Deaf Education Homepage

This site was designed in order to share information about Deaf Education resources on the internet.
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Find out more about...

Language and Literacy for Deaf Students
IEPs, IDEA, & the Florida Sunshine State Standards
Teaching Certification & Professional Development
Resources for Improving Sign Language Skills (St. Augustine, Florida)
Inclusion Stategies
Documentation of Research (APA 4e)
Other Resources
Flagler College Students' Work on the Internet
Questions, comments, suggestions, or additions

Language and Literacy for Deaf Students

"Reading to Deaf Children: Learning From Deaf Adults" by D. Schleper:
Excellent information about teaching literacy

"What Parents Ask About..." by Margaret H. Finnegan, Ph.D.:
Language and communication issues

IEPs, IDEA, & the Florida Sunshine State Standards

IDEA 1997 Proposed Regulations:
Listing of online resources about the new IDEA (from NICHCY)

Recent changes to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act:
Changes to IDEA (from NAD, 1997)

Sunshine State Standards:
Florida Department of Education website about the Sunshine State Standards: Overview, Standards by Subject Area, Questions and Answers, Electronic Curriculum Planning Tools, and Feedback Form.

Education Administration Online:
Special Education Dictionary, Newsgroups, State Law and Policy, Federal Education Statistics and Regulations Federal Register, Congressional Record, General Education Library, School Attorney Resources, Education Law Library (Federal and State Case Law), etc.

Teaching Certification & Professional Development

Professional Organizations:
How to join important and informative Deafness organizations

Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE):
Description of the FTCE, examination dates and locations, which test(s) to take, study guides, registration, retakes, fees, and scores.
Deaf/Elementary Education Majors must take the Professional Education (PEd) and two Subject Area Exams (SAE): Hearing Impaired (K-12) and Elementary Education (1-6).

Steps To Obtaining Teacher Certification In Florida:
The steps which must be taken in order to get a teaching position in Florida. Many other states have similar systems.

Resources for Improving Sign Language Skills
(St. Augustine, Florida)

Community Education:
This is an excellent program run by Mike Tucceli. Find out about St. Augustine workshops for improving your sign skills.

FSDB Special Services:
Information about Silent Weekends, The Educational Interpreter Project, Sign Language Classes, Open House, Making the Transition from Signer to Interpreter, and American Sign Language Institutes.

Florida School for the Deaf and Blind:
Check out FSDB's homepage!

Inclusion Strategies

Ethics of Inclusion:
An essay about the three common delusions about inclusion

Inclusion Resources:
List of books, organizations, and other websites about successful inclusion strategies

Documentation of Research

APA 4th Edition:
Ordering information for American Psychological Association style documentation (the most recent edition)

How to Cite Information From the Internet and the World Wide Web:
APA style internet and email documentation

Other Resources

Gallaudet University:
The world's only liberal arts university for the Deaf

Kent State University:
Great resource for lesson plans, papers, etc.

Deaf Education Options Page:
Clear, understandable descriptions of American Sign Language, Total Communication, Cued Speech, Auditory-Oral, Auditory Verbal, etc.; Great information for parents

Center for Assessment and Demographic Studies:
Gallaudet Research Institute site; statistical research about the deaf population

Educational Resources Information Center Virtual Library:
ERIC library of educational resources, lesson plans, etc.

What You Should Know About Cytomegalovirus:
Interesting information about CMV in the child care setting

The History of Cytomegalovirus:
Detailed facts about CMV, the cause of deafness for approximately 10% of the current student population

Flagler College Students' Work on the Internet

"Language Development of Hispanic Deaf Children":
Written by Susan Antunez

"Educational Needs of Hispanic Deaf Students":
Written by Clare Foye

Deaf Linx:
An extensive list of helpful internet resources compiled by Amy Frasu

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  • questions,
  • suggestions for links, or
  • work you would like to post on this page...

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