAT->CD-R", CD art here:

04/05/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Civic Center   S:Cm,?,D,*CD   A    108                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>CASS>?>DAT>DIGITAL EDITING>CD-R"
08/30/86  All     Kingston, NY - Uncle Willy's       S:Cm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          w/ Joey Balin & Rick Danko
          2 CD's, 44k
07/08/94  All     Lincoln Park, CO - Mishawaka       S:D,CD         A+   137                                         
          w/Michael Falzarano, Pete Sears
          2 CD's, 44k
05/19/95  All     Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater    S:D,CD         A+   93                                          
          w/ Michael Falzarano, Pete Sears, Harvey Sorgen
          2 CD's, 44k
05/20/95  All     Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater    S:D,CD         A+   123                                         
          w/ Michael Falzarano, Pete Sears, Harvey Sorgen
          2 CD's, 44k
02/09/96  All     Breckenridge, CO - Joshua's        S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Jorma Kaukonen Band
          2 CD's, 44k
02/20/97  Both    Yokohama, JAP - Stove's            S:D,CD         A+   167                                         
          Both Early & Late Shows
          w/ Michael Falzarano, Pete Sears, Harvey Sorgen
          3 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam 700)
11/17/00  All     Hickory, NC - Arts & Crafts Center A:D,CD         A    143 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Hot Tuna ]


11/06/64  All     Bremen, GER - Unknown              S:?,CD         A    49                                          
          Howlin' Wolf, vcl, gtr, hca-1; Sunnyland Slim, pno; Hubert Sumlin, gtr; Willie Dixon, bs, sp-2; Clifton
          James, dms
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 3/16/64
07/04/70  All     London Sessions                    Sto:?,CD       A    37                                          
          The London Howlin' Wolf Sessions, recorded in England in 1970 with guitarist Eric Clapton, bass player
          Bill Wyman and drummer Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones, Beatles drummer Ringo Starr, and other British
          rock stalwarts
          1 CD, 44k, some fades
01/26/72  All     Chicago, IL - Alice's              S:?,BCD,CD     A    65                                          
          Howlin' Wolf, vcl, hca; Eddie Shaw, ten sax; Hubert Sumlin, L.V. Williams, gtr; Sunnyland Slim, pno;
          Dave Myers, bs; Fred Below, dms
          1 CD, 44k, "Live At Alice's" different order for setlist than "Live and Cookin' At Alice 's
08/23/73  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,R,D,CD    A    59                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, seen as 3/23/73

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | (Chester Burnett) Howlin' Wolf ]


??/??/73  All     Philadelphia, PA - Unknown         S:?,CD         A    49                                          
          w/ part of the Peter Frampton set
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as being from Winterland but announcer welcomes them to Philly
1975      All     The Lost Album                     Sto:?,CD       A+   64                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Humble Pie ]


06/13/00  All     Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Stage:D,CD     A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Charlie Hunter 8-string guitar Chris Lovejoy congas, percussion Stephen Chopek drums, percussion
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870], taped from the edge of the stage, mic's 70 degrees

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Charlie Hunter ]


08/22/80  All     NYC, NY - The Other End            S:Cm,CD,D,CD   A/A+ 60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert Hunter ]


??/??/??  All     Unknown City, XX - Unknown         S:?,CD         A/A+ 75                                          
          Rebel Yell tour
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like this is a preFM with dead-air edited out
08/04/01  All     Norfolk, VA - Norva Theater        Af:D,CD        A-/A 119 Neumann KM184> DMIC20> DAP1             
          2 CD's, 44k, "km184 (w/ Audio Technica attenuators set at -15db)-> DMIC20 (3pulls)-> DAP1 (w/ apogee
          BNC-> Coax cable; Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700); from VIP section, clamped to rail w/ row 1 104 clamp
          pointed center stage), clones of the master

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Billy Idol ]


09/04/88  All     San Diego, CA - Unknown            S:?,CD         A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Kick It In Excess" - sounds like an outdoor show from the crowd size

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | INXS ]


??/??/67  All     Hollywood, CA - Galaxy             S:Rm,C(3),CD   U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
01/24/71  All     Copenhagen, DEN - Falkoner Centret S:?,CD         A    48                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Butterfly Bleu", Whoo-Ah Records #0179

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Iron Butterfly ]


10/22/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A/A+ 45                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/01/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  FM:?,CD        A    128                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, intro by Bill Graham

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | It's A Beautiful Day ]


03/24/02  All     Cleveland Heights, OH - The Grog   As:D,CD        U    n/a Schoeps ccm4 > psp3 > dap1 (mics on     
          2 CD's, 44k, "schoeps ccm4 > psp3 > dap1 (mics on stage)", md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jacob Fred Jazz Odessey ]


11/20/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  A:Rm,C,D,CD    A-/A 60                                          
          w/ Joe Walsh
          1 CD, 44k, tiny bit of hiss, 20 minutes filler (see setlist), this is really a good audience recording
          for 1970 - vocals sound submerged but the instruments are pronounced with the guitar leading the way.
11/27/76  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:R,CD     A/A+ 54                                          
          partial setlist
          James Gang disbanded this year
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Gang ]


??/??/9?  All     Unknown City, XX - Unknown         S:pFM:D,CD     A/A+ 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jamiroquai ]


          All     Live & Studio Rarities             S:?,CD         A/A+ 93                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
09/16/94  All     Washington, D.C. - Convention      S:D,CD         A+   75                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Al Jarreau ]


04/14/99  All     Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre          A:D,CD         A/A+ 176 B&K 4011> SV225> DA-20mkii> D7          
          3 CD's, 44k, [Sony PCMR500-> Phillips CDR870]

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jazz Is Dead ]


12/07/91  All     Mensa, GER - Unknown               S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          3 CD's, 44k
03/05/92  All     Cologne, GER - Stadtgarten         S:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, 3/5-7/92, "edited reel> dat> cdr X 2"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | JB Horns ]


02/04/67  1,2p    San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:Rm,C,D,CD    U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
02/04/67  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 82                                          
          Paul Kantner (vocals, guitars), Marty Balin (vocals), Jack Casady (Bass), Jorma Kaukonen (guitars,
          vocals), Spencer Dryden (percussion), Grace Slick (vocals)
          2 CD's, 44k, this setlist does not correspond to info at (looks a little like 6/21/67)
03/04/67  All     NYC, NY - Cafe au Go-Go            S:Rm,C,D,CD    A-   65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/10/67  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 73                                          
          NO: And I Like It, Tobacco Road, High Flying Bird
          1 CD, 44k
03/11/67  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 65                                          
          NO: Plastic Fantastic Lover
           CD, 44k
03/12/67  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A n/a                                         
          NO: It's No Secret
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/69  All     Volunteer's Sessions               Sto:?,CD       A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, slightly low levels
05/07/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Polo Field     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A-/A 59                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/13/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Family Dog at  S:?,CD         A    75                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
10/25/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    145                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, vocals low in mix
09/15/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,C,D,CD    A-/A 51                                          
          ON: 10/25/69 disc #2
          1 CD, 44k
10/04/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     FM:Rm,D,*,CD   A-   74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "FM Reel> Reel> DAT> Soundforge> CDR"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jefferson Airplane ]


12/04/82  All     Tokyo, JAP - Unknown               S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 65                                          
          Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
          1 CD, 44k, "Black Leather"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Joan Jett ]


04/15/72  All     Philadelphia, PA - Sigma Sound     preFM:?,CD     A    61                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/??/77  All     Brookville, NY - CW Post College   preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 132                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
03/30/88  All     Tokyo, JAP - Unknown               S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 138                                         
          w/ Elton John
          2 CD's, 44k, "Face to Face"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Billy Joel ]


1971      All     Tumbleweed Collection              Sto:?,CD       A-/A 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/01/71  All     Tokyo, JAP - Koseinenkin Hall      S:?,CD         A/A+ 119                                         
          final night of 6 night run
          Dee Murray - bass, Nigel Olsen - drums, Elton John - piano
          2 CD's, 44k, some brief static at the start
12/22/73  1       London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          Elton has a cold
          NO: The Ballad Of Danny Bailey, Elderberry Wine, I've Seen That Movie Too
          1 CD, 44k, some between song editing
12/22/73  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:?,Blp,CD     A    101                                         
          Elton has a cold
          2 CD's, 44k, "(sourced from a bootleg record)", some slight lp crackle
12/24/74  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    FM:?,Blp,CD    A-/A 101                                         
          cool slide guitar on 'Rocket Man'
          w/ the Muscle Shoals Horns
          2 CD's, 44k, "(sourced from a bootleg record)", noticeable lp crackle

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Elton John ]


02/03/01  All     Seattle, WA - Moore Theater        A:D,CD         A-   75  Core Sound binaural mic > Sony D100 >   
          w/ Alien Love Child
          Chris Maresh - bass, Bill Maddox - drums, * w/ Derek Trucks on guitar
          1 CD, 44k, ftp download, shorten files, "There were some technical problems at the beginning of the
          show and when Derek joined EJ on the last song.  These are not problems of the recording itself."

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Eric Johnson ]


03/29/85  All     Levittown, PA - Knights Of         S:Cm,D,C,CD    U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, Why You So Mean To Me? is cut from cassette flip

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Luther Guitar Johnson ]


09/??/67  All     NYC, NY - Village Vanguard         S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 69                                          
          4 tracks
          previously of the John Coltrane Quartet (1960-65); Known for his swinging, polyrhythmic style that
          built on the fiery bop innovations of Max Roach, Kenny Clarke and, especially, Art Blakey, Jones uses all
          four of his limbs, seemingly independently, many times "conversing" with the main improviser. ; 1 & 2,
          Marvin Stamm - t, Joe Farrell - ts, Garnett Brown - tb, Chick Corea - p, Richard Davis - b, Elvin Jones -
          d, 3 & 4 - Dizzy Gillespie - t, Pepper Adams - bs, Richard Davis - b, Chick Corea - p, Elvin Jones - d
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Elvin Jones ]


08/25/01  All     Knowlton, NJ - Hunter's Lodge      S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Knowlton River Fest, 5-6pm
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stanley Jordan ]


05/08/79  Early   Denver, CO - Rainbow Music Hall    preFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 55                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k
05/09/79  Late    Denver, CO - Rainbow Music Hall    preFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 78                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Journey ]


07/07/71  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A    33                                          
          no setlist (5 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, sounds gets slightly worse

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Kansas ]


04/02/70  All     Yerba Buena Ave, San Francisco, CA St:?,CD        A-/A 66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Home studio demos (with Steve Mann)," md5=OK, has some hiss
12/01/85  All     Chicago, IL - Gaspar's             S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
02/09/96  All     Breckenridge, CO - Joshua's        S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jorma Kaukonen ]


03/30/00  All     Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D,CD        A/A+ 187 akg c61's on stage                      
          3 CD's, 44k
03/31/00  Early   Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D,CD        A/A+ 63  akg c61's on stage                      
          Happy Hour
          1 CD, 44k
03/31/00  Late    Fayetteville, AR - Chester's Place As:D,CD        A/A+ 179 akg c61's on stage                      
          Both "Happy Hour" & Late show
          4 CD's, 44k
04/21/01  All     Denver, CO - Sancho's Broken Arrow As:D,CD        A/A+ 198 MBHO 603A/KA200N> Zefiro Inbox> M1      
          Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - Bass, Rodney Holmes - Drums, Mitch Stein - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, "MBHO 603A/KA200N> Zefiro Inbox> M1> SHN> CD" (rec'd as Quixotes True Blue Cafe - Aurora,
05/26/01  All     Blaine, WA - Louis Ballroom        As:D,CD        A/A+ 150 Neumann TLM-103> Lunatec V2> PCM-M1     
          Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - Bass, Rodney Holmes - Drums, Mitch Stein - guitar
          2 CD's, 44k, onstage
06/29/01  All     NYC, NY - Wetlands                 As:D,CD        A/A+ 178 B&K 4021> Apogee AD-1000> DSD> DAP1     
          Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - Bass, Rodney Holmes - Drums, Mitch Stein - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, "Onstage B&K 4011s>Apogee A/D 1000>DSD>Tascam DAP1>Patch Chain>M1 Master>DA30>MKII>D-8
          SEK'D Prodif Plus>Samplitude Project>CDRWAV>MKWAct>SHN>Plextor 8/20"
09/06/01  All     Boulder, CO - Fox Theatre          As:D,CD        A    205 MBHO ka1000> 603a> Zefiro inbox> PCM-M1 
          3 CD's, 44k, "on stage MBHO ka100 omni caps (spaced 2.5') > active cables > 603a bodies> Zefiro Inbox
          (@44.1) > M1 master > SHN"
12/20/01  All     Seattle, WA - The Showbox          As:D,CD        A+   152 Neumann U89i> AD1000> DA-P1             
          2 CD's, 44k,
12/29/01  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          A:D,CD         A    227 Schoeps CMC54 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam     
          * w/ Pete Sears, # w/ Martin Fierro, Steve Kimock - Guitar, Rodney Holmes - Drums, Alphonso Johnson -
          Bass, Mitch Stein - Guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, "Center Balcony on the rail Schoeps CMC54 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1; Shn: DA-P1@48K >
          Delta Dio 2496 > Sound Forge 5.0 > 44.1K > CD Wave (tracking) > SF 5.0 (fades) > SHN & CD"
02/15/03  All     Worcester, MA - Palladium          As:D,CD        A/A+ 111 B&K 4022 > Apogee Minime > Sony D8      
          Steve Kimock - Guitars
Rodney Holmes - Drums
Mitch Stein - Guitars
Arne Livingston (The Living
          Daylights) - Bass;      @ White Strat, w. Ebo for a short while
# Explorer, Ozark
$ Cripe
% White
& White Strat, White Stringmaster w. Ebo, Ozark
          2 CD's, 44k, "Taper: Scott Brown; Source: DPA(B&K) 4022 > Apogee Minime @ 16/48 > Sony D8; Onstage
          Center, ORTF, 2 feet high; DAT > SHN:  Tascam DA-20mkii > Emagic EMI 2|6 > PowerBook G4 > Sound Studio;
          2.0.7 >shntool 1.2.0-rc1 > shn (seek table appended)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steve Kimock Band ]


06/27/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,R,D,CD    A/A+ 77                                          
          Closing of the Fillmore East
          (only 2 songs and the rest is filler from some 1993 show)
          1 CD, 44k, "WPLJ FM > reel > reel (commercial edits) > DAT> CD"
08/20/72  All     Los Angeles, CA - L.A. Coliseum    S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 72                                          
          the WattStax show
          1 CD, 44k, may be a preFM, this is the same show as "Blues At Sunset" except this is missing "Matchbox
02/25/83  All     Austin, TX - Antone's              S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          w/ SRV
          1 CD, 44k
06/08/86  All     Chicago, IL - Grant Park           pFM:R,C,C,CD   U    n/a                                         
          Chicago Blues Festival
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Albert King ]


04/07/71  All     London, ENG - The Regal            S:?,CD         A    35                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/16/84  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl     A:?,CD         A-   52                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
09/16/84  All     Long Beach, CA - Blues Festival    FM:Cm,D,CD     A    55                                          
          partial setlist
          w/ James Cotton
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | BB King ]


06/18/71  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:Rm,C,C,CD    A-/A 73                                          
          * w/James Taylor
          1 CD, 44k, I rec'd this w/ no tracks, but transferred to DAT, added tracks, and made a new CD w/ tracks
          (R500(44k)-> Phillips CDR870)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Carole King ]


09/03/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,CD         A-/A 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/71  All     NYC, NY - Unknown                  S:?,CD         A    69                                          
          (9 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
09/22/72  All     Sugar Bowl, North Carolina         S:?,VHS,CD     A-/A 47                                          
          (7 tracks)
          here is a review of the video: "We have certainly seen better performances of Freddie King. Here the
          band members seem to be more concerned about how they look than how they sound. While King is in better
          form and the band a bit more rehearsed than the concerts recorded in Europe from this period, the camera
          work and audio quality are less than I’d hoped for."
          1 CD, 44k, "Freddie King: Live at the Sugar Bowl September 22, 1972 (VHS video)" (Vestapol V
??/??/74  All     Minneapolis, MN - The Cabooze      S:?,CD         A-   50                                          
          (8 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
07/24/74  All     Antibes, FRA - Unknown             S:?,CD         A    54                                          
          Floyd Bonner (guitar), Alvin Hemphill (organ), Lewis Stephens (piano), Bennie Turner (bass), Mike
          Kennedy (drums)
          1 CD, 44k, "Live In Antibes"; FCD 111 Wotre Music France 1988
07/29/74  All     Atlanta, GA - Electric Ballroom    S:?,CD         A/A+ 69                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at the Electric Ballroom, 1974" rec'd as 7/29/72
08/16/74  Late    Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A    77                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/25/74  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          FM:?,C,CD      A-/A 83                                          
          WNYU 89.1, you won't believe the introduction to this show!
          2 CD's, 44k, sound gets better during the quick soundcheck, this is a really good show!
04/05/75  All     Tulsa, OK - Canes Ballroom         S:?,CD         A    80                                          
          1 CD, 44k, last song on Freddie King 9/3/70
05/26/75  All     Tulsa, OK - Indian Nation's Park   S:?,CD         A-/A 44                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/19/75  All     Hamburg, GER - Musikhalle          FM:D,CD        A/A+ 123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/20/76  All     Houston, TX - Texas Opry House     S:?,CD         A-/A 54                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Freddie King ]


02/04/70  Partial San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,CD        A+   65                                          
          Curtis Ousley "King Curtis" b. February 7, 1934. d. August 13, 1971. R & B saxaphonist. King Curtis was
          one of the most popular session musicians of the 50's and 60's, playing with many rock and roll hall of
          famers including Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke, The Coasters, Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett,
          Duane Allman...He is the king of r&b saxophone -- Playing the famous sax solo's on The Coasters
          "Yakety-Yak" and Aretha Franklin's "Respect". He had hits under his own name also, Soul Twist (1961), Soul
          Serenade (1964), and Memphis Soul Stew (1967). He was 37 years old, career in full swing, when he was
          senselessly stabbed to death on the steps of his home in New York City on August 13, 1971..
          1 CD, 44k, "Koch remaster KOC-CD-8024"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | King Curtis ]


08/10/86  All     Denver, CO - Rainbow Music Hall    S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 152                                         
          * without Bob Weir, + Bob Weir solo acoustic
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Kingfish ]


07/14/74  All     Europe                             S:?,CD         A    56                                          
          07/14/74 Hippodrome "Here Comes The Groove" SBD 1CD A
          1 CD, 44k, (this show and the 77 show may be reversed - these were not clearly labelled during the
12/??/77  All     Paris, FRA - The Hippodrome        S:?,CD         A    52                                          
          12/??/77   Europe  Kristmas Koncert SBD 1CD A+
          1 CD, 44k, "Here Comes The Groove", 'Skin & Bones' has a number of strange flaws (this show and
          the 74 show may be reversed - these were not clearly labelled during the trade)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Kinks, The ]


07/08/62  All     Newport, RI - Newport Jazz         FM:?,CD        A-   75                                          
          RK- variety, Andrew Hill-p, Vernon Martin-b, Clifford Jarvis-dr
          1 CD, 44k
11/??/63  All     Copenhagen, DEN - Club Montmatre   S:?,CD         A/A+ 110                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/16/67  All     Copenhagen, DEN - Unknown          FM:?,D,CD      A/A+ 42                                          
          no setlist (5 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700)
12/25/69  All     NYC, NY - Village Vanguard         S:?,CD         A/A+ 40                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
02/22/70  All     Paris, FRA - Salle 104             FM:CD          A/A+ 101                                         
          Rahsaan Roland Kirk fl, cl, ts, manzello, stritch, whistle, alarm?clock,voc; Dick Griffin tb; Ron
          Burton p; Vernon Martin b; Jerome Cooper dr; Joe Habao Texidor perc;
          2 CD's, 44k, wow, the blind guy really cuts loose!
02/26/70  All     Stuttgart, GER - Unknown           S:?,D,CD       A-/A n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700
03/03/72  All     Hamburg, GER - Unknown             FM:D,CD        A/A+ 105                                         
          Ron Burton, Pete Pearson, Richard Goldberg, Joe Texidor
          2 CD's, 44k, "FM>DAT"
04/02/72  All     NYC, NY - Village Vanguard         A:?,CD         A-   77                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/24/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Keystone       FM:?,CD        A    78                                          
          no setlist (11 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
07/18/75  All     Montreaux, SWI - Unknown           S:?,D,CD       A-   85                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700, (Kirk has his 1st stroke in 1975)
06/03/76  All     Berkeley, CA - Keystone            A:?,C,CD       B+   90                                          
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, Kirk has his 1st stroke in 1975 (dies from 2nd stroke in 1977)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rahsaan Roland T. Kirk ]


11/??/82  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          FM:?,CD        A    55                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Kool & the Gang ]


03/11/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A    64                                          
          no setlist
          from Blood Sweat & Tears
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss,

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Al Kooper ]


07/??/96  All     Montreal, QUE - Festival de Jazz   FM:?,CD        A/A+ 59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at the Festival de Jazz Montreal"; very slight FM static

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Diana Krall ]


10/07/95  All     Cologne, GER - The E-Werk          S:D,CD         A/A+ 131                                         
          44k; 2 CD's, w/ CD art

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lenny Kravitz ]


03/03/00  All     Atlanta, GA - Brandy House         A:D,CD         A    132                                         
          sounds just like the Doors
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robby Krieger Band ]


07/16/99  All     NYC, NY - Wetlands                 A:D,CD         A/A+ n/a B&K 4010s-> Apogee AD1000               
          4 CD's, 44k
07/17/99  All     NYC, NY - Wetlands                 A:D,CD         A    194 Neumann KM184> Beyer MV100> GP ADC20>   
          3 CD's, 44k, "Neumann KM184s (X/Y 90)->Beyer MV-100->Graham-Patten ADC-20->PCM-M1",  tracks are set

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | KVHW ]


03/17/75  All     Mill Valley, CA - Ace's            FM:Cm,CD       A/A+ 109                                         
          w/ Jerry Garcia, David Crosby
          2 CD's, 44k, this is from Ned's cassette masters-> digitized-> FM, lots of blank space at end of

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ned Lagin ]


11/27/73  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          Sto:?,BCD,CD   A/A+ 115                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "You Never Can Tell"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ronnie Lane ]


03/28/99  All     San Francisco, CA - Bimbo's        S:D,CD         A/A+ 72                                          
          16 tracks
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Latin Playboys ]


06/15/49  All     Austin, TX - Unknown               S:?,CD         A-/A 60                                          
          January 21, 1888 - December 6, 1949
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Leadbelly (Huddie Ledbetter) ]


04/27/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,D,CD      A    114                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (I converted this to cdr: Tascam DA20mkII(48k)-> Tascam CDRW700(44k))
06/27/69  All     London, U.K. - Playhouse Theatre   preFM:?,CD     A    62                                          
          BBC - Rock Hour
          1 CD, 44k
06/03/71  All     Copenhagen, DE - K.B. Hallen       S:?,BCD,CD     A-   126                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Looove!"
09/29/71  All     Osaka, Japan - Festival Hall       S:?,CD         A-   142                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
??/??/72  All     Bombay Sessions                    Sto:Rm,?,CD    A    53                                          
          Bombay, India sessions
          1 CD, 44k
01/07/73  All     Oxford, U.K. - New Theatre         S:Rm,BCD,CD    A-   94                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "Made In England "
01/15/73  All     Stoke, U.K. - Trentham Gardens     S:Rm,D,CD      A    110                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Stoke-On"
05/14/73  All     New Orleans, LA - Auditorium       S:?,CD         A-/A 140                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, skips in d01t08
03/04/75  All     Dallas, TX - Dallas Memorial       S:?,CD         A/A+ 91                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
04/27/77  All     Cleveland, OH - Richfield Coliseum S:?,CD         A/A+ 161                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, cuts into Song Remains

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Led Zeppelin ]


??/??/??  All     Outtakes                           Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 42                                          
          ON: McCartney '74 Outtakes disc 2
          1CD, 44k
09/13/69  All     Toronto, ONT - Varsity Stadium     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 40                                          
          John Lennon - guitar & vocals, Eric Clapton - guitar, Yoko - vocals, Klaus Voorman - bass, Alan White -
          drums, Kim Fowley - announcer
          1 CD, 44k, "Live Peace in Toronto 1969" (Apple SW-3362)
06/??/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A/A+ 78                                          
          John & Yoko w/Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention
          1 CD, 44k, tracks 1-4 are Zappa's mix, tracks 5-8 are Lennon's Mix, Tracks 9-13 are from "One To One"
          Rehearsals (55 minutes of filler)
08/21/72  All     Los Angeles, CA - S.I.R. Studios   Sto:?,CD       A    61                                          
          no setlist (12 tracks)
          w/ Yoko
          1 CD, 44k
08/30/72  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:D            U    43                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/74  All     "A Toot & a Snore"                 Sto:?,BCD,CD   A    30                                          
          (9 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "A Toot & a Snore", Lennon is saying 'snort' not 'snore'
??/??/80  All     Double Fantasy Bermuda demos       S:Cm,?,CD      A    69                                          
          partial setlist
          John Lennon died of the age of 40 in the Roosevelt Hospital on December 8, 1980, after receiving
          multiple gun shots in the back.
          1 CD, 44k, "Bermuda Shorts" - from Lennon's demo cassette, some great stuff, tons of versions of my
          favorite Lennon tune

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Lennon ]


??/??/64  All                                        S:?,CD         A    60                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/73  All     Chicago, IL - Unknown              S:?,CD         A-   51                                          
          Richard Haynes - bass, Terry Clemence - lead guitar, Gord - guitar
          1 CD, 44k, "...My hero, Bob Dylan..." (Dylan recorded "Early Morning Rain" on Self-portrait album)
03/24/74  All     Toronto, ONT - Massey Hall         A:?,BCD,CD     B+   39                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Live at Massey Hall"
06/26/76  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          Song Writer Extraordinaire!
          outdoor show ("It's hot")
          1 CD, 44k, between song edits (no cuts, 73 minutes of music!), Gord in his prime!
09/05/93  All     Charleston, WV - Mountain Stage    S:FM:?,CD      A-/A 43                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/28/98  All     Charleston, WV - Mountain Stage    S:?,CD         A+   41                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/05/02  All     Albany, NY - The Palace Theater    A:D,CD         A-/A 105                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Gordon Lightfoot ]


04/06/64  All     Swarthmore, PA - Swarthmore        S:?,CD         A/A+ 78                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/25/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 54                                          
          no setlist (12 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lighting Hopkins ]


??/??/73  All     Chinese Bejeezus (Recordings from  S:?,Blp,CD     U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Chinese Bejeezus (Recordings from the Road)", from bootleg LP (From Little Feat
          site tree), I believe this is composed of:  Ultrasonic Studios Hempstead, New York 14 Sep 1974;
          Winterland, San Francisco 14 Feb 1976; Santa Monica Civic Auditorium October 1973
03/20/73  All     Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica    S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Aurora Backseat", " has the date of the show at the Civic Auditorium,
          Santa Monica as 3-20-1973. Bootleg has date as Oct. 1973"
04/10/73  All     Long Island, NY - Ultra Sonic      S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 61                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Teenage Nervous Breakdown"
07/04/73  All     Boston, MA - Pall's Mall           FM:?,CD        A-/A 72                                          
          no setlist
          Paul's Mall, Boston MA
          1 CD, 44k, no such date (; rec'd as venue: Cambridge, MA - Rose Center
07/19/73  Both    Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,BCD,CD    A    116                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Snakes On Everything"
09/14/74  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Electric Lycanthrope"
10/18/75  All     Rochester, NY - Auditorium Theatre S:?,CD         A/A+ 61                                          
          (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
10/31/75  All     Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       S:Cm,D,CD      A    100                                         
          Show was broadcast live on WBCN 104.1 FM; Parts of this show are on the bootleg known as "Keep On
          Walking" also known as "Bag O' Reds" or "Tomatoe".
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds muted
10/31/75  Partial Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 64                                          
          Show was broadcast live on WBCN 104.1 FM; Parts of this show are on the bootleg known as "Keep On
          Walking" also known as "Bag O' Reds" or "Tomatoe".
          1 CD, 44k, "Keep on Walking"
02/14/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A    50                                          
          9 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, Track 5 fades out and Track 6 fades in. Could have been a tape flip?
05/05/76  Early   Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       S:?,CD         A/A+ 54                                          
          1 CD, 44k, Parts of this show are on the bootleg known as "Take Off"
05/10/76  All     Washington, DC - Lisner Aud.       S:Rm,D,D,CD    A/A+ 89                                          
          w/ Surf*
          2 CD's, 44k
08/24/88  All     Atlanta, GA - Center Stage         S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 145                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "sbd > pre fm >  master cassettes >  dat >  cdr"
09/26/01  All     Hampton, VA - Mill Point Park      S:D,CD         A+   91                                          
          Virginia Coalition opened
          2 CD's, 44k, cuts into first song
06/14/03  All     Green Bay, WI - Bayfest            S:D,CD         A/A+ 92                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>Sony SBM1>Teac DAP20 DAT Master>Wavelab 4.0>SHN; Mastered, transferred and Shortened
          by David Cohen"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Little Feat ]


09/11/01  All     Mill Valley, CA - The Sweetwater   A:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          w/ Scott Amendola on drums (Dale grounded in Seattle)
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Living Daylights ]


06/25/91  All     Cologne, GER - Unknown             FM:?,CD        A/A+ 127                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Nils Lofgren ]


06/30/72  All     Kansas City, MO - Unknown          S:?,CD         A/A+ 60                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Loggins & Messina ]


01/29/00  All     Tampa, FL - Skipper's Boathouse    A:D,CD         A    163 AKG 481> MV100> SBM1                    
          partial setlist
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
05/06/01  All     New Orleans, LA - Saenger          Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a B&K4011’s> AD1000                       
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, I (Delano) converted this from my dat (9/7/03); Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700-> EAC
05/19/01  All     Asheville, NC - Asheville Music    Af:D,CD        A/A+ 133 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Los Hombres Calientes ]


11/05/99  All     Morristown, NJ - Community Theater A:D,CD         A-   118 Sonic Studios                           
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lyle Lovett ]


          All     Muscle Shoals Studio Outtakes      StO:?,CD       A/A+ 67                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/26/73  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Forum        S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 57                                          
          FILLER: 10/30/73 Memphis, TN (FM)
          1 CD, 44k, " WHISKEY ROCK-A-ROLLER’S BOOT -  SOUTHERN MELODY", w/ artwork
05/20/74  All     Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica    A:?,CD         BAD  48                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
12/09/74  All     Paris, FRA - Olympia Theater       A:?,CD         B+   59                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/19/75  All     Chattanooga, TN - Chattanooga      S:Rm,C,C,D     A-/A 46                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
03/27/75  All     St. Petersburg, FL - The Aragon    A:?,CD         BAD  69                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
06/11/75  All     Cardiff, WAL - Capitol Theatre     S:Rm,?,CD      A+   70                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "UNRELEASED KBFH SHOW "
11/17/75  All     Cardiff, WAL - Capitol Theatre     S:?,D,CD       A    50                                          
          I think this is from King Biscuit FLower Hour
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), also seen as 11/4/75
??/??/76  All     The Old Grey Whistle Test          TV:VHS?,CD     A-/A 73                                          
          UK TV show
          1 CD, 44k, looking for other bands from "The Old Grey Whistle Test" tv series (from a video series sold
          only in Europe)
08/21/76  All     Knebworth, ENG - BBC               S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
10/09/76  All     Cardiff, WAL - Capitol Theatre     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 49                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "FOREVER"  (BUCCANEER REC.), w/ artwork
01/18/77  All     Osaka, JAP - Osaka Music Festival  A:?,BCD,CD     A-   72                                          
          On October 20, 1977, three days after Street Survivors was released and instantly went gold, the band's
          private plane crashed in rural Mississippi, killing Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines and his sister Cassie
          Gaines, part of the group's backup trio. The other band members were all seriously injured, some
          1 CD, 44k, "Free As A Bird", (Buffalo Stomp, BS-01-1LS), w/ artwork

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lynyrd Skynyrd ]


??/??/70  All     Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow's Garage   S:?,CD         A-   52                                          
          no setlist (9 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, has much hiss
02/13/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A    67                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/04/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 44                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/06/72  All     Syracuse, NY - Jaberwocky          preFM:R,D,CD   A/A+ 66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
10/18/74  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, noticeable hiss
12/15/85  All     Albany, NY - Cafe Loco             S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 91                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
10/11/86  All     Charlotte, NC - Jazzfest           A:Cm,C,CD      U    n/a NAK 300>                                
          1 CD, 44k, "Aud/Nak 300's & deck>cass.gen1>tascam cdrw2000"
05/04/89  Late    State College, PA - Brickhouse     S:?,CD         A    80                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
05/06/00  All     Memphis, TN - Beale Street Music   A:D,CD         A    69                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Taj Mahal ]


12/01/75  All     Roslyn, NY - My Father's Place     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 66                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "The Ice Man"
06/18/78  All     Unknown City, NJ - Unknown         S:?,BCD,CD     A    61                                          
          no setlist (8 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "Live In New Jersey", slight hiss

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Manfred Mann ]


05/24/73  All     London, ENG - Paris Theatre        preFM:Rm,D     A/A+ 56                                          
          FILLER: 7/3/75
          1 CD, 44k, missing some track markers
07/15/73  All     Boston, MA - Paul's Mall           S:Rm, ?,CD     A-/A 38                                          
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss otherwise I would rate this higher
10/20/73  All     San Francisco, CA - Matrix         A:?,CD         B+   46                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/31/73  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   S:pFM:R,D,CD   A+   51                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/10/73  All     Leeds, ENG - Leeds Polytechnic     S:R,C,CD,C,D   U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          ON: Marley 10/24/73
11/27/73  All     Leeds, ENG - Leeds Polytechnic     S:?,CD         A-/A 71                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss
06/10/75  All     Chicago, IL - The Quiet Knight     S:R,P,D,CD,D   A/A+ 58                                          
          1 CD, 44k, diginoise spot during Slave Driver
06/16/75  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/20/75  All     NYC, NY - Manhattan Center         A:Cm,C,D,CD    A-/A 118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii (48k)-> Tascam CDRW700 (44k)) - converted by Delano (6/1/02)
07/03/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Boarding House S:D            U    49                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/07/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Boarding House S:Rm,?,CD      A    65                                          
          same setlist as I have for 7/3, is my 7/3 different?
          1 CD, 44k
07/18/75  All     London, ENG - The Strand Lyceum    S:preFMR,P,D   A    53                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "S:PreFMR,P,D,CD,D,CD", Missing Dem Belly Full.
10/04/75  1       Kingston, JAM - National Stadium   S:?,CD         A-   72                                          
          Wailers reunion concert. Bob, Peter and Bunny got together to do one last show as a benefit for the
          blind along with Stevie Wonder who also performed there.   Second set Bob with Stevie Wonder and
          1 CD, 44k, md5 = OK
??/??/76  All     NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre       S:?,CD         A-   n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "1997 / Japan"
04/23/76  All     Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre    S:D            U    n/a                                         
          Bob's mom was in attendance at this show. He really gives it an extra special effort this night.
          Chatting between the songs. Amazing performances of many of Bob's rarer tunes and his classics. Fantastic
          versions of Jah Live, Johhny Was and Want More.
          2 CD's, 44k
04/26/76  All     Boston, MA - Orpheum Theater       A:?,CD         A-   81                                          
          A young Ziggy joins Bob onstage for Lively Up Yourself
          2 CDs, 44k, boomy, also seen as 4/25/76
05/01/76  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           A:Cm,C,D,CD    A-/A 105                                         
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii (48k)-> Tascam CDRW700 (44k)) - converted by Delano (6/1/02), some
          diginoise on the 2nd & 3rd song (also on my dat)
05/20/76  All     Houston, TX - Hofheinz Pavilion    A:?,CD         B+   74                                          
          17 tracks
          1 CD, 44k (B+/A-), gets a little better a few songs into the show
05/26/76  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Roxy         S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 83                                          
          FILLER: 10/31/73 all,
          2 CD's, 44k, rec'd as 7-10-76, Beginning of I shot the sheriff & Roots, Rock, Reggae are cut
06/24/76  All     Exeter, ENG - The Stardust Club    S:?,C,CD       A-   n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like tape tension squeaking in the background
05/13/77  All     Den Haag, HOLL - Houtrust Hallen   A:?,CD         B+   45                                          
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track
05/20/77  All     Stockholm, SWE - Gröna Lund        A:Cm,C,D,CD    A-   89                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, by request this is only available for trade for other Marley shows
05/31/77  All     London, ENG - Basing Street        Sto:?,CD       A    117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, both discs untracked, vocals are buried in the mix
06/04/77  All     London, ENG - Rainbow Theater      A:Rm,CD        B+   69                                          
          10 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, garbled at the start, has some hiss, sounds like an average audience, I rec'd this as
          S:Rm,CD - I can't imagine this could be a soundboard
04/22/78  All     Kingston, JAM - National Stadium   S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 74                                          
          KAYA TOUR
          1 CD, 44k, Missing Jah Live
05/31/78  All     Kaya Studio Rehearsals, Miami, FL  Sto:?,CD       A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "there is a little hiss but the sound is clear -15 minute "Time Will Tell" ! "
06/14/78  All     Shelton, CT - Pinecrest Theater    A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 84  Nakamichi CM300 + CP4> Nak 550          
          KAYA TOUR
          2 CD's, 44k, [Sony R500-> Phillips CDR870]
06/18/78  All     Lenox, MA - Music Inn              Af:Cm,C,D,CD   A-   132                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Slightly muddy quality, a bit hissy, but one of the Wailers most unusual concerts. Songs
          like Time Will Tell were played here that to my knowledge weren't played elsewhere ever."  by request this
          is only available for trade for other Marley shows
07/07/78  All     Rotterdam, NET - The Ahoy          S:Rm,?,CD      A    137                                         
          KAYA TOUR
          2 CD's, 44k, A-/A
07/14/78  All     Vancouver, BC - Queen Elizabeth    S:?,CD         A    65                                          
          12 tracks
          One of two shows on this date.
          1 CD, 44k, this setlist differs greatly from anything I have seen for this date (there were 2 different
          shows on 7/14/78)
07/16/78  All     Portland, OR - Paramount Theatre   S:D            U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
08/05/78  All     Miami, FL - Jai-Alai Fronton       A:?,CD         A-   75                                          
          16 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, worbles at the start, gets much better
04/10/79  All     Osaka, Japan - Nakano Sun Plaza    S:?,CD         A    69                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/28/79  All     NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre       S:?,CD         A    60                                          
          (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
11/15/79  All     Minneapolis, MN - Northrop         A:?,CD         A-/A 70                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/25/79  All     Santa Barbara, CA - Santa Barbara  S:Rm?,BCD,CD   A    59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>Bootleg CD>CDR"
12/02/79  Late    Santa Cruz, CA - Santa Cruz Civic  S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 141                                         
          Late Show, SURVIVAL TOUR
          1 CD, 44k, missing the end of show (E: No Woman No Cry, Kinky Reggae, Is This Love?-> Exodus-> Get Up
          Stand Up)
04/18/80  All     Salisbury, Zimbabwe - Rufaro       FM:?,CD        A-/A 73                                          
          this setlist does not match the TapeTracker setlist for this date
          1 CD, 44k,  some hiss, some static glitches for about 2 seconds 24 seconds into the first track, rec'd
          as 4/19/80, this could be an incomplete version of 11/30/79
06/12/80  All     Essen, GER - Gruga Halle           S:Rm,D,CD      A    112                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, rec'd as 6/26/80 Dortmund
06/18/80  All     Copenhagen, DEN - Forum Theater    A:Cm,C,C,D     A-   82  Sony ECM-150 mics -> Sony TCD-D5        
          2 CD's, 44k, "2x Sony ECM-150 mics -> Sony TCD-D5 > MC>C>C>CD, Great sound quality, I recently
          discovered this 2nd gen and it is by far a huge improvement compared to our earlier copies"  by request
          this is only available for trade for other Marley shows
06/27/80  All     Milan, Italy - Stadio              S:?,CD         A    112                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/12/80  All     Chester, ENG - Deeside Leisure     S:?,CD         A-/A 89                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, obviously a multigen copy
09/22/80  All     Pittsburgh, PA - Stanley Theater   S:Rm,D,CD      A    73                                          
          Bob Marley died 5/11/81 of lung and brain cancer
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>Bootleg CD>CDR"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bob Marley ]


09/09/00  All     Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic      A:D,CD         A-/A 63  Neumann KM184> Beyer MV-100> Sony       
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ziggy Marley ]


04/03/92  All     Laramie, WY - Civic Center         S:D,CD         A/A+ 117                                         
          partial setlist, Quintet
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wynton Marsalis ]


11/02/93  All     Charlottesville, VA - Trax         S:D,CD         A/A+ 134                                         
          * Dave solo
          2 CD's, 44k
10/06/94  All     Toronto, Canada - Soda Club        S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          show attended by ~10 people at the start and ~80 by the end.
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD->(DMB's) Panasonic SV-3700 -> Aiwa HD-S1. Conversion 48->44.1 was done with CoolEdit
          Pro @ 99.9 quality setting w/pre-post filter>CD>EAC>SHN", source says venue was "Lee's Palace",
          (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem, md5=OK)
07/22/95  All     Atlanta, Ga - Lakewood             S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Dave Matthews Band ]


01/??/71  All     NYC, NY - Paul Colby's Bitter End  FM:?,CD        A/A+ 68                                          
          Curtis Mayfield- Guitar; Henry Gibson- Bongo, Conga, Tumbas; Craig McMullen- guitar; Tyrone Mcmullen-
          drums, Joseph "Lucky" Scott- Bass
          1CD, 44k
??/??/73  All     Chicago, IL - Unknown              S:?,CD         A/A+ 34                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/11/76  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,CD         A    62                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/04/87  All     Stockholm, SWE - Karlsson          preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "[pre-fm snbd>?>cd] radio sta. archives from broadcast [web download from shn]"
07/18/87  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,CD         A/A+ 63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some occassional static
??/??/90  All     Amsterdam, NETH - The Hague        S:D,CD         A/A+ 78                                          
          The Trojan Horse, Haque, Holland, Netherlands
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Curtis Mayfield ]


