Deaf Awareness Club
Previous Events
DAC is committed to educating and enlightening its members through silent suppers, discussions, research, fundraisers, and volunteering at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind.
DAC 1999-2000 Events:

- September 27-30: Deaf Awareness Week activities
- September 30: Deaf-Blind Storyteller Harry Anderson entertained students in the Lion's Lair
- October 14: Silent Supper at Quincy's on US1
- October 28: FSDB Trick or Treating
- November 5-6: Parent's Weekend
- November 11: Silent Supper at the Pizza Garden
- November 13: Cross Agency Forum at FSDB

DAC 1998-1999 Events:
- October 3: Disabilities Fair at Walmart
- October 5-12: Spirit Week competitions
- October 15: Silent Dessert at Village Inn
- October 24: FSDB Homecoming
- October 29: Trick-or-Treating with FSDB students & Flagler faculty kids
- November 7: Parents' Weekend Bunny-Raffle Booth
($100 award for "Booth Most Related to Club Theme")
- November 30: Sponsored an FSDB Child for the annual Angel Tree Project
- November 12: Silent Supper at Pizza Hut
- November 30-December 1: Secret Santa Fundraiser
- December 2: Won "Best Ornament" ($50) for the annual Tree Trimming in the Rotunda
- January 28: Guest Speaker: Dr. Carl Williams, past memebr of DAC; answered questions about technology and the future of bilingual schools and programs for the deaf
- February 11: Silent Supper at Cracker Barrel
- February 18: Guest Speakers: Steve Larew, Chachie Joseph, & Dean Reggie from the Gallaudet Regional Center; answered questions about technology and the future of bilingual schools and programs for the deaf
- February 23: Canine Compainions: organization dedicated to helping handicapped people by training dogs for assistance. Two trainers and a deaf woman with a hearing dog came to Flagler to discuss their experiences.
- March 4: DAC celebrates its 10th birthday!
- March 31: FSDB Easter Egg Hunt
- April 6: Canine Compainions returned
- April 8: Guest Speaker: Dr. McCay Vernon came to the Flagler Room and spoke to students about the future of deaf education. Dr. Vernon is a well-known advoate for the deaf and his lecture was truly inspiring.
- April 15: Elections!
- April 18: Picnic at the fort with sister club, Spirit.

DAC 1997-1998 Events:
- Gobblegrams Fundraiser (Thanksgiving sugar cookies)
- Project Swing (building a playground)
- Parents' Weekend Booth & Raffle
- ASL Idioms
- Silent Suppers
- DEAFology 101
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