Law, Government,

and Politics


The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.


––US Supreme Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


·         American Arbitration Association

·         American Bar Association

·         Antitrust Section

·         American Battle Monuments Commission

·         American Law Institute

·         Amnesty International

·         Annenberg Political Fact Check

·         Anti-Trust and Economics Review

·         Anti-Trust Policy

·         Appeal for Redress From the War in Iraq

·         President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

·         Art Loss Register

·         Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

·         Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

·         Atomic Weapons Establishment

·         Australian Department of Primary Industries & Energy

·         Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines)

·         biojudiciary

·         British Foreign and Commonwealth Office

·         British Council

·         British Council Philippines

·         British Embassy in Manila

·         British Health Protection Agency

·         British Ministry of Defence

·         British Army

·         Royal Air Force

·         Royal Navy

·         British Parliament

·         Bush Watch

·         California Energy Commission

·         Campaign Finance Institute

·         Campaign for America’s Future

·         Campaign Legal Center


·         Campaigns and Elections

·         Canadian Embassy in Manila

·         Canadian Institutes of Health Research

·         Capweb

·         Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

·         Carroll’s Government Personnel Charts & Directories

·         Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

·         Center for Civic Education

·         Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies

·         Center for Constitutional Rights

·         Center for Consumer Freedom

·         Center for Democracy and Technology

·         Center for Evidence-Based Policy

·         Center for Food Safety

·         Center for Governmental Studies

·         Center for Legislative Development

·         Center for Medical Consumers

·         Center for Medicine in the Public Interest

·         Center for Political Accountability

·         Center for Politics

·         Center for Politics and Public Affairs

·         Center for Public Integrity

·         Center for Public Interest Law

·         Center for Public Leadership

·         Center for Public Policy 

·         Center for Reproductive Law and Public Policy

·         Center for Responsive Politics

·         Center for Science in the Public Interest

·         Center for Strategic and International Studies

·         Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

·         Center on Law, Ethics and National Security

·         Center on Wrongful Convictions

·         Central Banking Resource Center

·         Central Intelligence Agency

·         World Factbook, Philippines

·         Centre for European Reform

·         Centre for Public Opinion & Democracy

·         Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence

·         Chan Robles Virtual Law Library

·         Chatham House

·         Chemical and Safety Hazard Investigation Board

·         Citizens Against Government Waste

·         Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

·         Citizens for Tax Justice

·         Citizenship and Immigration Canada

·         City of General Santos

·         City of Makati

·         City of Manila

·         City of Marikina

·         City of Milwaukee

·         City of Muntinlupa

·         City of Naga, Camarines Sur

·         City of Paranaque


·         College Democrats of America

·         Committee on Open Government

·         Commodity Futures Trading Commission

·         Common Cause


·         Congressional Accountability Project

·         Constitution Society


·         Cook Political Report

·         Council for Excellence in Government

·         Council of Europe

·         Council of Europe Conventions

·         Council on Foreign Relations

·         Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office

·         Cultural Center of the Philippines

·         Current Electoral Vote Predictor


·         Death Penalty Information Center

·         Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

·         Defense Energy Support Center

·         Defense Threat Reduction  Agency

·         Democracy 21

·         Democracy Means You

·         Democratic Party

·         Democratic Governors’ Association

·         Democratic Leadership Conference

·         Democratic National Convention

·         Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry – Australia

·         Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australia

·         Dumb Laws

·         egov



·         Electric Law Library

·         Elliott School of International Affairs

·         Energy Regulatory Commission

·         Environment Canada

·         Environment Protection Agency

·         Clean Air

·         Clean Water

·         Superfund

·         Environmental Council of States

·         Environmental Law and Policy Center

·         European Union

·         EU – Competition Commission

·         Directorate-General Energy and transport

·         European Chemicals Bureau

·         European Maritime Safety Agency

·         European Medicines Agency

·         European Space Agency

·         Europol

·         Eurostat

·         Fair Trials Abroad

·         Famous Trials