??/??/??  All     Arizona Soundchecks                S:?,CD         A+   111                                         
          no setlist, having problems reading the 2nd disc
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds like a soundboard patch of soundchecks for a show, Tampa, Phoenix
08/??/72  All     Antwerp, BEL - Unknown             S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 62                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Got Any Toothpicks - Live In Antwerp, Belgium 1972"
??/??/74  All     WINGS-"ONE HAND CLAPPING"ABBEY RD. STo:?,CD       A/A+ 119                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/23/76  All     Inglewood, CA - Great Western LA   S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Wings Over America II",  "(disc 1 great sdbd / disc 2 great aud)"
12/17/79  All     Glasgow, SCOT - Apollo Theatre     S:?,CD         A    118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k (Vigotone 164/65) "Sound quality of the discs: very good to excellent stereo throughout;
          source obviously some cassette copy of the soundboard recording, maybe a couple of generations away. Very
          subtle tendency to misaligned azimuth head setting, it seems. CD-R mastering has a handful of glitches.
          Only little tape noise. Very much better than the Orange release."
12/14/99  All     Liverpool, ENG - The Cavern Club   S:D,CD         A    62                                          
          Mick Green of Johnny Kidd & the Pirates, Pink Floyd's David Gilmour on guitar, Deep Purple's Ian Paice
          on drums
          1 CD, 44k, this could be from the official DVD release

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Paul McCartney ]


06/06/99  All     Preston, CT - Strawberry Park      S:D,CD         A    102                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, some diginoise during the first song, vocals are a little low
10/12/00  All     Nashville, TN - Station Inn        S:D,CD         A/A+ 148                                         
          Del McCoury Band & Friends
          ^ w/ Terry Eldridge , * w/ Mac Wiseman, ! w/ Del McCoury
          2 CD's, 44k, "editing between songs", sounds like 1 stage mic

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Del McCoury ]


??/??/66  All     Demo                               S:Cm,?,CD      A    65                                          
          1 CD, 44k, this is the second (cleaner) version, tracks 1-12 a 4-track apartment demos (1966), tracks
          13-15 are Pigpen's final recordings (3/9/73), track 16 is Pigpen & Jorma (1964)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ron 'Pigpen' McKernan ]


05/15/72  All     NYC, NY - Hunter College           FM:?,CD        A-/A 131                                         
          Mahavishnu Orchestra
          2 CD's, 44k
12/05/80  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:CD           A/A+ 42                                          
          w/ Al Di Meola, Paco De Lucia
          1 CD, 44k, "Friday Night in San Francisco", Columbia D 110963
04/16/92  All     NYC, NY - Blue Note                A:?,CD         A-/A 72                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, low levels

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John McLaughlin ]


11/12/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  Af:D,CD        A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          "Untitled-Roll" through The Lover and the encore with DJ Logic
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
05/07/00  All     Cajun Queen Riverboat - New        Af:D,CD        A-/A 111 Neumann KM140> Lunatec V2 > AD1000      
          * w/ Skerik

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Medeski, Martin, & Wood ]


12/07/96  All     San Francisco, CA - Maritime Hall  S:SVHS,D,CD    A+   133                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Sbd>SVHS>DAT>CD"
12/31/96  All     San Francisco, CA - The Beach      As:D,CD        A+   121 Soundfield ST250 > DAT > CDR            
          2 CD's, 44k
10/17/97  All     San Francisco, CA - Maritime Hall  As:D,CD        U    80  Soundfield ST250>Stella DAT>CDR         
          1 CD, 44k, recorded onstage by Steve Brown/Jeff Silberman
03/20/98  All     Palo Alto, CA - Cubberly           As:D,CD        A/A+ 122 Soundfield ST250>Nagra D>CD             
          2 CD's, 44k
12/31/98  All     San Francisco, CA - Beach Chalet   As:D,CD        A+   203 Soundfield ST250->Nagra D->DAT->CDR     
          3 CD's, 44k, "Soundfield ST250->Nagra D->DAT->CDR ; New Years Eve"
06/16/99  All     San Francisco, CA - Argent Hotel   As:D,CD        A/A+ 115 Schoeps CCM-4> SX-M2> D100              
          Jim Thomas guitar, Randy Clark guitar, Mike Silverman bass, Vince Littleton drums. Private show, party
          for JavaOne conference attendees.
          2 CD's, 44k, Steve Brown's first recording with his Schoeps rig (ORTF)
11/20/99  All     Palo Alto, CA - Cubberly           As:D,CD        A+   142 Schoeps CCM4s ORTF>SX-M2>Apogee AD1000  
          Jim Thomas - guitar, Randy Clark - bass, Vince Littleton - drums
          2 CD's, 44k, redcorded onstage by Steve Brown
02/04/00  All     Santa Cruz, CA - Moe's Alley       As:D,CD        A+   173 Schoeps CCM-4> SX-M2> AD500E            
          Jim Thomas guitar, Jennifer Burnes bass, Vince Littleton drums
          3 CD's, 44k, "on stage: Schoeps CCM4S ORTF on-stage>Sonosax SX-M2>Apogee AD500E"
02/05/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          As:D,CD        A+   143 Schoeps CCM-4> SX-M2> AD500E            
          2 CD's, 44k, on stage
07/29/00  All     Reno, NV - Reno Hilton - The       As:D,CD        A+   125 Schoeps CCM-4>SX-M2>Quantum             
          2 CD's, 44k, on stage
08/04/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  As:D,CD        A+   135 Schoeps CCM-4>SX-M2>Quantum             
          * first time played
          2 CD's, 44k, w/ soundcheck, on stage
08/13/00  All     Palo Alto, CA - Garden Court       As:D,CD        A+   44  Schoeps CCM-4> SX-M2> AD500E> DAP1      
          Post-race party for Chronicle Classic 5 Mile Run
          1 CD, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700, "on-stage ORTF Schoeps CCM4 > Sonosax M2 > Apogee AD500E >
          Tascam DA-P1 by Steve Brown"
09/23/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          As:D,CD        A+   126 Schoeps CCM-4>V-2>AD2K+                 
          2 CD's, 44k, on stage
09/29/00  All     Santa Cruz, CA - Palookaville      As:D,CD        A+   n/a B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1               
          2 CD's, 44k, on stage, Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700
12/02/00  All     Palo Alto, CA - Cubberly           As:D,CD        A+   92  B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1               
          2 CD's, 44k, , "on-stage ORTF B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 by Steve Gilbert"
06/28/01  All     Spring Lake Heights, NJ - Mike     As:D,CD        A+   50  Schoeps CCM-4> Lunatec V2> Sonic AD2K   
          private party gig for Jim's family
          Jim Thomas guitar, Jennifer Burnes bass, Shigemi Komiyama drums, Prairie Prince percussion
          1 CD, 44k, "Schoeps CCM4's ORTF > Lunartec V2 > Sonic AD2K > CDR"
07/27/01  All     San Francisco, CA - Slim's         As:D,CD        A/A+ 144 Schoeps CCM-4> Lunatec V-2> AD2K+       
          Jim Thomas guitar, Jennifer Burnes bass, Prairie Prince drums. *with Mike Silverman (That One Guy) on
          pipe, ^with Mike Silverman on saw.
          2 CD's, 44k
01/05/02  All     San Francisco, CA - Slim's         As:D,CD        A/A+ 163 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> Sonic AD2K> DAP1   
          3 CD's, 44k, "Tascam DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDRW700(44k)" "on-stage NOS B&K 4011 > V2 > AD2K+(NS3) >
01/03/03  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          As:D,CD        U    n/a B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Sonic AD2K+     
          Jim Thomas: guitar, Jennifer Burnes: bass, Martyn Jones: drums, * -- with That One Guy on pipe and
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, (one long set), Recording and conversion by Steve Gilbert.  Source: on-stage NOS
          B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Sonic AD2K+ (NS3) @ 48k > Tascam DA-P1, Conversion: Tascam DA-20mkII (playback) >
          AudioMagic Presto II coax > SEK'D Prodif Plus > CDWav (record) > Samplitude 2496 (48k > 44.1k @ Ultra
          High) > CDWav (tracks) > mkwACT > SHN,  Sector boundries confirmed with shntool.   *** No DAE at all
          ***There are also 48k SHNs available.  An excellent on-stage Schoeps recording was also made.

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Mermen ]


1968      All     "Sneakin’ Sally Through the Alley" St:Rm,lp,CD    A/A+ 37                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Sneakin’ Sally Through the Alley" (Rare out of production Robert Palmer album w/ the
          Meters as his backing band)
??/??/72  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:?,CD         A/A+ 133                                         
          w/ Dr. John; Tipitina's 22nd Birthday
          2 CD's, 44k
02/09/72  All     New Orleans, LA - Riverboat        S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>cassette master > dat > cd > shn"
03/05/73  All     Chalmatte, LA - St. Bernard        S:?,CD         A-/A 74                                          
          Prof Longhair set (19 tracks)
          band bio (
          1 CD, 44k
03/05/73  All     Chalmatte, LA - St. Bernard        S:?,CD         A-/A 74                                          
          Dr John set (19 tracks)
          w/ Dr. John & Professor Longhair
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss, Chalmatte, LA - St. Bernard Auditorium
02/??/75  All     New Orleans, LA - San Souli's      S:?,CD         A-/A 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, also seen venue as "The Bar (San Souci, CA)" - this may be Allen Touissant bar 'Sansu'
          (NOLA) where they were the house band and backed New Orleans legends like Lee Dorsey and Ernie K-Doe.
03/24/75  All     Long Beach, CA - Queen Mary        S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 60                                          
          salute to Paul & Linda
          1 CD, 44k, "Uptown Rulers is a concert recording from a party Paul McCartney hosted in 1974"  This show
          is most likely from 1974
06/07/75  All     Austin, TX - Soap Creek            S:Cm,D,CD      A    103                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
06/13/75  All     San Antonio, TX - Hemisphere Arena S:?,CD         A    120                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/21/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Boarding House S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/05/75  All     Jackson, MS - Small Club           S:Cm,CD        A    78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Note- from a 25 year old sound Board Tape - The sound is muddy but the playing is some of
          their best ever- sound gets better after first tune"
05/23/76  All     New Orleans, LA - Sands            FM:D,CD        A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/31/76  All     Boston, MA - WBCN Studios          FM:Cm,CD       A    75                                          
          1 CD, 44k, slight hiss
01/22/77  All     New Orleans, LA - Showboat Lounge  FM:?,CD        A-/A 70                                          
          WNOE, "The Showboat in Fats City"
          1 CD, 44k, some hum from the soundboard but gets better ("We got a little squeaks and some hum, but we
          shall overcome")
02/21/77  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 151                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, tape flip during Honky Tonk Women
05/04/77  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:?,CD         A-/A 145                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/27/78  All     Boston, MA - Pall's Mall           FM:?,CD        A    76                                          
          (11 tracks)
          Art "Uptown Roller" Neville (keyboard & vocals), Joseph Zigaboo Modeliste (drums), Ceril Neville
          (congos), Neo Nocentille (guitar), George Porter (bass)
          1 CD, 44k, also seen as 11/21/78
??/??/80  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:Cm,?,D,CD    A    121                                         
          w/ 2 songs by the Radiators
          2 CD's, 44k, "low gen csbd>DAT"
12/01/91  All     Aarsburg, SWI - Moonwalker Club    S:?,BCD        A/A+ 118                                         
          no setlist
          Meters featuring J.B. Horns:  Leo Nocentelli, George Porter, Jr., Russel Batiste, Jr., Plus JBs: Maceo
          Parker, Fred Wesley, Pee Wee Ellis
          2 CD's, 44k, "CDR copy of European import album", "I have also seen the date listed as 12/07/91" some
          diginoise at 20 seconds
12/07/91  All     Mensa, GER - Unknown               S:D,CD         A/A+ 178                                         
          no setlist
          3 CD's, 44k
04/26/96  All     New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds      S:Cm,D,CD      A    80                                          
          * with Ian Neville on guitar
          1 CD, 44k, cuts into first song
04/15/00  All     Sunrise, FL - Alligator Alley      S:D,CD         A+   111                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/07/00  All     Denver, CO - Lodo Music Festival   S:D,CD         A/A+ 90                                          
          * with Hey Pocky Way Tease by Russ at beginning. During the intro part of Cissy, Stoltz was ripping it
          up (narsty style), so George was fanning him and his guitar. Then, during Art’s Cissy solo, Art programmed
          the keys on cruise control and came out from behind the Poppa Funk blanket, and danced a funky, irish jig
          in the center spotlight, as well as pumping his hands in the air as if he was raising the roof, and then
          proceeded to use his hands to fan off Brian “Narsty” Stoltz’s guitar because it was on fire. Cissy
          finishes with Art asking, “Is there a doctah in the house? Is there a doctah in the house?” # with a
          “Sesame Street” tease that had some juicy steak on it. % finishes with Porter Jr. saying, “We blew this
          shit up.”
          2 CD's, 44k
10/20/00  All     Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse    A:D,CD         A-/A 107 audio tech 853's> sound pro sb-2> d-8>  
          2 CD's, 44k
11/11/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       A:D,CD         A-/A 179 Neumann KM140 > Sdmez > SBM > D8 >      
          Reunion Show - George, Art, Leo, & Zig back together!!!
          3 CD's, 44k
06/13/03  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    Af:D,CD        A-/A 124 Neumann SKM140 > Lunatec V3> Sony D8    
          * w/ Warren Haynes
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "Source: FOB as close as you'd want to tape from, ~2 ft right of dead center
Neumann SKM140 actives (ORTF, w/ small windscreens)> Lunatec V3 (SPDIF out @ 16/48)>Sony D8; Taped by
          Ben Cho; Transfer: Fostex D5 (optical out)> Fostex COP1 (Coaxial>Optical converter)> Sound Devices USBPre
          (SPDIF in)> Wavelab 4.0c (recording)> Soundforge 6.0 (editing- see below, tracking)> SHNTool (fix sector
          boundaries for 44.1KHz tracks)> MKWAct (no DAE); by Ben Cho; Notes: Normalized to -0.01 dB and resampled
          at highest quality setting with anti-alias filter in SoundForge 6.0  Fades added at beginning and end of
          set. SHN's of original 48KHz material are also archived. 48KHz material was tracked in SF 6.0"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Meters ]


??/??/77  All     NYC, NY - Unknown                  S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 109                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "A New Phase of the Guitar"
08/31/77  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 34                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
06/30/79  All     NYC, NY - Blue Note                S:Rm,D,CD      A    54                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, recorded at low level
09/22/81  All     Hamburg, GER - Stadt Park          FM:Rm,D,CD     A+   n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, [R500-> Phillips CDR870]
07/04/92  All     Portland, ME - State Theatre       S:D,CD         A/A+ 68                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pat Metheny ]


08/22/00  All     Sydney, AUS - State Theatre        FM:D,CD        A/A+ 128                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Midnight Oil ]


01/27/67  All     San Francisco, CA - Matrix         S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
??/??/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,CD         A-/A 58                                          
          9 tracks
          w /Paul Butterfield, KPFA
          1 CD, 44k
02/02/72  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Unknown          S:?,CD         A    64                                          
          no setlist (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
03/27/72  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        S:?,CD         A    51                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like FM, has hiss, some slight/occassional crackle (probably from FM master lp)
07/01/73  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:?,CD        A/A+ 63                                          
          (15 tracks)
          Early versions of 'Fly Like An Eagle', 'Living In The USA', 'The Joker' with  alternate lyrics.  This
          stuff is surprisingly good (even the songs I never heard before) - you may find yourself liking the space
          cowboy, Steve Miller for the first time.
          1 CD, 44k, w/ art jpg
??/??/76  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 53                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "KBFH CDS/REELS"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steve Miller ]


05/15/53  All     Toronto, ONT - Massey Hall         S:?,lp,CD      A    85                                          
          disc 1: Bud Powell, Charles Mingus, Max Roach; disc 2: Bud Powell, Charles Mingus, Max Roach, Charlie
          Parker, Dizzie Gillespie
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Greatest Jazz Concert Ever", has some lp crackle
12/??/54  All                                        S:?,CD         A/A+ 46                                          
          mingus - bass, piano, leader; John LaPorta - clarinet, alto sax; Teo Macero - tenor, barritone sax;
          Thad Jones - trumpet; Jackson Wiley - cello; Clem De Rosea - drums
          1 CD, 44k, "Jazzical Moods" released from Switzerland 1989
01/16/59  All     NYC, NY - Nonagon Art Gallery      S:?,CD         A/A+ 44                                          
          Mingus - bass, Booker Ervin - tenor sax, John Handy - alto sax, Richard Wyands - piano, Danny Richmond
          - drums
          1 CD, 44k, "Mingus In Wonderland" (Jazz Portraits)
07/13/60  All     Antibes, FRA - Les Pins Jazzfest   S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 72                                          
          Bud Powell - piano, Danny Richmond - drums, Ted Curson - tp
          1 CD, 44k
04/14/64  All     Old Fellow Palaet's Storesal       S:Rm,CD        A-/A 57                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/23/71  All                                        S:?,CD         A/A+ 60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Let My Children Hear Music"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Charles Mingus ]


05/08/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,?,CD      A    65                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, taped by KMFL radio

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Moby Grape ]


10/24/98  All     Sebastopol, CA - Powerhouse        A:D,CD         A    147                                         
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, the end is cut

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Joseph "Zigaboo" Modeliste ]


06/15/03  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    A:D,CD         A-   96  Schoeps CMC6/MK4-> Mini Me-> M1         
          * With Warren Haynes on guitar. 
** With John Popper of Blues Traveler on harmonica
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source Info: Schoeps CMC6/MK4->Mini Me->M1; Conversion; Info: Tascam DA-30 MkII>Mio Sound
          Card>Soundforge 6>CDWave>.wav files>mkwAct v.97>.shn"; bass sounds saturated

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | moe. ]


??/??/79  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A-/A 56                                          
          12 tracks
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Eddie Money ]


02/22/64  All     Paris, FRA - Alhambra              S:Rm,?,CD      A+   54                                          
          1 CD, 44k, 20 minutes of silence at the end
11/03/67  All     Paris, FRA - Salle Pleyel          S:?,CD         A/A+ 68                                          
          Thelonious Monk - piano. Charlie Rouse - tenor. Larry Gales - bass. Ben Riley - drums. plus Clark Terry
          - trumpet, Ray Copeland - trumpet, Johnny Griffin - tenor, Jimmy Cleveland - trombone, Phil Woods -
          1 CD, 44k, (

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Thelonius Monk ]


09/09/69  All     Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium   S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          Grand Ole Opry
          1 CD, 44k
03/06/75  All     Wilmington, NC - Grand Opry        S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 143                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bill Monroe ]


??/??/62  All     London, ENG - BBC Studios          S:?,lp,CD      A    61                                          
          no setlist (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, some lp static, "At the BBC 1962 & holland 1965"
03/27/65  All     Paris, FRA - Salle Pleyel          S:?,lp,CD      A    52                                          
          no setlist (4 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, some lp static

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wes Montgomerey ]


??/??/67  All     BBC Sessions 1967-1972             FM:?,CD        A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/23/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            A:?,CD         B+   74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/19/74  All     Nagoya, JAP - Swibuka Hall         A:?,CD         B+   78                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/12/78  part 1  Inglewood, CA - Great Western LA   FM:?,CD        U    n/a                                         
          part 2 on - Moody Blues: BBC Sessions 1967-1972
          1 CD, 44k
07/17/81  part 1  Hofman Estates, IL - Poplar Creek  FM:?,CD        U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, may be 7/18/81
??/??/87  Partial Oxford, ENG - Apollo Theater       FM:Cm,CD       A    72                                          
          Westwood Radio
          1 CD, 44k, might be 12/6/86

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Moody Blues ]


04/25/98  All     New Orleans, LA - Dream Palace     S:D,CD         A+   66                                          
          Stanton Moore drums Charlie Hunter 8-string guitar Skerik saxophone; record release party for Stanton
          Moore's album, 'All Kooked Out'
          1 CD, 44k
09/11/98  All     Seattle, WA - The Showbox          S:D,CD         A+   95                                          
          Charlie Hunter 8-string guitar Skerik saxophonics, keyboard Stanton Moore drums
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Moore & More ]


03/11/67  All     NYC, NY - A&R Studios              Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 77                                          
          no setlist (19 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/68  All     Unplugged In The Studio            Sto:?,CD       A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "'Unplugged In The Studio' : Acoustic demo compilation from 1968-1971"
04/26/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,?,D,CD    A/A+ 61                                          
          FM Broadcast
          1 CD, 44k
05/14/71  All     Cotati, CA - Inn of the Beginning  A:?,CD         B+   73                                          
          partial setlist (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
09/09/71  All     Sacremento, CA - Unknown           S:?,CD         A/A+ 69                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Moonshine Whiskey", Oil Well (RSC 024 CD), w/ artwork, (According to the VanMo boot
          site, this may be the first portion of 9/5/71 and my 9/5/71 may be the second portion with a few
          overlapping songs).
02/11/72  All     San Anselmo, CA - The Lion's Share S:Rm,D,CD      A    61                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/27/72  All     Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica    A:?,CD         A-   56                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k
02/15/73  All     San Anselmo, CA - Lion's Share     FM:?,CD        A-/A 140                                         
          FM Broadcast on KSAN (NOTE: due to complications it was broadcast in mono)
          2 CD's, 44k
05/26/73  All     Los Angeles, CA - Troubadour Club  S:?,CD         A+   73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, quiet clicking noise on tracks 9-11
07/27/73  All     Newcastle, England - Newcastle     S:?,CD         A-/A 72                                          
          Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (date confirmed)
          1 CD, 44k, Tracks 1-10: Rainbow Theatre, London, July 27, 1973, Tracks 11-16: Deventer, Holland w/Cuby
          & the Blizzards, 1968.
02/17/74  All     Vancouver, BC - War Memorial       A:Cm,CD        B+   56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Vaninvan"
06/30/74  All     Montreux, Switzerland - Montreux   S:Rm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 56                                          
          Portion of show was Televised
          1 CD, 44k
07/29/74  All     San Francisco, CA - The Orphanage  TV:?,CD        A-/A 69                                          
          Televised on PBS
          1 CD, 44k, lots of hiss, probably TV source
11/01/74  Early   New York City, NY - Madison        A:?,CD         A-   74                                          
          "Late in 1974, Van Morrison closed the door on what was arguably the greatest chapter in his career.
          With a string of remarkable albums and the resounding success of the Caledonia Soul Orchestra behind him,
          he decided to step back. For the next three years, he virtually disappeared from the public eye. While he
          made the rare appearance here and there (such as that at The Band's famous 'Last Waltz' concert), he had
          for the most part truly entered a 'period of transition', as his aptly titled '77 release later revealed.
          The Felt Forum show is most certainly one of the last and best (??) recordings made before this door
          1 CD, 44k, (B+/A-) "", I don't have the photo disc
06/22/77  All     Hilversum, Netherlands - Vara      S:?,CD         A    120                                         
          partial setlist
          w/ Dr. John, Mick Ronson, Peter Van Hook / FM Broadcast
          2 CD's, 44k, "Wonderland"
12/13/77  All     Hilversum, NETH - Vara Studios     FM:?,CD        B+   53                                          
          with Dr. John, the Meters and Mick Ronson
          1 CD, 44k, labels here:, Unfortunately, this is the same as
          6/24/74 but is  listed as 2 different shows at the Van site
          ( - weird!  It is recognised among collectors that the
          date on the cover note is wrong. It was more likely close to the release of the A Period of Transition
          album in April 1977
12/13/77  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Vara Studios     StO:?,CD       B+   31                                          
          Van Morrison: Lead vocals, acoustic guitar, Dr John: Piano, organ, back-up vocals, percussion, Mick
          Ronson: Lead guitar, back-up vocals, Leo Nocentelli: Rhythm guitar, Art Neville: Organ, Jo Modeliste:
          Drums, George Porter Jr: Bass
          1 CD, 44k, "Amsterdam Tapes - Vara Studios", Archivio CD 013 (ARC CD 013) (Made in Italy by
          Phonocomp (P) 1991) "The CD must be a recording from a radio broadcast in the Netherlands. The sound is
          not too good, even regarding it has been broadcasted (no bootleg). But it's still worth listening, though.
          And the show is real rare. "
05/15/78  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:Rm,BCD       A/A+ 51                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (this is the actual boot cd I purchased in 1990), "Gospels for the Ocean", Lobster Records
          CD028/1990, I think this is 11/1/78
11/01/78  All     New York City, NY - The Bottom     S:Rm,BCD       A/A+ n/a                                         
          song order uncertain / FM Broadcast: early show broadcast on King Biscuit Flower Hour, late show
          broadcast on WNEW
          1 CD, 44k, (this is the actual boot cd I purchased in 1990), "Gospels for the Ocean", Lobster Records
          CD028/1990, ***same as 5/15/78****
11/26/78  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Roxy         FM:?,BCD,CD    A    73                                          
          FM Broadcast
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at the Roxy"
10/21/79  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  FM:?,BCD,CD    A    52                                          
          Broadcast on the King Biscuit Flower Hour
          1 CD, 44k, "The Mystic's Muse"
04/03/82  All     Essen, Germany - Gruga Halle       S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 75                                          
          Televised as a Rockpalast Special; "Van Morrison will appear as second guest at the 10th
          Rockpalast-Festival on the 3rd and 4th of April."
          1 CD, 44k, "Can You Feel The Silence"
07/11/84  All     Montreux, Switzerland - Casino     S:?,CD         A-/A 109                                         
          FM Broadcast--    * w/ Joe Henderson- Tenor Saxophone, Freddie Hubbard- Trumpet
          2 CD's, 44k, "Summertime in Montreaux"
07/25/86  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:?,BCD,CD     A    91                                          
          w/ orchestra; Van Morrison - lead vocals / guitar / sax, John Platania - guitar, David Hayes - bass,
          Pee Wee Ellis - sax / flute, Jeff Labes - piano, Bob Doll - trumpet, Terry Adams - strings, Susie Davis -
          vocals, Carol Kenyon - vocals, Dahaud Shaar - drums
          2 CD's, 44k, "ST.PATRICKS DAY" Beech-Marten Records CD 002/02; (Made In Italy by Virginailand
          [circle P] 3/91); CD claims "Recorded live, Berkeley, California, March 17, 1985", but see following
          notes:  Both Sounding in the Clouds and St. Patrick's Day are presumably taken from a commercial broadcast
          that included the previously unavailable professional recording of Van at the Greek Theatre, doing a show
          with a reconstituted version of the Caledonia Soul Orchestra. The commercial broadcast mixed these tracks
          up with tracks from It's Too Late To Stop Now and Last Waltz. The commercial broadcast, which aired
          3/17/89, was distributed on CD to radio stations, and I've seen those for sale for $100-$200. The boots
          attempt to pick out the Greek Theatre stuff, but some mistakes were made. In summary: all tracks from
          7/25/86 Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA, except CD1, tracks 3-5, 8; and CD2, track 1 (which are from It's Too
          Late To Stop Now), and CD2, Tracks 5&6 (from The Band's The Last Waltz).
09/29/86  All     Amsterdam, Netherlands - Carre     FM:?,CD        A/A+ 72                                          
          missing the first song Moondance (inst)
          1 CD, 44k, a skip at 0:39
06/21/87  Mix     Somerset, England - Glastonbury    FM:?,BCD,CD    A/A+ 72                                          
          CND Festival, Worthy Farm nr. Glastonbury.
          Arty McGlynn: guitar, Steve Pearce: bass, Roy Jones: drums, Neil Drinkwater: piano and synthesizer,
          Richie Buckley: saxophone, Martin Drover: trumpet, June Boyce and ?: backing vocals
          1 CD, 44k, "Rave On", from the VanMo site: "This CD is the June 21, 1987 Glastonbury Festival
          show that was originally recorded by the BBC and broadcast in the U.S. on June 16, 1997 by Westwood One
          Entertainment as part of their Superstar Concert Series. What the producers of this CD have obviously done
          is remove the announcer comments and commercials from the 2-CD set distributed by Westwood One
          Entertainment. Being digital, the sound quality is the same as on the Westwood One CDs."
07/11/90  All     Montreux, Switzerland - Casino     FM:?,CD        A/A+ 74                                          
          Montreux Jazz Festival; featuring special guest Georgie Fame
          1 CD, 44k, "Live In Montreaux" According to the VanMo site, this is "RATING: Essential, awesome,
          flawless. Quite possibly the best boot there is."
10/18/96  All     Leverkusen, Germany -              S:D,CD         A/A+ 55                                          
          ON: VanMo 12/19/98 disc #2
          1 CD, 44k
02/03/97  All     Belfast, N Ireland - The           S:D,BCD,CD     A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Waterfront"
12/19/98  All     Dusseldorf, Germany -              preFM:D,CD     A/A+ 158                                         
          Rockpalast 98 (Christmas Special); Van Morrison, vocals, harmonica, guitar, alto sax; Johnny Scott,
          guitar, backing vocals; Liam Bradley, percussion, backing vocals; Ralph Salmins, drums; Geoff Dunn, drums,
          percussion; John Savannah, hammond organ, piano, backing vocals; Nicky Scott, bass, backing vocals; Katie
          Kissoon, backing vocals; Pee Wee Ellis, tenor, soprano & baritone sax, flute; Matt Holland, trumpet &
          flugelhorn; Special guests: Fred Wesley, trombone; Candy Dulfer, alto sax
          2 CD's, 44k
07/09/99  Partial Loreley, Germany - Freilichbuhne   S:D,CD         A/A+ 92                                          
          Rockpalast Open Air Festival. ??1 hr 40 min??. Robin Aspland, Richie Buckley, Alec Dankworth, Matt
          Holland, Ralph Salmins, Johnny Scott, Geraint Watkins. Special guests: Candy Dulfer and Fred Wesley.
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds like it is preFM (crowd noise fades in/out between songs) - according to my setlist
          info, I only have 2/3rds of show.  I have 1hr and 32 minutes so I don't think the show could have been 1hr
          40 min (as reported by my TT VanMo database info).
12/17/00  All     Basle, Switzerland - Grosser       FM:D,CD        A+   117                                         
          This setlist doesn't seem to match, maybe this is 12/18/00
          Van Morrison: Vocals, Harmonica, Guitar; Linda Gail Lewis: Vocals, Piano, Hammond Organ; Candy Dulfer:
Matt Holland: Trumpet; Annie Lewis: Backing Vocals; Featuring The Red Hot Pokers
          2 CD's, 44k, "Outskirts of Basel", "The recording is the direct DAT-transfer (FM synthesizer
          tuner --> tascam), edited on computer, scms completely removed.", This recording has the fat thump of
          compressed music, very hot levels - nice!

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Van Morrison ]


07/26/70  All     Stony Brook, NY - Gym, S.U.N.Y.    S:?,CD         A-   56                                          
          no setlist (10 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like audience (B+/A-)
12/31/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,CD      A    100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/27/71  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,R,D,CD    A    52                                          
          Felix Papalardy - vocals, Leslie West - lead guitar,
          1 CD, 44k, "WPLJ FM > reel > reel (commercial edits) > DAT> CD" -> "FM>1st Gen FM Reel(Dolby B)>Akai
          GX-635DReel Deck>Concord DBA-9 Dolby B Unit >Panasonic SV-3700 DAT Deck >CDR"
02/11/74  All     Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater      FM:?,CD        A/A+ 61                                          
          no setlist (11 tracks)
          King Biscuit.Flower Hour; ZZ Top opened, first night back together
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Mountain ]


06/30/74  All     Austin, TX - Texas Opry House      S:?,CD         A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, first decent Willie sbd mix I have heard (they usually sound really thin)
05/02/75  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    A:Cm,D,CD      A    44  Sony ECM 33P-> Sony 158                 
          (I also have the Merle Haggard from this date)
          1 CD, 44k, "Sony ECM 33P into a Sony 158 cassette deck - taped by Jerry Moore; conversion: Sony D5 to
          the HHb 850"
04/01/79  All     Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater      FM:Rm,D,CD     A    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "WNEW FM Broadcast>rr>DAT>CDR" (it has a few blemishes from being from the radio.)
02/27/97  All     Paia, Maui, HI - Charlie's Bar     S:D,CD         A    79                                          
          Willie solo w/ friends
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700)
02/09/99  All     NYC, NY - Tramps                   S:D,CD         A    156                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Sdb-> Sony D8->clone, transferred Sony PCM R300->HHb 850, cloned Marantz PMD 320-> HHb
          850", "minor glitch in 'Down Yonder'"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Willie Nelson ]


01/??/81  All     Chicago, IL - On Broadway          FM:Cm,CD       A/A+ 61                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>WXRT FM>Cass>CD"
07/11/91  All     Paris, FRA - Unknown               S:?,CD         A/A+ 88                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
07/24/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater  S:D,CD         A+   91                                          
          2 CD's, 44k,  "SBD>DAP1>D8; R500>DA20/DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR 870",

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Neville Brothers ]


??/??/84  All     Live In The USA                    S:BCD,CD       A/A+ 65                                          
          Superstar Concert Series
          1 CD, 44k, "Live In The USA", "SB>bootleg CD>CD-R", "This is from the Bella Donna and Wild Heart
          tours. Originally aired July 21, 1984."
06/21/86  All     Hofman Estates, IL - Poplar Creek  A:BCD,CD       A-/A 76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SB>bootleg CD>CD-R"
09/19/94  All     Hollywood, CA - House Of Blues     S:BCD,CD       A/A+ 71                                          
          1 CD, 44k, almost every song fades into and out of, she covers the Tom Petty tune "I Need To Know",
          also have seen a 9/18/94 (same show??)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stevie Nicks ]


??/??/73  All     Sunderland, MA - Rusty Nail        S:?,CD         A    64                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/16/74  Both    NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          Af:Rm,D,CD     A-/A 123 NAK 700                                 
          both early and late shows
          2 CD's, 44k, "FOB NAK 700's>Reel>DAT>CD"
07/06/75  All     Middlefield, CT - Powder Ridge     S:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          partial setlist
          w. Whole Wheat Horns
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss
12/27/75  All     Williaman, CT - Shaboo Inn         S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some slight hiss/crackling
09/26/81  All     Long Island, NY - My Father's      FM:?,BCD,CD    A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Wally, Stu, Lou and the Q"
10/19/00  All     Ferndale, MI - Magic Bag           A:D,CD         A-   107 Sonic Studios D5M6's>D*>CD-R (Tascam    
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | NRBQ ]


08/02/69  AfternooSan Francisco, CA - Matrix         S:Rm,R,CD,D    A/A+ 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Soundboard direct 3.75ips M-reel-> (tuning edited out) 3.75ips reel->CDR->DAT (playback
          Sony PCMR500)-> Phillips CDR870:
08/14/71  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:Rm,R,CD,D    A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Soundboard direct 7.5ips M-reel-> 3.75ips reel->CDR->DAT (playback Sony PCMR500)-> Phillips

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | NRPS ]


02/02/00  All     Nashville, TN - Station Inn        S:D,CD         A/A+ 135                                         
          w/Maura O'Connell and John Prine
          2 CD's, 44k, "DSBD>CDR"
10/07/00  1       Knoxville, TN - Barley's Taproom   S:D,CD         A/A+ 51                                          
          w/ Darryl Scott
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam 700], need to get another disc #2 (set2)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | O'Brien, Tim ]


06/04/81  All     Indianapolis, IN - Unknown         S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 45                                          
          Ozzy Osbourne - vocals
Randy Rhoads - guitar
Rudy Sarzo - bass
Tommy Aldridge - drums
Don Airey -
          1 CD, 44k, "Axeman", " SBD> ?> CDBoot> EAC> SHN"
07/13/81  All     Montreal, QUE - St. Dennis Theater FM:?,BCD,CD    A    57                                          
          (10 tracks)
          w/ Randy Rhodes
          1 CD, 44k, "All Aboard"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ozzy Osbourne ]


11/01/00  All     Charlotte, NC - Visualite          A:D,CD         A-   142                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Oteil & the Peace Makers ]


08/31/00  All     Columbus, OH - Schottenstein       A:D,CD         A    138 Earthworks SR77> SX-M2> D8              
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Tascam 700]
08/04/02  All     East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley      Af:D,CD        A    198 Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6 > Apogee Mini-Me  
          3 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "Source:    FOB Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6 > Apogee Mini-Me > Sony D8 (48khz); Mics run
          ORTF @ 6' High from the 28th row center; Transfer:  DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV >

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Other Ones ]


??/??/75  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:?,CD         A-/A 55                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/75  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:?,CD        A-/A 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k, FILLER from Agora, Cleveland '75 (37 minutes)
??/??/75  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:?,CD        A    37                                          
          ON: Sausalito '75
          1 CD, 44k, both Sausilito '75 and Cleveland '75 on same disc
??/??/75  All     Bryn Mawr, PA - The Main Point     S:?,CD         A-/A 57                                          
          1 CD, 44k, rough for the first 5 seconds
07/23/75  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 51                                          
          1 CD, 44k, aka Ebbetts '74
07/23/75  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 52                                          
          1 CD, 44k, aka Ebbetts '74
??/??/77  All     Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater      S:?,CD         A-/A 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/77  All     BBC Hour                           S:?,CD         A-/A 59                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/18/79  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    S:?,CD         A-   118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
11/28/79  All     Boston, MA - Boston Music Hall     FM:?,CD        A-/A 94                                          
          2nd of 2 nights
          2 CD's, 44k, "Green Grass and High Tides" cuts near the end
11/01/81  All     Pittsburg, PA - Stanley Theatre    FM:?,CD        A/A+ 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/82  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:?,CD         A-   79                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Outlaws ]


05/04/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Saenger          A:D,CD         A    126 Neumann KM-140 > Lunatec V2 > Apogee    
          2 CD's, 44k, seeded by
11/02/01  All     Chicago, IL - Aragon Ballroom      Af:D,CD        A    119 Schoeps CMC6/MK21> SX-M2> AD2K          
          * Trey on Matterhorn,# Les on the Steve Whamola
          2 CD's, 44k, "tapers:mikey k, ricky b source:schoeps cmc6/mk21's>sonosax(sxm2)>ad2k  15th row (fob) on
          mini bogen stand @ 5'8"'
11/17/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       A:D,CD         A    110 Neumann U89i>  EAA-PSP7> ADC-20>        
          Opener: New Orleans Klezmer Allstars
          * Trey On Matterhorn. ** Trey on acouctic then to  electric guitars.
          2 CD's, 44k, " Neumann u89i EAA-PSP7 > ADC-20 > Apogee (?) > DA-P1 > shn"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Oysterhead ]


05/??/75  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         preFM:R,?,CD   A    43                                          
          partal setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ozark Mountain Daredevils ]


06/05/98  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:D,CD         A/A+ 118                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
11/02/00  All     Charlotte, NC - Visualite          A:D,CD         A-/A 115                                         
          sounds like Rush on acid
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ozric Tentacles ]


02/15/96  All     Osaka, JAP - Jou Hall              S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Page & Plant ]


09/26/52  All     Harlem, NY - Rockland Palace       S:?,CD         A-/A 56                                          
          no setlist
          In the fall of 1952, alto saxophonist Charlie Parker, a cofounder of bebop, was already on the slope of
          physical decline that led to his death less than two years later. His performances were not always
          reliable, but he was still capable of superlative playing, as proved by this recording of a concert on
          September 26 at the Rockland Palace in Harlem. It was a benefit for Benjamin Davis, a Communist and city
          councilman whose conviction on political charges was a cause celebre of the day. There, in front of
          thousands of dancers, Parker played with his quintet (Walter Bishop, piano; Mundell Lowe, guitar; Teddy
          Kotick, bass; Max Roach, drums) and a string section, a project which was very important to him despite
          the blandness of most of the arrangements he had at his disposal. (We can only dream about how that might
          have changed had he lived.) Tapes of this concert have long been in circulation among collectors and were
          even released, but their quality was unredeemable. The discovery of another set of tapes, much more
          professionally done and including more of the evening's music, made possible this reissue. Audiophiles
          must beware, but if they are also music-lovers they will overlook the sound, which is far removed from
          today's standards, and concentrate on the bright and shining music on the other side. (Doug Pomeroy must
          be applauded for his heroic work constructing this CD from the 44-year-old tapes.)  Once the ear gets used
          to the trebly atmosphere, the relative faintness of the back-up band and the wavering, ghostly background
          presence of the strings, Parker's dashing, charismatic alto soon focuses the mind. Unlike many of his live
          sessions with small groups, where his genius can be heard in spontaneous, risky flights often delivered
          with a kind of off-hand panache, here Parker must be careful not to clash with the strings behind him.
          Rather than box him in, this constraint seems to give him energy, as he concentrates on crafting vibrant
          statements that work with the written arrangements. He is exuberant, lyrical, swift, bursting out with
          ideas in a superb expression of what critic Gary Giddins called his "blues-based vision."  Walter Bishop
          was saddled with a substandard piano and we don't hear much of Mundell Lowe, but Max Roach's ringing
          cymbals shine through the sonic murk. His lightning reactions and terrific swing are the motor moving it
          all forward, and there is Bird at the front of the proceedings, playing at all times with sheer joy and
          thrilling aplomb. There is no point listing high points, since there are so many. Along with plentiful
          standards like "Stardust", "April in Paris," "Just Friends" or "Out of Nowhere," we are treated to two
          Gerry Mulligan tunes, "Rocker" and "Gold Rush," Neil Hefti's "Repetition," a calypso number called "Sly
          Mongoose," Parker originals "Ornithology" and "Cool Blues" and an athletic race through Lester Young's
          "Lester Leaps In" that has been transformed, thanks to the two separate recordings of the performance,
          into (ahem) "true stereo." "Live at Rockland Palace" is an indispensable example of Charlie Parker in full
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at Rockland Palace"
05/15/53  All     Toronto, ONT - Massey Hall         S:?,lp,CD      A    85                                          
          disc 1: Bud Powell, Charles Mingus, Max Roach; disc 2: Bud Powell, Charles Mingus, Max Roach, Charlie
          Parker, Dizzie Gillespie
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Greatest Jazz Concert Ever", has some lp crackle

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Charlie Parker ]


04/24/99  All     New Orleans, LA - House of Blues   S:D,CD         A/A+ 151                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Maceo Parker ]


09/12/71  All     Rochester, MI - Meadowbrook        S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 74                                          
          (10 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at Meadowbrook"
01/21/77  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      FM:?,CD        A/A+ 61                                          
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK
06/03/78  1       Hampton, VA - Hampton Coliseum     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 73                                          
          (7 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
11/01/78  All     Howard Theater                     S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 77                                          
          (10 tracks)
          new drummer Tyrone
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>reel>Digital"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Parliament-Funkadelic/P-Funk All-Stars ]


09/19/99  All     NYC, NY - Sessions at West 54th    S:?,CD         A-/A 54                                          
          tribute to Graham Parsons consisting of various musicians & bands
          Emmy Lou, Ryan Adams, Chris Hillman, Steve Earle, Gillian Welch, David Rawlings, The Mavericks, Wilco,
          Sheryl Crow, Jim Lauderdale, Whiskeytown, & Victoria Williams
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Graham Parsons ]


06/22/02  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    S:D,CD         A/A+ 91                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "Source: DSBD > DAT > WAV > CDR > SHN; Seeded:"
06/11/03  All     Asheville, NC - Stella Blue        S:D,CD         A/A+ 95                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source:   DSBD > Sony D8 (RCA); Transfer: D8 > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge > CDWav >SHN
          (Seek Tables Appended); Taper: Dave Wilson ("; *  Final name for the tune which came
          from a jam before Golden Gator at the Fox in Boulder in March.  IIt was then called  "Cats Balls" at Area
          51.  Now its a complete song and was named after a fictional TV show in the movie Pulp Fiction.  **
          Hitchcock Speaks!; Taper Notes: Level adjustment during "Pipedream" - Sorry, was bartending during first
          set, and was lucky I got the deck started on time.

