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updated 26.3.2000:

Kotler, Part 3  8.12.1999

1. What are product positioning map and brand positioning map according to
Philip Kotler?  Illustrate your answer with examples.

2. Give Kotlers definition of the following terms. Innovation, Diffusion,
Adaption, Demand lifecycle Technology lifecycle, Product lifecycle, Style
lifecycle Fashion lifecycle, Fad lifecycle. Draw a picture showing the
relationship and difference between different lifecycles.

3. What are marketing objectives for each stage of the product life cycle?
Discuss the implication of these objectives to product design and price at
each phase of the cycle.

4. What are the major different marketing strrategies practiced. Explain
they briefly. Which strategy would you choose if you wanted to avoid large
marketing risks?

Kotler, 9th Edition Part 4  22.1.2000

1) What is meant by:
- line modernization
- line featuring
- line pruning
2) Explain the following pricing methods: target-return pricing,
perceived-value pricing, markup pricing, going-rate pricing and sealed-bid

3) What is propotional pricing according to Kotler? Illustrate your answer
with an exaple.

4) What are the newly elvolved channel system? Discuss intra system
cooperation, confilcts and competition.

Kotler, Part 5, 9th Edition   1.3.2000

1. Based on Kotlerīs description of the communication process, suggest some
guidelines for the effective use of visual and verbal content in the
creation of both print and broadcast advertising. Pay attention to
justifying your views on the basis of the communication process.

2. Name and explain consumer-promotion, trade-promotion and
business-promotion tools.

3. The salesforce strategy will have implications for the salesforce
structure. What alternative salesforce structures does Kotler mention? To
what structure do each of them suit  the best?

4. Explain briefly the different types of marketing control?