·         FAS Project on Government Secrecy


·         FDNY

·         FedLaw

·         FedStats

·         Fedworld

·         FindLaw

·         First Gov

·         FirstGov for Consumers

·         FirstGov for Kids

·         FirstGov Reference Shelf


·         Florida Division of Emergency Management

·         Follow the Money

·         Freedom of Information Act

·         Gen. Douglas MacArthur Memorial

·         GEOCENTER Copenhagen

·         Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

·         George Marshall Institute

·         Global Corruption Report

·         Government Performance Project

·         Government Service Insurance System

·         Government, Law, and Society




·         Harvard Law School’s Annual Review of Population Law

·         Health and Safety Executive

·         House Page Alumni Association

·         Human Rights First

·         ICE Cases

·         Identity Theft

·         Identity Theft

·         Identity Theft Resource Center

·         Illinois Legislative Studies Center

·         Initiative and Referendum Institute

·         Inside Politics

·         Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet

·         Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation

·         Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

·         Institute of Museum and Library Services

·         Institute of Public Affairs

·         Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

·         International Court of Justice

·         International Food and Agriculture Trade Policy Council

·         International government sites

·         International Law Dictionary & Directory

·         International Spy Museum

·         Internet Law Library

·         Internet Law Policy Forum

·         Internet Legal Resource Guide

·         Japan External Trade Organization

·         Japan International Cooperation Agency

·         Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership

·         Jefferson Project

·         Judicial Conference of the United States

·         JURIST

·         Landmark Supreme Court Cases


·         Lawphil Project

·         League of Provinces of the Philippines

·         Legal Aid Society of New York

·         Legal Documents

·         Lexington Institute

·         Liberal Party of the Philippines

·         Mansfield Center for Public Affairs


·         Medline Plus

·         Meta Index for U.S. Legal Research

·         Metropolitan Manila Development Authority


·         Ministry of Energy – Thailand

·         Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy – Equatorial Guinea

·         Movie, Television Review and Classification Board

·         Municipality of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

·         Municipality of Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur

·         National Academies

·         National Academy of Sciences

·         NASA

·         J-Tracks Satellite Tracking

·         Kennedy Space Center

·         NASA Quest

·         National Air and Space Museum

·         National Archives and Records Administration

·         National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

·         National Cancer Institute

·         National Center for Education Statistics

·         National Center for Environmental Research

·         National Center for Policy Analysis

·         National Center for State Courts

·         National Centers for Environmental Prediction

·         National Commission for Culture & the Arts

·         National Conference of State Legislatures

·         National Constitution Center

·         National Consumer Law Center

·         National Council of State Legislatures

·         National Criminal Intelligence Service – UK

·         National Cryptologic Museum

·         National Democratic Front

·         National Democratic Institute for International Affairs

·         National Fraud Information Center

·         National Governors Association – U.S.

·         National Historical Institute

·         National Historical Publications and Records Commission

·         National Imagery and Mapping Agency

·         National Infrastructure Protection Center

·         National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

·         National Institute of Military Justice

·         National Institute on Money in State Politics

·         National Lawyers Guild

·         National League of Cities – U.S.

·         National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism

·         National Parks Conservation Association

·         National Regulatory Research Institute

·         National Research Council – Canada

·         National Science Foundation

·         Office of Polar Programs

·         National Security Agency

·         National Security Archive

·         National Security Institute

·         National Security Whistleblowers Coalition

·         National Taxpayers Union

·         National Telecommunications & Information Administration

·         National Transportation Research Center

·         National Whistleblower Center

·         National Youth Commission

·         Nazi-Era Provenance Internet Portal

·         Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government

·         New Democrats Online

·         New Jersey Policy Perspective

·         No. 10 Downing Street

·         Nobel Peace Prize Internet Archive

·         Nuclear Control Institute

·         Occupational Health & Safety Administration

·         Office of Electronic Government and Technology

·         Office of Privacy Protection – California Department of Consumer Affairs