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Particle ]


11/02/79  All     Berlin, GER - Berliner Jazzstage   FM:?,CD        A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss
12/01/81  All     Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Mr. Pips      S:?,CD         A/A+ 72                                          
          no setlist
          w/ a horn section
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track
07/02/82  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:Cm,D,CD      A    57                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/02/85  All     NYC, NY - Promised Land            S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Promised Land"
04/??/86  All     Italy                              S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          John Francis Pastorius III - bass, Thomas Borocz - drums, Bireli Lagrene - guitar
          1 CD, 44k, small drop-out at 12:40 of first track

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jaco Pastorius ]


06/22/99  All     Atlanta, GA - Cotton Club          A:D,CD         A    90  AKG 6414TL-2's>oade>sbm-1>d8            
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
06/23/99  All     Atlanta, GA - Echo Lounge          A:D,CD         A    78  AKG 6414TL-2's>oade>sbm-1>d8            
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pavement ]


12/31/99  All     New Orleans, LA - Jazz Parlor      FM:D,CD        A+   70                                          
          no setlist, WWNO (NO,LA)
          Following Payton, rhythm and blues great and pianist Allen Toussaint and His Orchestra play an
          after-midnight set.  12:20 - 2:00 am, broadcast on NPR
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Nicholas Payton ]


10/21/85  All     A Rockabilly Session               S:?,CD         A/A+ 56                                          
          w/ Eric Clapton, George Harrison, Ringo Star, Dave Edmunds
          1 CD, 44k, "A Rockabilly Session", (Fab4records)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Carl Perkins ]


04/04/77  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:?,CD        A/A+ 44                                          
          1 CD, 44k, right channel is louder than left
12/04/82  All     Utrecht, HOLL - Unknown            S:?,CD         A/A+ 88                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
09/13/89  All     Chapel Hill, NC - Dean Smith       FM:D,CD        A/A+ 72                                          
          crowd sing entire Breakdown
          1 CD, 44k
11/04/93  All     Gainesville, FL - Oconell Center   preFM:D,CD     A    107                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
10/06/95  All     Birmingham, AL - Civic Center      FM:CD          A    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, slightly "echo-y" matrix/FM A-/A,
02/07/97  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  preFM:D,CD     A/A+ 193                                         
          (a) with John Lee Hooker
          3 CD's, 44k
04/23/99  All     Hamburg, GER - Musikhalle          FM:CD          A/A+ n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/03/99  All     Minneapolis, MN - Target Center    FM:D,CD        A/A+ 93                                          
          SFX radio network
          2 CD's, 44k, "*this is the complete broadcast, I believe that the show is incomplete however"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tom Petty ]


04/16/99  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Soundcheck: Prince Caspian, Stella Blue, Alligator, Help On The Way, Saint Stephen-> The Eleven. :
          Lineup: Phil Lesh- bass and vocals, Steve Kimock - Lead guitar, John Molo - Drums, Trey Anastasio- Guitar,
          Page McConnel - Keyboards, *Donna Jean Godchaux - Vocals.
          3 CD's, 44k
08/13/99  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           A:D,CD         A    n/a Schoeps CMC 62S-> Apogee AD1000         
          No Encore. Summer Sessions Tour. Band was: Phil Lesh - Bass and Vocals, Steve Kimock - Guitar, John
          Molo - Drums, Kyle Hollingsworth - Keyboards, Warren Haynes - Guitar. Openers: Moe, String Cheese
          Incident. Source: Kerry
          44k; 2 CD's; "Spaced 6' at front of TS"
08/14/99  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           A:D,CD         A    n/a Schoeps CMC 62S-> Apogee AD1000         
          Summer Sessions Tour. Band Was: Phil Lesh - Bass and Vocals, Steve Kimock - Guitar, John Molo - Drums,
          Michael Kang - Electric mandolin, Kyle Hollingsworth - Keyboards, *Billy Nershi - Acoustic Guitar,
          **Michael Travis - Percusion, + Al Sheir - Guitar. Openers: Government Mule, Galactic. Sound Check:
          Terrapin Station, Playing In The Band, Uncle John's Band. Source: Kerry
          2 CD's; 44k; "spaced 6' at front of TS"
10/30/99  All     Milwaukee, WI - Milwaukee Arena    A:D,CD         A-/A 102                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Billy Payne - keyboards, Paul Barrere - guitar.
          Opened For: Bob Dylan. Source: Stewert Levitan
          2 CD's, 44k
10/31/99  All     Chicago, IL - UIC Pavilion         A:D,CD         A-/A 108                                         
          Stephen Wright does 15 minutes of Standup after set. Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo -
          drums, Derek Trucks - guitar, Billy Payne - keyboards, Paul Barrere - guitar. Opened For: Bob Dylan.
          Source: SGlads
          2 CD's, 44k
04/22/00  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           A:D,CD         A-/A 187                                         
          Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Jeff Pevar - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring -guitar,
          Rob Barraco - keyboards, Branford Marsalis (All but first verse of Dark Star and Ripple).
          3 CD's, 44k
05/27/00  All     Angles Camp, CA - Mountain Aire    S:D,CD         A+   205                                         
          Other Artists: The Derek Trucks Band, Henry Butler, Clan Dyken, Vivendo de Pao, Todd Snider, Radney
          Foster, 008, and Rodleen Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Jeff Pevar - guitar,
          Jimmy Herring - guitar, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Derek Trucks - guitar.
          4 CD's, 44k
06/24/00  All     Mountain View, CA - Shoreline      A:D,CD         A    125 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> DAP1               
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
07/15/00  All     East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley      A:D,CD         A-   99  Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> ADC-20>      
          Other Artist(s): Bob Dylan, Widespread Panic
          Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Robben Ford - guitar, Paul Barrere - guitar, Bill
          Payne- keyboards.
          2 CD's, 44k, [Sony R300> HHB CDR800]
09/21/00  All     NYC, NY - Roseland Ballroom        A:D,CD         A-/A 68  Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000          
          "One For Woody"
          1 CD, 44k
10/16/00  All     New York, NY - Beacon Theatre      S:D,CD         A+   209                                         
          *debut. Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes
          - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
10/21/00  All     Chicago, IL - Riviera Theatre      S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar
          and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
10/24/00  All     Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium   S:D,CD         A+   208                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar
          and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
10/24/00  All     Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium   A:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar
          and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
10/28/00  All     Los Angeles, CA - Wiltern Theater  S:D,CD         A+   191                                         
          *debut, Gov't Mule Song.  Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco -
          keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
??/??/01  All     Jill Lesh's Planet Jams            S:D,CD         A/A+ 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k, thematic jams based on the planets
02/18/01  All     San Francisco, CA - Maritime Hall  S:D,CD         A+   223                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar
          and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          4 CD's, 44k
04/15/01  All     Orlando, FL - Hard Rock Live       S:D,CD         A/A+ 193                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar
          and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar. *debut
          3 CD's, 44k
04/15/01  All     Orlando, FL - Hard Rock Live       A:D,CD         A-/A 118 MBHO 603a> -15db XLRs> Zefiro Inbox> M1 
          *1st Time, Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes -
          guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, "MBHO 603a> -15db XLRs> Zefiro Inbox> M1> zoltrix nightengale> cdwav" 1st set recorded at
          32K ORTF, second set was recorded at 44k NOS.  Recorded by Nick.  Unfortunately, there are at least 10
          flaws on disc 1 (they are also on the master DAT).  These discs came from the person that taped the
04/19/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       A:D,CD         A-/A 172 MBHO 603a/ka500> ad2k> Lunatec V2       
          3 CD's, 44k, end of Playin > Celebration is cut/missing
04/20/01  All     Charlotte, NC - Independence Arena A:D,CD         A-/A n/a MBHO 603a/ka200> GP adc20> d8           
          * = The Allah/So What (minor) is wild! The Blues For Allah, 5 note lead in is followed by the Miles
          Davis "So What!" 2 note exclamation. It sounds like So What in a minor key - wild! During intermission,
          the "Kind of Blue" 'So What!' was part of the house music - this must have prompted the jam in the second
          set.  On the Blues For Allah, album, I believe Sand Castles & Glass Camels is a transition jam between the
          song Blues For Allah and Unusual...; If this is the case, the Jam# should be renamed 'Sand Castles & Glass
          Camels' because it falls between the 2 here (and is clearly a distinct jam)
          3 CD's, 44k
04/20/01  All     Charlotte, NC - Independence Arena S:D,CD         A+   189                                         
          Rob Baracco (k,v),Warren Haynes (g,v), Jimmy Herring (g), Phil Lesh (b,v), John Molo (d)
          3 CD's, 44k, (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem, md5checksum=OK)
04/29/01  All     Asbury Park, NJ - Convention Hall  S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar
          and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, "DSBD DAT>digi>CD>SHN, Official Sbd release from"
04/30/01  All     New York City, NY - Roseland       S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar
          and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
06/10/01  All     Mill Valley, CA - The Sweetwater   Af:D,CD        A/A+ 168 B&K4011> Lunatec V2> Sonic AD2K> DAP1   
          billed as "Crusader Rabbit"
          Crusader Rabbit Stealth Band: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, Bob Weir - guitar and vocals, Rob Barraco -
          keyboards and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar, John Molo - drums, + Warren Haynes - guitar; ; Bob sings old
          lyrics (...season of what) instead of the Ratdogian (...season of what now)
          3 CD's, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDR700(44k), taped by Steve
07/06/01  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           A:D,CD         A-/A 192 MTG SMS2000/M210>Oade M248>SBM1>D8      
          Other Artist(s): Les Claypools Fearless Flying Frog Brigade.  Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John
          Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, front row dead center TS, for some reason the taper did a poor job of tracking this show
          and then put the songs out of order, disc 3 is just 1 track
07/07/01  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           A:D,CD         A-   198 MTG SMS2000/M210>Oade M248>SBM1>D8      
          Other Artist(s): Disco Biscuits.  Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco -
          keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k, front row dead center TS
07/07/01  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Other Artist(s): Disco Biscuits.  Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco -
          keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
08/02/01  All     Virginia Beach, VA - GTE           Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k
08/03/01  All     Raleigh, NC - Alltel Pavilion      Af:D,CD        A/A+ n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k
08/04/01  All     Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless   Af:D,CD        A/A+ 127 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k
08/05/01  All     Atlanta, GA - Lakewood             Af:D,CD        A/A+ 124 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          Other Artist(s): Derek Trucks Band opened, Phil & Friends played second, Allman Brothers Band played
          closed.  Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes -
          guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar. *with Susan Tedeshi
          2 CD's, 44k (first part was missing, supplied from Josephson 603 mic's)
11/10/01  All     Louisville, KY - Palace Theatre    Af:D,CD        A    174 Neumann KM140> Lunatec V2 > SBM1> D8    
          Phil deadicates show to Ken Kesey
          3 CD's, 44k, "17th row, section 1, seats ~1-3 (only fob stand), Neumann KM-140 -> Lunatech V2 -> SBM-1
          -> D-8, Conversion:D-7 -> Coax -> Prodif 32 -> Red Roaster (track ID's and  cuts only, no effects) ->
          Plextor 10/12/32 SCSI -> CDR EACx1 (done twice and with 100% wav compare each time) -> .shn via MKWact
          with seek tables appended"; rec'd replacement 3rd disc (3/14/02)
11/17/01  All     Bethlehem, PA - Stabler Arena      Af:D,CD        A    213                                         
          * New Robert Hunter/Phil Lesh tune; Phil Lesh - bass and vocals, Rob Barraco - keyboards and vocals,
          Jimmy Herring - guitar, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, John Molo - drums.
          3 CD's, 44k
12/21/01  All     Asheville, NC - Civic Center       Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a Schoeps                                 
          Warren Haynes Xmas Jam; Phil Lesh, John Molo, Warren Haynes, Jimmy Herring, Rob Barraco. *with Robert
          Randolph & Col. Bruce Hampton
          2 CD's, 44k
12/30/01  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      A:D,CD         A    183 B&K 4011 > V2 > AD2K+(NS3) > DA-P1      
          Opener: Ratdog
          3 CD's, 44k, from tapers section, taped by Steve Gilbert B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Sonic AD2K+(NS3) >
          Tascam DA-P1
05/05/02  All     New Orleans, LA - Acura Stage -    Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a Schoeps MK4V's> KCY> VMS021B> D8        
          Other Artist(s): Ratdog, the Neville Brothers and many others.  Lineup: Phil Lesh - bass and vocals,
          John Molo - drums, Rob Barraco - keyboards, Warren Haynes - guitar and vocals, Jimmy Herring - guitar.
          *with Bob Weir, +without Warren
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: FOB>Schoeps MK4V's>KCY>VMS021B>D8>@48K ORTF/10th row on stand@ 7.0 feet.  Tapers:
          Mikey.k(levels-placement etc.) Jim.c (blocker/gear) Sean.Y(blocking-crowd control); Transfer:
          DA20MKII>RME96/8>CDWAV>Cool Edit Pro(resampled to 44.1K)>cdwave(tracking)> mkw>shn(seekable

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05/03/85  Partial Burlington, VT - Last Day Part at  S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 99                                          
          *  - first known performance, ^ - dedicated to Fishman, **- only known performance, Notes: This is the
          first gig to feature Page on the keys.  Lineup: Trey, Jeff, Mike and Fish with Page guesting during parts
          of the third set. There were  more songs performed but this is all that is known to circulate of this
          show.  This show marked Page's debut with the band, as he guested during portions of the third set.  In
          fact, Big Leg Emma was preceded by an announcement from Trey that "our friend Page, from Goodard, will sit
          in later." *Featured "Bobby Brown" (Tim Rogers) on harmonica.  **dedicated to Fishman
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: (SBD) CS1 > DAT > CD; Transfer: Tascam DA-302 > HHB CDR-850; Encoding: CD > EAC
          (secure Mode) > WAV > SHNTool > Flac (1.1.0) > SHN"
12/06/86  All     South Burlington, VT - The Ranch   S:Cm,C,D,CD    A-/A 93                                          
          * - Introduced by Trey as "Dog Gone Dog." ; // - cut approx. halfway through song; Note: for reasons
          unknown this show is missing McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters, Good Times Bad Times, Skin It Back, and
          Cities from the end of set 2
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: CS1 > DAT > CD; Transfer: Tascam DA-302 > HHB CDR-850; Encoding: CD > EAC (Secure
          Mode) > WAV > ShnTool > Flac (1.1.0) > WAV > SHN; (fades were added to the end of disc 1 track 9 and
          beginning of disc 2 track 1 utilizing Steinberg Wave Lab 4) "
04/22/90  All     Colorado Springs, CO - Cutler      S:D,CD         A/A+ 144                                         
          This was a free outdoor show, performed on Earth Day, where Phish opened for Kenny Loggins.  The short
          break after Suzy was necessary to correct audio problems.  This version of YEM contained teases of Another
          One Bites the Dust.  Mike used How High the Moon to change his broken bass string.  The second set opened
          with Bouncing teases and a request for Caleb Synder to retrieve his license, which was awaiting its
          retrieval on Page's Keyboard.
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source:  SBD > DAT > Plexwriter", md5=OK
11/03/90  All     Boulder, CO - Boulder Theater      M:D,CD         A/A+ 163                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: Separate from Soundboard 16 track Mix (see notes below) > DAT@44.1; Conversion:
          Fostex D5 > Monster Optical > Sek'd Prodif Plus >  Samplitude v5.5 > CD Wave > mkwACT v0.97; (shn files
          have seek tables appended); **No DAE or resampling at all** "  "Sbd/Aud mixes: The following shows were
          recorded to DAT from a separate recording board at the shows. They are some of the highest quality Phish
          tapes in existence: 4/22/90, 10/30/90, 10/31/90, 11/2/90, 11/3/90, 11/4/90, 3/13/91, 3/15/91, 3/16/91,
          3/17/91, 3/22/91, 3/23/91, 4/5/92.   Except for the 4/5/92 tape, they have all been fairly widely
          circulated. They were done on a large recording console (not EQ) and mixed completely separately from the
          board mix, rumoredly done in a truck outside the venue. The engineer used 2 audience mics to mix in
          crowd/hall ambience (on most of them).  See also, PA info." Quoted from:

03/15/91  All     Denver, CO - Gothic Theater        M:D,CD         A/A+ 126                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Audience/soundboard multitrack mix (mixed separately from soundboard) > DAT (48k) > PC
          via Event Gina SP/DIF > 44.1 (Cool Edit Pro) > CD > SHN > EAC > SHN"  Sbd/Aud mixes: The following shows
          were recorded to DAT from a separate recording board at the shows. They are some of the highest
          Phish tapes in existence: 4/22/90, 10/30/90, 10/31/90, 11/2/90, 11/3/90, 11/4/90, 3/13/91, 3/15/91,
          3/16/91, 3/17/91, 3/22/91, 3/23/91, 4/5/92. Except for the 4/5/92 tape, they have all been fairly widely
          circulated. They were done on a large recording console (not EQ) and mixed completely separately from the
          board mix, rumoredly done in a truck outside the venue. The engineer used 2 audience mics to mix in
          crowd/hall ambience (on most of them).
04/16/91  All     Ann Arbor, MI - Rick's American    S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 118                                         
          Ryth McFeud Opened.  Magilla featured Paul Guinness of Ryth McFeud on trombone.  The Crew Football
          Theme Song at this show was demented version of Barracuda played over the drumbeat for My Sweet One, with
          Trey mincingly whining the "Crew football theme song!" lyrics.  Brain was performed as a "special treat"
          for the audience.  Fishman sang the final verse through the vacuum, creating an excellent echo effect.
          2 CD's, 44k, "" Disc 1, SBD tape flip between track 7 and 8.   Disc 2, SBD tape flip between track 7
          and 8.  Source: SBD > Cass(0) > DAT; Transfer: DA-P1 > digicoax > HHb CDR-850 > Peak 2.04 (tracking) >
          Yamaha 4416, SBEs fixed on 10/10/02 with shntool , there are a couple of digispots on the
          first song
05/17/91  All     Providence, RI - Campus Club       Af:Cm,C,CD     A-/A 87  NAK CR-1A> Sony WA9ES                   
          A Blackout occured during Chalkdust.  The drum solo and jam that ensued featured Carl Gerhard, who also
          guested on A-Train, Magilla, Cavern and Lawn Boy.  TMWSIY was introduced as "The Old Man Who Stepped Into
          Yesterday."  Happy Birthday was sung to Page.
          2 CD's, 44k, "AUD/FOB: MCass>Cass/1>CD>EAC>SHN(seekable); SOURCE: Unknown mics > D5 (taper: John
          Redmond); Analog: MCass>Cass/1 (NAK CR-1A > NAK CR-1A May 1991 by Steve Dumond -;
          TRANSFER: Sony WA9ES (tape deck) > Alesis Masterlink 9600 (CD Burner); Transfered by Randy Gibbs
          ( and Steve Dumond on 8/17/03; Tracking and fades done using the Alesis Masterlink 9600 CD
          burner; EAC: by Steve Dumond 8/19/03"; Notes:  This fileset clocks in at 81 minutes. I tracked it for 2
          CDs, but if you overburn or cut out one of the banter tracks, you should be able to fit it on 1 CD.  D1T10
          Magilla - slight cut, maybe last 10-15secs, for tape flip - fade out added; D1T11 Cavern - Fade in after
          tape flip, first few drum beats missing; D2T9 Take the A Train - Many setlist sources list this as the end
          of the 1st set ( & Phish Companion); The 1st gen tape has it as the end of the 2nd set.
          However, I cannot be 100% certain that it did end the 2nd set.  The 1st gen tape has a few seconds of
          silence between BBFCFM and Take the A-Train.  When I copied this show from the master tapes in 1991, I
          only copied Set 2 and I did not write the setlist on the cassette cover, I cannot imagine myself stopping
          the copy, pulling out the Master, inserting the 1st set Master, copying A-Train, stopping the copy again,
          placing Set 2's master back in and then copying the Encore. If I wanted to grab A-Train from the 1st set
          as filler, I would have put it after the Encore.  Perhaps John (the taper) had put the encore on the end
          of Set 1's tapes and I picked up the A-Train thinking it was part of the Encore.  BUT... On the Alesis CD
          Burner, we edited out the few seconds of silence. Listening to D2T8 (BBFCFM ) to D2T9 (A-Train), you
          cannot tell. The crowd noise is continuous just as it would be if the song did come after BBFCFM to end
          the 2nd set. I cannot hear any splice at all.  BUT... At the end of A-Train, Trey says "We're gonna take a
          short break. Everybody go back and get a drink. Hopefully the air conditioner will start working. We'll
          see ya later. Thanks a lot." So is this the end of the 1st set? Or is this the end of the 2nd set and the
          short break refers to them coming back for the Encore? The "Thanks a lot" comment makes me think it *is*
          the end of Set 2 and they will come back soon for the Encore. The band says nothing after the Encore as
          they leave.  I'd say I'm 90% certain that A-Train ended the 2nd set.  Some notes from what I remember of
          this show:  As we arrived in Providence (from Boston), there was a nasty thunderstorm under way. We got
          inside and settled in. John was taping from in front of the soundboard. They opened with Chalkdust
          Tourture (thanks to the Phish Companion for jogging my memory) and during the song, the power went out.
          The lights were out for a while. During the outage it was very dark. John and a few other tapers used
          their flashlights to put light on the stage. There was then an impromptu horn/drum jam until the lights
          came back on.  Fortunately, the lights came back on after a few minutes, but the air conditioning did not.
          It was litterally the hottest show I was at. It was an unusually warm spring day, so it was miserably hot
          and sticky inside the Campus Club. By the end of the show we were all drenched in sweat! (That's why Trey
          makes mention of the A/C problem at the end of A-Train).  This is nice recording of an under-circulated
07/12/91  All     Keene, NH - Colonial Theater       S:?,CD         A/A+ 149                                         
          This show featured The Giant Country Horns and marked the first performance of Moose the Mooch.
          2 CD's, 44k
07/21/91  All     Parksville, NY - Arrowhead Ranch   S:Cm,D,CD      A+   142                                         
          This show featured the Giant Country Horns.  The encores featured "Steve-o from New Orleans" on
          washboard, or as Trey refered to it, "whatever the hell you can call that thing."  Weekapaug included a
          Bonanza tease.
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: SBD > CASS/0 > DAT > CD > SHN > WAV (SoundEdit 16) > SHN"; #cut in master at very
          end. Faded into the next track slightly for your listening pleasure.  +horn reprise at end, similar to A
          Live One version.
09/26/91  All     Ithaca, NY - State Street Theater  Af:Cm,D        A-/A 134 Nakamichi 300 > Casio DA-2              
          * Trey sings verse 2 instead of 3.   ** Fishman fills in with "Dr. Seuss" in observance of his death
          that week.
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: Nakamichi 300 cards(FOB)>Casio DA-2; Transfer:Panasonic SV-3700>HHb
          CDR-800>EAC>Shn; Recorded, transferred, and seeded by Jim Duffy ("
10/13/91  All     Olympia, WA - North Shore Surf     S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 181                                         
          * These songs are part of the Gamehendge saga.  Trey tells the story in between the songs.
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: SBD->Cass(0)->DAT' Transfer: Tascam DA-20 mkII->Apogee S/PDIF->ZA2 "
03/13/92  All     Providence, RI - Campus Club       S:Cm,P,CD      A+   175                                         
          * Trey explains the "Secret Language."
          3 CD's, 44k, "Lineage: S:MCass>(DAT ?)>PCM>CD>EAC>SHN **update** S:MCass>(DAT ?)>PCM>CD>
          EAC>SHN>ReMastering>SHN" Notes: The "?" in the lineage is not an extra analog generation.  I'm just not
          sure if the PCM came from a DAT or not, thus I put the question mark in.  I transferred the PCM, removed
          the DC offset, converted from 44.056Khz to 44.1Khz at the highest quality setting, tracked, and burned
          this show on July 30, 2003.  I wonder if perhaps the master was recorded with Dolby on and played back
          with it off.  It seems a bit too bright to me.  However, I did not mess with the recording in any way.
          Enjoy!  * - There is a very small dropout at 2:10.  I tried several times to get a clean read off the PCM
          tape at that spot, but could not.  It's hardly noticable, though.
04/03/92  All     Beaver Creek, CO - Hyatt Regency   S:?,CD         A/A+ 149                                         
          fades into the Landlady, missing 2 track markers on the disc 1
          3 CD's, 44k, I need to get a replacement 3rd disc
04/16/92  All     Santa Barbara, CA - Anaconda       S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "sbd-> Liberated Bootleg - 'Follow Me To Gamehenge' cd>.wav>.shn"
07/25/92  All     Stowe, VT - Stowe Performing Arts  S:D,CD         A+   64                                          
          * With Carlos Santana, Raul Rekov, and Karl Perazoo.
          1 CD; 44k
08/13/92  All     Los Angeles, CA - Greek Theater    S:D,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
08/14/92  All     Los Angeles, CA - Greek Theater    S:D,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          ON: 8/13/92
          1 CD, 44k
03/22/93  2p      Sacramento, CA - Crest Theater     S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 74                                          
          Golgi thru McGrupp
          Gamehendge narration before Lizards and through McGrupp.
          1 CD, 44k
03/31/93  All     Portland, OR - Roseland Theater    A:D,CD         U    n/a TOA k1's Balcony > DTR-80P              
          3 CD's, 44k, "TOA k1's Balcony > DTR-80P > CDR > SHN (Cool Edit 2000 on 3 tracks)",  -Track 5 on Disc 1
          (Mound) had three gaps of approximately 0.5 seconds each.  These were at 4:58-9 and 5:08-9.
-Track 1 on Disc 2 (Lengthwise) had somee clicks and pops at 0:10-11, 0:30, and 1:23-24.  These
          were removed or minimized to the best of my ability. -Track 4 on Disc 3 (AC/DC Bag) had static at 3:35.
Also the last track, Sweet Adeline, has quite a bit of hiss and is rather flaky overall.  It's
          really too much to fix, especially for an acapella track, so I decided to leave it as is.  Sounds like it
          is a different source and possibly 
more than one source patched together. (shorten files from GDLive via
          cable modem, md5=OK)
04/02/93  All     Belligham, WA - Mt. Baker Theater  S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/09/93  sndchk  Minneapolis, MN - State Theater    S:D,CD         A+   20                                          
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, "Source: SBD > DAT; Transfer: Fostex D5 > Tascam CDRW 700 > CDR(x1) > EAC >
          SHNNotes:-d1t01 2:39-2:40 dropout (on all sources I've seen)"
04/12/93  All     Iowa City, IA - Student Union      S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 145                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/18/93  All     Ann Arbor, MI - Michigan Theater   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 145                                         
          Missing (E): Amazing Grace, Rocky Top
          2 CD's, 44k, low levels
05/01/93  All     Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theater    S:Cm,D,*,CD    A    73                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, ""remastered" w/SoundForge v4.5",
05/03/93  2       New Brunswick, NJ - State Theater  S:Cm,D,CD      A    76                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/05/93  All     Albany, NY - Palace Theater        S:D,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          w/ soundcheck
          * With ARU and the Dude of Life.
          3 CD's, 44k, downloaded, md5=OK
07/16/93  All     Philadelphia, PA - Mann Music      S:D,CD         A/A+ 141                                         
          * First time played.
          3 CD's, 44k, there are 4-5 brief diginoise spots throughout entire show, (R500 -> Tascam 700)
07/23/93  All     Long Island, NY - Jones Beach      S:Cm,D,CD      A    144                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/20/93  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           FM:D,CD        A/A+ 178                                         
          * With Mimi Fishman on vacuum.
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD:(FM)D>CD>SHN"; * minor skip at 3:47, 3:50; ** signal drop at 4:47
04/29/94  1       Clearwater, FL - Boatyard Village  S:Cm,D,CD      A    74                                          
          Last Sanity, 5/17/92.
          1 CD, 44k, "S:Cm,D,HHB 800> CDR", missing a few track markers
05/07/94  2       Dallas, TX - The Bomb Factory      S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
05/28/94  most    Monterey, CA - Laguna Seca Raceway S:D,CD         A/A+ 123                                         
           Laguna Seca Daze show.   *With Les Claypool of Primus, on bass. Not on DAT/CD because Claypool's
          recording lable didn't allow taping of live shows.
          2 CD's. 44k, "Source: DSBD>DAT (Unknown DAT generations); Conversion: Tascam DA-20 MkII-> Monster
          Coax-> M-Audio Audiophile 24/96-> Soundforge 5.0b (48KHz->44.1KHz at highest setting [4 of 4], with
          anti-alias filter)-> CD Wave 1.61-> mkwACT v0.97, **No DAE at all**; Minor Edits: Fades in/out at cassette
          flip, as well as the start/end of set."
06/11/94  All     Morrison, CO - Red Rocks           FM:D,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Last Frankenstein, 7/26/91.
          3 CD's, 44k, (shorten files from GDLive via cable modem, md5=OK)
06/17/94  2       Milwaukee, WI - Eagles Auditorium  S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Tascam DA-20 MkII-> Monster Coax-> M-Audio Audiophile 24/96-> Soundforge 5.0b (48KHz->
          44.1KHz at highest setting [4 of 4], with anti-alias filter)-> CD Wave 1.61-> mkwACT v0.97 **No DAE at
          all**" (1/12/01) Harpua had a cut in Harpua (track 15) with overlapping area accompanied by a level drop.
          I (Delano) normalized the volume drops and spliced the overlapping area at the cassette flip, downloaded
06/18/94  All     Chicago, IL - UIC Pavillion        S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 169                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>Cass1>DAT>CD>EAC>Cool Edit 2000 (Editing)>SHN"; Source #1: SBD>Cass1> DAT> Editing
          (audience patches in It's Ice, Tweezer and first few seconds of Lifeboy)>CDR; Tranfer/Editing: Kevin
          Shapiro; NOTES: Sorry, I don't have any further info as to the audience tape source or the equipment used
          in the audience patch.  It is likely from the AKG460 rig that he often used in '94.  However, this is all
          the information included with the discs that I recieved.  Source #2:  SBD>Cass1>DAT>CDR (complete Tweezer,
          missing end of It's Ice [fades out at 7:56]); NOTES: An inferior sounding SBD copy to the one above. Plays
          fast, levels are saturated, etc.  Unknown tranfer info.  Because Kevin's source (Source #1) was the better
          of the two sources, I've used as much of it  as possible for the recording.  This means that everything
          except the changes described below has been extracted (using EAC in secure mode) from the copies that
          Kevin provided.  The following is a summary of the edits that I did, using Cool Edit 2000 and CDWav.
1. Fixed the speed for It's Ice on Source #2 (stretch ratio of 102); 2. Patched the SBD portion
          that Source #1 was missing from It's Ice (@4:11), and then the remaining missing part of the track from
          the Aud source (@8:11). This makes the most complete SBD source, with the proper ending supplied from the
          audience tape.
3. Tracking for Horn fixed on Source #1; 4. Fixed the speed for Tweezer on Source #2
          (stretch ratio of 102)
5. Patched the missing SBD segment of Tweezer on Source #1 with the fixed Source
          #2 Tweezer (@10:24).
6. Patched ~4 missing seconds from YEM (@ 11:26), using same procedures as above.
          Known Flaws:
There are still a few anomalies on the recording which I didn't bother trying to fix, for
          fear of over-editing. Specifically: -a fast fade-out after Dog Faced Boy -a slightly rough switch to the
          Source #1 audience recording at the very beginning of Lifeboy.
10/29/94  1       Spartanburg, SC - Memorial         S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 64                                          
          * Last Buffalo Bill, 11/21/92.
          1 CD, 44k, "S:Cm,D,HHB 800> CDR", 5 digiglitches during Rift starting at 3:14
11/19/94  All     Bloomington, IN - Indiana          A:Cm,D,CD      B+   47  AKG 322                                 
          "This is the first time i've heard this, but thousands have ask me about it over the years. To me it
          captures the true spirit of Phish. It happened as we were walking to the bus to leave the venue. somebody
          said play us one and we said sure and the roadies got our stuff. i was already holding my banjo which
          probably started the whole thing. I was on tour with them to teach them bluegrass and had been playing
          with them on stage some at night. Hoist was being released at the time and i actually played with them on
          that material at night as well as the bgrass set. though they really didn't know bgrass and had just been
          playing for a short while, this truly captured the spirit of the music because of their openess, talent,
          and what i call that "wonderful phish curiosity". i was touched to hear this because when you boil it all
          down this is what it's all about. the people just want to hear the music and truly i didn't wanna leave.
          you can hear the joy. i lead the jam as phish had never really done that before. when we got on the bus
          they were so happy that we did it and i think they felt, maybe for the first time,the true spirit of what
          bgrass and folk music is all about. The jam turned out to be the most important thing that i taught them.
          thanks for sharing it. i am touched. Truly, "rev" Jeff Mosier- Blueground Undergrass"; Jam outside the
          tour bus with:  Mike (banjo and electric bass); Page (upright bass); Trey (fiddle and guitar); Fish
          (mandolin); Rev. Jeff Mosier (banjo); Eric Merrill (fiddle and guitar) and Jeremy (banjo and jaw harp)
          1 CD, 44k, "AUD(AKG322)>Cass/x>DAT>CD>EAC>CD"
11/30/94  2       Olympia, WA - Campus Rec. Center   S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          **Last verse omitted.
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, I (Delano) added the track between Horse and Silent In The Morning (9/2/02)
12/01/94  2       Salem, OR - Salem Armory           S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          * With Norwegian Wood jam.
          1 CD, 44k, "missing the golgi and the encore"
12/08/94  All     San Diego, CA - Spreckels Theatre  S:D,CD         A/A+ 148                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "DSBD > Master DAT > My first-generation DAT clone (Taped by Mr. Anonymous)"; Transfer: My
          DAT (First Gen Clone) > Fostex D5 > optical cable > HOSA ODL-276 > coax cable > Waveterminal 2496,
          hardware downsampling to 44.1KHz on Set I only (Set II was apparently recorded at 44.1) > CoolEdit 2000
          Static removal & other fixes > CDWave 1.6 > WAV > mkwACT 0.97b1 > SHN v3  (By Jeff Ishaq
          )  Scarcity:  Mr. Anonymous's DSBD DATs are widely circulated, though because they
          are unauthorized, they don't show up on etree and some traders don't indicate the show on their list.
          Some copies have noise reduction performed on them, I'm sure.  Notes:  * The master DAT is plagued by
          constant, light static throughout the entire show -- IMHO, it's unlistenable.  Also, it is missing the
          first song.  I used Cool Edit 2000 to remove 99.9% of the static clicks, and I also integrated Makisupa,
          Nellie Cane, and Sweet Adeline from the FOB AUD.  The sound quality of the original DSBD DAT is identical
          to the click-removed version, it's not like it was compressed or lost high end or has phase shifting or
          anything nastly like that!  * I produced this mix to liberate the DSBD source into a continuous,
          listenable source for my own collection.  I don't intend this to be the de facto "best source" for this
          show.  In fact, the FOB AUD in wide circulation sounds just as good as the DSBD, and it's unadultered.  I
          only recommend this show for the sake of archival purposes.
          Source:  FOB AKG460 (13 Ft. pole, front row, center-right {12-7}, center-left {12-8}) > 10' XLR > PS > 3'
          XLRs > Technics SV260A > DAT (Taped by Linda Webster) Transfer: Technics SV260A > COAX > Cool Edit WAV
          (editing done here) > CDWAV > mkwACT v3 > SHN (By Linda Webster); Scarcity: Linda's AUD source is widly
          available via etree.  Notes: * This FOB AUD sounds as good as the DSBD, so if you're a purist looking for
          an unadultered show, seek these out!  * Linda used Cool Edit to make the acoustic/a capella songs louder,
          and to stifle audience noise.  Flaws / Mixing Notes:  * There are still some very infrequent and quiet
          static pops the linger (I was only able to remove 99.9% of them!).  Also, some mild saturation occurs in
          loud passages that sounds like static.  d1t02 00:06   This is where the AUD morphs into the the start of
          the SBD DAT.  d2t05 00:00   SBD becomes AUD again for these a capella songs (inaudble on SBD); d2t07 00:56
          This is where the AUD morphs back into the SBD for the remainder d1t08 05:43.112 -> 05:43.146 Left-channel
          dn zap, crosspasted away with rt chn 10:52.150 -> 10:52.184 "
11/09/95  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          A:D,CD         A    n/a SchoepsMK4>D                            
          3 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
11/10/95  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          A:D,CD         A    156 Schoeps MK4 > VMS > D7                  
          3 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
12/14/95  All     Binghamton, NY - Broome County     S:D,CD         A/A+ 74                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "LIVE PHISH_01"
02/16/97  All     Cologne, Germany - Wartesaal       S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          Show broadcast on German TV show: "Rockplast." * First time played
          2 CD's, 44k
12/31/97  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    A:D,CD         A/A+ 215 SchoepsNm41>VMS021B>SBM1>DAP1           
          * Debut
          3 CD's, 44k
10/20/98  All     New York,  NY - Sony Studios       FM:D,CD        A+   71                                          
          Sessions At West 54th Street
          1 CD, 44k
07/01/99  All     Antioch, TN - First American       A:D,CD         A-/A 146 Schoeps M222/MK4v> V2> AD1000           
          * Jerry Douglass on Dobro
** Jerry Douglass on Dobro, Ronnie McCoury on Mandolin & Tim O'Brian on
# Tim O'Brian on lead vocals, ^ Gary Gazaway (El Buho) on Trumpet
          2 CD's, 44k, clone from Marc Nutter's rig; "Schoeps m222's with mk. 4v capsules> Custom Audio Magic
          5-pin cables> Schoeps NT 222 power supplies> Lunatec V2> Apogee a/d-1000> Graham-Patten DA-14 digital
          distribution amplifier (a.k.a. "patchbay")", I (Delano) converted this show from my dat (9/8/03), Tascam
          DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700-> EAC, you can hear the thunder really ripping after Char0
07/25/99  All     Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek       A:D,CD         A    156 Schoeps CMC 641> Lunatec V2> GP> DAP1   
          3 CD's, 44k, "SchoepsCMC641>Lunatecv2>Graham Patten>dap1(cash's rig)>DAT>CD
12/11/99  1       Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    A:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as a sbd - need to check this one again
12/30/99  All     Unknown, FL - Big Cypress          Af:D,CD        U    n/a FOB Schoeps                             
          * with Seminole Indian Chief Jim Billy on lead vocals and guitar, John McCuen on mandolin/banjo, and
          someone else on lead electric guitar
          5 CD's, 44k
12/31/99  AfternooUnknown, FL - Big Cypress          A:D,CD         A/A+ 55                                          
          * Debut
          2 CD's, 44k, Funky Bitch & Tube are 1 track
12/31/99  Late    Unknown, FL - Big Cypress          A:D,CD         U    n/a FOB Schoeps                             
          * Debut
          8 CD's,
05/23/00  All     NYC, NY - Roseland Ballroom        A:D,CD         A    204 B+K 4021 --> Apogee --> DA-P1           
          * w/vocal jam. This performance was taped for future broadcast on VH1
          3 CD's, 44k, "B+K 4021 --> Apogee --> DA-P1 --> CDR"
06/22/00  All     Antioch, TN - Amsouth Ampitheatre  A:D,CD         A-/A 172 Schoeps M222/MK4v> NT 222> AD1000> DAP1 
          * - with "Inna Gadda Da Vida" ending. ** - with Ronnie McCoury on mandolin and Sam Bush on fiddle. ***
          - with Del McCoury on guitar, Ricky Skaggs on mandolin, Mike Budd and Jason Center *we think* on mandolin
          and fiddle, along with an upright bass player and a fiddle player (both unnamed) in addition to those
          already on stage. # - with Wynonna Judd; NOT a cappella - full band arrangement
          3 CD's, 44k, I (Delano) converted and performed minor editing this show (9/9/03), beginning of Jiboo is
          cut, some clipping due to crowd noise prior to encore (no music is affected - I cut this out of the cd's),
          minor editing with SF4.5
06/29/00  All     Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center A:D,CD         A    159 Schoeps CMC-64V> V2> AD1000> DA14> M1   
          3 CD's, 44k
09/11/00  All     Mansfield, MA - Tweeter Center     A:D,CD         A    157 Neumann KM140> V2 > ADC-20 > PCM-R500   
          3 CD's, 44k, "Neumann ak40s > neumann lc-3 active cables > neumann km100s > Lunatec V2 > Audio Magic
          Presto-II XLRs > ADC-20 > PCM-R500 > Audiomedia III/Powermac G3/233 > Pro Tools 4.3.2 > Plextor 12x/4x/32x
09/29/00  All     Las Vegas, NV - Thomas & Mack      A:D,CD         A-/A 133 Schoeps cmc6/mk21 > Apogee AD1000 > D8  
          * - preceeded by a "Wilson" tease and Trey experiencing guitar problems, forcing techs to come out on 4
          occasions, including one visit from Paul Languedoc to assess the situation; ** - last "Spock's Brain"
          06/24/95 (386 shows) according to ZZYZX's Phish Stat; *** - last "Dinner and a Movie" 03/01/97 (237 shows)
          according to ZZYZX's Phish Stats; **** - with japanese lyrics and Mike and Trey doing the Meatstick
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: Schoeps cmc6/mk21 > Apogee AD1000 > D8 @ 44.1k; Transfer: Technics SV250 >
          Montego 2 Plus > Soundforge > CDWav"
09/30/00  All     Las Vegas, NV - Thomas & Mack      Af:D,CD        A-/A 177 Schoeps cmc6/mk21(fob) > Apogee AD1000  
          * - Trey on keys, Jon on bass, Page on drums, Mike on guitar; last "Walfredo" 02/22/97 (243 shows)
          according to ZZYZX's Phish Stats;  ** - with "Robert 'Just call me Joe C'" on vacuum; Trey began introduce
          Jon as Robert before Jon interrupted asking that he just be called JoeC; *** - last "Esther" 08/09/98 (141
          shows) according to ZZYZX's Phish Stats; Trey flubs the entire last verse of the song, ending e song with
          "She died. Dead";  **** - as the band returned to the stage, the crowd san"Happy Birthday" to Trey for his
          36th birthday
  # - last "Colonel Forbin's Ascent" 08/07/98 (143 shows) according  ZZYZX's Phish Stats;
          Trey takes the time to thank the people who  have supported them, including the crew (the greatest crew in
          the history of music) and to talk about the hiatus and how they use  it to write songs and recharge (so
          they can come back and play another 17 years) after these next 6 shows before talking abo the strange
          dream he had last night that he was sitting in the middle of a field on a beautiful day, when suddenly he
          saw from the periphary of his vision people walking towards him... an armof people surrounding him before
          sitting down. One of them took an apple and handed it to him and explained that they wanted him  eat the
          apple as a gift, but he realized he had no teeth... but then a giant tooth grew out of his upper gum. But
          you can't eat a apple with one tooth. He began to get nervous that people would wonder why he wasn't
          eating the apple and he had a moment of panic. Luckily, at that moment, the sun flew closer to the suthan
          it had ever been in history, and as a result his first thought was that the earth would burn up, but
          instead, the earth acted in the way that a grape acts... it shrivled and turned into a rais version of the
          earth. The ground wrinkled and became mountains and the people got crushed together into a big pile. Only
          momen before he'd been panicking, but being crushed together, he realized
 that all of his senses became
          much more vivid in the way that  raisin is more intense tasting than a grape... Sounds, emotion love...
          And just as the earth was becoming a much more rich and vivid place, he found himself in this pile of
          people. This pile  people became a groping pile of love and goo and he realized that Gamehendge is a state
          of mind and you don't have to get there physically. He decided then that everyone needed to know how simp
          it was to turn yourself into a seething pile of goo, so he called upon the Famous Mockingbird to spread
          the word about this;  ## - last "Fly Famous Mockingbird" 08/07/98 according to ZZYZX's Phish Stats; ### -
          with Trey on keyboard; #### - Beatles cover; last "A Day in the Life" 07/03/98 (165 shows); according to
          ZZYZX's Phish Sta; @ - Rolling Stones cover; last "Emotional Rescue" 07/28/98 (150  shows) according to
          ZZYZX's Phish Stats; song ended with Trey setting up a delay loop before he and Mike moved to the front
          the stage and began a bizarre synchonized duel involving them swinging their guitar and bass at each other
          and arounthemselves while wandering across the front of the stage and putting strange  hats on Page and
          Jon; at one point Trey and Mike put both the  guitar and bass down on the stage and kicked/stomped thstage
          beside them to produce more feedback; in the end Trey finally "defeated" Mike before the band walked off
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: Schoeps cmc6/mk21(fob) > Apogee AD1000 > D8 @ 44.1k; Transfer: Technics SV250 >
          Montego 2 Plus > Soundforge > CDWav"
10/07/00  All     Mountain View, CA - Shoreline      A:D,CD         A    165 Schoeps CMC6/MK41>Lunatec V2> AD2K      
          3 CD's, 44, "OTS Schoeps CMC641v > Lunatec V2 > Sonic AD2k @ 48k > Roach > SPDIF > Audiowerk2 >
          Waveburner @44.1k > Peak > Jam"
07/23/03  All     Noblesville, IN - Deer Creek       A:D,CD         A-/A 162 Earthworks SR-77 -> MV-100 -> SBM-1 ->  
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source:  Earthworks SR-77 -> MV-100 -> SBM-1 -> DA-P1; Transfer: D7 -> Edirol ua-1d ->
          CDWav -> MKWact (shn)"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Phish ]


