It was a cold January morning, about 7:15am. I was still half asleep and making my way down the hall. I looked at my schedule to see what the room number was for my math class. I felt so dumb from failing the Honors class, yet at the same time I couldn't believe that the counselor wanted my parents permission to place me in the academics class!! As I drew closer to the room, I looked up. With the sun shining in my face I could only see him in shadow. I looked at the name on the schedule to make sure it was suppost to be a female teacher. As I approached him, I knew I wanted to meet him. He was standing by the door, greating everyone who entered. I took him to be a substitute. As I arrived at the door, I noticed the most BEAUTIFUL BABY BLUE eyes I had ever seen. 'Why can't he be my age?' I thought to myself. He took my schedule and told me to take a seat anywhere in the room. I entered the room and sat behind someone I knew. A few moments later, the teacher walked in. HE followed her. 'Maybe he's a student teacher.' I thought. Then he came and sat across from me. 'Hi, I'm Tony' my MYSTERY man said to me while laughing. I felt my face turn bright red and hot from embarrassment. 'I'm Julie' I said. I couldn't help but to laugh myself. It was then that I first realized I wanted to get to know Tony better.
As the days and weeks went on, Tony and I became friends. I found myself thinking about him all the time. I confided in one of my friends that I liked Tony. She gave him my phone number and got his phone number from him. She found out that he liked me but was not interested in dating me. I decided that I would not push it but would remain friends with him. The next couple of months we flirted everytime we saw each other. Everyone told us to start dating and get it over with!! LOL Finally on April 11, 1997, Tony asked me out. We have been together ever since. Of course we have had our fair share of rough times, but we have made it through them all. I have remained by his side through his basic training, tech school, him being stationed in Alaska, and his family problems. On November 25, 1998 Tony proposed to me. I, of course, said yes! We are planning the wedding for the year I graduate college, which at this point will be 2003. Whatever year we get married, we know it will be April 11th. This is a special day for us already, so why not make it our wedding day?
I am sad to report that Tony's mother passed away January 19, 1999. Tony had to come home on emergency leave for this which now means we do not know when the next time we will get to see each other will be. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be no longer then a year. The death of his mother brought us closer together. As one of our friends put it, I'm now the woman in charge and the main woman in Tony's life. I have decided that I will request a moment of silence to remember our deceased loved ones, especially his mother and my grandmother (who passed away Feb. 5, 1998). I believe that in doing this, his mother will truely be with us at the wedding. Her death not only brought Tony and I closer together, but it brought him closer to my parents.
In about two years I am planning on moving to Anchorage, Alaska. Tony is currently stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage and will attend college at UAA (University of Alaska Anchorage). I will finish my college education at UAA too. I will begin my teaching career in Anchorage and help support Tony until he re-enlists. I know that living in Alaska will not be cheap but I am positive that we will make it.
Now about why I fell in love with Tony. Well, Tony is something different. I knew that right from the start. Tony has always been able to make me smile, no matter how bad things are. He has stuck by me through my battle with Depression and was the one to get me to get help. Tony was the one person to make me trust men. He knew about my past and decided to gain my trust before anything else. He has always cared about my family as well. When my parents and sister were in a car accident this year, Tony called them to see if they were okay. The night he came home on leave, November 24, 1998, I was driving back to school and was involved in a small car accident. I told one of our friends that I was fine but wanted to let Tony know. Tony called me that night, half drunk (he was out with friends) to make sure I was okay. He asked me about thirty times if I was sure I was alright!! That showed me that he cared and was worried about me. It's the little things he does that show me that he loves me and that makes me love him. And the fact that I find him good looking doesn't hurt either! LOL
Well, I have started thinking about who I want in my wedding, where I want it, and things like that. I have decided that my Maid of Honor will be my sister. I haved asked Tony's sister to be one of my bridesmaids, as well as my two best friends. At this point in time, that is the total number of bridesmaids I want. I will have my father walk me down the aisle and give me away. He has always been an important part of my life and I have always been "daddy's baby girl." I know it is hard for him to accept the fact that his baby is grown up now and moving out. He doesn't say it, but I can tell. For my flowergirl, I have chosen Tony's cousin Lauren, who was only 6 weeks old when he proposed. I have figured that she will be the right age by the time we get married. I am considering my friend (who is also one of my bridesmaids) Wendy's son, Jordan, for my ringbearer. Little Jordan turned 1 years old on March 18, 1999. He will also be about the right age by the time Tony and I are married.