·         Office of the United States Trade Representative

·         OMB Watch

·         Open Secrets

·         Capital Eye

·         Open the Government

·         Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development

·         Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

·         Overseas Security Advisory Council

·         Panama Canal Authority

·         Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting

·         Partnership for Public Service

·         PAT2PDF

·         Peace Corps

·         Perkins Coie LLP

·         Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. (PAGCOR)

·         Philippine Congress

·         House of Representatives

·         Congressional Planning and Budget Office

·         Downloads Center

·         Directory of House Members

·         Senate

·         Rules of the Senate

·         Sen. Rodolfo G. Biazon

·         Sen. Pia Cayetano

·         Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile

·         Sen. Manuel A. Roxas II

·         Sen. Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr.

·         Sen. Manual B. Villar, Jr.

·         Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development

·         Philippine Economic Zones Authority

·         Philippine eLib

·         Philippine Postal Corporation

·         Philippine Sports Commission

·         Philippine Studies



·         PoliticalMoneyLine

·         Politicians of the World

·         Richard A. Posner

·         Presidential Appointee Initiative

·         Presidential Legislative Liaison Office

·         Professional Regulation Commission

·         Progressive Policy Institute

·         Project on Government Oversight

·         Project Underground

·         Province of Camarines Sur

·         Province of South Cotabato

·         Province of Surigao Del Norte

·         Province of Zambales

·         Public Agenda

·         Public Estates Authority

·         Public Information Research

·         RAND Institute for Civil Justice


·         Republic of the Philippines – Official Website

·         Romulo, Mabanta, Sayoc & Delos Angeles Law Office

·         RP Civil Service Commission

·         Career Executive Service Board

·         RP Commission on Audit

·         RP Commission on Elections

·         RP Commission on Higher Education

·         RP Department of Agrarian Reform

·         RP Department of Agriculture

·         Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

·         Philippine Coconut Authority

·         National Food Authority

·         Sugar Regulatory Administration

·         RP Department of Budget and Management

·         RP Department of Education

·         RP Department of Energy

·         Oil and Gas Division

·         RP Department of Environment and Natural Resources

·         Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau

·         Environmental Management Bureau

·         Forest Management Bureau

·         Laguna Lake Development Authority

·         Lands Management Bureau

·         Mines and Geosciences Bureau

·         National Mapping & Resource Information Authority

·         National Water Resources Board

·         Natural Resources Development Corp.

·         Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau

·         RP Department of Finance

·         Bureau of Customs

·         Bureau of Internal Revenue

·         VAT Reform

·         Bureau of Local Government Finance

·         Bureau of Treasury

·         RP Department of Foreign Affairs

·         Consulate in Guangzhou

·         Consulate in New York

·         Consulate in Toronto

·         Embassy in Abu Dhabi

·         Embassy in Brussels

·         Embassy in Canberra

·         Embassy in London

·         Embassy in Pretoria

·         Embassy in Tokyo

·         Embassy in Vienna

·         Embassy in Washington, DC

·         Permanent Mission to the United Nations

·         RP Department of Health

·         Bureau of Food and Drug

·         Philippine Health Insurance Corp.

·         RP Department of Interior and Local Government

·         Bureau of Fire Protection

·         Bureau of Local Government Finance

·         Philippine National Police

·         RP Department of Justice

·         Bureau of Immigration and Deportation

·         National Bureau of Investigation

·         Office of the Government Corporate Counsel

·         Office of the Solicitor General

·         RP Department of Labor and Employment

·         Employees Compensation Commission

·         Occupational Safety and Health Center

·         PhilJob Network

·         RP Department of National Defense

·         Armed Forces of the Philippines

·         AFP Modernization Program

·         Philippine Air Force

·         Philippine Army

·         Philippine Navy

·         National Disaster Coordinating Council

·         RP Department of Science and Technology

·         PAGASA (Philippine Weather Bureau)

·         Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development

·         Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

·         Philippine Nuclear Research Institute

·         Region VII Regional Office

·         RP Department of Social Welfare and Development

·         RP Department of Trade and Industry

·         Board of Investments

·         Bureau of Product Standards

·         Intellectual Property Office

·         National Development Company  

·         RP Department of Transportation & Communications

·         Air Transport Office

·         Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines

·         Light Rail Transit Authority

·         Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board

·         Land Transportation Office

·         National Telecommunications Commission

·         Philippine Coast Guard

·         Philippine National Railways

·         Philippine Ports Authority

·         RP Department of Tourism

·         Philippine Convention and Visitors Corp.