02/10/69  All     Stockholm, SWE - Konsenthusen      S:?,CD         A    69                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wilson Pickett ]


12/28/68  All     "Flight To Lowlands Paradise II"   S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at Flight To Lowlands Paradise II", w/ artwork, (Owed To Syd Barrett - Digital
          Floyd Archives DFA-032) ROIO release, md5=OK
09/17/69  All     Concertgebouw, Amsterdam           FM:?,CD        A/A+ 68                                          
          12 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "The Man & The Journey" (Great Dane Records)
02/11/70  All     Town Hall, Birmingham              A:?,BCD,CD     B+   111                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, levels overloaded, sounds boomy, distant vocals, sound gets a little better after the
          first song (B -> B+), probably pretty good for a Feb 1970 European audience recording.
03/20/70  All     Akademiska Föreningens, Stora      S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 97                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
04/29/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 122                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, small amount of hiss
07/12/70  All     Reiterstadion Soers, Aachen        A:?,BCD,CD     B+   87                                          
          1st Open Air Pop Festival
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
09/16/70  All     London, ENG - Playhouse Theatre    S:?,BCD,CD     A    51                                          
          Roger Waters*, David Gilmour*, Rick Wright*, Nick Mason*
          1 CD, 44k, 5 tracks, "Libest Spacement Monitor", (TSP-CD-027 The Swingin' Pig )
11/21/70  All     "Super Pop 70 VII", Casino de      S:?,CD         A    84                                          
          1 CD, 44k, there is some monitor feedback during Cymbaline
06/05/71  All     Berliner Sportpalast, West         S:?,BCD,CD     A    120                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, w/ artwork bmp
09/30/71  All     "In Concert", BBC Paris Theatre    FM:?,CD        A/A+ 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/30/71  Mix     London, ENG - Paris Theatre        S:?,BCD,CD     U    58                                          
          16 Sep 1970, London, England. 16/9/70, Paris Theatre, London, UK (1-4) 30/9/71, Paris Theatre, London,
          UK (5,6)
          1 CD, 44k, "Bytes of the Talisman",
10/12/71  All     London, ENG - Paris Theatre        S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 48                                          
          3 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "One Of These Days" mistakenly labelled on label as 10/12/71 - should be 9/30/71
02/17/72  1       Rainbow Theatre, Finsbury Park     S:?,BCD,CD     A    68                                          
          There is a good deal of hiss, but overall an enjoyable disc. A great On The Run Improv, TGGITS uses the
          preacher tape. Us and Them is unfortunately cut right at "Forward he cried..." (at just about the 30
          minute mark -- I guess it was originally recorded on a 60 minute tape) and resumes at "...cheese and a
          slice...". There are also a few occasions where the lyrics are almost indistinguishable from the
          instruments and the background tapes. Standard orchestrated AHM sounds great.
          1 CD, 44k, 11 tracks, "Forbidden Samples",
11/16/74  2       Empire Pool, Wembley, Middlesex    S:?,CD         A/A+ 52                                          
          NO: (E): Echoes
          1 CD, 44k
06/18/75  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         S:Rm,?,CD      A    132                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/28/75  All     Ivor Wynne Stadium, Hamilton       S:?,BCD,CD     A    137                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Steel Breeze"
05/09/77  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      S:R,?,BCD,CD   A    140                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/02/77  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    A:Rm,CD        A-/A 125                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "I've include the last track (Us and Them I think) that came to me as part of a separate
          trade. I'm not 100% certain that this song was played at that show - if it was, I think this is the
          version from 7/2/77.  If not, somebody was wrong and it's from another night.  When I originally got that
          show, it ended after Money (the track before)."
07/06/77  All     Stade du Parc Olympique            A:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 138                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
02/26/80  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    S:Rm,CD        A    103                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pink Floyd ]


??/??/??  All     Los Angeles, CA - Wallyhleiders    STo:Rm,D       A+   n/a                                         
          no setlist, All of my PERRO stuff has been copied to 4 CD's
          4 CD's, 44k, (, (
05/21/68  All     Tuesday Night Jam                  S:Rm,D,CD      A    n/a                                         
          Jerry Garcia, Jorma Kaukenen, Mickey Hart, Jack Cassidy
          1 CD, 44k, labeled only as "Tuesday Night Jam" '67 in the Dead Vault, venue is unknown - often seen as
          Family Dog, but that didn't open until 1969, may be from Carousel Ballroom on May 21, 1968
10/28/69  All     San Francisco, CA - 2400 Fulton    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    57                                          
          Jerry Garcia, Jorma Kaukenen, Mickey Hart, Jack Cassidy
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>Cass>DAT>CD"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Planet Earth R&R Orchestra ]


09/13/69  All     Toronto, ONT - Varsity Stadium     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 40                                          
          John Lennon - guitar & vocals, Eric Clapton - guitar, Yoko - vocals, Klaus Voorman - bass, Alan White -
          drums, Kim Fowley - announcer
          1 CD, 44k, "Live Peace In Toronto 1969" (Apple SW-3362)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Plastic Ono Band ]


12/18/84  All     Newport, WAL - Labor Club          S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 36                                          
          ON: Pogues 05/10/85
          1 CD, 44k, "Greenland Whale Fisheries" (part 2) 
05/10/85  All     Örebro, SWE - Rockmagasmet         FM:?,BCD,CD    A-/A 36                                          
          FILLER: Pogues 12/18/84
          1 CD, 44k, "Greenland Whale Fisheries" (part 1) 
10/30/88  All     Tokyo, JAP - Ariake                S:?,CD         A    70                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Far From Home, "between song edits"
06/15/89  All     Lausanne, SWI - Hot Point Festival FM:?,BCD,CD    A-/A 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Boys From The County Hell"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pogues ]


??/??/??  All     B-Zerk                             Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, “B-Zerk”, rare stuff (B-sides, Language versions) not in the box-set
??/??/78  All     The Lost BBC Studio Tapes          Sto:?,CD       A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/22/79  All     London, ENG - Polytechnic          S:?,CD         A    70                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/09/79  All     Dallas, TX - The Palladium         S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Catch the Crook"
03/23/79  All     Toronto, ONT - The Edge            S:?,CD         A    56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/04/79  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 54                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Policemen In New York"
04/07/79  Late    Boston, MA - The Paradise Theatre  FM:?,D,CD      A/A+ 70                                          
          WBCN - Boston
          1 CD, 44k, Sony R500-> Phillips CDR870
04/09/79  All     Philadelphia, PA - Walnut Street   FM:?,CD        A    54                                          
          WILK - Philadelphia
          last night of 2nd American tour, the band was ill the week before, Sting's voice still sounds rough
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 4/??/78, extra track marker in CSLY
05/04/79  2       Miami, FL - Fats Cats Club         FM:?,CD        A-/A 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/22/79  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Paradisio        FM:?,CD        A    60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, has some digi-glitches towards the end (I need a new copy)
09/27/79  All     NYC, NY - Hotel Diplomat           S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 69                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Truth Hits Everybody"
10/02/79  All     Long Island, NY - My Father's      A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "DA-30 MK11>Korg 1212>Cool Edit>CD, nice for a stealth aud..vocals hot"
10/26/79  All     Miami, FL - Gusman Theatre         FM:?,CD        A    66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "More Miami Nights", poor mix at the start (heavy on drums and bass, light on vocals
          and almost no guitar)
11/29/79  All     NYC, NY - The Palladium            FM:Cm,CD       A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/11/80  All     Hamburg, GER - Rockpalast          TV:?,BCD,CD    A/A+ 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Peanuts in Hamburg"
01/21/80  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A    59                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track, small diginoise during 'Roxanne', 6 dignoise areas in 'Can't Stand Losing
02/15/80  All     Tokyo, JAP - Sun Palace            S:?,BCD,CD     A    86                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Tokyo Decadence"
04/02/80  Partial Milan, ITA - Palalido              S:?,CD         A    40                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/06/80  All     Berlin, GER - Deutschlandhalle     FM:?,CD        A-/A 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/28/80  All     Newcastle, ENG - Newcastle City    S:?,CD         A/A+ 62                                          
          "Crimewatch", Big Music, 1992
          1 CD, 44k
08/22/80  All     Paris, FRA - Arena de Beziers      S:?,CD         A/A+ 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 8/22/81, but actually from 1980 (
10/18/80  All     Essen, GER - Gruga Halle           S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 72                                          
          Rock Night Rockpalast
          1 CD, 44k, "Don’t Stand So Close"
10/29/80  All     Portland, OR - Paramount Theatre   FM:?,CD        A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/81  All     'Ghost in the Machine' Demos       Sto:?,CD       A-/A 58                                          
          15 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
01/15/81  All     Los Angeles, CA - Sports Arena     A:?,CD         B+   72                                          
          (16 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
02/02/81  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:?,CD         A-/A n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
02/06/81  All     Utsunomiya, JAP - Bunka Kaikan     A:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
02/22/81  All     Melbourne, AUS - Festival Hall     preFM:?,CD     A    78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 3/16/81 but no such show, most likely 2/21/81 or 2/22/81; 'So Lonely' has a
          clicking noise then cuts
10/01/81  All     Boblingen, GER - Sporthalle        A:?,CD         A-   69                                          
          "Ghost In The Machine" tour
          1 CD, 44k
10/06/81  All     Russelsheim, GER - Walter Koebel   A:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          "Ghost In The Machine" tour
          1 CD, 44k
03/14/82  All     Lakeland, FL - Lakeland Civic      A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 91                                          
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
03/20/82  All     Houston, TX - The Summit           S:Rm,D,CD      A    70                                          
          w/ horn section
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 3/30/82 but no such date exists (
04/22/82  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    A:Cm,D,CD      A-   79  Nakamichi                               
          1 CD, 44k
07/31/82  All     Gateshead, ENG - International     S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          w/ U2, Lords of the New Church
          2 CD's, 44k
07/23/83  All     Chicago, IL - Comiskey Park        A:Cm,D,CD      A    102                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "analog master>DAT>CD"
08/02/83  All     Montreal, QUE - Le Spectrum        S:?,CD         A    66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like a preFM (crowd noise fades in and out with end and start or songs).  Sounds
          ?compressed? like FM.
08/10/83  All     Foxboro, MA - Foxboro Stadium      A:Cm,*,CD      A-/A 97  Nak 300> Sony D6                        
          2 CD's, 44k, "MAC>SoundForge>CD" "Nak300s>SonyD6>SoundForge>CD"
08/18/83  All     Flushing, NY - Shea Stadium        A:Cm,C,*CD     A-   85                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "MAC>CASS>SOUNDFORGE XP>CDR"
11/02/83  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             TV:?,BCD,CD    A    75                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Ask the Police", may be same as 11/3/83 (although I think there are 2 different
11/03/83  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:?,CD         A    75                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/09/83  All     Edinburgh, SC - Playhouse Theater  A:?,CD         A-/A 101                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Edinburgh II"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Police ]


10/06/73  All     Detroit, MI - Michigan Palace      A:?,BCD,CD     A-   71                                          
          partial setlist (10 tracks)
           CD, 44k, "Metallic 2xKO" "Bootleg CD of rare dbl LP of last Stooges show" - if all their shows
          were like, no wonder they quit

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Iggy Pop & the Stooges ]


12/??/92  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    59                                          
          w/ Runnin' Pardners
          1 CD, 44k, "SBDCM>CASS>DAT>CD"
07/05/98  All     Quincy, CA - High Sierra Music     S:D,CD         A/A+ 92                                          
          w/ Runnin' Pardners
          2 CD's, 44k
04/29/99  All     New Orleans, LA - Jimmy's          S:D,CD         A/A+ 212                                         
          partial setlist
          3 CD's, 44k, volume boost during track 4
05/04/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A/A+ 197                                         
          no setlist
          Fesshead Party
          3 CD's, 44k, "Live Bait"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | George Porter Jr. ]


??/??/81  All     San Francisco, CA - Unknown        FM:?,D,CD      A/A+ 7                                           
          Martin Chambers back on drums, Andy Hopson - bass, Jameson - keyboard, Adam Seymour - guitar
          1 CD, 44k, songs in setlist are much older than '81, "Can I have some of what you're on ... I'll meet
          you backstage"
02/14/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  FM:Cm,C,*,CD   A/A+ 100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "FM: Cass Master-> Cass-> Computer Editing-> CD"
03/11/00  All     Upper Darby, PA - Tower Theatre    FM:D,CD        A+   148                                         
          WXPN Philadelphia
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pretenders ]


01/04/85  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             S:?,CD         A    124                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Prince ]


02/??/91  All     Knoxville, TN - Ella Gurus         S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 42                                          
          no setlist (8 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | John Prine ]


10/16/71  All     Stockholm, SWE - Unknown           S:?,CD         A    56                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Procul Harum ]


03/05/73  All     Chalmatte, LA - St. Bernard        S:?,CD         A-/A 74                                          
          Prof Longhair set
          w/ the Meters
          1 CD, 44k
03/24/75  All     Long Beach, CA - Queen Mary        S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Live on the Queen Mary [LIVE]" (One Way Records, S21 56844), I need to check to see
          if I have Stagger Lee on this disc
10/16/75  All     Hamburg, GER - Funkhaus            S:?,CD         A/A+ 54                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, need to confirm setlist, if as thought, this is "Live in Germany [LIVE]"
??/??/76  All     New Orleans, LA - Jazz Fest        S:?,CD         A/A+ 57                                          
          (14 tracks)
          w/ the Meters
          1 CD, 44k, probably end of April or early May
??/??/77  All     Santa Cruz, CA - Unknown           S:?,BCD,CD     A    42                                          
          (11 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/78  All     Unknown City, XX - Unknown         S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
03/10/78  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 54                                          
          (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "BSBCD>CD"
03/19/78  All     Munchen, GER - Unknown             A:Rm,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          Fess: vocals, piano; Will Harvey: guitar; Andrew Kessler: Sax; George Portebus: sax; ?: drums
          1 CD, 44k
03/24/78  All     London, ENG - Unknown              S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 45                                          
          (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "London Concert [LIVE]" (Jsp Records), this is probably  "03-26-78  New London
          Theatre, Drury Lane, London, A, 46, 1cd"
12/31/78  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:Cm,?,CD      A    140                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "A little bit of hiss"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | (Henry Roeland "Roy" Byrd) Professor Longhair ]


08/15/99  All     Great Barrington, MA - Berkshire   S:D,CD         A/A+ 49                                          
          no setlist
          w/ Fuzz from DBB
          1 CD, 44k
04/06/00  All     Cambridge, MA - Middle East        S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          with Eric Krasno(Soulive guitarist)
          1 CD, 44k, 24 track dig.mixer(stage monitor feed)
05/07/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       A:D,CD         A-   183 Neumann KM140> AD1000> ZA2              
          no setlist
          w/ Medeski, W. Haynes, Fishman, Sherik, Fuzz
          3 CD's, 44k, "disc 1: AKG C3000's> DAT> ZA2> SF XPS> CD Waved> CDR, disc 2,3: Neumann KM140> V2>
          AD1000> ZA2> SF XP> DCWaved> Phillips CDR"
12/07/00  All     Chicago, IL - House Of Blues       M:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "DSBD matrix mix"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Project Logic ]


12/29/00  Most    Norfolk, VA - Norva Theater        S:D,CD         A+   68                                          
          no encore
          1 CD, 44k, "Master sbd-> xlr-> dat, fostex d5-> fostex d5, tascam da20mkii-> tascam cdrw700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Project Object ]


11/10/00  All     Charlotte, NC - Visualite          S:D,CD         A/A+ 141                                         
          just a bunch of jams/jamming
          Z is for Zambi, Jimmy Herring - guitar, Jeff Sipe - drums, Rev Wells - keyboard,
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Project Z ]


??/??/83  All     Roslyn, NY - My Father's Place     S:?,CD         A/A+ 72                                          
          partial setlist (17 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Psychedelic Furs ]


12/24/75  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:?,Blp,CD     A/A+ n/a                                         
          Freddy Mercury - vocals, piano; Brian May - guitar; John Deacon - bass; Roger Taylor - drums
          1 CD, 44k, "Merry Christmas" Great Dane Records (GDR CD 9108); you can hear some Lp static
03/29/76  All     Osaka, JAP - Osaka Music Festival  A:?,CD         A-/A 93                                          
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
03/12/79  All     London, ENG - Rainbow Theater      FM:Cm,CD       A/A+ 90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" Freddie's comment beeped before the 3rd song
04/28/82  All     Frankfurt, GER - Unknown           A:?,CD         A-   102                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Queen ]


01/13/84  All     New Orleans, LA - Dream Palace     S:Cm,*CD       A    151                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, [MCSBD> Sound Forge> CD (Noise < 32.5 DB)], disc 2: Notch @6K<15DB; MID>3.5DB@300-700;
          <10-20K by 6DB
03/03/84  All     Arabi, LA - MOMs Ball, DAV Hall    S:Cm,*CD       A/A+ 181                                         
          From a Bill Boelens tape. Missing 1st set and some of 2nd set. "Void Where Not Prohibited"
          3 CD's, 44k, Volume Reduction 3db, remove 20Hz rumble 80hz, EQ 400-800, Add air 16k, noise reduction
          62.2 db
04/12/84  All     New York, NY - Tramp's             S:Cm,*CD       A    150                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, Noise<45.9DB w/ Fast Attack, slow release & Hig Shelf @ 13K; Click & Pop Removal by 4db;
          3DB @ 60K
04/29/84  All     Fairgrounds, New Orleans, LA       S:Cm,CD        A    59                                          
          From a Bill Boelens tape. Missing 1st part of show. New Orleans Jazz And Heritage Festival.
          1 CD, 44k, "SBDMC>CDR"
07/28/84  All     Newark, DE - The Stone Balloon     S:Cm,C,C,CD    A    135                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "2nd gen cass sbd>cd"
11/02/84  All     Dream Palace, New Orleans, LA      S:Cm,*,CD      A/A+ 166                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>Onkyo deck>Kenny's cassette master>Gina card + SoundForge 5.0>.wav> SF5.0 Remastering
          [Noise Reduction @ 12k and up by 20db] and Tracking>CD Architect>3 CDRs>EAC> SoundForge 4.5 (recombine
          .wav files to achieve one audio disc per set)>CDWave (re-tracking)>SHN>CDR"; Soundboard > Kenny's cassette
          master; Onkyo deck / Cass(m) > Gina card + SoundForge 5.0 > hard drive .wav file > SF5.0 Remastering
          [Noise Reduction @ 12k and up by 20db] and Tracking > CD Architect > 3 CDRs; CDRs > Plextor PX16/10/40A +
          EAC v0.9prebeta > PC hard drive .wav files > SoundForge 4.5 recombine .wav files to achieve one audio disc
          per set > CDWave 1.6 tracking > .wav files > MKWact 0.97beta1 > .shn files.  Thanks to Kenny Samuels for
          the recording and Neil Nepsky for the excellent transfer & mastering!
11/2&3/84 are the first shows put
          into circulation as a sign of appreciation for all the fan support provided to help replace the FOH gear
          that was stolen Fall 2001.  peace, further...
11/03/84  All     New Orleans, LA - The Maple Leaf   S:Cm,*,CD      A/A+ 185                                         
          // cut and fade
# possible level drop during middle
% at the end of 11/3/84 set III you hear "we'll
          see you all Halloween night, that's this Wednesday".  When queried on this, Neil replied, "I noticed that
          as well. The only archive I know of has the same shows listed for those dates. Kenny laughed when I asked
          him. The boy's were prone to kidding around. The tapes are from Kenny's masters and that is about all I
          can go off of."
          3 CD's, 44k, "Soundboard > Kenny's cassette master; Onkyo deck / Cass(m) > Gina card + SoundForge 5.0 >
          hard drive .wav file > SF5.0 Remastering* and Tracking > CD Architect > 3 CDRs; CDRs > Plextor PX16/10/40A
          + EAC v0.9prebeta > PC hard drive .wav files > SoundForge 4.5 recombine .wav files to achieve one audio
          disc per set > CDWave 1.6 tracking > .wav files > MKWact 0.97beta1 > .shn files; * Noise Reduction 15db;
          Syntrillum Spectral Enhancement 3db;  Aroboretum Quasi Stereo Emulation 3db
  EQ 400-500 2db"
01/12/85  All     Mandeville, LA - Ruby's Rendezvous S:Cm,C,*,CD    A    172                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, " SBDMC>Cass1>CDWave>CoolEditPro(hiss reduction)>Wav>CDR>EAC>SHN>CDR; Seeded by RxR Bill
          Transfered by Bill McKee"
02/16/85  All     New Orleans, LA - MOMS Ball        S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 166                                         
          Pundits say YAYA!
          3 CD's, 44k
04/10/85  All     New York, NY - Lone Star Cafe      S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 177                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, " SBDMC>DAT>CDR (Recorded by Gudang Joe, Transfer by Frankie V.)"
05/08/85  All     New Orleans, LA - Tulane           S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 153                                         
          Senior Day
          2 CD's, 44k, "Nak 550 Sbd patch, Original master XL2 cassettes played back thru a Nak CR7A->Pan 3700
          Dat ( EQ70, no Dolby)> CDR> Exact Audio Copy V0.9 beta 4 (full secure mode, offsets set correctly)>
          Soundforge XP 4.5 (edits & track merges)> mkwACT 0.97 beta 1> .shn  (Recorded by Gudang Joe, Transfer by
          Frankie V.)"
05/25/85  All     New Orleans, LA - Dream Palace     S:Cm,C,*,CD    A-/A 174                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD:CassM> Cass1> Montego II> CDWave> CoolEdit (hiss reduction)> CDR"
06/02/85  All     St. Paul, MN - Willebski's         S:Cm,CD        A-/A 210                                         
          no setlist
          First ever all acoustic show
          3 CDC's, 44k
07/28/85  All     Stamford, CT - Private Party       S:Cm,D,*,CD    A/A+ 150                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>CM>DAT>DAT(1)>digital soundcard / SoundForge / Diamond Cut NR>CD"
10/24/85  All     Minneapolis, MN - The Cabooze      S:Cm,*,CD      A    153                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (SBD:CassM> Remastered by Neil N.> CDR)
10/24/85  All     Minneapolis, MN - The Cabooze      S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 153                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
12/21/85  All     New Orleans, LA - 601 Club         S:Cm,*CD       A    146                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
02/08/86  All     New Orleans, LA - MOMS Ball        S:Cm,C?,CD     A/A+ 172                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, high gen cassette sbd-> remaster CD; Lots of guitar amp noise, feedback throughout, noise
          reduction 40.2db, EQ all ranges
06/10/86  All     New Orleans, LA - Snug Harbor      S:Cm,*CD       A    159                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
02/28/87  All     New Orleans, LA - MOMS Ball        S:Cm,*CD       A    157                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
05/14/87  All     Minneapolis, MN - Union Bar        S:Cm,D,CD      A    183                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "sdb cass master (Sony D5) -> cloned to DAT"
02/13/88  All     New Orleans, LA - MOMS Ball        S:Cm,?,CD      A    152                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
09/11/88  All     Forest Lake, MN - Trout Air        S:D,CD         A/A+ 167                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD>DAT>CD"
01/29/89  All     Union Bar, Minneapolis, MN         S:Cm,?,CD      A/A+ 163                                         
          3 CD, 44k
02/04/89  All     M.O.M.'s Ball, Arabi, LA           S:Cm,D,*,CD    A/A+ 173                                         
          "Just say Mo." DAV Hall, Arabi, LA; MOMS Ball; Possibly something between Devil's Dream and Takes A Lot
          To Laugh. Possibly something between Tears Of A Clown and Zig Zagging Through Ghostland.
          3 CD's, 44k, "master cassette>dat>soundforge>hiss removal>cd>eac>shn; remastering by Neil Nepsky"
08/29/89  All     Washington, DC - The Bayou         S:Cm,D,CD      A    139                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "sbd cass master (Sony D5)-> Sony PCM R300-> HHb 850", fades in almost at end of "honey
          from the Bee", slight cut  last ten seconds of "Lowlife'
02/24/90  All     Arabi, LA - M.O.M.'S Ball          S:D,CD         A/A+ 193                                         
          "Eat Out More Often." Red Dress is probably end of first set. #2 is cut at very end and may be last
          song before the encore. Where does second set end and third begin? (Was this 2 or 3 sets)
          3 CD's, 44k
03/10/90  All     Elkins College, Elkins, VA         S:Cm,C,C,C     A    126                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "I finally found one of my favorite old Rads' shows from my long lost cassette collection.
          I have tried without luck since Jan '94 to find a better source.  Please let me know if you can help!
          Anyway, I transferred my 3rd gen Maxell XLII 90's to cdr via JVC TD-V621-> Tascam CDRW700-> extracted via
          EAC-> tracked using CDWave, editing using SF 4.5 (I spliced the cut in Lucinda from [cf] and boosted the
          volume of the left channel) and then burned on my Plex 8/4/32A" (Delano - Feb '03)
07/08/90  All     New Haven, CT - Toad's Place       S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 154                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "sdb cass master (Sony D5)-> Sony PCM R300-> HHb 850"
07/29/90  All     Minneapolis, MN - Riverview        S:D,CD         A/A+ 127                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, Cut at end of 'Frankie & Johnny' &  'Brown Eyed Girl'
02/09/91  All     New Orleans, LA - MOMS Ball        S:Cm,*,CD      A/A+ 186                                         
          "Slippery When Wet"; MOMs Ball; DAV Hall - Arabi, LA
          3 CD's, 44k, "* Presumably the cassette ran out. Cassettes are from Bill Boelens and are believed to be
          first gens from cassette masters.  Transfer by ericvandecar;  Nakamichi DR-3 / Maxell XL II (2x100s, no
          NR) > Apogee AD-1000 (+10 db, 16 bit, 44.1 kHz) AES/EBU out > RME Digi 96/8 Pro (XLRs) / SoundForge 4.5 >
          .wav file (per cassette side) > mkwACT > .shn files; Noise Reduction by MJurick; .shn files > mkwACT >
          .wav files > "minimal" Diamond Cut Hiss Removal (MJ special recipe) > .wav > mkwACT > .shn; Tracking by
.shn files > mkwACT > .wav files > SoundForge4.5 (trim seamlessly mend sets) > .wav file (per set)
          > CDWave tracking > .wav file (per track) > mkwACT > .shn"
07/06/91  All     Portchester, NY - Capitol Theater  S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 142                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "sdb cass master (Sony D5)-> Sony PCM R300-> HHb 850"
10/28/91  All     Minneapolis, MN - Glam Slam        S:D,CD         A/A+ 90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Rads' patch bay-> dat" patched by fan
10/31/91  All     Tipitina's, New Orleans, LA        S:D,CD         A/A+ 168                                         
          NO: s1 opener,Gummin' Your Nub-> Down On The Corner-> Haunted House,
          KS Tape. SNAFU Party.
          3 CD's, 44k
11/22/91  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A/A+ 100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Rads' patch bay-> dat" patched by fan
05/01/93  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A/A+ 178                                         
          * = w/ Joe "Cool" Davis on vocals and Tommy Malone on guitar, ** = w/ Tommy Malone on guitar
          3 Cd's, 44k
05/02/93  All     New Orleans, LA - N. O. Jazz and   S:D,CD         A/A+ 79                                          
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, Source: SBD -> SV3700 -> HHB800
10/10/93  All     Stamford, CT - Terrace Club        S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "SBD>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN" Extraction/Shorten Compression/Upload by Mike Parrillo
          ( -Enjoy!   =)
10/07/94  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A+   202                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "sbd > dat > dat > dat > sony r300@48K > za2@44.1K > sound forge/cd architect > cd master
          > cd > cd"
04/12/97  All     New York, NY - Irving Plaza        S:D,CD         A/A+ 162                                         
          Camile and Warren Haynes!
          3 CD's, 44k, "SDBD>Apogee AD1000>DAT/Clone (48khz No Emphasis No SCMS)> CDR>EAC>CDR", md5=OK, correctly
          tracked by me
10/04/97  All     Washington, DC - Mayflower Hotel   S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          Warren Haynes' Wedding Reception; ~ = w/ Gov't Mule, w/o Frank, Reggie, Dave; ^ = The Rads w/o Frank, &
          w/ an unknown drummer; # =  same, w/ Mike Barnes on guitar; % = same, w/ Jack Mascari on guitar; * = same,
          w/ Chris Anderson on guitar;
          2 CD's, 44k
02/21/98  All     Arabi, LA - MOMs Ball, DAV Hall    S:D,CD         A+   217                                         
          * with Theresa Andersson-violin, vocal and an Olatunji hand drummer<> & with Theresa Andersson-vocal<>
          ^ with Joe Cabral-sax
          3 CD's, 44k
06/05/98  All     Ft. Worth, TX - Caravan of Dreams  S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
11/21/99  All     NY, NY - Mercury Lounge            S:D,CD         A+   169                                         
          EMPIRE ZEKE III (EZ3) - acoustic
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD > sony sbm-1 > sony d8 > master dat > dat clone > sony r300@48k>za2@44.1>sound
          forge/cd architect > CD"
03/04/00  All     MOM's Ball, Mardi Gras World       S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          MOM'S Ball, "Mardi Gras World -- The Second Coming"
          3 CD's, 44k, "S:Apogee Rosetta AD (44k)> DAT> digital soundcard> PC> Sound Forge> CD Architect> CDR",
          Heatgen Vine, labels may be found at or
04/15/00  All     Falls Church, VA - State Theater   S:D,CD         A/A+ 202                                         
          Encore w/ Derek Hoston from the Iguanas on Tenor Sax
          3 CD's, 44k
04/22/00  AcousticStillwater, MN - Glen Oaks         S:D,CD         A+   188 sbd>hhb pro>coax d7                     
          Todd & Pam Baker's Wedding
          3 CD's, 44k, "sbd>hhb pro>coax d7>za2>soundforge/cd architect>cd's"
05/04/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A/A+ 211                                         
          SNAFU 2000
          3 CD's, 44k
05/05/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's Ruins S:D,CD         A/A+ 131                                         
          *= w/Merl Saunders. Merl Saunders opened
          2 CD's, 44k
05/07/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds      S:D,CD         A/A+ 72                                          
          New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival 5:45p.m.
          1 CD, 44k
12/30/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Great          S:D,CD         A+   157                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
05/03/01  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's       S:D,CD         A+   166                                         
          Snafu Party "Fu Revolution"
          3 CD's, 44k
05/06/01  All     New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds      S:D,CD         A+   80                                          
          Rockin as the sun goes down on the last day of the Fest, last set of the day
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Radiators ]


08/29/70  All     Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia    S:?,CD         A/A+ 71                                          
          no setlist
          FILLER: Raitt 8/28/71, 8/29/72
          1 CD, 44k
03/27/71  All     Syracuse, NY - Jabberwocky's       preFM:BCD,CD   A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "I Ain’t Blue, I'm Just Lonesome", Triangle Records PYCD 052 (AAD)
08/28/71  All     Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia    S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          ON: 8-29-70 Cd, FILLER: 8/29/72
          1 CD, 44k
02/22/72  All     Philadelphia, PA - Rainbow Room    preFM:Rm,D     A+   59                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/17/72  All     Long Island, NY - Ultra Sonic      FM:?,CD        A-/A 46                                          
          w/ Lowell George & Friends
          1 CD, 44k, WLIR broadcast
04/07/73  All     Washington, D.C. - Mcdonough Gym   S:?,CD         A-/A 74                                          
          no setlist
          w/ Little Feat members & "Big Boy" Arthur Crudup
          1 CD, 44k, intro sounds muffled, some hiss, rec'd as 4/7/77
05/27/73  All     Bearsville, NY - Bearsville Sound  S:?,CD         A    59                                          
          both Bonnie Raitt and Butterfield sets on this disc
          1 CD, 44k
12/09/73  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   preFM:?,CD     A    56                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, some slight hiss
06/20/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  A:D,CD         A    110 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, had to hold T-bar in my hand; taped from first row balcony left side (seat AA 39)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bonnie Raitt ]


06/27/01  All     NYC, NY - Bowery Ballroom          Af:D,CD        A-/A 80  B&K4022> Sonosax SXM2> AD2K> HHB1Pro    
          w/ North Miss Allstarts, John Medeski
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert Randolph ]


05/05/00  All     Atlanta, GA - Midtown Music        S:D,CD         A    120                                         
          : *-Wasserman continued to play while Bobby fought with his acoustic guitar and the sound guys until
          finally giving up and going to the electric. Sound problems plagued the band the whole night, and Mark
          Karan sat out the greater part of "Playin" because of it; +-just Weir and Wasserman; entire show with a
          2 CD's, 44k, (CSC's w/ bass roll-off filter), Bass-> Desolation, (DSBD), Playin-> JB Goode
05/27/00  All     Philadelphia, PA - Jam On The      S:D,CD         A/A+ 91                                          
          *Acoustic Bob & Rob
          2 CD's, 44k
06/02/00  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  Af:D,CD        A/A+ 113 B&K 4022 (in hat)> Lunatec V2> AD1000>  
          2 CD's, 44k,  taped from "Row J seat 10", first 2 minutes of Jam into Shakedown missing, [DA20mkii->
          Phillips CDR870]
10/22/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:D,CD         A+   116                                         
          First "Greatest Story"
          *-just Bob n Rob; +-Bob, Rob, and Mark; Bobby acoustic for "Festival" thru "Bury Me Standing"
          2 CD's, 44k
10/23/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:D,CD         A+   97                                          
          First "Dear Prudence"
          *-Bob n Rob; +-Instrumental
          2 CD's, 44k
11/07/00  All     Indianapolis, IN - Murat Theatre   S:D,CD         A+   115                                         
          First " Deep Elem Blues". * dedicated to Al Gore. Opener: The Persuasions
          2 CD's, 44k, disc 2 cuts into Watchtower
04/01/01  All     Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle           S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
04/06/01  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          3 CD's, 44k
04/08/01  All     Columbia, SC - Three Rivers        S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/10/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  A:D,CD         A-/A n/a MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          3 CD's, 44k
04/14/01  All     Royal Oak, MI - Royal Oak Music    S:D,CD         A/A+ 201                                         
          Bob acoustic last part of "Dark Star" thru "LL Rain"
          3 CD's, 44k, diginoise at about 2:00 in track1
04/21/01  All     Boise, ID - Big Easy               S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/24/01  All     Seattle, WA - The Showbox          S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
04/26/01  All     Portland, OR - Roseland Theater    S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
05/04/01  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:D,CD         A/A+ 196                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
06/03/01  All     Santa Cruz, CA - Palookaville      S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
09/03/01  All     Boise, ID - Sandy Point Beach at   S:D,CD         A/A+ 113                                         
          * with Karl Denson and Andy Cleaves; + Bob, Rob, Mark, and Jay acoustic; #-Bob, Rob, Mark, and Jay
          acoustic then full band; %-w/ Karl Denson, A.J. Santella, and Rusted Root on percussion; ^-w/ DJ Logic and
          Rusted Root on percussion, then just Logic, Rob, and Jay; Kenny's 100th show Bob sat in for DJ Logic's
          opening set and the first half of KDTU's set; Rob sat in for Logic's post-KDTU set; MK sat in for
          "Ecstacy" with Rusted Root. Originally scheduled for Elkhorn Resort Amphitheater in Boise.
          2 CD's, 44k
09/21/01  All     Memphis, TN - New Daisy Theater    Af:D,CD        A-/A 179 Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2>              
          * with Herman Green
          3 CD's, 44k
09/25/01  All     Winston Salem, NC - Ziggy's        S:D,CD         A+   170                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700)
09/29/01  All     Worcester, MA - Palladium          S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
10/04/01  All     Hampton Beach, NH - Hampton Beach  S:CD,D,CD      U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
10/05/01  All     Geneva, NY - Smith Opera House     S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
10/06/01  All     Toledo, OH - Stranahan Theater     S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
12/30/01  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      A:D,CD         A-/A 120 B&K 4011 > V2 > AD2K+(NS3) > DA-P1      
          Opened For: Phil Lesh & Friends
          Whole show with DJ Logic besides "Blackbird" thru "Corrina". *-with Willie Waldman
          2 CD's, 44k, from tapers section, taped by Steve Gilbert, tapers section B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Sonic
          AD2K+(NS3) > Tascam DA-P1

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ratdog ]


12/22/98  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       S:D,CD         A+   70                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/02/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Maple Leaf       A:D,CD         A-   73  marc sound                              
          no setlist
          last set
          1 CD, 44k, taped by Kevin "(stood about twenty feet from the stage dead center), the problem being the
          audience hooting and holloring"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rebirth Brass Band ]


07/??/65  All     Unknown City, XX - Unknown         S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like a festival from the crowd
04/10/66  Early   San Francisco, CA -                S:?,CD         A-   42                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/10/66  Late    San Francisco, CA -                S:?,CD         A-   43                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
06/04/67  All     Stockholm, SWE - Unknown           S:?,CD         A-/A 45                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Otis Redding ]


05/14/74  All     Stockholm, SWE - Unknown           S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 42                                          
          1 CD, 44k, “Waiting For Lou”
04/26/78  All     Cleveland, OH - Cleveland Music    S:?,CD         A    56                                          
          no setlist (9 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
10/02/84  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A/A+ 64                                          
          no setlist (15 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
04/24/00  All     Dusseldorf, GER - Philipshalle     S:D,CD         A/A+ 137                                         
          TV Broadcasting, "Rockpalast", WDR Fernsehen
          2 CD's, 44k, "DUSSELDORF 2000"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Lou Reed ]


05/12/81  All     Athens, GA - Tyrone's O.C.         S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, missing some track markers
04/24/82  All     Madison, WI - Merlyn's Club        S:?,BCD,CD     A    69                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Carnival of Sorts"
08/24/82  All     San Francisco, CA - The Old        S:?,CD         A/A+ 43                                          
          1 CD, 44k, missing some track markers
06/09/84  All     Passaic, NJ - Capital Theater      S:?,BCD,CD     A    62                                          
          Performance for 'Rock Influences: Folk Rock' on MTV. According to the REM timeline, this show is
          missing the encore of So You Want To Be A Rock and Roll Star, Do You Believe In Magic, and Gloria which
          were not broadcast.
          1 CD, 44k, Source:bootleg CD, Conversion:  CDR-(EAC)->WAV-(MKW)->SHN, md5=OK, slight FM static
07/07/84  All     Chicago, IL - Aragon Ballroom      S:?,BCD,CD     A    71                                          
          1CD, 44k, "Ballroom Dancing"
09/14/87  All     Utrecht, Holland - Muziekcentrum   S:?,BCD,CD     A    99                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Red Rain" CD->WAV(via EAC)->SHN(via MKW)
11/03/87  All     Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum A:Cm,CD,D,CD   A-/A 90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, (Sony R500 (44k)-> Tascam 700CDR)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | REM ]


09/29/81  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          Bruce Hall - bass, Neil Doughty - keys, Andy Granger - drums, Gary Richrath - guitar, Kevin Cronin -
          vox & guitar
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/83  All     King Biscuit '83                   preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 52                                          
          King Biscuit Flower Hour
          1 CD, 44k, missing some of the tracks

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | REO Speedwagon ]


08/09/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A/A+ 84                                          
          no setlist
          (Corea, Clarke, DiMeola, White)
          2 CD's, 44k, "bass solo is recorded a little low", digi-spot at 0:32,
11/22/75  All     Hempstead, NY - Ultra Sonic        FM:?,CD        A/A+ 79                                          
          no setlist (7 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Return To Forever ]


06/01/00  All                                        S:D,CD         A    123                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tim Reynolds ]