I have told my mother that I want roses for my bridal bouquet. After talking to one of my bridesmaids, I am thinking about going with a bouquet of roses that will be three different colors. The colors will be a PALE yellow, pale peach, and either a white or cream rose. I will have them make sure that one of the yellow roses and one of the peach roses will be removeable. The yellow is going to be in memory of Tony's mother, my wonderful mother-in-law. The peach will be in honor of my mother. As soon as I have definately decided on everything, and can find pictures of it all, I will make a new page to put the pictures on the web. This way I can get some input on what people think! As for my bridesmaids, I am not sure of what type of flowers I want for my bridesmaids to carry. I have done some more thinking about the bridesmaids flowers and I think I want them to be white. Now I'm not sure what a good flower is for them to carry. Anyone with suggestions on a good flower type for bridesmaids for an April wedding, PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! I could use all the help I can get!
My mother and I have been looking at different bridal magazines to see what type of dress I want and how much it costs. We are also looking to find the "perfect" bridesmaids dress. I have a general idea of how I want MY dress, in fact I am seriously considering one dress I have found, but am having a hard time with the bridesmaids dresses. There is one dress that I have found that I love, but I do not know if it will be flattering to ALL of my bridesmaids. That is my problem. To date, three of my bridesmaids have said they like this dress. There is one bridesmaid, who is suppost to be my best friend, who will not comment on anything with the wedding. Even though she says that she wants to be in the wedding every time I ask her, she keeps making me feel like she doesn't want to be in the wedding. Anyone who has had bridesmaid problems like this, please e-mail me to tell me how you dealt with it! Everyone is a different shape and size and I want everyone to be happy, and I keep telling her this. I have decided that I want my wedding colors to be blue and cream. I'll keep everyone updated on the planning, so keep returning as the date gets closer!!!
Tony and I will be coming back to Louisiana to get married. I know my mother wants us to get married in a Methodist church but I'm not sure. I have already promised her that even if I don't get married in "our" church, I will use "our" preacher. Sometimes I feel like this is HER wedding instead of mine. Oh well, the things we do to make people happy.
Well Tony and I have moved the wedding date up. It is now April 11, 2001, however, it may be moved up again. LOL If it is, it will be April 11, 2000. We are trying to make things cheaper on ourselves and if we get married while he's still enlisted, the military will move me to Alaska. Sooo keep looking for more info! LOL
Well, Tony called the wedding off on September 11, 1999. I was heartbroken, needless to say. I had just moved into an apartment on my own and was 45 miles away from my family and friends. Tony and I are currently talking as friends and he knows that I still do and will always love him. Nothing will ever change that. I have learned that if it is meant for us to be together then the good Lord will see to it that we are together when the time is right. Tony knows that he is very selfish and still very immature. That was one of our biggest problems in our relationship. He is too much like his father, although he doesn't like to hear that. Tony, for your sake, and any other woman you ever date's sake, I hope you will grow up.
July 11, 2000 I will be moving up to Anchorage, Alaska and on July 14th Tony and I will be joined in marriage by a Justice of the Peace. Tony has grown up a LOT in the past few months. It must be in the Lord's plans for us to be together because we keep ending up together everytime.
Final update: I arrived in Anchorage on July 13, 2000. Tony and I were married at 8PM on July 15, 2000 in our apartment. Four hours prior to our marriage, we totaled the car. To see the wedding pictures click here . To see the bridesmaid dresses and my wedding dress that I had chosen (but did not use), click here .
This is one of our pictures. Hope everyone likes it!
Please come back soon as I will be changing this as time goes on. I will keep this updated on when the wedding is, where it will be, who will be in it, and so forth.
Links to other sites on the Web
Dedicated to my cousin Jean
My EBay Page
My husband's page (I LOVE YOU TONY!)
Shelby's page (my best friend in Texas)
Amy's page (my best friend in California)
cute page, but that's NOT me (you'll see)
Good page with cool links
Melissa's page (my best friend in Louisiana)
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