Please send your tip to mikko.vepsalainen@nordberg.com . Latest updates are always on the top of the list. Good luck with the answers !
Update 15.3. Mintzberg 4 1) Why are middle managers important? What is the role of middle managers? 2) What are corporate and competitive strategies according to Michael Porter? What are premises of corporate strategy? 3) What is global strategy according to George Yip? How is it developed? 4) How do big companies create innovation according to James B. Quinn? updated 18.2.2000:
Minzberg 1:
1.Strategia vs, Taktics Quinnin mukaan. Vertaile menetelmiä ja hae yhteneväisyydet !sivu 5
2. Strategiset mahdollisuudet vs. toteuttaminen Andewsin mukaan. Corporate Competences ja resurssit.s 54 alkaen)
3. Strategy Evaluation by Rumelt sivu 91.
4. Core Competences, Core Products and Core End-Product relations. How to keep competences ? sivu 82 alkaen...) Minzberg 4
H.M. discusses the mature context in his article The Machine Organisation. What is the basic structure of such an organisation? In what kind of an environments are such organisations found? According to H.M. are there economic advantages of diversification over the Machine Organisation? In the article managing innovative chaos Quinn describes a strategy for innovation. What are it's key elements? Christopher A. Barltell and Sumantra Goshal found in their study that building a truly multidimensional organisation is difficult, What kind of assumptions can block the necessary organisational developments? How successful companies in developing truly multidimensional organisations have overcome these problems?
Minzberg 5
Describe Cartier%s product development process & marketing strategies. What is the basis of an effective marketing strategies in Cartier? In the late 80's the advertisement industry was in the midst of major transformation. Discuss the forces and reasons behind this structural change. After Zanussi acquisition what measures did Electrolux take in order to build durable competitive advantage? What 3 areas was chosen as the focal points for strategy formation of Zanussi? Why was corporate cultural revolution necessary in SAS's organisation at the beginning of 80's? What kind of changes were made? What kind of problems were encountered in the process of change Mintzberg #3:
1. Six basic parts of organisation. 2. Conceptual horseshoe (acc. article: Who should control the corp.). Final conclusions. 3. How Philips changed strategy in early 80s? Why? 4. Core idea of Polaroid case.
Mintzberg #4:
1. How strategy develops in an entrepeneurial organsiation? 2. In a period of rapid growth in a mature industry - what are probable changes in competitive environment? Strategic implications? 3. Basic features and structure of adhocracy. Conditions of innovative organisation? 4. Describe crescendo model of juvenation. 4 stages of rejuvenation? What is ment with the critical path of corporate renewal? Mintzber #2:
1. Changes in Spanish banking sector. Positioning in this environment? 2. Benetton's future ideas. Ground your answer in theories presented in the book. 3. Canon's three dimensional managemnet approach. Four basic requirements for succes in diversified business by Mr. Kaku. 4. Honda 'extert system'. What was unique ?