03/13/71  Most    Leeds, Yorkshire - University      S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          NO: Jumpin' Jack Flash, Live With Me,
          Bootlegs: Charlie Watts Live At Leeds, First Decade, Get Your Leeds Lungs Out, Get Your Leeds Lungs
          Out: Revisited, Hot Stuff Vol. 1, Leed Stones: The Flamin' Groupie, Live In Leeds 1971, Let It Bleeze,
          Live In Leeds 1971, The Live Album, Rare Little Rock 'N Rollers, Rockstars In Concert, Schoolboy Blues
          Vol. 1, Sonic Barbeque
          1 CD, 44k, "Leed Guitars...T.V. Stars"   (label: Turd on the Run), this is the "Leeds Lungs
          Revisited" 20 BIT remaster version, the classic Leeds show plus three bonus tracks: "I Got the Blues" and
          "Bitch" from  BBC TV, Marquee Club, UK, 3-26-71.  "Bitch" from BBC TV, Marquee Club, UK, and "Dead
          Flowers," a studio outtake.
1972      All     Unreleased Decca Live Album        S:?,CD         A-/A 71                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
06/24/72  All     Ft. Worth, TX - Tarrant County     S:?,*,CD       A-/A 73                                          
          NO: Happy, All Down The Line,
          Bootlegs: Ain't No Angel On Mainstreet, Dragon Slayers, Dragon Slayers Pt. 2, Love In Vain, Mick Taylor
          We Miss You, Mick Taylor We Miss You 1972, Sweet Black Angel
          1 CD, 44k, (label: Coast2Coast), "remastered: played back from a Tascam DA30 into a BBE 822A sonic
          maximizer. processed with an aphex dominator 11, recorded digitally onto a samplitude equipped DAW; noise
          and hiss reduction also performed"
07/24/72  All     New York, NY - Madison Square      S:?,CD         A-   59                                          
          Bootlegs: M.S.G. 72
          1 CD, 44k, "Happy Birthday Mick" weak board mix
??/??/73  Mix     King Biscuit Flour Hour            S:?,CD         A    60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, I am told this is a mix of 1973 shows
01/18/73  All     Inglewood, CA - Great Western LA   S:D            U    n/a                                         
          Benefit concert for the victims of the Nicaraguan earthquake, Bootlegs: All You Can Eat, Nicaraguan
          Benefit Concert, Winter Tour, Winter Tour 1973 - All Meat Music, Listen To This Ronnie-Mick Taylor
          2 CD's, 44k, "Nicaraguan Benefit Show", w/ art jpg
02/24/73  All     Perth, Australia - Western         S:?,CD         A-/A 68                                          
          Bootlegs: Exiles Afternoon, Live In Perth, Australia, The Party Down Under, Happy Birthday Nicky, Rocks
          1 CD, 44k
02/24/73  Both    Perth, Australia - Western         S:?,CD         A    141                                         
          Bootlegs: Exiles Afternoon, Live In Perth, Australia, The Party Down Under, Happy Birthday Nicky, Rocks
          2 CD's, 44k, afternoon show: "Exile Afternoon", evening show: "Rocks Off (TSP)"
05/22/76  All     London, ENG - Earls Court Arena    S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          Bootlegs: Liver Than You'll Ever Be II (Earls Court `76), Earl's Court 1976, Hot Stuff - Black & Blue
          Tour 1976, Live In London 1976, London 1976, Sexual Healing
          1 CD, 44k, "Order In The Court", w/ art jpg
11/10/81  All     Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic      S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          Bootlegs: Hartford Heartthrob, Rolling Stones
          2 CD's, 44k, “King Of Drugs", w/ art jpg
12/14/81  All     Kansas City, MO - Kemper Arena     S:?,CD         A    137                                         
          w/ Mick Taylor
          2 CD's, 44k, "Mick Taylor, We Love You and We'll Always Do" (part 1), w/ art jpg
12/15/81  All     Kansas City, MO - Kemper Arena     S:?,CD         A    145                                         
          Bootlegs: Five Is Not Enouth, Kansas City `81, Together At Last, Well...Come Back My Sweetheart!!, Did
          We Meet Somewhere Before?
          2 CD's, 44k, "Mick Taylor, We Love You and We'll Always Do" (part 2), w/ art jpg

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rolling Stones ]


09/29/77  All     Universal City, CA - Universal     A:?,CD         A-/A 80                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Star Spangled Banner" (I think this may be 20 seconds too long to fit on 80m cdr)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Linda Rondstadt ]


08/26/74  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,*,CD      A/A+ 72                                          
          "Rush Tour"
          1 CD, 44k, "New in Town: Platinum Edition"  "WMMS radio in Cleveland re-broadcast the first two
          Rush shows from the Agora Theater in Cleveland.  Newly remastered these shows sound fantastic." (labels:

08/26/74  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      PreFM:Rm,CD    A+   59                                          
          "Rush Tour"
          1 CD, 44k, "The Fifth Order of Angels”, (Sirius Records SIR 0490) "This pre-FM source has no
          commercials or voice-overs and is superior to all other versions of this show.  No EQ or other processing
          was used on this source." (08/02)
08/26/74  Most    Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A/A+ 64                                          
          "Rush Tour"
          Neil Peart joined Rush 8/14/74
          1 CD, 44k, Nov. 2000 Broadcast from WMMS, Cleveland
12/05/74  All     NYC, NY - Electric Ladyland        FM:?,*,CD      A/A+ 71                                          
          "Rush Tour"
          1 CD, 44k, "By Tor 74", Tracks 1-9 (12-05-74) - Electric Lady Studios, New York, New York, Track
          10 (08-26-74) - Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio, Track 11 - From Rush's first Single -- A-side, Track
          12-13 (03-15-85) - Hollywood Sportatorium, Hollywood, Florida; "This bootleg is like "Live from Electric
          Ladyland Studios '74" in that it was recorded at the same place and contains many of the same songs. The
          similarities end right there. This bootleg sounds much better that "LFELS74" because it is from a
          different source and has just been recently digitally remastered. "
12/16/74  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,*,CD      A/A+ 69                                          
          "Rush Tour"
          WMMS-FM 100.7
          1 CD, 44k, "Here Again at the Agora: Platinum Edition"
12/16/74  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A+   53                                          
          "Rush Tour"
          1 CD, 44k, "Finding Prime”, (Sirius Records SIR 0500) "This pre-FM source has no commercials or
          voice-overs and is superior to all other versions of this show.  No EQ or other processing was used on
          this source." (08/02)
12/16/74  Most    Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A/A+ 52                                          
          "Rush Tour"
          the first 'Fly By Night'
          1 CD, 44k, Nov. 2000 Broadcast from WMMS, Cleveland
05/15/75  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 51                                          
          "Fly By Night Tour"
          44k; 1CD; "Juvenile Delinquents"
05/15/75  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      S:?,CD         A-/A 62                                          
          "Fly By Night Tour"
          1 CD, 44k, "Can't Fight It" (Gypsy Eye) "I'd say it's definitely a soundboard recording.  It has
          that clean sound, vocals sound a bit "close" and the audience is muted during the music. It appears to be
          the whole show, but is edited between songs, which is confusing since there are only about 61minutes of
          recording on this CD.  There are no missing parts of the music and several between song remarks are
          intact, so the editing might be only to remove boring crowd noise stretches.  There are several
          interesting things about this cd: There's an extended, although short, intro to "Doing".  The lead guitar
          break in Working is extended and significantly different from other shows from this era.  Overall, a very
          aggressive sound made more so by the slightly distorted/bright sound here.  The bass is very pronounced.
          FBN is the whole song, not the FBN/Mood medley.  Geddy sings along with the guitar solo in "End".  I can
          only think of minor complaints: "Mood" has a noticeable, but not terrible, discontinuity.  There's
          static/hiss most noticeable between songs and during the quiet parts, but it's not too bothersome.   The
          lead guitar is bit soft and the vocals are a bit loud, but you can hear everything so clearly it's not
          distracting.  At the end tacked on Not Fade Away/Can't Fight It.  The performance itself is very energetic
          and aggressive.  Overall, I'd say it's EX- ("-" only due to the hiss).  Some would say EX."
05/15/75  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      S:?,C,LP,CD    A-/A 56                                          
          "Fly By Night Tour"
          1 CD, 44k "Bad Boys in Cleveland" (GKR / Digital Reproductions 51575) "This is taken directly
          from a near mint condition LP (special thanks to the Grande Kielbasa for the source).  The sound is a lot
          brighter and has much more depth.  Not to mention it is from a much lower generation source.  If you are a
          fan of early Rush, then you will like to have this recording.  Part of the WMMS Concert Series." - has
          some static of some sort (LABELS ARE HERE:

06/25/75  All     Toronto, ONT - Massey Hall         A:?,CD         B+   67                                          
          "Fly By Night Tour"
          Track 12 from Rush's first single b-side
          1 CD, 44k, "Live Anthem 1975" (Gypsy Eye GE-085)
05/30/76  All     Springfield, IL - Nelson Center    FM:?,CD        B+   75                                          
          "2112 Tour"
          1 CD, 44k "We Are The Priests" (
          "Now here is a rarity, the only known performance from the 2112 tour.  All the other 2112 performances are
          actually from the "All the World's a Stage" tour.  Another rarity about this performance is that it is
          actually a soundboard FM broadcast!  You can tell form the brief bit of radio chatter in between a song
          that really sounds like an air traffic control booth.  It is actually some trucker using the same
          frequency as the band, you can here the "1-niner" and "10-40" pretty clearly!  It is quite funny and
          occurs between "Something for Nothing" and "By-Tor and the Snow Dog".  It seems to be very hot in the
          venue as Geddy complains numerous times about the heat.  Geddy also introduces "Working Man" as "Tuning
          Man" as Alex is having difficulty staying in tune.  The recording has seen some aging from tape
          circulation, but all the instruments are audible and separate.  The mix of the source was a bit
          compressed, as were many of the recordings of that era.  The recording lacks top end in the cymbals, but
          other than that it is very listenable and sounds great when really blasted!  You've got to play this one
          loud to really enjoy it.  I would recommend this recording given the rarity of the show and the quality of
          the recording.  Not to mention the truckers make it a very bizarre recording indeed!  In the remixing and
          remastering of this recording I fixed numerous volume fluxuations, drop outs, and gaps.  I can easily say
          this is the best source I've found available for this show and a lot more listenable than other tapes I've
10/25/76  Most    Seattle, WA - Paramount Northwest  S:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          "All The World's A Stage Tour"
          1 CD, 44k, “By-Tor’s Battle” (Digital Reproductions, DR-32576), "Unfortunately this isn't the
          complete show, the infamous jam is missing. But what is here sounds great. There is some distortion in
          Geddy's vocals during certain sections, my guess is that the original tape levels were set too hot."
          (Digital Rush site)
11/27/76  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     A:?,CD         B+   42                                          
          "All The World's A Stage Tour"
          Rush opened for Ted Nugent
          1 CD, 44k, "Tear the Temples Down" (Digital Reproductions DR 12876-5)
11/28/76  All     Fresno, CA - Selland Arena         A:Cm,CD        A-   51                                          
          "All The World's A Stage Tour"
          1 CD, 44k, "The Work of Gifted Hands: Platinum Edition" (label:

12/10/77  All     Hollywood, FL - Sportauditorium    A:Cm,C,CD      A-   91                                          
          "A Farewell To Kings (Drive Till You Die) Tour"
          2 CD's, 44k, "Canadian Bacon: Platinum Edition" "The Platinum Edition is sourced from a 1st gen
          tape off of the original master. Unfortunately the original master tape was also missing Cinderella Man,
          apparently the taper did not tape the encore that evening. Bummer. So this is as good as it is going to
          get, since the master tape can no longer be located. That being said, this show is surprisingly clear and
          detailed. It's still a little distant, but everybody is loud and clear with great definition. There is
          really no hiss to speak of and just a little warble every now and then. Since it is so hard to get a top
          notch show from this tour (I'm happy for the bonus cd in Different Stages), this show should be a
          fantastic addition to any fan of early Rush." (Labels are here:

02/20/78  Most    London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 63                                          
          "A Farewell To Kings (Drive Till You Die) Tour"
          Tyla Gang opened
          1 CD, 44k, announcer introduces Rush to London
05/10/78  All     Niagara Falls, NY - Niagara Falls  A:?,CD         B+   95                                          
          The Archives Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Niagara Falls" (Digital Reproductions  DR 51078)
11/04/78  All     Vancouver, BC - P.N.E. Coliseum    A:Cm,CD        A-/A 117                                         
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k, "Waltz of the Shreves" (Digital Reproductions DR 10478) "now we have the full show
          straight from the original master tapes. And let me tell you, these AudioMagnetics XHE 60 min tapes are
          really old looking. First off, for those of you that tend not to read the reviews and then ask questions
          answered in the reviews, there is a small cut in the dream sequence of Hemispheres and a verse is cut from
          2112: Temples of Syrinx. There was also some bumping of the mic that sounded just like a record "popping",
          almost all of those were removed except those that were deemed detrimental to the show. "
11/04/78  Partial Vancouver, BC - P.N.E. Coliseum    A:?,BCD,*CD    A-   70                                          
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          1 CD, 44k, "Rocinante: Remastered Edition" (Digital Reproductions), "The Digital Dan: I
          remastered this show a while back and seeing as I've traded many copies of it, I feel it is only right to
          list it in the DRE.  The original Syrinx production had a few glaring problems.  It was not recording in
          DAO mode and therefor had those annoying 2 sec gaps between what few tracks were on the recording.  Many
          of the songs were grouped together into one track, presumably to lessen the number of 2sec gaps.  I then
          made each song its own separate track so that it is correctly indexed now.  The really time consuming part
          was fixing all the digital noise in some of the songs.  It took the better part of a week, I removed the
          digital noise (the same noise that a bad DAT tape will give you when you play it) by copying the
          unaffected channel over the effected channel.  The overall effect is some short "mono" sections during
          this stereo recording.  That is surely better than the digital noise piercing your ears!  Lastly I removed
          numberous cuts in the audio during the drum solo and performed some sonic adjustments to improve the sound
          of the recording." (
11/15/78  All     Fresno, CA - Warnor's Theater      A:Cm,C,CD      B+   119                                         
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k, "Looking Down From Olympus" (Sirius Records SIR0160/0161) "Limited to 30 copies
          with original high-quality cover artwork and disc labels.  Available only by trade.   Sourced from a
          1st-generation tape.   The encore is missing from the original master, so the corresponding tracks from
          "Rocinante" have been used to fill in the missing pieces."
11/20/78  All     Tucson, AZ - Tucson Community      S:Rm,C,BCD     A    140                                         
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k, "A Desert Passage: Platinum Edition;" The Digital Dan: This is the even fuller
          soundboard from the infamous Tucson show. This show is actually an amalgamation of several sources using
          the best source for the overall show and filling in any problems or adding extra material from other
          sources. Many of the bootlegs from this period have captured the part where Neil is warming up on the
          drums while music is playing over the PA. For the first time that I am aware of, we get to hear the actual
          song that is played before the band takes the stage. It's rather interesting music to start off a Rush
          show with to say the least. The sound changes right before the line "With our people left..." through the
          section right after "My ship Rocinate..." line in Hemispheres, and then sound changes back to normal. That
          was present in all four sources I had for this show. The section of Hemispheres that was cut (Dream
          Sequence) was filled in from the same section of the Detroit '78 soundboard. Being only 13 days apart, the
          performance was virtually identical and the sound close enough to make a fairly seamless transition. If
          you are a purist and this bothers you greatly, I would suggest going with "Every Soul's a Battlefield"
          which is another fine production of the full soundboard with almost no treatments to the raw source. But
          if you are a semi-purist, you'll be happy to know that no noise reduction was used on this production. At
          the end of the show, two bonus tracks were included, "Something for Nothing" and "Cygnus X-1". Both
          originally appeared with the Frankfurt '79 source, but became apparent than these two tracks do not belong
          to any of the known soundboards from this era. Therefore they are a kind of "mystery" as to where they
          come from." (
11/20/78  All     Tucson, AZ - Tucson Community      S:Rm,C,BCD     A/A+ 122                                         
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k, "Every Soul a Battlefield”, (JKR Productions JKR001)  "It's finally here! The
          complete soundboard recording of the Tucson '78 show! The version has been digitally remastered from the
          BEST source that we could find. It's taken from an extremely low gen source-better than the ones that
          claim to be 1st gens!!!" (08/02)
12/02/78  All     Detroit, MI - COBO Arena           S:?,CD         A    121                                         
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k, "Buenos Nochas! Motor City"
05/22/79  All     Oslo, NOR - Chateau Neuf           A:Cm,BCD       A-   88                                          
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k, "A Passage to Oslo: Platinum Edition", "Digital Reproductions  DR 52479, Audience
          (master)" "The Digital Dan: Another great show from the latter part of the Hemispheres show. This audience
          source was taken from the master cassette and it is almost impossible to tell this is an audience source!
          It is absolutely crystal clear, better sounding than some of the Rush soundboards out there. The source is
          clear enough that you can hear the buzz from the amplifiers during the song breaks. For a 22 year old
          source, this is nothing short of a miracle. The sound is actually a bit better than Work of Gifted Hands -
          Platinum Edition. The boys play with an incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm this night displaying
          that rare and elusive balance between pure raw power and expert musicianship. Geddy is definitely having
          fun tonight as often reciprocates the fans cheering. While there are some great soundboards from this
          tour, none have quite the energy and raw excitement of the Oslo show. This is one of those "must have"
          shows, get your hands on a copy of this one and you will not be disappointed"
05/22/79  All     Oslo, NOR - Chateau Neuf           A:?,D,CD       B+   74                                          
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          1 CD, 44k, "Hemispheres Performance"
05/28/79  All     Offenbach, GER - Stadthalle        S:Cm,C,CD      A/A+ 117                                         
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k, "Black Forest" (Digital Reproductions  DR 52879) "Taken from a newly obtained
          source and remastered for the best sound possible for this source.  A long hoarded recording that has
          taken many years to get out into the common trading circles.  It had been long rumored that the show
          existed, but no one would trade it unless you complete an obstacle course to get it.  Well the friends of
          Digital Reproductions came through again and acquired this magnificent source for every Rush fan to savor.
          This show is the soundboard and not a broadcast performance as there are no DJ interruptions whatsoever.
          And unlike the Tucson show, we finally have both a full show and an uncut version of Cygnus!  Well this
          sounds better than any currently produced commercial version of the Tucson '78 show save (A Desert
          Passage) and a bit better than Buenos Nochas! Motor City.  The source is extremely low gen, 1st gen for
          the majority of the show and 2nd gen for the Drum Solo.  Everything is crystal clear with very little tape
          hiss to be heard anywhere in the recording.  It is great to hear a fully uncut version of Cygnus X-1 and
          Hemispheres.  The boys sound great on this night, Geddy is hitting the high notes with Neil putting down a
          firm foundation for Alex's searing solo's.  The bass is really pronounced as is the high end, if not a bit
          bright. If you are a die hard Rush fan, you cannot be without this show. There is of course controversy
          with the setlist as some believe that it is incorrect. I have about 99% confidence now that the show never
          had SfN and CX1 even though sources very close to the band said that those songs were played that night.
          If you prefer the SfN and CX1 not being part of the setlist, simply extract all the audio tracks to your
          hard drive, delete the two tracks in question and re-burn the cdr.  The tracks will line up correctly and
          sound just like a continuous concert. The artworks for both versions of the show are located in the
          archives making the decision completely up to the individual." (Labels are here:

05/28/79  All     Frankfurt, GER - Festhalle         S:?,CD         A    118                                         
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          2 CD's, 44k
06/04/79  All     Geleen, HOLL - Pink Pop Festival   S:?,CD         A    66                                          
          "Tour of the Hemispheres"
          1 CD, 44k, "Praying for the Light" (label:

02/11/80  Mix     St. Louis, MO - Kiel Auditorium    PreFM:LP,CD    A/A+ 73                                          
          "Permanent Waves tour"
          1 CD, 44k,  "St. Louis '80: Remaster Edition" actually a mix of  02-11/12/13-80,"Another great
          release from the GKP. This is sourced from a direct A/D transfer of the original 4LP record set provided
          to the radio stations for the broadcast which we all know."
09/30/80  Most    Allentown, PA - Allentown          S:?,CD         A    84                                          
          Pre MOVING PICTURES Tour
          missing: the end of 'Natural Science' thru the end of the show (NO: Working Man (abbreviated, reggae
          version), Finding My Way (abbreviated), Anthem (abbreviated), Bastille Day (abbreviated)) In the Mood
          (abbreviated) >, Drum Solo
          2 CD's, 44k
03/??/81  All     Canada                             S:?,CD         A    80                                          
          Moving Pictures Tour
          1 CD, 44k, "Canada '81: 20TH Anniversary Edition," "GKP 2001-1" "The Digital Dan: Once again,
          fine work by the big sausage himself. Though this show is comprised of several sources, it is very well
          mixed to keep the various sources as similar sounding as is reasonable to expect. The transitions between
          songs from different sources is done very professionally. All in all, this is one of the best ways to
          listen to the MP tour. I'd recommend this to anyone that already has the official releases and is looking
          for something a little more "fullfilling"." (
03/01/81  All     Chicago, IL - International        A:?,BCD,CD     A-   119                                         
          Moving Pictures Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Exit...  Stage Right" "Moose Records 0498-03/4,
03/27/81  Partial Montreal, QUE - The Forum          S:FM:?,CD      A    53                                          
          Moving Pictures Tour
          Max Webster opened
          1CD, 44k, "Red Stars of the Solar Federation";  w/ interviews overlaid between some songs;
          "Supergroups Presents" Radio Show; mixed order
04/04/81  All     Phoenix, AZ - Veterans Memorial    A:Cm,CD        A-/A 118                                         
          Moving Pictures Tour
          2 CD's, 44k
04/12/81  All     Fort Worth, TX - Tarrant County    A:Cm,C,CD      A-   122                                         
          Moving Pictures Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "For what its Worth-Platinum Edition" (Digital Reproductions  DR 41281-5)
06/16/81  All     Anaheim, CA - Convention Center    A:Rm,C,CD      A-   121                                         
          Moving Pictures Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Anaheim CA 6-16-81: The Definitive Edition" "This verion was remastered from 1st
          generation metal tapes that came from the reel to reel master tapes. It is the best version of this show
          to surface. Unless someone can unearth the masters, this is it!! Enjoy!!!" (label:

11/02/81  All     Brighton, ENG - Conference Centre  A:Cm,C,CD      A-   117                                         
          Exit... Stage Left Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Freewill and a Broken String",
12/20/81  All     Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic      A:?,CD         A-   115                                         
          Exit... Stage Left Tour
          44k; 2 CD's;"Hartford '81" sound gets slightly better throughout show (B to A-)
12/09/82  All     Uniondale, NY - Nassau Coliseum    A:Cm,C,D,CD    A-   116                                         
          Signals Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Music in the Abstract" "The source for this show is a DAT dub from a 1st
          generation cassette. The quality is about a VG++ but a lot of people would most likely rate it as EX-. The
          sound quality is right up there with Signals From London Remastered. There is a little tape hiss as no
          noise reduction was used." (label:
05/21/83  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        A:Cm,C,CD      A    108                                         
          Signals Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Music of the Spheres”, "This release is a worthwhile upgrade to "Signals From
          London" and "SFL Remastered". "
05/21/83  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        A:?,CD         A-   147                                         
          Signals Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Signals from London: Remastered Edition" "Scarred Records" The original Signals
          From London ran approximately 4.5% too fast. This bootleg corrects that problem.
05/21/83  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        A:?,CD         A    142                                         
          Signals Tour
          2 CD's, 44k
09/18/83  All     NYC, NY - Radio City Music Hall    A:Cm,C,D,*CD   B+   121                                         
          Pre-Grace Under Pressure tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Countdown: Platinum Edition" "A newly updated source taken from a complete first
          gen source tape. The previous version was missing several songs and was plagued by tape eats and large
          cuts. By far this is the definitive version of the show. The source was remarkably clean and very little
          tape hiss can be heard anywhere."
09/22/83  All     NYC, NY - Radio City Music Hall    A:?,D,CD       A-   112                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700
05/12/84  All     Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center    A:?,CD         A-   101                                         
          "Grace Under Pressure" Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Spinning Wheels"
06/25/84  All     Milwaukee, WI - The MECCA          A:?,CD         A-/A 142                                         
          "Grace Under Pressure" Tour
          ^ = 09-17-84, % = 09-21-83, ~ = 12-01-77
          2 CD's, 44k, “Experience to Extremes” (Prism Records PR-0897)
09/21/84  Partial Toronto, ONT - Maple Leaf Garden   S:LD,CD        A/A+ 61                                          
          "Grace Under Pressure" Tour; 2nd of 3-night stand
          Red Rider opened
          44k; 1 CD, "Fear"; (C199805), considered the best source for the show since it was taken from
          the official release laser disc.  The Rush website suggests that some portion may be from 03-27-81
09/21/84  Partial Toronto, ONT - Maple Leaf Garden   S:?,CD         A/A+ 51                                          
          "Grace Under Pressure" Tour
          1 CD, 44k, “Rush Hour 84”, (Spotlight  SL-CD 009)
09/27/84  All     Landover, MD - Capitol Centre      S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          "Grace Under Pressure" Tour
          44k, 1CD, "Tip of the Iceberg"
09/27/84  All     Landover, MD - Capitol Centre      S:Cm,C,CD      A    80                                          
          "Grace Under Pressure" Tour
          1 CD, 44k, "Cool Under Fire" (Digital Reproductions  DR 92784-9) "A show made famous by the Tip
          of the Iceberg bootleg. This is taken from a 1st gen source. The mix is a bit better because of the lower
          gen source. There are still a few minor rough parts in the first two songs and the intro to the Weapon has
          some static, but it doesn't affect the rest of the song. The title, incidentally is a play on the phrase
          "Grace Under Pressure". Once again, many thanks to Rubicon for bringing this particular source out and
          allowing us to spread this recording to other diehard Rush fanatics." (Labels here:

03/24/86  All     Milwaukee, WI - The MECCA          A:Cm,C,CD      A    114 Aiwa CM30-A> Sony D6                    
          "Power Windows" Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Mid-American Dreams – Platinum Edition (Digitally Mastered)", Digital
          Reproductions DR 32486, Source Info: MC > 1st Gen > DAT > CDR. Equipment: Sony WMD6-C, modified Aiwa
          CM30-A mic and Maxell MX C-90's, info provided by taper (JF)"
03/24/86  All     Milwaukee, WI - The MECCA          A:Cm,C,C,CD    A    115                                         
          "Power Windows" Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Capture My Thoughts"
03/25/86  All     Minneapolis, MN - Unknown          A:Cm,C,C,CD    A-   113                                         
          "Power Windows" Tour
          2 CD;s, 44k, "Building Ivory Towers" (label:

04/03/86  All     Springfield, MA - Springfield      Af:Cm,CD       A-/A 118 Sony ECM-939LT > Sony D3                
          "Power Windows" Tour
          2 CD's, 44k
04/16/86  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:Cm,CD        A+   94                                          
          "Power Windows" Tour
          2 CD's, 44k "Visions and Illusions" (Digital Reproductions 41686 ) "This is a slightly more
          expanded soundboard of the show made famous by "Mystic Dreams". I like the sound on this version a bit
          better than "Mystic Dreams", a little less stale sounding. Taken from the master tape, and thus there is
          viturally no tape hiss. "Red Sector A" still has the same minor cuts as was on Mystic Dreams. "YYZ / Drum
          Solo" cuts out about a minute too premature, but not severely distracting. All in all a nice performance
          and everything is very clear, though Alex is low in the overall mix. Because the mix is more centric on
          Geddy and Neil, you can hear some nice but extremely subtle differences in the keyboard lines during some
          of the songs." (
04/16/86  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:Cm,C,CD      A+   97                                          
          "Power Windows" Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, “Spectral Light”, this version is 5 minutes longer than any of the other 3 boot
          versions of this show.  The best available versions of this show are purportedly 1st gen.
04/16/86  Partial Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:?,D,CD       A/A+ 73                                          
          "Power Windows" Tour
          1 CD, 44k, "MYSTIC DREAMS" (Whatever (WER-05))
05/01/86  All     Oklahoma City, OK - The Myriad     A:Cm,CD        A-/A 110                                         
          "Power Windows" Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Power and the Glory", Atlas Productions AP-001, "NOTE: Sounds like there was
          some noise reduction."
12/02/87  All     Worcester, MA - The Centrum        A:Cm,CD        A-/A 127 Sony ECM-939LT > Sony D3                
          "Hold Your Fire" tour
          2 CD's, 44k
01/26/88  Most    Little Rock, AR - Barton Coliseum  A:Cm,C,C,CD    A-   87                                          
          "Hold Your Fire" tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Mission" "This source is a 2nd generation of the master, so this is as good as
          it gets.  Only drawback is that it is only the final 2/3's of the concert and there is an abrupt
          transition from 2112 to La Villa due to a tape flip?  I wish there was a full source for this show, but
          alas this is all there is according to the gentleman that taped it." (label:

02/28/88  All     Peoria, IL - Civic Centre          A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 122                                         
          Hold Your Fire Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Force Without Form" "This version of the shows is taken from a DAT dub right off
          the MASTER cassettes. The only drawback is that La Villa and In The Mood are sources from a 2nd gen tape.
          The master tapes were acquired from a dealer who bought them from the taper. Unfortunately, the third tape
          was missing." (label:
04/02/88  All     Omaha, NB - Omaha Civic Auditorium A:?,*,CD       A-/A 123                                         
          Hold Your Fire Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Dream Ignites" "This is much better than "Leaving Omaha" cause this recording is
          of lower gen and it is at the correct speed!" (label:

04/05/88  All     Milwaukee, WI - The MECCA          A:?,CD         A-   123                                         
          Hold Your Fire Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Imaginations on Fire" (Scarred Records SC200004)
04/21/88  All     Birmingham, ENG - National         S:?,CD         A    111                                         
          "Hold Your Fire" tour
          2 CD's, 44k
04/21/88  All     Birmingham, ENG - National         S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 111                                         
          Hold Your Fire Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Birmingham '88 Remaster" (GKP 2001-3) (Multi Track Soundboard) "This remastered
          version now runs seamlessly from start to finish like a real concert. Of course, it is still not complete.
          "Limelight", the 30 second snippet of "Red Lenses", a significant portion of the recorded intros to "2112"
          and "Distant Early Warning", the clock sounds that precede "Time Stand Still", and 1 minute of "The Rhythm
          Method" are still missing, leaving this show about 10 minutes short. Nevertheless, this recording is now
          better than ever and is worth a new listen. Enjoy!"
05/01/90  All     Atlanta, GA - The Omni             A:D,CD         A-   121                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Target Mass Appeal: Platinum Edition" (Digital Reproductions  DR 50191)
05/08/90  All     Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic      S:D,CD         A/A+ 120                                         
          Presto Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Hartford '90" (Digital Reproductions DR-50890) "A true soundboard from the
          Presto tour, notably better than the Mountainview mono video source. Still, like almost all the Presto
          shows, the mix isn't as good as on other tours. There is only one flaw with the source used, the first bit
          of "Force Ten" was missing. Otherwise it is the complete show devoid of another edits or deletions. It is
          nice to hear the warm sounding bass and the drums just on the good side of being almost brutal. This is
          one of those Neil mixes, so if you like drums, you like the low end bass found on this show. Thanks again
          to Rubicon for helping to procure this particular source. While still not perfect, I can live with a few
          missing seconds from "Force Ten"." (
06/17/90  All     East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley      A:D,CD         A-/A 122                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Scars of Pleasure" (Digital Reproductions DR-61790-9)
12/07/91  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Garden Road" (Digital Reproductions  DR 20791-8) "The source tape is reported to
          be a low Gen archived to a DAT.  There is no noticeable hiss and the mix is very nice with the audience
          just right in the background. Geddy's vocals has that "live" sound with a slight reverb."
01/30/92  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      S:D,CD         A+   127                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Mirrors" (Oxygen (OXY 003/4) ) "This was to be Les Claypool’s (of Primus) tape,
          but some sneaky dude stole it and took off with it at the end of the show."
04/17/92  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        S:?,CD         A    56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Run Faster" (Scarred Records) "This is a remastered version of "Run From The Fans,"
          which corrects the tape speed problem."
04/17/92  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        S:?,CD         A    54                                          
          ROLL THE BONES Tour
          Primus Opened
          1 CD, 44k
05/03/92  All     Rotterdam, NET - The Ahoy          A:Cm,CD        A-   125                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Atmospheric" (Crystal Cat Records (CC 301/302) )
06/14/92  All     Charlotte, NC - Blockbuster        S:D,CD         A+   120                                         
          Roll the Bones Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Vital Dreams", (Digital Reproductions DR-61492-9) "Taken directly from the dat
          master clone soundboard source. Not only is this the best sounding soundboard so far from the RtB tour, in
          my opinion this is also their best performance of the tour."
03/22/94  All     Auburn Hills, MI - The Palace      S:D,CD         A    134                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Critical Mass" (Prism Records (PR-0696)) from Professional Video Feed
03/22/94  All     Auburn Hills, MI - The Palace      A:?,CD         A-   145                                         
          COUNTERPARTS Tour
          Primus opened
          2 CD's, 44k
04/02/94  All     Madison, WI - Dane County Coliseum S:?,CD         A/A+ 130                                         
          COUNTERPARTS Tour
          Primus opened
          2 CD's, 44k, "Nuts & Bolts"
04/26/94  All     Washington, D.C. - US Air Arena    S:?,CD         A/A+ 73                                          
          COUNTERPARTS Tour
          Primus opened
          1 CD, 44k, "Darkness & Light"
04/29/94  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "A Night At The Spectrum" (Watch Tower (WT 2002081/82)) SHN lineage:  Watch Tower
          silver CD > CDR > EAC > CDWav > SHN (mkW).
10/18/96  All     Albany, NY - Knickerbocker Arena   S:?,BCD        U    162                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Echoes On The Stages", "SHN lineage:  Watch Tower silver CD > CDR > EAC > CDWav > SHN
12/05/96  All     Houston, TX - The Summit           S:D,CD         A+   166                                         
          Test for Echoes Tour
          3 CD's, 44k, "Bigger and Better in Texas - Titanium Version",
05/24/97  All     Dallas, TX - Starplex Ampitheatre  A:D,CD         A-   n/a AT4051> DA-P1                           
          Test for Echoes Tour
          Second Leg of the T4E Tour
          3 CD's, 44k, I converted this from dat to cdr
06/14/97  All     Tinley Park, IL - World Music      A:D,CD         A-/A 161                                         
          Test for Echoes Tour
          Second Leg of the T4E Tour
          3 CD's, 44k, "O' Chicago", (Digital Reproductions 61497)
06/22/97  All     Camden, NJ - Sony Entertainment    A:D,*,CD       A-/A 170                                         
          Test for Echoes Tour
          Second Leg of the T4E Tour
          3 CD's, 44k, "Driven to the Edge - Platinum Edition", (Digital Reproductions 62297)
06/28/02  All     Hartford, CT - Veterans' Memorial  A:D,CD         U    n/a Audio Technica 933 > Audio Technica     
          The Vapor Trails Tour
          First night of 2002 tour
          2 CD's, 44k, "Celebrate The Moment" (Sirius Records (SIR 0570/0571)) "The sound is rich with
          good amount of bass and highs, with the midrange punch lacking just a tad.  So far (July '02) this is the
          best sounding show to surface early in the tour.  The ONLY drawback is the loud clapper and the
          "wooo-hooo-er" near the taper. Otherwise, a nice recording. If I'm not mistaken, the source for this show
          is:  Audio Technica 933 cardioids > (2) Audio Technica 8532 High SPL power modules > Sony PCM-M1. (JULY
06/29/02  All     Scranton, PA - Montage Mountain    A:D,CD         B+   159 Audio Technica 933 > Audio Technica     
          The Vapor Trails Tour
          3 CD's, 44k, "AT933 > Sound Professionals Battery Module with bass rolloff at 95hz > Sony D8" (taped by
          MM), a slight bit muffled at the start, crowd overloads the settings at times
07/01/02  All     Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless   M:D,CD         A-/A 160 (matrix) AT831b > Sony M                
          2 CD's, 44k, "Southern Trails-Part 1", matrix comprised of the following: 'Quipment List of The
          Fellowship:  AT831b > Sony M1(@ 32kHz), AT831b > Sony M1, CSB > Sony M1 (Oade Modified). Transfer Info:
          both the AT sources were transferred using Sony PCM-R500 > Sony CDR-W33 via Audioquest VSD-2 Coax. CSB
          source was transferred using Sony M1 > CDR via 7-Pin Coax.
07/03/02  All     Virginia Beach, VA - Verizon       A:D,CD         A-   159 Audio Technica 933 > Audio Technica     
          The Vapor Trails Tour
          2 CD's, 44k,  "AT933 > Sound Professionals Battery Module with bass rolloff at 95hz > Sony D8" (taped
          by MM),
07/06/02  All     Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    A:D,CD         A-   157 Audio Technica 933 > Audio Technica     
          The Vapor Trails Tour
          2 CD's, 44k, from the master discs (taped by JG)
07/12/02  All     Mansfield, MA - Tweeter Center     A:D,CD         A-/A 160 Core Sound HEB's> SBM-1 (Oade mod)>     
          2 CD's, 44k, "Reflected Light", CS HEB> SBM-1(Oade modified) > PCM-M1 (Oade modified)
07/14/02  All     Camden, NJ - Tweeter Center        A:D,CD         A-/A 160 Sonic Studio DSM6s/L mics > SONY D100   
          2 CD's, 44k, "Bastille Day '02", Sonic Studio DSM6s/L mics > SONY D100 DAT with Mod2 battery
07/17/02  All     Toronto, ONT - Molson Amphitheatre A:D,CD         A-/A 158                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Hometown Victory "
07/19/02  All     Milwaukee, WI - Marcus             A:D,CD         A-/A 160                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "A Dry Kind of Humid "
08/02/02  All     Maryland Heights, MO - UMB Bank    A:D,CD         A-/A 159 AT933 cardioid > AT8532 > Sony M1       
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Time is Now Again"
08/24/02  All     Englewood, CO - Fiddler's Green    A:D,CD         A    160 MBHO ka200n>jk labs dvC V-12> Sony M1   
          3 CD's, 44k, from the master discs (taped by BT)
09/14/02  All     George, WA - The Gorge             A:D,CD         A    164 Nakamichi CM300 > Sony D8               
          powerful little mic's!
          3 CD's, 44k, "The Land of the Living ", Equipment info:  Nakamichi CM300 > Sony D8, from the
09/17/02  All     Concord, CA - Chronicle Pavilion   A:D,CD         A-/A 163                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Flight of the Meat Bees", my disc breaks are at different songs than the DRE
          website's setlist
09/20/02  All     Mountain View, CA - Shoreline      A:D,CD         A    164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "The Greatest Act"
09/28/02  All     Irvine, CA - Irvine Meadows        Af:D,CD        A-/A 165 Sonic Studios DSM 6-S/L > Sony PCM-M1   
          3 CD's, 44k, "Sonic Studios DSM 6-S/L > Sony PCM-M1-> PC via ZA2 digital I/O Card (coax input) > WAV
          and fade ins/outs via SoundForge > 48k-> 44k conversion via Cool Edit Pro (quality setting = 999) > CDR
          via CDRWin; Taped From Orch 1 - Row N - Seat 115"  (my discs came from the taper)
09/28/02  All     Irvine, CA - Verizon Wireless      A:MD,CD        U    164                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Racing Against The Night"
10/24/02  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    A:D,CD         A-/A 167 Sony ECM MS907 mic > Sony DAT           
          3 CD's, 44k, "A Gentle Hand"
11/02/02  All     Minneapolis, MN - Target Center    A:D,CD         U    168 Core Sound Cardioid > Sony D-100        
          3 CD's, 44k, "The Secret Touch"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rush ]


10/09/77  All     Nancy, FRA - Nancy Jazz Festival   S:?,CD         A/A+ 64                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Otis Rush ]


??/??/83  All     San Diego, CA - Unknown            S:?,CD         A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/13/84  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    FM:?,CD        A    47                                          
          Sade Adu - vocals; Andrew Hale - keyboard; Paul Denman - elb; Stuart Matthewman - tx, elg; Dave Erly -
          drums; Martin Ditchman - percussion
          1 CD, 44k
07/13/84  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    FM:?,CD        A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/94  All     Paris, FRA - La Cigale             preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 92                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, crowd noise fades in/out at end/start of every song, probably preFM, has to be the best
          band introduction ever "This is us & we do what we do, thank you"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sade ]


          All     Le Hague, HOLL - North Sea Jazz    S:?,CD         A/A+ 55                                          
          no setlist (7 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Sanborn ]


??/??/76  All     Roslyn, NY - My Father's Place     S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 74                                          
          no setlist (5 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at My Father's Place"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | David Sancious ]


??/??/66  All     Mission District - San Francisco   S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "San Francisco Mission District", Source:  SBD > ??? > CDR, It Varies on each track,
          but all seem to be SBD
??/??/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/13/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Matrix         S:?,BCD,CD     A    37                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live At Matrix", w/ art jpg
03/23/69  All     San Francisco, CA - Avalon         S:Rm,?,CD      A    35                                          
          Filler: JJ Walker 2/20/74 Early, & Jaco 3/3/79
          1 CD, 44k, this is either 3/12, 3/22 or 3/23
04/??/69  All     The San Francisco Rehearsals       Sto:?,CD       A    41                                          
          1 CD, 44k
08/31/69  All     Dallas, TX - Texas International   S:?,BCD,CD     A    74                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, w/ a few Grand Funk Railroad songs prior to the Santana, "1Import CD"
10/21/69  Both    Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow's Garage   S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 90                                          
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
10/21/69  Most    Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow's Garage   S:Rm,D,CD      A    80                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 9/1/69, but there is no 9/1/69, this is probably 10/21/69
??/??/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?bootLP,CD   A-/A 79                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Singing Winds, Crying Beasts", constant static/pops from lp, "1BootLP>comptr>CD"
06/20/70  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,CD         A    77                                          
          no setlist (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
03/23/71  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Forum        S:?,CD         A    80                                          
          *with Jose Feliciano in Spanish
          1 CD, 44k, this could be preFM, "1SBD>computer>CD"
07/04/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,Blp,CD     A/A+ 100                                         
          *These are the bonus tracks from the remastered SANTANA III CD; +This is from the VIVA SANTANA CD; ++
          This is from the DANCE OF THE RAINBOW SERPANT 3 CD Box Set
          2 CD's, 44k, "boot vinyl transfer", intro by Bill Graham
11/11/72  All     Frankfurt, GER - Festhalle         S:?,CD         A-   61                                          
          no setlist (9 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, weird mix - this might be an audiece
07/03/73  All     Tokyo, JAP - Shinjuku Kosei        S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 119                                         
          partial setlist
          ends up this is really the official "Lotus" release - i didn't think there was any 1969 sbd that i
          hadn't heard about but i was hoping! Santana  3,4-jul-1973  Koseinenkin Hall - Osaka, Japan
          2 CD's, 44k, 15 seconds blank space at the start of the disc, rec'd as 7/13/69 but am told this is
          incorrect, track #8 on disc #2 has skips recorded during the track
07/06/73  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:Rm,R,R,CD    A-/A 155                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "2SBD>computer>CD"
09/03/73  All     Chicago, IL - Unknown              S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 101                                         
          no setlist
          3 CD's, 44k, same as 9/1/73
04/12/74  All     San Diego, CA - Balboa Stadium     S:Rm,C,C,CD    A-/A 71                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>Analog2>DNR>CDR"
07/25/74  All     Seattle, WA - Unknown              S:?,CD         A-   90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "SBD>computer>CD"
08/23/74  All     Chicago, IL - Auditorium Theatre   S:Rm,D,CD      A    76                                          
          no setlist
          w/ John McLaughlin
          1 CD, 44k, low levels, may actually be 9/1/73 (They sound pretty identical and the track timings are
          the same.)
10/04/74  All     Orlando, FL - Sports Stadium       S:?,BCD,CD     A    69                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "Oye Como Carlos"
03/25/75  All     San Francisco, CA - Kezar Stadium  S:D            U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
09/??/75  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:?,CD         A/A+ 69                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/08/75  All     Ypsilanti, MI - Unknown            FM:Cm,?,*,CD   A    51                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "KBFH FM>Analog?>Computer>DNR>CDR "
11/12/75  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           S:?,CD         A    50                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/04/81  All     South Yarmouth, MA - Cape Cod      FM:D,CD        A/A+ 106                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/18/99  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  A:D,CD         A    200                                         
          * = w/ Trey Anastasio/ Page McConell, ^ = Jorge Santana, + = Ozomatli
          3 CD's, 44k, [EAC (Plex 8220 100% extraction)> WAV> SHN> WAV]
10/10/99  All     Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park  A:D,CD         A    132                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, A-/A

