Welcome to my Guestbook!

Mindy Shilling - 12/21/00 05:14:55
My Email:mss_18@hotmail.com
Home State: PA
Home City (optional): Pittsburgh
School (if attending college): IUP..Indiana Unv of PA

Hey everyone from CP Summer 2000! I miss you guys and my roomies from 1305, that includes shane and joe. I hope everyone had a blast! And everyone from BLX at the studios....i miss you guys too! WOuld you like an apple or fries with that? And no sir we do not have dr.pibb here.

Stefanie - 07/07/00 06:11:09
My Email:stef836@yahoo.com
Home State: ma
Home City (optional): chicopee
School (if attending college): grad.

Fall of 98 alumni. I worked in the Magic Kingdom in Adventure land. Drop me a line if you ever want to chat about the good old days!

Danny DaWayne Arms - 03/26/00 21:45:55
My Email:langboy@hotmail.com
Home State: Kentucky
Home City (optional): Murray
School (if attending college): Murray State University
Homepage or website: CP Alum Fall 1998

I worked in Tomorrowland (Speedway/Arcade) Attractions Host/Merchandise Host

Janice - 02/04/00 23:54:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Balcony/1072/
My Email:Anjelmami@collegeclub.com
Home State: California
Home City (optional): Santa Cruz
Homepage or website: Anjelmami's Place

Bruce, What I nice page you have here. I love the background you use. Best of Luck!

Heather Constant - 02/03/00 18:30:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/9819/
My Email:hconstant@hotmail.com
Home State: Louisiana
Home City (optional): Thibodaux
School (if attending college): Nicholls State University
Homepage or website: Heather's Hide-Out

Heya Bruce! I came by to see if you updated your page, and you did! It's looking great! Talk to ya later!

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