According to the election of the Board in Majvik on September 24, 1999 the following persons were elected. After the election, the Board also decided its internal responsible areas. This is a short presentation of the Board as well as each member's responsible area. The Board member for each group is also responsible for the information to the rest of the Group and functions as the Group's contact person in Board matters. The Board executes Team working, so all members are also contact persons in all matters.
Heikki Koivisto, Chairman of the Board, Coordination, The Green Power Contact information: e-mail: heikki.koivisto@instrumentarium.fi phone number (work): +358 9 528 5358 Fax: +358 9 502 1551 mobile phone: +358 40 555 9539 Working address: Instrumentarium Corp. Vitikka 1 F 02630 Espoo Postal working address: P.O.Box 500 FIN-00031 INSTRUMENTARIUM
Stephen Conway, Cultural Affairs, The Blues e-mail: stephen. conway@alltel.com stephen.conway@merita.fi stephen.conway@pp.inet.fi phone number (work): +358 9 165 59603 Fax (work): +358 9 163 59603 phone number (home): +358 9 647 460 mobile phone: +358 40 593 6302 Home address: Yrj|nkatu 16 C2 FIN-00120 Helsinki
Veronica Fellman, Communication, The Pink Panther e-mail: veronica.fellman@merita.fi phone number (work): +358 9 165 42103 Fax: +358 9 165 42326 mobile phone: +358 40 582 3937 Working address: MeritaNordbanken Aleksanterinkatu 36 B Helsinki Postal working address: 2656 Corporate Identity and Communication FIN-00020 MERITA
Milla Leisso, Finance and Education, The Red Bulls e-mail: milla.leisso@nokia.com mobile phone: +358 40 560 8596
Sakari Sorsimo, Transportation & Miscellaneous, The Rolling Amethysts e-mail: sakari.sorsimo@dnv.com phone number (work): +358 9 681 691 mobile phone: +358 50 301 2312 Home address: Mennink{isentie 8 F FIN-02110 ESPOO
Jouni Toijala, External Affaires, The Turquoises e-mail: jouni.toijala@nokia.com mobile phone: +358 40 511 6159 Working address: Nokia Oyj Nokia Wireless Business Communication Heikkil{ntie 7 FIN-00210 Helsinki
Mikko Veps{l{inen, Athletic Affairs, The Yellow Submarine e-mail: mikko.vepsalainen@nordberg.com phone number (work): +358 204 84 4455 mobile phone: +358 40 587 4547 Fax: +358 204 80 143 Postal working address: P.O.Box 306 FIN-33101 TAMPERE
Terveisin, Veronica
Veronica Fellman 2656 Konserni-identiteetti ja viestint{ 2656 Koncernidentitet och kommunikation 2656 Corporate Identity and Communications FIN-00020 MERITA e-mail: Veronica.Fellman@Merita.Mailnet.fi puh./tel. +358 9 165 421 03 fax +358 9 165 423 26 GSM +358 40 582 39 37 |