·         Philippine Tourism Authority

·         RP National Library

·         RP National Economic and Development Authority

·         National Census and Statistics Office

·         National Statistical Coordination Board

·         Philippine Institute for Development Studies

·         Philippine-APEC Study Center Network

·         Tariff Commission

·         RP Office of the Press Secretary

·         Philippine Information Agency

·         Philippine News Agency

·         RP Social Security System

·         RP Supreme Court

·         Court of Appeals

·         Sandiganbayan

·         Court of Tax Appeals

·         Judicial and Bar Council

·         Philippine Judicial Academy

·         E-Library

·         Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management

·         Rutherford Institute

·         San Diego Association of Governments

·         Saudi Arabia Information Resource

·         Skeleton Closet

·         Smithsonian Institute  

·         Southern Legislative Conference

·         Southern Poverty Law Center

·         SPJ Freedom of Information Web Site

·         Stupid Laws

·         Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority

·         Tanggol Kalikasan

·         Taubman Center for Public Policy

·         Taxpayers for Common Sense

·         Tech Law Journal

·         Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

·         Technology and Livelihood Resource Center

·         The Army Link

·         The British Monarchy

·         The Campaign Finance Institute

·         The Century Foundation

·         The Federalist Papers

·         The Holy See

·         The Innocence Project

·         The International Association of Chiefs of Police

·         The King Center

·         The Partnership for Public Service

·         The Seamless Website

·         The Terrorism Research Center

·         Transparency International

·         Trial Lawyers for Public Justice

·         Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

·         Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines

·         United Nations

·         Food and Agriculture Organization

·         Millennium Development Goals

·         Treaties & Conventions

·         International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds

·        United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

·         UN-Energy

·         UN-HABITAT

·         United Nations Development Programme

·         United Nations Environment Programme

·         United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

·         United Nations Statistics Division

·         World Health Organization

·         World Meteorological Organization

·         US Agency for International Development

·         USAID Mission in the Philippines

·         US Caselaw

·         US Code

·         US Communications Decency Act of 1996

·         Statute

·         Reno v. ACLU, et. al.