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Santana ]


10/21/95  All     Lutrell, TN - Unknown              S:D,CD         A/A+ 75                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
05/05/00  All     New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's Ruins S:D,CD         A/A+ 60                                          
          opened for the Radiators
          1 CD, 44k
10/18/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats          A:D,CD         A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          3 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Merl Saunders ]


03/10/74  All     Oakland, CA - Paramount Theatre    FM:?,CD        A    136                                         
          partial setlist (16 + 7) tracks
          sounds like a big band with horn section, * w/ Steve Miller sitting in
          2 CD's, 44k, KSAN

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Boz Scaggs ]


??/??/77  All     Gainesville, FL - Great Southern   A:?,C,CD       A-   76                                          
          Jaime, Lamar WIlliams, Jimmy Nalls, Chip Miller, Chuck Leavell
          1 CD, 44k, Sony TC-K615S (cass gen ? - 4th gen or greater)-> Tascam CDRW700 (converted from cassette by
          Delano), has hiss, "Jaimoe told me their first gig was for Jimmy Carters inaugural ball (?1/20/77?). Chuck
          introduces Patriotic Flag Waver and dedicates it to our new president, James Earl Carter and to Americas
          Bicentenial. So, it was 76, but had to be after the 1st Tuesday in November."
02/07/77  All     Chicago, IL - Ivanhoe Theatre      S:?,CD         A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/03/77  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Roxy         FM:?,CD        A/A+ 62                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/22/77  All     Philadelphia, PA - Unknown         S:?,CD         A-/A 63                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/02/77  All     Boston, MA - The Paradise Theatre  S:Cm,C,CD      A-/A 106                                         
          last night of run
          2 CD's, 44k, some analog hiss
??/??/78  All     Kurtztown, PA - Unknown            S:?,CD         A/A+ 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/??/78  All     Chicago, IL - Park West            S:?,CD         A    52                                          
          w/ Jamoie, Chuck Leavell, Lamar Williams
          1 CD, 44k, same as 11/18/78 but better quality and longer
03/??/78  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          FM:?,CD        A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "FM-> unknown-> cdr", also played Bottom Line 11/27/78
03/15/78  All     Washington, D.C. - Warner Theater  FM:?,C,CD      A-/A 71                                          
          FM from DC101, * = w/ the Freddy Dicks & ?? (Outlaws)
          1 CD, 44k, gets better after a while
04/17/78  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    FM:Rm,D,CD     A-/A 50                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700), much FM static at the start, I need an upgrade
05/03/78  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          FM:?,C,CD      A    64                                          
          Capricorn Records Rebel Jam, WKLS FM
          1 CD, 44k, "fm->unknown->cdr", great Chuck solo Little Martha! - TOO BAD the cassette was messed up and
          makes a squelching sound throughout the encore.
11/18/78  All     Chicago, IL - Park West            FM:?,CD        A-/A 44                                          
          8 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, this is the same as my 2/??/78 minus one song
12/06/78  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,CD         A    75                                          
          12 tracks
          ? - guitar, Jimmy Nalls - guitar, George Weaver - drums, Lamar WIlliams - bass,  Joe English -
          percussion, Chuck - keyboard
          1 CD, 44k, [cf] in Sneakers, same setlist as 4/17/78 (this has some filler)
12/06/78  partial Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,C,CD       A    45                                          
          NO: Statesboro Blues
          1 CD, 44k, Sony TC-K615S (cass gen ?)-> Tascam CDRW700 (converted from cassette by Delano), has some
01/19/80  Both    Knoxville, TN - U.T. Music Dept.   A:Cm,CD        A-/A 128 stereo microphone-> JVC recorder        
          partial setlist
          both Early & Late shows; This is a roughly 700 seat nearly acoustically perfect recital hall that is in
          the school of music building on campus.  I haven't checked lately but I assume that it is still there and
          in use.  The side door opens out to the track.
          2 CD's, 44k, "It was a fairly high end JVC recorder with a stereo microphone"; 2nd disc (pre-show
          rehearsal, tune-up - very raw) is just 1 long track (this is the soundcheck); the lighting guy walks right
          up to the microphones and is talking about a broken light.  My guess is that this was taped from the
          soundboard area.
02/03/80  All     Boston, MA - Boston University     S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 107                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii(48k)->Tascam CDR700CDRW), speed changes/slows (barely noticeable) during track 4
          and remains at that speed
09/23/80  All     Boston, MA - The Paradise Theatre  FM:?,C,CD      A-/A 127                                         
          Joe English - drums, Randle Bramlett, Davis Causey - guitar, Jimmy Nalls - guitar, Lamar WIlliams -
          bass, ?
          2 CD's, 44k, London Wavelengths BBC Rock Hour: FM Cassette (Scotch brand recording tape)-> ? Sony
          TC-K615S (cass gen ?)-> Tascam CDRW700(converted from cassette by Delano), back ground hiss, sounds
          distant; sounds like a source change after 7th song, then sounds like audience recordings (pitch sounds
          slightly slow)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sea Level (Chuck Leavell) ]


07/08/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,?,CD      A    70                                          
          Catfish Hodge opened
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bob Seger ]


          All     The Cheetah Club                   S:D,CD         A/A+ 70                                          
          Acoustic solo & Electric solo
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/79  All     NYC, NY - Max's Kansas City        S:?,CD         A/A+ 76                                          
          W/ the Bloodless Pharaohs
          1 CD, 44k
10/08/97  All     Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theater    S:D,CD         A+   74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700)
07/22/98  All     Boston, MA - The Roxy              FM:?,CD        A/A+ 100                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Brian Setzer ]


10/31/02  All     Seattle, WA - Chop Suey            A:D,CD         A    n/a Schoeps CCM4/MK4> Oade> AT8202>         
          no setlist
          Davy C.
Maurice Caldwell Jr.
Thadeus Turner
Gerald Turner
Dara Quinn
Elizabeth Pupo-Walker
Reggie Watts
Dave Carter
          3 CD's, 44k, "Ghoul Booty seven 7 VII THE FREAKQUEL!!!!", "schoeps cmc4/mk4 -> OADE -> Mini-Me ->
          AT8202 -> Zefiro -> DA-P1"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sherik ]


09/27/91  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl     S:D,CD         A+   141                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
05/04/01  All     New Orleans, LA - Fairgrounds      Af:D,CD        A-/A 129 Neumann > apogee                        
          NOLA Jazz Fest, 4th encore w/ Aaron Neville
          2 CD's, 44k, "FOB Neumann > apogee"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Paul Simon ]


??/??/66  All     Baltimore, MD - Johns Hopkins      A:?,CD         A    42                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/66  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 42                                          
          1 CD, 44k, DAT->CDR (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), digispot during the final song
06/18/67  All     Monterey, CA - Monterey            S:?,CD         A/A+ 66                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
11/09/69  All     Carbondale, IL - SIU Arena, U of   S:?,CD         A    31                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
11/11/69  All     Oxford, OH - Miami University      S:?,BCD,D,CD   A-/A 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [R500-> Phillips CDR870]
10/29/93  All     NYC, NY - Paramount Theatre        A:D,CD         A    154 Schoeps                                 
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDRW700)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Simon & Garfunkel ]


06/07/79  Partial Pennine Studio Demos, UK           Sto:?,CD       A-/A 16                                          
          ON: SM 6/11/88, no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, TAO but it is studio cuts so no music is interupted
12/21/82  All     Glasgow, SCOT - Tiffany's          preFM:?,CD     A-/A 72                                          
          New Gold Dream Tour
          1 CD, 44k, "All the Kings are White", sounds like preFM with between song editing and crowd
          noise fading in/out at the beginning/end of songs.
06/11/88  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        FM:?,CD        A-/A 70                                          
          Filler: SM 6/7/79
          Concert for Mandela, ~ = w/ Peter Gabriel, * = w/ Lil Steven
          1 CD, 44k, tao
06/19/91  All     Universal City, CA - Universal     S:?,CD         A/A+ 73                                          
          Real Life Tour
          last night of American tour
          1 CD, 44k
06/21/97  All     Loreley, GER - Rockpalast Festival S:?,CD         A/A+ 123                                         
          Rockpalast Open Air Festival
          2 CD's, 44k, TAO, from video feed
07/25/97  All     Karlsruhe, GER - Guenter Klotz     S:?,CD         A/A+ 75                                          
          free concert
          1 CD, 44k, TAO, from video feed

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Simple Minds ]


04/01/59  All     Melbourne, AUS - West Melbourne    S:?,CD         A-/A 60                                          
          w/ Red Norvo Quartet
          1 CD, 44k
05/08/86  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Frank Sinatra ]


03/26/01  All     Portland, OR - Aladdin Theater     M:D,CD         U    n/a AKG 414                                 
          * = Brad on sitar
          3 CD's, 44k, "Matrix - AKG 414TLII (on-stage, set on omni, split about 10')+ Stereo SBD > Mackie 1642 >
          Graham Patten DMIC-20 )"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Slip ]


          All     "Thee Thesaurus Of Funkasaurus"    TV:?,CD        U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "Thee Thesaurus Of Funkasaurus", "various TV appearances and live 1968-83"
10/05/68  Both    NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A/A+ 95                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
08/16/69  All     Bethel, NY - Max Yasgur's Farm     S:?,CD         A-/A 79                                          
          (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "Down On The Farm", "filler: 9/10/70 Baarn, Holland"
09/01/69  All     Dallas, TX - Texas International   S:?,CD,D,CD    A-/A 51                                          
          no setlist
          "The band rode out the end of the 60s quietly, then returned in January 1970 with "Thank You,"
          unofficially christening the Funk Era."  Actually, the Meters wrote 'Sophisticated Sissy' in early 1969
          (based on the movement of drag queens in NOLA).  This rhythm eventually became known as 'funk.' - D
          1 CD, 44k
09/10/70  All     Amsterdam, NETH - The Baarn        S:?,CD         A-/A 66                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/71  All     NYC, NY - The Apollo Theatre       S:?,CD         A-   50                                          
          (6 tracks)
          "Sly soon got everyone's attention the only way he could: by failing to show up for concerts and
          falling deeper into drugs (a story told in lurid detail in Joel Selvin's book "Sly and the Family Stone:
          An Oral History). Between 1970 and 1971 he missed or was late for 38 of 121 shows, causing a couple of
          riots in the process. His legal problems also began to mount: he was kicked out of his house for not
          making payments and police were making frequent busts on Sly for drugs and other offences."
          1 CD, 44k, 'Dance To The Music' is cut
??/??/73  All     Don Kirchner Rock Concert          S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          5 songs
          "Sly's legal problems continued. His drug use was now reaching critical levels, and he was busted 5
          times in 1972 alone, including once for suspected murder when someone reported seeing bodies in Sly's
          yard.  By this time, the group had seen enough, and Errico and Graham bailed. ... Sly's image took yet
          another bizarre turn the next year (1973) when he married his girlfriend on stage in the middle of a show,
          a month before Small Talk. But whether due to the rise of P-Funk and the Ohio Players, two newer groups
          heavily influenced by Sly, or because people were just tired of his eccentricities, no hits came from the
          album. More people came and left the band, and increasingly it looked like Sly was washed up. "
          1 CD, 44k, this is more complete (and different order) othan other versions of this show that I have
09/11/74  All     Lawrence, KA - Hoch Auditorium     S:?,CD         A    59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, also seen as 11/9/74

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sly & The Family Stone ]


09/16/00  All     San Jose, CA - San Jose Arena      S:D,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Snoop Doggy Dog & Dr.Dre ]


09/10/99  All     Nashville, TN - Exit Inn           A:D,CD         A-/A 56                                          
          *w/ Oteil Burbridge on Bass, #w/ Derek Trucks on Guitar, Opened for the Derek Trucks Band
          1 CD, 44k
10/22/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D,CD        A/A+ 55  MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          *w/ Kofi Burbridge on Flute , #w/ Derek Trucks on Guitar, Opened for the Derek Trucks Band
          1 CD, 44k; slightly left of center (w/ other tapers), approximately 25' from stage
10/23/99  All     Athens, GA - Georgia Theatre       A:D            U    n/a Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD 1000> D8  
          Opened for the Derek Trucks Band
          *w/ Derek Trucks on Guitar and Kofi Burbridge on Flute; **w/ Kofi Burbridge on Flute; ***w/ Derek
          Trucks on Guitar; Opened for the Derek Trucks Band
          taped by Chris & Dale Sheppard (master)-> my DAT
02/09/00  All     NYC, NY - Wetlands                 A:D,CD         A/A+ 198 Neumann TLM 170-> SX-M2-> TEAC DAP20>   
          w/ Master's of Groove
          3 CD's, 44k
03/02/00  All     Winooski, VT - Higher Ground       A:D,CD         U    127                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
04/18/00  All     Ithica, NY - The Haunt             A:D,CD         A/A+ 114 Schoeps CCM-4's->Lunatec V2->Sony D8    
          2 CD's, 44k
05/11/00  All     Winooski, VT - Higher Ground       S:D,CD         A+   62                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
02/03/01  All     Charlottesville, VA - Starr Hill   S:D,CD         U    80                                          
          no setlist
          * Al broke his snare and Joe Sample was played while he replaced it; # w/ Casey Benjamin on Sax
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Soulive ]


02/08/03  All     Charleston, SC - Music Farm        A:D,CD         A-/A 144 AKG 480/ck63> Denecke PS-2> mod SMB1>   
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source:  AKG 480b + ck63 (hypers DIN) > Denecke ps-2 > Oade mod-sbm-1 @ 44.1 kHz > DA-P1;
          Transfer:  Sony 59ES > Monster coax > Audiophile 2496 > Wave Lab 4.0 > CDWave > mkwACT > shn; Taped,
          Transferred & Seeded by:"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sound Tribe Sector 9 ]


01/04/95  All     San Francisco, CA -                A:D,CD         A    60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Blues Man"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jon Spencer Blues Explosion ]


10/31/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, I converted this to disc, Tascam DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDRW700(44k)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Spirit ]


02/05/75  All     Bryn Mawr, PA - The Main Point     PreFM:R,D,CD   A/A+ n/a                                         
          FM Broadcast WMMR - Main Point benefit show. This was the premiere of Thunder Road, actually called
          Wings For Wheels at this time and of both Back In The USA and Mountain Of Love.  Released on CD "The
          Saint, The Incident & The Main Point Shuffle" (GDR) and recently on CD "You Can Trust Your Car..."
          (Crystal Cat) with coloured artwork as on the LP "You Can Trust Your Car To The Man Who Wears The Star"
          (SODD & TAKRL). Stunning Quality on the CD
          2 CD's, 44k
08/12/99  All     Meadowlands, NJ - CA Arena         Af:D,CD        A    n/a Schoeps                                 
          Audience tape - Great finale to the 15 night stand, Rosalita debuts for the tour along with Jersey
          Girl, Available on Cd "The Last Dance"
          3 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Bruce Springsteen ]


1969      All     60's Demos                         S:Rm,?,CD      A-/A 65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
1974      All     Katy Lied Studio Sessions          Sto:?,CD       A    40                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
03/09/74  All     San Diego, CA - Unknown            S:?,CD         A    76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Sopwith Camel Glendale, CA"
03/10/74  All     Irvine, CA - Irvine Meadows        S:?,CD         A-/A 38                                          
          seperate but also on the end of 3/9/74
          1 CD, 44k
03/20/74  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 51                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/18/74  All     Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       A:?,CD         A-   44                                          
          1 CD, 44k
04/30/74  All     Memphis, TN - Ellis Auditorium     S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, (rec'd as 5/X/74), check setlist 
1980      All     Gaucho Studio Sessions             Sto:?,CD       A-/A 47                                          
          (9 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, has noticeable hiss
08/28/93  All     Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    S:D,CD         A+   122                                         
          Drew Zing - lead guitar, Horn (Sax) Section (Cornelius Bumpus, Bob Sheperd, Chris Potter), Peter
          Erskine - drummer, Tom Barney, Bill Ware, Katherine Russell, Diane Geristo, Brenda King, Warren Bernhart,
          Donald Fagen & Walter Becker
          2 CD's, 44k
09/04/93  All     St. Louis, MO - Riverport          S:D,CD         A/A+ 133                                         
          Drew Zing - lead guitar, Horn (Sax) Section (Cornelius Bumpus, Bob Sheperd, Chris Potter), Peter
          Erskine - drummer, Tom Barney, Bill Ware, Katherine Russell, Diane Geristo, Brenda King, Warren Bernhart,
          Donald Fagen & Walter Becker
          2 CD's, 44k, not sure about date (9/1 or 9/4)
09/17/94  All     Irvine, CA - Irvine Meadows        S:D,CD         A+   143                                         
          w/ Dennis Chambers
          2 CD's, 44k
07/21/96  All     Manassass, VA - Nissan Pavilion    S:D,CD         A+   129                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/08/00  All     Wantagh, NY - Jones Beach          Af:D,CD        A-/A 130 Neumann KM140>                          
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steely Dan ]


??/??/68  All     Dallas, TX - Unknown               S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Sookie Sookie"
07/??/68  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,BCD,CD     A-   74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Flight Of The Sparrow", has hiss!
??/??/72  All     London, ENG - Unknown              S:?,CD         A    46                                          
          "Farewell" Tour
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like Jeff Healy
09/20/72  All     Gothenburg, SWE - Scandinavium     S:?,CD         A    36                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/16/80  All     Roslyn, NY - My Father's Place     preFM:R,D,CD   A    80                                          
          1 CD, 44k< "pre-fm > reel"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steppenwolf ]


06/20/00  All     Washington, D.C. - The 9:30 Club   A:D,CD         U    n/a Sonic Studios DSM 6P's> Sony PCM-M1     
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, "Sonic Studio DSM p6s(on "false head" 8' stand)>Sony PCM-M1> Nightengale6.0>

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stereolab ]


06/??/71  All     Los Angeles, CA - Unknown          FM:?,BCD,CD    A    80                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "On The Road To Find Out"
06/08/71  All     Los Angeles, CA - KCET-TV Studios  S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss
10/25/72  All     Tampa, FL - Curtis Hixon           A:?,CD         A-   63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 10/4/68 but is 10/25/72 according to MajiCat boot page
11/09/73  All     Los Angeles, CA - Aquarius Theatre S:?,lp,CD      A-/A 56                                          
          ABC Live In Concert Special
          1 CD, 44k, "The Hoaxers Midnight Daydream", md5=OK, "Source: SBD>?>LP>CD>EAC>SHN"
06/22/74  All     Tokyo, JAP - Sun Palace            preFM:?LP,CD   A    42                                          
          1 CD, 44k, could be from a record

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Cat Stevens ]


??/??/70  All     Island Studio Sessions             Sto:?,CD       A    28                                          
          no setlist
          w/ Jimi Hendrix - bass; Still - lead guitar, Billy Cox - guitar, Buddy Miles - drums
          1 CD, 44k, 1 long track, has hiss

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stephen Stills ]


02/27/85  All     NYC, NY - The Ritz                 A:Cm,*,CD      A-/A 140 Nak 300> Sony D6                        
          w/ Branford Marsalis, 3rd of 3-show run
          2 CD, 44k, "MAC>SoundForge>CD" "Nak300s>SonyD6>SoundForge>CD"
05/25/85  All     Paris, FRA - Mogador Theatre       S:?,CD         A-   124                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, lots of miscellaneous Sting filler
09/10/85  All     Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Blossom       S:Cm,?,CD      A    131                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, reception problems during World is Running Down
11/27/85  All     Heidelberg, GER -                  A:Cm,?,CD      A-/A n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
12/06/85  All     Milan, ITA - Teatro Tenda          A:Cm,?,CD      A-/A n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
01/11/86  All     Glasgow, UK - Scottish Exhibition  A:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/27/88  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Wiltern      S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 175                                         
          w/ Branford Marsalis
          3 CD's, 44k, at approx 90 miuntes there is an overlap of the intro 'Don't Stand So Close' making me
          thing that this is not a S:D,CD but S:Cm,D,CD
08/24/88  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    A:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 135 Nak 700> Sony D5                        
          W/ Branford Marsalis, * = w/ Bruce Springsteen
          JC Lewis - Drums, Branford Marsalis,
          2 CD's, 44k, "My buddy recorded it 12 years ago (Nakamichi 700s>D5>D8>CD), another fellow trader just
          remastered it, and it is really special (Barry & Jeremy) (3/00)"
04/08/90  All     Chicago, IL - The Small Club       FM:CD,D,CD     A+   43                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR 870]
04/10/91  All     Chicago, IL - Chicago Recording    FM:?,BCD,CD    A+   43                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Natural Acoustic", "the Timothy White Session", I think this has the conversation
          edited out
09/13/91  All     Mansfield, MA - Great Woods Amp.   A:Cm,D,CD      A-   n/a radio shack stereo mic> Sony D3 from    
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii (48k)-> Tascam CDR700 (44k)), cassette flips during 'World Is Running
          Down,' and 'Message In A Bottle'
10/01/91  All     Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl     S:D,CD         U    74                                          
          different set order than my 10/2/91, * = w/ Andy Summers
          1 CD, 44k, Sting's Birthday
10/02/91  All     Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl   S:D,CD         A/A+ 126                                         
          *w/ Andy Summers
          2 CD's, 44k
11/30/91  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        FM:?,CD        A/A+ 102                                         
          "Seas of Silence"
          2 CD's, 44k, rec'd as "?/?/91  - London, England   102min     FM?   A    "Seas of Silence""
05/14/93  All     Las Vegas, NV - Sam Boyd Silver    A:Pm,D,CD      A    n/a AKG C460 + CK8X> Pan SV255> PCM         
          opened for the Grateful Dead, Sting's first Dead show
          1 CD, 44k, Sony PCMR500-> Phillips CDR870
05/15/93  All     Las Vegas, NV - Sam Boyd Silver    A:Pm,D,CD      A    n/a AKG C460 + CK8X> Pan SV255> PCM         
          opened for the Grateful Dead
          1 CD, 44k, Sony PCMR500-> Phillips CDR870
05/16/93  All     Las Vegas, NV - Sam Boyd Silver    A:Pm,D,CD      A    n/a AKG C460 + CK8X> Pan SV255> PCM         
          opened for the Grateful Dead
          1 CD, 44k, Sony PCMR500-> Phillips CDR870
06/13/93  All     Buffalo, NY - Rich Stadium         A:D,CD         A/A+ 67  Nakamichi CM300 + CP4> Sony D10         
          1 CD, 44k, "DAT to my hard drive, downsampled, and put in track ID's"
06/25/93  All     Washington, DC - Robert F.         A:D,CD         A    72  Schoeps CMC/MK4> A/D> Teac DAP 20       
          * w/ Jerry Garcia
          opened for the Grateful Dead
          1 CD, 44k
06/26/93  All     Washington, DC - Robert F.         A:D,CD         A    63  Schoeps CMC/MK4> A/D> Teac DAP 20       
          * w/ Jerry Garcia
          opened for the Grateful Dead
          1 CD, 44k
07/05/93  All     Passariano, ITA                    S:D,CD         A/A+ 107                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
09/05/93  All     Foxboro, MA - Foxboro Stadium      FM:?,BCD,CD    A/A+ 67                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "A Day in My Life"
01/11/94  All     London, ENG - Royal Albert Hall    A:D,CD         A-   110 Sonic Studios                           
          2 CD's, 44k
02/20/94  All     Tampa, FL - Sun Dome               A:D,CD         A    113                                         
          w/ Eric Clapton
          2 CD's, 44k
02/26/94  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Meadowlands  FM:D,CD        A/A+ 110                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (SonyR500 (48k)-> Tascam 700 CDR)
??/??/96  All     TV Show Appearances                TV:BCD,CD      A+   67                                          
          w/ Paul McCartney
          1 CD, 44k, "Union is Stength"
08/03/96  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Paradisio        A:D,CD         A    117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, brief squelch during The Bed's Too Big
09/08/96  All     Houston, TX - CW Mitchell Pavilion FM:D,CD        A+   112                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
10/30/99  Partial Universal City, CA - Universal     DSS:D,CD       A+   90                                          
          * = w/ Stevie Wonder, missing 5 songs
          2 CD's, 44k, "DSS>Sony reciever with optical out>Sony ES reciever with digital connections
          (optical)>D8>DAT at 48 kHz>Sony ES home deck (playback)>marantz 620 with sample rate converter 44.1
          kHz>Roland VS-880 hard disk recorder/CD-R burner>your mitsui copies.  Each CD-R is 45 min approx.  partial
          show,  how much time edited for telecast/broadcast is unknown,  I can conclude that it is not a complete
11/12/99  All     Washington, DC - Constitution Hall A:D,CD         A-/A 118 Core Sound >M1                          
          2 CD's, 44k
11/26/99  All     Providence, RI - Performing Arts   Af:D,CD        A    112 Core Sound HEB's                        
          2 CD's, 44k, Sony PCMR500 -> CO3-> Phillips CDR870
01/10/00  All     Paris, FRA - Palais Omnisports De  FM:D,CD        A+   n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
03/28/00  All     London, ENG - Royal Albert Hall    DSS:D,CD       A+   85                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
01/16/01  All     Buenos Aires, ARG - Estadio River  FM:?,CD        A/A+ 108                                         
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Sting ]


08/10/96  All     Blakeslee, PA - Big Boulder Ski    FM:D,CD        A-/A 78  NAK-300 > Sony D7> CD                   
          no setlist
          w/ Spencer Davis, 1st "Poconos Musical Gathering On The Mountain"
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as A:D,CD, but this sounds like the FM, mix sounds a bit flat

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Strawberry Alarm Clock ]


07/16/81  All     Cologne, GER - Unknown             S:?,CD         A    53                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/18/83  All     Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium   A:Cm,D,CD      A-   80                                          
          * w/ Carl Perkins
          1 CD, 44k
08/03/84  All     Columbus, OH - Unknown             A:Cm,D,CD      A    75                                          
          sponsored by 92X FM
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stray Cats ]


10/31/97  All     Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse    S:D,CD         A/A+ 152                                         
          *w/ Keller Williams, Col Bruce & Fiji Mariners opened
          3 CD's, 44k
12/12/98  All     La Plaza Ukana -  Akumal, Mexico   A:D,CD         A/A+ 209 Schoeps CMC6-42> Lunatec V2> AD1000> M1 
          * Fire Dancers performed during drums, ** with Keller Williams, and without Nershi ,*** Travis and
          Nershi, **** with Vince Welnick on keyboard
          3 CD's, 44k
10/10/99  All     Knoxville, TN - World's Fair Park  Af:D,CD        A    64  MTG SMS2000/M200>Sonosax SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          only annoyance is 1-2 people in the crowd occassionally -the clappers
          Smoky Mountain Jam featuring Santana, Ozomatli, The Bluerags, and Bela Fleck Bluegrass Session
          44k,  I taped this about 10' (dfc) from edge of stage with mic's handheld about 110 degrees
          (non-coincident  \ -.-/ ).  Although mic's are 2-4' below the stage speakers the separation is
          incredible.)  Sony PCMR500 -> Phillips 870 CDR -> Plex 8/20
10/20/99  All     Wilkesboro, NC     Walker Center   A:D,CD         A    216 B&K 4022's>Lunatec V2>A/D1000>hhb       
          (*Travis presented a large hand-painted cow to Nershi which abstractly depicted the band in action),
          (**with Keller Williams)
          3 CD's, 44k, "B&K 4022's>Lunatec V2>A/D1000>hhb   row 6 seat 139 dfc **Mtn Girls(cut)"
11/27/99  All     Chicago, IL - The Vic Theatre      S:D,CD         A+   n/a S:D8-> HHB850CD                         
          (*with Matt Spencer on percussion), (#1st time played)
          3 CD's; 44
12/31/99  All     Portland, OR - Portland            S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          Abbey Road revisted
          (*with Liza Oxnard), (**with The Zen Tricksters - show opener), (***with Jamie Janover), (****with
          everyone except Keller), (+ probable 1st time play for side 2 of The Beatles' 1969 "Abbey Road" album),
          (^with Keller Williams and Jamie on dulcimer), (^^with Liza and Jamie), (^^^with Keller and Jamie), (^^^^
          with Jamie and The Zen Tricksters)
          4 CD's, 44k, w/ covers (email attachment)
01/29/00  All     Phoenix, AZ - Celebrity Theatre    M:D,CD         A+   189                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "John O'Leary matrix feed ->Tascam DAP1, Tascam DA30->HHB CDR800 Digital Clone from 48 khz
          DAT  to CDR 44.1 khz (using shielded coax digicable)", (www.gdlive shorten files via cable modem,
02/05/00  All     House of Blues LA, CA              S:D,CD         A+   182                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
02/05/00  All     House of Blues LA, CA              S:D,CD         A+   182                                         
          NO: E: Weary Homesick Blues (Acoustic on the floor, no mic's)
          3 CD's, 44k
03/11/00  All     Seattle, WA - Paramount Ballroom   S:D,CD         A+   n/a                                         
          * w/ Karl Denson and Ephram Owens (Hugh Masekela jazz tune.), % w/ Jarrod Kaplan on djembe
          4 CD's, 44k, CD artwork in Eudora
03/17/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:D,CD         A+   217                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
03/18/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Warfield       S:D,CD         A+   77                                          
          * w/ Darol Anger, # Baba Olatunji with Sikiru Adepoju on dundun & Wade Peterson on djembe, % Baba
          Olatunji, Sikiru Adepoju & Wade Peterson only, ^ Darol Anger and Kang on fiddle intro.
          3 CD's, 44k
04/13/00  All     Wooster, OH - McGaw Chapel         S:D,CD         A+   173                                         
          ** Mike Kang and Michael Travis only - both Travis, and Kang, each actually intoduced it as " a
          Brazilian Choro", with Kang adding the comment that "if you were in the streets of Rio you would probably
          hear mandolins playing this type of stuff". "Choro" is a style of Brazilian folk music. The name is meant
          to suggest the impression of melancholoy of certain guitar modulations.
          3 CD's, 44k
04/27/00  All     Wilksboro, NC - Merlefest          A:D,CD         A/A+ 60  Neumann KM185>Beyer MD100>D7            
          1 CD, 44k
04/28/00  Early   Wilksboro, NC - Merlefest          Af:D,CD        A/A+ 61  Schoeps MK4>Reuterhuber>SBM-1>D8        
          w/ Sam Bush
          1 CD, 44k, taped Front of Board with a hat rig"
05/05/00  All     New Orleans, LA  Saenger Theatre   S:D,CD         A+   182                                         
          * w/ Bela &  the Flecktones, ** w/ Karl Denson
          3 CD's, 44k
07/29/00  All     Camp Verde, AZ - Cliff Castle      S:D,CD         A+   176                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, "Dsbd Rosetta> DAP1> D7> CD"
10/20/00  All     Cincinnati, OH - Taft Auditorium   S:D,CD         A+   166                                         
          * begins with first verse, no intro music, ** includes Keith singing a bar of the Sesame Street
          3 CD's, 44k
10/21/00  All     Ann Arbor, MI - Michigan Theatre   S:D,CD         A+   160                                         
          * Noah Kaplan created an improvised painting of Jimi Hendrix as tune was being played. Reported to have
          been pretty cool!, ** with brief Swingtown (Steve Miller Band) jam
          3 CD's, 44k
10/22/00  All     Kent, OH - Kent Student Ballroom   S:D,CD         A+   180                                         
          * Instrumental version
          3 CD's, 44k
10/24/00  All     Buffalo, NY - Sideshow Music Hall  S:D,CD         A+   172                                         
          * very brief version
          3 CD's, 44k
10/29/00  All     Calvin Theatre, Northampton, MA    M:D,CD         A/A+ 173 Schoeps Mk4v                            
          * instrumental version, ** Kyle, Kang, and Travis only
          3 CD's, 44k, "Tape Source:  Jon O'Leary matrix (Schoeps Mk4v blended with the digital sound board feed)
CD Mastering:  Tascam DA-30 -> AES/EBU -> HHB CDR-800", (downloaded from SCI Fidelity FTP, md5
11/09/00  All     Raliegh, NC - The Ritz             S:D,CD         A/A+ 180                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
11/10/00  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  S:D,CD         A+   191                                         
          * First verse only, ** Unfinished, *** Billy and Travis only
          3 CD's, 44k
11/11/00  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  S:D,CD         A/A+ 171                                         
          * Dedicated to Dylan and Melissa who got married earlier in the day.
          3 CD's, 44k
11/17/00  All     Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle           S:D,CD         A/A+ 189                                         
          with Jessica and Melissa themes during the intro
          Guests: ¹ with Tony Furtado on banjo, ² acoustic with Tony Furtado on banjo, without Travis or Kyle, ³
          with Tony Furtado on guitar
          3 CD's, 44k
11/18/00  All     Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle           S:D,CD         A/A+ 187                                         
          3 CD's, 44k, sounds like a matrix, tracks set as much as 20 seconds prior to song start
02/23/01  All     Ogden, UT - Val Browning Center    M:D,CD         A/A+ 180                                         
          Notes: ¹ with only Kang, Kyle, and Travis, First Time Played: Concrete Jungle (Bob Marley cover)
          3 CD's, 44k
05/05/01  All     Riverstage  Nashville  TN          Af:D,CD        A-/A 87  Schoeps CMC6/MK4V>Lunatec V2>AD2K+>D7   
          ¹ with John Popper on harmonica
          2 CD's, 44k
08/03/01  All     Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA        A:D,CD         A    175 Schoeps cmc6 + mk41 > MP2 > AD2K >      
          3 CD's, 44k
08/04/01  All     Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA        A:D,CD         A    163 Schoeps cmc6 + mk41 > MP2 > AD2K >      
          Guests: ¹ with all members of Garaj Mahal
          3 CD's, 44k
11/06/01  All     Richmond, VA - Landmark Theater    Af:D,CD        A-/A 155 Schoeps CMC641> MP-2> AD2K> DA-P1       
          *,**,***Guests:*w/Keller Williams on mouth flugel (Galactic), guitar and vocals (kidney, vacate and I
          know you rider)**w/Liza Oxnard on vocals***w/Jillian Nershi on vocalsNotes:
 unfinishe#w/Travis, Billy &
          Kang only
          3 CD's, 44k, "SchoepsCMC641>MP-2>AD2K>DA-P1 - Extracted using Track Thief on a Macintosh G4 and
          Shorten", md5=OK
12/31/01  All     San Francisco, CA - Bill Graham    A:D,CD         A    216 Shoeps cmc6/mk4v> lunatecV2>            
¹ with Karl Denson on saxophone
² with Keller Williams on mouth flugel
³ with Keller
          Williams on guitar and vocals 
^ with Six Million Dollar Man Theme
First Time Played: Magic
          Carpet Ride (Steppenwolf cover), Tom Sawyer (Rush cover)
          4 CD's, 44k, Source: shoeps cmc6/mk4v>lunatecV2>GPadc20>patchbay>dap1(taped by Larry Narachi, patched
          by Ian stone.; conversion: tascam dap-1>audiowerk2>soundforge4.5>wav>shn
06/22/02  All     Bonnaroo Music Festival -          Af:D,CD        A-/A 143                                         
          The Stadium stage. *with Steve Winwood on organ (and vocals for I'm a Man). #with Karl Denson. ##with
          Karl Denson and Chris Littlefield. **with Samson from KDTU on djembe
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
07/13/02  All     Verizon Wireless Music Center -    A:D,CD         A-/A 169 Schoeps MK-4V> VMS 5u> SBM1> D8         
          ¹ with Leon Mobley (from The Innocent Criminals) on percussion. ² with Ben Harper on guitar and vocals,
          Leon Mobley on percussion, and Liza Oxnard on vocals. ³ with Ben Harper on guitar and vocals and Leon
          Mobley on percussion. 
Other Artist(s): Ben Harper & Liza Oxnard
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: Schoeps Mk4's -> kc-y active -> VMS 5u -> SBM-1 -> D8; 1st row OTS, a few feet
          right of center; DAT->SHN: Sony R300 ->Audiowerk II-> Coaster -> Sound Studio 2.0.3 -> shntool -> Shorten
          v3; *only editing performed were fades at the beginning and end of each set"
07/18/02  All     Columbia, MD - Merriweather Post   Af:D,CD        A-/A 187 Schoeps MK-4V>KC> CMCM6> Lunatec V2>    
          Guests:  ¹ with John Cowan on vocals
² with Peter Rowan on guitar and vocals
³ with Billy Bright on
          mandolin and Brynn Bright on bass (Blackberry Blossom only)
* with Keller Williams on guitar and vocals
Notes:  ^ with You Can't Always Get What You Want verses
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: (dfc/fob)-Schoeps(ortf) mk4>kc5>cmc6>Lunatec V2>AD2K+>DAP-1 @44.1Khz
          Dat Master Tascam DA20MKII>Delta 24/96>Cdwav editor>mkw>shn; Taped and transfered by Scott Gordon
04/20/03  All     Live Oak, FL - Suwanee Music Park  A:D,CD         A-/A n/a AKG 391's > (warm) UA-5 > M1            
          *Band wishes Travis a Happy Birthday after song
          3 CD's, 44k, "Source: AKG 391's > (warm) UA-5 > M1; Transfer: M1 > Audiophile2496 > CDWAV > Shn",
09/26/03  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          A:D,CD         A-   n/a NAK-300 > Denecke AD-20> Sony D8        
          Guests: ² with Monty Montgomery on guitar and vocals  

Notes:  ¹ unfinished; *w/ Valley of the Jig
          and Whiskey Before Breakfast teases; **w/ Land's End tease; ***w/ Run Like Hell teases, Last When Will I?
          3/20/98 (610 shows)
          3 CD's, 44k, flac=OK, "Source: Nakamichi CM300 (cp-1 cardiod caps)>Denecke AD-20>Sony D8; Transfer:
          Sony SDT-9000>VDAT>Sound Forge>wav>Flac
Taped and Encoded by John Dove; (;
          retracked and renamed by Dave Harryman, 10/1/03 DK trading group
I re-edited, retracked, and applied fades
          using Soundforge 6.0 and CDWav 1.54; SBEs fixed with Shntool by cwier60 ~Set I~"
09/27/03  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          A:D,CD         A-   n/a NAK-300 > Denecke AD-20> Sony D8        
          Notes: * w/ Count M'Butu on djembe the "contest" in Resume Man became the vocal jam that led into Lion
          Sleeps Tonight, Last Ramblin' Man 11/18/00 at the Tabernacle, Atlanta, GA (295 shows); First time played:
          When the Lion Sleeps Tonight String Cheese Incident 09/27/2003 Night Two at the Fabulous Fox, Atlanta,
          3 CD's, 44k, flac=OK, "Source: Nakamichi CM300 (cp-1 cardiod caps)>Denecke AD-20>Sony D8; 
          Sony SDT-9000>VDAT>Sound Forge>wav>Flac; Taped and Encoded by John Dove (
          retracked and renamed by Dave Harryman, 10/1/03 DK trading group; I re-edited, retracked, and applied
          fades using Soundforge 6.0 and CDWav 1.54~"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | String Cheese Incident ]


06/13/82  All     Tokyo, JAP - Budokan Hall          S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Live Illusion"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Styx ]


          All     Charming Snakes                    S:?,CD         A+   52                                          
          with H.Hancock, Sting, B.Evans, M.Isham, Ch.Wackerman
          1 CD

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Andy Summers ]


??/??/75  All     London, ENG - Unknown              S:Rm,CD        A/A+ 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Supertramp ]


