Free Time Activities

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This will include free time activities like:
>Welcome to the first annual wine & song evening
>"BASH" at Casa on Thursday, November 18th, at 19.00.
>Address: Hietaniemenkatu 7 A.
>19.00 - 20.00  Irish whiskey tasting
>  Norma Corkery, Worldbrands
>20.00 - Dinner + snaps + wine + punch
>Pianist: Sami Kangasharju (MBA 1997)
>Price: FIM 200,-
>The snaps, wine and punch are sponsored by the MBA Office.
>Please register by e-mail to no later than
>10.11.1999, and by paying 200,- on the account Leonia 800011-13961,
>reference MBA/Bash.
>Nina Rudanko Edward Haeggström Carola Juselius
>Chair lady of Toast Master of  Coordinator of
>MBA 1998 MBA 1998  MBA 1998
> contet to Veronica or Mikko.