International Business  questions
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Updated 22.3.01
IB 4,

Explain the flow of goods and money in a) barter trade b) offset trade
How can accounting systems be grouped. What is the influence of the different accounting systems on a MNE
Explain a) translation exposure b)transaction exposure c)economic exposure in the context of international foreign exchange risk management
Discuss the different issues that have to be taken into account when comparing labour compensation expenses internationally
IB 3

Explain the effect a multinational company has on balance of payment of a country
What are the most important opportunities and risks to be considered when deciding upon the location of sales and production facilities in a foreign country
Discuss the motives for collaborating arrangements between companies
Outline the factors that make pricing in internatonal markets more complex then in domestic markets
IB 2

Explain the Adam Smiths theory of absolue advantage, Demonstrate the idea of absolute advantage with an example. Use a figure to illustrate your example
Outline the product life cycle theory. What are the limitations
What are teh most common incentives for companies to export their products
Explain different rationales for goverment intervention in international trade
IB 3

Define the following concepts a) liquidity preference b) imitation lag c) bargaining school theory d) franchaising e)heterachy
How the home country of  a multinational corporation help protect the foreign investments of the company
Discuss the major variables a company should consider when choosing between a diversificaton and a concentration strategy in going international
What are the main reasons for product alteration for foreign markets
updated 22.5.2000 including only International Business:

1. Explain a) Unilateral transfers, b) soft budget, c) debt-service ratio,
d) purchasing power e) gross national product f) gross domestic product
2. Polycentrism vs ethnocentrism
3. Change management in international context.
4. Key accounts in country's balance of payments.
1. Explain a) comparation b. mixed venture, c. culture shock d. theocratic law e) gross domestic products

2. What are the measures, according to Damels, for the resent growth of the international businesses

3. Explain maslows hierarchy of needs ? Why is it important to consider Maslows hierarchy of needs when operating on international markets ?

4. Discuss the major hurdles that historically planned econimics such as Russia, Eastern European countries and the China have faced in transmisson towards successfull market economics ?