mikaela cunningham - 12/05/00 18:07:03 My Email:flwrchld70@aol.com | Comments: the site is great, I'm looking for ideas for the sign language club that a friend of mine and i just started at my high school and since I am applying to flagler because of its great deaf education program I thought I'd try here. It is very helpful! |
Bonnie Belec - 10/11/00 15:38:45 My Email:ISIGNnSING@AOL.COM | Comments: I would like to learn more about how you run your sign language club. I have a sign language club called Performing Hands for children ages 4-high school hearing or not. Perhaps, we could exchange notes. |
Lindsay Van Meter - 08/17/00 15:55:36 My Email:vanmeter.1@osu.edu | Comments: |
Randy Reed - 05/15/00 18:11:47 My Email:rcreed@sprintmail.com | Comments: Boy Scout Troop 543 in Sanford, FL (Seminole County) has three deaf Scouts among its membership and is actively recruiting more. We have three signing adult leaders and highly motivated Scouts who are learning ASL from the deaf members of the troop. If yo know of any boy 11 to 18 years old who would enjoy an exciting program of outdoor activities, swimming, canoeing, boating, camping, hiking, fishing, riflery, archery, crafts, etc. in a supportive, ethically-based program, regardless or ability or disabil ty, please contact Randy Reed, Scoutmaster, telephone: 407-322-0624. |
- 03/27/00 17:09:58 | Comments: |
Joyce Willenborg - 03/08/00 03:32:24 My Email:BrattieJuno@webtv.net | Comments: I am new at this so am learning how to use the web to find my needs ( I am deaf myself). Very interesting and glad there is one in Seattle area |
Carrie - 02/02/00 21:45:35 My Email:vb186382@aol.com | Comments: |
Amy Frasu - 01/16/00 03:53:35 My URL:/collegepark/quad/9220/amy1.html My Email:amy911@writeme.com | Comments: DAC is fabulous!!! |
jennifer puerta - 10/09/99 17:24:49 My Email:jenday_12@hotmail.com | Comments: I am happy to see a school that is involved with the deaf community. Keep it up!!! :) |
Kathy Cappa - 08/26/99 23:03:25 My Email:koolteacha@yahoo.com | Comments: Former Flagler HI major and DAC member (96). Just want to say that I am still taking care of William's tie that I got at the DAC auction! |
jennifer puerta - 06/13/99 15:13:07 My Email:jenday_12@hotmail.com | Comments: i really like the events that i read about & i hope to soon be a part of this organization. |
Laura Nordby - 05/26/99 02:04:34 My Email:lbnordby@tfn.net | Comments: hey everyone! i love the page, and i hope everyone is having a great summer! see y'all in the fall!! |
Brittany Byer - 05/01/99 00:05:09 My Email:leighb@lee.k12.fl.us | Comments: Hey! I hope to be at Flagler after my senior year (2000). I want to major in Deaf Ed and get my Interpreting Certificate. I already sign. I'm looking forward to coming on a visit to tour the campus too! Some one write me back (that's my Mom's Email ad ress); I want to know how you like the school and anything and everything you can share with me. I'm also an All-American cheerleader and would be really interested in hearing from one of the students on the squad if someone can get this to one of them. Thanx!! Britt |
Maneesh Kumar - 03/04/99 20:35:04 My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~Nkumar2 My Email: newance@hotmail.com | Comments: Nice website, I'm currently designing one for our University -Deaf Awareness Association (DAA), if you want to check it out you can. |
tiffany van leer - 02/03/99 20:39:45 My Email:yzux61c@prodigy.com | Comments: I am majoring in Deaf Ed. and am planning on transferring to Flagler when I graduate from MDCC. Please send me more information about this wonderful organization! |
Shawna - 01/22/99 19:45:00 My Email:willwall77@aol.com | Comments: Melody, you have done so much and brought so much energy to the club. We have been so involved this year and I cant wait to see what is in store :] You are awesome!! This club Rocks! Love Shawna |
Juliet Siver - 01/09/99 15:09:18 My Email:juliet_e@hotmail.com | Comments: Just dropped by to check out the site--I'm a 1995 graduate teaching middle school hearing impaired students in GA. Looks great! |
Meredyth Mustafa - 01/02/99 21:20:21 My Email:Mer25@aol.com | Comments: You have done a fantastic job, Melody!! I'm so proud of DAC this year - you guys have been wonderful. I'll miss you but be back soon! Love, Mer :) |
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick - 12/31/98 21:12:59 My Email:Princessef@excite.com | Comments: Great site! I have been accepted to Flagler for Sept 99 sememster and I will be a deaf ed major. I look forward to meeting anyone in the club and would love to be a member next year! |
Melody Ross - 11/23/98 00:19:58 My Email:rossmm@flagler.edu | Comments: WoW!!!! what an awesome website!!! I am so proud of DAC this year! I've had so much fun and I have learned so much from everyone. Looking forward to another great semester!!!!! |
Jennie Julock - 11/17/98 14:19:23 My Email:confer@angelfire.com | Comments: Looks like ya'll have been busy! The page looks great! I'd love to hear from all of you! DAC ROCKS! :) |
Amy Frasu - 11/17/98 04:50:46 My URL:/CollegePark/Quad/9220/amy1.html My Email:amy911@writeme.com | Comments: DAC is doing GREAT! I'm so happy about everything you guys have accomplished! Love, Amy |
Hey everybody! I'm just checking out all the cool stuff Flagler has to offer!
I'm looking forward to another great year with DAC!
You're doing an awesome job, Melody - you rock!!
Mer :)
Hey guys! Great website! Everyone that reads this should go visit the SPIRIT site as well. It is equally as awesome!
I will be going to Flagler this fall for Deaf Ed. and I am interest in joing DAC. Could you please send me more information. I look forward to meeting all of you!
A Flagler HI graduate just browsing (96). Nice Page! It is great to see that the technology has finally caught up with the history!
I am interested in going to Flagler to study some sort of Education. Could you possibly give me insights on Flagler and their education program?
Thanks, India
I have been accepted to Flagler for deaf education. I love this site. If it is possible I would like more information. Thank you!!
I am planning on attending Flagler college to major in deaf education. I would really appreciate it if you would send me more information about DAC... I think you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work! :o)
I love the site, I will be visiting again
If you have any immersion weekends coming up please let me know.
I'm minoring in interpreting for the deaf and am very interested in any additional info you can provide me with.
Keep up the good work! This is a great page.
Hello from Gally!! WOW, I'm impresed, keep up the good work guys!. Love, Shell
I really like what this club is doing! Keep up the good work!
DAC is awesome this year, guys - THANKS!! Only 420 cookies to go..... :]
DAC is awesome!
Meredyth, Jennie, Melody & EVERYBODY - you do a wonderful job!
Love, Amy :)
Hello! Everyone should be in DAC!!!
Jennie :)