Ally's Page
Thanks for being such a great friend and for the awesome relationship we had for such a long time. I will always treasure the times we spent together and all our memories such as "when they score or when they win" or " i won't let you crack" , all the dances we went too, Topper's, and Olga's, Ford field and your grandmas house. Thanks for all the new experiences like "freshmen in the shower." There is so much I have to say to you that it really couldn't be put in just one paragraph. We have had our ups and downs but one things for sure, I will love you forever. I hope that no matter what happens to us weather it be a relationship, a friendship with priviliages, or just good friends, we can always appriciate the good times we have/ had together.I love you
You one of my bestest friends. I am glad that we got over hating each other becasue Melissa was both of our best frends in the begining. You have helped me to keep a level head through many things for that I thank you. We gotta keep up our tradition of going to Grandmas and wathing beeches. Love ya Sis
"go eat some queef" ha ha, your a sweetie girl and one of my bestest friends. I am really glad we became friends. You and I have had alot of fun together- Julies birthday party along time ago, fights with Sherell, melissa quarrels, going to Arby's, the wave pool, and more. But the least memorble thing was my necklace from softball in 9th grade. Love ya sis
With out you I would probally be stuck in dorkville you showed me how to open up an not to be show shy. I really hope that our friendship will last forever. We have gone through alot together. Helped each other through breakups and new romances, family problems, and more. It all began from just a little summer school class. Your the best, thanks, I love ya sis.
sinse second grade we have been trouble makers toghether, from steeling jelly beans in 2nd grade, writing on the wall in 3rd, carl in 4th, fighting in 5th, boy's in 6th and more, our group fights throughout highschool. Your a great friend besides all the trouble making we did, there was Mall of America, eating Jolly Ranchers to Huckle Berry Railroad, going to Cedar point in 8th grade and after prom. I love ya sis. Thanks for all the great times.
Well I really don't know what to say to you there is alot between us. Your one of the best guy friends I have ever had. I really love you Eric for you. I think your a little nutty some times but you really are great. I have no regrets for our talk that night a Julies before I left. I hope you don't stay part of the V-squad for too much longer but if you do thats great!
I love ya. Bro

Well you and I have gone through alot. Yet we have always been friends one way or another. Teasing the boys around the block. Going over Jennys. Fighting for months at a time. Chasing after Jason, and Nick and well needless to say anything more. You, me, Eric, one fine day.... Behind garages. The Tempo.. Well last but not least Mr. Peeping Tom. We have gone through alot together. I hope that our friendship will last forever. Your my fav. lil sista.
We have also gone through alot together. Everything from "running away" to our "cancun boys" out of everyone we could have met, it was them and out of the country. I owe alot to you. One for getting me and Kyle together, and Two: for forgiving me for going out with Brian. Thanks for helping me to keep a level head, most of the time. I hope that you don't have a scar from my "swing set" still. Well I hope senior year has a good finish for you. Oh and State Rocks think about that.
I found your peanut......Ok Well "Wow" and more....we are girls too much alike for our own good. And always set each other strait. We got our first loves at the same time and more. You truly are like my twin. Lets not ever forget the peanut, oompa loompa days and our "Canada" experience. We'll still hit Danny's this summer. Even if I have to arrange a babysitter. Well I think thats enough said....until we talk again.
Hey jake well we both hated each other then some how became friends through Karen. I hope that you two can end up working things out which I think is possible if you keep your changing attitude like you told me. I really appiciate all the advice you have given me lately and hope that I have helped you out too!
I don't exactally know what to say to you, except your my little bro and I love ya lots.
I am really glad we became really close in the last couple years. I miss having you around to bug me all the time. Its funny how much you miss that stuff. You better be careful in High School and keep up those grades because I want to see you here in a few years.

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