·         US Conference of Mayors

·         US Congress

·         US House of Representatives

·         Rules of the House

·         Committee on Energy and Commerce

·         Committee on Natural Resources

·         Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

·         Committee on the Judiciary

·         Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming

·         US Senate

·         Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation

·         Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

·         Committee on Environment and Public Works

·         Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

·         Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

·         Committee on the Judiciary

·         The (US) Congressional Record

·         THOMAS: US Legislative Information on the Internet

·         US Consumer Product Safety Commission

·         US Department of Agriculture

·         Biofuels

·         US Department of Commerce

·         National Institute of Standards and Technology

·         National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

·         National Hurricane Center

·         National Ice Center

·         National Weather Service Pacific Region Headquarters

·         US Department of Defense

·         US Air Force

·         Air Force Research Laboratory

·         Air Mobility Command

·         National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

·         US Army

·         Corps of Engineers Information Network

·         Pine Bluff Arsenal

·         US Marine Corps

·         US Navy

·         Naval War College

·         Office of Naval Research

·         US Atlantic Command

·         US Central Command

·         US European Command

·         US Pacific Command

·         Joint P.O.W.-M.I.A. Accounting Command

·         US Southern Command

·         US Space Command

·         US Special Operations Command

·         US Strategic Command

·         US Transportation Command

·         US Department of Education

·         US Department of Energy

·         DOE Information Bridge

·         DOE Laboratories

·         Ames Laboratory

·         Argonne National Laboratory

·         Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory

·         Brookhaven National Laboratory

·         Environmental Measurements Laboratory

·         E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

·         Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

·         Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory

·         Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

·         Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

·         Los Alamos National Laboratory

·         National Energy Technology Laboratory

·         National Renewable Energy Laboratory

·         New Brunswick Laboratory

·         Oak Ridge National Laboratory

·         Pacific Northwest National Lab

·         Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

·         Sandia National Laboratories

·         Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

·         Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

·         Energy Information Administration

·         National Nuclear Safety Administration

·         US Department of Health and Human Services

·         Centers for Disease Control

·         Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry

·         National Center for Health Statistics

·         National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

·         National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

·         Tobacco Information and Prevention Source

·         Food and Drug Administration

·         National Institutes of Health

·         National Center for Biotechnology Information

·         National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases

·         National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

·         National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

·         National Institute of Drug Abuse

·         National Institute of Mental Health

·         National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

·         National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

·         National Library of Medicine

·         Senior Health Information

·         US Department of Homeland Security

·         Federal Emergency Management Agency

·         Lessons Learned Information Sharing

·         National Communications System

·         NMIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base

·         Transportation Security Administration

·         US Coast Guard

·         International Ice Patrol

·         US Secret Service

·         US Department of Interior

·         National Park Service

·         US Geological Survey

·         US Department of Justice

·         Antitrust Division

·         Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

·         Computer Crimes & Intellectual Property Section

·         Drug Enforcement Administration

·         Federal Bureau of Investigation

·         National Infrastructure Protection Center

·         US Department of Labor

·         Mine Safety and Health Administration

·         Occupational Safety and Health Administration

·         US Department of State

·         Background Notes, Philippines

·         Country Report on Human Rights Practices – Philippines (2006)

·         Diplomacy and the Global Campaign Against Terrorism

·         Investment Climate Statement – Philippines (2006)

·         National Trade Data Bank

·         Overseas Security Advisory Council

·         US Embassy in Manila

·         Thomas Jefferson Information Center

·         WTO Ministerial Web Site

·         US Department of Transportation

·         Federal Aviation Administration

·         Federal Highway Administration

·         Federal Railroad Administration

·         National Traffic Safety Administration

·         Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

·         Surface Transportation Board

·         Transportation Security Administration

·         US Department of Treasury

·         Bureau of Engraving and Printing

·         Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States

·         Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

·         Internal Revenue Service

·         US Federal Communications Commission

·         US Federal Consumer Information Center

·         US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

·         US Federal Judiciary

·         US Supreme Court

·         US Supreme Court

·         US Supreme Court – Official Site

·         US Supreme Court Antitrust Debates

·         US Court of Appeals

·         US Federal Judicial Center

·         US Maritime Commission

·         US Federal Reserve

·         US Federal Trade Commission

·         US General Services Administration

·         US Government Accountability Office

·         US Government Printing Office

·         Code of Federal Regulations

·         Federal Register

·         US Information Agency

·         US Information Agency in Manila

·         US Library of Congress

·         Congressional Research Service

·         Copyright Royalty Board

·         Law Library of Congress

·         US Minerals Management Service

·         US Mine Safety and Health Administration

·         US National Archives

·         Information Security Oversight Office

·         US National Interagency Fire Center

·         US National Transportation Safety Board

·         US Patent and Trademark Office

·         US Political Sites

·         US Postal Service

·         US Securities and Exchange Commission

·         State Sponsors of Terrorism

·         US Small Business Administration

·         US Social Security Online

·         US Trade and Development Agency

·         Vatican City

·         Virginia Public Access Project

·         Vote Smart

·         Web Sites on National Parliaments

·         White House

·         Council of Economic Advisers

·         Council on Environmental Quality

·         President’s Council on Sustainable Development

·         World Internet Directory of Civil Rights

·         World Trade Organization


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Last revised:  March 25, 2009 02:33 PM.


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