10/09/76  All     NYC, NY - Max's Kansas City        A:Cm,?,CD      B+   73                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/77  All     Boston, MA - Unknown               S:?,BCD,CD     A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Take Me To Boston"
01/15/77  All     NYC, NY - CBGB's                   A:?,CD         A-   77                                          
          1 CD, 44k
01/26/77  All     Syracuse, NY - Jabberwocky's       FM:?,CD        A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, track #9 (1:05 - 1:11) there is a big cut during "No Compassion", track #16: (2:00 - about
          2:30) slight clicking sound
03/31/77  All     NYC, NY - CBGB's                   S:?,CD         A-   45                                          
          ON: 8/28/77 disc #2
          1 CD, 44k
05/31/77  All     NYC, NY - CBGB's                   A:?,CD         A-/A 78                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
08/28/77  All     NYC, NY - CBGB's                   S:?,LP,?,CD    B+   128                                         
          w/ TH 3/31/77as filler
          2 CD's, 44k, lp crackle is noticeable (LP "Workshop Image")
09/01/77  Late    Syracuse, NY - Jabberwocky's       S:?,CD         A-/A 61                                          
          presented by Syracuse Univ.
          1 CD, 44k
10/22/77  All     Minneapolis, MN - Jay's Longhorn   A:?,CD         B+   66                                          
          1 CD, 44k, hiss
11/01/77  All     New Brunswick, NJ - Rutgers        S:?,CD         A    64                                          
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss, cut in Psycho Killer
11/17/77  All     Maynard, MA - Northern Studios     S:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
12/03/77  All     San Francisco, CA - The Old        S:?,CD         A    47                                          
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK,
01/14/78  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Paradisio        FM:?,CD        A-/A 33                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/04/78  All     Renselaer, NY - Hullaballoo        S:Cm,?,CD      A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, 3 cuts in Psycho Killer (could be cassette flip)
08/21/78  All     Grosse Pointe, MI - Punch And      A:Cm,C,CD      A-   130 TEAC mic> Sony> TCS153                  
          WAVX - Detroit
          2 CD's, 44k, "AUD TEAC MIC>SONY> TCS153 GEN1 ANA>CDR", disc #2 tracks 1 - 7 are unknown band filler
08/28/78  All     Chicago, IL - Park West            S:?,CD         A-/A 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/??/78  All     Hempstead, NY - Hofstra University FM:?,CD        A    64                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/15/78  All     Houston, TX - Texas Opry House     FM:?,CD        A    61                                          
          12 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, some brief skipping/pops during the intro crowd noise prior to the introduction by the DJ
09/16/78  All     San Francisco, CA - Boarding House S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, source: SDB->Pre FM -> Master Reel ->DAT; shorten: EAC (wav) -> MKW (shn)
10/07/78  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      A:?,CD         A-   79                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/11/78  All     Dallas, TX - The Palladium         S:?,CD         A    69                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/27/79  All     Tokyo, JAP - Unknown               S:Rm,D,CD      A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "S:Pre-FM Reels>D>CDR", 22 minutes of Heads filler
03/15/79  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A    52                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "preFM SBD > reel-M > CD-R(c) , WMMS FM , some glitches from A>D transfer" there is a slight
08/08/79  All     Boston, MA - Berklee College of    pFM:Rm,D,CD    A/A+ 71                                          
          WBCN broadcast
          1 CD, 44k, "S>PreFM>R>DAT>CD", same show as 8/24/79(but this is correct date), "Memories Can't Wait
          (aka. The Live Experience)", there is some strange clicking noise at the end of TMTTRiver
09/09/79  All     Los Angeles, CA - Stardust         preFM:?,CD     A/A+ 63                                          
          14 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
09/29/79  All     Los Angeles, CA - Pauley           S:?,CD         A/A+ 63                                          
          14 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, could this be 9/9/79? - Both are listed from LA, both are approximately 63 minutes with 14
          tracks each, and very similar sound quality.
08/20/80  All     Toronto, ONT. - Heatwave Festival  S:?,CD         A    74                                          
           (14 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k
08/23/80  All     Mosport, ONT - Fair Grounds        S:Cm,C,C,CD    A-/A 76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, end of TMTTR is cut
10/30/80  All     Detroit, MI - Masonic Temple       A:Cm,C,CD      A-   76  TEAC mic> Sony> TCS153                  
          1 CD, 44k
11/08/80  All     Cherry Hill, NJ - Emerald City     S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 41                                          
          Cherry Hill
          1 CD, 44k, "S:Pre-FM Reels>D>CDR"
11/17/80  All     Atlanta, GA - Unknown              A:Cm,CD        A-/A 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k, digi-glitches on last song
12/11/80  All     Rotterdam, NET - The Ahoy          S:?,CD         A/A+ 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/27/81  All     Fukuoka, JAP - Sun Palace          S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, the Heads at their best!
07/04/82  All     Belgium, GER - Winter Pop Festival S:?,CD         A/A+ 55                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/08/82  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    FM:?,CD        A/A+ 75                                          
          12 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
07/20/82  All     Milan, ITA - Teatro Tenda          S:?,CD         A-/A 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Chicken Shack"
08/21/82  All     Queens, NY - Forest Hills          A:Cm,C,C,CD    A-/A 89                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, missing 2 tracks markers, I Zimbra has a [cf], I need to check this against 8/19/83
          (definitely not same length)
09/07/82  All     Austin, TX - Fiesta Gardens        A:Cm,CD        A-/A 119                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "(Aud master>CDR)"
09/17/82  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          A:Cm,D,*,CD    A-/A 82                                          
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "Unknown Mics> DAT> active Oade > Monster digiCoax > CMI8738(coax S/PDIF) > Sound Forge
          4.5 > WAV@48khz (Downsampled to 44.1khz w/anti-alias filter and highest quality setting of 4) > CDWAV >
          SHNv3" " - * - first 1:00 seconds of d01t06 has serious diginoise I am assuming this was on the master
09/25/82  All     Sunrise, FL - Sunrise Musical      A:Cm,CD        A-   97                                          
          with Bernie Worell
          2 CD's, 44k, "(Aud master>CDR)" track 1 has some clipping/distortion
08/15/83  All     Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 119                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii(48k)-> Tascam CDRW700(44k))
08/19/83  All     Queens, NY - Forest Hills          A:Cm,*,CD      A-/A 169 Nak 300> Sony D6                        
          TH disc #3 ON Police 8/10/83 disc #2 as filler
          3 CD's, 44k, "MAC>SoundForge>CD" "Nak300s>SonyD6>SoundForge>CD" (rec'd as 8/21/82), 2 tracks around
          Burning Down the House are set incorrectly, , I need to check this against 8/21/82 (definitely not same
08/20/83  Most    South Yarmouth, MA - Cape Cod      S:Cm,C,D,CD    A/A+ 118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
10/08/83  All     Washington, D.C. - Warner Theater  A:Cm,D,CD      A-   127                                         
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k, "Amaster>>DAT>>CD"
01/25/84  All     Milwaukee, WI - Unknown            S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Natures Way"
01/25/84  All     Milwaukee, WI - Unknown            S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 68                                          
          13 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "Got A Match"
12/01/84  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:?,CD         A/A+ 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Talking Heads ]


10/29/74  All     Sheffield, ENG - Sheffield City    S:D            U    44                                          
          Performed by Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Peter Baumann.
          1 CD, 44k, Produced and released by the tadream discussion list (P) 2002.  Low generation recording
          remastered by Jabberwock.  Converted to SHN by Leah Cim, using Exact Audio Copy and mkw
Audio Compression
          Tool.  Produced by fans for fans - never sell or buy; trade freely.
11/08/76  All     Nottingham, ENG - Albert Hall      A:?,CD         U    n/a                                         
Performed by Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Peter Baumann.
          1 CD, 44k, "Produced and released by the tadream discussion list (P) 2002.  Tracks 1-2, 2nd generation
          audience recording. Track 3 taken from the "Collected Endings" CD, reconstructed by 3N. All tracks
          remastered by 3N.  Converted to SHN by Leah Cim, using Exact Audio Copy and mkw Audio Compression Tool.
          This replaces "Me-Rad".  Produced by fans for fans - never sell or buy; trade freely"
03/29/86  All     Cologne, GER - Unknown             FM:?,CD        A+   n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "Tangerine Tree / Classic Tree Volume 5", 1 large track
08/01/87  All     Berlin, GER - Reichstag            S:D            U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Antarktis", md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tangerine Dream ]


11/11/40  All     Jerry Newman's Apartment           A:m,CD         A-   n/a                                         
          All Art Tatum fits on 1 CD
05/07/41  All     Reuben's, Harlem, NY               A:m,CD         A-   n/a                                         
          All Art Tatum fits on 1 CD
07/26/41  All     Gee Haw, Harlem, NY                A:m,CD         A-   n/a                                         
          All Art Tatum fits on 1 CD
09/16/41  All     Clark Monroe's Uptown House        A:m,CD         A-   n/a                                         
          All Art Tatum fits on 1 CD

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Art Tatum ]


??/??/72  All     Oakland, CA - Unknown              S:Rm,?,CD      A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/16/74  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:Rm,?,CD      A+   54                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (Often mislabelled as May '74)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | James Taylor ]


07/24/99  All     Cleveland, OH - Wilbert's Bar &    A:D,CD         A-/A 97                                          
          no setlist
          w/ Max Middleton on piano
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Mick Taylor ]


05/12/83  All     Cologne, GER - Satory Saal         TV:CD          A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, Sartory-Säle Köln 12.05.1983
??/??/84  All     London, ENG - Hammersmith Odeon    S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "In My Mind's Eye" (rec'd as '85) (from laser disc: Polygram Music Video 040
??/??/84  All     Cologne, GER - Sporthalle          TV:CD          A    69                                          
          (9 tracks)
          Televised as a Rockpalast Special
          1 CD, 44k, should be same as 5/12/83 according to Rockpalast archives (
??/??/85  All     Manchester, UK - The Apollo        S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 50                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Cape Fear"
??/??/90  All     Santa Barbara, CA - Unknown        S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Mad World" - (That's Live (TL 930020))
09/15/96  All     London, ENG - Shepherds Bush       FM:CD          A/A+ 56                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tears For Fears ]


05/03/00  All     Asheville, NC - Thomas Wolfe Aud.  A:D,CD         A-/A 62  Neumann KM184> Lunatec V2> AD1000>      
          opened for ABB
          1 CD, 44k, taped by Chris Sheppard

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Susan Tedeschi ]


10/03/66  All     Detroit, MI - The Roostertail's    S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          Eddie Kendricks, David Ruffin, Paul WIlliams, Otis Williams, Melvin Franklin; Cornelius Grant - guitar,
          Bill Upchurch - bass, "Stormin" Norman Roberts - drums, Johnny Trundell, Mourice Davis, Floyd Jones &
          Billy Horner - trumpets, Don White, George Bohannon - trombones, Teddy Buckner, Ernie Roberts - alto sax,
          George Benson, Angelo Carlisis - tenor sax, Thomas "Beans" Bowles - barritone sax, flute
          1 CD, 44k, "Temptations Live!", 96K/24 bit remaster

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Temptations ]


04/04/02  All     Austin, TX - Waterloo Park         S:D            U    78                                          
          **The D opened up for String Cheese Incident and JB came on stage during their encore to sing a rocking
          rendition of Rush's Tom Sawyer, while KG did an interpretive dance.  **The final two tracks were added
          from a different source.
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tenacious D ]


07/02/01  All     Milwaukee, WI - Summerfest         A:D,CD         A-   92                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
07/12/01  All     Winfield, KS - Wheatland Jam       A:D,CD         A-/A 80                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Three Dog Night ]


01/07/77  All     Chicago, IL - WXFM Radio Studio    FM:?,shn,CD    A    n/a                                         
          Prior to the release of Equal Rights Peter did a series of radio station interviews in the US that
          included live solo acoustic performances. He returned to the US later in the year with his band to tour
          the album.
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK
02/13/79  All     Boulder, CO - Glenn Miller Club    S:?,CD         A    76                                          
          1 CD, 44k, probably S:Cm,...,CD
03/09/79  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:Rm,D,CD      A+   n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
03/15/79  All     Roslyn, NY - Unknown               S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/23/79  All     Long Island, NY - Calderone        S:?,CD         A    89                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
07/16/79  Most    Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,BCD,CD     A    70                                          
          NO: Mystic Man, Pick Myself Up
          1 CD, 44k, "Remedies For Babylon"
08/22/80  All     Long Island, NY - Calderone        FM:?,CD        A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/30/81  All     London, ENG - Rainbow Theater      S:D            U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
09/29/81  All     NYC, NY - The Ritz                 S:Rm,D,CD      A+   n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
07/10/83  All     New Haven, CT - Agosen Ballroom    A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 143                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (
08/23/83  All     Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre, U.   S:?,CD         A/A+ 41                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/30/83  All     Rotterdam, NET - The Ahoy          A:?,BCD,CD     A-   110                                         
          Peter Tosh was assasinated in 1987 in his home
          2 CD's, 44k, "Grass In Pocket"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Peter Tosh ]


07/04/71  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,CD         A    64                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/98  All     Stockton, CA - Fox Theatre         S:D,CD         A/A+ 40                                          
          1 CD, 44k, this is a copy of the cd sent to radio stations for broadcast

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tower of Power ]


1970      All     "The Genius of Pete Townshend"     S:?,CD         A    78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, ""The Genius of Pete Townshend" Home Demos 78"
04/14/74  All     London, ENG - The Roundhouse       A:?,CD         A-/A 70                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds a bit saturated at the start
06/??/77  All     Goring-on-Thames, ENG - Pete's     Sto:?,CD       A+   76                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/12/79  All     London, ENG - Shepperton Studios   S:?,CD         A-   79                                          
          Rock Against Racism Rehearsals
          1 CD, 44k
01/29/86  All     Cannes, FRA - Midem                S:?,CD         A    74                                          
          w/ The Deep End Band
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pete Townsend ]


          All     The Wet Dreams of Mr. Fantasy      S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 77                                          
          1 CD, 44k, w/ art in email file
11/18/70  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A/A+ 67                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/23/70  All     NYC, NY - Anderson Theater         S:?,CD         A/A+ 54                                          
          Hell's Angels Benefit
          notes excerpted from Steve Winwood Fans' Site: This disc is most notable for the inclusion of Rick
          Grech to the group near the latter part of their 1970 tour. Along with playing bass, he also lends a hand
          with lead guitar. The disc finds a group which had been on the road for awhile bolstered by a new member
          to add new flavors to their arrangements. For fans of the 70 tour this disc offers a rare glimpse of
          Traffic as a quartet, with the additional freedom offered by another member. The disc starts with an intro
          by none other than Bill Graham. Medicated Goo is a bit disjointed although Winwood is in fine voice, and
          plays a lead somewhat reminiscent of Stranger To Himself from earlier in the tour. A nice version of
          Pearly Queen is next, with Grech on hand to lend support to the rhythm section, Chris’s organ fills break
          loose a bit to add some color.
          1 CD, 44k, intro by Bill Graham - could this be 11/18/70?? (same setlist)
1971      All     Low Spark Sessions                 Sto:Rm,?,CD    A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/72  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            A:?,CD         A-   74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at the Fillmore"
08/13/94  All     Saugerties, NY - Woodstock II      S:?,CD         A/A+ 76                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Traffic ]


11/27/78  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      preFM:Rm,CD    A    56                                          
          no setlist (10 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Pat Travers ]


01/13/73  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:Cm,C,CD     A-/A 41                                          
          ON: Elvin Bishop 7/73 disc 2
          1 CD, 44k
10/22/73  All     Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre      FM:D,CD        A-/A 48                                          
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like an audience recording
08/06/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         preFM:R,D,CD   A    48                                          
          Jim Dewar: bass & vox, Reggie Isadore: drums, Trower; guitar
          1 CD, 44k, "KDHT preFM sbd-> Reel-> Dat-> CDR"
01/29/75  All     London, ENG - Paris Theatre        FM:?,BCD,CD    A/A+ 47                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "BBC In Concert 1975" (w/ artwork jpg's), has tons of digiglitches on the final song
01/18/77  All     New Haven, CT - Veterans'          S:Rm,CD        A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "King Biscuit Flower Hour" from the original multitrack masters, (w/ artwork jpg's)
04/11/80  All     Hammond, IL - Hammond Civic Centre A:?,CD         A-   67                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (w/ artwork jpg's)
01/27/89  All     San Rafael, CA - New Georges       FM:Cm,D,CD     A    74                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some hiss (may be imperfect reception)

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robin Trower ]


10/22/99  All     Knoxville, TN - Moose's Music Hall Af:D,CD        A    93  MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          w/ Members of Soulive
          2 CD, 44k, slightly left of center (w/ other tapers), approximately 25' from stage
09/16/00  All     Charlotte, NC - Visualite          S:D,CD         A+   129                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/02/01  All     Ocean City, NJ - Ocean City Music  S:D,CD         U    n/a Soundboard -> DA-P1 -> DA-P1            
          2 CD's, 44k, "SV-3200 -> ProDiff Plus sound card, using Samplitude 2496 to capture, normalize, and then
          burn the CD."
08/03/01  All     Raleigh, NC - Alltel Pavilion      Af:D,CD        A    76  MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          * = w/ Phil Lesh, Susan Tedeschi on Lovelight, Derek Trucks (guitar, sarod), Todd Smallie (bass,
          vocals), Yonrico Scott (drums, percussion, vocals), Kofi Burbridge (keyboards, flute, vocals), Javier
          Colon (percussion, vocals)
          1 CD, 44k, w/ tracks, 110 degree ortf, slightly right of dfc, row Q, seat 20 (FILLER: 28 minutes of
          Tedeschi 8/4/01)
02/02/02  All     Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats          A:D,CD         A    121 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Derek Trucks Band ]


??/??/72  All     Sausalito, CA - The Record Plant   FM:Cm,CD       A/A+ 61                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/76  All     Los Angeles, CA - Unknown          S:?,CD         A-/A 51                                          
          no setlist, 9 tracks
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/81  All     NYC, NY - The Palladium            S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          partial setlist, 10 tracks
          1 CD, 44k, "Shocker"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tubes, The ]


06/19/73  All     Long Island, NY - Ultra Sonic      Sto:?,CD       A-/A 72                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/20/73  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore West  S:?,CD         A    46                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/31/73  All     San Francisco, CA - Cow Palace     FM:Rm,D        A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/74  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A    64                                          
          The sudden death of bass player Tommy Caldwell in 1980 struck the band off-guard and created a downward
          spiral of events that eventually led to the band's dissolution.
          1 CD, 44k
03/13/76  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          track 9 w/ ABB, track 10 w/ Chuck Leavell
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Marshall Tucker Band ]


01/30/71  All     Paris, FRA - Olympia Theater       S:?,CD         A/A+ 66                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/01/71  All     NYC, NY - Carnegie Hall            S:?,CD         A    58                                          
          1 CD, 44k, missing a few track markers, also seen as 4/1/71
11/03/73  All     Munich, GER - Cirkus Krone         S:?,CD         A    66                                          
          *from the 4/1/71 Carnegie Hall show; #Studio tracks
          1 CD, 44k, bit overloaded at the start

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Ike & Tina Turner ]


03/05/75  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         FM:Cm,C,C,CD   A-/A 85                                          
          John Miller - piano, Turra Nocamura - bass, Bruno Car - drums
          2 CD's, 44k (disc 2 on Wonder 8/24/80 disc 3), good but there is hiss, "2nd gen FM clone"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stanley Turrentine ]


1978      All     Contract Demos                     S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/26/80  All     Dublin, Ireland - National Stadium S:?,CD         A    73                                          
          Lots of rare tunes, with misc. filler
          After the show, U2 sign their first contract with Island Records
          1 CD, 44k, "My Hometown"
10/14/80  All     Hilversum, Netherlands - KRO       S:?,CD         A/A+ 77                                          
          Less Than 50 people in attendance
          1 CD, 44k, w/ art
02/15/81  All     Hamburg, Germany - Onkel Po's      S:Cm,CD        A-/A 53                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/07/81  All     New York, NY - The Ritz            S:Cm,C,D,CD    A    54                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/15/81  All     Reseda, CA - Reseda Country Club   A:Cm,?,CD      A-   59                                          
          1 CD, 44k, original pressing, Sea Monkey sm 1905-1 Taiwan
03/28/81  All     Denver, CO - Rainbow Music Hall    preFM:Rm,CD    A    68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "track 1("40") is from 12/15/84"
04/09/81  All     Minneapolis, MN - Uncle Sam's      A:Cm,CD        A-/A 55                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k
04/11/81  P1      Chicago, IL - International House  S:?,CD         A/A+ 30                                          
          ON: U2 10/14/80, thru "Things to Make & Do"
          1 CD, 44k
05/11/81  All     Denver, CO - Rainbow Music Hall    S:?,CD         A    54                                          
          1 CD, 44k
05/30/81  All     New York, NY - NBC Studios - 'The  TV:?,CD        A    10                                          
          ON: U2 5/11/81
          Twilight fades out during ending credits
10/03/81  Partial Salford, England - University      S:Cm,FM:D,CD   A/A+ n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), both 10/3/81 & 10/30/81 on 1 disc (32 minutes total)
10/30/81  Partial Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso  S:Cm,FM:D,CD   A/A+ 16                                          
          Larry's 20th birthday. After the show Bono gives him a remote control truck.
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), both 10/3/81 & 10/30/81 on 1 disc (32 minutes total)
11/04/81  All     Berlin, West Germany - Metropol    TV:VHS,CD      A    61                                          
          1 CD, 44k,
11/22/81  All     New York, NY - The Ritz            S:?,CD         A    54                                          
          NO: Gloria, cuts into Another Time
          1 CD, 44k, "Last Night At The Ritz"
12/13/81  All     Lido Beach, NY - Malibu Night Club S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 63                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "December"w/ art
02/11/82  All     New Orleans, LA - SS President     A:Cm,CD        A-   75                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/17/82  All     New York, NY - The Ritz            S:?,CD         A-/A 60                                          
          1 CD, 44k, the whole show is here, but only 14 track marks
05/14/82  All     Hattem, Holland - 'T Heem          FM:C,CD,D,CD   A    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, [Sony R500-> Phillips CDR870]
12/06/82  All     London, England - Hammersmith      preFM:?,CD     A    65                                          
          PRE-WAR TOUR
          Missing opening "Out Of Control", "Twilight"
          1 CD, 44k, "Radio show CD>CDR, Better quality than "An Electric Company On Stage", "A Celebration"
12/08/82  All     Utrecht, Netherlands -             A:Cm,?,CD      A-   79                                          
          PRE-WAR TOUR
          2 CD's, 44k, original pressing, label: Hawkmoon Records 003/004 Netherlands, there are 2 tiny skips in
          the recording on disc 2 track 1 (3.43) and disc 2 track 4 (4.46).
12/14/82  All     Copenhagen, Denmark - Falkoner     A:Cm,?,CD      A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, there are very small clicks between some of the tracks.
03/24/83  All     Glasgow, Scotland - Tiffany's      FM:CD          U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Party At Tiffany`s"
05/06/83  All     Boston, MA - Orpheum Theatre       S:?,CD         A/A+ 102                                         
          WAR TOUR
          "The complete Boston '83 Tapes" it was released by Swingin' Pig Records.  Although many songs of this
          show have been released on other bootlegs, this double CD has the COMPLETE soundboard recording of the May
          6, 1983 show. Six songs have never appeared on any bootlegs of this show before. The show is charged and
          U2 is in great form. The bootleg comes with black cover art and photos from both 1982 and (strangely
          enough) 1992. The Boston date incorrectly labeled as May 29, 1983. A nice addition to any collection,
          especially since it covers the entire show. The Hilversum recording appears on other bootlegs. Both shows
          were recorded for radio broadcast, but I believe the master tape from the Boston show was used to master
          this CD. You should definitely pick this up. This is probably the best recorded representation of a U2
          show from the 1983 tour. The only flaw in the Boston show is a 2-second "skip" (quite like a record would
          do) during the piano intro to "I Fall Down." However, a careful listen doesn't reveal any surface noise
          one would expect from a recording mastered from vinyl. The Holland tracks are a nice addition.
          2 CD's, 44k, often mislabed as 5/29/83
05/30/83  All     Devore, CA - Glen Helen Regional   S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 53                                          
          WAR TOUR
          'US Festival' - Line up includes Little Steven & The Disciples of Soul, Berlin, Quarterflash, Missing
          Persons, The Pretenders, Joe Walsh, Stevie Nicks, and David Bowie
          1 CD, 44k, NO: 'Out Of Control', w/ tracks
06/05/83  All     Denver, CO - Red Rocks Ampitheater A:Cm,CD        A    85                                          
          WAR TOUR
          Recorded and released as 'U2 Live At Red Rocks: Under A Blood Red Sky'
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Concert", w/ art
06/25/83  All     Atlanta, GA - Civic Center         A:Cm,D,CD      B+   73                                          
          WAR TOUR
          1 CD, 44k, "aud mstr>DAT>CDR"
06/29/83  All     New York, NY - Pier 84             A:Cm,C,CD      A-   73  Nakamichi                               
          the Alarm opened
          1 CD, 44k, low levels for the first 1:40
08/14/83  All     Dublin, Ireland - Phoenix Park     A:Cm,CD        A-/A 85                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
08/14/83  All     Dublin, Ireland - Phoenix Park     A:Cm,CD        A-/A 80                                          
          WAR TOUR
          1 CD, 44k, "master-> CD", great recording/ weak mix
08/20/83  All     St. Goarshausen, W. Germany -      TV:CD          U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "TV Cable (Germany) > CD Master > CD1"
08/20/83  All     St. Goarshausen, W. Germany -      TV:MD,CD       A-/A 70                                          
          WAR TOUR
          1 CD, 44k, great recording/ weak mix, artwork

10/23/84  All     Nantes, France - St. Herblain      S:Cm,CD        A/A+ 84                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, S:Cm,CD X 4, new complete version from the stolen master  tape
11/15/84  All     London, England - Wembley Arena    A:C(2),CD      A-   122                                         
          THE UNFORGETTABLE FIRE TOUR, contains 38 minutes of filler
          2 CD's, 44k
11/21/84  Most    Dortmund, W. Germany -             S:Cm,CD        A-/A 67                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Master-> CDR", crowd noise volume levels change - I think this is a preFM.
12/07/84  All     Toronto, ONT - Massey Hall         A:Cm,Lp,CD     A-   78                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, lp pops, sound gets better after the first song
01/25/85  All     Stockholm, Sweden - Ice Stadium    A:Cm,CD        A-   90                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "aud fr master"
01/26/85  All     Gothenburg, Sweden - Scandinavium  A:Cm,CD        A-/A 89                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "aud fr master"
02/01/85  All     Mannheim, W. Germany - Musensaal   A:Cm,?,LP,CD   A    87                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Camouflage Heart" md5=OK, "1985 vinyl bootleg-> Sound Blaster Live (Line In) using
          Sound Forge 4.5 recorder.  There is a skip in track 17 due to a scratch on the vinyl.  The vinyl source
          needed slowing down some 2 percent.  There was also a certain amount of surface noise which I treated
          using the Noise Reduction plug in.  The distortion that is prevalent in certain numbers seems to be from
          the source tape.  (Tapers used walkman recorders in those days and the microphones were lame)." - clipped
          from the text file
02/04/85  All     Milan, Italy - Palazetto Dello     A:Cm,?,CD      A-   139                                         
          THE UNFORGETTABLE FIRE TOUR, includes 8 bonus tracks from 4/1/1985
          2 CD's, 44k
02/05/85  All     Bologna, Italy - Teatro Tenda      S:?,CD         A/A+ 139                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Unforgettable Night", w/ art, there are many serious glitches in Pride
02/27/85  All     Houston, TX - The Summit           A:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "BBE mastered"
03/21/85  All     Chicago, IL - University Of        S:?,D          A/A+ 102                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, w/ art
04/01/85  All     New York, NY - Madison Square      A:Cm,D,CD      A-   91  Sony ECM300's-> Sony D5 cassette master 
          2 CD's, 44k "A:Cm,D,CD,CD,CD, my CD"; sounds distant
06/15/86  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Giants       S:Cm,CD        A    56                                          
          NO: Cold Turkey, Invisible Sun*, I Shall Be Released**
          Amnesty International's "Conspiracy Of Hope" Tour.    * Bono W/ The Police, ** All-Star finale
          1 CD, 44k
04/04/87  All     Tempe, AZ - Activity Center.       S:Cm,C,CD      A    146                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "D6>tape>cdr"
04/25/87  All     Daly City, CA - Cow Palace         A:?,CD         A-   129                                         
          w/ soundchecks
          2 CD's, 44k
04/29/87  All     Chicago, IL - Rosemont Horizon     S:Pm,D,CD      A/A+ 105                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (Sony R500-> Tascam CDR700)
07/10/87  All     Rotterdam, Netherlands -           A:?,CD         A-   80                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/28/87  All     New York, NY - Madison Square      A:Cm,D,CD      A    103 AKG 313 Omni mics                       
          2 CD's, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
11/07/87  All     Denver, CO - McNichols Sports      S:HiFi,D,CD    A/A+ 109                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, I think this is from the video feed
11/11/87  All     San Francisco, CA - Justin Herman  S:?,CD         A-   n/a                                         
          THE JOSHUA TREE TOUR, ON: 12/31/89 disc 2
          All Along The Watchtower was recorded here for Rattle & Hum. In the middle of Sunday Bloody Sunday,
          Bono sees a sign with "SF" & "U2" on it. Bono mistakes the "SF" as Sinn Fein and has a fit.
          1 CD, 44k
11/15/87  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      Af:Cm,D,CD     A-/A 113 Schoeps cmc34> m1000> D6 mstr> DAT      
          THE JOSHUA TREE TOUR, NO: In God's country
          2 CD's, 44k, there is a cassette after "Exit", then fades into crowd noise prior to "People Get
11/24/87  All     Fort Worth, TX - Tarrant County    A:Cm,?BCD,CD   B+   145                                         
          * With B.B. King - Soundcheck and parts of the show included in 'Rattle And Hum'
          2 CD's, 44k, "Love In Town"
11/23/89  All     Yokohama, Japan - Sports Arena     A:Cm,CD        A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "D5 Cassette Master-> CDR"
12/01/89  All     Osaka, Japan - Osaka Castle Hall   A:?,CD         A-/A 74                                          
          First 'Slow Dancing'
          1 CD, 44k
12/26/89  All     Dublin, Ireland - Point Depot      S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 94                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "XMas At The Point"
12/27/89  All     Dublin, Ireland - Point Depot      S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 95                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "December XXVII"
12/30/89  All     Dublin, Ireland - Point Depot      S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 104                                         
          First 'Mystery Girl'
          2 CD's, 44k, "At the 11th Hour", lots of diginoise during Bullet - the 12-30-89 CD pressing
          comes originally with this flaw.
12/31/89  All     Dublin, Ireland - Point Depot      S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 148                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "New Year's Night in Dublin"
05/22/92  All     Milan, Italy - Forum Di Assago     A:?,CD         A    109                                         
          First 'So Cruel'
          2 CD's, 44k, "Wild Horses"
06/11/92  All     Stockholm, Sweden - Globen         FM:D,CD        A    120                                         
          * W/ Bjorn and Betty from ABBA
          2 CD's, 44k
08/12/92  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Giants       A:D,CD         A/A+ 147                                         
          First outside broadcast of ZooTv
          w/ Michael Stipe
          2 CD's, 44k
08/13/92  All     East Rutherford, NJ - Giants       S:D,CD         A-/A 119                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds flat
08/11/93  All     London, England - Wembley Stadium  S:?,CD         A    132                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Remastered Wembly Nights"
08/12/93  All     London, England - Wembley Stadium  A:?,CD         A-/A 134                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/20/93  All     London, England - Wembley Stadium  A:?,CD         A-   131                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
08/28/93  All     Dublin, Ireland - R.D.S. Arena     S:PreFM,CD,D   A+   n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
05/26/97  All     Washington, DC - Robert F.         A:D,CD         A    117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, (Tacsam DA-20mkii -> Philliphs CDR870)
06/15/97  All     Edmonton, Canada - Commonwealth    A:D,CD         A-/A 126                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/18/97  All     Oakland, CA - Oakland-Alameda      Ear:D,CD       A-/A 119                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, weak mix
07/02/97  All     Foxboro, MA - Foxboro Stadium      A:D,CD         A/A+ 144                                         
          includes full version of Rain
          Suspicious Minds with Fun Lovin Criminals
          2 CD's, 44k, could be video feed??
08/18/97  All     Nuremberg, Germany - Zeppelinfeld  S:D,CD,D,CD    A/A+ 118                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
09/13/97  All     Barcelona, Spain - Estadi Olimpic  A:D,CD         A-   n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
09/30/97  All     Tel Aviv, Isreal - Ramat Gan       Ear:D,CD       A/A+ 123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Soundboard/Earfeed > DAT Master > CD Master (RB) > EAC (Secure & Tested) >
WAV Editor >
          CD Wave > MKW > SHN > CD"
11/02/97  All     Montreal, Quebec - Olympic Stadium A:D,CD         A-   128                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
12/02/97  All     Ciudad de Mexico, DF - Autodromo   Ear:D,CD       A-/A 123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, from earpiece feed, do in MoFo, i AM TOLD THIS IS ACTUALLY 12/11/97
12/11/97  All     Seattle, WA - The Kingdome         Ear:D,CD       A-/A 123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, from earpiece feed, do in MoFo
12/11/97  All     Seattle, WA - The Kingdome         S:D,CD         A-/A 114                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "DAT Master > DAT Clone 3 > Tascam DAP1 > Oade Coax Cable > Tascam CDRW 5000 CD > CD1",
          sounds like an earfeed
01/31/98  All     Sao Paulo, Brazil - Morumbi        A:D,CD         A    125                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
02/11/98  All     Santiago, Chile - Estadio Nacional TV:CD          A/A+ 139                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "TV - CD"
12/05/00  All     NYC, NY - Irving Plaza             FM:D,CD        A    73                                          
          free concert for 1,000 people presented by K-Rock (WXRK, 92.3FM)
          1 CD, 44k, "WBCN Boston FM > Terk FM 8ft > Onkyo FM Receiver > R300 DAT+SBM @ 48k Delta Dio 2496 >
          optical > Mac BW G3 > Peak > UltraMax > AIFF > SHN > CD Master"
03/24/01  All     Miami, FL - National Car Rental    S:D,CD         A/A+ 117                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, some crackles: Track 1: 2:58, Track 3: 1:22 (left channel down until this point and then
          it pops back up), 2:04 (left fades back down), 2:43 (left channel pops back in), 3:19 (pop in left channel
          then it fades down a few seconds later), 4:08 (left channel pops back in), 4:21 (left channel drops back
Track 4: 2:36 (left channel crackles and comes back up)
03/26/01  All     Ft. Lauderdale, FL - National Car  A:D,CD         A-   118 Core Sound Binaurals                    
          2 CD's, 44k, "core Sound Binaurals CSB's 10' from the stage in the center of "The Heart"
03/29/01  All     Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Coliseum A:D,CD         A-   119                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, not my source, lots of crowd noise, has 5 additional minutes prior to Elevation
03/29/01  All     Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Coliseum A:D,CD         A-/A 113 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, taped by me
04/28/01  All     Phoenix, AZ - America West Arena   A:D,CD         A-/A 126 Schoeps mk4> brbox> sbm1> M1> CDR       
          Stuck in a Moment You Can`t Get Out Of is dedicated to Michael Hutchence; In a Little While is
          dedicated to Joey Ramone; One is dedicated to Jerry Mele; I Remember You is the 2nd song this night
          dedicated to Joey Ramone
          2 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps mk4> brbox> sbm1> M1> CDR> EAC (secure mode)> wav> mkwACT> shn"
05/09/01  All     Milwaukee, WI - Bradley Center     Af:D,CD        A-/A 130 Schoeps CCM4V > MP-2 > SBM-1 > D100     
          2 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps CCM4V > MP-2 > SBM-1 > D100> shn> cd"
10/25/01  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    Af:D,CD        A-/A 119 Neumann KM140> SX-M2 > Sony D100        
          *The Beatles: All You Need Is Love, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
          2 CD's, 44k, Taper:George Wang , Source:Neumann ak40s > Neumann lc-3 active cables >
          Neumann km100s > Audio Magic X-Stream XLRs > Sonosax sx-m2 > Sony D100, Location: Sec 116 Row D Seat 17,
          11th row approximately 10 ft. right of the left stage rear stack; DAT > SHN:Archive Python DDS/DAT2WAV >
          .wav > CD-WAV/mkwACT > .shn (Direct DAT extraction, no soundcard), These notes are from the taper: "d1t02
          - I accidently bumped the levels down about 5 seconds in and faded it back up over the next 10 seconds.
          d2t11 - Some diginoise got on the master dat when the da-p1 ate the tape a few seconds into this track."
          (1/14/02) I (Delano) fixed the problem with d1t02 by normalizing the volume drop using SF 4.5.  There was
          a slight pop that occured on the master when the levels initially dropped that I could completely
11/23/01  All     Phoenix, AZ - America West Arena   Af:D,CD        A-   113 Neumann KM140> SBM1> D8                 
          ^ with fan from the audience, * with Gwenn Stefani of No Doubt
          2 CD's, 44k, "The Fire of Love", Neumann ak40s > Neumann lc-3 active cables > Neumann km100s >
          sbm1 > M1 DAT > CD: Sony D8 > Sek'd Prodif 96 >Soundforge v4.5 > CDWAV > mkw, md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | U2 ]


06/21/02  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    A:D,CD         U    n/a AKG C3000>EDirol UA-5@24/48> Sony VIAO  
          * with drums and Spirit of the Radio ending 
^ with Jake on percussion 
** with In the Hall of the
          Mountain King 
there were power problems during Push the Pig
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, "DAUD AKG C3000(Card)>EDirol UA-5@24/48> Sony VIAO FX-A36 > WavLab > WAV 44/16 >
          CDWAV > MKW > SHN; Smack in the middle of the Room Just behind the soundboard Recorded Encoded Bla... Dail

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Umphrees McGee ]


09/27/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Market Square      Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          #18 in the Sundown in the City series, opened for Burning Spear
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Uptown Bogarts ]


05/09/76  All     Norwalk, CA - Goldenwest Ballroom  S:?,C,D,CD     A    55                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
12/20/77  All     Pasadena, CA - Pasadena Civic      S:?,C,D,CD     A    46                                          
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
06/19/78  All     Tokyo, JAP - Koseinenkin Hall      A:?,CD         A-/A 73                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/23/79  All     Fresno, CA - Selland Arena         A:Cm,C,D,CD    A-   77  Nak300's>Cm>C>Dat                       
          1 CD, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
02/05/83  All     Montevideo, URUG - Unknown         S:?,CD         A-   102                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Disc One/Disc Two 1-5 Montevideo, South America Uruguay 2/5/83" (Label here:

05/29/83  All     Devore, CA - Glen Helen Regional   S:?,BCD,CD     A-   121                                         
          US Fest
          2 CD's, 44k, "US Festival '83"; "Label: (unknown) RC003 / RC004"; "The audio for this 2 disc set
          is most likely from a video source as evidenced by several minor edits, and by the inclusion of an edited
          version of "You Really Got Me" at the end of the show. However, this is one of the best sounding Dave era
          cd's." (
05/14/86  All     New Haven, CT - Veterans'          S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 63                                          
          11 tracks
          Sammy Hagar, Eddie & Alex V, Michael
          1 CD, 44k, "Live at New Haven Coliseum"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Van Halen ]


          All     Kids & Dogs                        FM:D,CD,D,CD   A/A+ n/a                                         
          Crosby, Garcia, Kantner, Cassady, Pigpen, Merl Saunders
          1 CD, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), "material came from Steven Barncard's personal collection, then
          aired on Gans' KPFA-FM GDH Berkeley (locally only - not on nationally syndicated show)"
07/28/63  All     Newport, RI - Newport Folk         S:Rm,CD        U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "Newport Broadside", Vanguard, VCD 77003
??/??/67  All     SF Nights (aka Hell's Honkie Tape  S:Rm,?,D,CD    A/A+ n/a                                         
          see labels for setlist info
          the Otis Redding and Booker T stuff will amaze you!
          8 CD's, 44k, labels are here
06/18/67  All     Monterey Pop Festival              S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          4 CD's, 44k, DAT-> analog out-> DAT, (DA20mkii (32K)-> Tascam CDR700)
??/??/68  All     Rolling Stones' RnR Circus         TV:VHS,CD      A    n/a                                         
          w/ Jethro Tull, Taj Mahal, Who, Dirty Mac (Lennon, Clapton, Mitchell, K. Richards, Yoko), Stones
          1 CD, 44k, some slight static from the VHS recording, but great otherwise
10/28/69  All     San Francisco, CA - 2400 Fulton    S:Rm,C,D,CD    A    57                                          
          Jerry Garcia, Jorma Kaukenen, Mickey Hart, Jack Cassidy
          1 CD, 44k, "MSR>Cass>DAT>CD"
12/06/69  All     Tracy, CA - Altamont Speedway      A:?,CD         A-/A 149                                         
          sometimes called 'the Death of Acid Rock" - the day things got out of hand, there were “four births,
          four deaths, and an awful lot of scuffling”
          2 CD's, 44k
??/??/7?  All     THE DEFINITIVE SOUTHERN COLLECTION St:?,CD        A/A+ 99                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "FROM OUT OF PRINT LP’S  …Stillwater…grinderswitch…d.chaastain band….le roux etc etc",
          few lp pops
08/29/70  All     Isle of Wight Festival, England    S:Rm,BCD,CD    U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
12/20/70  All     San Francisco, CA - Matrix         S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 54                                          
          David & The Dorks - David Crosby, Jerry Garica, Phil Lesh
          1 CD, 44k, "sbd>Rn>dat>cd>eac>shn>cdr"
08/21/71  All     Mickey's Ranch Jam                 A:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 105 Sony TC-24 with supplied Sony stereo    
          no setlist
          Garcia, Lesh, Crosby, Hart, Weir, Cipollina
          2 CD's, 44k
??/??/78  All     Doraville, GA - Studio One         S:?,CD         A-   59                                          
          All Star Southern Jam '78, members of Skynyrd, Outlaws, Wet Willie, Taz - organ, Billy Powell - piano,
          David Dicks - drums, Artimus Pyle - drums, Allen Collins - guitar, Charlie Daniels - guitar, Gary
          Rossington - guitar, Jimmy Hall - harp, sax, vocals, Dickey Betts, Bonnie, Patti, Caroline, Harvey Arnold
          - bass
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss
05/25/80  All     Berkeley Jazz All Stars            S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          no setlist
          w/ Santana, Herbie Hancock, Stanley Clarke, Alfonz Mouzen, John Lucie, Armond Placa
          3 CD's, 44k, [R500-> Phillips CDR870]
05/01/99  Late    Superjam - New Orleans, LA -       A:D,CD         A+   141 B&K4022's>Lunatec V2> Apogee A/D        
          no setlist, SuperJam
          SUPERJAM: featuring Michael Ray, John Medeski (Medeski Martin & Wood), Stanton Moore (Galactic), Karl
          Denson (Greyboy Allstars/KDTU), Jim Singleton (Astral Project), *Skerik / Sax
          44k; "mics were clipped to balcony rail"; actually started 1:30am 5/2/99, no setlist
12/04/99  All     Superjam - New Orleans, LA -       S:D,CD         A    148                                         
          no setlist
          SUPERJAM: featuring George Porter, Jr., Zigaboo Modeleste, John Medeski, John Scofield, Clarence
          Johnson III (Michael Ray & Cosmic Krewe), Gregory Davis (DDBB), Roger Lewis (DDBB)
          2 CD's, 44k, some problems with the right channel for first 90 seconds
03/02/00  All     Superjam - New Orleans, LA -       M:D,CD         A    191                                         
          no setlist
          SUPERJAM: featuring Chris Wood, Stanton Moore, Karl Denson, Henry Butler, Leo Nocentelli
          3 CD's, 44k
09/21/00  All     "One For Woody" Benefit            A:D,CD         A-/A n/a Schoeps CMC 641> Apogee AD1000          
          ABB, Warren & Friends  & Black Crowes
          5 CD's, 44k
12/21/00  All     Warren Haynes' 12th Annual XMas    Af:D,CD        A    360 MTG SMS2000/M200> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          5 CD's, 44k
05/06/01  All     Superjam - New Orleans, LA -       A:D,CD         A    107 Neumann KM 140> Apogee AD-1000          
          no setlist
          SUPERJAM: Carter Beauford - Drums; John Medeski - Keyboards; Meshell N'degeochello - Bass; Joshua
          Redman - Sax; Marc Ribot - Guitar
          2 CD's, 44k, Recorded by Frank Rinaldi @ 44.1kHz,
10/24/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats          Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          MILES DAVIS tribute by the Knoxville (east Tn) Allstars: JC Haun - guitar, John Montgomery - guitar,
          Marcus Shirley - keyboards, Peejay Alexander - trumpet, Dexter Murphy - organ, Jason Thompson - sax, Jason
          Dickerson - drums, Jonathon Whitlock - percussion, Eric Seay - bass
          2 CD's, 44k
12/21/01  All     Warren Haynes' 13th Annual XMas    Af:D,CD        A-/A n/a Schoeps                                 
          Disc set: 1 Drivin & Cryin, 2 Blues Traveler, 3 Acoustic Set, 4 Phil, 5 Gov't Mule
          6 CD's, 44k, Drivin& Cryn set: Schoeps midside fob mk21H/mk8 from row 14, the rest of the show from
          "Mikes FOB (ortf)  DFC  schoeps cmc6mk21/mk8>>kc5's>ad1000" from row 13 or 14
06/22/02  All     Superjam - Manchester, TN -        Af:D,CD        A-/A 80  B&K4022> Lunatec V2> A/D500E> D8        
          ^ with Voodoo Chile teases
          Entire set with Michael Kang (violin and electric mandolin), Bela Fleck (electric synth-banjo), Jeff
          Raines (acoustic guitar), and Robert Randolph (pedal steel guitar)
(1) - with Danyel Morgan (bass), Bill
          Nershi (acoustic guitar), Stanton Moore (drums), and Edgar Meyer (acoustic bass)
(2) - with Keith Moseley
          (bass), Kyle Hollingsworth (keyboards), DJ Logic (turntables), Bill Nershi, Stanton Moore, and Edgar
(3) - with Danyel Morgan, Kyle Hollingsworth, Bill Nershi, DJ Logic, Stanton Moore, and Edgar
(4) - with Rich Vogel (keyboards), Robert Mercurio (bass), Bill Nershi, DJ Logic, Stanton Moore,
          and Edgar Meyer
(5) - with Keith Moseley, Rich Vogel, Bill Nershi, and Stanton Moore
(6) - with Michael
          Travis (drums), Kyle Hollingsworth, Keith Moseley, DJ Logic, and Bill Nershi
(7) - with Marcus Randolph
          (drums), Kyle Hollingsworth, and Danyel Morgan
          1 CD, 44k, md5=OK, "Source:B&K 4022 (XY)-> Lunatec V2-> Apogee AD500E DFC FOB; Transfer:  Sony D8->
          Delta Dio 24/96 via coax-> Soundforge 5.0 (resampled to 44.1khz)-> CDWave for track splits-> mkwACT for
          shnning; Taped By:  Craig Davis; Transferred By:  Jim Pollock"
06/15/03  All     Bonaroo Superjam, Manchester, TN.  A:D,CD         A-/A 50  B&K 4011-> MP2-> mod SBM-1-> D8         
          no setlist
          Dr. John- Grand Piano/hammond b-3 &Vocals
Mike Gordon Bass
Luther Dickinson Guitar & Vocals
          Moore Drums
Duwayne Burnside-Guitar
G. Love Harmonica Vocals
          2 CD's, 44k, "4011->mp2->mod smb-1->d8; Taped and Transferred by bigbill"; md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Various ]


04/01/80  All     Austin, TX - East 16th Street      FM:?,CD        A/A+ 41                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/14/81  All     Houston, TX - Fitzgerald's         A:?,CD         A-/A 141                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Force of Nature" [Whoopy Cat, WKP-0014/15] (2CD) (possibly out of print)  CD 1:
          (67:19, 11 tracks)  CD 2: (72:51, 13 tracks), excellent "audience" recording"
02/28/82  Both    Houston, TX - Fitzgerald's         S:?,CD         A    97                                          
          * played on slide guitar
          2 CD's, 44k, both early and late shows
07/17/82  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          "First concert in Europe (TSP-CD-188)", SRV - guitar, Tommy Shannon - bass, Chris Layton - drums, this
          is SRV's "breakthrough" concert
          1 CD, 44k
02/26/83  All     Austin, TX - Antone's              M:Cm,D,CD      A    57                                          
          inclues 20 minutes of filler from SRV Dallas '86
          1 CD, 44k
02/27/83  All     Austin, TX - Antone's              S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          Same as 2/26/83 but with filler from 9/9/83 (1st 4 songs)
          1 CD, 44k, "From Austin To Amsterdam" [Rocks, 92017]
08/21/83  Both    Palo Alto, CA - The Keystone       A:?,CD         A-   92                                          
          Texas Flood tour
          2 CD's, 44k, both early and late shows
10/20/83  All     Philadelphia, PA - Ripley's        Af:Cm,D,CD     A    73                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/30/83  All     Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Palace S:Cm,D,CD      A    63                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/20/83  All     Philadelphia, PA - Electric        S:D            U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
12/06/83  All     Ontario, CAN - CHCH Studios        FM:?,CD        A    65                                          
          w/ Albert King
          1 CD, 44k, "In Session", with Albert King circulating as nov83
08/17/84  All     Montreal, QUE - Le Spectrum        Af:Cm,D,CD     A    50                                          
          1 CD, 44k, a click at 24 and 32 seconds into the first song.
11/24/84  All     Davis, CA - Freeborn Hall, U. of   S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44, "Alone in the Ozone", Teddy Bear Records, TB 79]
01/24/85  All     Tokyo, JAP - Shibe Yubinchukin     S:?,BCD,CD     U    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Cold Shot", Tokyo '85, Big Music, BIG 025
06/07/85  All     Chicago, IL - Grant Park           S:?,BCD,CD     U    66                                          
          filler from 2/15/86, Saturday Night Live
          1 CD, 44k, "Chicago Blues Festival"  [Unbelievable Music, UM 025, Italy 1993]
06/30/85  Most    Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    FM:?,CD        A    73                                          
          NO: Scuttle Buttin', Say What, FILLER: Life Without You
          1 CD, 44k, pops during Couldn't Stand The Weather
07/15/85  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:?,BCD,CD     U    51                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Live in Montreaux" Swingin' Pig, TSP-CD-135, Luxembourg
10/05/85  Both    Springfield, MO - McDonald Arena   S:?,CD         A-/A 143                                         
          SRV does the slow Voodoo Chile on this show (only known version of him doing this)
          2 CD's, 44k, both early and late shows
12/07/85  All     Milwaukee, WI - Oriental Theater   A:?,CD         A-/A 142                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
12/31/86  All     Atlanta, GA - Fox Theater          FM:?,BCD,CD    A    74                                          
          w/ Lonnie Mack on last track
          1 CD, 44k, "Mr. Clean"
03/25/87  Most    Daytona, FL - Ocean Center         S:?,CD         A-/A 72                                          
          w/ Gregg Allman, NO: Rude Mood
          1 CD, 44k, this is a re-issue of "The Forgotten Show" ([Flashback World Productions, 01.93.0196]
          (73:58, 11 tracks)) without the 'Rude Mood'
07/01/88  All     Ringe, DEN - Midtfyns Festival     S:D,CD         A+   72                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "DSBD master"
07/03/88  All     Pistoia, ITA - Pistoia Blues       S:?,CD         A    55                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/30/89  All     Chicago, IL - Legends              S:D,CD         A/A+ 57                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/25/89  Both    Minneapolis, MN - The Met Center   A:D,CD         U    n/a Schoeps                                 
          the first concert of the "Fire Meets the Fury" tour with Jeff Beck
          2 CD's, 44k, both early and late shows
11/29/89  All     Denver, CO - McNichols Sports      S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 74                                          
          with Jeff Beck
          1 CD, 44k, "Let Me Love You Baby" [Big Music, BIG 062] (Italy, 1993) (74:11, 12 tracks)
08/25/90  Most    East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley      S:D,CD         A/A+ 60                                          
          partial setlist
          1 CD, 44k, there is a cut in the songs which segues out of Couldn't Stand the Weather, 8/26/90 was
          SRV's last show

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stevie Ray Vaughan ]


10/04/68  All     Cleveland, OH - La Cave            A:Cm,?,CD      B    77  hand held mike> mono Norelco cassette   
          1 CD, 44k, "mono Norelco cassette recorder using a hand held mike and a Norelco C-120 cassette, These
          shows were recorded by Jaime Klimek, who was later in the notorious Cleveland art-punk combos Mirrors and
          The Styrenes."
08/02/69  All     Rindge, NH - Hilltop Pop Festival  A:?,CD         B+   76                                          
          Lou Reed - guitar, Sterling Morrison guitar, Doug Yule bass, Moe Tucker drums
          1 CD, 44k, "aud, B+, 40 mins, recorded by "The Professor"",
10/16/69  All     End Cole Avenue After Hours        S:?,CD         A-/A 123                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, vocals sound muted
01/29/72  All     Paris, FRA - Bataclan Club         S:?,CD         A    65                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Velvet Underground ]


04/09/03  All     Chicago, IL - The Vic Theatre      A:D,CD         A-/A 136 Schoeps MK4 > KC-5 > CMC6 > APOGEE      
          Lineup: Page McConnell, Russel Batiste, Otiel Burbridge, Kyle Gass
          *Page solo on acoustic piano
**Page on piano w/ Russell and Oteil
***Page on piano w/ Kyle Gass on
          guitar (Kyle opened the show with Train Wreck)
#1st by Vida Blue
          2 CD's, 44k, "Source: Schoeps MK4 (ORTF) > KC-5 > CMC6 > APOGEE MINI-ME > D8 (front row balcony/hung
          out 3'); Transfer: D8 > PRODIF PLUS > SAMPLITUDE 5.5 > CDWAV > SHNTOOL > SHN; Taped/Transfer: By: Mike
          Fischer ("
04/11/03  All     Philadelphia, PA - Electric        A:D,CD         A-/A 136                                         
          Page solo on upright acoustic piano, **Page on acoustic piano w/ Mike Gordon on bass, ***Vida Blue w/
          Page on acoustic piano and w/ Mike Gordon on bass, %w/ DJ Le Spam, ****Vida Blue w/ Mike Gordon and Karl
          Denson (sax), Chris Littlefield (trumpet) and Brian Jordan (guitar) from Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe (KDTU
          opened the show), #1st by Vida Blue
          2 CD's, 44k, "source: AKG 480 >MP100>DA-P1@48>D8; transfer: D8>Audiophile2496>Cool Edit Pro (resampled
          to 44.1) >CDWave>MKWact; taped, transferred and seeded by Ross Minott"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Vida Blue ]


10/25/01  All     Knoxville, TN - Blue Cats          Af:D,CD        A    n/a MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          partial setlist
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wailers ]


12/18/76  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:Rm,D,CD      A    56                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Tom Waits ]


??/??/76  All     London, ENG - Unknown              S:?,BCD,CD     U    n/a                                         
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k, "King Arthur In London"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Rick Wakeman ]


02/20/74  Late    Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:?,CD         A    72                                          
          1 CD, 44k
07/14/00  All     Los Angeles, CA - House of Blues   S:?,CD         A/A+ 79                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jerry Jeff Walker ]


07/24/81  All     Dallas, TX - Reunion Arena         FM:?,CD        A/A+ 78                                          
          King Biscuit Flour Hour
          1 CD, 44k
06/28/88  All     Walingford, CT - Oakdale Music     A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 80  Nakamichi                               
           "...Carlos Montana?!... who's that?"
          1 CD, 44k,

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Joe Walsh ]


05/20/99  All     Los Angeles, CA - House of Blues   S:D,CD         A+   66                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Robert Walter's 20th Congress ]


11/25/72  All     Chicago, IL - High Chaparelle      S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 78                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | War ]


??/??/64  All     Paris, FRA - Unknown               S:?,CD         A/A+ 38                                          
          1 CD, 44k
11/08/68  All     Paris, FRA - Unknown               S:?,CD         A/A+ 38                                          
          1 CD, 44k
08/22/72  All     Jazz Workshop - Boston, MA         S:?,CD         A    49                                          
          partial setlist
          Jazz Workshop on Boston's Boylston Street
          1 CD, 44k, has hiss
05/30/73  All     Denver, CO - Ebbetts Field         S:Rm,R,D,CD    A-/A 56                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
01/16/74  All     Boston, MA - Unknown               S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 69                                          
          Muddy Waters - guitar, vocals; Jerry Portnoy - harmonica, "Pinetop" Perkins - piano; Bob Margolin -
          guitar, Luther 'Guitar' Johnson - guitar, Calvin Jones - bass, Willie Smith - drums
          1 CD, 44k, "No Minstrels," fades in/out after/before songs
10/22/76  All     Warsaw, POLA - Jazz Jambouree      S:Rm,CD        A    70                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
11/04/76  All     Montreaux, SWI - Monthey           S:?,CD         A/A+ 127                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, some irregularities that may be skips
05/14/77  All     San Francisco, CA - Geary Theater  FM:Cm,D,CD     A    65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
10/18/77  All     Brookville, NY - CW Post College   PreFM:Cm,CD    A    56                                          
          1 CD, 44k
03/18/79  All     Roslyn, NY - My Father's Place     S:Cm,CD        A    61                                          
          no setlist
          WLIR, w/ Johnny Winters
          1 CD, 44k, sounds like preFM
11/22/81  All     Chicago, IL - Checkerboard Lounge  S:?,CD         A    90                                          
          The Rolling Stones are the band backing Muddy
          2 CD's, 44k, labels here: (

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Muddy Waters ]


08/11/99  All     Camden, NJ - Sony Entertainment    S:D,CD         A    148                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, 44k
06/06/00  All     Nashville, TN - Amsouth            A:D,CD         A-/A 156 Neumann KM140-> Sonosax-> PCM-M1        
          three guitars (longtime mates Andy Fairweather-Low and Snowy White and Texan Doyle Bramhall II), Mr.
          Waters on bass (mostly), a drummer, three backup singers, a keyboardist, and a utility man who played
          keyboards, guitar and lap steel
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Roger Waters ]


03/01/73  All     Washington, DC - Lisner Aud.       pFM:Rm,D,CD    A+   59                                          
          w/ Merle
          1 CD, 44k, "preFM SBD>MR>DAT>CD"
10/27/88  All     Santa Cruz, CA - O.T. Price's      S:D,CD         A    59                                          
          w/ Jack Lawrence
          1 CD, 44k, "SBD>DAT>CD" venue OT Price's??

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Doc Watson ]


07/08/76  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    M:?,CD         A    78                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
06/??/78  All     NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 122                                         
          Joe Zawinul (keyboards), Wayne Shorter ( soprano, alto & tenor saxophones), Jaco Pastorius (Bass),
          Peter Erskine (drums)
          2 CD's, 44k, "Live Weather"
09/29/78  All     Offenbach, GER - Stadthalle        S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 129                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Mythique Weather"
11/12/78  All     Philadelphia, PA - Unknown         S:?,CD         A    144                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds like an FM with corwd noise fading out after start of songs, small amount of
02/24/80  All     Atlanta, GA - Unknown              A:?,CD         A-   73                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Weather Report ]


01/12/90  All     Kauai, HI - Roxy Theatre           S:Cm,D,CD      A    92                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, ]DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Weir/ Wasserman ]


12/31/72  All     New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse   S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          Wet Willie: Jimmy Hall (vocals, harmonica, alto saxophone, percussion); Rick Hirsch (guitar); John
          Anthony (piano, organ, percussion, background vocals); Jack Hall (bass, background vocals); Lewis Ross
          (drums, percussion), Jai Johanny Johanson (congas).
          1 CD, 44k, fades in/out after every song, the may be "Drippin' Wet" Capricorn (CP-0113).
1974      All     Keep On Smilin                     St:CD          A/A+ 38                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wet Willie ]


          All     "Instant Party"                    Sto:?,CD       A/A+ 152                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Instant Party", "original 45 mixes, etc."
04/05/68  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,?,CD      A/A+ 66                                          
          (13 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, (Feb'03), "Shakin' All Over", "This is a significant upgrade of the old LP boot"
          (this sounds like an lp to me), different setlist than usually listed for this show
04/05/68  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:Rm,Lp,C,D    A/A+ 67                                          
          1 CD, 44k, [DA20mkii-> Phillips CDR870]
??/??/69  All     '69 - '70 - Collections            S:?,CD         A    139                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, this is a collection of 5 shows (10/15/69, 10/18/69, 8/9/69, 1/18/70, 11/2/69
08/16/69  All     Bethel, NY - Max Yasgur's Farm     S:?,CD         A-/A 122                                         
          Woodstock; Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Keith Moon, Pete Townshend, The Who hit the stage at 3am in
          the morning on 17.8.1969.
          2 CD's, 44k
09/29/69  All     Amsterdam, NETH - Concertgebouw    S:Rm,?,CD      A    147                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "radio broadcast recorded off station master in the mid 70s only "complete" recording of
          show.  First complete Tommy performance." slight hiss
10/22/69  All     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 54                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Accept No Substitutes"
12/04/69  All     Bristol, ENG - Bristol Hippodrome  S:?,CD         A-   72                                          
          FILLER: WHO 2/15/70
          1 CD, 44k, "Eternal Mods", tracks 1-5 recorded at Hull Univ, Hull ENG 2/15/70, tracks 6-20
          recorded at Bristol Hippodrime, Bristol ENG
01/??/70  All     "Pure Rock Theatre"                S:?,CD         A/A+ 76                                          
          (16 tracks)
          1 CD, 44k, "Pure Rock Theatre", "Various live autumn 1969 & Jan. 1970"
02/14/70  All     Leeds, ENG - Leeds Polytechnic     S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 133                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Leeds Complete", good sound but some static -> "It's particularly evident on the
          first 2 tracks, but then exists regularly, but not as evident in other places throughout the show.  I
          listened to the commercially released (short) Live at Leeds CD and there are signs of the same problems,
          just not near as evident since it was probably edited for commercial distribution."
02/15/70  All     Hull, ENG - Hull University        S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          FILLER: Who 12/4/69
          1 CD, 44k, "Eternal Mods" tracks 1-5 recorded at Hull Univ, Hull ENG 2/15/70, tracks 6-20
          recorded at Bristol Hippodrime, Bristol ENG
07/07/70  All     Tanglewood, MA - Tanglewood        S:?,CD         A-/A 153                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Tangled Up In Who" (7-07-70 & various live 69), sounds like multiple sources for
          the 7/7/70, disc 1, and disc 2 tracks 1-2 recorded 7/7/70, disc 2 tracks 3 & 6, recorded at the Fillmore
          West 6/18/69, disc 2 tracks 4,5 & 7 recorded at Fillmore West 6/19/69, disc 2 track 8 recorded at
          Concertgebouw Amsterdam 9/9/69, disc 2 tracks 9 & 10 recorded at Young Vic Theatre, London 4/26/71
1971      All     The Collector's Who's Next (True   StO:?,BCD,CD   A/A+ 78                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "The Collectors Who's Next", "tracks 1-9 from the German Polydor Master Tapes, the
          only true stereo version of the original mixes that exist, tracks 10-13 true stereo single versions from a
          long out of print UK Collection, tracks 14-17 still unreleased versions, in true stereo, originally
          released on "Lifehouse to Leeds." "
04/26/71  All     London, ENG - Young Vic Theatre    S:?,BCD,CD     A-/A 68                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Young Vic Blues", some hiss
11/29/71  All     New Orleans, LA - The Wharehouse   S:?,CD         A-   75                                          
          Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Keith Moon, Pete Townshend
          1 CD, 44k
08/21/72  All     Copenhagen, DEN - Valbyhallen      S:D            U    n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k, "K.B. Hallen Copenhagen, Denmark"
12/04/73  All     Landover, MD - Capitol Centre      S:?,CD         A    75                                          
          1 CD, 44k, "Tales from the Who", w/ art jpg
12/04/73  All     Philadelphia, PA - The Spectrum    S:?,CD         A-/A 71                                          
          1 CD, 44k
12/23/73  All     Edmonton, ONT - Sundown            S:?,CD         A-/A 116                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Merry Christmas Mr. Who Volume I & II"
12/23/73  All     Edmonton, ONT - Sundown            A:?,CD         A-   65                                          
          1 CD, 44k, some static (could be slight overloading at time of recording)
05/18/74  All     London, ENG - Charlton Athletic    S:?,CD         A-/A 102                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, "Soccer Rock / Love Rain O'er Me"
10/23/75  All     London, ENG - Wembley Arena        A:?,CD         B+   74                                          
          2 CD's, 44k
11/20/75  All     Houston, TX - The Summit           S:?,CD         A    114                                         
          2 CD's, 44k, w/ art jpg
12/01/75  All     Kansas City, MO - Unknown          S:D            U    n/a                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
06/12/76  All     Swansea, WAL - City Football       preFM:?,CD     A-/A n/a                                         
          1 CD, 44k
08/12/76  All     Swansea, WAL - City Football       S:?,CD         A/A+ 69                                          
          brief Purple Haze jam in Amazing Journey
          Tommy Tour
          1 CD, 44k, "Always on Top" (PoP 007), some hiss
10/21/76  All     Toronto, ONT - Maple Leaf Garden   S:D            U    n/a                                         
          Keith's final official show with The Who.
          2 CD's, 44k, “Last Stand with Keith Moon”
10/12/82  All     Flushing, NY - Shea Stadium        A:Cm,*,CD      B+   119 Nak 300> Sony D6                        
          2 CD, 44k, "MAC>SoundForge>CD" "Nak300s>SonyD6>SoundForge>CD"
12/17/82  All     Toronto, ONT - Maple Leaf Garden   S:?,CD         A-/A 110                                         
          2 CD's, 44k
07/18/96  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    S:FM,D,CD      A    123                                         
          Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Pete Townshend, John Rabbit Bundrick, Zak Starkey, Jon Carin, Simon
          Townshend, Jody LinScott, Geoff Whitehorn, Neil Sidwell, Billy Nichols, Simon Gardner, Dennis Farias, Nick
          Lane, Roy Wiegand, Billy Idol (I've Had Enough, Sea And Sand, Bell Boy), Gary Glitter (The Punk And The
          Godfather, I've Had Enough), Phil Daniels (Narrator), Won't Get Fooled Again performed by Pete and
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700), 'audience' is prominent in this FM
10/31/99  AcousticMountain View, CA - Shoreline      M:D,CD         A-/A 50  FM + schoeps CMC-41 > matrix >DAT       
          1 CD, 44k, "FM + schoeps CMC-41 > matrix >DAT"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Who ]


07/??/97  All     Montreaux, SWI - Montreaux Jazz    S:D            A/A+ 74                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wide Mouth Mason ]


06/23/86  All     Athens, GA - Uptown Lounge         S:Cm,D,*CD     A    71                                          
          Setlist Incomplete; Kelly Jo Davis on vocals
          1 CD, 44k, "sbd> cass> dat> digi-remaster> cd"
03/09/89  All     Athens, GA - Downstairs            S:?,CD         A    n/a                                         
          Billed as 'Severe Driving Problems' (John Bell and Michael Houser); * with Samantha Woods on vocals
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK
04/08/89  All     Valdosta, GA - The Armory          M:D,CD         A+   153 Oade mix Schoeps + SBD matrix           
          3 CD's, 44k, disc 3 is just one song at the end of Grinderswitch 5/7/80 (could put the encore at the
          end of disc 1), ***Can't find all of these discs right now.****
04/16/89  All     Athens, GA - Athens Fairgrounds -  M:D,CD         A/A+ 64  Oade mix Schoeps + SBD matrix           
          with The Pylons
          1 CD, 44k, **** can't find this disc****
02/08/91  Most    Atlanta, GA - Center Stage         S:D,CD         A    69                                          
          NO: Fishwater > Chilly Water, E: Weight Of The World, Space Wrangler
          1 CD, 44k
03/31/96  All     River Walk Amphitheater -          A:D,CD         A-/A 143 AKG 460> SBM1> Dat                      
          2 CD's, 44k
05/02/99  All     Atlanta, GA - Downtown             S:D,CD         A/A+ 142                                         
          * with Dr. John on keyboards. Mid Town Music Festival
          2 CD's, 44k, fades into Disco
12/31/99  All     Atlanta, GA - Philips Arena        Af:D,CD        A-/A 214 AKG 483                                 
           * with Kevin Harris (Dirty Dozen Brass Band) on saxophone, Roger Lewis (Dirty Dozen Brass Band) on
          baritone saxaphone, ** with Colin Butler (Big Ass Truck) on turntables, *** with Dirty Dozen Brass Band on
          horns, **** with Dottie Peoples and the People's Choice Choir on vocals, ***** with Dirty Dozen Brass Band
          on horns, Dottie Peoples and the People's Choice Choir on vocals, ****** with Terrence Higgins (Dirty
          Dozen Brass Band) on percussion, Unknown on percussion [Only 'Respect Yourself', Only 'Testify', Only
          'Wonderful World']
          4 CD's, 44k, "AKG 483 (FOB, XY, about 40-50 feet from stage, DFC..."
04/24/00  All     Orlando, FL - House Of Blues       A:D,CD         A-/A 173                                         
          3 CD's, 44k
10/21/00  All     Charlotte, NC - Independence Arena Af:D,CD        A-/A 157 Schoeps mk-4V> KC5> M222> NT222>        
          *w/ members of Groove Collective (saxophone, keyboard)
          3 CD's, 44k, "mk4v>KC5>M222>NT222>ADK>HHb-fob/dfc/ortf", downloaded from GDLive, md5=OK
07/18/01  All     NYC, NY - Beacon Theatre           Af:D,CD        A    158 MTG SMS2000/M210>Oade M248>SBM1>D8      
          3 CD's, 44k
11/24/01  All     Memphis, TN - Mid-South Coliseum   Af:D,CD        A    174 Schoeps CMC6/MK4/KC5> Oade M248> mod    
          * with Kevin Harris on saxophone; ** with George McConnell on guitar, Kevin Harris on saxophone; ***
          with Terrence Higgins on percussion; **** with Julius McKee on sousaphone, Terrence Higgins on percussion;
          ***** with Dirty Dozen Brass Band; ['This Must Be The Place (Naïve Melody)' rap by JB during 'Blight';
          'Trenchtown Rock', 'Pass On', and 'War' raps by JB during 'Stop-Go'; 'Star Spangled Banner' and 'When The
          Saints Come Marching In' teases by Dave and Julius during 'Jam' after 'Drums']
          3 CD's, 44k, "DFC FOB ortf Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > Oade M248 > modSBM-1 > D8 > Tascam CDRW700 > EAC
          > SHN"
04/28/02  All     Pelham, AL - Oak Mountain          Af:D,CD        A-/A 202 MBHO 630 > dmic20 > D8 > CDR > EAC >    
          * with John Keane on guitar; ** with John Keane on pedal steel; *** with Jerry Joseph on guitar/vocals;
          **** with Brad Rosen on percussion, Dr. Arvin Scott on percussion; ['Nicaragua' rap by Jerry Joseph during
          'North'; Particle opened]
          3 CD's, 44k, Taped By Mike Roesler, md5=OK

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Wide Spread Panic ]


04/30/62  All     NYC, NY - Copacabana               S:?,CD         A    54                                          
          1 CD, 44k, Live At The Copa"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Jackie Wilson ]


01/24/02  All     Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theatre  A:D,*CD        A-/A 112 MTG SMS2000/M210> SX-M2>SBM1>D8  
          2 CD's, 44k, the "Summer Concert" set; taped from the balcony rail in the direct center (AA 105); taped
          and SoundForge editing by Delano (1/25/02).  First I normalized the volume of the audience clapping down
          to that of the music, then I boosted the levels of all speech to that of the music, then I boosted the
          levels of everything.  The audience was very polite and did not clap until GW removed his hands from his
          instrument.  This meant there was absolutely no crowd during the music although it was very loud 3 seconds
          after the end of a song.

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | George Winston ]


09/01/69  All     Lewisville, TX - Dallas Int'l      S:?,CD         A-/A 43                                          
          1 CD, 44k
09/25/70  All     Chicago, IL - Aragon Ballroom      S:?,CD         A-/A 43                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k
03/06/77  All     Philadelphia, PA - Tower Theatre   S:?,CD         A    127                                         
          no setlist
          w/Waters, Cotton,
          2 CD's, 44k
01/09/78  All     Houston, TX - Texas Opry House     S:?,CD         A-/A 53                                          
          no setlist
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Johnny Winter ]


09/07/86  All     Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga    S:Cm,D,CD      A/A+ 87                                          
          no setlist
          2 CCD's, 44k, "CSB>D>CDR2"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Steve Winwood ]


          Mix     Philly 72, Germany 76              S:?,CD         A    61                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/72  All     NYC, NY - Madison Square Garden    FM:?,CD        A-   65                                          
          1 CD, 44k
06/06/72  All     San Francisco, CA - Winterland     S:?,CD         A    83                                          
          * = w/ Buddy Miles
          2 CD's, 44k (disc 2 at the end of Harrison 11/22/74), quality of music is good but there are some
          slight analog fluctuations
04/03/73  All     Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Community  S:R,C,C,D,CD   A-/A 87                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
07/04/73  All     Brighton, UK - Brighton Theatre    S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 73                                          
          44k; 1CD
07/04/73  Partial Brighton, UK - Brighton Theatre    S:?,CD         A/A+ n/a                                         
          44k; 1CD; "Supersitious" is cut off; Great Ike & Tina Filler
07/11/73  All     NYC, NY - The Rainbow Room         S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ 69                                          
          1 CD, 44k
08/18/73  All     Brighton, UK - Brighton Theatre    S:?,CD         A/A+ 72                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/75  All     London, ENG - Rainbow Theater      S:?,CD         A    91                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, may be 1/24/74
08/24/80  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Roxy         A:Rm,CD        A-   196                                         
          partial setlist
          3 CD's, 44k, "AUD-EX/EX-(CD Clone from Master reel)"
12/18/83  All     San Carlos, CA - Circle Star       A:Cm,D,CD      A-/A 161 Nak 350 + cm300-> Cass-> DAT            
          3 CD's, 44k, (Tascam DA20mkii(44k)-> Tascam CDRW700(44k)), a few weird splices/cuts

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Stevie Wonder ]


10/11/99  Late    Athens, OH - Swindlefish Saloon    A:D,CD         A    177 Schoeps CMC-64V> Sonosax SX-M2> SV-255  
          no setlist
          3 CD's, 44k, "Schoeps CMC-64V> Sonosax SX-M2> Panasonic SV-255"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Victor Wooten ]


??/??/??  All     Live at the BBC                    FM:?,CD        A/A+ 75                                          
          1 CD, 44k
??/??/??  All     Rare, Live & Alternates            S:?,LP.CD      A    74                                          
          1 of 2 CD's, 44k
03/30/68  All     NYC, NY - Unknown                  A:Rm,D,CD      B+   71                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Yardbirds ]


07/24/71  Partial New Haven, CT - Yale Bowl, Yale    S:?,BCD,CD     A/A+ 47                                          
          Lineup: Anderson, Bruford, Howe, Kaye, Squire, w/ Grand Funk Railroad
          1 CD, 44k, "In The Beginning Is A Future"
01/21/72  Partial Amsterdam, Netherlands -           A:?,LP,CD      A-/A 61                                          
          Lineup: Anderson, Bruford, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, Unofficial Recordings: "The White Yes Album"
          1 CD, 44k
11/11/72  All     Durham, NC - Cameron Indoor        A:?,BCD,CD     A-   124                                         
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, White, w/ Tranquility, Unofficial Recordings: Audio: Audience
          - 90 min
          2 CD's, 44k, "Alternative Yessongs", very hissy, first minute sounds rough
??/??/73  All     Boston, MA - Unknown               preFM:?,CD     A    68                                          
          1 CD, 44k
02/23/74  All     Binghamton, NY - Broome County     S:D            U    n/a                                         
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, White, Unofficial Recordings:
          2 CD's, 44k
12/11/74  All     Boston, MA - Boston Garden         preFM:?,CD     A    69                                          
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Moraz, Squire, White, Unofficial Recordings: Audio: Radio Broadcast - 90 min,
          Audience - 90 min
          1 CD, 44k
05/10/75  All     London, UK - Queen's Park Rangers  FM:?,CD        A/A+ 139                                         
          NO: Sweet Dreams
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Moraz, Squire, White, Official Recordings: Audio: Video - Live in Q.P.R
          Distance Runaround, Moraz Solo, The Gates Of Delirium, Ritual (Yesyears), Unofficial Recordings: Audio:
          Soundboard - 145 min, Video: Pro shot - 145 min
          2 CD's, 44k
06/17/76  All     Jersey City, NJ - Roosevelt        FM:?,CD        A    114                                         
          (Solo Album) Tour
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Moraz, Squire, White, Official Recordings: Audio: I'm Down (Yesyears),
          Unofficial Recordings: Audio: Radio Broadcast - 120 min, Video: Audience - ???min
          2 CD's, 44k
03/06/96  All     San Luis Obispo, CA - Freemont     A:D,CD         A-   174                                         
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, White, Official Recordings: Audio: Siberian Khatru, America
          (Keys To Ascension), Close To The Edge, I've Seen All Good People (Keys To Ascension 2), Video: Siberian
          Khatru, Close To The Edge, I've Seen All Good People, America (Keys To Ascension), Unofficial Recordings:
          Audio: Audience - 180 min, Audience - 180 min, Video: Audience - 180 min, Audience - 180 min, Audience -
          180 min, Audience - 155 min, Audience - 150 min, Audience - 30 min, Audience - 100 min (includes Howe
          playing 'To Be Over')
          3 CD's, 44k
10/31/99  All     Las Vegas, NV - House Of Blues     DSS:D,CD       A+   113                                         
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Sherwood, Squire, White, Khoroshev, Unofficial Recordings: Video: Audience -
          150 min., Internet Broadcast - 150 min, Video: TV Broadcast - 120 min, Internet Broadcast - 150 min.
          2 CD's, 44k, (DA20mkii-> Tascam CDR700)
07/19/00  All     Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center preFM:D,CD     A/A+ 127                                         
          Lineup: Anderson, Howe, Squire, White, Khoroshev, Unofficial Recordings: Audio: Audience - 120 min
          2 CD's, 44k, 'Ritual' from dat aud master

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Yes ]


03/04/00  All     San Francisco, CA - Fillmore Aud.  S:D,CD         A+   208                                         
          Wadada Leo Smith (trumpet) Henry Kaiser (guitar) Michael Manring (bass) Chris Muir (guitar) Steve
          Kimock (guitar) Bruce Ackley (sax) Steve Adams (sax) Jon Raskin (sax) Larry Ochs (sax) Tom Coster
          (keyboard) Steve Smith (drums) Karl Perazzo (congas)
          3 CD's, 44k, "SBD courtesy Henry Kaiser"

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Yo Miles! ]


09/16/00  All     Asheville, NC - Brewgrass Festival S:D,CD         A    68                                          
          Acoustic Syndicate and Tony Furtado Band also played.
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Yonder Mountain String Band ]


02/25/70  All     Cincinnati, OH - Ludlow's Garage   S:Rm,CD        A    124                                         
          Neil Young & Crazy Horse, (Bootlegs:Acoustic Token, Electric Prayers, Collectors' Item, Neil Young &
          Crazy Horse, Winterlong, Young'n'Old)
          2 CD's, 44k
03/06/70  Mix     NYC, NY - Fillmore East            S:?,CD         A-/A 61                                          
          out-of order, I think this is parts of the early and late show
          Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse.  Support artists Miles Davis, Steve Miller, (Bootlegs: Fillmore East, Sunset
          Cowboy), Recorded by Reprise.
          1 CD, 44k, between song editing
02/23/71  All     London, England - BBC TV Studios   FM:?,CD        A    32                                          
          Neil Young, Acoustic, * = First known performance, (Bootlegs: BBC Broadcast, Neil At The Beeb)
          1 CD, 44k
02/27/71  All     London, England - Royal Festival   S:?,CD         A-   72                                          
          Neil Young, Acoustic, (Bootlegs: Royal Young, Solo Tour 1970-71)
          1 CD, 44k
11/03/73  All     Manchester, England - Palace       S:Rm,D,CD      A    n/a                                         
          Neil Young & The Santa Monica Flyers (aka Crazy Horse)
          1 CD, 44k, "Albuquerque" bootleg CD
11/10/73  All     London, England - Royal Festival   S:Rm,D,CD      A-/A 102                                         
          Neil Young & The Santa Monica Flyers (aka Crazy Horse); 
 Neil Young - vocals, guitar, piano,
 Ben Keith - pedal steel guitar, piano, vocals 
 Nils Lofgren - guitar, piano, accordion,
 Billy Talbot - bass, vocals 
 Ralph Molina - drums, vocals
          2 CD's, 44k, md5=OK, "Analog Master > DAT > CDR (EAC) > WAV > SHN"; extremely weak soundboard mix
          (sounds like an audience)
05/16/74  most    NYC, NY - The Bottom Line          S:?,CD         A    71                                          
          * Recorded 1973, location unknown; **Carnegie Hall, 12/05/70
          Neil Young, Acoustic, (Bootlegs: First Plane Outta Here, All Night Long, Citizen Kane Junior Blues,
          Love Art Blues (1 track)
          1 CD, 44k, "Citizen Kane Junior Blues", md5=OK
11/20/76  Early   NYC, NY - The Palladium            A:?,CD         A-/A 125                                         
          Neil Young & Crazy Horse
          2 CD's, 44k
10/23/78  All     Los Angeles, CA - The Forum        A:?,CD         A-   91                                          
          Neil Young & Crazy Horse, (Bootlegs: Rust Never Sleeps, American Tour)
          2 CD's, 44k, lots of crowd noise between songs
01/11/83  All     Norman, OK - University of         A:?,CD         B    138                                         
          Neil Young, Solo
          2 CD's, 44k, sounds distant and lots of crowd noise
03/17/99  All     Sacramento, CA - Sacramento        A:D,CD         A/A+ 122 Schoeps CMC6-41> Bill Reuntler preamp>  
          Neil Young, Solo
          2 CD's, 44k
06/13/03  All     Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music    Af:D,CD        B+   n/a Josephson C-42mp (XY)->MP-2->D100       
          2 CD's, 44k, "Taper: Chris Berryman (; Source: (Taped DFC in the sweet spot at
          the delays) Josephson C-42mp (XY)->MP-2->D100 @44.1khz; Transfer:

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Neil Young ]


12/21/98  All     Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle           A:D,CD         B+   65  Nuemann U89i> ad1000> m-1> Tascam CDR   
          no setlist
          4 CD's, 44k, bass is overloaded - I don't recommend this one

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Zambiland Orchestra ]


09/30/67  All     Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden    FM:?,CD        A-/A 37                                          
          40 min, FM, B; Broadcast on swedish radio in 1979 Released on the bootlegs "'Tis the season to be
          Jelly" (BTB, box I), "Oldies but Goldies", "Thigh", "Petrouska" and "King Kong ripped my flesh"; The MOI:
          FZ, Ray Collins, Roy Estrada, Jimmy Carl Black, Billy Mundi, Ian Underwood, Don Preston, Bunk Gardner,
          Motorhead Sherwood.
          1 CD, 44k
07/??/69  All     The Ark, Boston, MA                S:Rm,CD        A-/A 52                                          
          SBD, A-; from a 4-track Master stolen from FZ; featured on the bootleg "The Ark" (Beat the Boots, box
          I); The MOI:  FZ, Roy Estrada, Jimmy Carl Black, Arthur Dyer Tripp III, Ian Underwood, Don Preston, Bunk
          Gardner, Motorhead Sherwood, Buzz Gardner.
          1 CD, 44k, rec'd as 7/??/68
08/21/73  All     Solliden, Skansen, Stockholm       A:?,CD         A-   41                                          
          75 min, FM, B+; parts are on the bootleg "Piquantique" (BTB, box I); the last 20 min were broadcast on
          Swedish TV in August, and the rest of the show later that year. The last 20 min were also broadcast on
          radio in 1993.; The MOI:  FZ, Jean Luc Ponty, Tom Fowler, Ralph Humphrey, Ruth Underwood, Ian Underwood,
          George Duke, Bruce Fowler. 
          1 CD, 44k
05/12/74  All     Notre Dame University, South       A:?,CD         B+   47                                          
          135 min, Aud, B+; parts are on the bootleg "Unmitigated Audacity" (BTB, box I); The MOI:  FZ, Jeff
          Simmons, Tom Fowler, Chester Thompson, Napoleon Murphy Brock, Don Preston, George Duke, Bruce Fowler, Walt
          1 CD, 44k
05/23/75  All     Unknown venue, El Paso, TX         S:C?,D,CD      A    116                                         
          90 min, SBD, A; w/ Jimmy Carl Black on guest vocals (*); The MOI:  FZ, Denny Walley, Captain Beefheart,
          Tom Fowler, Terry Bozzio, Napoleon Murphy Brock, George Duke, Bruce Fowler.
          2 CD's, 44k
10/24/76  Early   Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA      A:Cm,C,*,CD    A    137                                         
          Early show: 115 min, Aud, A/A-; Late show: 110 min, Aud, B+; Musicians: FZ, Ray White, Patrick O'Hearn,
          Terry Bozzio, Eddie Jobson.
          2 CD's, 44k
12/22/76  All     NYC, NY - The Palladium            S:Rm,D,CD      A/A+ n/a                                         
          no setlist
          2 CD's, a digi glitch in "T n B"
02/24/79  All     Nouvel Hippodrome, Paris, France   S:Cm,CD        A    86                                          
          90 min, SBD, A-; from bootleg "Anyway the wind blows" (BTB, box I); Musicians: FZ, Ike Willis, Denny
          Walley, Warren Cucurullo, Arthur Barrow, Vinnie Colaiuta, Ed Mann, Tommy Mars, Peter Wolf.
          2 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Frank Zappa ]


10/30/96  All     San Francisco, CA - The Cannery    S:D,CD         A    64                                          
          Free Show For "Nobody For President"
          1 CD, 44k, levels are a bit overloaded
04/10/99  All     San Francisco, CA - Maritime Hall  A:D,CD         A/A+ 182 Neumann KM184s->Lunatec V2->Apogee      
          *w Lauren Miller on vocals, Chip Rolands Last Show. 2nd set with Boots on alto sax for most of the set.
          Source: Christian Crumlish
          3 CD's, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Zero ]


10/13/76  All     Cleveland, OH - WMMS Studios       preFM:D,CD     A/A+ 57                                          
          Coffeebreak Concert
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | Warren Zevon ]


10/06/79  All     Essen, GER - Gruga Halle           TV:?,CD        A-/A 87                                          
          2 CD's, 44k, "Los Diablos", " this show was originally a German TV broadcast, and probably
          recorded from the broadcast"
06/15/80  All     Passaic, NJ - Capitol Theater      S:?,CD         A    50                                          
          1 CD, 44k

[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index | ZZ Top ]


I am looking for the following recordings:[ Contents | List Info | Contact Info | Artist Index ]

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